Glenorchy Gazette June 2024

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Fostering overseas talent SPORT Pool funding secured Glenorchy votes Community Achievement Awards open A FREE PUBLICATION FOR THE GLENORCHY MUNICIPALITY Independently owned and published by Cor Comms JUNE 2024 1800 668 722 ONTRACKTASMANIA.COM.AU SUPPORT COORDINATION SUPPORTED ACCOMODATION COMMUNITY ACCESS AND MENTORING Registered NDIS Provider MUDDY STUDIES
Collinsvale Primary School students Zac and April enjoy a bush play session in Collinsvale Reserve. Photo credit: Simon Andrews
collective efforts of teachers, support staff and students at Collinsvale Primary School to reduce their environmental footprint and embrace eco-friendly initiatives has garnered national acclaim.

A positive outlook for Glenorchy

IT feels like an obvious statement to say that negativity is something that, as a community, holds us back.

Choosing to focus on negative aspects and highlight them and only them is simply not going to take us forward.

It has amazed me at the lengths some people in our community go in trying to undermine the positives we collectively achieve by peddling misinformation.

Yes, we all learn through mistakes and yes, we can always do better in the future by examining what we did wrong.

But for that to be effective, we need to deal in facts.

Mistruths undermine our ability to apply an accurate and strategic response to any given situation. We end up focusing on things that simply aren’t real, and that means we waste time and energy worrying about something that isn’t even

the case.

While some may argue that ‘fake news’ shouldn’t be given the credibility of attention, I do worry that if we don’t challenge it, it sits there and ferments in the community.

And it is high time this misinformation is dealt with.

Recently, it has been publicly alleged that Glenorchy City Council should have or could have prevented the former Glenorchy Ice Skating Rink from closing.

The first point is that the rink was not owned by the council, it was a privately owned and operated facility.

The second point is that the owners wanted to retire after 42 years and it was placed on the market, however, the building’s buyer did not elect to keep the ice rink operating.

None of that had anything to do with the council, nor would it have been appropriate for the council to intervene or interfere in a private business sale process.

So allegations that the council somehow ‘lost’ the ice-skating rink are simply untrue.

On the topic of property sales, I can state categorically that the council is not selling, nor is planning to sell the Glenorchy War Memorial Pool.

This mistruth first did the rounds when the pool had to be closed due to public safety risks.

Even though we have now secured $5 million to fix and reopen the pool there still seems to be people who think the pool will be sold. It won’t.

Another mistruth surrounds the BMX track.

Following formal consultation with the Southern City BMX Club who had exclusive use of the track, there was a desire for a national standard facility to be built in Southern Tasmania. After a suitable site could not be found in Glenorchy, Sorell Council agreed to relocate the track to Pembroke Park, the Glenorchy City Council did not ‘give-up’ the track, it was done in consultation with users who wanted a better facility.

The alternative was to build it in Glenorchy which would have cost the City more than $2 million and ongoing maintenance costs for the exclusive use by club members.

I accept that scrutiny of elected officials and the decisions they make is both necessary and desirable in any context but fixating on false realities does nothing but hold our community back.

The Glenorchy City Council works extremely hard to ensure the interests of residents and ratepayers are best served every single day and it is with that mindset we intend to build a strong and vibrant community. And that is the truth.

$5 million secured for pool

WORK to repair and reopen the Glenorchy War Memorial Pool will begin soon as the state government recently confirmed $5 million in funding for the facility.

Glenorchy acting Mayor Sue Hickey said she welcomed the Tasmanian Government moving quickly to reassure the council and the public that the funding was secure.

“This funding allows the council to start the job of fixing the pool so it can be reopened as soon as possible,” she said.

“Without this assurance from government Glenorchy would have to wait until after the September budget and then for the grant deed.

“The council is already developing a plan to start

work as soon as possible and project will rectify the urgent safety issues that caused the closure of this 60-year-old facility last year.

“We know people were angry about that decision but a routine investigation into water leaking from the pool alerted the council to numerous dangerous defects with the pool and pool site.

“The council has since heard community’s angst so has released all details and facts about the pool works on its website to keep the public informed and to minimise incorrect information and conspiracy theories that have been spread.”

Ms Hickey said the council remained committed to working with the community to

determine a long-term future for the pool site.

“The government funding will allow us to repair and reopen the pool, while in the meantime we continue to look at the long-term options in consultation with the broader community,” she said.

“The insights report, finalised after a number of community engagement opportunities by consultants MI Global Partners, found that the community was in favour of having a pool on the site in the longer term.

The engagement insights report can be found at www.gcc.tas. uploads/2024/05/ Glenorchy-War-MemorialPool-EngagementInsights-Report.pdf

Jobs Hub’s future confirmed

THE Glenorchy City Council has welcomed the state government’s ongoing commitment to the Regional Jobs Hub Network which helps supports jobseekers in Glenorchy .

Acting Mayor Sue Hickey said the Glenorchy Jobs Hub was going from strength to strength, with the March 2024 expo attracting 35 local employers and more than 750 jobseekers.

“Since 2021 the program has filled more than 1250 positions,” she. said.

“Every single one of those jobs represents a person being able to work in Glenorchy and an employer being able to contribute directly to our local economy.

“This is fundamentally a partnership approach between the council and the state government to strengthen the

economy and give people opportunities in our community.

“The more people who can live, work and raise a family in Glenorchy the better off we all are.

“I am pleased the state government has re-committed to this extremely worthwhile program and I would urge any jobseeker or employer to make sure they get involved.”

2 G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024
Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 130 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis. Have Your Say Hear about Council projects, ask questions and share ideas through Council’s upcoming Community Engagement Activities: Community Pop Up: Northgate Glenorchy 28 June, 2024 11:00am 6216 6800 letstalk gcc tas gov au
The Glenorchy Gazette is your monthly community newspaper reaching 24,000 homes and business, distributed on the first Tuesday of each month. Advertising Justine Brazil 6210 5201 Editorial Simon Andrews
This publication is the product of Nicolas Turner, Justine Brazil, Ben Hope, Simon Andrews, Tobias Hinds and guest contributors, with support from advertisers.
6210 5218
Owned and published by Corporate Communications (Tas) Pty Ltd Printed by The Mercury newspaper Know your deadlines July 2024 Editorial / Advertising 13 June 2024 Press Ready Material 24 June 2024 Level 2, 130 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 Community News
In this issue
14 – 15
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Page 19-20
Acting Glenorchy Mayor Sue Hickey, pool campaigner Jan Bryan and Liberal Member for Clark Madeleine Ogilvie

Providing relief from the cold through the Vinnies Winter Appeal

FORMER disability support worker ‘Irish’ credits the St Vincent De Paul Society’s (Vinnies) with saving his life –twice.

After losing his job, dealing with the breakdown of his marriage and suffering from a serious brain injury, Irish lived in his car for several months before walking straight up to the front door of Vinnies’ Bethlehem House.

As it had done for many other Hobart men, Bethlehem House provided the support and shelter Irish desperately needed to get his life back on track.

“Being here, I feel safe and cared for,” Irish said.

“Bethlehem House took me in when I was at my darkest point and I am so grateful to the care and support they have shown me.

“My hope is that Tasmanians can get behind the Vinnies Winter Appeal this year so they can continue to assist people like me.”

Funds raised through the Winter Appeal will address the rising cost-of-living pressures and affordable housing shortages affecting vulnerable Tasmanian communities.

Vinnies chief executive officer Heather Kent said she was concerned about the current crisis in Tasmania and in particular the number of

people not able to find appropriate housing.

“A staggering 2,350 Tasmanian were reported as homeless in the 2021 census,” she said.

“We know the number has grown since then. In February of this year there were 4,705 people on the waiting list for social housing with the average time to house priority applicants being 92.6 weeks.

“With the cost of housing continuing to rise amidst supply shortages, a record number of people are experiencing housing.”

Funds raised through the appeal will go towards providing emergency food hampers, food vouchers, financial assistance, funding for prescription medication and warm blankets and clothing for Tasmanians experiencing homelessness.

“Vinnies is working hard to reduce the number of Tasmanians having to spend sleepless nights in a tent, car or in insecure accommodation,” Ms Kent said.

“Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of those who are struggling during these challenging times.”

Donations to the Vinnies Winter Appeal can be made by calling 13 18 12 or online at au/appeals-tas/winterwarmth-tas

GCC shines a light on local events and causes

THE Glenorchy City Council will shed light on impactful causes and events affecting Tasmanians by lighting up the Council Chambers on Main Road, Glenorchy to help raise awareness of important issues or commemorations.

“Whether it’s to promote a cause like anti-bullying, antiracism or raising awareness of significant events like

NAIDOC Week or RU OK Day, this is great to give light to philanthropic priorities and impactful events,” acting Mayor Sue Hickey said. Organisations have the chance to apply for timeslots to light the building with preapproved colours. Applications can be made to change chambers lighting to mark charitable causes,

Aurora volunteers step up

AURORA Energy has teamed up with the St Vincent De Paul Society (Vinnies) to assemble and distribute thousands of snack packs for children in need during National Volunteer Week.

The initiative has seen all 250plus Aurora team members lend a hand to create the packs which will be distributed at Vinnies’ emergency relief offices.

Vinnies Chief Executive Officer Heather Kent said Aurora was showcasing the power of volunteering and what could be achieved when organisations banded together to support those less fortunate.

“It’s great to see a Tasmanian energy retailer like Aurora embrace volunteering and recognise the enormous impact initiatives like this can have on Tasmanian communities,” she said.

