Glenorchy Gazette December 2022

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The election results were made official at a Declaration of the Polls event in Moonah on 4 November, with the successful candidates - including Mayor Bec Thomas and Deputy Mayor Sue Hickey - reading and signing the Declaration of Office.

The other eight elected Aldermen are Kelly Sims, Molly Kendall, Jan Dunsby, Steven King, Josh Cockshutt, Harry Quick, Russell Yaxley and Stuart Slade.

Mayor Thomas said the swearing in event marked the start of the new Council working together to serve the Glenorchy community.

“With over 51,000 people, Glenorchy

is a growing and diverse City with many differing viewpoints, opportunities and challenges,” she said.

“It’s a huge honour for us all to be elected by ratepayers and residents to represent our community, and this event signifies our commitment to work together to achieve the best outcomes for our City and those that live, work, study and play here.”

Before holding its first meeting on 28 November, the new Council held a series of workshops to familiarise themselves with Council meeting procedures.

“This also provided us all with an opportunity to get to know each other and understand how we can best work together to manage our resources effectively and deliver for our community,” Mayor Thomas said.

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Glenorchy’s Tasmania Australian of the Year
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Josh Cockshutt, Molly Kendall, Harry Quick, Steven King, Mayor Bec Thomas, Deputy Mayor Sue Hickey, Kelly Sims, Jan Dunsby and Russell Yaxley. Absent: Stuart Slade NEWLY elected Glenorchy Aldermen have been sworn into their roles, following the recent Local Government Elections.
sworn in

HELLO everyone and happy festive season!

I wish each and every one of you good health and happiness through December and into the new year.

I acknowledge this time of year can be difficult for some, so if this is you, I send you much strength and hope during this time and encourage you to reach out for help if you’re feeling it.

If, like me, you love this time of year, I hope you have more fun than ever! At the same time, please join me in keeping an eye out for those who may be struggling.

Council is proudly supporting a number of community groups to run Christmas Carols events this year and I can’t wait to join in! You’ll find the details in an article further on in this month’s Glenorchy Gazette.

It’s hard to believe I’m writing my twelfth and final column for 2022! As I do, I reflect on how grateful I am to be writing it, having been fortunate enough to have been re-elected to continue to serve as your Mayor since the last time of writing.

Voting in Local Government elections closed on 25 October and of the 33,504 electors enrolled in Glenorchy, 27,718 returned their ballot paper (82.73 per cent) – a pretty good result considering voting was compulsory for the first time. Thank

you to everyone who participated.

On 31 October the final results for Glenorchy City Council were published on the Tasmanian Electoral Commission website.

Five out of five Aldermen who re-contested their seat were returned, three new Aldermen were elected for their first term and two Aldermen who served on Council prior to the 2018-2022 term re-joined Council to make up your 10 elected members.

What an honour and privilege it is for us all to have been elected to serve the people of Glenorchy.

On Friday 4 November the new Council, together with our families and friends and Council staff, came together at the Moonah Arts Centre for the official Declaration of the Polls and Swearing-In Ceremony.

The ceremony was about honouring the wishes of the people of Glenorchy in coming together to commit to representing them with the highest level of integrity, professionalism and respect.

People are attracted to the opportunity to be involved in local government for a wide range of reasons and with different agendas and ideas about where council’s efforts and resources should be focused.

On behalf of the people of Glenorchy, it is my great wish that both the re-elected and newly elected members will come to the table with an open mind and agenda that has, first and foremost, listening to and genuinely representing the interests of the people.

The past term involved a significant journey of

rebuilding the stability of the organisation and trust and faith of the community and I am proud of what we achieved over this time.

With sound governance and our books back on track, we’re well placed to deliver for the people, and there is so much work for us to do.

We’ve heard the people of Glenorchy want to see Council’s resources more intently focused on quality roads and footpaths, public open spaces and playgrounds, keeping the City safe, clean and tidy, and environmental management.

I look forward to us engaging with the community further to re-confirm its priorities as we develop our new strategic plan – one of the first and most important tasks for the newly elected Council.

Another of the first and most important tasks is to establish a sense of cohesion around the table, as this is crucial if we are to be a highperforming board.

We’ve already started working together as elected members to establish and maintain a culture whereby we can work together and respectfully challenge each other’s ideas to achieve the best outcomes for our City. Because the people of Glenorchy deserve nothing less.

May the stability and productivity we’ve worked so hard on over the past five years continue, in the interests of the people of Glenorchy we are so privileged to represent.

May we remember who we’re here on behalf of, every step of the way.

Our future is bright, Glenorchy. Merry Christmas!

John our new Tasmania Australian of the Year

GLENORCHY resident John Kamara has been named the 2023 Tasmania Australian of the Year for his tireless community work with migrants, refugees and people from culturally diverse backgrounds.

John escaped war-torn Sierra Leone 19 years ago to start a new life in Tasmania. He settled in Glenorchy, which has benefitted from his selfless dedication to assist others.

At the awards ceremony on November 5, John gave a touching acceptance speech that highlighted the difficulties migrants face and the immense gratitude he feels for his community and family.

“John is an integral and active representative for the

multicultural community of Glenorchy, and indeed, in a broader context, for Tasmanians of African background across Tasmania,” Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said.

“We are so proud of John for being awarded this honour, and we think his work to support education and promote social cohesion for diverse Tasmanians is essential to making sure Tasmania can be a welcoming, fair, and equal place for all.

“Glenorchy is one of the most multicultural Cities in Tasmania, and John’s work to cement relationships among marginalised groups and new arrivals into the fabric of Tasmanian society is hugely important to the future of our LGA.”

John sits on multiple boards and is involved in many community groups, including cofounding the Culturally Diverse Alliance of Tasmania and the African Communities Council of Tasmania. John and his wife Mavis have also established a charity, Kamara’s Heart, to assist children in Sierra Leone.

He will now head to Canberra in January for the national Australian of the Year awards ceremony.

Palawa elder and Glenorchy resident Aunty Wendal Pitchford was nominated in the Senior Tasmanian Australian of the Year category, for her tireless work fighting for recognition of the Frontier Wars and the devastating impact on first nations people.

2 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022
Bec Thomas, Glenorchy Mayor
Owned and published by Corporate Communications (Tas) Pty Ltd Printed by the Mercury newspaper D E A D LIN E S F O R Edit Press Ready Material: JUST A LITTLE Reminder A: Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 PA: GPO Box 1600, Hobart TAS 7001 W A D VE R T I S IN G : Justine Brazil 6210 5201 E D I TO RIA L : Kane Young and Mackenzie Archer 6210 5212 Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis. REGULAR MONTHLY FEATURES Thursday 15 December Thursday 15 December JANUARY 2022 • HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Page 17 • PETS Page 18-19 • CHRISTMAS SPIRIT FEATURE Page 20-21 • BUSHFIRE AWARENESS FEATURE Page 22-23 • TRADES, SERVICES & CLASSIFIEDS Page 24 • FINANCE Page 25 • HOBART FM 96.1 RADIO GUIDE Page 25 • COMMUNITY CALENDAR Page 26 • SPORT Page 27-28 NEXT MONTH: BACK TO SCHOOL and GET HEALTHY features Community News New Council working together to represent Glenorchy ratepayers 46 Cameron Street (PO Box 97) 03 6331 8501 Launceston TAS 7250 SenatorAskew Authorised by Senator Wendy Askew, Liberal Party of Australia, 46 Cameron St, Launceston TAS 7250. SENATOR WENDY ASKEW LIBERAL SENATOR FOR TASMANIA ADVERTISEMENT Please contact me if I can be of any assistance Dominic College Chapel 9.30pm Carols then 10.00pm Mass JOIN US ON CHRISTMAS EVE
Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas with the new Tasmania Australian of the Year, John Kamara

Puppet show’s golden years

PUPPETRY is not just child’s play, as Tasmania’s acclaimed Terrapin Puppet Theatre proved on a recent visit to Glenorchy.

Terrapin performers entertained patrons at Glenorchy’s Golden Years Club last month as the company roadtested elements of its new program designed for aged care settings, ‘Forever Young’.

After 12 months of research and development including experimenting with puppetry in aged care homes and observing the interactions, activities

and behaviours of the residents, Terrapin has created a unique full-day program of interactive performance, bedside visits and staff resources, believed to be the first of its kind in Australia.

Terrapin says aged care settings – with residents’ rich collection of life experience and stories – present the perfect opportunity for puppetry to be used as a tool for engagement, excitement, connection and reflection.

Sessions are being observed by Terrapin research partner the University of Tasmania,

to ensure maximum impact.

The new show was certainly a hit with the Golden Years crowd, which included Golden Years regulars and volunteers plus visitors from local aged care facilities.

The audience was enthralled by the performance, before tapping their feet and enthusiastically singing along when the Terrapin cast broke into renditions of classics like ‘You Are My Sunshine’.

“Everybody loved it – they thought it was funny, interesting and

inclusive,” Golden Years Club president Agnes Frith said.

“It was really nice to see them interacting so freely with the Terrapin cast.”

Terrapin plans to take ‘Forever Young’ to aged care residences across the state in 2023, including two return visits to the Golden Years Club. Terrapin envisages that the program will lead to further projects around Australia.

The company is raising money to help to take the show on the road; go to its website to make a donation.

Glenorchy to welcome Federal budget funding

THE Glenorchy Council has welcomed funding announcements in the recent Federal Budget designed to enhance recreation, transport and business opportunities and services in the local community.

Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said she was pleased to see funding commitments for a range of projects including the expansion of the Derwent River Ferry Service, investment in playgrounds, a commercial kitchen at the Multicultural Hub, and the upgrade of Nyrstar’s zinc smelter.

“It’s great to see $50m in the Federal Budget

to support the $400m upgrade of the smelter, which is such a significant contributor to Tasmania’s mineral processing industry and export sector and a significant employer in our community,” she said.

Mayor Thomas also welcomed the commitment of $20m for a ferry service through the Hobart City Deal partnership.

“One of the key points of the Hobart City Deal is to implement changes to our transport system to meet the demands of the Greater Hobart Community,” she said.

“The ferry service is an integral part of this to

ensure that we have the infrastructure needed for the future.”

Other Budget announcements included $1.5m funding to replace play equipment and $100,000 for a commercial kitchen at the Moonah Multicultural Hub.

“Play spaces are very important to our community, and our current play infrastructure is ageing,” Mayor Thomas said.

“The funding commitment will assist in the implementation of Council’s Playspace Strategy to enable the upgrade of playgrounds throughout the

municipality for the benefit of young people and families.

“With over one in five of our 51,000 residents born overseas, the addition of a commercial kitchen at the Multicultural Hub will increase the viability of the facility and enable additional opportunities for our multicultural community.

“Council is looking forward to working in partnership with the federal government and stakeholders involved in these exciting projects that contribute to our diverse and wellconnected Glenorchy community.”


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Terrapin Puppet Theatre performers Brett Rogers (front), Rosie Grayson and Bella Young (in van) with Lorraine Rimon, Golden Years Club president Agnes Frith, and Rae Mathews

Mayors’ ferry good news for Derwent river

THE Greater Hobart Mayors have welcomed the Australian Government’s $20 million commitment to the expansion of the popular Derwent Ferry Service.

Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas, Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley, Hobart Acting Lord Mayor Helen Burnet and Kingborough Acting Mayor Clare GladeWright released a joint statement expressing their pleasure at formally securing the funding, which was pledged by Labor in the lead-up to this year’s Federal


The investment will expand Hobart’s commuter ferry service by constructing onwater terminals at new locations on the River Derwent. Several locations are under consideration including Sandy Bay, Lindisfarne and Wilkinsons Point.

Bus services and active transport will be integrated with the terminals, designed to help ease congestion and give locals more choice in how to get around.

“Securing this funding has been a top priority for the Greater Hobart

Mayors and we are pleased this has now been formalised through the Federal Budget” Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said.

“At Glenorchy we see real potential for a ferry terminal at Wilkinsons Point, which would service events at MyState Bank Arena and benefit Glenorchy commuters more broadly.

“We look forward to continuing the feasibility work that will confirm specific terminal locations and route options.”

The federal funding

commitment builds on the Tasmanian Government’s $19 million investment in the Derwent Ferry service in the 2022-23 State Budget.

“The Derwent Ferry has fast become

a feature of our beautiful city,” Housing, Homelessness and Small Business Minister Julie Collins said.

“The Albanese Labor Government understands how important it is for us

to deliver more public transport for our community.

“Labor is committed to investing in more affordable public transport and helping ease traffic congestion across Greater Hobart.”

Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Senator Carol Brown, said Hobart is a “river city” and the investment in the Derwent ferry service will take full advantage of that.

Rosetta marks Jubilee

ROSETTA Primary School received an Australian Government Grant in early 2022 to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee for Her Majesty, the late Queen Elizabeth I1.

On Tuesday 15 November, Rosetta Primary hosted an event with staff, students, dignitaries, and community members to commemorate the official opening of the

school’s Friendship Grove Garden.

This project further developed the school grounds and it was an honour to have it recognised through the lens of the extraordinary life of The Queen and how, throughout her time as monarch, she valued looking after the environment.

The memorial grove fulfilled one of The Queen’s goals: the

request to the public to plant as many trees as possible for her Platinum Jubilee. Here at Rosetta Primary School we have contributed to that green canopy, thanks to the beautiful selection of advanced trees.

Our students, staff and families will visit the space shaded by the trees, enjoy the natural views down to the Derwent River and appreciate a sense of

calm. It has already been enthusiastically received by the students, with many walking in groups or pairs together to sit in the space and muse.

By creating the Friendship Grove at Rosetta Primary School, we are continuing the wishes of The Queen: to create “a legacy in honour of her leadership… which will benefit future generations”.

4 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022
Community News Welcome to Rosetta Primary School A place where values and future learning have meaning. Rosetta Primary School creates a learning environment where students develop as confident and creative learners. Our students receive opportunities to extend their thinking into actions through a caring and supportive environment, with a focus on wellbeing. Rosetta Primary supports students on their aspirational journey to academic excellence and future learning. w: e: To book a tour please call our welcoming office team at: 03 6208 1200 32 Riverview Parade, Rosetta TAS Archer Elise Liberal Member for Clark Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year Wishing everyone a 119 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay l (03) 6165 7730 l Authorised by Elise Archer, 119 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay Tas 7005 Archer, E - Glenorchy Gazette 110 x 110 Dcember.indd 1 21/11/2022 5:33:07 PM ADVERTISEMENT
Jubilee celebrations at Rosetta Primary Kingborough Acting Mayor Clare Glade-Wright, Hobart Acting Lord Mayor Helen Burnet, Senator Carol Brown, Housing Minister Julie Collins, Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas and Clarence Mayor Brendan Blomeley at Bellerive recently

Hazara women working together


MOONAH-based community organisation Friends of Zafira’s Working Together project is supporting socially isolated members of the Hazara community to participate in work and training.

The Hazara community is an ethnic minority group from Afghanistan who have experienced persecution and discrimination.

Funded by the Tasmanian Community Fund (TCF), Working Together aims to engage Hazara people who have to date not been successful in obtaining ongoing work, training or

Five Hazara women involved in the Working Together project recently cooked and sold bolani, a traditional Afghan street food, outside Stoneman’s Garden Centre in Glenorchy.

“We are seeing generations of women who have received no formal education due to an array of cultural challenges,” Working Together project manager Kristen Singleton said.

“The women are very proficient cooks, but they often do not have the opportunity to showcase their skills because of language barriers and limited networks.

“Through the Working Together project the women get to practise

running a stall and it is our hope that they develop skills that will eventually aid them in setting up their own small business.”

Kristen said through opportunities like the one at Stoneman’s Garden Centre, members of the Hazara community will feel more connected and confident.

“All of the people involved in the Working Together project are very capable but are just lacking experience working in Australia,” she said.

“I think it is great for Tasmanians to meet people from the Hazara community and realise they have the same goals and ambitions in life, but they just

need an opportunity.”

TCF chairperson Sally Darke said the Working Together project is already working to reengage many Hazara people.

“The Friends of Zafira are seeing increased confidence among participants and a willingness to try new activities and experiences related to work amongst participants,” Ms Darke said.

“The TCF has a strong focus on removing the barriers to education, employment and learning in the community, and we look forward to seeing how this project will continue to improve the lives of the Hazara community living in Tasmania.”

Getting engaged

AS part of its Community Engagement Review, the Glenorchy City Council is evaluating how it engages with the community, and how this could be improved.

Council staff will be out and about over the next six months engaging with the community and are keen to hear from as many people in the municipality as possible. Keep an eye out for

online and in-person opportunities to engage, including various pop-ups planned across the city.

The first Pop-Up will be at Northgate on Friday December 16 from 10am-2pm. Come along and chat with the Mayor and Council staff.

To get involved, visit au or, or phone the Council on 6216 6800.

G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 5 Community News Drop by Andrew’s mobile office on the date and location below*: Tuesday 6 December 2.00pm - 3.30pm Sandy Bay Road near Derwent Water Avenue Tuesday 13 December 11.00am - 12.30pm Glenorchy Main Road near Police Station Advertisement Andrew Wilkie YOUR INDEPENDENT FEDERAL MP Authorised by Andrew Wilkie MP 188 Collins Street Hobart 7000 *Weather/COVID permitting Andrew Wilkie MP Independent Member for Clark Want to get in touch with Andrew? w Drop in to the office at 188 Collins Street Hobart or post a letter to GPO Box 32 Hobart 7001 w Phone 6234 5255 or 6234 5861 w Email w Ask for a meeting We’ll help you find the floor you’ve been searching for. carpet timber bamboo luxury vinyl laminate tiles rugs Choices Flooring by Advance 6228 2925 34 Albert Road, Moonah Signature TRIPLE THE CARE TRIPLE THE EXPERTISE TRIPLE THE SERVICE Trio E M 0401 573 697 Signature Marita Oliver | Chris Hills | Leah Warren 339 Main Road Glenorchy 7010 | For all your Real Estate needs call...
Women from the local Hazara community cooking at Stoneman’s Garden Centre as part of the TCF’s Working Together project Mackenzie Archer

Local community delivering Christmas Carols this year Sheepish excursion for Bowen Road kids

THE local community can enjoy a series of independent Christmas carols events this year delivered by schools, religious organisations and community groups, funded by the Glenorchy Carols Grant Program.

Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said the Council was trialing the Christmas Grants Program this year as an alternative to the single carols event it previously hosted.

“It was great to see so many groups apply for funding of up to $10,000 to hold events, and it was a very difficult decision for the selection panel,” she said.

“We are very pleased to be able to provide funding

to six organisations for a range of activities to celebrate the festive season, and we encourage people in the community to come along to as many events as they can.”

Events funded through the Glenorchy Christmas Carols Grants are:

• Carols in the Vale is a free event delivered by the Collinsvale Primary School Association and the Collinsvale Community Association. The event will be held at Collinsvale Town Park in Shelley Street from 6pm on Saturday 10 December.

• The Multicultural Christmas Carols

Celebration celebrates Glenorchy’s rich multicultural community. Delivered by the Intercultural Church, the event will be held at the Glenorchy Uniting Church Community Hall from 3pm on Sunday 4 December.

• The 2022 Multicultural Christmas Carols will be run by St Therese of Lisieux, MoonahLutana Parish of St Therese’ Catholic School. The event will run from 6-9pm on Wednesday 14 December.

• Your Church Tasmania will deliver its Christmas from

Around the World event at 29 Charles Street, Moonah from 10am-8pm on Sunday 18 December.

• The Austins Ferry Primary School and Rosetta Primary School Carols and activities for students and their families form part of the curriculum for students, who will design logos and brochures for the event and work with their music teacher to learn and perform the carols.

For more information about the events, phone the Council on 6216 6800 or visit www.gcc.tas.

LOCAL author and illustrator

Adrienne Charles delighted Bowen Road students recently by reading them her new children’s book, ‘Sheila the Sheep’, at the Glenorchy Library.

‘Sheila the Sheep’ tells the story of a very special sheep and the native Tasmanian animals who help her find her way home. Based on a true story, the real Sheila was found unshorn after being lost in the Tasmanian bush for six years.

Printed and published by Tasmanians, ‘Sheila the Sheep’ is the second book by Adrienne, who has lived in Claremont since 1965.

Bowen Road students were able to learn all about Sheila from Adrienne herself, and check out some of the original concept drawings and sketches for the book.

After Adrienne’s reading, Glenorchy Library staff took students on a tour to show them how books are processed, catalogued and updated regularly.

“We are very lucky to be here today,” Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas - who attended Bowen Road Primary - said.

“It is so special that we will have the author of this fantastic Tasmanian book read to us, as well as answer any questions we may have about Sheila, or about the process of writing, publishing and printing a book for any of us who may want to write our own story one day.”

Mayor Thomas also extended her heartfelt sympathies to the students, staff and school community following the recent fire at the school.

Taste of the World is getting reviewed

THE Glenorchy City Council is undertaking a review of the Moonah Taste of the World Festival, to ensure the flagship event aligns with the Council’s civic, operational and strategic responsibilities and meets the needs of the community.

The state’s longest-running and most popular annual celebration of Tasmania’s cultural diversity, Moonah Taste of the World highlights the contribution that migrants and newly arrived residents bring to the greater Hobart area. The festival builds the capacity of these vibrant communities within Glenorchy, boosts pride and promotes understanding and embracing of diversity.

Traditionally run as part of Harmony Week, the free event has been running since 2011, attracting

up to 8000 people to Benjafield Park each year for a showcase of global food, music and culture.

The council is working with stakeholders and the community until February to consider what the Moonah Taste of the World can be in the future, with a view to implementing recommendations in 2024.

As part of the review, the council wants to hear from festival participants, performers and attendees, whose views will help shape the event’s future for the next decade.

An online survey can be completed at

For more information, email or to request a hard copy of the survey, phone 6216 6800.

6 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 Community News EXHIBITION Featuring work from glenorchy artists – emerging + established – in any media. Handcrafted items, local designs, unique gifts, food + coffee. In partnership with Citizen Tasmania. 2-24 DEC EXHIBITION 10AM-2PM SAT 3 DEC + MARKET + MARKET GLENORCHY OPEN GLENORCHY OPEN MOONAH ARTS CENTRE.ORG.AU MOONAH ARTS CENTRE.ORG.AU
Bowen Road Primary students at the library with Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas and author Adrienne Charles The Sri Lankan Choir

A SUMMER family favourite is back at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens this January as Big Monkey Theatre presents ‘Robin Hood’.

Adapted and directed by Les Winspear, ‘Robin Hood’ is a romp through Sherwood Forest where Robin Hood, Jill Scarlet and Friar Tuck try to stop

the greedy Sheriff of Nottingham from taking even more money from the poor.

Come along and help Robin and the merry band of outlaws as they save the day for King Richard and the good folks of merry old England.

Some of Hobart’s leading actors including

‘Robin Hood’ is playing Tuesday-Sunday from 3-22 January. Tickets are available through the Theatre Royal box office

(phone 6146 3300), the RTBG Shop or at the Gardens 30 minutes prior to each performance.

For daily show times and bookings visit www. shows/robin-hood

G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 7
John X, Samantha James-Radford, Andrew Casey, Jeremy Pyefinch, Sara Cooper and Emma Skalicky will take you on a fun-filled adventure with lots of song and laughter.
Big Monkey in the Hood 2 x FAMILY TICKETS TO BE WON To be in the draw to win one of two family tickets please email with ’Robin Hood Family Ticket’ in the subject header and provide your name. Winners will be notified by email on Monday 19 December. A ‘Family Ticket’ allows entry for two adults and two children or one adult and three children.
Clockwise from above: ‘Robin Hood’ stars Jeremy Pyefinch, Emma Skalicky, Andrew Casey, John X, Samantha JamesRadford and Sara Cooper

New flexible learning at St Francis

THE redevelopment and extension of the Flexible Learning Centre at St Francis Flexible Learning Centre in West Moonah is set to improve student educational outcomes.

Officially opening the new facilities last month, Senator for Tasmania Catryna Bilyk said the project was delivered with support of Australian Government funding of $923,664 through the Capital Grants Program.

“A lot of work has gone

into this project which has delivered seven new general learning areas, specialised learnings areas for science, visual, manual and performing arts, external play and recreation spaces, an administration area, staff accommodation and new parking facilities” Senator Bilyk said.

“These new facilities will provide school staff, teachers and students at St Francis Flexible Learning Centre with

better, more modern spaces in which to work, teach and learn.

“The Australian Government is committed to providing all schools with appropriate funding so that all students, including those in St Francis Flexible Learning Centre, get the best possible education.”

Senator Bilyk said the new facilities would benefit the students currently at St Francis Flexible Learning Centre,

as well as the many students who will follow in future years.

“The teachers, staff and students at St Francis Flexible Learning Centre have built a strong and positive school community and these new facilities will further enhance our local educational opportunities,” she said.

