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From big idea to small business

HAVE you got an idea for a business? Need help getting started?

The Workforce Australia Entrepreneurship Facilitator program, delivered by Business South in Greater Hobart and South-East Tasmania, can support you on your journey through the maze to self-employment.

An Australian Government initiative, the program offers free, practical, and confidential guidance and support on all aspects of starting and running a small business

– from registering business names, website domains and your ABN through to financial, marketing, and strategic advice.

“When you’re playing with the idea of starting a business, it can be really overwhelming if you go online and search for support,”

Entrepreneurship Facilitator Sharon Harvey said.

“The advantage of our program is that we offer the opportunity to talk to a real person in-person or online, brainstorm your idea and talk through the things you need to consider.

“Once we understand where someone’s at in their small business journey, based on their needs we can do further one-on-one mentoring with them or refer them to other relevant programs and services, remembering our services are completely free.”

The Entrepreneurship Facilitator program also offers monthly free workshops and information sessions.

In February we have some great topics on offer – free, online and in-person:

Online Webinars:

• What you need to know when getting started in a small business.

• Sustainability in business, a holistic perspective.

In-person workshops and networking opportunities:

• Coffee and connections (Rosny) - Network and meet fellow small business owners.

• Financial literacy (Kingston) - Understanding what good financial management can look like.

• Roadshow (Tasman Peninsula) – Meet the Business South team in an open, drop-in forum.

• Get stuff done! Co-working session (Kingston). Bookings are essential. For more information or to book your FREE place go to www. businesssouth.org.au

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