“These food packs will greatly assist school-aged Tasmanian children who would often go without food and also have to face the social stigma of not having a decent meal.

“We recently had roughly 250 of these packs delivered to the Vinnies emergency relief hub and they were all gone within a week.

“At Vinnies, we could not operate without our volunteers and we owe everything to those members who play an integral role in helping us support Tasmanian communities.”

Aurora Energy Chief Executive Officer Nigel Clark said the food packs were part of a 12-month effort to involve more staff in volunteer work.

“This year we have seen a 600 per cent increase in our volunteering efforts at Aurora,” he said.

“Supporting organisations such as Vinnies is important to our culture.”

Seeking community champions

THE search for Tasmania’s inspiring individuals, local businesses and community groups are now open through nominations for the 2024 Tasmanian Community Achievement Awards.

Nominations are open in 11 categories recognising the community members that showcase the empowerment of diversity, sustainability, health

and wellbeing, customer service and community safety.

Since 2007, the Tasmanian Community Achievement Awards have been encouraging, acknowledging and rewarding the valuable contributions that individuals, communities and business make throughout Tasmania.

The awards recognise significant success and achievements in local

communities which contribute to making Tasmania a better place. Each category winner will be presented with a Career College prize package and a trophy.

To submit a nomination visit or call 6234 9677.

Nominations close Wednesday 21 July, for further assistance call the awards office on 6234 9677 or email

Tasmanian festivals and public or commemorative events with statewide significance. Lighting can also be changed to celebrate an Australian national or Tasmanian state sporting team achievement for a maximum of seven days.

The council will only be accepting applications from

the organisations represented with lighting for a solid colour in red, blue, yellow or orange.

The chamber building was recently lit yellow to mark National Road Safety Week and has also been bathed in red for Dark Mofo.

For more information or to apply visit au/glenorchy-city-councilchambers-feature-lighting

G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024 3 Community News ADVERTISEMENT
Vinnies chief executive officer Heather Kent with Bethlehem House resident ‘Irish’. Photo credit: Simon Andrews


To the people of Glenorchy for allowing me to serve as your Mayor for three years and Alderman for six; it has been a privilege. To the people of Elwick, for electing me to serve as your Independent Member of the Legislative Council. It is an absolute honour to have been elected to the Tasmanian Parliament.

“I will work hard and deliver results for the people of Elwick, with independence and experience the community can rely on”

More upgrades come to Glenorchy’s playspaces

MULTIPLE new and renewed Glenorchy playspaces are now available to community members thanks to the city council’s Playspace Renewal program. Locals can enjoy playspaces on Chandos Reserve, Berriedale, Alroy Court Rosetta and the International Peace Park.

Further works have begun to upgrade playspaces in Pitcairn Street Reserve, Montrose, Barossa Road, Glenorchy and Battersby Drive Claremont.

The City of Glenorchy has approximately 44 playspaces, an average of one playspace per 1090 residents.

The upgrades were supported by the Federal Government with $1.5 million handed down to support the vital work.

“Safe child play areas that are fun and which inspire creative play are also spaces where families can connect with other families and are critical community building assets,” acting Mayor Sue Hickey said.

“The council recognises that the community is calling out for improved playspaces in our city and we are working on providing playgrounds which can support and enrich our growing community.”

Tasmanian Senator Carol Brown said the Playspace Renewal program had a positive impact on local communities.

“I am proud of the role the Albanese Government has had on improving the playgrounds across Glenorchy and promoting a safe and exciting space for children to play, socialise and grow together.” Contracts have been awarded for works on Roseneath Reserve, Austins Ferry, Lutana Woodlands, Lutana and Cooinda Park West Moonah in the coming months. Nineteen playspaces have been upgraded in the last few years with six still in progress.

Thomas takes up new role

FORMER Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas has been officially sworn in as the new Member for Elwick in Tasmania’s Legislative Council after her election to the seat in May.

Ms Thomas said it was an honour to have served on the council for more than six years and a privilege to have been able to represent residents and ratepayers as Mayor since 2021.

“I was elected to Glenorchy City Council following a period of deep and damaging instability where the council was placed into administration and dismissed following a Board of Inquiry that found serious failings and poor governance which fundamentally impacted the services it provided to the public,” she said.

“I’ve done my very best,

working together with other Alderman and Councillors and all the dedicated staff Council employs to help rebuild the public’s confidence in the Glenorchy City Council.

“Local Government service is a challenging but rewarding path. It’s fair to say that as an elected member, you don’t always get everything right and sometimes making the tough decisions on behalf of the community isn’t always the easiest thing to do even if it is the right thing to do.

“Ultimately, I’m hoping I’ve made a difference during my time on the council and hopefully played a role in making Glenorchy a better place for people to live and work.”

Ms Thomas said she looked forward to representing the

people of Elwick with the same passion and enthusiasm.

“As an independent with well-established relationships across the political spectrum I am prepared to work with other MPs to ensure we collectively deliver the best outcomes for Tasmania, and, of course, the people of Elwick.

“I’m looking forward to what will no doubt be a steep learning curve over the coming weeks and months and applying my skills and judgement as an active and productive member of the Legislative Council.”

Ms Thomas resigned as Mayor of Glenorchy following her election to Elwick.

A by-election for Mayor and Alderman will be held to fill Ms Thomas’s vacancy.

4 G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024 6165 7730 362 Main Rd, Glenorchy Madeleine Ogilvie Liberal Member for Clark Simon Behrakis Liberal Member for Clark 6165 3914 119 Sandy Bay Rd, Sandy Bay
4C, 33
ADVERTISEMENT Community News Thank you! Authorised by Bec Thomas, 645 Main Road, Berriedale 7011 ADVERTISEMENT | 0407 461 273
Authorised by P. Coulson, Suite Salamanca Place, Hobart
Meet new people, join bus trips and in-house activities.
discuss our competitive daily rates and your transport options to and from Bisdee call us on 03 6277 8800 CELEBRATING YEARS Bisdee Community Centre give yourself a break! 2-10 WINDSOR ST GLENORCHY
The International Peace Park playspace in Berriedale

ACTING Glenorchy Mayor

Sue Hickey stands as fulltime Mayor of Glenorchy Yaxley runs for Mayor

Sue Hickey has announced she is seeking election as Mayor and, if successful, will serve full-time in the role.

A former State Parliamentarian, Speaker of the House of Assembly and Lord Mayor of Hobart, Ms Hickey has served on the Glenorchy City Council since 2021.

Ms Hickey, the current Deputy Mayor, has served as Acting Mayor since Bec Thomas announced her candidature for the Legislative Council seat of Elwick and said she was committed to bringing new vibrant and experienced leadership to the City of Glenorchy.

As Acting Mayor, she successfully negotiated the confirmation of the State Government’s election promise of $5 million funding to repair and re-open the much-loved Glenorchy swimming pool and commence work on planning for a future aquatic centre.

work tirelessly to ensure these repairs are completed as quickly as practicable so that the community again has access to these important healthy, recreational facilities,” Ms Hickey said.

“Having lived in Glenorchy for the past 16 years I promise to tirelessly champion the needs of our community to make it a place we are all proud to call home.

“I want our city to grow with sensible, sustainable, and quality infrastructure, including better roads, footpaths, playgrounds and community/cultural and sporting facilities.”

Ms Hickey said the city’s expected growth over the next decade would require intensive lobbying of the State and Australian Governments to help finance better transport, health services, education opportunities and contemporary sporting facilities.

“Glenorchy needs vision and effective leadership to manage the challenging years ahead and I have shown I can

provide this,” she said.

“More housing construction in Glenorchy will bring new families, workers and visitors to the city, increasing business opportunities, jobs and vibrancy for our community.

“We need to do our best to stamp out racism and embrace our multicultural community and work to clean up the city’s graffiti, vandalism and petty crime problems.”

Ms Hickey said harmony and peace was achieved when we stop judging each other on the colour of our skin, our culture and beliefs.

“We must work together with the police, our disengaged youth, allied support services and the education system for better outcomes,” she said.

“We must also improve our environmental credentials to create a healthier future for all in the community.

“Everyone deserves to feel safe and valued in Glenorchy and I will strive to achieve that goal.”

GLENORCHY City Council

Alderman Russell Yaxley has thrown his hat into the ring for the upcoming mayoral election, emphasising his commitment to prioritising its people, embracing progress and building partnerships.

Mr Yaxley said he would champion the voices of Glenorchy’s residents as Mayor.

“My focus will be on people, progress and partnerships,” he said.

“I am determined to lead Glenorchy towards a brighter future by prioritising the wellbeing of our ratepayers and residents, embracing positive change and forging strong partnerships within the community.

“I envision a community where every voice is heard, valued and included.”

Newly elected Independent Member for Elwick and former Mayor Bec Thomas

has endorsed Mr Yaxley for Glenorchy Mayor.

“Russell has the skills and determination to deliver strong leadership for Glenorchy and he isn’t afraid to make the tough calls on behalf of the community,” she said.

“He listens to people’s concerns and ideas and takes action, he has the qualities I believe Glenorchy needs in its Mayor particularly when it comes to fighting for the city and its best interests.”

Mr Yaxley said his platform centred on delivering services, smart strategic planning and effective asset management to ensure the city’s growth and resilience.

“I want to see innovative environmental and urban solutions, economic development, improved cleanliness and enhanced public safety measures,” he said.

Mr Yaxley promises to draw on his extensive network of community relationships and governmental connections to tirelessly advocate for the interests of Glenorchy, striving to secure new partnerships while strengthening existing ones, and to attract state and federal investments to Glenorchy.