More information about the Capital Grants Program can be found at:

Indie School visits Foodbank

STUDENTS at Glenorchy’s Indie School have new motivation to make their local community a better place after a visit to emergency food relief provider Foodbank.

Indie School students recently volunteered at Foodbank, which works to ensure vulnerable Tasmanians are able to access food where and when they need it.

Students toured the Foodbank warehouse and helped to coordinate food and sanitary parcels. They

asked insightful questions of Foodbank staff, learned about demand in the local community, and considered the social impacts of food insecurity.

The school’s visit coincided with a student project investigating poverty around the world and inequality in resource sharing.

Teacher Karin Tope said the opportunity to visit Foodbank was an important experience for the students.

“They came away with a greater understanding

of food insecurity and what that means for the wellbeing of a community,” she said.

The Indie School invited Josh Willie MLC, the Member for Elwick and Shadow Minister for Education and Early Years, to accompany them on their visit to Foodbank.

A former teacher, Mr Willie has witnessed how poor diets can impact on the academic performance of students.

“By hosting school students in their

warehouse and contributing to programs like school breakfast clubs, Foodbank is directly helping to improve student learning capacity and improve the wellbeing of Tasmanians,” Mr Willie said.

“Food in a fundamental human right, but with cost-ofliving pressures becoming more prevalent, it’s a sad reality that some Tasmanians are skipping meals amidst soaring rent increases, energy bills and food prices.”

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TO BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION! Now in two great locations: 118 Main Road Moonah and city address available by request A 1/16 Albert Road, Moonah TAS 7009 P 6212 2306 E Authorised by Ella Haddad MP 184 Collins Street HOBART TAS 7000 Willie MLC Josh Labor Member for Elwick From my family to yours, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ADVERTISEMENT 1300 732 377 RTO 60071 1300 732 377 RTO 60071 MARION BAY HOT ROAST CHICKEN .................................................. $8.99 HOT ROAST MEALS: CHICKEN, PORK, BEEF, LAMB & TURKEY $13.95 PHONE ORDERS WELCOME 6249 1845 WE DELIVER VIA CLAREMONT 708 Main Road Mon-Sun 24/7 PRE-ORDER YOUR MARION BAY ROAST CHICKEN AND HOT ROAST MEAL NOW IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! WE ARE OPEN 24/7 THROUGHOUT CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS
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Senator Catryna Bilyk and St Francis Flexible Learning Centre Principal Nick McGann Indie School Glenorchy students visit Foodbank with teacher Karen Tope and Josh Willie MLC

TasWater women win big at awards

THE skills and dedication of several TasWater staff have been recognised at the recent National Women in Construction (NAWIC) Awards for Excellence.

TasWater senior project manager Amanda Allen won the Achievement in Construction category; while TasWater commercial contracts manager

Krista Capuano and commercial procurement manager Sharon Archer were joint winners of the ‘Contribution to Project or Organisation’ category.

Three other TasWater staff were finalists for awards: environmental advisor Laura Anderson (Emerging Talent); HSEQ lead Jackie Kelly (Contribution to a Project or Organisation); and commercial group leader Caroline Beaumaris (Award for Excellence - Crystal Vision).

TasWater CEO George Theo

said the NAWIC Awards showcase the achievements of women and organisations in the construction industry and seeks to promote and improve the industry through the advancement of women.

“NAWIC is an Australian not-forprofit organisation run by volunteers, spearheaded by industry leaders advocating and working toward the goal of an equitable construction industry in which women are involved, heard, and are making a difference,” he said.

“It was a great outcome to have winners at the NAWIC Awards. It was also a terrific result having six of our TasWater employees selected as finalists.

“Each of our finalists epitomise the passion, dedication and vision required to be successful in the fastpaced and challenging construction sector.”

Building bridge to employment

THE Glenorchy Jobs Hub recently partnered with construction company McConnell Dowell to deliver information sessions to job seekers interested in being part of Tasmania’s largest ever transport infrastructure project.

At the peak of construction, the $786 million New Bridgewater Bridge Project will employ about 250 workers.

The mid-November sessions focused on upcoming job vacancies in the pre-cast, erection and steel-fixing teams at the project’s pre-cast facility near Bridgewater.

More than 40 job seekers were able to meet with McConnell Dowell team members and discuss upcoming roles, qualifications, career opportunities and more.

“Being part of these

local information sessions has been a fantastic way for us to talk to locals about local opportunities, to find out what local job seekers are looking for, and answer any of their questions,” McConnell Dowell human resources manager Andrew Barratt said.

“We want the New Bridgewater Bridge team to reflect the diversity of our local communities.”

Woolies comes to Northgate

GLENORCHY shoppers have welcomed Woolworths’ newest store at Northgate Shopping Centre, which was officially opened last month.

Offering an expanded fresh food range and convenient shopping, the Northgate store is the first Tasmanian Woolworths to use digital ticketing.

Customers will be able to choose from an extensive range of fruit and vegetables, with many grown locally in Tasmania, as well as 100 per cent Australian meat from Aussie farmers, and a great variety of fresh, local seafood, a full production bakery, and an extensive international food selection of authentic Asian and Indian products.

Woolworths Northgate is also offering Direct to Boot Drive Thru

services, where a team member will pack the order directly into your boot for no additional charge.

Supporting local suppliers, Northgate Woolworths has also expanded its range to feature a number of products from Tasmanian businesses such as Ashgrove Dairy and Red Cow Organics speciality cheeses.

Fifty-five new Woolworths team members were employed ahead of the store’s launch last month, with 70 existing staff joining Northgate from stores across the Hobart region.

Keen to contribute to the local community, the store will partner with FoodBank to help provide meals to those in need, and will also sponsor the Glenorchy Magpies football club.

Northgate Woolworths store

manager Kris Penney, who started working at Woolworths in 2008 while still in high school, was looking forward to welcoming customers and staff to the new store.

“We’re excited to open this contemporary fresh food and grocery experience for Glenorchy locals,” he said.

“There’s plenty of great new offerings in-store, including a selection of ready meals and Bag & Bake options at our fish market for some quick and easy dinner ideas.

“Having been part of the Woolworths team for over 14 years, it’s fantastic to see the investment in the local Glenorchy region.”

Woolworths Northgate is open 7am - 10pm, seven days a week.

G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 9 Community News WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift: Check out our display at Mobility4All, 53 Sunderland STAIRLIFT SALES TASMANIA Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist P: 1300 919 406 (local call cost) or (03) 6272 2966 • E: • W: INDEPENDENT LIVING + MOBILITY Cnr Sunderland St & Derwent Park Rd Moonah Ph (03) 6273 8300 I 53 Sunderland St (Crn Derwent Park Rd) Moonah Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: W: WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Curved Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: W: WHY MOVE? 23 Derwent Park Rd, DERWENT PARK Personal service and easy off street parking
Woolworths Northgate store manager Kris Penney (second from left) with staff members Muhmmad Foysal, Ujjwal Dhakal and Jaiden Akers Glenorchy Football Club president John McCann, Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas, Woolworths Northgate store manager Kris Penney and Magpies junior players cut the ribbon to officially open the new store TasWater staff George Theo, Jackie Kellie, Amanda Allen, Tony Willmott, Laura Andersen, Krista Capuano, Sharon Archer, Caroline Beaumaris, Kate Blizzard and Ian Dunbabin at the awards

Zinc really works for local Nyrstar suppliers

HUNDREDS of Tasmanian businesses benefitted from Nyrstar’s $190m local procurement spend over the past 12 months.

More than 330 businesses across the state have been contracted or supplied goods to Nyrstar Hobart, ranging from

small-to-medium enterprises through to major suppliers, across a broad range of products and services.

“We have a focus on creating greater value from Australia’s minerals to deliver products globally while benefitting our local community and the

state,” Nyrstar Hobart operations general manager Britt Butler said.

“Over the past few years, we have had a strong focus on local procurement and we have seen an increase in spending locally which has helped support hard-working home-

grown businesses and people.

“We have so many longstanding relationships and our local suppliers have built up detailed knowledge of our Zinc Works. They are valued business partners and critical to the ongoing success of our operations.”

One business working with Nyrstar is Tasweld, which has serviced the local market with welding equipment and consumables since 1987.

Tasweld general manager Alan Watt said the company is proud

to be supplying safety footwear and other consumables to Nyrstar.

“Supplying Nyrstar’s Zinc Works has allowed us to employ two more people and we hope this is the beginning of a great, long-term

partnership that will help our business grow,” he said.

“Our business is based at Derwent Park and Nyrstar is located in Lutana so you really can’t get more local than that.”

Breast Screen Bus rolls into town

THE Glenorchy community has enthusiastically welcomed Luna, the BreastScreen Tasmania bus, which is in town this month offering women free breast cancer checks.

The Glenorchy City Council hosted a morning tea on October 25, where the bus was formally welcomed to the Council chambers - where it will be parked on the front lawns until December 16.

The morning tea was attended by guests including Breast Screen Clinical Services state manager Lyn Gibson and

Screening Recruitment and Prevention manager Corrine McCallum, along with the staff delivering the program.

Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas was proud to see the important service return to the community.

“Having the bus so visible and accessible to those in our city will assist women who might be unable to travel into Hobart for this important health check,” she said.

“We know that regular screening is incredibly important, with treatment more

successful when breast cancer is found early.

“One in seven Tasmanian women are diagnosed in their lifetime, so I encourage all Glenorchy women over the age of 40 to book an appointment for breast screening today.”

Appointments at the BreastScreen Tasmania bus are free for women aged over 40, and easy to book. For more information, visit the Department of Health website’s ‘Breast Screening’ page. To make an appointment, phone 13 20 50.

Road safety report out

DRIVE safely this holiday seasonTasmania has the worst road safety record in Australia, with an average of 300 people killed or seriously injured on our roads each year.

To help address this loss of life and road trauma, the Legislative Council of Tasmania last year established an inquiry into road safety in Tasmania, appointing a committee made up of Rosemary Armitage MLC (chair), McIntyre MLC Tania Rattray and local Member for Elwick Josh Willie.

The committee

received 94 submissions and held several public hearings across the state with people with lived experience of road trauma, government departments and key stakeholders.

After a year of evidence gathering and consideration the committee recently tabled its final report, making 94 findings and 49 overarching recommendations addressing road safety governance, road safety management, safer roads and mobility, safer vehicles, safer road users and post-crash responses.

“When commencing the inquiry, committee members did not expect 2022 to be the worst year for road deaths in a decade,” Mr Willie said.

“Road trauma continues to significantly impact the community and we thank everyone who engaged with the parliamentary process.

“The recommendations of the report, if implemented, will reduce road trauma in Tasmania over time.”

For a full copy of the report or to share your thoughts, phone Mr Willie’s office on 6212 2306.

10 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022
Community News
Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas and GCC general manager Tony McMullen with council, police and Breast Screen project staff MLCs Josh Willie (Elwick), Rosemary Armitage (Launceston) and Tania Rattray (McIntyre) Aerial view of the Nyrstar site at Lutana

The ultimate Roberts downsizing checklist

IF you feel like you’re rattling around a large family home that was once full of noise and laughter but now feels empty, downsizing can be incredibly liberating.

While there can be some sadness to these situations, it can be an exciting time in which you can create space in your life for new adventures.

As experienced local agents, we have helped many couples who have made the decision to downsize and make the most of the current property prices to fund a new, more streamlined lifestyle.

Perhaps one of the more emotional elements in your downsizing journey is the need to discard many of the possessions that you’ve accumulated over a lifetime. So below is a downsizing checklist to help remove some of the stress.

• Take your time –Don’t try to downsize all in one day or weekend. The project will be too big. It has taken a lifetime to accumulate all this stuff – make sure your timeframe to cull is realistic.

• Go room by room – This will help you take on a larger project in bite-size chunks.

Always finish one room before moving to the next, otherwise you

might quickly become overwhelmed.

• Think creatively –Not everything needs to be thrown away. You can sell possessions that have value or give items to your family, friends or a favourite charity. You can now also list them with neighbourhood groups on social media and see if your possessions can find someone else who will appreciate them.

• Create a system –You will want a system to decide what you’re going to do with each item, so it’s best to be organised at the start of the project. Create different piles for keep, sell, donate and throw – and be tough when allocating.

• Ask for help – Don’t be afraid to seek help from family and friends – especially your kids!

– but be clear with your instructions for them.

• Go carefully – It’s easy after a while to become a little careless and that’s when you might throw away something that you’ll regret later. Put some time if you can between the sorting, and the decision to sell, donate or throw out just so you can revise if you need to (but that doesn’t mean you keep everything!)

