Glenorchy Gazette September 2022

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A FREE PUBLICATION FOR THE GLENORCHY MUNICIPALITY Independently owned and published by Cor Comms SEPTEMBER 2022 SMALL WORLD Miniature Enthusiasts



“As a authority,planningcouncil is best placed to identify land that can be used to increase housing stock,” she“Thesaid.more houses there are, the more chance people have of being able to secure a home for themselves and their family.“Council is actively assessing its land for what may be suitable to be onsold to increase housing supply. of Tasmania secretary Julie Kapeller and president Lorraine Davidson with their Tracks participants are busy preparing for an upcoming Stay tuned for details. For more information our Tracks programs NDIS including Arts, Cooking, Sports Video get in touch with us today. Miniature Enthusiasts of Tasmania group is inviting the public to explore its tiny world, showcasing members’ intricate smallscale work at an exhibition in Claremont next




Art Program

works Communityanswerparamedicsthecall Playgrounds set for a spruce-up IN ISSUETHIS>> + 1800 ONTRACK (1800 688 Our Making

some of



month. FULL STORY ON PAGE 6 Council sells surplus land


GLENORCHY City Council is identifying and selling off surplus land in a bid to boost residential housing stock in the municipality.Severallots of council land in Berriedale,Glenorchy,Lutana, Rosetta and West Moonah have already been identified as surplus to requirements and will be sold to be developed as Investigationshousing.into other potential sites continue, with the council expected to advertise four properties for sale in Montrose, Chigwell and Claremont in the coming months.Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said the council was doing what it could to address the current housing shortage.

importsJackJumpersarriveSPORTGlenorchy Fun Run resultsSPORT CONTINUES ON PAGE 2 THE

young talent at masterclasses and local schools will be a dream come true for me,” Gadjiev said. Alexander Gadjiev performs at Hobart Town Hall on Wednesday 5 October. Tickets are available from theatreroyal. com.auThe‘Glenorchy Gazette’ has two double-passes to give away, valued at $110 each.To be in the running, send an email to willSeptember,bodyandsubject,competition”“AlexanderGadjievastheandyournamephonenumberintheoftheemail.Entriescloseon22andwinnersbenotifiedbyphone.

Owned and published by Corporate Communications (Tas) Pty Ltd Printed by the Mercury newspaper D E A D LIN E S F O R PrEditess Ready Material: JUST A LITTLE Reminder A: Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 PA: GPO Box 1600, Hobart TAS 7001 W A D VE R T I S IN G : Justine Brazil 6210 5201 E D I TO RIA L : Kane Young and Mackenzie Archer 6210 5212 Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis. REGULAR MONTHLY FEATURES Thursday 15 September Monday 26 OCTOBERSeptember2022 • HOBART FM 96.1 RADIO GUIDE Page 10 • HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Page 19 • PET TALK Page 20-21 • COMMUNITY CALENDAR Page 22 • FINANCE Page 23 • TRADES, SERVICES & CLASSIFIEDS Page 24-25 • SPORT Page 25-27 NEXT MONTH: SCHOOL HOLIDAY FUN and PRIME TIMES SPRING features Community News Keeping you up to date with Council activities Signature TRIPLE THE CARE TRIPLE THE EXPERTISE TRIPLE THE SERVICE Trio E M 0401 573 697 Signature Marita Oliver | Chris Hills | Leah Warren 339 Main Road Glenorchy 7010 | For all your Real Estate needs call... ACCLAIMED Italian/ Slovenian AlexanderpianistGadjiev will perform a one-off show in Hobart next month as part of his debut national concert tour - and the ‘Glenorchy Gazette’ has tickets to give away to readers.26-year-old Gadjiev stole the show at the prestigious anddebutGadjievfamily45-yearcompetitorfinalistsprizeswinningCompetitionInternationalSydneyPianolastyear,halfofalltheavailabletothe–afirstforanyintheevent’shistory.BornintoamusicalinGorizia,Italy,madehisconcertattheageofninegavehisfirstsolo

“I’ve been able to have productive conversations with the GovernmentStateto quicken these processes, in some cases using state planning legislation to ensure approvals happen as fast as possible to get housing construction ourtakeownersThomasguidethisthrilledstreetscapes,andamongtheownedonplantpolicydesirableapolicieshasMeanwhile,underway.”theGCCadoptedtwonewdesignedtocreatemoreliveableandcity.ThenewNatureStripallowsresidentstoflowersandshrubsnaturestripsthatareoradministeredbycouncil.“Thereisadesirehomeownersoccupierstoplantsowearetohaveadoptedpolicytoenableandthisactivity,”Mayorsaid.“Wehopeitencouragesandresidentstoprideinmaintainingcity’snaturestrips

whilst ensuring they continue to be used in the ways they’re designed for, such as accommodating for Tradingstormwateraccessprovidinginfrastructure,pedestrianandreducingrun-off.”ThenewFootpathpolicyprovides

2020/21.Wecontinued our increased,questionsvisitQuarterlybettermakingongoing2021/22achievementsworkforcetoyouoncommittedstaffworkIthequartershows,applications.and95quarter,receivedplanningmunicipality,stilldevelopmentreportmembers.ofattendedtwocommunitytheengagementcommunityduringquarterwiththreeyarnsandpop-upchatsbyatotal129communityFinally,thequarterlyindicatesisstronginourwith155applicationsinthefinalinadditiontobuildingapplications71plumbingAsthissnapshotitwasabusytocloseoutfinancialyearandassureyouthehardcontinues,withandAldermentodeliveringwhatmattersmosttoin2022/23.AshoutoutgoestheentirecouncilfortheirinandfortheireffortsinGlenorchyaplace,everyday.ToaccessCouncil’’ttocontactusatrecital a year later. He studied at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg and the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin, and won first prize at the Hamamatsu International Piano Competition in 2015.Audiences can expect a stunning display of virtuosic skills when Gadjiev performs across Australia, playing pieces by Chopin and Schumann and premiering a new work by localstheofsharingofcomposerAustralianColinSpiers.“ExploringthevastnessAustraliathisyear,mymusicinfrontliveaudiencesacrosscountry,meetingtheandmentoring

During the last quarter of 2021/22 we adopted our 2022/23 budget, including a whopping $31.5 million capital works program, setting our community up for significant road, footpath and stormwater renewal over the coming year.

Council sells surplus land


There’s aferryofasmulti-culturalto$100,000forcommitmentsfederalsportsground.EadyfacilityroomtheJacksoncreatingthethe2021/22environment.insignificantprogram$19.6m94indicatingthisresult2020/21issignificantdeliverwhetherwithproject,Dammuch-awaitedtheprojects,parkplayground,alsoskateandsportsfacilityandofcoursefirststageintheTolosareintegrationinpartnershipTasWater.AnydoubtaboutCouncilcanonsuchaprogramalleviatedbythecapitalprojectsalsoreportedinquarterlyreport,wecompletedpercentofourcapitalrenewalin2020/21–aachievementtoday’sconstructionInthefinalquarterofwecompletedprojecttoextendlifeofourlandfillbyanewcellatourSttipsite;andnewsportschangeandclubroombuildingattheSt‘JesseJames’Wemanagedtosecureelectionfundingof$1.5mplaygroundsandforanupgradethekitchenatthehub,aswell$20mforanextensiontheDerwentRiverservice,includingterminalatWilkinsons

Bec MayorThomas,ofGlenorchy COUNCILS often cop a bad rap, with people questioning value for money when it comes to rates, fees and charges and feeling in the dark about what their council is actually delivering. As an meeting,goals.towardsandofeachandsnapshotwebsite.papersaccessedtoourcommunityhasdategreatabasicandmoreparticularlygotacknowledgethisimprovementnoticedwe’retheproactivebeencommunityengagementcommunicationonhaveCitymonthseasyunderstandaboutaren’thappeningcan’tratepayer,everydaywhenyouseeactivityand/ordirectlyinformedwhat’sgoingon,Ithatitcanbetoassumetheworst.Overthepast12atGlenorchyCouncilwebeenworkingimprovingourandwiththeandI’vepushingformorestoriesaboutprojectsandservicesdeliveringforyou.Ihopeyou’veatleastsomeovertime,althoughIwe’vestillsomeworktodoto,ontellingyouofthewhat,whenwhy,evenonthestuffwe’redoing,intimelymanner.Inthemeantime,awaytokeepuptowithwhatCouncilbeendoingforouristhroughQuarterlyReportscouncil,whichcanbeinourmeetingandonourThesereportsprovideaofkeyactivitiesachievementsoverthree-monthperiodthefinancialyearreportonprogressourAnnualPlanAtourAugustCouncilCouncil

2 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022

“In many cases these are vacant lots which at some point may have been identified as being required by council but are now no longer needed and may be suitable to be developed into residential housing.”Mayor Thomas said housing and homelessness was a complex issue, but local government played an important role as a planning authority. “Land may need to be rezoned or go through the necessary planning approvals to be developed for housing,” she said.

a framework for businesses to trade on footpaths, including guidelines for the use of A-Frame signs, displaying goods and outdoor dining. “Our core objectives with this Policy were to ensure we provide clear controls and guidance for certain commercial activities on footpaths whilst ensuring they allow for safe, convenient and accessible pedestrian passage,” Mayor Thomas said.

received the Quarterly Report for the final quarter of 2021/22, providing the opportunity to reflect on some of the significant achievements of this council during what was another busy quarter delivering for our community.I’lloutline some of the highlights for you here, although of course I encourage you to read it in full to be informed.