Mr Yaxley said he would empower fellow elected members to contribute their expertise towards efficient and effective governance.

“Together, we will propel Glenorchy towards a positive future,” he said.

“I am dedicated to delivering real, tangible results and fostering a culture of accountability.”

“I firmly believe that our city’s best days are ahead. With your support we can transform Glenorchy into a safer, stronger and prouder community for all.”

G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024 5 Drop by Andrew’s mobile office on the date and location below*: Wednesday 12 June 2.00pm - 3.30pm Rosetta/Montrose Main Road shopping strip Tuesday 18 June 9.00am - 10.30am Sandy Bay Road near Derwentwater Avenue Advertisement Andrew Wilkie YOUR INDEPENDENT FEDERAL MP Authorised by Andrew Wilkie MP 188 Collins Street Hobart 7000 *Weather/COVID permitting Andrew Wilkie MP Independent Member for Clark Want to get in touch with Andrew? w Drop into the office at 188 Collins Street Hobart or post a letter to GPO Box 32 Hobart 7001 w Phone 6234 5255 or 6234 5861 w Email w Ask for a meeting
Community News
Glenorchy mayoral candidate Russell Yaxley
S A T U R D A Y J U N E 2 2 N D 1 0 A M - 4 P M M O O N A H C O M M U N I T Y C E N T R E 7 G O R M A N S T O N R D , M O O N A H Scan for more Event Info
Glenorchy mayoral candidate Sue Hickey

Growing green minds

WITH just 60 students, four teachers and eight support staff Collinsvale Primary is punching well above its weight in its commitment to pass on the importance of environmental conservation to the next generation.

This commitment to the conservation and protection of natural systems was recognised at the 2023-24 State and Territory Landcare Awards where the school claimed the Woolworths Junior Landcare Award.


Local botanist Dr Tanya Scharaschkin, known as Dr Tanya to the students, has been assisting the school develop multiple projects to reduce its environmental impact.

“Everyone at the school, including the teachers, support

staff and students have been very enthusiastic about doing their part to restore and protect the local natural environment,” she said.

“The entire school has embraced several worthwhile projects, including the adopting a zero waste approach to its rubbish, creating and maintaining a beautiful on-site space through its garden club and conducting some valuable work in the Collinsvale Reserve.

“The importance of passing on these values to the next generation cannot be overstated as they will be the ones striving towards a brighter future if given the right tools and knowledge to do so.

“With programs like this perseverance is incredibly

important and recognising the commitment of school leaders, volunteers and students along the journey makes everything worthwhile.”

Landcare Australia chief executive officer Shane Norrish said all the award winners showed an exceptional level of commitment to restoring the natural environment where they lived and worked.

“Their achievements benefit not only help our land and water assets but help create partnerships and build community resilience across Australia,” he said.

“As we celebrate and acknowledge their hard efforts we also find inspiration in their hard work and reminds us that landcare is a collective effort.”

Glenorchy celebrates the community’s best

GLENORCHY’S high achievers, sporting stars, business leaders and dedicated volunteers were recognised at the Glenorchy Council’s Community and Volunteer Awards ceremony last month.

Held during National Volunteer Week, the awards acknowledged exceptional Glenorchy citizens across six major categories.

Jeff and Jacqui Milkins were awarded joint Citizens of the Year, and acting Mayor Sue Hickey said the pair had been dedicated to serving the Glenorchy community through the Salvation Army for the past seven years.

“Jeff and Jacqui have provided vital support to those in need, including facilitating thousands of meals and food hampers, offering practical and emotional assistance during difficult times and fostering community connections through initiatives like their

Onsite Art program,” she said.

“Through their leadership and selfless commitment they’ve inspired a team of volunteers and set an exemplary standard of putting others first, making them deserving recipients of the Citizen of the Year award.”

There were also joint winners in the Senior Citizen of the Year Award which was presented to Michael Kirkwood and Peter Vogelsanger.

“Mike’s dedication to the Glenorchy Rodman Bowls Club has been exemplary, serving in various leadership roles as well as volunteering time to ensuring the club’s success,” acting Mayor Hickey said.

“Likewise, Peter’s commitment to community safety and wellbeing has been demonstrated through his leadership and commitment to Neighbourhood Watch over a number of years.”

Jackson Mellor was announced as Young Citizen of the Year for his athletic achievements and youth ambassador work.

“As well as being an exemplary young athlete representing Australia three times, he is also served as the Muscular Dystrophy Tasmania Youth Ambassador for two years representing the organisation at multiple events,” Ms Hickey said.

Other major winners were World Gymnastics Champion Tristian Styles in the Sports Achievement category, Rob Harris as the Business Person of the Year for his work at the family operated Berriedale Service Centre and prominent multicultural advocate Aimen Jafri was the recipient of the Local Hero Award.

Thirty volunteers were also recognised for their work in a variety of fields.

6 G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024 Community News FROM FRONT PAGE VICA BAYLEY MP MEMBER FOR CLARK E: Ph: 6212 2260 | Authorised by Vica Bayley, Parliament House Hobart, TAS, 7000. THANK YOU!! I LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING FOR CLARK IN THE NEXT TERM OF PARLIAMENT. Advertisement We will beat competitors’ quotes by 10% 6237 0444 328 Main Rd, Glenorchy
Log book servicing • New car warranty servicing • All mechanical repairs • Retails, trade & fleet • Condition & pre-purchase reports • Free pick up & drop off • Courtesy car *subject to availability FINALIST 2024 Best Small Automotive Business – Tasmania Authorised by Helen Burnet, Parliament House Hobart, TAS, 7000. Advertisement HELEN BURNET MP MEMBER FOR CLARK E: Ph: 6212 2260 | THANK YOU!!
Collinsvale Primary School students tend to their Garden Hub

Glenorchy shoppers help FightMND

SINCE 2020 Coles Glenorchy has raised more than $94,000 in the fight against Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and was the state’s leading fundraiser in 2023 with more than $26,000 raised for Big Freeze 9. The team is warming up

for another big fundraising campaign with Big Freeze socks and beanies available in store until 21 June with all proceeds going towards FightMND’s 2024 campaign.

The Big Freeze beanies have become a symbol of support for those living

with the disease including FightMND co-founder and AFL great Neale Daniher who was diagnosed with MND in 2013.

“This is a milestone year in our fight against MND. Coles and their customers have been an enormous part of our

journey but the fight is not over yet and there is still so much more to do,” Mr Daniher said.

“By pulling on your beanie or socks for Big Freeze 10 you are doing your bit and once again this year your actions will speak louder than words.

Patrick’s presents felt at international conference

GLENORCHY City Council

worker Patrick Marshall has taken out the Best Presentation award at the 2024 International Public Works Conference (IPWEA) in Melbourne. Held every two years, the IPWEA Conference is a chance for organisations to engage with key stakeholders in the public

works industry from across Australasia and beyond.

Mr Marshall delivered his presentation “From Underfunding to AlignmentGlenorchy’s Transformative Journey in Asset Management” in one of the last time periods of the day.

The presentation highlighted the importance of collaboration with the council’s elected members and how it can impact strategic asset management.

Mr Marshall worked through the flow-on effects of renewal first asset management, needsbased asset management and the impact of future of asset management at the council.

“It was nice to not just have recognition for me, but recognition for the work we’ve been doing at Glenorchy with asset management,” Mr Marshall said.

“It’s good to know we are on the right track and in some cases leading the way in terms of asset management.”

“So don’t say, do and join me as we go again in this fight to beat the beast that is MND.”

Coles chief commercial officer Anna Croft said the Big Freeze campaign had become Coles’ biggest community fundraiser.

“The FightMND cause is

close to the hearts of many of our customers and team members across Australia and is an important way for Coles to support the health of Australians,” she said.

“We love seeing our customers wearing their Big Freeze Beanie in our

stores while they do their shopping in the colder months.

“Our team members also get involved in the campaign by running their own Big Freeze events like ice bucket challenges in stores and local sports clubs.”

G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024 7 Community News Author sed by Russell xley 27 wye Ave est oo h VOTE 1 ADVERTISEMENT “As Mayor, I commit to be a strong & unwavering voice, working hard for the City of Glenorchy, prioritising its people, embracing progress, and building partnerships, to be the very best city we can be.” Married with family of four boys 12 years living in City of Glenorchy Director / Business Owner Current Alderman at GCC REIT Board Member I am asking for your support to be Mayor, and together, see the City of Glenorchy a safer, stronger, and prouder city for us all. Glenorchy's best days are ahead, and I am asking the people of this great city for the opportunity to move Glenorchy forward, together. Driving our city forward to a better place is my commitment to every resident and ratepayer of this city. In every challenge Glenorchy faces, there is opportunity to not only overcome it, but to thrive and grow, and it’s my hope to build a city through action, results and accountability that is proud and progressive.
2024 International Public Works Conference (IPWEA) Best Presentation Award winner Patrick Marshall
Glenorchy Coles team members Nic, Nick, James and Nick show off the Big Freeze 10 beanies. Photo credit: Simon Andrews

Grace’s journey is a story of resilience, dedication and care

GRACE Shimomura, a single mother from the Philippines moved to Launceston in 2022 to care for her ageing mother, Rita, not knowing the full extent of what dementia care entailed.

Grace’s journey into caring was sudden. Rita had suffered a fall and was struggling to live alone after the death of her second husband in 2021.

Rita, an 82-year-old war widow, suffers from vascular dementia, Alzheimer’s and Lewy body dementia (LBD).

