Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 1
Grandstand honour for local legends
Skate park and MTB tracks open
Preventing child poverty
Independently owned and published by Cor Comms
Christmas Spirit
FAMILY FUN Hundreds of families turned out to enjoy a free Family Fun Day at Chigwell last month, hosted by Bucaan Community House and the Moonah Arts Centre. FULL STORY ON PAGE 10
Charlie, Joni, Florence and Claudia enjoy the Family Fun Day at Chigwell last month
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2 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
Community News
GCC and HCC meet
ELECTED members of the Hobart and Glenorchy city councils met recently to strengthen relationships and explore opportunities for future collaboration. Councillors and Aldermen met at the New Town Rowing Centre to discuss synergies between the two cities. They feel there is an opportunity to get a better deal from State and Federal governments by working more closely together to advocate on issues of common interest to residents of the two cities, which
make up the lion’s shares of the electorate of Clark. Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds said there was a lot of potential for greater collaboration between the two Councils. “We are already working together on a range of initiatives such as the Greater Hobart Strategic Partnership, the Northern Suburbs Transit Corridor and the bushfire awareness project, Sparking Conversations, Igniting Action – to name just a few,” she said. “So, it makes sense to look
at ways to deepen our working relationship.” Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas agreed. “Working together, we can explore ways of improving the financial and environmental sustainability of both Councils and providing services more efficiently to our residents,” she said. As a result of the meeting, the Hobart CEO and the Glenorchy general manager will prepare a report for a future joint meeting of the two Councils at a later date to identify opportunities.
One of the revamped tracks at the Glenorchy Mountain Bike Park
MTB Park ready to roll Why the Glenorchy
council decided not to bid for AFL centre
Bec Thomas, Glenorchy Mayor THE prospect of having an AFL high-performance centre in Glenorchy is no doubt a tantalising proposition. The prospect of being a home-base for professional sportspeople, not to mention the highly qualified trainers, coaches, sports scientists and analysts who staff and work at such a facility, seems something any municipal area would seek to put its hand up for. And that was the feeling when the State Government’s project team first met with the Glenorchy City Council to discuss options for such a facility. Given the media hype, and lists of possible sites being published, it wasn’t hard to think such an outcome was plausible. But, like most things in life, the devil is often in the detail – not in the headlines. Council officers did their
due diligence based on the parameters set down by the State Government; and it became obvious that the list of potential options that met the requirements for such a facility were going to be limited. So limited, in fact, that there was really only one option that could be considered – a facility that encompassed both KGV and Eady St Recreation Reserve to provide the physical space demanded by a modern training complex. Unfortunately, to be able to proceed with this option, no fewer than four communitybased sporting clubs would need to be relocated and re-homed. A further club would have restrictions on how it could use KGV. Rehoming four clubs - two cricket clubs, a rugby union club and a junior soccer club - would not be an easy task, demanding the construction of new sportsgrounds to accommodate them. Glenorchy isn’t dissimilar to most councils in that existing sports grounds are in high demand most of the year and there isn’t the capacity to simply relocate long-term community clubs into already-tenanted grounds. While it’s reasonable to hope that an AFL-geared training facility would have flow-on
benefits for the community it is located in, the clubs that already exist inarguably provide significant community benefits, right down to the grassroots of their sports. They provide opportunities for people to not just play sport, but opportunities for people to volunteer and enjoy active, connected lives. Although relocating such clubs would primarily be seen through the lens of a financial consideration, the impact of such a move on the fabric of those clubs and their supporter networks cannot be understated. Ultimately, the council felt to go down a pathway of committing ratepayer resources to presenting a submission to the State Government for an option that had limited chance of success, with the added nuance of the additional impact it could have for existing clubs if it was successful, wasn’t in the best interest of Glenorchy. Therefore, council voted against making a submission to the State Government for the AFL training centre. While it can be difficult to sift through the hype and headlines, I’m pleased the council did the work necessary to take a considered view in forming its decision, which I believe will be in the best interests of the municipality.
THE refurbished Glenorchy Mountain Bike Park has been officially opened, with the upgraded facility already proving popular with mountain bike enthusiasts. Delivered by leading trail design company Dirt Art Pty Ltd, the refurbishment project enhanced the trails first built by dedicated volunteers almost 20 years ago, providing a variety of challenges catering from beginners to expert-level riders. “Thanks to a Federal Government grant of $412,000, the Glenorchy City Council was able to redevelop the existing trails and deliver an improved mountain biking experience,
not just for riders in Glenorchy but from around the region and the entire state,” Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said. “We know mountain biking is an extremely popular sport and recreational pursuit. This mountain bike facility provides experiences that I have no doubt will be highly sought-after, putting our municipality firmly on mountain bike riders’ itineraries. “There is no doubt this upgraded facility will appeal to mountain bikers seeking new tracks and challenges. In many ways, the work we have done carries on the vision of the dedicated volunteers who constructed the first mountain bike tracks in the area almost 20 years
Justine Brazil
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ago. “Following from the work of those dedicated mountain bike enthusiasts, we now have a facility that covers the spectrum from green to double-black tracks.” Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Senator Carol Brown said the refurbished MTB park will be a welcome addition to Tasmania’s already extensive mountain bike experiences. “The upgraded facilities will no doubt make the Glenorchy Mountain Bike Park a fantastic place for residents of Glenorchy and Hobart surrounds to be get active and enjoy the outdoors,” she said.
Edit Thursday 16 November Press Ready Material: Monday 27 November
Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis.
Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 3
Community News
Angel Cropley (front left), with (back, L-R) Sebastian (riding Clyde), Tom Mullinar, Milla from RDA Tas and Sascha Yeomans. Photo credit: Simon Andrews
Angel hits the trail for RDA FOURTEEN-year-old Angel has always yearned for adventure and now, thanks to the benefits of horse therapy, has embarked on an inspirational journey across the country to raise money for other disabled riders. For the past five years, horse therapy has helped Angel cope with his cerebral palsy by building confidence, lowering anxiety and improving his overall physical and mental health. Angel and his family recently completed a month-long journey on the Tasmanian Trail and are now tackling the longest marked horse trekking trail in the world – the National Trail from Healesville in Victoria to Cooktown in far north Queensland. “I want to raise money to help other disabled people have
adventures and make friends,” Angel said. Angel’s mother Sascha Yeomans has been riding and training horses her entire life, but never considered the benefits of equine therapy until seeing it first-hand. “Horse therapy has drastically improved Angel’s physical fitness, coordination and confidence,” Ms Yeomans said. “His growth is amazing to watch. It’s wonderful that he now has an outlet that provides boundless opportunities for adventure.” Angel’s stepfather Tom Mullinar said Angel had always been dreaming up new journeys and the trip on the National Trail was his most ambitious. “There has been a lot of work done to prepare for this 5000-kilometre, year-long journey,”
he said. “We are eternally grateful to all the generous people and organisations supporting us.” Angel’s journey is supported by Riding for the Disabled (RDA), a not-for-profit organisation which provides equestrian activities to people of all ages and disabilities. “RDA assists more than 2000 people every year. Anyone is welcome to come along to our Lenah Valley centre and give it a try,” RDA CEO Justin Dent said. “Our goal is to help raise $500,000 which will go directly into helping other people with disabilities overcome their challenges.” To follow Angel’s journey search for “Rough and Stumble” on Facebook, or to donate visit rda.
Pool hot topic at Yarn GLENORCHY City Council will progress work to explore options for the long-term future of the Glenorchy War Memorial Pool, with a tender for the project recently advertised. The pool will not open this summer after a consultancy report on the 60-year-old facility revealed multiple health and safety concerns including leaking, structural issues with the concrete grandstand, and an urgent need for switchboard upgrades. Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said the council would contract a consultant to explore options for the site, including redeveloping the pool into a modern facility. “We want the people of Glenorchy and other interested stakeholders to have their say and
help inform the final report, which will be crucial to the council’s considerations,” she said. “The council understands the importance of community recreation facilities and how they provide a foundation for people to live healthy, active and engaged lives.” The pool’s future was a hot topic of conversation when the Council hosted a Community Yarn at the Moonah Arts Centre last month, with 63 people in attendance. “We know that the decision to keep the pool closed this season due to safety issues has upset some people in the community and people are angry that the pool will not be available for their use,” Mayor Thomas said.
“I’m hopeful the session allowed people to gain a better understanding of the situation that led up to the closure of the pool, and the process council has now embarked on to deliver a long-term solution for the facility. “We know people want the pool reopened right away. Unfortunately, even the most basic repairs would likely see the pool closed for the next two seasons and cost millions of dollars while only adding a few years of operational life before we’d be back in this very same situation discussing the need to redevelop the facility.” Council will announce the outcome of the tender as soon as it is finalised.
Community Carols grant recipients announced FIVE local community groups will host free, inclusive events over the festive period after being awarded Community Christmas Carol grants. A considerable number of applications were received, demonstrating the success of council’s approach in empowering local community groups to design and deliver community-led events. “Council is proud to support these events and grateful for the interest and dedication of local community members in organising and delivering them,” Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said.
The funded events are: • Goodwood Roving Christmas Carols (Goodwood, 30 November); • Multicultural Christmas Carols (Moonah, 13 December); • Carols in the Vale (Collinsvale, 16 December); • Ukrainian Christmas Carols Celebration (Moonah, 17 December) • Christmas: a time to remember (Moonah, 17 December). For more details see p19 or go to the events section of the GCC website. ADVERTISEMENT
4 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
Community News
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FoodBank Tas deputy chair Robert Higgins, TasCOSS CEO Adrienne Picone; youth advocate Melodee Estcourt; UTAS Business and Economics lecturer Dr Paul Blacklow, Vinnies Tasmania CEO Heather Kent, Vinnies national president Mark Gaetani and Uniting Vic.Tas family services manager Nicole Day at Guilford Young College
Action needed to end child poverty A PANEL of local leaders offered their insights and ideas for creating a positive future for all children in Tasmania at a special Anti-Poverty Week event in Hobart recently. The ‘End Child Poverty in Tasmania’ Panel Discussion at the Glenorchy campus of Guilford Young College featured TasCOSS CEO Adrienne Picone; Uniting Vic. Tas family services manager Nicole Day, UTAS Business and Economics lecturer Dr Paul Blacklow, FoodBank Tas deputy chair Robert Higgins, former GYC student and youth advocate Melodee Estcourt; and St. Vincent de Paul Society national president Mark Gaetani and Tasmania CEO Heather Kent. Mr Gaetani said 3.3 million people are living below the poverty line in Australia - including 761,000 children whose families lack
adequate food and struggle to pay essential household bills. The combination of insecure housing and financial stress is especially damaging for children and Anti-Poverty Week (15-27 October) drew attention to the children of families who receive inadequate social security payments and depend on emergency support from charities such as St Vincent de Paul Society. “If you don’t have a good start in life a failure to thrive is embedded, impacting kids on many levels from their physical and emotional health through to their educational and longer life prospects,” Mr Gaetani said. “It’s unbelievable that in a wealthy country like ours, one in six children live in poverty-affected households.
“With prices rising across the board and people increasingly falling behind, an increase in government support payments is urgent. Currently, people on JobSeeker are living on incomes well below the poverty line each fortnight. “A proper increase to working age payments and other entitlements would help people to better afford the essentials of life. Any increase in these payments will stimulate the economy, as people spend immediately, and locally, on essentials. “We urge the Government and all MPs to urgently commit to bringing about a better life for those experiencing poverty, especially children, and to take resolute action to make this happen.”