Point, through joint advocacy with the other Greater Hobart Councils. We adopted an updated ManagementDogPolicy and wrote to the Minister for Local Government, the Hon. Nic Street, advocating for changes to legislation to recognise Assistance Dogs supporting people with a range of disabilities beyond sight and hearing impairments.Onadvocacy, we also made a number of submissions to Government on gambling, planning, waste and local government review. On behalf of Council and our community I also wrote to Road Safety Minister Michael Ferguson, to seek assistance to address honing; and to Premier Jeremy Rockliff on antisocial behaviour and the need for youth early intervention programs in our community –both receiving positive responses indicating a willingness to work together on these issues. In terms of financial performance, our 2021/22 unaudited result is looking a lot brighter than anticipated, perhaps at around a $2m surplus – a significant turnaround from the $6m deficit result in

Award-winning Italian/Slovenian pianist Alexander Gadjiev is heading to Hobart Win tickets to piano virtuoso


Glenorchy Jobs Hub fills 500 roles in its first year Rotary Club of Claremont members Gaye Fernyhough and Rosie Debello at the Windermere Bay playground Successful job seeker Paul Hniat Local playgrounds to get a facelift MANY ofthehasplaygroundGlenorchy’sissuescanemotionalouroutdoorestablishedplaygrounds.downspaces,city’sspendingfamilyresidentsGlenorchyhavefondmemoriesoftimeatthenumerousoutdoorfromTolosaParktosmallsuburbanAndit’swellthatactiveplayincreasesphysicalandwellbeing,andimprovebehaviouralinchildren.Butovertimeoutdoorequipmentbeenimpactedbyelements,andmuchitislookingalittle

THEY say “once a Girl Guide, always a Girl Guide”.Andnow, more than 50 years after their unit first formed, some original members of the 4th Glenorchy Guides are getting together for a reunion next month. Guiding was founded in England in the early 1900s and came to Tasmania soon after, and was happening in Glenorchy by 1927. Guiding flourished in Glenorchy in the 1960s. In response to the number of girls wanting to join up, a new group – the 4th Glenorchy Guides - was opened in 1967.Toenable Guides to continue on after turning 16, the Milpara Rangers company was launched in February 1972 when, after much fundraising, the Glenorchy Guide Hall was officially opened.Guides, Rangers and Brownies celebrated the opening by marching through the city streets. Now, the founding leaders and many of those original Guides are gathering together on 1 October to share their Guiding stories and memories.Areunion of the 4th Glenorchy Guides and Milpara Rangers will be held at St Mark’s Church in Bellerive from noon. Every GlenorchyformerGuide is invited to come along, bring their memorabilia and reminisce about their Guiding days. To RSVP, phone Jan on 6272 1902.

THE Glenorchy Jobs Hub recently achieved a significant milestone, filling its 500th job in just oneOveryear.the past 12 months, the Hub has bridged the local unemployment gap by working to match local job seekers with suitable employers.The500th successful job seeker was Glenorchy resident Paul Hniat, who had worked at Jane Franklin Hall for more than 30 years until being made redundant in 2020.Paul worked with the Hub team to build his skills and knowledge, leading to his employment as a trade assistant with operations and maintenance services company Programmed. “The Hub team provided access to countless resources, going above and beyond my expectations,” Paul said. “They have always offered encouragementsupport, and advice. I’m incredibly grateful for the program and the impact it has had for my job programs.”successfulJobsFair,thepeoplehavewithemployersfilled,500throughknowcommunity,communitysheGlenorchyhaveGlenorchydoorslocaltheThomasGlenorchysearches.”MayorBecisoverjoyedwithHub’simpactonthecommunity.“SinceopeningthelastAugust,thecommunityfullyembracedtheJobsHub,”said.“Ithasbecomeawithinaandpeoplethatwhenwalkingthedoor.“Thispastyear,overpositionshavebeenmorethan50localareworkingtheHub,and12signedjobspledges.“Morethan1,200participatedinhighlysuccessfulJobsandtheGlenorchyHubhasrunseveraltraining worse for wear. About 80 per cent of the city’s playspaces are more than 15 years old. Nearly 70 per cent are more than 20 years old and in need of immediate GlenorchyopenplanGlenorchymunicipalities.withwhichtheimprovementsforresidentsGlenorchyattention.haveaskedimmediatetoageingfacilities,areoutofstepthoseinotherAspartofitsGreaterstrategicforparksandspaces,theCityCouncil

is progressing its plans for improvements to several

Glenorchy’s Girl Guides get together for reunion

G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 3 Community News KRISTIE JOHNSTON N o r t h g a t h u r s 2 2 S e p t 1 0 a m - 2 p 331 Main Road Glenorchy Phone: 6212 2356 www kristiejohnston com au C a t c h u p w i t h K r i s t i e ! I N D E P E N D E N T M E M B E R F O R C L A R K C l a r e m o n t P l a z a f r i 3 0 S e p t e m b e r 1 0 a m - 2 p m ADVERTISEMENT

Rotary Park at Granton. As part of their commitment to doing good in the area, Rotarians were responsible for organising and installing the parks, which once completed were formally handed over to the Glenorchy Council and the Derwent Valley Council as a valuable asset for the community. The Rotary Club of Claremont plans to assist the council in any way necessary to develop and improve the Roseneath and Windermere sites.

The $35,000 grant from the TCF will allow the Understorey Network to appoint a new Project Manager who will support the volunteers who join the growers scheme.“Byappointing a new Project Manager, we will be able increase the number of plants sold at the nursery and provide an extra income stream, ensuring its longterm financial viability,” Understorey Network volunteer Amanda Cole said.TCF Chair Sally Darke said the NetworkUnderstoreyisjustoneof 23 projects supported by this year’s Community Action Grants.“Weknow the Fund is a significant source of support for grassroots activities in the state and in this round we were impressed with the passion, innovation and hard work of the many volunteers and leaders driving these projects,” Ms Darke said. “We are particularly pleased with the Understory Network’s model that uses the sales of plants to sustainably fund theirhavehowlookstrivesiswellbeing“Improvingthemselves.theofTasmanianssomethingtheTCFtoachieve,andweforwardtoseeingtheseprojectswillapositiveeffectoncommunities.”

GLENORCHY Mayor Bec Thomas will seek re-election as Mayor in October’s Local Government elections. A life-long resident of Glenorchy, Mayor Thomas said her love of the minimalmanagementresponsibletimeachievementssaidcommunity.”withandsafe,forinterests,”genuinelyI’mpeoplededicationcontinuesheracommitmentcommunityGlenorchyandtoleadingvibrantCitymotivatedtorunforMayorandtoinspirehertotherole.“ItrulyknowtheofGlenorchy.oneofthemandIrepresenttheirshesaid.“IsharethevisionourCitytobeawell-connectedaspirationalplaceastrong,proudMayorThomastheCouncil’skeyduringherasMayorincludefinancialresultinginrateincreases;

the completion of the CBD project,revitalisationtheJackson St landfill extension and a new sports facility building in Eady St; increased andandkeepingresourcesusfuture,”sustainableCouncilmoneybygenerationsoftopeople.whatlowincludeprioritiessafety.improvedandCommunityengagementcommunitythroughYarnspop-upchats;andcommunityMayorThomas’forthefuturekeepingratesanddeliveringonmattersmosttothe“Itisourresponsibilityprotecttheinterestscurrentandfutureofratepayersprovidingvalueforandensuringisfinanciallyintotheshesaid.“OurcommunitytellstheywantCouncil’sfocusedonthecityneattidy,recreationplaygrounds, roads and footpaths, and withinconstructivetoacrossplaygroundandatspace,GiblinsMontroseaParkfirstyearworks$31.5benefitscommunityforwardsaidcommunity.”projectsGovernment-fundeddeliveringsignificantreviewsinstigatedmanagement.environmental“Inresponse,we’veserviceandaremakingprogressonAustralianforourMayorThomasshewaslookingtoseeingthereaptheofCouncil’smillioncapitalprogramthisasitinvestsinthestageoftheTolosaredevelopment,newskateparkatBay,thenewReserveplaysoccerprojectsKGVandChigwell,anumberofsmallerupgradesthemunicipality.Shesaidherabilityformproductive,relationshipsthecommunity and across all levels of Government was critical to achieving positive outcomes for the City of Glenorchy.“Ifre-elected Mayor, I will continue to build on the strong connections I have made in increasing the supply of inclusive.”butcontinuethemre-electedtheofdedicationandgenuine,aneverindependentsaysmunicipality,”andanti-socialtransportrevolutionisinghousing,publicandaddressingbehaviourhooningacrossourshesaid.MayorThomassheisproudlyandhasbeenamemberofpoliticalparty.“Iamhard-working,approachableresponsive,”shesaid.“IofferstabilityandtothepeopleGlenorchygivenhonourofbeingtorepresentasMayor.“Myleadershipwilltobesteadypurposeful,and

4 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 Community News ADVERTISEMENT MORNING TEA NILS and recent changes including:fee, no interest loans for rental bonds and  6212 2306  Josh willie@parliament tas  1/16 Albert Road , Moonah, 7009 Wednesday 5 October 10:30am 11:30am @ the Office of Josh Willie, Moonah To reserve your place, email josh willie@parliament tas or phone 6212 2306 Featuring No Interest L oans Scheme (NIL S). Hosted by Member for ELWICK + INFORMATION SESSION

Understorey Network volunteers Amanda Cole, Sandra Sorgi, Julie Ayre and Anne Griffiths at the Tolosa Park native nursery

New network connecting green thumbs

COMMUNITY planting initiative the Understorey Network is connecting local green thumbs to address a native plant shortage.Afterbeing on hold for five years, the Understorey Network will re-launch its popular growers scheme after receiving a Community Action Grant from the Tasmanian Community Fund (TCF). The scheme will connect like-minded people across regional and urban communities through learning and sharing the satisfaction of growing native plants in their NetworkThebackyards.Understoreynowruns a community-based nursery at Tolosa Reserve in

Glenorchy. Entirely run by volunteers, the nursery has the capacity to produce about 15,000 native tubestock each season. Understorey Network volunteer Anne Griffiths said the growers scheme is ideally suited to keen gardeners who want to actively support the environment from the comfort of their own home.“The thegrowersanimals,”forputtingandinplants,Tasmania’sNetworkUnderstoreyaimstopromotesmallernativesooftenoverlookedrevegetationplantingwhichareintegraltobackgoodhabitatbirds,insectsandothershesaid.“Itisourhopethattheschemeeducatesgeneralpublicon

Mayor to run again

how they can support our unique ecology cycle.”

G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 5 Community News Drop by Andrew’s mobile office on the date and location below*: Tuesday 20 Septembe r 2.00pm-3.30pm Chigwell Shops Tuesday 27 September 9.00am-10.30am Moonah Main Road Advertisement Andrew Wilkie YOUR INDEPENDENT IN CANBERRA Authorised by Andrew Wilkie MP 188 Collins Street Hobart 7000 *Weather/COVID permitting Andrew Wilkie MP Independent Member for Clark Want to get in touch with Andrew? w Drop in to the office at 188 Collins Street Hobart or post a letter to GPO Box 32 Hobart 7001 w Phone 6234 5255 or 6234 5861 w Email w Ask for a meeting We’ll help you find the floor you’ve been searching for. carpet timber bamboo luxury vinyl laminate tiles rugs Choices Flooring by6228Advance2925 34 Albert Road, Moonah NINE ofandpatientsnewtripletodeployedParamedicsCommunityhavebeenacrossTasmaniaattendnon-emergencyzerocallouts,inaplantotreatmoreinthecommunitykeepTasmaniansouthospital.Followingsuccessful trials in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, Tasmania will become the first Australian state to pilot the new model of care. Ambulance Tasmania acting CEO Jordan Emery said a significant number of triple zero calls that Ambulance Tasmania receives are for non-lifethreatening ambulanceslocationinjurywithpatientsParamedics“Communityemergencies.willtreatwhopresentminorillnessorattheircall-outandfreeuptodealwith more urgent calls,” he said.“This new model of care will help to ease the pressure on waitingownthefordepartmentsemergencybycaringsomepatientsincomfortoftheirhomesratherthanforhoursinour emergency departments.” All nine paramedics have undertaken five weeks of intensive training both face-toface and online, and completed a specialised clinical placement in the fast-track section of a hospital emergency department.Specialised training included experienceparamedicsskills,anddecision-makingassessment,patientclinicalspecificclinicalequippingthewiththeandskills to care for people in the community.Theteam of paramedics will be rostered on to provide 16 hours of coverage a day in Launceston, Hobart and Ulverstone, with Burnie to be added following the completion of the new station.