Due to her mother’s deteriorating health, Grace had to abruptly leave her career and teenage children in the Philippines.

She is now working on their migration documents to reunite with them in Tasmania, which will enable her to continue caring for Rita.

Rita’s condition requires constant care which includes arranging transport to medical appointments, managing prescriptions and handling financial matters.

“Before coming here, I didn’t know much about dementia beyond forgetfulness,” Grace said.

“I quickly learned that being a full-time carer involves managing every aspect of my mother’s life.”

One of the biggest challenges Grace faces is navigating the Australian healthcare system, particularly as a newcomer to the country.

“Navigating these systems is overwhelming but I have found tremendous support from Carer Gateway,” Grace said.

Carer Gateway has provided Grace with crucial resources and support including free counselling, mental health workshops and peer support groups.

Particularly helpful has been Carer Gateway’s coaching service which offers practical guidance and emotional support.

Through free coaching sessions,

Grace has learned to break down her tasks into manageable steps and has received practical advice on organising her mother’s care.

“Carer Gateway has been a lifeline,” grace said.

“My coach was thorough and encouraging. She helped me create actionable steps, which made everything less overwhelming.

“She has been my accountability partner and has been instrumental in helping me focus and stay on track.”

Grace also benefits from peer support groups facilitated by Carer Gateway, where she connects with other carers, shares experiences and gains insights that help her in her role.

She now volunteers a couple of hours every month to lead her local carers group.

“Knowing I have a support through Carer Gateway gives me peace of mind. It’s comforting to share and hear stories from others in similar situations,” Grace said.

Despite the challenges of caring, Grace cherishes the moments she spends with her mother.

“Most days, mum is mobile, has an appetite, and enjoys her choir and Sunday outings. These moments are precious,” she said.

“Being a carer can be lonely and isolating sometimes. So, knowing that there is help out there, one number I can call just gives me peace of mind.”

Grace’s journey as a carer is a testament to her love and dedication.

With the support of Carer Gateway, she continues to provide her mother with the best possible care.

If you are in a similar situation and need help with your caring role contact Carer Gateway’s Tassie team at Care2Serve.

Call 1800 422 737 (and select 1 from the menu) or visit the website at

Grace is a carer for her mum Rita, who has dementia.

With Carer Gateway’s support, Grace was able to access free coaching and counselling and connect with other carers through her local Peer Support Group.

Care2Serve is the local Tassie team connecting Tasmanian carers to Carer Gateway.

If you are a carer and would like help too, contact us.

Support is free, inclusive and confidential.

8 G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024 Call 1800 422 737 (press 1) or visit
Carer Gateway’s Tasmanian team provided free support and helped us access services. Grace - Carer Advertisement PRINCES WHARF 1 in HOBART
Saturday 6 July
Sunday 7 July Find a new favourite read and help kids in need! Free entry, kids activities, family fun, food & bargain books. 100% of the funds go to support Tassiekids!
9am - 4pm
10am - 4pm
Carer Grace Shimomura and her mother Rita

Monday 6am: Monday Breakfast with Brett Marley. 9am: Monday Music Mix with Mandi Bennett. Midday: Lunchtime Classics with Rick Rae. 2pm: Music Of Your Life with Suzi Hodgkinson. 4pm:

Reeling in the Years with Dave Batchelor. 6pm: Glenn’s Country with Glenn Gillie. 8pm: Classic Ride with Melvin Freestone. 10pm: Double Or Nothing with Jack Wilson. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

Tuesday 6am: Wake Up with Kaye Payne. 9am: Bringing Back the Memories with David Carr. Midday: Beat & Ballads with Phil Williams. 2pm: Music Of Your Life with Rebecca Rupel. 4pm: Tuesday Drive with Mal Dennis 6pm: Mostly Folk with Owen Gardner. 8pm: The Early Late Show with Margs. 10pm: What’s Next with The Catman. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

Wednesday 6am: Wednesday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Bright and Breezy Mix with Kath. Midday:

Music of Your Life with Frank McIvor. 2pm: Music of Your Life Handpicked with Ron Andersen. 4pm: The Johnny Dallas Revival Show with Johnny Dallas. 6pm: Wednesday Night Jukebox with Robbo. 8pm: Country Jukebox with Russell Hevey / Bob Hevey. 10pm: Wednesday Night with Michael Holloway. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

Thursday 6am: Thursday Breakfast with Craig Cracknell. 9am: Magic Music Mix with Tom Payne. Midday: From The 40s to The 00s with Robyn Guy. 2pm: The

Music Of Your Life with Kenny White. 4pm: Thursday Drive with Luca Forest. 6pm: The Serbian Program with Alek Djeric. 7pm: Mandarin and Cantonese. 8pm: Hobart FM Jazz. 10pm: Greek. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

Friday 6am: Rise & Shine with Ria Walter. 9am: Songs & Stories with Brian Corr. Midday: Music of Your Life with Karina Ceron. 2pm: My Favourite Music with Judi Forsyth. 4pm: Friday Drive with Peter Johnston.


G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024 9
6pm: Good Times Rollin’ with Bob Hevey / Russell Hevey. 9pm: Rockin’ On with Ray Kemp. Midnight: Music Of Your Life Overnight with Craig Cracknell. Saturday 6am: Saturday Breakfast with Chris Burrows. 9am: Polish with Bogdan Piteri. 10am: Croatian with Jelena Cupac. 11am: Greek Program. Midday: World Music with Amanda Sims. 2pm: Music of Your Life with Amanda Sims. 3pm: Music of Your Life with Various Presenters. 6pm: Kickback with Kenny White. 9pm: Saturday Night with Rob Maisey. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Sunday 6am: Sunday Breakfast with Ian Campbell. 9am: German Program with Karina Ceron. 10am: Spanish Program. 11am: The Irish Show with Brian Corr. Midday: Italian Program with Vic Ferri. 1pm: Nepalese Program with Subin. 2pm: Dove C’e Musica Italiana. 3pm: Music Of Your Life with Tony Geeves. 6pm: Music of Your Life with Craig Cracknell. 8pm: Sunday Night Country with Wayne Crossin. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Calculate yours at Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra Tax cuts for every taxpayer Estimate yours with the tax cut calculator. Authorised by Senator Wendy Askew, Liberal Party of Australia, 46 Cameron St, Launceston TAS 7250. SENATOR WENDY ASKEW LIBERAL SENATOR FOR TASMANIA Please contact me if I can be of any assistance. 46 Cameron Street, Launceston TAS 7250 6331 8501 SenatorAskew @senatoraskew ADVERTISEMENT Coin, Stamp & Collectables Fair Saturday 22nd June 10am to 2:30pm (Gold coin donation entry) Howrah Community Centre, 11 Howrah Road, Howrah Multiple stall holders buying and selling Enquires please call Aaron 0405 672 050 PROPOSAL TO UPGRADE VODAFONE MOBILE PHONE BASE STATION (INCLUDING 5G) LOCATED AT: KING GEORGE V PARK, 1B ANFIELD STREET, GLENORCHY TAS 7010 - RFNSA SITE NO. 7010006 1. The proposed facility consists of the addition of new Optus and Vodafone equipment and associated works as follows (including 5G): • Removal of three (3) panel antennas • Removal of fifteen (15) remote radio units • Installation of twenty one (21) remote radio units
Installation of three (3) active antenna units (no more than .8m in length)
Installation of three (3) panel antennas (no more than 2.7m in length)
Installation of two (2) GPS
The installation and removal of ancillary equipment including but not limited to new antenna mounts, combiners, filters, MHA, breakout boxes, fibre and electrical cabling, reconfiguration of existing equipment on the facility and in the existing equipment shelter
Optus & Vodafone regards the proposed installation as a Low-impact Facility under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 2018 (“The Determination”) based on the description above.
In accordance with Section 7 of C564:2020 Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Code, we invite you to provide feedback about the proposal. Further information and/or comments should be directed to: or Level 1, South Tower, 10 Browning Street, West End QLD 4101 Australia by COB Wednesday, 19 June 2024. Advertisement
10 G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024 Advertisement Nominations Open Roll Closes Nominations Close Polling Closes Scrutinies conducted and results expected 2024 By-Election Timeline 20 May 23 May 28 May 20 June 21 June SPECIALISING IN ALL YOUR DENTURE CARE NEEDS • DVA and PENSIONERS welcome • Comfortable natural looking dentures • flexible metal free partial dentures • affordable IMPLANT retained dentures • Same day repairs, relines CALL 6272 0544 NOW TO BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION! Now in two great locations: 118 Main Road Moonah and city address available by request EARN E X TR A C A SH IN YOU R L O C AL AR E A ! Are you interested in delivering newspapers and catalogues to household letterboxes in your area? SCAN THE QR CODE TO LEARN MORE DISTRIBUTORS WANTED

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News from Rosetta Primary School

STUDENTS at Rosetta Primary School constantly reflect the Department for Education, Children and Young People Values in their both their school and

This is particularly demonstrated in the Values of Growth and Courage where students are demonstrating willingness to embrace opportunities.

improve even when challenges may be tough, for example when attending unfamiliar situations like auditions.

Many Rosetta Primary students are

engaged in a diverse range of interests that include all forms of dance and Ballet.

Congratulations to Isobelle, a grade five student who has recently auditioned for the Victorian Ballet production of Swan Lake at the Hobart Theatre Royal.

This includes a short cameo role as part of the ensemble.

Around 40 plus people auditioned with about half that number being invited to be part of the production.

This achievement reflects Isobelle’s commitment and resilience to succeed in Ballet.

