Glenorchy Gazette July 2022

Page 22

22 Glenorchy Gazette JULY 2022

Community Calendar A

or Dorothy 62739553.

ATHLETICS FOR MASTERS Tasmanian Masters Athletics has begun its winter season. Cross-country and road running for the over 30’s from April to September at various locations. Website: Phone: 0402 314 079 or Email: tasmasterssec@gmail. com

DANCING Looking for dance partner, female needed aged 35-45 for lessons and socials in Ballroom, Salsa and Tango. For more information, phone 0412 699 748.

AUSTRALIAN ARMY CADETS - 63 ARMY CADET UNIT Within the Australian Army Cadets, you will experience: • Friendship, leadership and management skills. • Camping, adventure training, drones and STEM activities. Plus more! Parading Wednesdays from 1800-2100 at Dowsing Point. If you are aged between 13 & 17 years old, register your interest today! OR email


BEREAVED PARENTS’ SUPPORT GROUP Our free group is run by a bereaved mother and is open to people who have lost a child at any age, for any cause and regardless of whether the loss was recent or not. Grandparents and adult siblings are eligible too. The evening meetings are in the McDougall building in Ellerslie Road, Battery point on the second Tuesday of every second month at 7:30pm. Social gatherings occur in the months in between on a Sunday afternoon. Freecall 1300 064 068 for dates and details.


CLAREMONT COMMUNITY LIBRARY The Claremont Community Library is open every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 11am to 1pm. The library is run by an amazing group of volunteers and is located at the Claremont Memorial Hall on the corner of Main Road and Bilton Street, Claremont. For more information, call 0422 939 024. CLAREMONT GARDEN CLUB Meets third Monday of each month at the Lady Clark Recreation Hall at Waldron Street, Claremont (first turn on the left off Box Hill Road). Meetings begin at 7pm with trade table of plants, guest speakers and supper. Organised monthly activities, new members welcome. Phone 0417 387 781. CLAREMONT GIRL GUIDES There is an opportunity for girls of all ages to attend Girl Guides. Enquiries phone 0437075623. COMBINED PROBUS CLUB OF CLAREMONT INC This social club welcomes active retirees seeking friendship, fellowship and fun. It meets on the first Monday of each month at Claremont RSL from 10am until approximately noon. The session comprises a short business meeting, followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Activities are at the suggestion of members. A lunch outing is organised on the second Sunday of each month. Annual subscription is now $20, meeting day $3. Contact secretary on 6118 2376. CONCERT Bel Canto Australia will present a vocal concert at St George’s Church Battery Point at 2.30pm on Sunday 24th July 2022. Children and young artists from ages 8-adult will perform works from the classical and music theatre repertoire. Tickets are $15 at the door. To book phone 0407 430 902 CRAFT AND CUPPA Come and join us for a Craft session on April 8th and each fortnight following at 10.00a.m. - 12 noon at Montrose Presbyterian Church Hall, 2 Islington Rd. Montrose. Bring some craft to work on or just come and chat. Plenty of parking. Contact Marj 0447 698 307


DUSTY BOOTS LINE DANCING Dusty Boots Line Dancing hosts line dancing classes for all fitness levels. Movements can be modified to suit individual abilities. The aim is to have a fun, no-pressure experience in a friendly atmosphere. Classes are held at the Tolosa Hall (148 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy) from 10am - 11.30am Tuesdays and 9.30am - 10.30am Saturdays. The cost is $5, paid on arrival. Bring water, and wear comfy clothing and shoes. For more information phone Sue Devine on 0417503429 or Regan Love on 0484056711.


GENTLE SQUASH FOR SENIORS An aerobic fitness program designed for over 55s to improve hand-eye coordination, reflect, health and wellbeing in a friendly environment. Equipment provided. First session free, $6 a session. Afternoon tea provided. Every Friday from 1:30 to 3pm at Eastside Squash, 69 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. For more information, phone John on 6244 6539. GLENORCHY PROBUS CLUB COMBINED Meets at the Glenorchy Football Club on the first Tuesday of the month. Meeting starts at 10am followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Lunch follows at a local venue. Other outings/functions are monthly. We welcome all enquiries at 0419 326 707. GLENORCHY RED CROSS Glenorchy Red Cross will hold a meeting at MP Kristie Johnston’s office on Main Road, Glenorchy from 10am on 6 July. New members are welcome. For more information phone Fran on 6273 9510. GLENORCHY RODMAN BOWLS CLUB Barefoot bowls every Wednesday night from 5pm. $5 a head which includes a sausage sizzle and cheap drinks. Bring your mates or come solo. Teams of four can be made up on the night. It’s a great night out where you get make new friends and whoop it up a bit. Many great players over the years started out simply by coming along and playing this great game of ours. For more information, phone the club on 6273 2293. GLENORCHY STAMP CLUB Meets first Tuesday of each month (excluding January) at 6:30pm at the Glenorchy Library meeting rooms, 4 Terry Street. Established in 1965, this club gives an opportunity to discuss, swap, buy and sell stamps. For more information, phone Frank Catania on 0488 439 498. GOODWOOD COMMUNITY GARDEN Join us for community gardening sessions at the Goodwood Community Centre every Friday from 9.30am - 12.30pm. We have shared plots, and approach gardening as an opportunity to learn. All ages and all abilities welcome. 20 Acton Cres, Goodwood. Phone Bec on 62722560 for more information. GOLDEN YEARS CLUB The Golden Years Club is located at 314 Main Road Glenorchy and offers a number of activities. Monday: Bingo from 12:30pm to 3pm. Tuesday: Exercises from 10am to 12pm, lunch from 12pm to 1pm, and bowls from 1pm to 3pm. Wednesday: Shoot and shuffle from 10am to 12pm. Friday: 500 cards from 10am to 12pm, and crib from 1pm to 3pm.



Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. You don’t need to be an accomplished engineer. New members are always welcome. For more information, visit HOBART VINTAGE MACHINERY SOCIETY Are you interested in collecting and working on vintage machinery and memorabilia? The Hobart Vintage Machinery Society meets every Wednesday between 9am and 2pm at the red building behind the Main Grandstand of the Hobart Showgrounds. For more information, contact Phil on 0400 428 326.


JUST US (SENIORS) Sing for fun. Small group rehearsing Friday mornings at private home from 10am to noon. Sharing our enjoyment while performing for the senior community on the Eastern and Western Shores. New members welcome. For more information, phone 6243 5930 or 6249 8168.


LIBRARIES TASMANIA The Glenorchy Library in Terry Street runs a range of community programs throughout the year, including: Rock & Rhyme. A free 30-minute lap-sit session ideal for babies up to 2 years of age featuring lots of fun songs, action rhymes and stories. Wednesdays at 10.30am or Thursdays at 10am. Story Time. A free 30-minute session which includes stories, rhymes, and action songs. Sessions are aimed at preschoolers aged 2-5 years. Tuesdays at 10am. Coffee, Cake & Computers. Build your confidence and digital skills by joining our weekly class for adults. Each week we explore a different topic. Mondays at 9.30am. Email or phone 6165 5493 for more information. LINE DANCING Join Boots and All Line Dancing (a Bucaan Community House program) every Thursday at Tolosa Hall (148 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy). Beginner 9:30-10:25am ($3), Beginner 10:35-11:30am ($3), Improver 11:30am-noon ($2). First-time dancers are welcome at any Beginner class but please phone to confirm there are no changes because of COVID. Our emphasis is on having fun. For more information, phone Laura on 0448 007 751. LIONS CLUB OF GLENORCHY The Glenorchy Lions Club meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 637 Main Road, Berridale at 6.45pm. New members and visitors welcome. For more information, phone Jenny on 0417 311 779. LOST DOG COLLARS A $50 reward is offered for the return of two dog collars, red and grey, lost near Woolworths Glenorchy. Phone 0427 564 832. LUNCHTIME MEDITATION SESSIONS Sit back, relax and be guided through mindbody relaxation. For anyone interested in meditating. Beginners welcome. Every Friday 12.30pm-1.00pm. Glenorchy Library, 4 Terry Street, Glenorchy. Enquiries 6278 3788 or Provided as a free community service by the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Centre.


MOCO DRAGON BOAT CLUB MoCo (Montrose Community) Club is located at Montrose Bay. Free come and try sessions are available with qualified coaches and all equipment is supplied. Come and learn a new sport and get fit at the same time. Everyone over 12 years of age is welcome. For more information, phone Mark Dwyer on 0418 138 805. MOONAH LADIES PROBUS CLUB

Meets first Monday of the month at Rodman Bowls Club rooms, Glenorchy. Meeting starts 10am followed by morning tea and guest speaker. Finishes 12noon. Monthly bus trips and dining out days. Annual subscription $30. Meetings $5. Ph. 6247 7572.


NATIONAL MILITARY WORKING DOG DAY A service to mark National Military Working Dog Day will be held at the Military Working Dog Memorial in Lowestoft Bay Park, Berriedale, from 11am on 7 June, commemorating the sacrifice of these dogs and their handlers. The community are welcome, and may bring their well-behaved dogs, to join in memory of the contribution these dogs have made to the ADF. NEW TOWN CROQUET CLUB Come and try croquet at 3 St John’s Avenue, New Town. Entrance from Creek Road, behind the basketball courts. Please contact New Town Croquet Club secretary Lizzie Bassett on 0409 799 462 for more information. All very welcome. Flat shoes needed, equipment provided.


PETANQUE CLUB CLAREMONT Held at the Cadbury Recreation Grounds every Wednesday at 12:30pm. Come along and give it a try. For more information, phone 0418 582 308.


ROTARY CLUB CLAREMONT The Rotary Club Claremont as 55 years of serving the community and meets Wednesday evenings at the Claremont RSL 9 Bilton street, Claremont 7011. Doors open 6pm for 6.30pm start. Contact secretary.claremont@ for any enquiries.


SEATED LINE DANCING Open to everyone, no matter their ability, Boots and All Seated Line Dancing classes are held at Chigwell Barn (10 Bucaan St, Chigwell) every Wednesday from 1-2pm. Entry is by gold coin donation. All choreography incorporates arms and legs, allowing students to pick moves that suit them. Dances can be done while seated, standing, or supported by the back of a chair. It’s a relaxed, fun atmosphere. Phone Bucaan Community House on 6249 5363, email coordinator@chigwellcommunity., or find us on Facebook for more information. SINGING LESSONS Group singing lessons for children aged 8-14 Geilston Bay. Please phone 0407 430 902 to book and appointment. SQUARE DANCING Square dancing sessions for beginners, couples and singles are currently being held in Bellerive, and are soon coming to Moonah. Events are held fortnightly on Tuesday evenings. For more information phone Iris on 0418 543 308 or email iweatherburn@


TAI CHI Tai Chi classes have resumed each Monday night (except public holidays) at the Golden Years Club, 314 Main Road Glenorchy. 6:00pm until 7:30pm, $7 concession, $10 employed. For enquiries, phone Bill Pearson on 0409 972 668.


U3A GLENORCHY Learning for pleasure. At the Australian/ German Club, 30 Bowden Street, Glenorchy. For more information, phone 6249 2384 or email

If you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact

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