News from the Glenorchy City Council meeting, 25 September GLENORCHY City Council held its ninth meeting for 2023 on 25 September, with 10 Elected Members present. Highlights from the meeting included: Updated Council Policies Council endorsed updates to two policies that have been reviewed and are important in the context of Council’s operations: Conflict of Interest Policy – A conflict of interest arises when the private interests of an employee or Elected Member (or of a close associate) conflict with activity the employee or Elected Member is involved with on behalf of Council. A conflict of interest can be potential, actual or perceived in nature and the policy adopted sets out a framework for managing and monitoring
conflicts of interest. Committees Policy – The updated Policy has clarified the Special Committee definition; updated references to Alderman as Elected Members; and has strengthened the ‘Role of Committees’ statement. The Policy has clarified the need for Council to approve the Committee Terms of Reference and provides the ability for Elected Members to chair committees into the future. Financial Performance Report Council received the monthly Financial Performance Report, highlighting that Council’s operating result as at the end of August is $0.941 million better than the budgeted position. The favourable variance is the combined result of $0.409 million
more revenue than budgeted and $0.531 million less expenditure than budgeted. Although early in the financial year, Council is focused on delivering a budget outcome as presented in June 2023 to the community. Glenorchy Memorial Pool Council received a number of questions on notice and without notice in relation to the Glenorchy War Memorial Pool. All information in relation to the pool is provided on Council’s website,, including the way forward in investigating options for the future of the site. The full agenda and minutes can be viewed on the Council’s website.
Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 5
Community News
Montrose skate park opens Local skaters with Russell Yaxley, Carol Brown, Steven King, Bec Thomas and Nic Street at the official opening of the Montrose Foreshore Skate Park
GLENORCHY locals with a passion for skating, BMX and other extreme sports can now access a purpose-built skate park at Montrose Foreshore. Officially opening the Montrose Foreshore Skate Park on 6 October, Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said the professionally designed park would provide the perfect recreational space for younger people both in Glenorchy and the broader region. “This skate park is an excellent addition to the Montrose Foreshore area and provides a further option for
recreational activities in our community,” she said. “Skate parks are popular recreational spaces and we expect this to become a wellused and valued asset.” Mayor Thomas said the culmination of the project demonstrated all three tiers of government working together to deliver community infrastructure. The State Government provided $500,000 and the Federal Government contributed $120,000 through its Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. “The Australian Government
is proud to have supported this skate park project,” Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Carol Brown said. “Spaces like these are important for the families and young people of Glenorchy and surrounding areas encouraging them go outside and be active.” Mayor Thomas said Glenorchy City Council ran a comprehensive community consultation process to inform the skate park’s design, which features a street plaza-style layout and a bowl. “What we have opened
is a result of a community workshop, draft design feedback and design finalisation with every stage optimising the result to ensure the facility is exactly what the target users want,” she said. “This new dynamic facility will provide an exciting and modern recreational space for our community, close to one of Glenorchy’s most loved parks. “I’m sure this new addition to the Montrose Foreshore will be very popular particularly with young people looking for active, engaging activities within our municipality.”
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Andrew Wilkie MP Independent Member for Clark
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Please contact me if I can be of any assistance. 46 Cameron Street, Launceston TAS 7250 6331 8501 SenatorAskew @senatoraskew Authorised by Senator Wendy Askew, Liberal Party of Australia, 46 Cameron St, Launceston TAS 7250.
6 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
Community News
New subdivision popular GLENORCHY Mayor Bec Thomas has welcomed reports of strong buyer interest in a 76-dwelling housing development underway in Claremont. The Bilton Views development in Russell Rd has been approved by the Glenorchy City Council, and will offer 52 three-bedroom and 24 twobedroom units. “Glenorchy City Council is well aware that many Tasmanian families continue to experience housing stress,” Mayor Thomas said. “These developments, particularly at the scale of this development, add valuable housing stock to the market,
giving more people the chance to get into their own home. “The more housing we can help provide, the more opportunities families have to get a roof over their head and reduce housing stress in our communities. “The fact that this development is designed to specifically meet highdemand new two and three-bedroom dwellings is particularly welcome. “Reports that there has been strong interest in this development from buyers is great news, and we look forward to the project proceeding.”
GCC sets Future Direction The start of the 2km event at the 2023 Glenorchy Fun Run
Hundreds spring into Fun Run DESPITE blustery spring conditions, 250 people took part in the two, five and 10-kilometre events at the 33rd Hazell Bros Glenorchy Fun Run last month. In the two-kilometre event, 11-year-old Tasmanian All Schools Cross Country representative Jake Burt broke away from the pack early and crossed the line in first with a time of six minutes and 35 seconds. Fellow 11-year-old Jasmine Morffew was next to finish, winning
the girls division in seven minutes and 42 seconds. The five-kilometre race saw a unique spread of ages on the podium in the men’s event, with teenager Jacob Gardner securing a commanding win. A time of 16 minutes and 17 seconds put him well clear of 13-year-old Arden Petersen and 6064 age group Australian Half Marathon gold medallist Craig Downie. In the women’s division, Francesca Smith overcame some recent battles with injuries to
take the win with a time of 19 minutes and 50 seconds, ahead of Marcia Hughes and Annie Pullen. The tightest contest of the day took place in the men’s 10-kilometre race, with Nick Earl securing a four-second win over Brad Tennick. In the women’s 10-kilometre race, Ruth Wilson took victory and added to her stellar year in which she has won the Tasmanian title at 5000 metres, 10000 metres and the marathon. Race director and Northern Suburbs
Athletic Club (NSAC) member Paul Lutrell said the annual event was the club’s main fundraiser. “Despite the havoc that was wrought on signage and tents the event was a great success,” he said. “The club would like to congratulate all participants and thank volunteers for giving up their time and braving the conditions. Without their assistance this event could not go ahead.” For full race results visit
Day to celebrate our differences A FAMILY-friendly community event celebrating the International Day of People with Disabilities will be held on the Glenorchy City Council Lawns next month. The annual observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) on 3 December was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1992. The Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilise support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons
with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life. Thanks to partnerships with the local Lions Club and ten service providers, the free IDPD event in Glenorchy will feature an array of musicians performing, line dancing, activities for children and adults, and a free BBQ. Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said the event will be a celebration of all the positive things people with disabilities achieve every day. “Approximately 26 per cent of people living in the Glenorchy municipality identify as having a disability,” she said.
Ogilvie Liberal Member for Clark
Authorised by P. Coulson, Suite 4C, 33 Salamanca Place, Hobart
“Imagine how different daily life could be for a quarter of our community if recognising and accepting diversity was an everyday act.” The International Day of People with Disabilities event will be held on the Glenorchy City Council Lawns from 11am1pm on Friday 1 December. A two-night accommodation package at Breakaway holiday house at White Beach will be given away on the day - a generous donation from Parkside Foundation to provide respite support for families and carers. For more details go to the GCC Events website.
GLENORCHY City Council has released its annual Future Direction Survey, to begin planning its growth and budget priorities for 2024-25 financial year. “The community feedback provided through this survey gives council an understanding of what people want to see in their area and helps us to prioritise how and where we spend ratepayers’ money to deliver infrastructure, programs and services to the community,” Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said. The survey takes about five minutes
to complete through the Let’s Talk platform, with entries going into a draw to win one of three $100 shopping vouchers. Feedback can also be given on the Funding Priorities or One Wish for Glenorchy quick polls, or via hardcopy survey available from Council’s Customer Service Centre. Consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 15 December. Questions can be directed to Council’s Community Engagement Officer via 6216 6800 or letstalk@gcc.
More vandalism at GASP GLENORCHY City Council is permanently removing the rose glass panels at Wilkinsons Point following ongoing vandalism. Since the construction of the pavilion in 2021, 16 incidents of vandalism have been recorded targeting the glass panels. Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said despite the installation of three security cameras, locked gates and some successful prosecutions, the panels continued to be targeted. “Cost of the damage amounts to $180,000 to date, with an estimated additional $80,000 required to fix
the most recent vandalism,” she said. “Due to the ongoing vandalism specifically targeting the red glass panels, the council will now replace these panels with a handrail. “It is obviously extremely disappointing that vandalism occurs in our community. “We have enough genuine priorities in our community without having to spend money on senseless and thoughtless behaviour that gives selfish perpetrators a momentary thrill but leaves behind a permanent cost to the entire community.”
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Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 7
Community News
(L-R) Tasmanian Transport Museum vice president Rod Prince and new president Jeff Bronstein. Photo credit: Simon Andrews
Transport Museum leadership changes track FOR the first time in more than a decade the Tasmanian Transport Museum is set for a change in leadership, with Jeff Bronstein replacing Rod Prince as president after 11 years in the role. Mr Prince plans to stay on as vice-president for 2024, passing on his wealth of knowledge and experience to his
successor. “The timing is perfect for Jeff to take charge, with some big plans and our 40th anniversary on the horizon,” he said. “We have been successful in the past securing funding to upgrade our facilities and hopefully there will be opportunities for more in the future. “Our goals for the new
year include increasing our opening hours and visitor numbers. “We are a unique museum with a pristine collection of historic train, bus and tram machinery which will continue to grow under Jeff’s guidance.” Open on Sundays and by appointment for school and tour groups, the Tasmanian
Transport Museum is home to a large collection of transport-related exhibits including railway locomotives, railcars, carriages and wagons; trams and trolley buses; buses and trucks; and a large model train display. The museum also offers train rides on selected dates, taking travellers back to a bygone era as parents
and grandparents re-live their childhood memories while introducing the next generation to this part of Tasmania’s history. Mr Bronstein said the success of the Glenorchybased museum would be determined by its ability to attract skilled volunteers and create a more accessible experience for visitors.
“There are a few plans in the pipeline which will provide a better experience for visitors including updated garden areas and an improved layout,” he said. “We welcome all new volunteers, including individuals with customer service and mechanical skills. “With a clear vision, dedicated work and a
small amount of funding this place can continue to support the local economy and pass on a unique part of Tasmanian transport history.” Anyone interested in volunteering at the Tasmanian Transport Museum can phone 6272 7721 or 0428 386 843. For more information go to tasmaniantransport
Young Tasmanian Oli cares with pride for their wife Realm, who suffers from multiple chronic health issues. Through Carer Gateway, Oli was able to access several lifechanging services, including in-home assistance, counselling and a young carers’ retreat. Care2Serve is the local, Tassie team providing Carer Gateway services in an environment that advocates respect and support for everyone, including the LGBTQIA+ community. If you are a carer and would like help too, contact us. Support is free, inclusive, and confidential. #caringwithpride
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8 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
Community News
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Ella Haddad MP Member for Clark
Senator Carol Brown Senator for Tasmania
(L-R) Mens Shed/Rotary members Eric Myers and Glenn Walker with Claremont Girl Guides district manager Robyn Midson and Claremont Mens Shed president Duncan Hughes
Claremont clubs pitch in
IN an inspiring demonstration of community collaboration, the Claremont Men’s Shed and local Rotary groups have joined forces to complete some essential renovations to the Claremont Girl Guides hall. “There is so much value in local groups working together for a shared goal,” Girl Guides district manager Robyn Midson said. “If you can’t work together and invite the community into your projects it’s not worth the time. “Our hall had received quite a lot of damage over the years, including lots of holes in the walls, so we paid for the materials and the Men’s Shed generously offered its time for free.”