• Make a floor plan – If you’re in the position of knowing where you’re moving to, then make a floorplan for each room and make sure you have measurements. This will help you qualify what’s in and out based on size and room allocation.

• Keep notes – It’s a smart idea to make a note of each item you intend to keep and why. You might add additional information, such as which room it will be kept or stored. The need to justify can help you cull just that little bit harder.

• Call a removalist

– Once you’ve completed this project, get quotes on the cost of moving the items you’re keeping to your new home. This will help you decide whether you need to re-evaluate a few items.

• Call a charity shop

– Some charitable organisations offer a pick-up service which can be helpful. It will also give you security about the items being useful to them – or if you need to find an alternative solution.

If you would like some further tips regarding your specific circumstances, please give us a call and we will organise to come and spend some time with you.

G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 11 PROPERTY Pl Roberts
338 Main Road,
7010 03 6272 8555
Real Estate Glenorchy
Roberts Property Representative Tony Bacic

Launch into 2023 at The Playhouse

LOCAL theatre lovers who attended the recent launch of the Hobart Repertory Theatre Society’s ‘2023 at The Playhouse’ got a special sneak preview of what’s on offer next year.

Hobart Rep president David Clements said after the pressures of recent years it has been a delight seeing audiences flock back to the theatre.

“We are pleased to announce that we will present five shows in 2023, and we are also pretty confident that we have something for

everyone in the 2023 line-up,” he said.

Hobart Rep’s 97th year of entertaining local audiences kicks off at The Playhouse in the April school holidays with ‘Anne of Green GablesThe Musical’.

Then comes the dramatic story of ‘The Winslow Boy’ in June; followed by the comedy ‘Let’s Kill Agatha Christie’ in July/August.

Tennessee Williams’ classic play ‘The Glass Menagerie’ takes place in October; and the final show just before

Christmas will be a very funny take on the nativity tale ‘Jingled’.

David was Master of Ceremonies at Hobart Rep’s ‘2023 at The Playhouse’ launch. He has had a regular involvement in local theatre since his days with Uni Revue back in1981.

Since then has stagemanaged a wide variety of plays and musicals in various venues including the Peacock Theatre, the Theatre Royal and of course at Hobart Rep’s beautiful, heritage-listed venue – The Playhouse

Theatre in Bathurst Street.

David has occasionally had fleeting moments on stage but generally leaves the acting performances to his wife, Kathy Spencer, a veteran performer of many years.

Kathy last performed in Hobart Rep’s October production of ‘The Last Resort’, for which David was – you guessed it – behind the scenes as stage manager.

Bookings available online at https://

Towing tips

ONE of the most enjoyable activities for a family on the water is towing sports – on a biscuit, wakeboarding, water-skiing, kneeboarding, even up to advanced wake surfing.

But when you’re towing people behind your boat, it is essential that the driver, the observer and the person being towed are all connected.

In Tasmania, the observer is in communication with the driver. They are a connection between the skipper and the person being towed.

Currently, you must be aged 10 or over to be an observer. But this will change next year, when it will be necessary to be 14, unless the observer has a provisional licence and then it will be 12. This will make everyone safer.

If you are the skipper and driver, you must always turn in an anticlockwise direction, so that if there are more than one boat in the area with someone being towed, there are no head-on collisions.

Everybody in the boat should be wearing an approved, Australianstandard life jacket, including the person – or people - being towed.

Being towed behind a boat on a biscuit is one of the joys of childhood and young adulthood.

For young children, it’s a great way to become acclimatised to the water.

You can be in the water, protected by your life jacket, being towed

behind a boat – getting used to being splashed in the face by waves – but always safe at slower speeds.

Children can learn confidence in the water and then, with time, graduate to more athletic forms of towing sports like water skiing.

The hand signs between the person being towed and the observer are crucial, including:

• Go Faster – Thumbs Up

• Go Slower – Thumbs Down

• Come home – Tap on the Head

• Stop – Finger Across the Throat

With a good driver and good observer, the person being towed will always be safe.

One key area to be aware of is when cornering the boat.

When you turn as the skipper/ driver, the person being towed will accelerate behind you – up to twice the speed of the boat!

The best and safest thing is to ease back on the throttle so that the person being towed is not “whipped” around the corner.

In choppy conditions, this can be dangerous for the person being towed and can result in them being thrown off whatever watercraft they are being towed on.

Obviously, when towing someone, the observer must face backwards to watch the person being towed while the driver faces forward to maintain a lookout.

This is the same rule if you are using a PWC or jetski to tow someone.

Towing is all about having fun on the water – and being safe.

12 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 Community News
Moonah residents Kathy Spencer and David Clements at the Playhouse season launch. Photo credit: Wayne Wagg Peter Hopkins,

HAVE you got an idea for a business? Need help getting started?

The Workforce Australia


Facilitator program, delivered by Business South in Greater Hobart and South-East Tasmania, can support you on your journey through the maze to self-employment.

An Australian Government initiative, the program offers free, practical and confidential guidance and support on all aspects of starting and running a small business – from registering business names, website domains and your ABN through to financial, marketing and strategic advice.

“When you’re playing with the idea of starting a business, it can be really overwhelming if you go online and search for support,”

Entrepreneurship Facilitator Sharon Harvey said.

“The advantage of our program is that we offer the opportunity to talk to a real person in-person or online, brainstorm your idea and talk through the things you need to consider.

“Once we understand where someone’s at in their small business journey, based on their needs we can do further one-on-one mentoring with them or refer them to other relevant programs and services, remembering our services are completely free.”

The Entrepreneurship Facilitator program also offers monthly free workshops and information sessions.

In December we have

some great topics on offer – free, online and in-person:

What you need to know when getting started in a small business (Hobart): Topics will include things to consider before you start out; how to assess your business idea; the basics of planning and marketing; and how to best set yourself up for success.

LinkedIn Basics for Small Business. (Online): LinkedIn is often not at the top of the list when you think about social media platforms to promote your business. But it is a platform that gains traction for people and businesses where

personal relationships are important – and like all social media platforms, it is not something you can sign up for, set and forget. Join the conversation!

Christmas Coffee and Connections (Hobart): Network and meet fellow small business owners.

Networking (Woodbridge): Join Sharon and Mikala from Business South as they meet with makers and creators at an open Networking discussion.

Bookings are essential. For more information or to book your FREE place go to www.


is here for

THIS year has been tough, with global events resulting in costs increasing for a lot of everyday things including groceries, petrol and electricity.

Aurora Energy is 100 per cent Tasmanian-owned and operated and can help. That means a local’s knowledge and understanding support every customer. They always listen. And they always find the right solution for you.

Most importantly, they understand what Tasmanians want from their energy retailer. And because they are Tasmanians too, they know real, practical solutions that may help you save. Here are just some of the ways they can help.

Supporting the community

Last year, Aurora Energy set up a $1.4 million support fund. The fund allowed them to help customers struggling with financial hardship, especially during the pandemic. Today, the fund provides bill relief, waives fees, freezes debt and more for eligible customers.

Just say YES

YES stands for ‘Your Energy Support.’ It’s a program that gives you the support you need when you need it most. If you’re having trouble with your bill, you may be able to access affordable payment plans, excellent energysaving tips, and personalised support.

Payment plans and extensions

Aurora Energy has lots of ways to keep you connected. If you need to catch up, 12 or 18-month payment plans may be available. You can also apply for an extension and set up easy fortnightly payments through Direct Debit. These automatically come out of your account, so you don’t have to stress.

Free and easy

The aurora+ app is a free app that puts your power in your hands. It’s a great way to manage and better understand your energy usage. Not only is it simple to use, but aurora+ also

gives you more ways to pay and can show you new ways to save. Pay as you go or when your bill is due.

Find the right plan

Did you know that using the right energy plan may help you save? Every household is different, so check out the Right Plan Calculator on the Aurora Energy website. The calculator will help you find the best option for your budget, family and lifestyle.

Get in touch

Have a question about choosing the right energy plan? Need some power-saving tips at home? Call the friendly Aurora Energy team, tell them a little about your household, and they’ll get you started.

Call 1300 132 003 or learn more at www.auroraenergy. or better still, come and have a chat to one of the team at Northgate next to the Food Court on Thursday 8 or Friday 9 December!

G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 13
Turn your big idea
small business
Join us for a chat Thursday 8 & Friday 9 December 10am to 4.30pm Northgate Shopping Centre Drop by to learn about choosing the right power plan, saving with our handy app, getting bill support, and more. Win a Hill Street Christmas hamper!
Jordan Abell from Aurora Energy with Glenorchy Salvation Army Captain Jeff Milkins. Each year, Aurora’s Governance team fundraises for The Salvation Amy Glenorchy’s kitchen program to provide fresh fruit and vegetables for nutritious meals

FUCHS Silkolene Chain Lube, for all motorcycles

A MUST-HAVE in any motorcycle enthusiast’s kit is the Silkolene Chain Lube by FUCHS. This semi-synthetic chain oil is suitable for all motorcycle chains including O and X ring types.

Developed with Synthetic Technology, FUCHS Silkolene Chain Lube is suitable for both road and off-road use.

The FUCHS Silkolene Chain Lube is designed to effectively penetrate the inner rollers and pins while resisting high speed fling-off. Other features of the Chain Lube include strong anti-wear/anti-corrosion properties which provides increased chain and sprocket life. The

Chain Lube is also safe on seals and hoses.

To use the Chain Lube, simply apply a little bit to the inside of a clean, warm motorcycle chain and leave it for as long as possible, ideally overnight.

For best results, it is recommended to use the FUCHS Silkolene Brake and Chain Cleaner prior to use.

The FUCHS Silkolene range is specially designed for motorcycle enthusiasts, from everyday riders to professionals. It includes all necessities to keep up performance, power and maintenance.

The complete range includes two-stroke and

four-stroke engine oils along with a variety of maintenance products such as chain lubes, coolants, gear oils, brake and clutch fluids, fork oils, foam filter treatments and fuel additives.

Find FUCHS Silkolene Chain Lube and the complete Silkolene range at R&J Batteries.

R&J Batteries is one of the fastest-growing battery distributors in Australasia with 23 branches in Australia, four branches in New Zealand and a vast network of more than 8,000 stockists regionwide.

For more information, visit or call 1300 769 282.



HILLIARD Christian School in West Moonah has grown, and

are invited to come and see all of the changes. New buildings, refreshed and revised classrooms and further development are now the new face of our school.

Primary students from Year one to Year six are enjoying our brand new building with adaptable classrooms and inviting break-out areas, while an exciting playground is currently being installed.

Revitalised secondary facilities mean our high school students now

have access to more learning areas, allowing more subject choices and greater flexibility in their studies.

Prior to 2018 the attendance at the school sat below 100 students. Now in 2022 we have 247 enrolled, with numbers increasing every week.

Tucked up high on the hill in West Moonah, Hilliard Christian School is a place where families from all backgrounds can be sure their children are receiving a Christcentred education that will serve them both now and beyond their school years.

Hilliard Christian School



14 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022
ADVERTISEMENT // 41 Derwent Park Rd, Hobart // 6272 2943
FUCHS has presence in over 50 countries + OVER 30 YEARS R&D EXPERTISE FUCHS Silkolene is available at:
For a tour contact Rhea on 03 6277 8800 Hotel-like accommodation for respite care that feels more like a holiday. Our guests can enjoy 24/7 personal care, join activity programs and bus trips, or relax while our professional and friendly staff make them at home. Care for You - time to recharge Riet stayed for five nights while her family were on holiday. She has been a regular at our day centre for eight years. “It is just like a holiday with bus tours, lunches and making friends. I’ve always called Bisdee my second home, anyway!”
see (03) 6272 1711
how Hilliard has grown
FOR OVER 100 YEARS The school is located in an open bushland with spectacular views of the Derwent River.
seek to provide a secure environment promoting excellence in education and character development.

Enjoy Christmas cheer without the waxy ears!

EARWAX is a natural substance that is produced by the body. It helps to protect the ear canal from dust, bacteria and other particles.

Earwax is designed to slowly migrate out of your ears, carrying with it any dirt and particles.

This natural process can be interrupted by ageing, dry skin in the ear canals, some medications, and hearing aids. Using cotton buds to clean ears can also push ear wax back into the ear canal, causing it to block up.

Earwax build-up in ears

can lead to ear pain, itchy ears and clogged ears.

In severe cases, earwax can push up against the eardrum causing a temporary hearing loss, tinnitus and even vertigo.

The good news is that earwax blockage can be easily cleared by microsuction. Micro-suction uses a small vacuum tube to gently remove wax and debris in the canals.