Rosetta Primary School creates a learning environment where students develop as confident and creative learners.

Our students receive opportunities to extend their thinking into actions through a caring and supportive environment, with a focus on wellbeing.

Rosetta Primary supports students on their aspirational journey to academic excellence and future learning.

Hello from Rosetta
A place where values and future learning have meaning.
Rosetta Primary School Student Isobelle Archer
Primary School w: e: To book a tour please call our welcoming office team on: 03 6208 1200 32 Riverview Parade, Rosetta TAS www gcc tas gov au (03) 6216 6800 Acting Mayor Sue Hickey sue hickey@gcc tas gov au Meet your Elected Members! Alderman Shane Alderton shane alderton@gcc tas gov au Alderman Josh Cockshutt josh cockshutt@gcc tas gov au Alderman Jan Dunsby jan dunsby@gcc tas gov au Councillor Harry Quick harry quick@gcc tas gov au Councillor Molly Kendall molly kendall@gcc tas gov au Alderman Stuart Slade stuart slade@gcc tas gov au Alderman Russell Yaxley russell yaxley@gcc tas gov au COMMUNITY BUDGET BRIEFING W e d n e s d a y , 1 2 J u n e 2 0 2 4 F o r m o r e i n f o o r t o R S V P : 0 3 6 2 1 6 6 8 0 0 o r g c c m a i l @ g c c t a s g o v a u 5 : 3 0 p m - 6 : 3 0 p m a t K G V , 1 A A n f i e l d S t r e e t , G l e n o r c h y D i s c u s s i n g t h e 2 0 2 4 / 2 5 B u d g e t , p r o j e c t s a n d r a t e s . R S V P b e l o w ! Supporting people with a disability • Individual and group support • Life skills development • Recreation and Leisure • Supported holidays • School holiday and after school programs • Respite - evening and overnight weekend • Coordination of supports – improving life choices For further information Phone 03 6243 6044 Email The Parkside Foundation LOCAL AND TASMANIAN Large enough to support you, small enough to care.


The benefits of having a will and power of attorney

A WILL in Australia serves as a crucial legal document outlining how you want your assets distributed after your death, here are some key benefits.

Clarity and control

With a Will, you have the power to decide who receives your assets, money and possessions which ensures your wishes are clearly documented and followed, minimising the potential for disputes among family members.

Protection of loved ones

A Will allows you to provide for your family and loved ones even after you’re gone.

You can designate guardians for minor children, ensuring they’re cared for by people you trust. Additionally, you can make provisions for the financial support of family members who may rely on you.

Efficient estate administration

Without a Will your estate is subject to intestacy laws which dictate how your assets will be distributed.

This can lead to your estate passing to people you do not wish to benefit.

It can further lead to delays and complications

in settling your affairs. A properly drafted Will can streamline the probate process, making it easier for your executor to manage your estate.

Tax efficiency Through strategic estate planning in your Will you can minimise the tax burden on your estate and beneficiaries.

This may involve structuring your estate in a way that maximises tax benefits or takes advantage of available exemptions and deductions.

Peace of mind

Creating a Will provides peace of mind, knowing

Make time for a Will

that you’ve taken steps to ensure your wishes are carried out and your loved ones are provided for.

It also relieves your family of the burden of making difficult decisions during a time of grief.

In summary, having

a Will in Australia empowers you to control the distribution of your assets, protect your loved ones, streamline estate administration, optimise tax outcomes and achieve peace of mind.

An enduring power of attorney serves as a document giving a trusted person the control of your legal, business and financial life if you have lost capacity for decision making.

Whilst a Will operates after your death an

enduring power of attorney operates during your lifetime. It is an essential tool to ensure your life runs as smoothly as possible if you cannot make decisions for a short, medium or long term.

Simmons Wolfhagen lawyers Wills & Estate Planning team will ensure your affairs are secure and your wishes for your family and loved ones are legally protected in case the unexpected happens. Make time for a Will.

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What an incredible month May has been! Over the past three Sundays, we held our highly anticipated Million Paws Walks across the state. The excitement kicked off in Devonport on the 12th, followed by Launceston on the 19th, and concluded with a spectacular event in Hobart on the 26th.

We hope many of you and your furry family and friends enjoyed the Hobart Million Paws Walk at the Soldiers Memorial Oval on the Domain, with the picturesque route along Max’s Infinity Loop. The day was packed with activities including agility courses, best dressed competitions, dog games, and the ever-popular Sniffari enrichment trail. A special thanks to the fantastic Triple M Hobart team—Rhea, Kaz, and Tubes—for their support, alongside our wonderful MC, John Harris.

We were fortunate to have Robert Black, an interstate volunteer, who creatively set up the start and finish points and captured some amazing footage. Additionally, Sam Childs Photography was on site in the afternoon, so be sure to check our Facebook page for some lovely photos and stay tuned for a video on YouTube!

Our Community Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator, Elizabeth Parsons, was delighted by the exemplary behavior of all the dogs and the enthusiastic participation of the community saying “It was heartwarming to see so many people coming together to give their dogs a fun-filled day while supporting our cause through ticket sales and other fundraising activities.”

“The funds raised from these events are crucial in helping RSPCA Tasmania care for less fortunate dogs in our shelters and centers, in foster care, and through community outreach programs like Safe Beds. This initiative supports animals whose families are fleeing domestic or family violence, ensuring their pets are cared for until the families can reunite.”

As we approach the end of the financial year, we encourage those who wish to reduce their taxable

income to consider making a donation by June 30th. Your generosity will directly impact the lives of many animals in need.

Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered, and supported the Million Paws Walks. Your contributions have made a significant difference, and we look forward to seeing you and your furry friends at future events.

14 G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024
Kristie Johnston, Freddie, Kaz, Tubes and Phoebe at Million Paws Walk Hobart Gathering on the Start/Finish line Ruth, Sophie, Poppy and Luna. The Davis Family

ASLAN is a stunning three-year-old grey, smoky and floofy cat! Friendly and affectionate, her beautiful coat requires regular brushing and maintenance to keep it in top condition.

Aslan arrived as a stray, and we initially thought she must

belong to someone due to her friendly nature. Unfortunately, she wasn’t microchipped and our efforts to locate her owner were unsuccessful.

During her time in our care, Aslan has shown that she doesn’t get along well with other cats. Consequently, she would thrive best in a home where she is the only feline. This made her

a perfect candidate for adoption from one of our op shops.

Our cats are available for adoption from all of our op shops, located in Margate, North Hobart, New Norfolk and coming soon to Moonah! This initiative helps us connect more closely with our supporters and showcase the mission of Ten Lives.

“We do it because our volunteers and customers love it and it’s a great opportunity for cats that may find it difficult in the shelter,” explains Ten Lives Manager, Noel Hunt.

Aslan enjoys spending time in the large enclosure in the front window—a favourite spot for op shop cats—where she enjoys watching people walk by and snoozing in the sun. Our op shops feature an impressive cat run, allowing the cats to roam high above the clothing racks and bric-a-brac treasures to a quiet enclosure by the bookshelves at the back of the store.

Before the shops open each morning, the cats get to run around the shop, though it’s sometimes a struggle to get them back into their enclosures!

Many customers drop in regularly to see the latest op shop stars or to say hello to a favourite feline before browsing for bargains. Recently, an 11-year-old tortie named Frankie spent nearly eight weeks at the shop before finally finding her new family. Her story is

just one of many success stories we’ve had.

Apart from including our furry friends, our op shops in Margate, North Hobart, and New Norfolk are traditional op shops that raise much-needed funds for the work undertaken by Ten Lives. These funds support over 10,000 vet procedures every year, providing hope for cats in need. With your support, we can continue to provide loving homes for cats like Aslan and many others. Visit one of our op shops today in Margate, North Hobart, New Norfolk and soon in Moonah and meet your new furry friend! If you love cats and treasure hunting, why not consider becoming a volunteer? Pop in and say hi to our friendly teams in Margate, North Hobart, or New Norfolk, or join the first team in Moonah to help open our exciting new store!

Ten Lives Cat Centre is a self-funded animal charity relying on donations and volunteers to care for and rehome unwanted cats and kittens in Tasmania. Learn how you can contribute at

G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024 15
Visit or 6278 2111 Holly 6 YEARS OLD FEMALE ADOPT Scan to see more kitties )> Learn more: 12 Selfs Point Road New Town 6278 2111 | Volunteer here! Scan to apply )> Edu.Cat is an exciting Australian-first Kinder – Year 7 Curriculum aligned feline education program focusing on fostering responsible cat ownership with the aim to create social change in how people care for cats and protect wildlife.
Technologies based program inspires students in these professional fields and empowers them to make positive choices in cat ownership.
is free to all schools in Tasmania can be tailored to your students needs.
teacher resources Printable student workbooks
certificate for students
The cat’s out of the bag! NEW OP SHOP OPENING SOON IN MOONAH!
The program includes: 30 to
• Printable
For Bookings and Information 03 6278 2111
Three-year-old Aslan is available for adoption at Ten Lives Cat Centre
Finding purrfect matches at our op shops

Community Calendar


The society’s June exhibition ‘Workshop Tutors’ share their talents with an unusual mix of artists and media at the Lady Franklin Gallery Ancanthe Park 268 Lenah Valley Rd. Open every weekend 11 to 4 from 1 to 30 June.