Claremont Men’s Shed president Duncan Hughes said all three clubs had a long association, working together in the community for many years. “The Claremont Men’s Shed was happy to have some of its members volunteer their time to help organise repairs on the local Girl Guides hall,” he said. “We have a wide range of members from various backgrounds and skills who are keen to pass on their knowledge and help other members learn something new.” The Claremont Girl Guides are preparing for their annual Trash to Treasure Car and Bike Show, which will bring together
more than 50 stalls from the local community at the Claremont Recreation Ground on 12 November. “We are expecting more than 250 cars on the day as well as live music, billy carts, barbeques and cakes stalls with all the profits going directly into the Girl Guides,” Ms Midson said. “Our fees have stayed the same since 1995 which can be accredited to the success of our car shows. “The success of events like this helps us rent out our hall to other local groups and ensure we continue to foster friendships and education through our own programs.”
Josh Willie MLC Member for Elwick
Authorised by Senator Carol Brown, 136 Davey Street, Hobart, TAS, 7001
Insured Qualified Experienced Call/text 0457 585 139 or Visit (L-R) Bill Harvey, Brendan Blomeley, Bec Thomas, Kerry Vincent, Garage Sale Trail general manager Barbara Gill, STRWA CEO Paul Jackson and Michelle Dracoulis
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MORE than 500 community groups, schools and households across southern Tasmania will take part in the national Garage Sale Trail this month, on a shared mission to find new homes for second-hand items and champion the cause for waste reduction. Garage sales will be held across Australia on the weekends of November 11-12 and 18-19. Garage Sale Trail general manager Barbara Gill said it was an opportunity to shine a spotlight on second -hand items and encourage people to reduce their environmental footprint. “In 2022, Garage Sale Trail saved more than three million kilograms of products ending up in landfill,” she said.
“Australians are the world’s second biggest consumers of products and we need to start extending the use of items we already own to combat this.” Southern Tasmania Regional Waste Authority (STRWA) chief executive officer Paul Jackson said the Garage Sale Trail was designed as a collective effort to promote reuse. “This initiative has strong links to the STRWA’s main objectives,” he said. “We aim to foster sustainable use of resources, support opportunities for the circular economy to reduce environmental impact and grow Tasmania’s economy.” This year’s trail is being
supported and promoted by eight southern Tasmanian councils, with several local mayors showing their support. “The more we can reduce waste going into landfill the better our environment will be and the more money we will save,” Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said. Mr Jackson said it was fantastic to see the southern region of Tasmania so well represented, with multiple southern councils participating. “Being able to support our member councils to participate in the program is a great way to ensure the message of waste reduction continues to permeate throughout the community,” he said.
Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 9
Community News
(L-R) Claire, Jess, Anna, Joe and Kylie with dogs Bob, Bella and Winnie at the Wellways Community Dog Walk for mental health. Photo credit: Simon Andrews
Taking the lead for mental health MANY dog owners credit their canine companions as a significant factor in enhancing their mental health. This message was promoted and celebrated at the fourth annual Wellways Community Dog Walk on the Montrose Foreshore in October. The walk took place during Mental Health Week, with pet owners sharing stories, connecting with like-minded people and celebrating the positive impacts dogs have on their lives. Wellways regional manager Jessica Fyshe said the walk embraced the Mental Health Week theme ‘awareness, belonging, connection’. “We know that dogs and other pets improve our mental health, increase our physical activity and provide unconditional love to us daily,” she said. “More than 90,000 Tasmanians live
with mental health issues that affect their everyday life, with a further 125,000 at risk of developing a mental health condition.” Walk attendees were also treated to a live demonstration from a professional dog trainer, and took part in a raffle with various pet products available as prizes. “This event highlights the benefits of pet ownership for mental wellbeing and provides an opportunity for people to come together and connect with others in their community,” Ms Fyshe said. “Research shows us that walking with your dog helps to boost selfesteem, decrease stress and improve social interactions. “Our communities thrive when we all stay connected and dogs play a wonderful role in breaking down social barriers.”
Craig Farrell Member for Derwent Serving the people of Derwent
I am here to assist. To arrange an appointment please call my office. I am happy to meet wherever is most accessible to you.
Facebook @CraigFarrellMLC Phone (03) 6212 2371 Email Authorised by Craig Farrell, 60 High Street New Norfolk.
The Mac Point Draft Precinct Plan is now available. You can view the Draft Precinct Plan and share your feedback at
10 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
Community News
Chigwell day launches arts connect program FROM FRONT PAGE
HUNDREDS of families turned out to enjoy a free Family Fun Day at Chigwell on 5 October, hosted by Bucaan Community House and the Moonah Arts Centre. Held at 8 Bucaan Street and the surrounding green belt and barn, the event offered an array of free, family-friendly activities including face painting, children’s entertainment, food
stalls, stencil art, a playgroup, PCYC involvement, and a visit from a big red fire truck. The Family Fun Day marked the official launch of the new ‘Crewative Arts Connect’ program, funded by the Tasmanian Community Fund. The program, which builds upon the success of a highly effective pilot initiative, is designed for young people aged 10 to
16. It will offer weekly activities during school terms, with the primary goals of engaging with young individuals, providing support, and nurturing new skills including t-shirt screenprinting, street art, music video production, beats and rhyme, and much more. The Family Fun Day gave visitors a chance to sample several activities from the program, and sign up to take part. The work of previous program participants was
also showcased. The event was completely free for all families, made possible by the support of partners and funders including the Tasmanian Community Fund, Moonah Arts Centre, Mission Australia Housing, Child and Family Learning Centre, Claremont Fire Brigade, Claremont Woolworths, Rotary Claremont, Glenorchy City Council, Sparking Conversations Igniting Action and the Red Cross.
(Above) A young artist shows off the piece he created with street art workshop facilitator Joel Imber and (below) Michelle Swallow, Graeme Barber, Keridan Taylor and Marry-Anne Evans
Zoey shows off her diablo skills, watched by Lin
HOBAR T o i d a R FM
Luca Forrest
TASMANIAN through and through, Luca is a young man whose great wish in life is to entertain others and break into the radio and TV industry. After training with 96.1 Hobart FM Tasmania’s first FM radio station – Luca now presents the ‘Thursday Drive with Luca Forrest’ program from 4-6pm every Thursday.
: y b d e t n e s e r P Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Tuesday
6am: Monday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Monday Morning Mix with Mandi Bennett. Midday: Lunchtime Classics with Rick Rae. 2pm: Music Of Your Life
with Jenny Berry. 4pm: Reeling in the Years with David Batchelor. 6pm: Glenn’s Country with Glenn Gillie. 8pm: Classic Ride with Melvin Freestone. 10pm: Double Or Nothing with Willie Jackson.
6am: Wake Up with Kaye Payne. 9am: Bringing Back the Memories with David Batchelor. Midday: Beat & Ballads with Phil Williams. 3pm: Tuesday Drive with Mal Dennis. 6pm: Mostly Folk. 8pm: The Early Late Show with Margs. 10pm: The Late Late Show with Ron Andersen. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Wednesday
6am: Wednesday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Bright and
Mrs Bee entertains little Harshi
Breezy Mix with Kathy. Midday: Wednesday Lunch with Frank McIvor. 2pm: Showtime with Ron Andersen. 4pm: Johnny Dallas Revival Show with Johnny Dallas. 6pm: Wednesday Night Juke Box with Robbo. 8pm: Country Jukebox with Russell Hevey. 10pm: Music of Your Life with Michael Holloway. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Thursday
6am: Thursday Breakfast with Craig Cracknell. 9am: Magic Music Mix with Tom Payne. Midday: From The Noughties to
the Forties with Robyn Guy. 2pm: The Music Of Your Life with Kenny White. 4pm: Thursday Drive with Luca Forest. 6pm: Serbian with Aleksander Djeric. 7pm: Chinese. 8pm: Contrasts in Classic Jazz. 10pm: Greek Program with Benny. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Friday
6am: Rise & Shine with Ria Walter. 9am: Songs & Stories with Brian Corr. Midday: Karina’s Karousel with Karina Ceron. 2pm: My Favourite Music with Judi Forsyth. 4pm: Friday Drive
On Luca’s shows you can expect a great range of classic hits and some of the world’s favourite artists. He also delves into local issues - “opening up a can of worms each week, and we love it”, as one listener put it. Luca would love you to join him and the other presenters on 96.1 Hobart FM, where we play The Music of Your Life. You can also follow Luca on Instagram (lucaforrest_96.1).
with Peter Johnston. 6pm: Good Times Rollin’ with Russell Hevey. 9pm: Rockin’ On with Ray Kemp. Midnight: Music Of Your Life Overnight with Craig Cracknell. Saturday
6am: Mostly Old But Something New with Tim Kingston. 9am: Polish. 10am: Croatian. 11am: Greek with Sotiris Kalogeropoulus Midday: World Music with Amanda Sims. 2pm: Music of Your Life with Amanda Sims. 3pm: Music of Your Life with various presenters. 6pm: Kickback with Kenny White. 9pm: Saturday Night
with Rob Maisey or Underside with Spook & Mike. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Sunday
6am: Sunday Breakfast with Chris Burrows. 9am: German. 10am: Spanish. 11am: Irish with Brian Corr. Midday: Italian Program. 12.30pm: Nepalese program. 2pm: Dove c’e’ musica Italiana. 2pm: Music Of Your Life with Tony Geeves. 6pm: Sunday Country with Bob Hevey. 8pm: Sunday Night Country with Wayne Crossin. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.
Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 11
Community News
Carers Tasmania CEO Dr Samantha Fox and carer Maria Grist at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. Photo credit: Richard Jupe
Time to value our carers
THE one in six Tasmanians who are caring for a family member or friend were recognised, thanked and celebrated during National Carers Week (15-21 October), with a series of ‘Cuppa with a Carer’ morning teas and luncheons held across the state. Carers Tasmania CEO Dr Samantha Fox said the 2022 National Carer Survey revealed that three in five Tasmanian carers experienced financial stress and almost half felt socially isolated. “Anyone at any time can become a carer for a family member or friend, often without warning and with no alternatives,” she said. “Tasmanian carers on average spend more than 100 hours per
week caring. They give up around $39,600 in earnings and $17,700 in superannuation for each year they are a primary carer. “It’s time to value our carers.” That includes carers like Maria Grist, who cares for her husband John as he battles Parkinson’s disease. “There’s a lot of worrying - you’re on tenterhooks because you never know what’s going to be required of you on any given day,” Maria said. “Always being there, being on call all the time … it affects your mental health, your emotional wellbeing, and your time management. You’ve got to plan your own life around it. “Even if people know you’re caring for someone, they don’t
realise how much is involved in that, how much emotional energy you’re putting into that 24/7.” Maria encouraged other carers to reach out to Care2Serve, Tasmania’s Carer Gateway to see what assistance is available. “We’re getting meals delivered three days a week which is a great help,” she said. “I am also getting counselling from a psychologist through Care2Serve, and the peer group meetings are helpful and informative too. “Through Care2Serve we’ve also recently started getting some help once a fortnight with the housework, which gives me a bit of a break. It’s wonderful.”
Let’s celebrate
Anticipation at Windsor
Spring Fling at Glenview AN important aspect in caring for our seniors is to ensure that each person has the sense that there is a good and safe community around them. Glenview Community Services staff organise many evenings of entertainment for the residents of Windsor Street and Korongee including the annual Spring Fling - a night of dance and live music to encourage residents and their families to socialise with our community. Besides the wellbeing benefits of attending a dance, the event is good for bringing back memories and getting physical - even if you are dancing in a seat or wheelchair. The Spring Fling is a wonderful event for families to attend, like going out to a show as a group in the evening - maybe even better, because our residents don’t have to travel and our care staff are on-hand if needed. Posters announcing the dance appear around
the residences, and a sense of anticipation builds. People book hair appointments, choose an outfit, and invite family along. The Glenview activities team transforms the everyday areas into special venues with lights and themed tableware. On the day, house companions and activities staff suddenly become fashion stylists and makeup artists to help those attending to look their best. At this year’s Spring Fling, John from Merton got up and sang. We liked him before; we are in awe of him now!