The process takes roughly 20 minutes. Our audiologist can then advice you on ongoing maintenance to

reset and encourage the normal wax migration process. We can also provide a quick hearing check to ensure that your hearing has been restored.

For the month of December, Ability Hearing and Balance is offering ear wax suction for $80. Limited spots are available, so book early to avoid disappointment and have your ears cleaned before the holiday season. Please mention this offer when booking on 1300 327 776.

G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 15 ADVERTISEMENT Massive selection of fabrics at incredibly low prices Our friendly team will: • Appraise measuring your window (or bring them in with you) • Make your curtains or blinds • Have them installed Ready made and ready to hang From a crazy price of $30 pair Huge range of designs and colours Hotel) Personalised Service Tasmanian Family Business For your Home! M15552 at incredibly low prices Our friendly team will: • Appraise measuring your window (or bring them in with you) • Make your curtains or blinds • Have them installed Ready made and ready to hang From a crazy price of $30 pair Huge range of designs and colours Hotel) iness M15552 Massive selection of fabrics at incredibly low prices Our friendly team will: • Appraise measuring your window (or bring them in with you) • Make your curtains or blinds • Have them installed Ready made and ready to hang From a crazy price of $30 pair Huge range of de Massive selection of fabrics at incredibly low prices Our friendly team will: • Appraise measuring your window (or bring them in with you) • Make your curtains or blinds • Have them installed Ready made and ready to hang From a crazy price of $30 pair Huge range of designs and colours 45 Main Road, Moonah (City-side of Cooleys Hotel) P li d S i T i F il B i C For your Home! Massive selection of fabrics at incredibly low prices Our friendly team will: • Appraise measuring your window (or bring them in with you) • Make your curtains or blinds • Have them installed Ready made and ready to hang From a crazy price of $30 pair Huge range of designs and colours 45 Main Road, Moonah (City-side of Cooleys Hotel) Personalised Service Tasmanian Family Business M15552 S d O 0 D b Fresh, Clean Ears for the Festive Season Mr Nick Modrovich Clinical Audiologist GLENORCHY NORTH HOBART KINGSTON ROSNY PARK LAUNCESTON CALL 1300 327 776 5 Star Reviews Pay only $80 Ear wax Suction (normally $100)* Gentle, Comfortable & Effective Wax Removal Ear Wax Removal & Hearing Tests Cotton buds block up ears *Offer ends 31st December 2022 Please mention ad when booking
Tasmanian audiologist Nick Modrovich provides earwax micro-suction locally and can advice on ongoing earwax management

DO you ever struggle to hear your TV or family members clearly?

Is speech hard to follow in background noise?

Do you have ringing in your ears?

Have you ever worked in a noisy place?

You may have suffered noise induced hearing loss.

You may be entitled to more than you realise.

Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists are offering you

an opportunity to receive a FREE assessment which may entitle you to FREE digital hearing devices and other compensation entitlements.

The team at Hearing Matters will assess your hearing health as well as provide free legal consultations to see what help you are entitled to.

You deserve to be treated for any damage you may have been caused at a noisy workplace and you may also


Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists are passionate about ensuring everyone is aware of and given easy and fair access to the best medical and legal services available if they have suffered injury at work.

If you or someone you know has suffered extended noise exposure, take advantage of this offer by calling us on 1300 100 326 to discuss your situation and arrange a free

Recycling in the frame

HAVE you been putting off updating your glasses because of financial stresses or a lack of recycling options for your old frames? Now is the time to check out the recycling campaign at Eyelines Glenorchy.

The Eyelines Glenorchy recycling campaign allows members of the community to recycle their old glasses, and in return receive $100 off their next eyewear purchase.

Every pair of glasses donated in store will be collected by the Lions Club and sent off to different depots where they are cleaned and repaired before being distributed to people in need.

“Sometimes people are reluctant to update their glasses because of financial restraints and the potential environmental impacts they will have on landfill,” Eyelines Regional Manager Tasmania Brigitte Schroeder said.

“This campaign gives people in the Glenorchy community certainty

about where their glasses are going and the benefits it will make to another person’s life.”

Eyelines optometrist Jade Gilmore has been servicing the Glenorchy community for more than ten years and has seen the benefits of preventative eye health.

“A standard eye health examination can pick up a number of systemic health conditions including diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol,” she said.

“If we can step in at an early stage and pick up an eye disease or a systemic condition, we can help to prevent future health complications.

“Prevention is the key, so if we can prevent eye diseases it will mean we can prevent further costs and challenges for people in the future.”

Eyelines Glenorchy offers comprehensive eye examinations, ranging from standard eye tests and diabetic examinations through to contact lens consultations.

“If you can see, you have independence and mobility,” Jade said.

“If someone loses their vision it could impact their work, family life and mental health. The knockon effects can be drastic.

“Eyesight is our most important sense, so it is so important to care for our eyes and prioritise good eye health.

“Eyelines Glenorchy wants to welcome the broader community into the Glenorchy store to talk through the different options that are available.

“As an optometrist we are not just taking care of someone’s eye health; we are taking care of someone’s overall health.”

To find out more about the recycling campaign at Eyelines Glenorchy or to book in an eye examination visit the team in store at 379 Main Road Glenorchy or phone 6272 3555.

*Terms & Conditions apply. See instore for details.

16 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 ADVERTISEMENT
CALL US ON 1300 100 326 Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your FREE Industrial Hearing Loss assessment and consultation for possible entitlements. *Terms and conditions apply you have answered Yes and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment you may have entitlements to medical and nancial compensation. You might be entitled to more than you think. Do you have difficulty hearing speech from the Television or radio? Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements. WRKED IN N You may be entitled to more than you think. You might be entitled to more than you think. • Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements. Call us on 1300 for your FREE WRKED IN N ISE? If you have answered Yes and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment you may have entitlements to medical and financial compensation. You might be entitled to more than you think. • Do you have difficulty hearing speech from the Television or radio? • Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? • Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements. WRKED IN N You may be entitled to more than you think. Call us on 1300 100 326 for your FREE assessment WRKED ISE? If you have answered Yes and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment you may have entitlements to medical and financial compensation. • Do you have difficulty hearing speech from the Television or radio? • Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? • Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Call us on 1300 100 326 for your FREE assessment Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your FREE Industrial Hearing Loss assessment and consultation for possible entitlements. CALL US ON 1300 100 326 for your FREE assessment Do you have difficulty hearing speech from the television or radio? Do you suffer from tinnitus
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You might be entitled to Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements. Call us
for your FREE assessment WRKED IN N ISE?
Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements. Call us on 1300 100 326 for your FREE assessment WRKED IN N You may be entitled to more than you think. If you have answered Yes and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment you may have entitlements to medical and nancialfi compensation. • Do you have cultydiffi hearing speech from the Television or radio? • Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? • Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements. Call us on 1300 100 326 for your FREE assessment Could you have noise-induced hearing loss? 379 Main Road Glenorchy (03) 6272 3555
(ringing in the ears)? Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? If you have answered YES and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment, you may be entitled to compensation*.
Do you have difficulty hearing speech from the television or radio? Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? If you have answered YES and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment, you may be entitled to compensation*. If you have answered Yes and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment you may have entitlements to medical and financial compensation.
might be entitled to more than you think. • Do you have difficulty hearing speech from the Television or radio? • Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? • Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements.
may be entitled to more than you think.
on 1300 100 326
If you have answered Yes and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment
may have entitlements to medical and financial compensation.
might be entitled to more than you think. • Do you have difficulty hearing speech from the Television or radio? • Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)?
Do you have trouble hearing in background noise?
Optical Dispenser Christina Cionci, Optometrist Jade Gilmore and Regional Manager Tasmania Brigitte Schroeder at Glenorchy Eyelines

Chefaholic Cooking School


Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering Duck à l’orange

Making a claim from your health insurance





• 1 x 2kg whole duck

Get hiking fit for Larapinta

HEALTH insurance gives you peace of mind (and maybe some tax benefits), but you have to claim to really benefit from your cover!

How do you claim?

glasses, physiotherapy and podiatry.

How much can you claim?

Claim amounts depend on your level of cover. Your cover may have per year or per visit limits.

1. Submit your claim as soon as you can. Receipts older than two years often aren’t accepted

• 150g butter

• 2 tablespoon butter

• 100ml Grand Marnier

minutes. Remove from oven and cover with Grand Marnier and cook for a further 5 minutes.

• 1 medium onion, finely diced

• 50ml vinegar

• 50g castor sugar

• Juice of 3 oranges

• 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

• 6 oranges

The easiest way is to claim on the spot. So, if your provider can swipe your health cover card, be sure to use your card!

2. Provide all the information you can to avoid any delays or a refusal to pay

• 2 cloves garlic, finely minced or pressed


Remove from oven and strain all liquid into a pot, add in vinegar, sugar and juice of 3 oranges and reduce until a nice consistency.

I’VE had my eye on the Larapinta Trail (230km along the West MacDonald Ranges in Central Australia) since visiting the region with my family 10 years ago. Finally, the time is right and I’m going in July 2023 so now I need to get hiking fit for Larapinta.

• 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme (dried thyme also works)

So how do you prepare for an 14-18-day hike with a heavy pack, while simultaneously working three jobs and raising a family? That’s what this article is about.

• a pinch or two of salt and pepper

• 1/4 cup white wine

Clean and pat dry duck, heat butter in fry pan large enough to hold duck and fry duck for approximately 5 minutes.

• 1 cup arborio rice (also called risotto rice)

Meanwhile peel and cut oranges and prep with no skin or seed. When sauce is nearly ready add segments to sauce and warm - do not let oranges break down.

• 1 1/2 cups chopped white mushrooms

Most believe the best way was to prepare for multi-day hikes is to hike more. My personal training expertise tells me there are many intelligent, time-efficient and targeted ways to get fit for hiking, especially when you have big goals and a few niggles in the body.

Otherwise, you must give the receipts to your health fund. That usually means dropping into their office, or mailing or emailing a claim form. At HCi, you also can use our free app or online form.

What can you claim?

Stated limits generally apply per person for couples and family policies. For example, $500 dental usually means a couple can claim up to $500 each.

3. Make sure you add your member number to your claim

4. Before treatment, check you are using providers your health fund recognises

5. If you mail a claim, keep copies of the receipts just in case

6. Give your fund your current email address and phone number in case of any queries

• 4 cups hot chicken or vegetable stock

Place duck in oven for approximately 45 minutes on 180°C basting as you go. Turn heat down to 160°C and cook for a further 30

next steps can be done with a bread maker on dough setting.

• fresh parsley or thyme and Parmesan cheese for garnish

Carve duck and cover with sauce and arrange segments. Enjoy!

In a bowl place the 50 ml warm water, sugar and yeast together. Mix and set aside until frothy, or about 10 mins.

For further information please contact:

Hiking fitness programs always include walking – to neglect this is to invite overuse issues in the ligaments and tendons from about week two, as well as muscle soreness.

That depends entirely on what sort of cover you have. Hospital cover helps pay for your accommodation and care in a private or public hospital.

If you chose a hospital policy with an excess, the excess amount is paid to the hospital, usually at admission. It generally applies to each adult on the policy, but rules vary so check with your fund (before admission if possible). You generally pay an excess once per year.

HCi claiming tips

7. Keep your premiums up to date – you can’t claim if your membership is in arrears.



P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367

1. Heat a large saucepan over medium heat and add the butter.

In a larger bowl place the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and put in olive oil, cooled pumpkin puree and the yeast mix. Mix together and turn out onto a floured bench top and knead for 10 mins, if dough is sticky add a bit more flour. Set aside for half an hour or until doubled in size. Knead again for 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour.

When I hike I want to thrive, be strong and capable and really enjoy the hike. I don’t want to be a burden to others, and I certainly don’t want to have to quit. So prepare I must, and here’s how:

Stage 1: 30 weeks to go

Extras or ancillary cover varies between policies. It can include dental visits, remedial massages,

From more than 80 years’ experience, our suggestions for maximising your claims are:

If you have any other claiming questions, just give HCi a call on 1800 804 950.

5. When dough has risen again flatten out slightly and sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds onto the dough. Form into the shape of loaf you want, containing the seeds on the inside.

