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The Glenorchy Gazette proudly supports Ten Lives
Ten Lives
12 Selfs Point Road, New Town Open Mon - Sat 10.00 - 4.00 Sun 10.00 - 2.30 6278 2111 tenlives.com.au

2 Years Old Female #14233 Sass Queen!
Jezabel is a staff favourite and all round wonderful cat! She is a very intelligent, affectionate, and sassy young female.
She enjoys lots of pats, head boops and head scratches and if it were up to her would be with her people all the time, once she knows you and trusts you she will roll around and expect belly rubs. She would make a wonderful addition to a family, as she loves children as well.
While Jezabel loves her people, she does not appreciate the company of other cats or dogs and will strictly need to be your only feline at home.
Jezabel is harnessed trained and loves her daily walks, she is taken numerous times a day here at Ten Lives (lots of footage of her on Facebook) and she walks so beautifully and confidently. She has also enjoyed time in an outdoor enclosure, lapping up the sun!

The Dog Grumbler
I’M looking after Rufus while his owner’s house is being renovated.
Rufus is a Shih-tzucross-something and probably has every reason to be grumpy.
I’m not sure of his past, but I guess he has spent lots of time at home while previous owners went to work, which often accounts for a warped outlook.
The first time I met him he bit me – not nipped – he actually drew blood.
In fact, he reacts with distrust and aggression the first time he meets anybody — people, dogs, cats, farm animals…
It’s a tall order, but I’m determined to help him while he’s here, to show him his distrust is misplaced.
Mostly I don’t leave him alone unless he’s waiting in my car.
I’m sure this horrifies many experts who are convinced that being left in a car is a canine death sentence, but I never met a dog who would
Sponsored by Claremont Veterinary Surgery
This is 7 months old Gibbs. He is the most beautiful good tempered puppy you could want. He is definitely not a morning puppy hates getting out of a warm bed before 8.30
To enter your pet in next month’s Pet of the Month competition please email a photo and a few words about your pet to Louise at: advertising@glenorchygazette.com.au
All entries will be shared on our Facebook page and the winner will be the entrant with the most “likes” at the end of voting. The winning entry will feature in next month’s Glenorchy Gazette and will win a Claremont Veterinary Surgery $50 voucher!
Claremont Veterinary Surgery
Please contact Claremont Veterinary Surgery on 6289 5262 to arrange collection of your prize.
Entries for July close: Voting starts: Voting finishes 5pm: Friday 16 JULY Monday 19 JULY Monday 26 JULY
You can find our more about Jezabel along with all of our kitties available for adoption at tenlives.com.au Every cat has a story. Are you part of it? ADOPT DONATE FOSTER VOLUNTEER EDUCATE

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rather be at home alone and yes — I leave the windows down.
Also I feed him my leftovers.
I visit lots of dogs and travel Rufus with them as much as possible — by car, on paw.
When he starts to react to strangers with aggression, I chastise him and work to show him his suspicions are unfounded.
Travelling them together always helps, which is how he came to trust our toy poodle.
He is adapting to the new routine.
Being a girl, the poodle rules the roost, but Rufus has carved a place for himself in our day-to-day life.
He likes leftover scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast, while the poodle — who is older — likes to sleep through to morning tea.
And while she hits the hay after dinner, he stays right next to my armchair until I crash.
The greatest challenge is home security – Rufus needs to confront anyone who so much as looks at our house.
I think he sees it as a responsibility.
Being left at home alone has lumbered him with the role of sentry and he expresses his devotion by applying himself wholeheartedly to the gig.
When he sounds the alarm I yawn, blink slowly and tell him to be quiet.
Like most dog training it doesn’t work overnight.
However, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
At first, the sight of another dog caused him to run at the stranger barking, to yap in their face and nip at their fetlocks.
Lately, as his world expands, he tends to run half way, give them a warning from a distance and return.
As his circle of friends grows, his expectations are expanding.
He warms more quickly to company at each meeting or reunion.
He is more heedful of my advance warnings when I see potential triggers for nastiness, and when I tell him to be quiet and come inside he does so immediately.
Rufus came to me as a hard case, but he is softening as I provide consistency and company.
And patience.
And underneath it all he is a dog.
As my constant companion he is happy.
He accompanies me to the bathroom, in the garden, watching tv, he sits under my chair at dinner and sleeps by my side of the bed each night.
He is faithful and affectionate and only ever bit me the once.
It will be hard to give him back.

Community News
Northgate – A world of food to go
THERE is a whole world of food to try at Northgate.
Craving your favourite food court meal, but you don’t have time?
Didn’t have the chance to pack your lunch, or not quite sure what to make for dinner?
Never fear.
Northgate’s cafes and food court retailers all offer takeaway and/or delivery options.
Enjoy a wide variety of cuisines from your favourite Northgate foodies, delivered straight to your door or simply grab something to go while you are in centre shopping.
You don’t have to sacrifice taste when choosing a convenience option.
If it’s cold and wet outside, there’s no need to leave the house.
You can get a delicious slow cooked Pho soup from Pho 7 Days or a warming curry from Himalayan Food Corner delivered to your door.
Or if delicious dumplings from Yumo or a super loaded spud from Rhyme St are what you are craving you can have those too.
The Coffee Club have an array of delivery choices from their menu including all day breakfasts, burgers and salads.
And of course, KFC is the quintessential comfort food.
Check out your favourite delivery service to see what’s available to you from the comfort of your own home.
Northgate’s other food retailers also offer convenient pick up options – with more from Arigato Sushi, Banjo’s Bakery, Butterflies Sandwich Bar, Café 54, Tasty Treats, The Crepe Garden and Tea Hut, there’s a takeaway for every taste.
Free undercover parking makes it easy to pop in and pick up.
There’s no need to meal plan when you have great tasting freshly made options right in the heart of Glenorchy.
Northgate has a world of food to go.
For more information on what’s available, visit www.northgatesc.com. au/dining/food-dining/ food-court-takeaway.

From left, Annie Ruwa Mudzingwa, Natalie Rutendo Mudzingwa, Naphtalie Davison Mudzingwa, Glenorchy Acting Mayor Bec Thomas, Samuel Ngonidzashe Mudzingwa, and Takunda Mudzingwa.

From left, Glenorchy Acting Mayor Bec Thomas and new Australian citizen Preeti Shrestha.


IN early June, the Glenorchy Council hosted a Citizenship Ceremony at KGV to welcome 55 new Australian citizens.
Guests were entertained with performances by the Glenorchy Concert Brass and the Celebrate Nations Choir.
The choir performed the National Anthem and ‘I am Australian’.
Acting Mayor Bec Thomas presided over the event and enjoyed hearing stories from new citizens about what brought them to Australia.
“The journey to Australian citizenship is different for everyone,” she said.
“We are lucky to have so many residents from a diverse range of cultures and experiences.
“Our city is a new chapter for many, and it is a privilege for me to present them with their certificate of citizenship and congratulate them on behalf of the Glenorchy community.”
Glenorchy Council hosts several citizenship ceremonies throughout the year.
The next council citizenship ceremony is due to be held later in the year in September.
For more information, visit www.gcc.tas.gov.au or phone 6216 6800.