We are thankful to Johnny Wright who performed on guitar and vocals, and the fabulous TasSwing Lindy Mob dancers who are all top-rate entertainers who genuinely consider Glenview residents. The Lindy Mob took particular care to speak and dance with the audience before Johnny concluded the evening with some well-loved, classic songs. It’s illuminating to see the residents happy, smiling and remembering how to dance. Having events to look forward to is an enjoyable part of life for all of us!
Pretty in pink and purple at the Korongee Spring Fling
Getty Images
Let Glenview work for You
Friday 1 December 2023 Glenorchy City Council lawns 11:00am to 1:00pm FREE BBQ, Music, Entertainment and Stalls
Our help at your place Like some help with cleaning, gardening, cooking? Want to join a social outing? Simply get in touch and we will support you to find useful services - to ensure you continue to live independently and comfortably in your own home.
Contact Aniela on 03 6277 8800
12 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
Sign up for HERC NOW there is more opportunity than ever to secure your place in the highly sought-after HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing course delivered by the Health Education and Research Centre (HERC) in Hobart. HERC is growing and we want you to be a part of that growth. With accreditation to deliver three cohorts of 25 students per year (previously two), chances are we have a course that meets your needs. HERC delivers this course using a two day
Enrol in the HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing course delivered by the HERC in Hobart
e nt e at me y b ible t S rn a lig ve g m o e ts o G din le t can n i fu ilab ppl a a v a
a week face-to-face model, with 12 weeks of amazing placement opportunity where you will polish the clinical skills you’ve learnt in our state-of-the-art simulation lab. We aim to create a smooth transition between the classroom and the healthcare industry. At HERC we nurture our learners and provide individual support when you need it most. We appreciate that we are all individuals with different learning needs, and we teach how you learn. “Having tried other
nursing courses and not clicked with them I began to believe that maybe nursing wasn’t what I was meant to do, but then I found HERC,” Rachael Parsons said. “They not only boosted my confidence, but also turned me from a nervous wreck into the nurse I dreamed I would one day be.” HERC intends to commence their next Diploma of Nursing intake in late January 2024. Further information and updates can be found by visiting our website,
Register your interest for our HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing February 2024 intake
Discover Your Future in Nursing with us!
HERC is the training division of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch. HERC proudly delivers ANMAC & ASQA accredited training delivered under a third-party agreement with Registered Training Organisation ANMEC (Australian Nursing & Midwifery Education Centre), RTO Code 40064. This arrangement enables HERC to deliver ANMEC’s HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing. Skills Tasmania subsidies may be available.
Independent Living Units These quality and elegant units are located in New Town approximately five minutes by car from the Hobart CBD and close to a major shopping centre.
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Residential Aged Care Mary Ogilvy Homes delivers quality and professional residential aged care services, that allows our residents to maintain their independence in all activities as they are able. Our residents are also encouraged to furnish their rooms with personal belongings and let us know about any special cultural, religious or dietary customs they may wish to continue. We are here to provide support and services to assist with all needs and requirements. For more information about our residential care options and availability, please visit our website at
EARN EXTRA CASH IN YOUR LOCAL AREA! Are you interested in delivering newspapers and catalogues to household letterboxes in your area? SCAN THE QR CODE TO LEARN MORE
Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 13
Comedy capers calling for Hobart Rep this Christmas
Sisters Mimi and Maika are longstanding Children’s University participants
Rosetta kids enrol in Children’s University CHILDREN’S University is one of the most popular activities for student engagement at Rosetta Primary. There are 47 participants who regularly volunteer in the community, learning new skills and developing personal interests outside of school hours. Each Children’s University student receives a ‘Passport to Learning’ to log their hours of extra-curricular activities. Once the hours needed to graduate are achieved, members are presented with Children’s University certificates at a formal graduation ceremony held at their partner university.
Students at Rosetta Primary have been involved in Children’s University for eight years. Many of our past student graduates from the program are now enrolled in university, pursuing their interests in learning and creating a range of employment options. Their commitment to furthering their learning was sparked from their involvement in Children’s University while at Rosetta Primary. Children’s University also involves families, and we have many students who participate with another family member. Students have already completed their passports for 2023 and submitted
them to the teacher leading the program, Lindy Devereux. This year’s Graduation Ceremony will be held at the University of Tasmania on Tuesday 14 November. Also at Rosetta Primary, two Grade 6 student leaders and House Captains, Levi and Taylah, were recently recognised as the 2023 Cross Country Champions. Levi and Taylah have completed a successful year leading their respective Houses, Rashid and Nile, and participating with excellence in sporting events including receiving medals for both cross country and athletics.
RING in the Christmas cheer this December with the Hobart Repertory Theatre Society’s production of ‘Jingled’! Written by Tasmanian writer Stephanie Briarwood and directed by Mel King and Danni Ashton, this Christmas comedy will have you roaring with laughter at its hilarious local take on the nativity story. ‘Jingled’ follows hapless, middle-aged George, who runs a convenience store in suburban Tassie. Unhappy with his lot in life, George dreams of running away from the crazy characters who make his life miserable. But one Christmas Eve everything just seems to go haywire, with a surprise baby on his doorstep throwing George’s escape plans into disarray! Throw in a drunken Santa, a bunch of enthusiastic Christmas carollers, an attempted burglary and an over-zealous policewoman and you’ve got all the ingredients for an evening of side-splitting fun. What better way to celebrate Christmas? ‘Jingled’ features 11 of Tasmania’s finest actors taking on 20 different roles, with Moonah local Paul Levitt starring as the villainous Santa. The cast list also includes Jeff Keogh, Bethany Denholm, Jeremy Pyefinch, Ivano
Del Pio, Bryony Geeves, Jane Hamilton-Foster, Janet Smith, Anne Cordiner, Gabe Atkins and Scott Burns. Recommended for audiences aged 13 and over, ‘Jingled’ is on at the Playhouse Theatre from 15-23 December. Round up your friends, colleagues and family members
Moonah local Paul Levitt stars as the villainous Santa in the Hobart Repertory Theatre Society’s production of ‘Jingled’
Hobart Repertory Theatre Society proudly presents a hilarious new Christmas Comedy
written by Stephanie Briarwood & directed by Mel King
Hello from Rosetta Primary School A place where values and future learning have meaning.
To book a tour please call our welcoming office team on: 03 6208 1200
Rosetta Primary School creates a learning environment where students develop as confident and creative learners. Our students receive opportunities to extend their thinking into actions through a caring and supportive environment, with a focus on wellbeing. Rosetta Primary supports students on their aspirational journey to academic excellence and future learning.
32 Riverview Parade, Rosetta TAS
w: e:
and book a night at the theatre for your Christmas function! Book before mid-November to secure early-bird pricing of just $28 per person, or $24.50 for Hobart Repertory Theatre Society Members. Find out more and book tickets online at
15 - 23 December Performances: Wednesday - Saturday 7.30pm Weekend matinees scheduled - see website for details The Playhouse Theatre Box Office: 6234 1536
Book at
A feel good Christmas comedy with iconic Australian characters
14 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
Delicious Wattlebanks @ Home meals AT Wattlebanks we believe everyone should be able to access affordable, locally made, nutritious meals which is why we are proud to have developed Wattlebanks @ Home offerings suitable for eligible National
Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Home Care Package (HCP) participants. Each week our team create a new curated menu of delicious and nutritious meal options with an emphasis on
flavour and variety. The NDIS guidelines allow certain participants the ability to access meal preparation as part of their funding. As the cost of the ingredients are ineligible, we allow for 70 per cent of the cost of the meals in addition to the delivery fee to be claimed back. For HCP participants we only charge 30 per cent of the meal cost upfront and then do the administration and follow-up with your Care/ Plan Manager, so you don’t need to do anything. There is a quick, one-off process (outlined below) that you need to go
through to be approved, but once you’re up and running there is nothing else involved. How does it work? NDIS If you are on a Plan Managed account, we only charge 30 per cent of the meal cost upfront and then do the administration and follow-up with your Plan Manager, so you don’t need to do anything. If you are on a SelfManaged account, our cooks will provide you with an NDIS-approved invoice of which you then claim back 70 per cent via your online portal.
HCP If you are on a SelfManaged plan, when you process your order you will only be asked to pay 30 per cent of the meal cost upfront. We then liaise with your Care/Plan Manager to recover the balance. What is the process? STEP 1 Log in to your Cookaborough account. If you haven’t set up an account, either go to or click on the QR code below. STEP 2 Go to My Accounts. STEP 3
Go to the NDIS/HCP section. STEP 4 Select New Quote and fill in your details. STEP 5 (NDIS) If you selected the Plan Managed option: You, the cook and your Plan Manager will receive a copy of the Quote. The Plan Manager then approves your Quote or follows up any issues. Once approved, you can place an order. If you selected the SelfManaged option: You and the cook will receive a copy of the Quote. You are then able to place an order. The required invoice template will be emailed when an
order is placed. You are then able to claim back 70 per cent of the cost of your meal and delivery fee via your online portal. STEP 5 (HCP) If wanting to part-pay upfront, select ‘I will only part-pay upfront.’ You, the cook and your Care/ Plan Manager will receive a copy of the Quote. The cook then connects with your Care/Plan Manager and approves your account. Once approved, you are able place an order. For more information or to view our menu, email enquiries@ au or phone 0419 897 121.
1. Scan the QR code to see our weekly menu 2. Choose your meals and add them to your cart
@ Home Meals
We’re making life a littlemaking bit easier! We’re life
3. Choose ‘Delivery’ or ‘Pick Up’
a little bit easier! Pre-order our ready-made meals and take the night off!
• Menu opens: Wednesdays 10.30am • Menu closes: Sundays 10.30am • Pick Up: - Wednesdays & Providore, Wattlebanks - | Wattlebanks Coastal CaféCafé & Providore, Bridge Street 1pm - 4pm 127 Charles Street Richmond, Orford, 1pm - 4pm or
Wattlebanks - | Wattlebanks Café & Providore, - Thursdays Coastal Café & 27 Bridge Street Richmond, 2pm - 1pm 4pm- 4pm Providore, 1 Charles Street Orford,
• Delivery: -- Wednesdays | Greater Hobart & Richmond Orford, Richmond and surrounding suburbs surrounding 2pm - 5pm suburbs, 2pm - 6pm Greater Hobart area - 6pm suburbs, -- Thursdays | Orford and2pm surrounding 2pm - 5pm
4. Make payment online
5. Enjoy your meals in the comfort of your own home
0419 897 121
Pre-order our take-home meals and take the night off!
A HOME that welcomes A PARISH that evangelises A SCHOOL that prepares for life A PLAYGROUND where friends meet Find out why so many parents choose Dominic College
For more information please contact the College Enrolments Team on 6274 6000 or email: 204 TOLOSA STREET GLENORCHY | 6274 6000 Find us on
Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 15
Alternative finds at Gosling Gothware DELORAINE’S Gosling Gothware is your onestop shop for all kinds of goth, steampunk and fantasy products, having supplied fans with alternative fashion and accessories since 2015. “I’ve been interested in the goth lifestyle for some time and was inspired by the lack of steampunk and alternative products available in Tasmania,” Gosling Gothware owner Helen Gosling said. “In 2019 we moved premises to a much larger shop so we could expand into clothing, which complements our
well-established range of accessories including top hats, goggles, fob watches, handbags and much more.” Gosling Gothware reopened in June after a brief hiatus to redecorate and refurbish the store, and have since added even more products to their extensive selection of steampunk, goth and fantasy fashion, jewellery, handbags, figurines and more. Clothing is sourced from renowned goth and steampunk labels such as Punk Rave, Restyle and Spiral.