Community Paramedics Ross Brodie and Daniel Haack with Extended Care Paramedic Karen Dare, Ambulance Tasmania acting CEO Jordan Emery and Integrated Care acting manager Charles Wendell-Smith. Photo credit: Mackenzie Archer

Community Paramedics answer the call

NATION-wide workforce shortages in the education and care sectors have forced Glenorchy City Council to change the operating hours of its Benjafield and Berriedale Child Care Connections centres.Staffshortages and the ongoing impacts of COVID have made the 7.30am to 6pm, five-day-aweek model unsustainable. Both centres are now open Monday to Thursday, and are closed Fridays until Christmas. The change affects about 70 families. Council General Manager Tony McMullen said the understandscouncilthe impact the changes will have on those families, and apologises to them. New childcare hours

Reallocation of Capital Works Funding from the ProgramGovernmentLocalLoan

The Quarterly Report for the period ending 30 June 2022 provides detail on Council’s key strategic projects, core business activities, $4.725fundedmillionrepresentedexpenditure$19.654an$18.153year-endWorks,calculationsReportproducedofexpenditure.andmillioncomprisesagainstresultshowingJunetheoperating2022quarterAnnualmonitoringperformancefinancialandofCouncil’sPlanforthelastofthe2021/financialyear.Council’sinterimpositionforperiodending302022iscurrentlyafavourableof$3.186millionbudget.This$3.234moreinrevenue$48,000moreinAfinalsetauditedfigureswillbefortheAnnualonceend-of-yeararecomplete.IntermsofCapitaltheinterimexpenditureismillionagainstannualbudgetofmillion.Thefigureisby$13.428forCouncilprojectsandmillionfor

In June 2020, in response to the COVID pandemic, Council agreed to bring forward ten projects from the Economic Development Strategy to stimulate economic activity in sectors hardest hit by the pandemic.Twoofthe projects brought forward were the Greenshoots microbusiness incubator project and the Zinc Link pathway project. These projects were funded through a $5 million loan from the State Government’s $200 million Local Government Loan Program.Thetwo projects have not proceeded, and in consultation with the government Council officers have determined that the Zinc Link and Greenshoots funding can be reallocated to other projects.Council agreed the project that best meets these factors is a proposal to improve accessibility and safety in the city by constructing a shared pathway in Tolosa Street, providing connections to the existing on-road cycle lanes. A second project supported is a flood mitigation project at Glenlusk Road and Collinsvale Road. Council’s Quarterly Report

THE intricate work of Miniature Enthusiasts of Tasmania members will be on display at the Claremont Memorial Hall next month, with the public invited to explore the 2022 Doll’s House and Miniature Show.The not-for-profit group meets regularly in the Lenah Valley, on the Eastern Shore and in Launceston, learning and sharing the skills of making miniature scenes and doll’s houses in various scales - 1:12 (regular dolls house size), 1:24, 1:48 and 1:144.The crafy members occasionally make projects from kits but often build things from scratch, using scraps of timber, expectupcycledcontainerscardboard,material,usedandotherobjects.Thepubliccantoseearange of exquisite buildings and scenes made by group members, with many of the pieces including tiny hand-made furniture. A number of traders will also be in attendance, selling supplies and readymade objects in a range of Thescales.Doll’s House and Miniature Show will be held at the Claremont Memorial Hall on the weekend of 15 and 16 October. Entry is $5 for adults and free for accompanied children under 16.

Government funded projects. Submission to Future of GovernmentLocalReview The State Review.EngagementoffollowingStageGovernmentReviewaitsinvitedReview.oftoGovernmentcommissionedGovernmenttheLocalBoardundertakeaFutureLocalGovernmentTheBoardhassubmissionsonInterimReport.CouncilendorsedsubmissiontotheontheLocalBoard’s1InterimReportcompletiontheCommunityStageofthe Community Strategy Update Council’s Community Strategy 2021-2030 is a strategy for a welcoming, safe, healthy and learning community. The Annual Update on the strategy highlighted several key actions against the four priority areas.You can view the full update in the meeting agenda at www.gcc.tas. JENNY BRANCH-ALLEN VOTE 1 for both MAYOR & ALDERMAN STRONG, PROVEN & RELIABLE Jenny is passionate about Glenorchy and the wonderful community that drives such an amazing city. She believes it©s the voice of that community that needs to be heard, louder and stronger around the City of Glenorchy Council table. Jenny gets thing done! She is the person to bring that voice to the table. Authorised by: Jenny Branch-Allen, 724 Collins Cap Road Collinsvale 7012 Advertisement Miniature shops made by Lorraine Davidson It’s a small world for miniature enthusiasts FROM FRONT PAGE GCC meeting news, 29 August

6 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 Community News

GCC Events and Award Ceremonies In line with its civic inandconductinglongCouncilresponsibilities,hashadainvolvementinbotheventsawardsceremoniesthemunicipality.Councilhasreviewed a number of these activities and has proposed a change in the delivery of some activities in line with Council’s review of service delivery and financial circumstances. Proceeds from Property Disposals Council adopted a policy in 2020 to provide greater transparency and consistency on the use of funds from sales of all CouncilCouncilland.received a report detailing what properties have been sold and acquired during the past two financial years.


be for

“In my professional life I would always have something on the go, but it was when life slowed down that I re-discovered the art of embroidery and began learning all the complicated stitches. “It has been absolute joy spending my time here and learning from all these talented women.”FromSeptember 9-11 TMAG’s Bond Store will host the guild’s 50th exhibition, with visitors able to explore an array of works made by over the past two years. and also sale.“In today’s age of throw-away fashion, the things we make really heirloom Patricia“Everysaid.piece make takes and dedication, and people value them.” Sims and

G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 7 Community News The Hobart Embroiderers’ Guild Exhibition “50 YEARS IN HOBART” Bond Store Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery September 9th to 11th Featuring Makers Market and Lucky Door Prizes COINGOLD APPRECIATED!DONATIONS

THE Embroiderers’Hobart Guild will celebrate 50 years of stitching with an upcoming exhibition at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG). Since starting back in the early 1970s, the Hobart Embroiderers’ Guild has creativesconnectingbeenlocalforthe past guildhalf-century.Andwiththenowrunning a fortnightly session for children along with its twice-weekly sessions for adults, a new generation of stitchers are taking up the intricate craft. “Every second Saturday we run the




Handmade pieces


Guild stitches up 50th anniversary (L-R) Patsy Saunders, Sheena

Hobart Embroiderers Guild for Young Stitchers (HEGYS),” guild member Patricia Ayres“Theysaid.don’t bring in their iPads, phones or any form of technology - they just sit and stitch.” Patricia is pleased to see such a promising group of embroiderersyounghere in Hobart.“The guild offers aspiring stitchers a place to come and develop their skills and connect with people,”like-mindedshesaid.“Embroideryhas been a way of life for many of us at the guild. “We have built lifelong friendships and a space where everyone is welcome.”JenniBond has been a member of the Guild for nearly 20 years and says it has been absolute joy.“I was taught to stitch by my grandmother sitting by the fire during the war in England and this love for the art is something I have carried with me for my entire life,” she said.

embroidery products will

that we

Jenni Bond prepare for this month’s exhibition at TMAG 1300 732 377 RTO RTO 60071 Hobart Vintage Machinery Society members Chris Jacobs, Adrian Dare, Raymond Willing and Derril Ashdown at the Society’s new facility in Penna AFTER more than 36 years based in Glenorchy, the Hobart Vintage Machinery Society has packed up shop and moved over the river to Penna. The Society long operated out of a shed at the Spotlight.siteShowgrounds,HobartonthenowoccupiedbyButithasnowmade a permanent move to a sizable parcel of land at Penna, where members will have more room to work on projects, host events and display historic machinery. Vintage machines on the move

guild members

Members of the community were invited to fold some cranes, bring them along to one of the events and add them to the

THE Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Council (ATDC) has unveiled three new interactive artworks to awarenessbehind.ofacknowledgethoseremembertolargestAugust)AwarenessInternationalTasmaniancranesfoldedthousandsAwarenessInternationalmarkOverdoseDay,featuringofhand-origamipapercontributedbythecommunity.Startedin2001,OverdoseDay(31istheworld’sannualcampaignendoverdose,withoutstigmawhohavedied,andthegrieffamilyandfriendsleftThecampaignraisesofoverdose

A large group of Year 4 and 5 students have volunteered to be School Reading Leaders, helping run the Reading Club and supporting the younger students to improve.

The Link youth service clinical manager

Goodwood Primary students Casey and Chloe are keen

If no staff or School Reading Leaders are available students can read aloud to one of the many Reading Club teddy bears provided, which has proved extremely popular with young readers. The Reading Club also has a range of superhero capes that students can wear when promoting the club’s motto, “reading is a superpower”.


Goodwood kids catch reading bug

shopfront display of cranes folded for Overdose Awareness Day Cranes help raise awareness (03) 6272 1711 Hilliard Christian School CALL TOOFFICEFRIENDLYOURTEAMBOOKATOUR PROVIDING QUALITY EDUCATION FOR OVER 100 YEARS The school is located in an open bushland with spectacular views of the Derwent River. We seek to provide a secure environment promoting excellence in education and character development.


LEARNING to read at an early age can have lifelong benefits and a huge impact on the success of students in

and stimulates action and discussion andDevonport,Awarenessatsimultaneouslywithinteractivedisplayedpast20,000contributingpeopletofoldingDayOverdosehaspolicy.preventionevidence-basedaboutoverdoseanddrugSince2019theATDCmarkedInternationalAwarenessinTasmaniabyorigamicranesraiseawareness,withacrossthestatemorethancranesoverthethreeyears.Thecranesareascolourfulartworks,thisyear’sworksunveiledInternationalOverdoseDayeventsinLauncestonHobarton31August.