2. Once the butter is melted, add the onion and garlic and sauté until the onion is soft and translucent.

Goal: to be able to hike eight hours without muscle soreness (currently I’m sore by the six-hour mark)

3. Add the lemon juice, thyme and salt and pepper.

6. Set aside again to rise for 40 mins.

7. Set oven to 195oC

What: build endurance, strengthen my fussy hip, work on dynamic balance (see last month’s article), build core and back strength by wearing a weighted pack (even on short walks)

8. When dough has risen again, brush the top with water and sprinkle on more seeds.

4. Add the wine and stir as the wine reduces (cook for about five minutes until the wine reduces).

9. Bake for 20 – 30 mins, depending on shape of loaf. 10. Bread is ready when it is golden brown on the outside and sounds hollow when you tap it with your knuckles.

11. Let cool a bit then eat!

5. Turn the heat to medium-low and add the rice. Toss the rice in the onion mixture until it’s coated and move it around the pan for about one minute.

6. Stir in the mushrooms.

7. Add the hot chicken stock (or vegetable stock) about 1/2 cup at a time, stirring constantly and waiting until the stock is absorbed by the rice until you add another 1/2 cup.

8. Repeat the process above until all the stock has been added and absorbed by the rice and a creamy sauce has formed, stirring constantly throughout.

9. Serve immediately with shaved Parmesan cheese and freshly chopped thyme or parsley.

How: Each week I’ll take my Friday NIGHT beginners hiking session wearing a 6-8kg pack (Meehan Range, Pilchers Hill and Mount Direction are my go-to short sharp training hikes).

Additionally, I’ll do a weekly Pilates reformer class, and something rehabilitative like yoga, foam rollering or swimming. In my gym I will complete two whole body strengthening sessions (30-40 minutes each, focusing on dynamic balance and leg strength and endurance).

Once every four weeks I’ll do a long day hike to check for muscle soreness. Additionally, I’ll do two weekend hikes, minimum three days, similar underfoot to Larapinta (rocky). The first one is booked for late December – in the Lake St Clair region around Shadow Lake there are several mountains to visit. Finally, I’ll complete a daily short walk – wearing a pack while simultaneously walking my dog.

This takes me through to mid-February, so I’ll share the next stage of my fitness preparation then, or you can read my full blog article at hiking-fit-larapinta. There’s free resources also on this page, so if you are wanting to get fit hiking you can access those.

Jo Cordell-Cooper owns and operatives the award-winning Jo CC Holistic PT. She is the current PT and Exercise Instructor of the Year in Tasmania. You can make contact at or follow ‘Holistic Hiker’on social media

G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 17 For further information please contact: E: P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering For further information please contact: E: P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 Method • 250ml Pureed pumpkin (room temperature) • 50 ml warm water • 1 tsp Salt • 1 Tsp sugar • 1 Tbsp olive oil • 500g plain flour • 2 tsp dry yeast. • Pepitas and
seeds (optional) 1.
you will
To make pumpkin puree
need a
of chopped pumpkin and enough water to cover it.
boil on the stove top in a saucepan or place in a microwave on high for 8 to 10 mins.
When the pumpkin is soft use a blender to process it. Stand aside to cool.
paddock to plate
experience for all


MILLY Domestic longhair female tabby, 11 years and 10 months.

Help Milly. She is an old girl who has had a lot of trauma, has protective behaviour and needs someone willing to be patient, allow time for her to trust them and to love her for the remainder of her days. Will you give Milly a chance at a secure, safe, loving furever home?

American Satin, male, tan & white.

Tasmanian Dog Regulations

There is no doubt that there is significant public interest in the welfare of companion animals.

Considering that 51% of all animal cruelty complaints made relate to dogs, RSPCA Tasmania believes that greater understanding of the regulations will lead to a reduction in breaches. This benefits dogs by reducing physical harm and mental suffering and benefits the community by reducing fines and restrictions, handed down to dog


owners and by reducing anxiety in our neighbourhoods caused by a misunderstanding of the regulations.

If we take tethering as an example, the Dog Regs 2016 are very clear. Dogs who are tethered must be supervised, have access to water and weatherproof shelter.

The tether must be fitted with a swivel to prevent becoming tangled and the dog must be provided with an oppor-

tunity to have daily exercise. The dog must not be tethered to a moveable object or an adjacent to a fence, so that it is placed in danger of injury or death by hanging.

We have joined forces with the state government to develop a campaign about these regulations. Look out for our billboards, bus backs and brochures and help us help Tasmanian dogs.


American Satin, male ginger & white.

Our adoptable guinea pigs are correctly assessed, sexed and paired to ensure no unexpected pregnancies or that you don’t go home with a mixed pair. Bonded pairs: guinea pigs are social animals and require the company of their own kind in order to communicate and express themselves freely.

18 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022
REPORT IT. CALL 1300 139 947 OR
If this issue and issues like it interest you, then the best thing you can do for your animals is to learn about the legislation that regulates animal welfare in your community.
you feel
NOVA Holland Lop/Dwarf Female, 13 months, medium size, black & white. Sweet & gentle girl suited only to indoor living in a single rabbit household, loves attention, cuddles, pats & brushes, is house trained (uses a litter box). SEE IT. REPORT IT. If a dog is tethered for more than 30 minutes they BE SUPERVISED, have water, food, shelter and regular exercise. MUST ANYTHING LESS IS A CRIME! 1300 139 947 ANIMAL CRUELTY HOTLINE
Tasmania is the state with the highest incidence of petownership, with 44% of its residents living with at least one dog, 34% living with at least one cat, and 16% living with at least one of each. The legislation is about to be updated as the Animal Welfare Act Amendment 2022 has passed through parliament as of November 2022 and now awaits Royal Assent. If
passionate about animal welfare,

Open your heart and your home

Foster caring can be one of the most rewarding and uplifting aspects of volunteering. Our foster care program is an essential part of our work looking after our kitties. You don’t have to foster all the time, fostering even for a short time - a week or two - helps with our vital work.


can I help?

Fostering is a truly wonderful experience which is extremely rewarding for you and lifesaving for the cats or kittens you care for.

Some of the reasons our kitties need foster care before they can be adopted are:

• Shy or timid

• Too young

• Illness

The Ten Lives Cat Centre provides full support and everything you need to care for a cat or kitten in your home. We provide:

• food & bowls

• kitty litter & trays

• toys, blankets & beds

• 24 hour support

• medicines and vet care You provide:

• a loving environment

• care for our cats and kittens

You can find out more about the Ten Lives foster care program and other ways you can help at

The one thing that shouldn’t be under your tree this Christmas

for the duration of that period.


THE kittens are here!

The WHETHER it’s for a friend, family member or your own children, there are a few reasons why giving a pet as a gift is not such a great idea.

As Christmas approaches, Ten Lives is taking the opportunity to reinforce this message that a cat is not a gift.

“Although it doesn’t happen often, we do refuse anyone adopting a cat for someone else,” Phoebe Van Doorn from the Ten Lives Operations Team said.

Cats can be a wonderful addition to your family but choosing the right cat for your personal circumstances is important.

“Each cat has their own personality and their own needs, so making sure you get the right match is a decision one can only make for themselves,” Phoebe said.

When people adopt a pet, they need to understand the commitment they are entering into; cats can often live for more than 20 years. When you bring a pet into your home you are committing to their ongoing care and love

Along with that is the financial commitment in providing their nutrition, flea and worming treatments, bedding and toys, and yearly checkups or unexpected vet visits. There is also a daily commitment to consider of changing litter trays, feeding, and enrichment and playtime.

These commitments are not without great reward - the love and bond that develops with being a part of a cat’s life is greatly fulfillingbut it is not something you would impose on someone else as a gift.

Often a child may express interest in adopting a cat but may not be capable or responsible enough to manage the daily tasks of looking after them. The responsibility then falls on the parent to step in, who may not have the time to do so.

Giving a cat as a gift to a child instils that the cat is property when we should be reinforcing the idea that they are longterm family members.

If you are adopting a cat around Christmas time, it’s important to differentiate between the

Ten Lives will always be there for when things don’t work out. As an open intake shelter, we take cats no matter what their circumstances. But we have an obligation to their welfare to ensure they are matched to a family that suits their individual circumstances.

Bringing a cat into your family is a wonderful experience full of love and life lessons, but

we must think past the fluffy kitten stage, and understand the long-term commitment.

As for gift giving this holiday season, stick to the things we know make great presents. We offer adoption vouchers that allow the receiver to spend time making the right decision.

For your cat-loving friends, Ten Lives has a wide range of cat-themed giftware available in our

New Town shop; or you can make a donation on their behalf to assist us in helping the cats and kittens of southern Tasmania.

Ten Lives Cat Centre is a self-funded animal charity that relies on donations and volunteers to care for and rehome the unwanted cats and kittens of Tasmania. See how you can get involved:

G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 19
Every cat has a story.
you part of it?
Ten Lives 12 Selfs Point Road, New Town Open Mon - Sat 10.00 - 4.00 Sun 10.00 - 2.30 6278 2111 Ten Lives _ Gazette - 2 Cats 1 Pic Blurb _ ADOPT.indd 1 30/08/2021 1:39:34 PM
Rich East –Ten Lives Cat Centre Ten Lives team member Eliza poses with a cat available for adoption. Photo credit: Rich East A cat can be a wonderful addition to your family but consider their ongoing needs. Photo credit: Jamie Riley

Help Salvos to spread the joy this Christmas

LAST year, The Salvation Army provided Christmas assistance to more than 6200 people across Tasmania - a significant increase on previous years.

The increase represents the growing number of Tasmanians experiencing hardship due to the impacts of rising costs of living, housing stress and incomes that do not meet basic living expenses.

“Christmas is the busiest time of the year for The Salvos, and we expect this year to be no different,”

Amelia Natoli from The Salvation Army Tasmania said.

“While Christmas is a time of joy and celebration for many, others doing it tough in our community find it an extremely difficult period.”

In order to support those

doing it tough, The Salvation Army is calling on the kindness, generosity and giving spirit of the Tasmanian community to help make Christmas a joyful time for everyone.

There are several ways people can get involved with the Salvos this Christmas:

• Drop a gift under the Kmart Wishing Tree

• Hold a toy or food drive. We’re particularly short on gifts for both boys and girls ages 9-13 years.

• Fill a ‘Bag of Hope’.

These bags will help provide a meal for a Tasmanian family at Christmas.

• Volunteer with the Salvos this Christmas.

There’s a number of roles available during November and December.

To get involved or for more information, email or phone 6228 8400.

“If you can afford to lend a hand or make a donation, you’ll be making a huge difference to those Tasmanians who are really struggling,” Amelia said.

Leaving no-one in need also means leaving no-one lonely this Christmas. We would love to see you at any of our events, church services or community programs during the festive season!

If you or someone you know needs support this Christmas, please reach out to your local Salvos Doorways Centre. For details, visit program/doorways-centres/ or phone 6228 8400.

Toys, food needed by HCM

HOBART City Mission (HCM) is seeing the impacts of the increasing cost of living, with a 170 per cent increase in demand for support this Christmas, compared to last year.

HCM provides support every year through the Christmas Assistance Program (CAP). CAP provides food packs, food vouchers and toys for families who are struggling to make ends meet. It is often the difference between a child receiving a Christmas lunch and gifts, or going without.

The huge increase in demand this year paints a stark picture of the struggles currently facing the community.

Within two weeks of CAP applications opening, more than 620 were made - up from 231 applications in the same period last year.

This year’s applications represent 1138 children in need of support, as opposed to 424 last year. New applications are arriving every day.

“What we’re seeing is no surprise really, but it does show just how much people in our community are suffering,” Hobart City Mission CEO Harvey Lennon said.

“We’re really quite worried about how we’re going to meet the demand this year. Not just for the toys and food packs we provide, but also for the financial support needed to provide supermarket vouchers.

“We’ve never had to turn people away from Christmas Assistance Program before, and we don’t want to start this year”.

HCM’s CAP is supported every year by the community who provide food, toys and financial donations to meet the demand.

How You Can Help:

HCM is running its annual Christmas Appeal to meet the demand, as well as a Toy Drive and Food Drive.

Financial donations can be made online at, by calling 6215 4200, or in person at the Hobart office (50 Barrack St).

Toy and food donations can be dropped at the Hobart office. Toy donations can also be made online via

Toys should be new and left unwrapped. The most in-demand age category is nine years and over, so donations appropriate for these ages would be much appreciated.

20 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022
Salvation Army Tasmania staff Ashleigh Cowell, Amelia Natoli, Marj Rava and Mike West are calling all Tasmanians to lend a helping hand this Christmas Aged Care & Allied Health ran a Toy Drive last year for the HCM Christmas Assistance Program

ASSEMBLAGE Curated - Art, Design, Home is a colourful, eclectic, curious little shop that has popped up at 174 New Town Road, New Town.