The store also features a range of locally made products including soaps, candles and the popular ‘Cogweb’ jewellery line. The Deloraine community has fallen in love with Gosling Gothware, with people constantly coming back to see the new products on display. Now customers from across the state are starting to cotton on. “The local community has embraced our alternative merchandise with open arms, and we have many repeat customers,” Ms Gosling
said. “We have something for everyone.” Gosling Gothware’s latest attraction is the ‘Jack the Ripper Alleyway’, where people can learn about the Whitechapel murders. Come and “Have a Gander” at Gosling Gothware, which is open from 10am - 4pm seven days a week. Gosling Gothware’s extensive list of products is available on their website, and can be purchased in person, over the phone, or through their social media channels.
Gosling Gothware stocks a wide range of clothing, jewellery and more
At Gosling Gothware we specialise in: Steampunk - Top Hats, Fob Watches, Goggles Goth - Jewellery, Handbags, Purses Fantasy - Figurines, Skulls, Fairies
“Have a gander!”
Clothing from Punk Rave, Restyle, Spiral, to name a few. COME IN TO EXPERIENCE THE JACK THE RIPPER ALLEYWAY
3 Emu Bay Road, Deloraine TAS Open 10am - 4pm, 7 days a week
Stressed about selling this Christmas?
Don’t be.
Our team has the negotiation strategy to get you the highest possible price. Until you sell, you pay nothing.
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16 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
Your life, your choice, our focus. We provide in-home, centre-based and community-based support to people living with disability and people with mental illness to enable you to remain living independently in the community. Stay in the place you’re familiar with and keep connected with friends and family with support from CBS. The right amount of support from the right people can go a long way. Assistance with self-care activities | Assistance to access community, social and recreational activities | Individual skills development | Group based social activities | Home modifications | Household tasks | 1300 227 827
2-3 DECEMBER @ PW1 9.00AM -4.00PM Shop with over 100 Makers, Watch the Makers work, Talk with Santa, Find all the hidden Santas to go in the Prize draw, Buy your Christmas Tree from the scouts, Listen to the choir, Enjoy great food.
Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 17
Order your Mures Christmas platter now
Mures’ sensational seafood SEAFOOD FOR CHRISTMAS MURES Tasmania is bringing the very best seafood to your table this Christmas. Established in 1973, this fully integrated, family owned and operated business is renowned for fresh, sustainable, local seafood and hook-to-plate practice. Mures’ two fishing vessels, ‘Diana’ and ‘Selkie’, operate all year round to bring in popular and premium Tasmanian fish for their customers. Orders for Christmas are now open, with plenty of popular seafood favourites
available to choose from including Tasmanian southern rock lobster (crayfish), Pacific oysters, blue eye trevalla, pink ling, scallops, prawns, squid, salmon, trout and more. Mures also offer a range of gourmet seafood products. Using original recipes, timehonoured techniques and the care that only comes from long family tradition, this range includes smoked fish, pates, terrines, sauces, soups and a unique variety of European delicacies. Seafood hampers and
platter options are also available to order, featuring a selection of fresh seafood and gourmet products. This year, all Christmas orders of more than $100 will receive a complimentary Yellow Laksa or Tom Yum soup base from Mures’ new gourmet soup range. Order collection will be available from Mures Lower Deck on Victoria Dock in Hobart, or Mures Fishing outlet in Cambridge right up until Christmas Eve. Orders will close on Monday 18 December.
PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW! Orders will close Monday 18th December.
VICTORIA DOCK p : 03 6231 2815 w :
p : 03 6277 5555 w :
18 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 19
Super fast electric karts for all ages Gift an experience not material objects From Super Shifter thrills to father-son duo rides, there’s racing fun for all at Hyperdrive
Gift a day of racing fun at Hyperdrive this Christmas AS Christmas is just around the corner, finding the right gift can be a challenge. Why not consider giving the gift of experience with Hyperdrive Racing? Hyperdrive offers an unforgettable time, with super-fast electric karts that are exciting for both kids and adults. But the adventure doesn’t stop after the chequered flag - there’s a cosy spot to enjoy some food, a refreshing drink, and even play a few rounds on
the free arcade machines. Hyperdrive has made sure to be open for all the festive fun, welcoming guests from 10am until late throughout December and January. The only day the crew will be resting up is Christmas Day. For a unique Christmas gift, Hyperdrive’s versatile gift cards are a hit. They can be purchased online, over the phone, or in person. And delivery is a breeze – whether it’s sent through email, posted to your home, or
picked up directly. Picture your loved one receiving a gift card that promises not just an activity, but an entire day filled with joy, speed and memories. It’s more than just a card; it’s an invitation to a special experience. So this festive season, let’s make Christmas more memorable by giving the gift of experience. Hyperdrive promises to deliver smiles and excitement.
Support local. Locally owned and operated E AILABL ERS AV ITE H C U O GIFT V WEBS ON OUR
22-24 Mertonvale Circuit Kingston, Tasmania 7050 p (03) 6229 1895 E INFO@HYPERDRIVE.RACING
Community Christmas Carols FREE Family-friendly festive fun!
Goodwood Roving Christmas Carols 30 November Multicultural Christmas Carols 13 December Carols in the Vale 16 December Christmas; A time to remember & Ukrainian Christmas Carol Celebration 17 December
Scan for details
For times and locations, visit Proudly supported by the GCC Christmas Carols Grants Program
20 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
A DOGS LIFE: to addressing dog behaviour issues be overstated. The key focus THE NOT-SO-GOOD-DAYS cannot at every level should be on prevention .COM.AU
1 1/2 years young An active and playful pup who knows how to keep a smile on your face. Her energy and zest for life are boundless, and she’s always up for a good game or adventure. When it comes to people, Salty is smart and incredibly affectionate. She’ll shower you with love, loyalty, and plenty of snuggles. Eager to learn new things she will bring immeasurable joy to your life.
1 1/2 years young Lulu has a sweet, gentle nature; always eager to shower you with affection and cuddles. She appreciates a good balance between playtime (she adores playing with a ball! We hope you do too!) and a cozy spot to snooze. She is a happy girl with special needs in that she has rentinal atrophy so her vision may deteriorate significantly over her life. She needs a home with no small animals, children etc, and preferably a setting where she can learn to navigate her way around should she need to in the future.
The recent awful news of a fatal dog attack in the south of the state has understandably shocked and saddened us all. Dog attacks are a serious problem that require a serious and effective longterm solution. It is important, though, not to respond to populist calls to ban specific breeds as a way to address this problem The RSPCA does not support severe restrictions on the ownership of certain dog breeds, or dog types through the introduction of breed-specific legislation – and we are not alone in this view. The Australian Veterinary Association, along with the national veterinary associations of Britain, the United States and Canada, support the view that breed-specific approaches to dog regulation are not effective, as they do not protect the public by reducing dog bite incidents. The failure of breed-specific legislation to prevent dog attacks is due to a number of factors including: • breed on its own is not an effective indicator or predictor of aggression in dogs; • the breed of dogs cannot be precisely determined by appearance or by DNA analysis; • how to ensure all dog owners are made responsible for the actions of their dogs; • how to reduce the risk of any dog within the general population exhibiting aggressive or dangerous behaviour towards people; and • It ignores the human element whereby dog owners who desire this kind of dog will simply substitute another breed of dog of similar size, strength and perception of aggressive tendencies.
Dog bites are the result of complex behaviours caused by the interaction of genetic factors, pain and medical issues, early experience, socialisation and training, the external environment they live in, and the behaviour of the victim. To be successful, any preventative strategy needs to address all of these factors, as well as provide mechanisms to protect the community as a whole. Knowing the non-verbal and verbal cues of anxiety in dogs is a fundamental part of safe animal/dog interactions. Yet there is a significant gap in community knowledge about how to live alongside and interact with animals, particularly dogs. This lack of understanding can lead to unsafe interactions and increase the risk of dog attacks. The key to this is the ‘Deed not Breed’ principle needs to be applied, which asserts that aggression in dogs is not tied to any particular breed, but is influenced by various individual factors and circumstances, not breed alone. The importance of being proactive rather than reactive when it comes
rather than consequences. A robust prevention strategy for dog attacks must contain the following key elements: • registration and microchipping of all dogs; • control of unrestrained and freeroaming animals; • provisions for the control of aggressive dogs; • desexing of non-breeding dogs; • training of owners and dogs; • socialisation with people and other animals; and • education of the public, and particularly children, in dog behaviour and bite prevention. Underlying all of these issues, of course, is the fact that our animal welfare legislation and related regulations are outdated and lag well behind contemporary expectations. Worse still, there is so little funding to resource the education and compliance programs needed to improve these conditions that there is little that can currently be done to improve this situation. Tasmanians and our dogs have the right to demand more.
Additional information: The links below provide some tools on how to live safely with dogs of any breed. gooddogsbaddays knowledge-base/how-can-wehelp-to-prevent-dog-attacks-inthe-community/ event/reward-based-training/ event/dog-to-english-translationchart/
Male, 5 years young Frankie, the recently retired Greyhound, seeks a loving home where he can share his affectionate nature. Social with other Greyhounds, he prefers a home with similar-sized dogs. Excitable around small children and animals, Frankie requires a child-free environment and guidance to manage his enthusiasm. With long, agile legs, he needs secure fencing and a patient family to help him transition into domestic life.
YOU CAN HELP PROTECT ANIMALS FROM NEGLECT AND CRUELTY THIS CHRISTMAS. Donate today and support our Inspectors and carers to give animals a better life, for their whole life.
Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 21
Scan to see more kitties
Learn more:
Scan for more info
John and family are foster caring cats the Wright way JOHN Wright, his wife Susan and their family have fostered 54 cats and kittens for Ten Lives since March 2021. “My wife Susan went to do the training and I was sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch when she came home,” John recalled. “I said, ‘how did the training go?’ and she’s like ‘well…’, and she had a mum with five kittens in a crate! “Everyone (at Ten Lives) has been
absolutely terrific, and they make it so easy to do the fostering because the communication is so good.” You get a different experience with every cat or kitten you foster. Ten Lives will match kitties needing foster care to your home environment - whether that includes children or other pets – and fostering has become a family affair for the Wrights. “My kids absolutely love it because they get
to be introduced to new cats all the time,” John said. “And it’s not just my wife and I doing all the care. The kids help out heaps with it, so you have like the rewarding side of things.” Ten Lives is encouraging families to become involved in foster caring over the summer holiday period, when we see an influx of cats and kittens requiring foster care. “Each of the cats
that we’ve had have changed our home in a different way,” John said. “There’s been many times where I’ve come into the Centre to return a foster cat and left in tears because I really wanted to keep them. “So it’s not always that easy, but we always know that they go to a good home. “There’s been a couple of cats now that I’ve commented on their profiles on Facebook
and the new owners or in one case, the new owner’s daughter has got in contact with me to give me updates on how the cat’s gone and just the joy that brings is amazing.” Ten Lives Cat Centre is a self-funded animal charity that relies on donations and volunteers to care for and rehome the unwanted cats and kittens of Tasmania. See how you can get involved at
Scan to apply > or call 6278 2111
John Wright visiting former foster kitty Charile at Ten Lives, after Charlie had returned to the Centre for adoption
12 Selfs Point Road New Town 6278 2111 |
22 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
Community Calendar A
ART SOCIETY OF TASMANIA Art Society November exhibition ‘Love This State’ features artworks by Elizabeth Hunn and Kaye Volkman. At the Lady Franklin Gallery, Ancanthe Park, Lenah Valley. Open weekends 11am-4pm. AUSTRALIAN ARMY CADETS - 63 ARMY CADET UNIT Within the Australian Army Cadets, you will experience: • Friendship, leadership and management skills. • Camping, adventure training, drones and STEM activities. Plus more! Parading Wednesdays from 1800–2100 at Dowsing Point. If you are aged between 13 and 17, register your interest today! OR email
BEREAVED PARENTS’ SUPPORT GROUP Bereaved parents meet for a social gathering in a local cafe on a Sunday afternoon every second month. Those wishing to join can phone 1300 064 068 for details. This Freecall number is also a 24/7 helpline for bereaved parents, siblings, grandparents and guardians. It is staffed by bereaved parents. BERRIEDALE SELF HELP GROUP Support and encouragement given to lose weight. We meet at 635 Main Road, Berriedale from 5pm Tuesday nights. New members always welcome. For enquiries, phone Colleen on 0418 493 475. BUSY BEES SEWING AND CRAFT GROUP We meet at the Glenorchy Rodman Bowls Club in Innes Street from 10am-2pm every Friday. Bring along any unfinished projects. We have Christmas cake decorating classes in December. Morning and afternoon tea supplied; bring your own lunch. Cost is $5. Inquiries: phone Pamela on 0438 504 064.