8 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 Community News Supporting people with a disability • Individual and group support • Life skills development • Recreation and Leisure • Supported holidays • School holiday and after school programs • Respite - evening and overnight weekend • Coordination of supports – improving life choices For further information Phone 03 6243 6044 Email The Parkside Foundation LOCAL AND TASMANIAN Large enough to support you, small enough to care. CAREDENTUREINSPECIALISINGALLYOURNEEDS • DVA and PENSIONERS welcome • Comfortable natural looking dentures • flexible metal free partial dentures • affordable IMPLANT retained dentures • Same day repairs, relines CALL 6272 0544 NOW TO BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION! Now in two great locations: 118 Main Road Moonah and city address available by request CAREDENTUREINSPECIALISINGALLYOURNEEDS • DVA and PENSIONERS welcome • Comfortable natural looking dentures • flexible metal free partial dentures • affordable IMPLANT retained dentures • Same day repairs, relines CALL 6272 0544 NOW TO BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION! Now in two great locations: 118 Main Road Moonah and city address available by request Augmented Focus - this new technology will change the way you hear the world. Additional microphones enable speech and noise to be processed separately. This creates a clear contrast and then recombines them delivering outstanding speech clarity, even in noise. Free trial with every recommendation.

students to practice their skills.Reading participantsClubmeet in in the school library at the start of each day, with young students given the opportunity to read to either staff members or older students known as School Reading Leaders.

conversation.”gentleandtheimportantbutstigmachallengingandmedicinesabout“Conversationslife.druguse,mixingandalcohol,overdosecanbeduetothesurroundingittalkingaboutitistoreduceriskofoverdose,foldingacraneisawaytostartthat Angela Waite and ATDC CEO Alison Lai with a

impactscrashes,”wehasunintentionalTasmanianslearnhaveTasmanians.beoverdoseeachAwarenesssupportLaiATDCinstallations.CEOAlisonsaidcommunityforOverdoseDaygrowsyear,showingthatcontinuestoanimportantissuefor“Inrecentyears,manybeensurprisedtothatthenumberofdyingfromoverdoseoutnumberedthosehavelostfromcarMrsLaisaid.“DrugoverdoseTasmaniansofall ages and backgrounds, and many people don’t realise that overdose is most likely to be due to prescription medicines. “However it’s important to know that preventing overdose is something we can all be a part of, as simply talking about overdose could save a

Forrequired.more information and to apply please visit our website here: We are DisabilityrecruitingSupport Workers!

LOCAL NDIS clients are benefitting from arts-based activities at an innovative new gallery right in the heart of Moonah.Founded by Rhonda McLauchlin and Sara Lindsay, Artosaurus is an inclusive art community where people can connect, learn and express themselves through their art. NDIS clients are supported to create, display and sell their art in the gallery space, alongside gallery space where their experienced art instructors can run sessions in a range of areas such as drawing, painting, printmaking, pottery, ceramics, textiles and all sorts of crafts. “I know there will be lots of NDIS clients and others keen to get involved and support the work they are doing in thisTospace.”findout more, drop into 7a Main Road Moonah or visit www. roars into Moonah

For the right candidates we will consider people who are currently studying towards the qualifications



womenopportunityFestivalBaconcelebritycity.masterclassesfeaturedWrestmoredays.the600insightsindustriesmale-dominatedsharedtheirwithmorethangirlswhoattendedexhibitionovertwoTheeventshowcasedthan40stallsatPointandalsoarangeofacrosstheWomen’smentorandchefKirstensaidtheFearlesswasagreatforyoungtoexplore Tasmania’s primary industries.“Among the 40 stall holders were Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service, TasWater, Tasmanian Fire Service, Work & Training, TasNetworks and so many more,” she said. “This festival was a chance to open young women’s eyes to their very own potential. “If we don’t expose women to opportunitiesthesethat were once nothingmale-dominated,willchange.

Next crop of Fearless females

G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 9

“We need women in these industries so they can mentor the next generation of young girls.” transmissionTasNetworksdelivery leader Elizabeth Walker said gender diversity can be limited in STEM industries, particularly in constructions roles. “I work in the Fields Operation Department and I am one of few women,” she said. “I hope the festival was an opportunity for young girls to explore what is out there and find the pathways into typically visitindustries.”

THE sixth annual Fearless Festival has helped break down employment gender stereotypes, encouraging women to make their mark in traditionally maledominated fields. The Fearless Festival promotes the diversity of employment and career choices in Tasmania, and provides opportunities for young (and not-so-young) women to meet, hear and mingle with successful women from a wide range of Femalejobs. professionals from

Community News

St James Catholic College students Chelsea and Ella with TasNetworks apprentice Michael Flood at the Fearless Festival expo. Photo credit: Mackenzie Archer

Ella Haddad MP with Artosaurus founders Rhonda McLaughlin and Sara Lindsay Would you like a rewarding job that often involves very simple and enjoyable tasks such as helping people with their hobbies and everyday errands?

clients that have been with me from the beginning,” she said. “We have clients who have come to the salon since they were children. We have watched them through their schooling years, isRenee.businesstomoments.thoseweddingsgraduations,andallmemorablelife“Icouldn’tbehappierbepassingoverthetoSarahandIknowthesaloninverysafehands.”

Previous Jabeks Hair owner Cindy Lincoln (seated) with new owners (L-R) Sarah Cox and Renee Cox

Nicolle. 4pm: Reeling in the Years with Dave Batchelor. 6pm: Glenn’s Country With Glenn Gillie. 8pm: Classic Ride with Melvin Freestone. 10pm: Music of Your Life overnight

Visit us at 2/383 Main GlenorchyRd, Phone 6272 8727

In 2008 Kaye answered a request for volunteers to become part of the Hobart FM family, and for the past 14 years she has woken up listeners at 6am once a week as a Hobart FM breakfast presenter. Kaye currently presents breakfast from 6 - 9am on Tuesday mornings, playing anything from classical through to country, jazz and today’s modern grooves. She loves music and loves to entertain - why else would you get up at 4.30am to volunteer your time on a cold and frosty morning?

ad when

“I can’t think of a better thing to do,” Kaye says.

us to book

Sarah and Renee have some exciting new ideas to take the salon to the next level. “It has always been a dream of mine to one day do something with my sister, so when this opportunity came up it was a no-brainer for us,” Sarah“Wesaid.are keen to bring a fresh approach and some brand-new services to the salon while carrying on the familyfriendly environment that Cindy has created.

Salon’s new look a Collective effort

off your first

Presented by:

Ceron. 2pm: My Collection with Ken Tanner. 4pm: Drive with John Evans. 6pm: Serbian. 7pm: Chinese. 8pm: Contrasts in Classic Jazz. 10pm: Greek with Benny. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight

Tuesday 6am: Wake Up with Kaye Payne. 9am: Bringing Back the Memories with David Carr. Midday: Beats and Ballads with Phil Williams. 3pm: Tuesday Drive with Mal Dennis. 6pm: Mostly Folk with Helen Morrison/Ross Sermons. 8pm: Late Nite Hits with Marg. 10pm: Night Owl Club with Ron Andersen. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Wednesday 6am: Wednesday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Bright and Breezy Mix with Kathy. Midday: Wednesday Lunch with Phil Tyson. 2pm: Showtime with Ron Andersen. 4pm: Revival show with Johnny Dallas. 6pm: Wednesday Jukebox with Robbo. 8pm: Country Jukebox with Russell. 10pm: Music of Your Life with Michael Holloway. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Thursday 6am Breakfast with Craig Cracknell. 9am: Magic Music Mix with Tom Payne. Midday: Music of Your Life with Karina

Community News

“All the same familiar faces will continue on with us including Cindy who will be working five days a week.” The Hair Collective is welcoming new clients and encourages anyone to get in touch. Phone Sarah, Renee and the team today on 6272 8727 and receive 20 per cent off your first appointment when you mention the Glenorchy Gazette.

to receive

FAMED andGlenorchyasandreinshandedownercommunity,servicingmakeover.storeHairHairhairdressingGlenorchysalonJabekswillbecomeTheCollectiveastheundergoesafreshAfterthreedecadesoftheGlenorchypreviousCindyLincolnhasoverthesalon’stosisterduoSarahReneeCox.“Ihavebeenworkingahairdresserinfor44yearsfor30ofthoseI have been the owner of Jabeks Hair,” Cindy said. “In my time I supported 25 apprentices through to become senior andwithjoys.onecommunitythemeReneeincludinghairdressers,newownerwhostartedwithsixyearsago.”CindysaidservicingGlenorchyhasbeenofherlife’sgreatest“IfeelsofortunatethestaffIhavehadallthebeautiful

Friday 6am: Rise and Shine with Ria Walter. 9am: Songs and Stories with Brian Corr. Midday: Fridays with Mal Dennis. 2pm: My Favourite Music with Judi Forsyth. 4pm: Drive with Peter Johnston. 6pm: Good Times are Rolling with Russell and Bob. 9pm: Rock On with Ray Kemp. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight with Craig Cracknell Saturday 6am: Mostly Old But Something New with Tim. 9am: Polish. 10am: Croatian. 11am: Greek. Midday: World Music with Amanda Sims. 1pm: Music of Your Life with Amanda. 3pm: Various Presenters present The Music of Your Life. 6pm: Kick Back with Kenny White. 9pm: Music of Your Life. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Sunday 6am: Chris Burrows Breakfast. 9am: German. 10am: Spanish. 11am: Irish Brian Corr. Midday: Italian. 1pm: Nepalese. 2pm: Dove c’e musica Italiana. 3pm: Movie Ticket Radio with Robert Ryan. 4pm: Music of Your Life with Tony Geeves. 6pm: Sunday Country with Bob and Russell Hevey. 9pm: Sunday Night Country with Wayne Crossin. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight

Monday 6am: Monday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Mandy’s Monday Morning Mix. Midday: Lunchtime Classics with Rick Rae. 2pm: Monday Variety with Shirley

Mention this booking 20% service

“Hobart FM has a family of people who tune in. They give us a call and send us messages on Facebook, and we know their life stories almost as much as we know our own. “I also like to promote live music here in Tassie, and play local artists as much as possible.”

KAYE was born in Queensland and moved to Tasmania in 1992, becoming a Hobart FM listener shortly after.

Kaye Payne


10 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022

is delivering a total of 13 workshops across the state in September, starting at its office in Glenorchy before visiting Huonville, Dover, Facebookorau/events/workshops,,Queenstown,Scottsdale,Swansea,Launceston,Burnie,KingIsland,(26September),Norfolk(27andTown.Forworkshopdetailsbookings,pleasevisitgototheMHFFTaspage. Free workshops for mental health supporters The MHFFTas team at the Self-Advocacy Program launch Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas at the launch of the Self-Advocacy Program | 1800 801 701 2022 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS Local Government elections are being held soon. Keep an eye out for Eddie the envelope when he arrives in October. He has your postal ballot pack with all the information you need, so you can make your mark on your community. Safe. Confidential. Tips & Tools just for You DATE Tuesday 27 September 2022 TIME 8 30am 2 30pm ADDRESS Derwent Community House, The Avenue, Willow Court, New Norfolk FREE WORKSHOP in NEW NORFOLK LIMITED SEATS BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL BY: 14 Sep 2022 BOOKING LINK: https://www trybooking com/CBPJM CALL: 6228 7448 EMAIL: flavia@mhff org au WEBSITE: mhfamiliesfriendstas org au/ Do you support a family member, friend, neighbour or colleague experiencing mental ill health? Want a free toolkit that’s all about you & your support role? Then you’re welcome to attend this free, five-hour self-advocacy workshop. Open to anyone that provides any kind of MENTAL HEALTH support to another person.