Within the Australian Army Cadets, you will experience: • Friendship, leadership and management skills. • Camping, adventure training, drones and STEM activities. Plus more! Parading Wednesdays from 1800–2100 at Dowsing Point. If you are aged between 13 and 17, register your interest today! OR email



Bereaved parents meet for a social gathering in a local cafe on a Sunday afternoon every second month. Those wishing to join can phone 1300 064 068 for details. This Freecall number is also a 24/7 helpline for bereaved parents, siblings, grandparents and guardians. It is staffed by bereaved parents.


Support and encouragement given to lose weight. We meet at 635 Main Road, Berriedale from 5pm Tuesday nights. New members always welcome. For enquiries, phone Colleen on 0418 493 475.


We meet at the Glenorchy Rodman Bowls Club in Innes Street from 10am-2pm every Friday. Bring along any unfinished projects. We have Christmas cake decorating classes in December. Morning and afternoon tea supplied; bring your own lunch. Cost is $5. Inquiries: phone Pamela on 0438 504 064. C


Meets at 7pm on the first Thursday of every month, at Rodman Bowls Club in Innes Street. We enjoy guest speakers, flower and vegetable competitions, garden visits, bus trips and more. New members are welcome. For more information phone Jan on 0475 383 941.


Meets at the Claremont RSL from 10.30am on the first Monday of every month. All welcome. Come along for a guest speaker, refreshments and a chat.


The Claremont Community Library is open every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 11am to 1pm. The library is run by an amazing group of volunteers and is located at the Claremont Memorial Hall on the corner of Main Road and Bilton Street, Claremont.


Meets third Monday of each month at the Lady Clark Recreation Hall at Waldron Street, Claremont (first turn on the left off Box Hill Road). Meetings begin at 7pm with trade table of plants, guest speakers and supper. Organised monthly activities, new members welcome. Phone 0417 387 781.


There is an opportunity for girls of all ages to attend Girl Guides. Enquiries phone 0437 075 623.


Come and join us for our fortnightly craft sessions at Montrose Presbyterian Church Hall (2 Islington Rd) from 10am – noon every second Friday. Bring some craft to work on or just come and chat. Plenty of parking available. Phone Marj on 0447 698 307 or Carol-Ann on 6273 1529.



Tasmanian Scottish Country Dancers RSCDS. Friendly classes are held each Thursday evening (7.15-9.30pm) and Friday afternoon (1-3.30pm) at the Caledonian Hall, 31 Homer Ave, Moonah. Adults $8. Classes for all ages and fitness ability. No partner required. All dances taught, including children/youth class. For more information visit our Facebook page, email tascaldance@gmail. com, or phone Sarah on 0409 218 414.


We meet every Saturday afternoon/night at Dromedary Hall 14 Millvale Rd. The resident band

provides backing for walk up singers. We have a lucky door prize, spin the wheel, spot dance and meals which are provided at an additional cost. Cost of admission is $5 which includes tea and coffee. For more information call Miranda on 0438 348 222.


Dusty Boots Line Dancing hosts line dancing classes for all fitness levels. Movements can be modified to suit individual abilities. The aim is to have a fun, no-pressure experience in a friendly atmosphere. Classes are held at the Tolosa Hall (148 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy) on Tuesday mornings, Thursday evenings, Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings. The cost is $7 per class or $10 for two classes, paid on arrival. Bring water, and wear comfy clothing and shoes. For more information phone Sue Devine on 0417 503 429 or Regan Love on 0484 056 711.


Email or phone 0417 836 988. Bookings essential.


Located at 4 Alcorso Drive. Social bowls every Monday, noon for a 12.30pm start. Experience not necessary. Bowls can be provided if required. Please wear flat footwear. Lucky rink draws and raffle. For more information phone 0407 361 030.


Bingo has been a regular community event at KGV for decades. Now held in the Jack Rough Room at the Glenorchy Football Clubrooms twice each week: Thursdays (doors 5.30pm, “Eyes Down” 7pm) and Fridays (doors 9.30am, “Eyes Down” 11am). Great jackpots and fun every week. Free parking.


Meets at the Glenorchy Football Club on the first Tuesday of the month. Meeting starts at 10am followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Lunch follows at a local venue. Other outings/ functions are monthly. Enquiries: 0419 326 707.


Barefoot bowls every Wednesday night from 5pm. $5 a head which includes a sausage sizzle and cheap drinks. Bring your mates or come solo. Teams of four can be made up on the night. It’s a great night out where you get make new friends and whoop it up a bit. For more information, phone 6273 2293.


At Montrose Bay Foreshore. Established 1972. For adults with or without experience seeking fun, fitness and friendship through a sport that exercises the mind and body. Clubrooms available for functions and meetings. To enquire, email


Established in 1964, we encourage stamp collecting in all its forms. Everyone is welcome to come along to our monthly meetings and exchange books, sell duplicates and purchase stamps. There is plenty of excitement with our sales and occasional displays during meetings. For more information, contact Frank on 0488 439 498.


Join us for community gardening sessions at the Goodwood Community Centre every Wednesday from 9.30am - 12.30pm. We have shared plots, and approach gardening as an opportunity to learn. All ages and all abilities welcome. 20 Acton Cres, Goodwood. Phone 6272 2560 for more information.


The Golden Years Club is located at 314 Main Road Glenorchy and offers a number of activities. Tuesday: Exercises from 10am to 12pm, lunch from 12pm to 1pm, and bowls from 1pm to 3pm. Wednesday: Shoot and shuffle from 10am to 12pm. Friday: 500 cards from 10am to 12pm, and crib from 1pm to 3pm. $5 per activity.


A welcoming and fun weekly session that promotes lifelong learning, featuring guest speakers on a range of interesting topics including travel, history, local stories and much more. The cost is $5 each week. Phone 6272

If you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact:

8402 for a copy of the program. New members and guests always welcome. H


Free members-only screenings each Monday at 7.30pm. Quality films from all periods of cinema history. Free refreshments. Criterion House, Mathers Place, Hobart. Twelve months $52 (doubles $84), concessions for seniors, students etc. Go to or phone 6231 3581 or 6234 6071.


Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. New members always welcome. For information, visit


Sing for fun. Small group rehearsing Friday mornings at private home from 10am to noon. Sharing our enjoyment while performing for the senior community on the Eastern and Western Shores. New members welcome. For more information, phone 6243 5930 or 6249 8168.


The Glenorchy Library in Terry Street runs a range of community programs throughout the year, including: Rock & Rhyme - A free lap-sit session ideal for babies up to 2 years, featuring lots of fun songs, action rhymes and stories. Wednesdays at 10.30am or Thursdays at 10am. Story Time - A free session which includes stories, rhymes, and action songs aimed at preschoolers aged 2-5. Tuesdays at 10am. Coffee, Cake & ComputersBuild your confidence and digital skills by joining our weekly class for adults. Mondays at 9.30am. Email or phone 6165 5493 for more information. LINE DANCING CLASSES

Join Boots and All Line Dancing (a Bucaan Community House program) for line dancing classes. All dances are designed for beginners but with plenty of variety in steps, music and energy levels to keep more experienced dancers having fun on the dance floor too. Classes are held from 5:30pm to 6:30pm Tuesdays for $8 at The Greek Club, 67 Federal Street North Hobart, and 10am to 11 am Thursdays for $3 at the Moonah Sports Centre, 17 Gormanston Road Moonah. Wear rubber soled shoes at this venue. New dancers are welcome at any class but please phone to confirm times. For more information, phone Laura on 0448 007 751.


The Glenorchy Lions Club meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 637 Main Road, Berridale at 6.45pm. New members and visitors welcome. For more information, phone Jenny on 0417 311 779.



Come join us and learn a new sport, it’s a great way to stay fit and meet new people. Sign up for a Dragon Pass which gives you one month free, with qualified coaches. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome. Paddles and PFDs supplied. Located at Montrose Foreshore. For training times and more information, email or phone 0411 138 252.


We meet at the Carlyle Hotel from on the third Wednesday of each month. Everyone welcome. Meetings start at 10am in summer and 9.30am in winter. We have a guest speaker at every meeting, and hold a luncheon on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Phone Jim on 6228 3373.


Meets first Monday of the month at Rodman Bowls Club rooms, Glenorchy. Meeting starts 10am followed by morning tea and guest speaker. Finishes 12 noon. Monthly bus trips and dining out days. Annual subscription $30. Meetings $5. Ph. 6249 3594.



Come and try croquet at 3 St John’s Avenue, New Town. Entrance from Creek Road, behind the basketball courts. Call club secretary Lizzie Bassett

on 0409 799 462 for more information. All very welcome. Flat shoes needed, equipment provided. NEW TOWN - LENAH VALLEY COMBINED PROBUS CLUB

Our Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the New Town Bay Rowing Centre. Meetings commence at 10am with a business session, then a break for morning tea followed by a guest speaker. We offer members the opportunity to attend a monthly outing, and enjoy games mornings on non-meeting Wednesdays. There is also a walking group that walks every second Thursday. For more information phone 6243 6293.


Held at the Cadbury Recreation Grounds every Wednesday at 12:30pm. Come along and give it a try. For more information, phone 0418 582 308.


Try Polish Folk dancing. No dance experience necessary. Last session on Sunday 10 Mar 2024. Cost $12 per session. At Polish House, 22-24 New Town Rd, New Town 7008.


The Rotary Club Claremont has 55 years of serving the community and meets Wednesday evenings at the Claremont RSL 9 Bilton street, Claremont 7011. Doors open 6pm for 6.30pm start. For any enquiries, contact secretary.


Serving the Glenorchy community since 1964, the Club meets each Thursday at the Maypole Hotel, 6 for 6.30pm. All visitors welcome. For enquiries, contact us via Facebook or email secretary.