Visitors are intrigued to explore the diverse range of interesting treasures in store and the colourful array of children’s things, before wandering through the gate to the ‘Potting Shed’ between the store and the café in the old post office.

Hobart entrepreneur Tanya La Paglia has worked tirelessly to bring her vision for the old New Town Post Office to


In 2015 she set up the café - now trading as the Dispatch Café - on the ground level.

Then in 2019 she opened the popular Assemblage Boutique Art Bed and Breakfast on the upper level, featuring light-filled, beautifully decorated rooms reminiscent of Parisian artists’ garrets.

Guests staying at Assemblage and café patrons can experience the creative Post Office community, enjoying the courtyard events and the opportunity to join an arts-based workshop.

WHEN a unique opportunity became available, Your Church took up residence in the old Coogan’s site in Main Road, Moonah.

The gateway to the northern suburbs, Moonah is an exciting and developing area. Its vibrant multicultural community and renewed shopping and dining precinct have led to a surge of first home buyers moving to the suburb.

Your Church hopes to create a centre that works for the community and seamlessly with the needs of its people.

Stage one opened in 2021 and includes an arcade and four retail spaces that house a restaurant, cafe and gym.

When complete, the centre will include a 400seat convention centre, kids play area, cafe and multiple community meeting spaces.

The church partners with the Sri Lankan Lions Cricket Club and works with local high schools through breakfast clubs, mentoring and supporting students in conjunction with PCYC and School Chaplaincy.

Over the summer, free

community barbecues will be hosted in the carpark on Charles Street in partnership with PCYC and Mission Australia.

Your Church is hosting “Christmas from Around the World’, a free community event with carols and multicultural food festival, on Sunday 18 December.

They meet every Sunday at 10am. Anyone is welcome to enjoy the friendly atmosphere, great coffee and a modern and inspiring service for people of all ages, with specific weekly activities for kids and youth.

eclectic curation 176 New Town Road, New Town Post Office 176 and Assemblage B&B Contact
Unique Gifts & Homewares Enjoy a Creative Workshop Located in the Courtyard (Behind Dispatch Café) The Old New Town Post Office 176 New Town Road, New Town Post Office 176 Assemblage B&B 0400 814 373 Assemblage Boutique Art Bed & Breakfast Not Junk
Assemblage Curated owner Tanya La Paglia in her new store
An 0400814373
Pastor Dave and Alix Morse, Your Church Tasmania
Creating safe spaces in Moonah for the community to meet, belong and grow together.
22 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022

Are you ready for a bushfire?

Bushfire Protection Plans and implement risk management strategies.

As the Tasmanian fire season approaches, it’s important to have a plan and know

Community Bushfire Protection Planning is a national initiative that helps to identify safety options during a bushfire threat.

Tasmania Fire Service works closely with communities, local government, service providers and other government agencies to create Community

Each plan is tailored to individual communities to best suit their needs.

Tasmania Fire Service Chief Officer Dermot Barry said it was important for people to be prepared, regardless of whether they choose to stay or leave if a bushfire threatens their community.

“Understanding risks and taking steps to mitigate them is important for everyone, but especially those

living in bushfire-prone areas,” he said.

“We want to make sure people are informed, prepared and ready for when a bushfire strikes.”

Community Bushfire Protection Plans provide advice on what to do before the fire; when fires are likely or nearby; and after the fire.

There are currently 139 Community Bushfire Protection Plans in place across Tasmania, with nine new plans for Murdunna, Heybridge,

Redpa, Marrawah, Ringarooma, Bakers Beach, Penguin, Beechford and Deviot set to be added soon.

Additionally, 11 existing plans have been updated in Strahan, Zeehan, Molesworth, Tinderbox, Campania, Eagle Hawk Neck, Ansons Bay, Claude Road, Taranna, Cradle Mountain and South Hobart.

To see your local area’s Community Bushfire Protection Plan, visit the TFS website at

What will you do? Get to know your Community Bushfire Protection Plan. We urge you to: • Visit the website to download your CommunityBushfireProtectionPlan • Learn about local safety options, including locations of nearby safer places. • Apply the advice - develop your BushfirePlan(complete and/or download a BushfirePlanfrom the website). • Check the website regularly - additional CommunityBushfireProtectionPlans are being added. Local knowledge can save your life Download your CommunityBushfireProtection Plan NOW. Or freecall for a free copy. Freecall: 1800 000 699 DO you know what to do when a bushfire threatens your area?
bushfire threatens.
your options.
24 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 Garry Underwood’s Brent St Automotive servicing centre • New Car - Log Book Servicing • Brake & Clutch Repairs - CV’s • Exhaust Standard - Sports • EFI Servicing and Tuning • Air Conditioning Service & Repair Servicing & Repairs to all Cars, 4WD’s, Commercials, Campervan’s, Caravan’s & Trailers Rentals Flat Tray Ute’s | Van | Mini Bus | Cars Approved Inspection Station, Over 40 years Experience, TACC Recommended Repairer 10A Brent Street, Glenorchy 6272 5911 •New Car - Log Book Servicing •Brake & Clutch Repairs - CVs •Exhaust Standard - Sports •EFI Servicing and Tuning •Air Conditioning Service & Repair (Auth. no. AU45100) LOUIS FENCING SERVICE Hobart area. Phone: 0488 247 492 MINI BUS RENTALS ‘12 seaters’ - 4 cylinder Car licence required to drive Also Flat Tray Utes Cars • Wagons • Vans Brent Auto Rent 10a Brent Street, Glenorchy 03 6272 5911 or 0419-339-707 Your windows can be delivered on time even at short notice! ContaCt Kerry or Ben who will give you a guaranteed delivery date saving you time and money. Single & Double Glazing Aluminium Windows and Doors Supplied and fitted Fly and Security Screening Porch Enclosures Professional ● Fully Insured ● 40+ years experience 0403 537 937 TASMADE WINDOW REPLACEMENTS 6272 8416 ● 7 DAYS ● VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM IN BERRIEDALE PHONE KERRY GLEESON 0400 779 563 To advertise in the ‘Trades, Services & Classifieds’ section, contact: P A Y I N G C A S H A u s t r a l i a n a n d W o r l d c o i n s , b a n k n o t e s , s t a m p s , g o l d , j e w e l l e r y , s m a l l c o l l e c t a b l e s a n d m o r e C O N T A C T U S Phone: (03) 6200 8637 Shop 11/113 Main Road Moonah TAS info@tasmaniannumismatics com au Installation / repair Leak prevention Gutter cleaning 0451 171 227 Before After Before After Enquires Call us We specialize in guttering system installation, repair,cleaning. Our Services Business Details Pro gutters Pty Ltd ABN: 37 639 804 390 EARN E X TR A C A SH IN YOU R L O C AL AR E A ! Are you interested in delivering newspapers and catalogues to household letterboxes in your area? SCAN THE QR CODE TO LEARN MORE DISTRIBUTORS WANTED • Woodheating Specialists • Flue and Chimney Cleans • Safety Checks • Re-flues and Installations • Replacement parts Sales of new heaters • Fully insured and all work completed to Australian Standards 0407 040 641


After leaving school

HI everyone, The end of the school year is fast approaching and it can be an exciting (and daunting) time for both students and parents. This is especially true for those who are about to finish Year 12.

If your child is finishing Year 12, now is a good time to talk

about their plans for next year and consider what financial support may be available to help them.

Usually when a child finishes Year 12, any Family Tax Benefit you receive for them will stop on 31 December.

Depending on their plans for 2023, they may be eligible for financial support themselves.

A good place to start is Youth Allowance. This

is the main payment for people under 25 who are either studying, doing an apprenticeship, or are under 22 and looking for work.

There is also ABSTUDY, which is a similar group of payments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and apprentices.

In most cases, if they are under 22 years of age, Services Australia will look at both your

child’s and your income to work out how much they can be paid each fortnight.

To find out what payments they may be able to receive, search for the ‘Payment and Service Finder’ tool on

If they aren’t sure what they want to do, our website has information explaining support available when they finish school, whether

it be looking for work or further study. They can visit the website and search for ‘Leaving School’.

That resource will also guide them through some of the things they can do now to prepare for life after school, including:

• getting a tax file number

• creating their own myGov account at

Kaye Payne

getting their own Medicare card finding out how tax and superannuation works, and what they need to do.

If your child decides to claim a payment from Services Australia, I have two tips for them: claim early, and claim online.

They can lodge a claim online for Youth Allowance as a student or ABSTUDY up to 13

weeks before their course starts. They don’t need to wait until they get a course offer and can list their course preference in the claim.

Claiming early gives them the best chance of having their payment finalised before they start their course or apprenticeship.

Speak to you next time.

KAYE was born in Queensland and moved to Tasmania in 1992, becoming a Hobart FM listener shortly after.

In 2008 Kaye answered a request for volunteers to become part of the Hobart FM family, and for the past 14 years she has woken up listeners at 6am once a week as a Hobart FM breakfast presenter.

Kaye currently presents breakfast from 6 - 9am on Tuesday mornings, playing anything from classical through to country, jazz and today’s modern grooves.

She loves music and loves to entertain - why else would you get up at 4.30am to volunteer your time on a cold and frosty morning?

“I can’t think of a better thing to do,” Kaye says.

“Hobart FM has a family of people who tune in. They give us a call and send us messages on Facebook, and we know their life stories almost as much as we know our own.

“I also like to promote live music here in Tassie, and play local artists as much as possible.”

Breezy Mix with Kathy. Midday: Wednesday Lunch with Phil Tyson. 2pm: Showtime with Ron Andersen. 4pm: Revival show with Johnny Dallas. 6pm: Wednesday Jukebox with Robbo. 8pm: Country Jukebox with Russell. 10pm: Music of Your Life with Michael Holloway. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Thursday

6am Breakfast with Craig Cracknell. 9am: Magic Music Mix with Tom Payne. Midday: Music of Your Life with Karina

Ceron. 2pm: My Collection with Ken Tanner. 4pm: Drive with John Evans. 6pm: Serbian. 7pm: Chinese. 8pm: Contrasts in Classic Jazz. 10pm: Greek with Benny. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight

Friday 6am: Rise and Shine with Ria Walter.

G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 25
Monday 6am: Monday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Mandy’s Monday Morning Mix. Midday: Lunchtime Classics with Rick Rae. 2pm: Monday Variety with Shirley Nicolle. 4pm: Reeling in the Years with Dave Batchelor. 6pm: Glenn’s Country With Glenn Gillie. 8pm: Classic Ride with Melvin Freestone. 10pm: Music of Your Life overnight
Wake Up with Kaye Payne.
Tuesday 6am:
9am: Bringing Back the Memories with David Carr. Midday: Beats and Ballads with Phil Williams.
3pm: Tuesday Drive with Mal Dennis. 6pm: Mostly Folk with Helen Morrison/Ross Sermons. 8pm: Late Nite Hits with Marg. 10pm: Night Owl Club with Ron Andersen. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Wednesday 6am: Wednesday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Bright and
9am: Songs and Stories with
Russell and Bob. 9pm: Rock On with Ray Kemp. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight with Craig
with Mal Dennis. 2pm:
Favourite Music
4pm: Drive with Peter Johnston. 6pm: Good
are Rolling with
Cracknell Saturday 6am: Mostly
But Something
10am: Croatian. 11am: Greek. Midday: World Music with Amanda Sims. 1pm: Music of Your Life with Amanda. 3pm: Various Presenters present The Music of Your Life. 6pm: Kick Back with Kenny White. 9pm: Music of Your Life. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Sunday 6am: Chris Burrows Breakfast. 9am: German. 10am: Spanish. 11am: Irish Brian Corr. Midday: Italian. 1pm: Nepalese. 2pm: Dove c’e musica Italiana. 3pm: Movie Ticket Radio with Robert Ryan. 4pm: Music of Your Life with Tony Geeves. 6pm: Sunday Country with Bob and Russell Hevey. 9pm: Sunday Night Country with Wayne Crossin. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight
Presented by: HOBART

Community Calendar



Tasmanian Masters Athletics has commenced its summer season. Track and field athletics for over-30s is held at the Domain Athletic Centre from October to March. People of all capabilities are welcome to come along and try. First time is free! Go to www., phone 0402 314 079 or email for enquiries.


Within the Australian Army Cadets, you will experience: • Friendship, leadership and management skills. • Camping, adventure training, drones and STEM activities. Plus more! Parading Wednesdays from 1800-2100 at Dowsing Point. If you are aged between 13 & 17 years old, register your interest today! OR email



Bereaved parents meet for a social gathering in a local cafe on a Sunday afternoon every second month. Those wishing to join can phone 1300 064 068 for details. This Freecall number is also a 24/7 helpline for bereaved parents, siblings, grandparents and guardians. It is staffed by bereaved parents.