Perhaps you support your cousin with weekly check-in phone calls; or you take your sibling to their medical appointments; or you live with someoney who experiences mental health concerns from excessive use of alcohol or other


G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 11 ADVERTISEMENT

DO you know someone who is experiencing mental ill health? Are you doing your best to support them but still have so many questions? Then this is for you! In June this year Mental Health Families and Friends Tasmania (MHFFTas) launched its self-advocacy program. The program includes a 70-plus page booklet featuring key tools to help support people advocate for themselves; a digital version of the booklet with links to further resources; and a series of workshops delivered by awardwinning


12 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 ADVERTISEMENT

During developmentthe process of XP SilkoleneSilkolenewhenandcustomersfrontbylinesthesyntheticsemi-syntheticlines,‘Comp’categorisedmotorcycles.engine2-strokelubricantsrangepower.andlowerfueloffersSilkoleneandtoresultstypelubricantscompetitorcomparedwasdifferentrigoroustechnology,testingofformulationsconductedandwithmotorcycleinthesameofengines.TheofthisresearchledthelaunchofthenewimprovedFUCHSrangewhichriders11percentsavings,18percentoilconsumption3percentincreasedTheFUCHSSilkoleneofmotorcycleincludesand4-strokeoilstosuitallTherangeisinto‘Super’,and‘Pro’productwhichrangefromtofullester-basedoil.Distinctionbetweendifferentproductisfurthersupportedthecolour-codedlabelswhichenabletomakeeasyinformeddecisionspurchasingFUCHSmotorcycleoils.Inadditiontotheengineoils,

has presence in over 50 includingcountriesAustralia and New Zealand. It

evolving needs in the motorcycle industry.

Repertory Theatre Society presents

the ‘Maintain’ range consists of maintenance oils and lubricants such as coolants, gear oils, brake and clutch fluid, fork oil, chain lube, foam filter treatment and fuel additives. These products are developed specifically to compliment the engine oils and help riders maintain their motorcycle’s performance capabilities. The complete range of FUCHS Silkolene motorcycle lubricants are available at R&J Batteries’ Hobart branch at 41 Derwent Park Road. Visit the branch to find the right lubricant for your motorcycle. Go to for more information or call 6272 2943. // 41 Derwent Park Rd, Hobart // 6272 2943 THE OIL OF CHAMPIONS Market Leading Lubricant for EXTREME PERFORMANCE FUCHS Silkolene is available at: Ride like a pro with FUCHS Silkolene lubricants

Last Resort’ at the Playhouse Theatre New play has the smell of success Hobart Repertory Theatre Society proudly presents a new hilarious play by Belinda Bradley & Franz Docherty or The Playhouse Theatre Box Office See website for details or call 6234 1536Councillor Will Coats The Last Resort writer Franz Docherty, actor Paul Levett and director Ingrid Ganley at rehearsals THE global market leading manufacturer of lubricants,

AUDIENCES can discover who did it (and why!) when the outrageous ‘poo-dunnit’ mystery ‘The Last Resort’ premieres the Playhouse Theatre next month. ‘The Last Resort’ follows experienced maitre d‘ Anton and his long-term partner Jerome, a former Michelin chef, who are now in their twilight years. They seem like the ideal couple to host a dinner party for their dearest friends at their retirement village. But previous dinner parties have ended in controversy, and Anton has had to fight toothand-nail for permission to host the sabotagemariedescendstimes,goodwillupRatherevent.thanservingamenuoflaughter,andhappythedinnerpartyintoabain-oflies,betrayaland…afterapoois discovered in the vanity unit!‘The Last Resort’ was written by award-winning local creators, writers and producers Belinda Bradley and Franz Docherty, who are cocreators and writers on the new six-part mystery drama series ‘Savage River’, which premiers on the ABC this month. They have also recently fromdevelopmentreceivedfundingScreenTasmania for ‘Unearthed’, an eightpart gothic psychological thriller series for young adult audiences; and their screenplay ‘Thunder’ won the Best Screenplay Award at the BOFA film festival.Thescreenplay of ‘The Last Resort’, which the pair developed with ‘Kenny’ star Clayton Jacobson, received funding from Screen Tasmania and Screen Australia.Lastyear Belinda and Franz adapted ‘The Last Resort’ into a stage play, working with dramaturge Peter Matheson as part of Blue Cow Theatre’s Cowshed Program. Now the play is set for its premiere season at Hobart’s Playhouse Theatre in Ganley,DirectedOctober.byIngridtheshowwill be performed by a bevvy of talented Tasmanians including Jeff Kevin, Ivano Del Pio, Kathy Spencer, Michael Hanlon, Phil Crouch, Paul Levett, Pip Tyrell, Adrienne Casey, Leila Grave, Claire Latham, Tamara Bloomfield and John Xintavelonis.TheHobart ‘The FUCHS, technologyoilsusingmotorcycleimprovementsmakesmarketTechnology.oilbybyR&JlubricantitridersracebymotorcycleSilkolenetechnologies,theprotection.performance,alllubricantsSilkolenegloballyenthusiasts,industries.agriculturalindustrial,lubricantsapplication-specifichasforautomotive,mining,andtransportFormotorcycletherenownedrangeofprovidesthenecessities–powerandDevelopedusinglatestlubricanttheFUCHSrangeistheoilofchoiceleadingprofessionalteamsandeverydayalike.ThisiswhyisalsothemotorcyclesuppliedatallBatteriesbranches.TheSilkolenerangeFUCHSispoweredthelatestinnovativetechnology-XPAstheleader,FUCHScontinuoustoitsoilrangepremiumbaseandnewadditivetomeetthe

OLDER Tasmanians are choosing to downsize as the overheated housing market returns to some normality.Withbuyer activity still very much alive in Tasmania and building costs and labour shortages at an all-time high, many Tasmanians are choosing to downsize earlier.

The housing market is transitioning back to average market conditions where there is a good balance between demand and“Thesupply.demand for homes in Tasmania is still high, however we are seeing supply to meet the demands of those purchasers,” Khan said. With more than 155 years in Tasmania, Roberts is bringing decades of experience to the ever-changing market.

G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 13 PROPERTY Pl Roberts Real Estate Glenorchy 338 Main Road, Glenorchy, 7010 03 6272 8555

“We have weathered the market impacts of two World Wars, the Great Depression, the Global Financial Crisis and the COVID pandemic, so if you are looking for a safe pair of hands and sound advice from industry leaders please reach out today,” Khan said. If you want to find out more about downsizing phone Roberts Real Estate on 6272 8555 to talk through what is available, the process involved and rebates on offer for you and your circumstances.

Roberts Real Estate State Manager Khan Dick said downsizing could be a great option for someone looking to sell their family home, but also divest their investment properties. “The current market is still good, so if you are considering downsizing or divestment it could be a really great time to do so,” he“Wesaid.are seeing a new cohort of older sellers moving through the market.“Although they may love where they live, the reality is many are needing to consider the benefits of downsizing. “It is a really expensive time to renovate, so instead of having to pay to put in lifts and modern comforts older Tasmanians are opting to move into something smaller that stillpropertymarket,outstanding.whatwasbetweenpandemic,inoverpricedjustabsolutelywas,”notbuyerstatenorthstartingtheincreasinganotherandformerpensionerstransferreductionprovidesdutytheirpensionersGovernmentshiftneeds.”accommodatesalreadytheirAsaresultofthistheTasmanianissupportingdownsizinghomesbyofferingaconcession.Theconcessiona50percentofpropertydutyforeligiblewhoselltheirhomeinTasmaniadownsizebybuyinghomeinthestate.WithhousingsupplyinTasmania,oncechaoticmarketistolevelout.“FromwhatIseeintheandsouthofthethereisstillplentyofactivity,butitisjustasfreneticasitonceKhansaid.“Thingsarestillselling;itisnotamarkettosellproperties.“Ifwetravelbacktimetobeforethethedifferencewhatyourhouseworththenanditisworthnowis“Regardlessoftheifyouhaveatosellyouarebuyingintothesame market.“Soyou are not necessarily losing money if you are selling in a market that isn’t as buoyant as it once was.”

To downsize or to divest?

Roberts Marketing Manager Melinda Warren with Roberts State Manager Khan Dick

Check to learn about the system. So when the next flood comes, you’ll know what to do. Tasmania has adopted the Australian Warning System for flood: ADVICE WATCH & ACT EMERGENCYWARNING

representative ready to bring fresh ideas, listen and deliver the best for our community,” he said. With a background in business communications,and Russell is a real estate business owner and director, board member of the Real Estate Institute of Tasmania, and committee member of the successful Wellington Cricket Club. A member of the Australia Institute of Company Directors, Russell continues to learn, currently studying to expand his knowledge and skill set. “I’m ready to listen, engage with our community and dedicate myself to attend all meetings and workshops for the betterment of our community,” he said. “If elected, that’s what I must do. I’m not here to play politics, I must represent the community and work to address our opportunities and position us for future success.”Living in West Moonah with a blended family of four boys, his wife Nat is fully supportive. “When he puts his mind to something, he sees it through to completion,” she“ never ‘half in’, he is all the way committed and will do everything he can to learn and understand.”

THE Tasmania State Emergency Service (SES) has recently adopted the Australian Warning System (AWS) for flood emergencies and launched an SES Flood Warnings System which will provide advice to the community regarding what to do when a flood happens. Like the AWS for other emergencies, the Tasmania SES Flood Warning System consists of three ascending warning levels: Advice (yellow), Watch and Act (orange), and Emergency Warning (red). The warnings are presented in triangles, with a house in the centre and flood levels underneath. These warning triangles will be issued with a set of callto-actions specific to the emergency event.

14 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 ADVERTISEMENT

Radio.The Tasmania SES Flood Warning System complements the Flood Warnings and Flood Watches issued by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).Tasmania SES will take the BOM warnings as a key consideration when deciding to issue an SES Flood Warning, as well as other information such as flood modelling, local knowledge, flood history, operational information, and inputs from councils.