Bowen Road Primary School welcomes community members who have the time to volunteer at the school, listening to students read. We provide training, and volunteers are able to select days and times that work for them. Interested? Drop into the school office or phone 6228 1549.


Northern Suburbs Table Tennis hosts social table tennis from 10am-noon on Thursdays at the Glenorchy YMCA Kable stadium. All welcome, especially beginners. Bats, balls and coaching provided. $5 entry. Phone 0429 498 660.



Tai Chi classes are held each Monday night at the Glenorchy Library. 6pm until 7pm. $7 concession, $10 employed. For enquiries phone Bill Pearson on 0409 972 668.


We teach ‘50s/‘60s rock ‘n’ roll, line dancing and partner dance routines for beginners and intermediate dancers, at the AA Lord Community Centre from 6.45-9.30pm Wednesday evenings. The cost is $10 per person. We also hold dances every two weeks at various venues. For more information, phone Caryl on 0409 703 044 or email


Have a hit of tennis with your friends and family, or play competitively in a club pennant team. Glenorchy City Tennis Club is open to the public from 7am-10pm every day. Book your court online at, bring your own racquet and balls. Lessons are available for all abilities from beginner to adult, as well as social tennis groups and cardio tennis classes. Call Sahil on 0466 098 984 or message us on Facebook.



Learning for pleasure. At the Australian/German Club, 30 Bowden Street, Glenorchy. For more information, phone 6249 2384 or email


Square dancing sessions for beginners, couples and singles are currently being held in Bellerive, and are soon coming to Moonah. Events are held weekly on Tuesday evenings. For more details phone Iris on 0418 543 308 or email

16 G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024

Jo Cordell-Cooper

I LOVE bush walking, I love everything about it from the journey, the camaraderie, the solitude and the destination.

I love the hunger I get and the tiredness over the day.

I love feeling warm on a really cold day and there is nothing more perfect than hiking into a waterfall just after it’s rained. Today it rained, so while I write this I have waterfalls on my mind.

Here are my favourite waterfalls you might like to explore alone, with your family or your four legged friend (check which are dog friendly).

All are within a 40 minute drive from Hobart.

• Silver Falls Fern Tree in Wellington Park (kunanyi) a one kilometre well marked track with a gentle incline at the end, you can retrace your steps or continue along a circuit that is a little more strenuous.

• Cascade Falls and Secret Falls can be accessed from the

end of Old Farm Road, South Hobart

• Snug Falls is a 2 km wellformed track, about an hour return. This popular track leads to a magnificent waterfall and it’s a dog friendly track also. It’s worth taking a snack because you can explore along this river quite safely.

• Collinsvale Waterfall is also known as Mrytle Forest Falls, again it’s an easy road to follow and then a bush track and some stairs.

• O’Grady Falls are also on Mt Wellington, kunanyi and can be accessed a number of ways.

• Strickland Falls are in South Hobart off Strickland Avenue.

• Gentle Annie Falls can be accessed by foot via the Waterworks Reserve.

Waterfall visits (actually, any nature experience) are a great way to de-stress.

The feel good hormones that are released as we move outdoors, whether for gardening, bushwalking or walking beside

our beautiful river are well documented.

Taking note of the sounds around us, the wind and the icy blasts are grounding.

They bring us to the here and now, a wonderful application of mindfulness that ultimately calms the mind.

I strongly encourage you to get out and about over winter and celebrate his beautiful place we live in.

If you’d like to research a little further I found website Waterfalls of Tasmania a great source of information.

If you’d like to share your waterfall on socials tag my facebook group Holistic Hiker.

Jo Cordell-Cooper is an award winning Personal Trainer (PT of the Year twice). Make contact at jocc., for personal training and Friday NIGHT Hikes –beginners hiking group. Jo is about to take a group of clients to hike the world-renowned Larapinta Trail in Central Australia. To follow on socials go to Holistic Hiker.









floured bench top and knead for 10 mins, if dough is sticky add a bit more flour. Set aside for half an hour or until doubled in size. Knead again for 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour.

5. When dough has risen again flatten out slightly and sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds onto the dough. Form into the shape of loaf you want, containing the seeds on the inside.

6. Set aside again to rise for 40 mins.

7. Set oven to 195oC

8. When dough has risen again, brush the top with water and sprinkle on

G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024 17 Hobart Su ppor t grou p for people living with Crohn’s or colitis Third Wednesday of ever y month at 6.30pm. Level 2, 130 Macquar ie St, Hobar t For more infor mation, visit crohnsandcolitis org au/ su ppor t- grou ps WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift: Check out our display at Mobility4All, 53 Sunderland STAIRLIFT SALES TASMANIA Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist P: 1300 919 406 (local call cost) or (03) 6272 2966 • E: • W: INDEPENDENT LIVING + MOBILITY Cnr Sunderland St & Derwent Park Rd Moonah Ph (03) 6273 8300 I 53 Sunderland St (Crn Derwent Park Rd) Moonah Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: W: WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Curved Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: W: WHY MOVE? 23 Derwent Park Rd, DERWENT PARK Personal service and easy off street parking
Visit an easy, family-friendly waterfall
For further information please contact: E: P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering A PADDOCK TO PLATE COOKING EXPERIENCE FOR ALL For further information please contact: E: P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 Method • 250ml Pureed pumpkin (room temperature) • 50 ml warm water
1 tsp Salt • 1 Tsp sugar
1 Tbsp olive oil • 500g plain flour • 2 tsp dry yeast. • Pepitas and sunflower seeds (optional)
To make pumpkin puree you will need a cup of chopped pumpkin and enough water to cover it. Either boil on the stove top in a saucepan or place in a microwave on high for 8 to 10 mins.
When the pumpkin is soft use a blender to process it. Stand aside to cool. *These next steps can be done with a bread maker on dough setting.
In a bowl place the 50 ml warm water, sugar and yeast together. Mix and set aside until frothy, or about 10 mins.
In a larger bowl place the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and put in olive oil, cooled pumpkin puree and the yeast mix. Mix together and turn out onto a
mins, depending on shape of loaf. 10.
on the
you tap it with your knuckles. 11. Let cool a bit then eat! Enjoy PUMPKIN BREAD Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering Duck à l’orange For further information please contact: E: P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 Chefaholic Cooking School A paddock to plate cooking experience for all Ingredients • 1 x 2kg whole duck • 150g butter • 100ml Grand Marnier • 50ml vinegar • 50g castor sugar • Juice of 3 oranges • 6 oranges Method Clean and pat dry duck, heat butter in fry pan large enough to hold duck and fry duck for approximately 5 minutes. Place duck in oven for approximately 45 minutes on 180°C basting as you go. Turn heat down to 160°C and cook for a further 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cover with Grand Marnier and cook for a further 5 minutes. Remove from oven and strain all liquid into a pot, add in vinegar, sugar and juice of 3 oranges and reduce until a nice consistency. Meanwhile peel and cut oranges and prep with no skin or seed. When sauce is nearly ready add segments to sauce and warm - do not let oranges break down. Carve duck and cover with sauce and arrange segments. Enjoy! A PADDOCK TO PLATE COOKING EXPERIENCE FOR ALL Ingredients
more seeds. 9.
for 20
Bread is
when it is
outside and sounds
DATE LOAF Ingredients
1 cup dates chopped • 1 cup brown sugar lightly packed • 60g butter • 1 cup boiling water
1 3/4 cups self-raising flour sifted • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda • 2 tsp vanilla essence
The Secret Falls near the end of Old Farm Road in South Hobart
Preheat the oven to 180C.
Put chopped dates and sugar in a bowl and then add sliced butter.
Pour in boiling water, stirring until butter has melted completely.
Add sifted flour and then bicarbonate of soda, mixing well. Add vanilla.
Bake in a well greased loaf tin in a moderate oven for 45-50 minutes.
18 G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024 Garry Underwood’s Brent St Automotive servicing centre • New Car - Log Book Servicing • Brake & Clutch Repairs - CV’s • Exhaust Standard - Sports • EFI Servicing and Tuning • Air Conditioning Service & Repair Servicing & Repairs to all Cars, 4WD’s, Commercials, Campervan’s, Caravan’s & Trailers Rentals Flat Tray Ute’s | Van | Mini Bus | Cars Approved Inspection Station, Over 40 years Experience, TACC Recommended Repairer 6272 5911 •New Car - Log Book Servicing •Brake & Clutch Repairs - CVs •Exhaust Standard - Sports •EFI Servicing and Tuning •Air Conditioning Service & Repair (Auth. no. AU45100) To advertise, please contact: Reliable, respectful, skilled plumbing professionals We perform the following services: Contact us now to make a booking General maintenance Hot water cylindersinstallation & maintenance Renovations/fixture upgrades Unblocking toilets & drains 0400 134 260 LOUIS FENCING SERVICE Hobart area. Phone: 0488 247 492 MINI BUS RENTALS ‘12 seaters’ - 4 cylinder Car licence required to drive Also Flat Tray Utes Cars • Wagons • Vans Brent Auto Rent 10a Brent Street, Glenorchy 03 6272 5911 or 0419-339-707 Single & Double Glazing Aluminium Windows and Doors Supplied and fitted Fly and Security Screening Porch Enclosures Professional ● Fully Insured ● 40+ years experience 0403 537 937 TASMADE WINDOW REPLACEMENTS 6272 8416 ● 7 DAYS ● Solar panel cleaning Gutter cleaning 0421 435 537 Before After Before After Enquires Call us We specialize in guttering system installation and cleaning. Our Services Business Details Pro gutters Pty Ltd ABN: 37 639 804 390 Installation repair Leak prevention Gutter cleaning 0421 435 537 Before After After Enquires us We specialize in guttering system installation, repair,cleaning. Our Services Pro Pty Ltd ABN: 37 804 390 Vacuum Cleaning Gutters Solar Panel Cleans Gutter Guard Installation Fully Insured 1300 654 253 Call now for a free quote We’ll help you find the floor you’ve been searching for. carpet timber bamboo luxury vinyl laminate tiles rugs Choices Flooring by Advance 6228 2925 34 Albert Road, Moonah Your windows can be delivered on time even at short notice! ContaCt Kerry or Ben who will give you a guaranteed delivery date saving you time and money. EARN E X TR A C A SH IN YOU R L O C AL AR E A ! Are you interested in delivering newspapers and catalogues to household letterboxes in your area? SCAN THE QR CODE TO LEARN MORE DISTRIBUTORS WANTED


Preparing for the 2023-24 tax time


HELLO everyone.