The Claremont Community Library is open every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 11am to 1pm. The library is run by an amazing group of volunteers and is located at the Claremont Memorial Hall on the corner of Main Road and Bilton Street, Claremont. For more information, call 0422 939 024.



Meets third Monday of each month at the Lady Clark Recreation Hall at Waldron Street, Claremont (first turn on the left off Box Hill Road). Meetings begin at 7pm with trade table of plants, guest speakers and supper. Organised monthly activities, new members welcome. Phone 0417 387 781.


There is an opportunity for girls of all ages to attend Girl Guides. Enquiries phone 0437075623.


This social club welcomes active retirees seeking friendship, fellowship and fun. It meets on the first Monday of each month at Claremont RSL from 10am until approximately noon. The session comprises a short business meeting, followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Activities are at the suggestion of members. A lunch outing is organised on the second Sunday of each month. Annual subscription is now $20, meeting day $3. Contact secretary on 6118 2376.


Come and join us for fortnightly Craft sessions at Montrose Presbyterian Church Hall, 2 Islington Rd. Bring some craft to work on or just come and chat. Plenty of parking. Contact Marj 0447 698 307 or Dorothy 62739553.



I am interested in meeting a lady 45 to 55 years of age to partner me at social dances and some lessons. I am intermediate in Salsa, and

beginner in Ballroom and Rock N Roll. If you are interested in one, two, or all of the above dances please contact me on 0412 699 748.


Dusty Boots Line Dancing hosts line dancing classes for all fitness levels. Movements can be modified to suit individual abilities. The aim is to have a fun, no-pressure experience in a friendly atmosphere. Classes are held at the Tolosa Hall (148 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy) from 1011am (Beginners) and 11am-noon (Advanced Beginners) Tuesdays and 9.30-10.30am Saturdays (Advanced Beginners/Improvers). The cost is $7 per class or $10 for two classes, paid on arrival. The cost is $5, paid on arrival. Bring water, and wear comfy clothing and shoes. For more information phone Sue Devine on 0417503429 or Regan Love on 0484056711.



An aerobic fitness program designed for over 55s to improve hand-eye coordination, reflect, health and wellbeing in a friendly environment. Equipment provided. First session free, $6 a session. Afternoon tea provided. Every Friday from 1:30 to 3pm at Eastside Squash, 69 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. For more information, phone John on 6244 6539.


Bingo has been a regular community event at KGV for decades. Now held in the new facilities of the Jack Rough Room on the first floor of the Glenorchy Footballl Clubrooms, 1A Anfield Street. Two sessions each week: Thursdays (doors open 5.30pm, “Eyes Down” at 7pm) and Fridays (doors open 9.30am, “Eyes Down” at 11am). Great jackpots and fun every week. Free parking.


Meets at the Glenorchy Football Club on the first Tuesday of the month. Meeting starts at 10am followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Lunch follows at a local venue. Other outings/functions are monthly. We welcome all enquiries at 0419 326 707.


Barefoot bowls every Wednesday night from 5pm. $5 a head which includes a sausage sizzle and cheap drinks. Bring your mates or come solo. Teams of four can be made up on the night. It’s a great night out where you get make new friends and whoop it up a bit. Many great players over the years started out simply by coming along and playing this great game of ours. For more information, phone 6273 2293.


Meets first Tuesday of each month (excluding January) at 6:30pm at the Glenorchy Library meeting rooms, 4 Terry Street. Established in 1965, this club gives an opportunity to discuss, swap, buy and sell stamps. For more information, phone Frank on 0488 439 498.


Open for community court hire, from 7am to 10pm. Court hire from $15 per court, per hour. Book your court online at\glenorchycitytennisclub. Receive a unique PIN number to enter our gate. Bring your own racquet, balls and partner. New members always welcome. All enquiries to or message us on Facebook. Professional coaching also available for adults, juniors and beginners. Phone Sahil on 0466098984.


Join us for community gardening sessions at

the Goodwood Community Centre every Friday from 9.30am - 12.30pm. We have shared plots, and approach gardening as an opportunity to learn. All ages and all abilities welcome. 20 Acton Cres, Goodwood. Phone Bec on 62722560 for more information.


The Golden Years Club is located at 314 Main Road Glenorchy and offers a number of activities. Tuesday: Exercises from 10am to 12pm, lunch from 12pm to 1pm, and bowls from 1pm to 3pm. Wednesday: Shoot and shuffle from 10am to 12pm. Friday: 500 cards from 10am to 12pm, and crib from 1pm to 3pm.


A welcoming and fun weekly session that promotes lifelong learning, featuring guest speakers on a range of interesting topics including travel, history, local stories and much more. The cost is $4 each week. Phone 62738402 for a copy of the program. New members and guests always welcome.



Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. You don’t need to be an accomplished engineer. New members always welcome. For information, visit



Sing for fun. Small group rehearsing Friday mornings at private home from 10am to noon. Sharing our enjoyment while performing for the senior community on the Eastern and Western Shores. New members welcome. For more information, phone 6243 5930 or 6249 8168.



The Glenorchy Library in Terry Street runs a range of community programs throughout the year, including: Rock & Rhyme. A free 30-minute lap-sit session ideal for babies up to 2 years of age featuring lots of fun songs, action rhymes and stories. Wednesdays at 10.30am or Thursdays at 10am. Story Time. A free 30-minute session which includes stories, rhymes, and action songs. Sessions are aimed at preschoolers aged 2-5 years. Tuesdays at 10am. Coffee, Cake & Computers. Build your confidence and digital skills by joining our weekly class for adults. Each week we explore a different topic. Mondays at 9.30am. Email or phone 6165 5493 for more information.


Join Boots and All Line Dancing (a Bucaan Community House program) for traditional or seated line dancing classes. All dances are designed for beginners. Seated choreography incorporates arms and legs and dances can be done while seated or standing. Traditional (standing) beginner classes are held every Thursday at Tolosa Hall (148 Tolosa Street) from 9.30-10.25am and 10.35-11.30am ($3). Seated classes are held every Wednesday at Chigwell Barn (10 Bucaan Street) from 1-2pm (gold coin donation). New dancers are welcome at any class but please phone to confirm times. Our emphasis is on having fun. For more information, phone Laura on 0448 007 751.


The Glenorchy Lions Club meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 637 Main Road, Berridale at 6.45pm. New members

If you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact

and visitors welcome. For more information, phone Jenny on 0417 311 779.



Meli Melo will present their 2022 Christmas concert at St John’s Church in Glenorchy from 2pm on Saturday 3 December.

Come and enjoy folk and classical music, instrumentalists, choirs and soloists. Entry is $10. All proceeds go to support students at the Don Bosco Technical School in Biratnager, Nepal. Contact Jo 0419510014 for details.


Come join us and learn a new sport, it’s a great way to stay fit and meet new people. Sign up for a Dragon Pass which gives you one month free, with qualified coaches. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome. Paddles and PFDs supplied. Located at Montrose Foreshore. For training times and more information, email mocodragons@outlook. com or phone 0411138252.


Meets first Monday of the month at Rodman Bowls Club rooms, Glenorchy. Meeting starts 10am followed by morning tea and guest speaker. Finishes 12noon. Monthly bus trips and dining out days. Annual subscription $30. Meetings $5. Ph. 6247 7572.



Come and try croquet at 3 St John’s Avenue, New Town. Entrance from Creek Road, behind the basketball courts. Please contact New Town Croquet Club secretary Lizzie Bassett on 0409 799 462 for more information. All very welcome. Flat shoes needed, equipment provided.



Held at the Cadbury Recreation Grounds every Wednesday at 12:30pm. Come along and give it a try. For more information, phone 0418 582 308.



The Rotary Club Claremont has 55 years of serving the community and meets Wednesday evenings at the Claremont RSL 9 Bilton street, Claremont 7011. Doors open 6pm for 6.30pm start. Contact secretary.claremont@ for any enquiries.



Square dancing sessions for beginners, couples and singles are currently being held in Bellerive, and are soon coming to Moonah. Events are held fortnightly on Tuesday evenings. For more information phone Iris on 0418 543 308 or email iweatherburn@



Tai Chi classes have resumed each Monday night (except public holidays) at the Golden Years Club, 314 Main Road Glenorchy. 6:00pm until 7:30pm, $7 concession, $10 employed. For enquiries, phone Bill Pearson on 0409 972 668.



Learning for pleasure. At the Australian/ German Club, 30 Bowden Street, Glenorchy. For more information, phone 6249 2384 or email

26 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022

Glenn’s Movember mountain mission

DURING Movember, Moonah resident and long-time Metro employee Glenn Luttrell set himself a major challenge: to walk to the top of kunanyi / Mount Wellington every day in the week leading up to the Point to Pinnacle event.

In an effort to raise awareness about men’s mental health, Glenn climbed the mountain seven times - the equivalent of making it to the summit of Mount Everest.

“Over the years I have seen a number of people around me struggle with mental and other health

issues and there continues to be a reluctance towards seeking help, especially for men,” he said.

“Movember is a great way to raise awareness of these issues.

“Exercise and being in the natural environment is really important for maintaining physical and

50 years with stroke of luck for Glenorchy Rowing Club

THE Glenorchy Rowing Club is celebrating its 50th anniversary this month - but it hasn’t always been smooth sailing for the popular community club.

The club’s origins can be traced back to 1971, when a group of prominent locals formed a steering committee. The group was granted a lease on the old Montrose Bay Yacht Club building, and the new club’s doors were opened in February 1972.

The club flourished at first. But by 1976, with an expiring lease and the impending demolition of the old clubrooms, membership declined.

Without a base, the club was forced to store its boats and

equipment in various garages and warehouses across Glenorchy. The future looked bleak, and the club could have easily folded.

After inspecting several potential locations, the club eventually decided to rebuild at Montrose Bay. But planning delays and the need to raise funds meant the new (present) club building wasn’t completed and officially opened until 1985.

At first the club focussed on junior rowing, with crews from many local schools basing themselves at the club. Several rowers went on to enjoy success at state, national and even international level.

The club is currently focussed on adult rowers, accommodating both

mental health and has been really instrumental for my own wellbeing.

“I have a grandson now and I want to set a good example for him and my colleagues and help to break down some of those barriers we are still seeing.”

Glenn has always been a fitness enthusiast and

has regularly competed in fun runs and half marathons across the state.

“For many years I have supported men’s mental health but at 62-yearsold this was my biggest challenge yet,” he said.

“Each mountain climb took me about two and half hours and had an

elevation of just under 1200m.

“I experienced everything from blizzards and snowfall to sunburn.”

Glenn said Metro is right behind the Movember effort, with 60 buses sporting moustaches last month and Movember message featuring on the

destination signage.

“While I was unable to convince any of my colleagues to complete the challenge with me, there were plenty of unsightly moustaches around the depot and office and a number of others completing their own version of Move for Movember,” he said.

social rowers who want to maintain fitness and make new friends, and more competitive types who take part in regattas.

In recent years the club has acquired several coastal rowing boats, which are more stable in the Derwent’s often rough conditionsmeaning rowers can get out on the

water more often.

Members recently competed at the inaugural Australian Coastal and Beach Sprint Championships, winning medals in two categories.

To celebrate reaching the 50th anniversary milestone, the club is holding a morning tea at the clubrooms from 10am-1pm on

To find out more go to or email

G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022 27 Sport
Mackenzie Archer Moonah resident Glenn Luttrell challenged himself to climb kunanyi / Mount Wellington every day for a week Saturday 3 December. All current and past members and those previously associated with the club are welcome to attend and encouraged to bring along old photos and mementos to share. The Glenorchy Rowing Club’s Underage 4 crew wins its race at the 1974 Hobart Regatta
28 G lenorchy Gazette DECEMBER 2022
OARSOME EFFORT GIFT THEM THE BEST EXPERIENCE THIS CHRISTMAS • Super fast electric karts for all ages • Gift an experience not material objects • Support local. Locally owned and operated 22-24 Mertonvale Circuit Kingston, Tasmania 7050 p (03) 6229 1895 E INFO@HYPERDRIVE.RACING GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE SCAN TO ORDER NOW STORY ON PAGE 27
Glenorchy Rowing Club members Glenn Keppel, former president Leon Carr, Fran Kline, John Oliver, Margaret Driessen and current president Mike Gallahar prepare to celebrate the club’s 50th anniversary

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