RUSSELL Yaxley is running for Alderman and Deputy Mayor in the upcoming Glenorchy City Council election, to be decided in October. “It’s an important time for us,” Mr Yaxley said. “I believe the best is yet to come for our community. We are primed to flourish and prosper and must deliver positive action, smart solutions and dedicated hard work to make it happen.”Aftercontesting the by-election last year, Russell has continued to listen and advocate on important issues such as play spaces and the Tolosa Park revitalisation. He also has a keen interest in housing and the aourwaselectioncampaignsupplyever-increasingdemands.“Afterapositiveintheby-lastyear,itobvioustomecommunitywantspositive,proactive

“While States and Territories are implementing the AWS at different times subject to their risks and resources, it will be the case in the near future that no matter where it is in the country or what type of emergency is occurring, the message about what to do will be aligned,” Tasmania SES Acting Director Leon Smith said. The AWS was adopted by Tasmania for bushfires in September 2021. Following the adoption for flood emergencies, there are plans to adopt the AWS for storm emergencies from 2023.

Tasmania gets new SES Flood Warning System

The SES Flood Warnings will be issued on the new version of, the Tasmanian Government’s official andSESTasALERTwillwebsite.warningemergencyandinformationThewarningsalsobepublishedonandTasmaniasocialmediachannelsbroadcastonABC

Many local business owners and families are also showing their support for Russell, including his friend Josh Willie.‘‘I’ve known Russell for years. He’s a

Flooding is one of Tasmania’s most frequent and costly natural hazards which can occur at any time of the year


Glenorchy City Council candidate Russell Yaxley and wife Nat Yaxley eager to be strong voice for Glenorchy

G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 15 ADVERTISEMENT

HOME and Fabric Warehouse in Moonah is bringing fun, colour and bargains to shoppers looking to freshen up their retailertextileThehomes.independentandfurnishingisfillingagap in the Tasmanian textile industry by offering high-end products at low market prices. From 1 September local consumers have been able to purchase high-quality products including quilts, doonas, sheets, towels, floor rugs, home décor items and curtains, and dress and upholstery fabrics for a fraction of regular prices. After a 45-year career in business retail John Maiden and his partner Amber came to Tasmania just before COVID hit, to retire and enjoy a slower pace of life. They were the owners of a chain of retail stores in New South Wales, Canberra and Queensland that sold beautiful curtains and dress upholstery fabrics. After two years of fulltime living in Tasmania, they were excited for a new“Weproject.sawa gap in the market for highquality textile pieces at affordable prices in Tasmania and after coming across the Moonah store the idea just flourished,” John said. Situated behind Cooleys Hotel, the Home and Fabric Warehouse has four lanes of vehicle access and ample covered and open-air parking.“Consumers will walk into the store and be welcomed by light and colour and a myriad of products at fantastic prices,” John said. “Beautiful cotton quilt covers will $50 rather than $200 and velvet fabric will be $20 a metre opposed to $100200.“Iwant Home and Fabric Warehouse to be somewhere everyone can afford to shop. “With rising interest rates, inflated food and petrol prices and a housing crisis, a bargain is going to be attractive. “New home builders invariably run out of money after building their home and after buying the basic necessities.“Ihopethat Home and Fabric Warehouse will allow those to make their house a home without breaking the budget.”Aftera lengthy career in the home furnishing textile industry John is able to source highquality products at the right price. “I have been doing it all over the world from Italy to Turkey and back home here in Australia,” heAssaid.well as stocking products from right around the globe, Home and Fabric Warehouse will sell a large range of Australian owned and made Australian-made.”Fabricbeingthirdsayproducts.outAustralians“Sinceproducts.thepandemicareseekingAustralian-made“IamsopleasedtothatmorethanaofallproductssoldatHomeandWarehouseare

Home & Fabric Warehouse owners John and Amber Maiden outside their new Moonah store NOW OPEN! Quilts for doonas Well under half normal retail with imperfections.slight Polyester Single $30 Double $40 Queen $50 Wool Single $40 Double $50 Queen $60 Panel blinds, curtains and blinds Ready to hang. From $30. Easiest and cheapest way to cover windows. Towels From $6. Fluffy & yummy. Pillow cases Only $1. Rugs From all over the world. $99 not $200. Throws from $10. Vellux The most famous blanket in the world. $60 not $200. Doona sets Best In Hobart. Such amazing value. Queen only $69.95. Come see us at 45 Main Road, Moonah! On the city side of Cooleys Hotel Fantastic access and parking! QUALITY!SUPERB UNBEATABLEPRICES! Warehouse bringing bargains to Moonah


help turning your

16 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 HAVE you got an idea for a business? Where do you go from here? There’s free assistance available to support you on your journey through the maze to whereconsider.theideaperson,downtheprogramsaid.Facilitatorsupport,”onlineoverwhelmingbusiness,withstrategicfinancial,andnames,fromrunningallguidancepracticalTasmania,HobartBusinessinitiativeAustralianFacilitatorAustraliaTheself-employment.WorkforceEntrepreneurshipprogram,anGovernmentdeliveredbySouthinGreaterandSouth-Eastoffersfree,andconfidentialandsupportonaspectsofstartingandasmallbusiness–registeringbusinesswebsitedomainsyourABNthroughtomarketingandadvice.“Whenyou’replayingtheideaofstartingaitcanbereallyifyougoandsearchforEntrepreneurshipSharonHarvey“Theadvantageofouristhatweofferopportunitytositandtalktoarealbrainstormyourandtalkthroughthingsyouneedto“Onceweunderstandsomeone’sat in their small business journey, based on their needs we can do further one-on-one mentoring with them or refer them to other relevant programs and services, remembering our services are completely free.” The supportreferralsin-personone-on-oneFacilitatorEntrepreneurshipprogramoffersmentoringorremotely;tootherrelevantprogramsand services; and monthly free workshops and information sessions. In September 2022 we have some great topics on offer for you to book into, either online or in-person: • What you need to know when getting started in small •businessHow to build your brand and visual •identityCoffee and Bookingsnetworkingconnections,are essential. For more information or to book your FREE place in the program, go to,FacilitatorsEntrepreneurshipWorkforceorg.auwww.businesssouth.oremailAustraliaSharonandviasharon@or ADVERTISEMENT S k L d O 0 D b Mr Nick Modrovich Clinical Audiologist GLENORCHY NORTH HOBART ROSNY PARK KINGSTON LAUNCESTON CALL 1300 327 776 Do you suffer from dizziness? www abilityhearing com au 5 Star Reviews It may be time to have a vestibular assessment 20 years of experience Accredited Audiologists Tasmanian Owned & Operated Balance & Dizziness Assessments (BPPV) Full Hearing Assessment Tinnitus Specialists Earwax Removal ACCORDING to the Australian Society of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, more than 36 per cent of Australians aged over 50 report some form of dizziness or asheadtriggereddizzinessseriousfeet,confidencethe(BPPV)PositionalBenignMeniere’sConditionsvertigo.suchasDiseaseandParoxysmalVertigoresultinsuffererlosingintheirwhichmayleadtofalls.BPPVisatypeofthatcanbebyspecificmovementssuchturningoverinbed or looking up at the sky.The otolith organs in our ears monitor our head’s movements and position related to gravity. These otolith organs contain tiny crystals which stabilize us against gravity. As we get older, these crystals can become dislodged and move into another part of our balance organ called the semicircular canals, which is what makes you feel dizzy. The symptoms of BPPV can be quite debilitating for those suffering from the condition. It can lead to nausea and in some instances increase the chance of falls. The good news is that BPPV is generally not medically serious and can be easily treated effectively in the clinic, using the Epley manoeuvre. At Ability Hearing and Balance we offer a range of vestibular testing, including testing for BPPV as well as more serious balance conditions. Doctor referrals are generally not required. Phone 1300 327 776 to find out more. Dizziness and loose crystals in your ears Dizziness and Balance problems are one of the main reasons patients seek medical help

Need big idea into a small

Guilford Young College is the only all-senior secondary Catholic college in Tasmania and offers more than 150 courses. The College offers extensive arts and sports programs, and is the registered training organisation for the Catholic sector across the“Westate.also collaborativelyworkwith the University of Tasmania to deliver the High Achiever Program to our high-achieving students,”

Laura Ackerley, Charlotte Turton, Cassie McLoughlin, Ansa Le Grange, Imogen Brown, Olivia Cummins, Max Brideson, Ilar Flynn and Oscar Breslin at the Glenorchy campus GYC Awards winners Top ten ATAR scores in 2021 Dux of the College Joshua Young 99.8 Max Deacon 98.6 Rohnan Waghorn 98.5 Sarah Fitzpatrick 98.2 Noah West 98.1 Anja Bobrowski 97.95 Sophie Rule 97.85 Lotta Prichard 97.75 Lucy Harrison 97.55 Henry Rollinson 97.5 Principal’s Award Amelia Hill-Mundy Jenna Stacey Guilford Young College Awards Haidar Alnasser Ella HanardiJennaAngusAmeliaSarahFitzpatrickFitzpatrickHill-MundyMcGregorStaceyYoung Shelbi Berechree Award Amelia HannahCliffordDavis Adam Croser Memorial Debating Award Angelica Matusewicz Haidar Alnasser GYC TOUR DAY Thursday 20 October (Hobart Show Day Holiday) Hobart Campus - 94 Barrack St 9.00am - 2.00pm (hourly tours) Bookings GYC OPEN DAY Saturday 29 October Glenorchy Campus - 76 Bowden St 9.00am - 2.00pm (hourly tours) Bookings Guilford Young awards outstanding students

we want everyone to be able to fulfill their potential,” Mr Deayton said.“Our bursaries are often the difference between someone being able to attend Guilford Young for Years 11 and 12 or “Onenot.of those bursaries in the VET field was the Shelbi Berechree Bursary, in memory of a much-loved student who sadly passed away in a car“Theaccident.bursary is awarded to up to two students annually who excel in the VET Early Childhood and Care course which was Shelbi’s passion and an area she shone in. “Amelia Clifford and Hannah Davis were last year’s recipients selected by the childcare industry and Shelby Foundation.”


Recent graduates Amelia Hill-Mundy and Jenna Stacey were the recipients of the Principal’s Award for their

STUDENTS, families and staff of Guilford Young College gathered last month to celebrate the achievements of some outstanding students. At the College’s annual Awards night students are recognised for their success in study, service, sport, art and faith.“We have 780 students enrolled this year and on the awards night we recognised the achievements of more than 100 of them,” Guilford Young College Principal Craig Deayton said.“The evening is a representation of how broad the studentsexperienceschoolingisforinYears11 and 12 at Guilford Young College.“Themore a student is connected with their school the more likely they are to embrace the whole experience and succeed in their studies.”

Year 12 student Charlotte Turton received an English award on the night. “I came from a smaller school with a small group of peers and despite not having a lot of friends when I first arrived, I instantly felt welcomed,” she said. “It is a really easy place to feel confident in your own abilities. You are doing subjects you have chosen yourself, in an environment that challenges you to do the best you can. “I was really happy that I choose to come here for my final two years of school, with such a broad range of subjects it is really easy to make new friends with similar interests.”