Many people lodge a tax return at tax time, which is from July to October every year.

Whether you need to lodge one or not, there’s often something to do.

Check if you need to lodge a tax return

The easiest way to check if you need to lodge is using the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) ‘Do I need to lodge a tax return?’ tool. It’s available at from 1 July 2024.

If you need to lodge, and you get payments from us or other income from employment, all these details should pre-fill in ATO myTax through myGov by late July.

Using pre-filled information helps to avoid mistakes and the need to amend and re-submit your tax return. myTax will tell you when you’re tax ready.

Understanding what happens and what you may need to do at tax time

If you get certain payments from us, you can check the amount and deductions for tax you made that financial year on your Centrelink payment summary.

You can access this from early July in your Centrelink online account through myGov or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.

Some payments don’t show on the payment summary and won’t pre-fill in ATO myTax. You might need to add them to your tax return yourself. This includes disaster and pandemic payments.

If you’re not eligible for Medicare for all or part of the financial year and want to claim the Medicare

Tongan talent at KGV

THE Glenorchy District Football Club (GDFC) in collaboration with the Migrant Resource Centre is fostering the football journey of seven talented players from AFL Tonga.

Glenorchy Magpies development coach Jordan West said the new overseas talent comprised four young women and three young men.

levy exemption you can ask us for a Medicare Entitlement Statement (MES).

You can claim from March, so claim early to avoid the rush.

You need a MES to apply for the Medicare levy exemption in your tax return. The ATO will decide if you need to pay the Medicare levy.

If you get Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Child Care Subsidy (CCS), we’ll balance your payments after you lodge your tax return, or you tell us online that you don’t need to lodge.

What you need to do depends on the payment you get and your family’s circumstances.

Watch out for scams

Scams and identity theft often increase during tax time.

Scammers may tell you to click on a link or ask you to enter your myGov sign in details so they can steal your personal information.

Be wary of emails, phone calls, texts and social media messages claiming to be from us, the ATO, myGov or another government department. If in doubt, don’t respond.

To safely access your myGov account and linked services, use the official myGov app or sign in at

Prepare for 2024-25

There are things you can do to prepare for next financial year.

This includes setting up a deduction for tax from your eligible Centrelink payment or updating your family income estimate, if you get FTB or CCS.

Read more about how to prepare, what to do and what you can expect next at tax time at Until next time.

“The Tongans have brought an infectious joy into our club through their desire to learn, do their best and always have a smile on their face,” he said.

“The atmosphere around the club at training and on game day is so much greater due to their presence.”

Club president Peter Barwick said GDFC programs would become more inclusive of all genders, cultures, religions and abilities.

“We will work closely with the Migrant Resource Centre to develop more supported AFL programs for our migrant population,” he said.

“The Tongans have brought their warm pacific nation culture to our club, which is strengthening our

community engagement.”

The Glenorchy Magpies senior coaches said welcoming these new players into the club had been a rewarding experience for everyone involved.

“Providing lifelong opportunities and memories for these committed young people whilst learning about their culture is proving to be a great two-way opportunity for everyone at the Glenorchy Magpies,”

senior men’s coach Josh Arnold said.

“It’s been great welcoming the Tongans

into our club and having them fit in seamlessly by sharing with us their culture, creating new friendships and having a lot of fun along the way.”

“Coaching these amazing people and introducing them to our way of life has been an extraordinary experience,” senior women’s coach Brieanna Barwick said.

“Their enthusiasm and love for our game has spread throughout our club allowing everyone to embrace the Tongan way, no matter win or lose, always be happy.”

Council commits to indoor multi-sport facility

GLENORCHY City Council acting Mayor Sue Hickey said she was pleased to receive a commitment from the state government to build a new indoor multi-sport facility in Glenorchy following the decision by the Jack Jumpers to relocate its high-performance training centre to Kingston.

“These community courts, without a high-performance facility, were promised to Glenorchy by the Tasmanian Government at the 2018 election,” she said.

“We are glad that the government has recommitted to building the courts in Glenorchy as the provision of sports infrastructure that gives our young people recreational opportunities is so important.”

With the relocation of the highperformance training centre, Ms Hickey said the state government had decided to review the location of the community indoor multisport facility originally planned for Wilkinsons Point.

“The state government has

Fostering Tassie football’s

TASMANIA’S next generation of AFL and AFLW stars will soon start an exciting journey through the state’s newly established talent academies.

Almost 300 boys and girls aged 13 to 15 from the north, north-west and south of the state will make up the academies’ first intake in 2024.

Players will work with some of Tasmania’s top coaches led by talent pathways skills acquisition

coach Brad Cox-Goodyer and additional support form strength and conditioning and wellbeing staff.

“This is the first step in an exciting journey for Tasmania’s talented young football players,” CoxGoodyer said.

“With this first intake they are the first of hopefully many to come through a professional, supportive and inclusive pathway.

“They now have access

assured us that they will engage with the council to find a site in Glenorchy that would be suitable to develop a new four-court facility,” she said.

“The council is committed to constructive discussions to progress the work needed to develop the new courts.

“The Glenorchy community needs places for its young people to play sport and we urge the state government to deliver the indoor multi-sport facility as soon as practicable.”

future stars

to elite coaching and support for many years to hopefully give them the best opportunity to one day play in the AFL/W, ideally in a Tasmania Devils guernsey.”

Players will have the opportunity to showcase their skills in a series of academy games held in July and September.

During that time, trial games will also be held for 12-year-olds looking to enter the academy program in 2025.

State talent manager Dave O’Sign said this was an exciting time for football in Tasmania and welcomed the opportunity to share the journey with the states aspiring girls and boys football players.

“Our Academies are designed to provide our girls and boys with the opportunity to reach their football potential,” he said.

“We’ll be focusing on improving football-specific skills and developing young players.”

G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024 19 Sport
AFL Tonga talent (back L-R) Milika Taupeamuhu, Emeline Toto,Liliani Fine and Salome Holika with (front L-R) Tevita Kulikefu, Palu Fifita and Jamieson Kafoika


HUTCHINS School maths

teacher Sam Nogajski has been named in the full list of match officials for the 2024 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup in the USA and Caribbean.

“It was a little bit of a shock,” Nogajski said.

“I’ve put forward a couple

of consistent seasons recently and I am incredibly excited to be one of the 20 umpires chosen for the major international tournament.

“Naturally I fell a little bit nervous but I think that is a good thing as it will help me prepare properly for a such

an important milestone in my career.

“Taking part in an international tournament like this is a dream come true and hopefully puts me on a pathway towards similar appointments in the future.”

Nogajski said he was


looking forward to seeing the next generation of umpires come through the ranks and encouraged them to build a strong support network along the way.

“As umpires we have the best seat in the house and that is such a privileged

ROUND nine of the 2024 Tasmanian Netball League played host to the seventh annual SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY Shield Match between the Kingston Blues and Karana Flames.

For the first time in the fixture’s history, the shield was awarded based on an amalgamated result from both the under 19s and open matches.

position to be in,” he said.

“We need more match officials across all sporting codes and my message to the next generation is to just stay involved.

“I would like to thank my family, umpire coaches and everyone at Hutchins for their amazing support.

“This strong network has enabled me to give more of my time focusing on umpiring and it’s great to see that work paying off.”

The 2024 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup will run from the 2 to 30 June.

SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY representative Alex Fitzgerald said Netball Tasmania had been a big supporter of the organisation’s cause since its inception.

“To have genuine, ongoing and proactive support from sporting organisations such as Netball Tasmania and both these clubs is incredibly important,”

he said.

“Without their support we wouldn’t be able to spread our positive mental health messaging to other sporting clubs around Tasmania.”

Karana Flames open captain Asha Ratcliffe said the SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY Shield Match was a highlight of the club’s fixture.

“We had a session with

SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY late last year and it was a really good reminder that it is ok to not be ok and seek support from the people around you,” she said.

Despite a gallant 13-point win for Karana’s under 19 side, Kingston reclaimed the shield for the seventh consecutive year with an overall victory of 95 to 80.

20 G lenorchy Gazette JUNE 2024
Local resident and ICC 2024 World Cup umpire Sam Nogajski. Photo credit: Simon Andrews
A Please contact the College Enrolments Team on 6274 6000 or email: Find us on Now
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Shield Match encourages all to Stay ChatTY
Kingston Blues players Abbey Glover and Nicole Hunt, SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY representative Alex Fitzgerald and Karana Flames players Asha Ratcliffe and Rohini Sharma. Photo credit: Simon Andrews

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