CITY OF GLENORCHY GARDEN CLUB Meets at 7pm on the first Thursday of every month, at Rodman Bowls Club in Innes Street. We enjoy guest speakers, flower and vegetable competitions, garden visits, bus trips and more. New members are welcome. For more information phone Jan on 0475 383 941. CLAREMONT COMMUNITY CLUB Meets at the Claremont RSL from 10.30am on the first Monday of every month. All welcome. Come along for a guest speaker, refreshments and a chat. CLAREMONT COMMUNITY LIBRARY The Claremont Community Library is open every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 11am to 1pm. The library is run by an amazing group of volunteers and is located at the Claremont Memorial Hall on the corner of Main Road and Bilton Street, Claremont. CLAREMONT GARDEN CLUB Meets third Monday of each month at the Lady Clark Recreation Hall at Waldron Street, Claremont (first turn on the left off Box Hill Road). Meetings begin at 7pm with trade table of plants, guest speakers and supper. Organised monthly activities, new members welcome. Phone 0417 387 781. CLAREMONT GIRL GUIDES There is an opportunity for girls of all ages to attend Girl Guides. Enquiries phone 0437 075 623. COUNTRY MUSIC The Country Music Club of Southern Tasmania will hold a Christmas Market at 14 Main Rd Claremont from 10am-2pm on Saturday 16 December. $10 per table. Phone 0428 729 874 for more information. CRAFT AND CUPPA Come and join us for our fortnightly craft sessions at Montrose Presbyterian Church Hall (2 Islington Rd) from 10am – noon every second Friday. Bring some craft to work on or just come and chat. Plenty of parking available. Phone Marj on 0447 698 307 or Carol-Ann on 6273 1529.
DANCING Tasmanian Scottish Country Dancers RSCDS. Friendly classes are held each Thursday evening (7.15-9.30pm) and Friday afternoon (13.30pm) at the Caledonian Hall, 31 Homer Ave, Moonah. Adults $8. Classes for all ages and fitness ability. No partner required. All dances
taught, including children/youth class. For more information visit our Facebook page, email, or phone Sarah on 0409 218 414. DUSTY BOOTS LINE DANCING Dusty Boots Line Dancing hosts line dancing classes for all fitness levels. Movements can be modified to suit individual abilities. The aim is to have a fun, no-pressure experience in a friendly atmosphere. Classes are held at the Tolosa Hall (148 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy) on Tuesday mornings, Thursday evenings, Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings. The cost is $7 per class or $10 for two classes, paid on arrival. Bring water, and wear comfy clothing and shoes. For more information phone Sue Devine on 0417 503 429 or Regan Love on 0484 056 711.
FREE FITNESS ASSESSMENT Email or phone 0417 836 988. Bookings essential.
GLENORCHY CITY BOWLS CLUB Located at 4 Alcorso Drive. Social bowls every Monday, noon for a 12.30pm start. Experience not necessary. Bowls can be provided if required. Please wear flat footwear. Lucky rink draws and raffle. For more information phone 0407 361 030. GLENORCHY FOOTBALL CLUB BINGO Bingo has been a regular community event at KGV for decades. Now held in the Jack Rough Room at the Glenorchy Football Clubrooms twice each week: Thursdays (doors 5.30pm, “Eyes Down” 7pm) and Fridays (doors 9.30am, “Eyes Down” 11am). Great jackpots and fun every week. Free parking. GLENORCHY PROBUS CLUB COMBINED Meets at the Glenorchy Football Club on the first Tuesday of the month. Meeting starts at 10am followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Lunch follows at a local venue. Other outings/functions are monthly. Enquiries: 0419 326 707. GLENORCHY RODMAN BOWLS CLUB Barefoot bowls every Wednesday night from 5pm. $5 a head which includes a sausage sizzle and cheap drinks. Bring your mates or come solo. Teams of four can be made up on the night. It’s a great night out where you get make new friends and whoop it up a bit. For more information, phone 6273 2293. GLENORCHY ROWING CLUB At Montrose Bay Foreshore. Established 1972. For adults with or without experience seeking fun, fitness and friendship through a sport that exercises the mind and body. Clubrooms available for functions and meetings. To enquire, email GLENORCHY STAMP CLUB Established in 1964, we encourage stamp collecting in all its forms. Everyone is welcome to come along to our monthly meetings and exchange books, sell duplicates and purchase stamps. There is plenty of excitement with our sales and occasional displays during meetings. For more information, contact Frank on 0488 439 498. GOODWOOD COMMUNITY GARDEN Join us for community gardening sessions at the Goodwood Community Centre every Wednesday from 9.30am - 12.30pm. We have shared plots, and approach gardening as an opportunity to learn. All ages and all abilities welcome. 20 Acton Cres, Goodwood. Phone 6272 2560 for more information. GOLDEN YEARS CLUB The Golden Years Club is located at 314 Main Road Glenorchy and offers a number of activities. Tuesday: Exercises from 10am to 12pm, lunch from 12pm to 1pm, and bowls from 1pm to 3pm. Wednesday: Shoot and shuffle from 10am to 12pm. Friday: 500 cards from 10am to 12pm, and crib from 1pm to 3pm. $5 per activity. GOLDEN YEARS SCHOOL FOR SENIORS A welcoming and fun weekly session that promotes lifelong learning, featuring guest speakers on a range of interesting topics including travel, history, local stories and much more. The cost is $5 each week. Phone 6272 8402 for a copy of the program. New members and guests always welcome.
If you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact:
HOBART FILM SOCIETY Free members-only screenings each Monday at 7.30pm. Quality films from all periods of cinema history. Free refreshments. Criterion House, Mathers Place, Hobart. Twelve months $52 (doubles $84), concessions for seniors, students etc. Go to or phone 6231 3581 or 6234 6071. HOBART MINIATURE STEAM LOCOMOTIVE SOCIETY (HMSLS) Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. New members always welcome. For information, visit
JUST US (SENIORS) Sing for fun. Small group rehearsing Friday mornings at private home from 10am to noon. Sharing our enjoyment while performing for the senior community on the Eastern and Western Shores. New members welcome. For more information, phone 6243 5930 or 6249 8168.
LIBRARIES TASMANIA The Glenorchy Library in Terry Street runs a range of community programs throughout the year, including: Rock & Rhyme - A free lap-sit session ideal for babies up to 2 years, featuring lots of fun songs, action rhymes and stories. Wednesdays at 10.30am or Thursdays at 10am. Story Time - A free session which includes stories, rhymes, and action songs aimed at preschoolers aged 2-5. Tuesdays at 10am. Coffee, Cake & Computers - Build your confidence and digital skills by joining our weekly class for adults. Mondays at 9.30am. Email or phone 6165 5493 for more information. LINE DANCING CLASSES Join Boots and All Line Dancing (a Bucaan Community House program) for beginner line dancing classes. All dances are designed for beginners but with plenty of variety in steps, music and energy levels to keep more experienced dancers having fun too. Classes are held every Thursday at Tolosa Hall (148 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy) from 9.30-10.25am and 10.35-11.30am ($3). New dancers are welcome at any class but please phone to confirm times. For more information phone Laura on 0448 007 751. LIONS CLUB OF GLENORCHY The Glenorchy Lions Club meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 637 Main Road, Berridale at 6.45pm. New members and visitors welcome. For more information, phone Jenny on 0417 311 779.
MOCO DRAGON BOAT CLUB Come join us and learn a new sport, it’s a great way to stay fit and meet new people. Sign up for a Dragon Pass which gives you one month free, with qualified coaches. Anyone over the age of 18 is welcome. Paddles and PFDs supplied. Located at Montrose Foreshore. For training times and more information, email or phone 0411 138 252. MOONAH COMBINED PROBUS CLUB We meet at the Carlyle Hotel from on the third Wednesday of each month. Everyone welcome. Meetings start at 10am in summer and 9.30am in winter. We have a guest speaker at every meeting, and hold a luncheon on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Phone Jim on 6228 3373. MOONAH LADIES PROBUS CLUB Meets first Monday of the month at Rodman Bowls Club rooms, Glenorchy. Meeting starts 10am followed by morning tea and guest speaker. Finishes 12noon. Monthly bus trips and dining out days. Annual subscription $30. Meetings $5. Ph. 6249 3594.
NEW TOWN CROQUET CLUB Come and try croquet at 3 St John’s Avenue, New Town. Entrance from Creek Road, behind the basketball courts. Call club secretary Lizzie
Bassett on 0409 799 462 for more information. All very welcome. Flat shoes needed, equipment provided. NEW TOWN - LENAH VALLEY COMBINED PROBUS CLUB Our Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the New Town Bay Rowing Centre. Meetings commence at 10am with a business session, then a break for morning tea followed by a guest speaker. We offer members the opportunity to attend a monthly outing, and enjoy games mornings on non-meeting Wednesdays. There is also a walking group that walks every second Thursday. For more information phone 6243 6293.
PETANQUE CLUB CLAREMONT Held at the Cadbury Recreation Grounds every Wednesday at 12:30pm. Come along and give it a try. For more information, phone 0418 582 308.
ROTARY CLUB CLAREMONT The Rotary Club Claremont has 55 years of serving the community and meets Wednesday evenings at the Claremont RSL 9 Bilton street, Claremont 7011. Doors open 6pm for 6.30pm start. For any enquiries, contact secretary. ROTARY CLUB OF GLENORCHY Serving the Glenorchy community since 1964, the Club meets each Thursday at the Maypole Hotel, 6 for 6.30pm. All visitors welcome. For enquiries, contact us via Facebook or email
SEEKING READING TUTORS Bowen Road Primary School welcomes community members who have the time to volunteer at the school, listening to students read. We provide training, and volunteers are able to select days and times that work for them. Interested? Drop into the school office or phone 6228 1549. SOCIAL TABLE TENNIS Northern Suburbs Table Tennis hosts social table tennis from 10am-noon on Thursdays at the Glenorchy YMCA Kable stadium. All welcome, especially beginners. Bats, balls and coaching provided. $5 entry. Phone 0429 498 660.