Mr Deayton said. “On top of providing an academic challenge and a taster of university life, the program also offers TasmaniatowardscoursestudentsTasmaniansubsidisedcostsandcreditUniversityofcoursesand degrees.“Thisyear we have multiple students engaging in first-year music and math courses, and for the first time a student taking a first-year language course.” To find out more about 2023 enrolments or to attend an open day at the Glenorchy or Hobart campus visit gyc. include

G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 17

ADVERTISEMENT Guilford Young College Principal Craig Deayton with Year 12 student Charlotte Turton Guilford Young College award recipients

Acute Care Conference 2022 - broadening your scope

ATHOL Meagan worked for most of his life on the family dairy farm at Westerway, before moving to settle at his sister’s place in Granton about three years ago. He’s retired and likes being around others and keeping his mind MarleneAthol’sactive.sistercalled


“Every kind of modern nursing role in every sector is demanding, but acute care represents one of healthcare’s most challenging disciplines, particularly at present,”

a holiday.

Bisdee Community Centre in Glenorchy to see what they could offer him as a social support group and day respite centre. The friendly staff organised the Bisdee bus to collect Athol and he’s now a popular regular at the centre. “I meet different people every day and they are very friendly to talk to,” Athol said. “We have games and go on outings. I know nearly everyone - I’ve been here that long.” When Athol’s sister Marlene needs some time to herself, Athol comes to stay at Hotel Bisdee, the respite service within the community centre. Athol stayed at Hotel Bisdee several times last year, and also enjoyed a recent trip to Oatlands with the community centre group.“Ilike staying here,” Athol said, standing in his comfortable room at Hotel Bisdee. “I get to go on more outings and the staff really look after you. “The staff are so good, they even check on you at night.” Bisdee Community Centre is at 8 Windsor St, Glenorchy and is open for day respite seven days a week from 7am.Hotel Bisdee operates 24/7 for respite care, and guests are welcome to join the day centre group to socialise and participate in the activities.Contact the Bisdee Community Centre for bookings, fees, and subsidies. Phone 6277 8820 or For a tour contact Rhea on 03 6277 8800

18 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022

24/7 personal care, join activity programs and bus trips, or relax while our professional and friendly staff make them at home. Care for You - time to recharge Riet stayed for five nights while her family were on holiday. She has been a regular at our day centre for eight years. “It is just like a holiday with bus tours, lunches and making friends. I’ve always called Bisdee my second home, anyway!” Athol Meagan enjoys staying at ‘Hotel’ Bisdee ‘Hotel’ Bisdee staff really look after you CONFERENCE • 26 OCT 2022 • HOBART ACUTE CARE “Acute Care - broadening your scope” SCAN TO FIND OUT MORE AND TO REGISTER Have you registered yet? THE midwivesforaHobart.atWednesdayCareholdingTasmanianFederationNursingAustralianandMidwifery(ANMF)BranchisitsannualAcuteConferenceon26OctobertheRACVHotelinTheconferenceisuniqueopportunitynursesandworkingin acute care to increase the breadth of their skills and knowledge, featuring speechMelbourneRoyalTristaninadvancedacutepresentationsbest-practiceaboutthecaresectorandclinicalpracticeallspaces.KeynotespeakerDrHardingfromtheChildren’sHospitalwillfocushisonuniqueand


Acute care involves the treatment of patients diagnosed with short-term but serious conditions and might take place in a number of clinical settings like Accident & Emergency, Intensive Care and Neonatal bikeinjuriesdepartmenttopatientsrespondmaycareExamplesCare.ofacutecasesthatnursesberequiredtotoincludepresentingtheemergencywithseverefromacarorcrash,acutechronic illness like infective chronic journey.patients’themonopportunitytohealthcarediseases.strokes,pulmonaryobstructivedisease,andinfectiousWeinviteallprofessionalattendthiswonderfulandreflectwhatitmeanstotobepartoftheacutecare

ANMF Tasmania Branch Secretary and HERC CEO Emily Shepherd said.“As a front-line health responder, acute nurses and midwives are called upon to perform a wide variety of assessment, treatment and support modalities and must be prepared for diverse situations every day.”

Hotel-like accommodation for respite care that feels more like Our guests can enjoy challenging

• Do you get other benefits from your fund? For example, at HCi, we offer health programs and oldfashioned service at no additional cost to our members

• Does your cover protect you from the Medicare Surcharge Levy at tax time?

G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 19

7. Divide pasta among bowls and top with more parmesan.

nice Meanwhileconsistency.peel and


• 1


Jo Cordell-Cooper HIKING can be enjoyed at any age and stage; I’ve always said that. But on a recent winter hike into the Central Highlands, I was surprised at how quickly a strong and savvy hiker overtook me and left me in their dust. I’m still feeling quite capable all things considered, so I pondered – was she extraordinarily swift, or had I become slow? I think the truth is a combination of both. As a personal trainer in my 50s it was easy for me to reflect on how I’ve been hiking lately and why I might be so much slower. My dog is aging, and my hiking buddies now are social andSo,steady.what to do about this? Can I train so I’m able to keep up with my younger and fitter hiking buddies? The answer is yes! Here’s what to do to improve your walking speed:First, ditch the dog –not every day, but take a few 20-30 minute walks weekly where you can walk faster. Regardless of your age if you frequently walk fast and push it on some hills or stairs, even for shorter hikes your body will become accustomed to Littlethis. efforts add up. On hills and the flat allow the heart rate to rise and then rest. Push, rest, push, rest –that’s the way to build cardio strength as well as muscle endurance, so there is your first strategy. By rest I mean walk a bit slower – don’t stopSecondly,completely!resolve any longstanding injuries.


I had a

For further information please contact: E:

P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367

Hiking Cordell-Cooper can get up

to speed

Healthier private health cover



• Half a cup of parmesan, finely grated, plus more for serving

1. Heat 2 Tbsp. oil in a Dutch oven or other large pot over medium-high. Cook half the mushrooms in a single layer, undisturbed, until edges are brown and starting to crisp (about three minutes). P:


4. In a larger bowl place the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and put in olive oil, cooled pumpkin puree and the yeast mix. Mix together and turn out onto a floured bench top and knead for 10 mins, if dough is sticky add a bit more flour. Set aside for half an hour or until doubled in size. Knead again for 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour. When dough has risen again flatten out slightly and sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds onto the dough. Form into the shape of loaf you want, containing the seeds on the inside. 6. Set aside again to rise for 40 mins. Set oven to 195oC 8. When dough has risen again, brush the top with water and sprinkle on more seeds. Bake for 20 – 30 mins, depending on shape of loaf. 10. Bread is ready when it is golden brown on the outside and sounds hollow when you tap it with your knuckles. Let cool Duck E: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 add in vinegar, sugar and juice of 3 oranges and reduce until a cut oranges and prep with no skin or When sauce is nearly ready to sauce and warm - do not let oranges break down. Carve duck and cover with sauce and arrange PADDOCK TO PLATE COOKINGADDOCK PLATE COOKING 4 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 500g mushrooms, sliced into bite-size Salt 2 medium shallots, finely chopped

a bit then eat! Enjoy PUMPKIN BREAD andCookingChefaholicSchoolCatering


1. To make pumpkin puree you will need a cup of chopped pumpkin and enough water to cover it. Either boil on the stove top in a saucepan or place in a microwave on high for 8 to 10 mins. 2. When the pumpkin is soft use a blender to process it. Stand aside to cool. *These next steps can be done with a bread maker on dough setting.


4. Meanwhile, cook pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water, stirring occasionally, until very al dente (about two minutes less than package directions).

2. Give mushrooms a toss and continue to cook, tossing occasionally, until all sides are brown and crisp (about five minutes more). Using a slotted spoon, transfer mushrooms to a plate; season with salt. Repeat with remaining 2 Tbsp. oil and mushrooms and more salt.


• Freshly ground black pepper

GIVING your health cover a health check of its own will ensure it meets your needs and provides value to your family, whatever its size, shape situation. And with COVID’s impact on our health and hospitallengtheningwaiting times, health cover but the key details to check in reviewing your health cover are:

3. Reduce heat to medium-low and return all mushrooms to the pot. Add shallots and cook, stirring often, until shallots are translucent and softened (about two minutes).

• 500g spaghetti or fettuccini • Half a cup of heavy cream


pieces • Chefaholic Cooking School A paddock to plate cooking experience for all Ingredients • 1 x 2kg whole duck • 150g butter • 100ml Grand Marnier • 50ml vinegar • 50g castor sugar • Juice of 3 oranges • 6 oranges Method Clean and pat dry duck, heat butter in fry pan large enough to hold duck and fry duck for approximately 5 in oven for approximately 45 minutes on 180°C basting as you go. Turn heat down to 160°C and cook for a further 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cover with Grand Marnier and cook for a further 5 minutes. Remove from oven and strain all liquid into a pot,

For further information please contact: E: P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 Method • 250ml temperature)pumpkinPureed(room 50 ml warm water tsp Salt Tsp sugar Tbsp olive oil 500g plain flour tsp dry yeast. • Pepitas and sunflower seeds (optional)



6. Remove pot from heat. Add lemon zest and juice, parsley, butter, half a cup of parmesan, and lots of pepper and toss to combine. Taste and season with more salt if needed.

• 2

• Are the fees still providing good value?

• Can you easily claim costs back from your fund?

segments. Enjoy! A

• 1

can be an important safety net. What should you check? It may seem complex,

• 1


à l’orange For further information please contact:

• One third of a cup of finely chopped parsley

• Zest and juice of half a lemon • 2 Tbsp. unsalted butter, cut into pieces

• How does the fund manage ‘the gap’? At HCi, we offer Access Gap arrangements to minimise your out-ofpocket expenses


• Does it include what you need without lots of things you don’t need?

5. Using tongs, transfer pasta to pot with mushrooms and add cream and one cup of pasta cooking liquid. Increase heat to medium, bring to a simmer, and cook, tossing constantly, until pasta is al dente and liquid is slightly thickened (about three minutes).

add segments

3. In a bowl place the 50 ml warm water, sugar and yeast together. Mix and set aside until frothy, or about 10 mins.

• Can your cover include your children beyond 18? HCi family policies cover children for six years longer than most other funds. Did you know that many health insurance comparison sites only review funds that pay to be included or that give the site a commission on a sale? Doing your own research can give you more confidence, won’t result in any sales follow-ups, and means no hidden fees paid in commissions! What if your cover ‘fails’ its health check? If your existing hospital, extras or combined cover does not meet your needs or provide the best options for you, change to another fund! HCi has a range of affordable health cover options to suit most people – and we’ll even manage the switch from your old fund for you to make it easy.No ofperiodshavebetweenyourtobecover,equivalentwhenwaitingadditionalperiodsapplyyouswitchtoorlowersothatneedn’tafactorinchoosingswitch.Upgradingcover(withinorfunds)mayadditionalwaitingforcertaintypescover.

faster Jo

ROBERT & BARRY Both Robert and Barry (pictured) are Olive Yellow Budgies, both accustomed to an aviary space so would really love it if someone has a similar home for either, or both of these two stunning boys now.