TAI CHI Tai Chi classes are held each Monday night at the Glenorchy Library. 6pm until 7pm. $7 concession, $10 employed. For enquiries phone Bill Pearson 0409 972 668. TASSIE ROCKERS HOBART We teach ‘50s/‘60s rock ‘n’ roll, line dancing and partner dance routines for beginners and intermediate dancers, at the AA Lord Community Centre from 6.45-9.30pm Wednesday evenings. The cost is $10 per person. We also hold dances every two weeks at various venues. For more information, phone Caryl on 0409 703 044 or email TENNIS Have a hit of tennis with your friends and family, or play competitively in a club pennant team. Glenorchy City Tennis Club is open to the public from 7am-10pm every day. Book your court online at, bring your own racquet and balls. Lessons are available for all abilities from beginner to adult, as well as social tennis groups and cardio tennis classes. Call Sahil on 0466 098 984 or message us on Facebook.
U3A GLENORCHY Learning for pleasure. At the Australian/ German Club, 30 Bowden Street, Glenorchy. For more information, phone 6249 2384 or email UP BEAT SQUARES Square dancing sessions for beginners, couples and singles are currently being held in Bellerive, and are soon coming to Moonah. Events are held weekly on Tuesday evenings. For more details phone Iris on 0418 543 308 or email
Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 23
Chefaholic Chefaholic Cooking School
Chefaholic Cooking School
HONEY SESAME CHICKEN PUMPKIN BREAD Duck à l’orange Ingredients Method
A paddock to plate cooking experience for all
1 In afrom bowl, combine sauce ingredients until • 500g skinless boneless chicken minutes. Remove Ingredients • 250ml Pureed • 1 Tbsp olivewell oil mixed thighs, diced oven and cover with Grandand set aside. • 1 x 2kg whole duck Marnier and2 cook forchicken a pumpkin (room Slice thighs into equal bite-size • ½ teaspoon salt • 500g plain flour • 150g butter further 5 minutes. temperature) pieces, about 6-8 pieces depending on the ¼ cup cornstarch ••100ml Grand Marnier • 2 tsp dry yeast. size of your thighs. Transfer to a large bowl. 50⅓ml warm wateroil •••50ml vinegar Remove from oven and cup vegetable • Pepitas and sunflower 3 ••50g castor sugar strain all liquid Season into a diced chicken with salt. Then add 1 tsp Salt Sauce seeds (optional) cornstarch pot, add in vinegar, sugar and mix with tongs just until ••Juice of 3honey oranges ½ cup • 1 Tsp sugar chicken is coated. Do not overmix. and juice of 3 oranges • 6 oranges • 2.5 tablespoons regular and soy reduce4until Inaanice wok or non-stick pan set over medium
sauce (not dark soy sauce) consistency. high heat, add oil. Once oil is hot, carefully Method Method
Bev and Ari at Tasman Bluff overlooking Cape Hauy
A day of mindfulness Jo Cordell-Cooper AS I morph into the exciting space of nature therapy and fitness for adventure, I’ve been offering some new experiences and they have been very well received. I trained in mindfulness last year and have been offering beginner hiking sessions for many years now. I have just returned from a day retreat that blended quick and easy mindful techniques with easy and magnificent hiking in the Tasman National Park, followed by traditional basket weaving techniques using natural fibres. All aim to connect you to nature, calm the mind, and safely allow you to explore beautiful places. Our day began at Tasman National Park. We walked from Waterfall Bay and took in the main waterfall, which was really rushing as we’d had a rainy week. We spotted a few green helmet orchids and some fungi and settled into our first mindful task, which I call microfocus. This
is the simple focus on just one thing like leaf, a fern or rain drop hanging from a tree – whatever attracted your attention. This idea is to focus on that one thing and it is amazing what else you start to see when you try this! It only takes a minute and is followed by what I call microfocus or staring beyond that one thing that held your attention. The simplicity of this technique should not be underestimated. Our participants were seeing a whole other world – little insects, pollen, textures, diversity of colour and texture all now observed. It’s an easy way to calm the mind. Following this we walked to the Tasman Bluff for gorgeous views out to sea from the dramatic coastline right down to Cape Hauy. This part of our retreat took a total of two hours of very easy walking. Try it – you’ll love it! Next from a beachside cabin at Stewarts Bay Lodge we began to make our baskets from New Zealand flax, the leaves of which are easy to source. There is something about the process of
creation and the use of natural fibres that is inherently healing. We spent the remainder of the day rolling between a delicious lunch, healing herbal teas, walking on the beach, and constructing our baskets. What a beautiful and positive way to spend a day, experience mindfulness in several contexts and learn a new skill! I hope to be offering more day retreats like this again. Remember “self-care is health care”, and make contact if anything here resonates with you. Jo Cordell-Cooper is Personal Trainer of the Year for the second year running. She specialises in clients with more complex bodies that are not catered for in a mainstream gym environment. Jo additionally offers Friday NIGHT Hikes for beginners, half-day hikes and has one ticket left for an exciting hiking adventure to Larapinta Trail in Central Australia over eight days. Reach out if interested by email au or visit the website www.jocc.
coated chicken. Spread apart quickly. • To2 make tablespoons sesame oil will need alower 1. cup ofcut Clean and patpumpkin dry duck,puree you Meanwhile peelFry and until golden and crispy brown on both • chopped ½ tablespoon white andgranulated enough water to cover heat butter inpumpkin fry pan large oranges and prep withabout sides, 6-8 minutes in total. Remove sugar Either theand stove top in a saucepan or place enough toboil holdon duck skin or seed. When sauce isin pan and transfer to a plate. chicken from fry for approximately a 1microwave onsesame high for 8nearly to 10 ready mins. add segments • duck tablespoon seeds Discard any excess oil. 5 minutes. sauce and warm - do not 2. the pumpkin is softtouse a blender to process • When 1 tablespoon cornstarch 5 Back into the pan on medium high heat, down. it. Stand aside to cool. let oranges break • 2duck teaspoons Place in ovengarlic, for minced pour in the sauce and simmer until it *These next steps can be done with a breadthickens. maker on approximately 45 minutes • 2 teaspoons sweet whiteCarve wineduck and cover dough setting. on 180°C basting as you go. with sauce and arrange 6 Once sauce is thick, toss fried chicken into • 2heat teaspoons vinegar Turn down torice 160°C 3. In a bowl place the 50 ml segments. warm water, sugar sauceand and mix until each piece is coated. and cook forwater a further 30and set aside until frothy, • yeast ¾ cup together. Mix njoyor!off heat. Serve with rice. Garnish Remove E 10 rice mins. • about Cooked with green onions and more sesame seeds. 4.• In largergreen bowl place the flour and salt. Make a well ½astalk onion, finely sliced For further information please contact: in the centre and put in olive oil, cooled pumpkin E: puree and the yeast mix. Mix together and turn out For further information P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 367 forcontact: onto a floured bench top 820 andplease knead 10 mins, if E: dough is sticky add a bit more flour. Set aside for half an hour or until doubled in size. again for P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 Knead 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour. 5. When dough has risen again flatten out slightly and sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds onto the dough. Form into the shape of loaf you want, containing the seeds on the inside. 6. Set aside again to rise for 40 mins. 7. Set oven to 195oC
8. When dough has risen again, brush the top with water and sprinkle on more seeds.
9. Bake for 20 – 30 mins, depending on shape of loaf.
Support group for people living with y 11. Let cool a bit then eat! Enjo Crohn’s or colitis 10. Bread is ready when it is golden brown on the outside and sounds hollow when you tap it with your knuckles.
For further information please contact: Third Wednesday of every E: month at 6.30pm. P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 Level 2, 152 Macquarie St, Hobart. For more information, visit support-groups
Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists:
Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Future proof your home with a stairlift:
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Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. • Indoor and Outdoor, Straight and Curved Statewide installation Statewide installation and service. • Tasmania’s Statewide installation andservice. service onlyand stairlift specialist • Checkour out displays our displayat:at Mobility4All, 53 SunderlandCheckout our displays at: Checkout Contact us Park for Rd), a quote St (Cnr Derwent Derwenttoday: Park The Independent Living Centre, The Independent Living Centre,
Contact us 919 today forSouth a quote P: 1300 406 or 6272 2966 275 Wellington Street, Launceston
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E: Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Tasmania’s only stairlift Street specialist Straight Curved (Cnr Derwent •Park Road), Derwent Park (Cnr Derwent Park Park P:W: 919 406 (localRoad), call cost) orDerwent (03) 6272 2966 • E: W:
24 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
Get help from an Aged Care Specialist Officer
Express Roofing
Hank Jongen, General Manager, Services Australia
Domestic & Commercial Metal Roofing
Guttering & Fascia
Skylights & Downpipes
Wall Cladding
HI everyone. Did you know that you can make an appointment to see one of Services Australia’s Aged Care Specialist Officers (ACSOs) anywhere in Australia with our video chat option? There may come a time in your life, or the lives of your loved ones, where extra support is needed. You might need more help at home, or the level of care an Aged Care home provides. With all the options and alternatives out there, it’s only natural that you might have lots of questions about services and costs. Our ACSOs can help. They are aged care experts, and they provide a free and confidential service that can help with navigating the aged care system. They make that journey easier by discussing your specific situation and answering your questions. They can talk to you about:
• the different types of aged care • your eligibility for governmentfunded aged care services • the process of accessing services • aged care costs and how much you might pay They can also register you for My Aged Care, talk to you about the level of services needed and refer you for an assessment, whether that’s for Meals-onWheels, or for home-based or residential care. You can book a face-to-face appointment with an ACSO in person at some service centres or through video chat. To use video chat with an ACSO you’ll need access to a smart phone, tablet, computer or laptop with a microphone and a camera. You’ll also need access to the internet and a myGov account. When you book a video chat appointment, we’ll send you the link and details for your video chat. Sign in to myGov and access
your video chat appointment letter from your inbox to get started. We know sometimes people want to sit down and talk with someone in person about their options. That’s why our ACSOs continue to offer in-person appointments in Services Australia service centres across the country. You can go to servicesaustralia. to find out if there is an ACSO located near you. Just search for ‘Aged Care Specialist Officer’ on our website. If you’d like to make an in-person or a video chat appointment with an ACSO, please call us on 1800 227 475 or visit any Services Australia service centre. The My Aged Care website,, is also a great place to access information about government-funded aged care services. Until next time, Hank Jongen
The Centrelink Age Pension Damian Gibson, Partner and Financial Adviser, Elevate Wealth CENTRELINK can be confusing at the best of times. When terms like Asset Test, Income Test and Deeming Rates are thrown around it adds another layer of confusion altogether, particularly when the tests and rates are forever changing. Here we cut through the jargon to make some sense of it all. Apart from being the right age, your eligibility for the Age Pension is determined by the value of your assets (the asset test) and your income (the income test). The test that delivers the lower amount of Age Pension is the test applied to you. Asset test This test assesses the value of the assets you and/or your partner own. Common assets assessed include, but are not limited to, superannuation, real estate (excluding your family home), household contents, cash, shares, cars and caravans. A common question is “How much money can I have in my bank before it affects my pension?”. Your bank account balance counts towards your asset test. Centrelink assess the money in your bank exactly the same way as they assess your other assets. To receive the full Age Pension your assets must be below $301,750 if you are a single homeowner, or under $451,500 for a couple who own their home. If however, the value of your assets exceeds these thresholds, you may still be eligible to receive a part Age Pension. If your assets are above the full Age Pension threshold(s), the
amount you receive will reduce by $3 per fortnight per $1,000 of assets. The greater the value of your assets, the less Age Pension you receive until it completely cuts out when your assets exceed $667,500 for a single homeowner or $909,500 for a couple who own their home. As the value of your assets changes, the amount of Age Pension you receive can change as well. For example, if the value of your superannuation fund falls, you might be eligible to receive a higher Age Pension. Income Test This test assesses the level of income you and/or your partner earn. Common sources of income assessed include, but are not limited to, employment income, rental income, and deemed income from your financial assets. To receive the full Age Pension, your fortnightly income must be below $204 a fortnight if you are a single, or below $360 a fortnight if you are a couple. Like the asset test, if your income exceeds these thresholds then you may still be eligible to receive a part Age Pension. If your income is above the full Age Pension threshold(s), the amount you receive will reduce by 50c for every $1 you earn per fortnight until it completely cuts out when your fortnightly income exceeds $2,397.40 for a single or $3,666.80 for a couple. Deeming rates Money in your bank, and other assets such as term deposits, shares, and your super are all classed as financial assets. These financial assets are considered by Centrelink to earn you a certain
amount of income using deeming rates. For example, if you have $50,000 in a term deposit earning you four per cent interest, Centrelink deems this money to earn a certain amount by applying their deeming rates, not the rate of your term deposit. The deemed income from your financial assets is then applied to the income test. The deeming rate for singles is 0.25 per cent for the first $60,400 of your financial assets and then 2.25 per cent on any amount above that. For couples, a rate of 0.25 per cent is applied to the first $100,200 and then 2.25 per cent is applied to any amount above that. For example, if a single person has $80,000 in a bank account and $100,000 in super these financial assets would be deemed to earn you $2,842 per annum by Centrelink. This deemed income would then be applied to your income test. Over time the value of your assets and income can change. It is important to update Centrelink of any changes to ensure you are receiving the appropriate rate of Age Pension. A Financial Adviser can help ensure you are maximising the amount of age pension you are entitled to receive. Please contact us if you would like to ensure you’re receiving the right age pension. Any general advice in the publication has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before you act on any general advice in this publication, you should consider whether it is appropriate to your individual circumstances. Please seek personal advice prior to acting on this information.
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26 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
JackJumpers kick off home stand in style THE Tasmania JackJumpers kicked off the 2023-24 NBL home season in style last month, thrilling the soldout MyState Bank Arena crowd with a victory over the defending champion Sydney Kings.
(Above and below) fans gear up for the JackJumpers’ first home game of the season
(Above) Coach Scott Roth addresses his players
Fans turned out in force to cheer on their team, with the JackJumpers solidifying their status as the hottest ticket in town. A 30-21 second quarter from Scott Roth’s squad helped the JackJumpers build a lead that they wouldn’t relinquish in the second half, as the side held off several Sydney runs to claim the win 80-72. Star import Milton Doyle led the way with 21 points, with new guard Jordon Crawford adding 15 points and fan favourite Jack McVeigh scoring 13. Former NBL MVP Jaylen Adams racked up 21 points for the Kings. The JackJumpers then travelled to Melbourne to play United, with Doyle (25 points, including 14 in the final quarter) producing some late heroics to lead the team
to a 80-75 comeback victory. The JackJumpers then easily accounted for the Illawarra Hawks at MyState Bank Arena in round three, running away with a dominant 103-73 win. Doyle stuffed the stat sheet with 19 points, 9 rebounds and 5 assists, while Crawford had 17 points and 6 assists and McVeigh scored 15. At the end of October, the JackJumpers sat in fifth place on the NBL ladder with a 4-4 record, after losing to Sydney on the road and Melbourne United at home. They take on the New Zealand Breakers in Launceston on 16 November, before returning to Glenorchy to play Adelaide (2 December), Sydney (17 December) and SouthEast Melbourne on Christmas evening.
Patrons test out the upgraded facilities on launch day at the new Golf Park in Cambridge
Experience the holidays at the new Golf Park Hobart THE entire Hobart golfing community is riding high on the wave of excitement as Golf Park celebrates a month of remarkable achievements. If you’ve yet to experience the thrill of teeing off at this exceptional facility, there’s no better time than now. We’re thrilled to introduce our upcoming Party Bays and Christmas VIP Access Pass, a guarantee of a holiday season filled with unforgettable
golfing adventures with your family and friends. Endless golf, at your convenience: For just $450, our Christmas VIP Access Pass offers a year of unlimited balls! Imagine having the freedom to refine your swing, perfect your skills and unwind after a long day, all with unlimited access to our driving range.
And here’s the beauty of it all – the worries of closing times and crowded schedules will be a thing of the past with this pass, offering you complete golfing autonomy. Check it out at https:// Exciting Party Bays: Our commitment to offering the ultimate fun golfing experience extends
beyond the driving range. We are excited to announce the creation of Party Bays, with a total of eight bays to each accommodate groups of 4-10 golfers. These bays are set to be completed before Christmas, making them perfect for your Christmas party. Bookings for these booths are open now, giving you ample time to secure your space for a festive holiday celebration.
An array of amenities awaits: As the cherry on top, each of our bays features a 32-inch screen equipped with ball-tracing technology from TopTracer, for you to measure your distance and accuracy. But there’s even more to look forward to – you’ll also have the opportunity to rent the latest Callaway equipment; savour our
signature “oomph” coffee; and enjoy snacks and beverages such as National Pies and soft drinks. Visit our website for more information: To stay up-to-date with all our offerings, booking information and more, check out our website at www. OR stay tuned to our Facebook and Instagram pages, @golfpark_hobart
Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023 27
Team Tasmania members Matthew Mizzi, Riley Su, Braydon Gebel and Daniel Thomson with Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas
Team Tassie does us proud Rodney Eade and Brett Geeves in front of the re-named Geeves Eade Stand at KGV
Grandstand glory for local legends Geeves and Eade TWO renowned family names associated with both Glenorchy Cricket Club and the Glenorchy District Football Club were celebrated at the unveiling of the re-named Geeves Eade Stand at KGV. After securing approval from council, the banner was recently lifted on the new grandstand sign by former AFL coach Rodney Eade and Australian cricketer Brett Geeves in front of a large crowd of club and family members. Former Glenorchy player and Tasmanian Football Hall of Fame
member Eade - who coached Sydney, Western Bulldogs and Gold Coast - said his family had been involved with both the football and cricket clubs for more than six decades. “My family has a proud connection with both clubs with my father starting his career here in 1957,” he said. “I am very honoured and humbled to be here today celebrating this moment with my family.” Geeves played 221 games for the Glenorchy Cricket Club, scoring more than 5000 runs and taking 291 wickets as a three-time premiership
THE latest recipients of the Glenorchy Mayor’s Sporting and Academic Fund have returned home after excelling at the Special Olympics Victoria State Games. The talented quartet - Riley Su, Braydon Gebel, Daniel Thomson and Matthew Mizzi - were part of Team Tasmania, representing the Special Olympics Tasmania in a variety of sports. Collectively, the team came home with nine medals for their performances in a range of events
including bocce, swimming and ten pin bowling. Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said the council was very proud of the four representatives from Glenorchy municipality and congratulated them on their accolades. “Since January of 2023, the Mayor’s Sporting and Academic Fund has provided 24 individuals and four teams with sponsorship to represent their state or country at significant events” she said.
“It is extremely important to have access to opportunities like this one to excel in fields of interest, and these four athletes have showcased the potential of Glenorchy residents to perform on a state or national stage.” The Mayor’s Sporting and Academic Fund has been allocated for the 2023/2024 financial year. More upcoming opportunities will be posted through council’s website when available.
player. He also played two ODI and one T-20 games for Australia. “It’s all a bit surreal. I’ve been coming to this ground since I was seven years old so to have my name on the grandstand is quite an extraordinary feeling,” Geeves said. “I owe a debt of gratitude to this club, and I hope to repay it through future off-field contributions. “Having my entire family here today is truly wonderful. I attribute all my achievements to the sacrifices they made throughout my early career.”
TASMANIAN FOOTBALL UMPIRES ASSOCIATION AGM Notice is hereby given that the AGM of the TFUA will be held at the Queens Head Hotel, 400 Elizabeth St, North Hobart on Monday, 4 December 2023 at 6pm. Agenda • 2022 AGM minutes, Executive reports, Finance & Auditors reports. • Appoint auditor for 2024 & to elect positions of President, Vice President & Committee Members. Nominations for these positions to be addressed to: “Returning Officer” at PO Box 368 Lenah Valley 7008. Must be received by 5pm on 29 November 2023. Any other business ruled in order. Nominations forms available via email at or TFUA facebook page. – Kim Dillon, Public Officer
Hobart juniors Zola and Escher Case-Boag, who recently trained at former world no.1 Juan Carlos Ferrero’s Equelite Sport Academy in Spain, with the 2023 Tasmanian under 12s Bruce Cup team. Photo credit: Simon Andrews
Junior aces represent state TWO aspiring tennis stars from the northern suburbs represented Tasmania as part of an under 12s team at the National School Sport Australia Bruce Cup Championship in Brisbane last month. Margaret Getahun (Berriedale) and Marcus Wong (Claremont) both served up their best on the national stage, helping the team claim seventh place overall. “This was one of the strongest teams we’ve ever had,” coach Alyssa Hibberd said. “There were some experienced players who have competed in this event before and a really
good bunch of new kids coming through.” Coach Andrew Bourke said he wanted the kids to make the most of their opportunities. “It’s easy to get down sometimes if the game isn’t going your way but it’s important to keep your head and racquet up,” he said. “Every point counts. We had singles, doubles and mixed doubles games all working toward the overall team score so it was important to fight to the very end and try and gain the best possible result for the team.”
The team coaches are optimistic that the lessons learnt from competitions like this will instil values and habits that the players would utilise both in sports and other facets of their lives. “Seeing these kids grow along the journey to the point where they are representing the state is awesome,” Ms Hibberd said. “There are so many benefits to playing tennis. The ability to get back up and keep fighting after a difficult point, game or match is a skill that these kids will hopefully carry with them for the rest of their lives.”
28 Glenorchy Gazette NOVEMBER 2023
MARATHON EFFORT FOR RHH (L-R) Tasmanian Road Runners coordinator Rachel Perigo, marathon race director Blake Steele, ‘make me a marathoner’ program participant Deborah Byrne and RHH Research Foundation CEO Steph Furler
THE 41st running of the Cadbury Marathon in January will support the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) Research Foundation, with donations from entrants to aid the local charity. Starting and finishing at the Cadbury factory in Claremont, the Cadbury Marathon enables people
of all running abilities to set new challenges and get active. More than 1600 people took part in the 40th running of the popular event earlier this year. “We’re looking forward to lacing up our running shoes alongside participants in this iconic event to raise important funds for medical research and make strides
towards a healthier future for all,” RHH Foundation CEO Steph Furler said. “Tasmania faces a higher burden of lifestyle-related illnesses compared to other states and territories. “This underlines the need for initiatives like the Cadbury Marathon to promote the benefits of fitness and support vital
medical research.” The RHH Foundation provides funding to Tasmanian research and health professionals allowing them to develop new treatments and tests for a range of diseases that impact the local community. Marathon race director and Athletics Tasmania executive officer Blake Steele said the
event’s partnership with the foundation reflected the importance of exercise for mental and physical health. “We’re fortunate to partner with such a great charity whose funding and research benefit the Tasmanian community’s health and wellbeing,” he said. “Competitor numbers are returning to pre-
pandemic levels and the event continues to attract significant interstate and international participants as the first marathon event of the calendar year in Australia.” The 2024 Cadbury Marathon will be held on 7 January. Entries are now open at cadburymarathon.