The RSPCA believes that all of these interrelated aspects need to be taken into account when considering an animal’s welfare Tasmania’sstate.animal welfare standards are well behind community expectations. Our laws do not acknowledge mental suffering and give a free pass to cruel activities. Just like us, animals deserve a life free from cruelty and enforced suffering. It is time for us to bring our regulatory environment into the 21st century. To learn more, visit and bookings email us: Do You Feel Today?

Charlotte (12) and Martin (6) have been family to one another almost 7 years, so must be adopted together. Ideal home would be one with no children or other pets. These two are affectionate, relaxed, smoochy, playful, love attention and being brushed!


an animal’s mental state – how an animal feels and what it prefers to do – is every bit as important as its physical state. Mental state encompasses both positive experienc es, such as comfort and contentment, and negative experiences, such as pain, fear and Definitionsfrustration.


BECOMINGAFOSTERCARER Contact: 6709 8100 BY As humans, our welfare at any point in time is affected by many different things, such as our health, social life, work, sleep ing, living arrangements and income. We know that good nutrition, exercise, feeling safe and financially secure all help improve our overall welfare, but that at any time something can happen to make us feel better or worse than normal. Just as with humans, a non-human an imal’s welfare includes its physical state and its mental state. Anything which has the capacity to affect these states has the potential to affect an animal’s welfare, for good or bad. For many years, animal welfare focused only on the physical state of an animal such as providing a safe environment, food, water, disease prevention and treating in juries. But most scientists now accept that


20 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022

Positive welfare experiences are sometimes characterised in terms of ‘quality of life’, for example with the relative concepts of ‘a life worth living’, or ‘a good life’, and the negative concepts of ‘a life worth avoiding’ or ‘a life not worth living’.




Foster care gives animals that are initially not ready to be re-homed, or in our care as emergency boarders, an opportunity to settle into a temporary home life, The aim of foster care is to help animals that are overwhelmed in, or unsuitable for, a shelter environment . This may be due animals are too young or too small for adoption or because they are recovering from illness or surgery, or they need special TLC as is sometimes the case with animals seized by our inspectors. We also take care of companion animals of people experiencing family/domestic violence, homelessness, or medical facility. We have very strict rules around sharing information to ensure the anonymity and safety of all concerned. We will ensure that we match animals and carers and give you the support of a foster care coordinator and team. Sound like you? Please apply today.

For more information

EDEN Eden (2) is a delightful small domestic grey and white rabbit whose favourite things are playing in her enclosure and being humans!with EMMA Everyone, meet Emma! A beautiful 2 year old, extremely friendly, loves lots of cuddles and is very people orientated. She has passed her muzzle free accreditation with flying colours and is now ready for her furever home.

of animal welfare have histor ically focused on minimising or eliminat ing the negative experiences of animals, however, in recent years the importance of providing positive experiences for animals has become increasingly understood, underpinned by an expanding body of neuroscientific evidence. Positive experi ences include satiety, reward, contentment, curiosity and playfulness, for example, and welfare can be improved by giving animals opportunities to engage in rewarding behaviors.

Cats on harnesses provide urban enrichment for cats and humans

and starts indoors. We start small with treats and positive reinforcement every step of the way. When the cat is comfortable wearing the harness and walking around inside, it’s time to move“Walkingoutdoors.acat is very different to walking a dog,” Ten Lives Head Vet Nurse Jen Pelham said. “Be prepared for a slow walk that involves stopping to ‘smell the roses’ and watch birds rather than a long walk/ jog that you would do with a dog.”

Jen also recommends taking into consideration your cat’s daily food allowance when giving treats.“We want them to be challenged, not stressed, so it’s important to check in with them to ensure they are enjoying themselves,” Jen said. Now, your cat may just be content exploring your garden – and that is fine; we don’t have to climb a mountain! What is important is that you are spending time together in a safe and enriching environment. It’s good for the cat, and it’s even better for the human.Keep an eye out for the Catwalk Challenge from 1-10 October and check out Jen’s harness training guide on the Ten Lives website. But most of all, spend some quality time with your pets!Ten Lives Cat Centre is a self-funded animal charity that relies on donations and volunteers to care for and rehome the unwanted cats and kittens of Tasmania. See how you can get involved:

G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 21 Pet Talk Open your heart and your home How can I help? Foster caring can be one of the most rewarding and uplifting aspects of volunteering. Our foster care program is an essential part of our work looking after our kitties. You don’t have to foster all the time, fostering even for a short time - a week or two - helps with our vital Fosteringwork.isatruly wonderful experience which is extremely rewarding for you and lifesaving for the cats or kittens you care for. Some of the reasons our kitties need foster care before they can be adopted are: • Shy or timid • Too young • Illness The Ten Lives Cat Centre provides full support and everything you need to care for a cat or kitten in your home. We provide: • food & bowls • kitty litter & trays • toys, blankets & beds • 24 hour support • medicines and vet care You provide: • a loving environment • care for our cats and kittens #FOSTERFOSTER Every cat has a story. Are you part of it? You can find out more about the Ten Lives foster care program and other ways you can help at Ten Lives 12 Selfs Point Road, New Town Open Mon - Sat 10.00 - 4.00 Sun 10.00 - 2.30 6278 2111 Ten Lives _ Gazette - 2 Cats 1 Pic Blurb _ ADOPT.indd 1 30/08/2021 1:39:34 PM Ten Lives Head Vet Nurse Jen Pelham tries harness training with Latte the cat Rich East – Ten Lives Cat Centre THE culture of cat ownership in Tasmania is changing, and the days of letting our furry friends roam the streets are drawing to a close. People are realising that cat containment is the best option for their cat’s wellbeing and also for the wellbeing of our containment?wholethembestyourexploringthatblurredoutdoorbetweenindoors.condemnedmeanenvironment.Butthatdoesn’tourkittiesaretoalifeInfact,thelineindoorandcatismorethanever.Whatmeansisqualitytimetheworld(orbackyard)withyourmate,andkeepingsafethroughouttheprocess.So,whatexactlyiscatContainmentrefers to keeping your cat within the boundary of your property, whether through catproof fencing, making a cat enclosure or catio (cat patio), or simply taking your cat outside on harness and leash in your garden or at pet-friendly spots. There are surgeryLivesoffundsraisingwhileenrichmentcontainmentownershippromotesstartingCatwalkbecausegetbecauseharnessIcatopportunitiesendlessforcreatingenclosures,butwhatwantedtotalkaboutistraining.Firstly,it’sveryeasytostarted,andsecondlytheTenLivesChallengeisnextmonth.TheCatwalkChallengeresponsiblecatbyprovidingandforyourcatatthesametimemuch-neededforthetreatmentcatsinneed.Tenrunsitsownvetbutalsorequires after-hours emergency vet services, together equating to more than 10,000 treatments per year.Last year, the Catwalk Challenge toaregoingshowsHowever,inislastisn’tisurbangotreatmenthelpingwewastotal,friendsandcatsparticipantsencouragedtotaketheirforwalksonharnessgetsponsorshipfromandfamily.Inmorethan$7500raised.Butthisyearareaimingfor$10k,ustoprovidetocatsinneed.So,howdoesMittensfromcouchpotatotoexplorer?WhatIneedtosaythatharnesstrainingforeverycat–thethingwewanttodoputyourbestfriendastressfulsituation.ifyourcatakeeninterestinoutsidethentheyaprimecandidate.Thecatisintroducedtheharnessinstages

CRAFT AND CUPPA Come and join us for fortnightly Craft sessions at Montrose Presbyterian Church Hall, 2 Islington Rd. Bring some craft to work on or just come and chat. Plenty of parking. Contact Marj 0447 698 307 or Dorothy 62739553.

22 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022

A $50 reward is offered for the return of two dog collars, red and grey, lost near Woolworths Glenorchy. Phone 0427 564 832.


If you would like to inform the community of any events you have coming up in the Community Calendar, contact

GOLDEN YEARS CLUB The Golden Years Club is located at 314 Main Road Glenorchy and offers a number of activities. Tuesday: Exercises from 10am to 12pm, lunch from 12pm to 1pm, and bowls from 1pm to 3pm. Wednesday: Shoot and shuffle from 10am to 12pm. Friday: 500 cards from 10am to 12pm, and crib from 1pm to 3pm. H

HOBART MINIATURE STEAM LOCOMOTIVE SOCIETY (HMSLS) Located at Flagstaff Gully, the HMSLS operates a miniature railway. They cater for people with a passion for railways or an interest in any aspect of model engineering. You don’t need to be an accomplished engineer. New members are always welcome. For more information, visit

The Glenorchy Lions Club meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 637 Main Road, Berridale at 6.45pm. New members and visitors welcome. For more information, phone Jenny on 0417 311 779.

DUSTY BOOTS LINE DANCING Dusty Boots Line Dancing hosts line dancing classes for all fitness levels. Movements can be modified to suit individual abilities. The aim is to have a fun, no-pressure experience in a friendly atmosphere. Classes are held at the Tolosa Hall (148 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy) from 10am - 11.30am Tuesdays and 9.30am - 10.30am Saturdays. The cost is $5, paid on arrival. Bring water, and wear comfy clothing and shoes. For more information phone Sue Devine on 0417503429 or Regan Love on 0484056711.

There is an opportunity for girls of all ages to attend Girl Guides. Enquiries phone 0437075623.

SQUARE DANCING Square dancing sessions for beginners, couples and singles are currently being held in Bellerive, and are soon coming to Moonah. Events are held fortnightly on Tuesday evenings. For more information phone Iris on 0418 543 308 or iweatherburn@hotmail.comemail

GOODWOOD COMMUNITY GARDEN Join us for community gardening sessions at the Goodwood Community Centre every Friday from 9.30am - 12.30pm. We have shared plots, and approach gardening as an opportunity to learn. All ages and all abilities welcome. 20 Acton Cres, Goodwood. Phone Bec on 62722560 for more information.

GLENORCHY PROBUS CLUB COMBINED Meets at the Glenorchy Football Club on the first Tuesday of the month. Meeting starts at 10am followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Lunch follows at a local venue. Other outings/functions are monthly. We welcome all enquiries at 0419 326 707.



LINE DANCING Join Boots and All Line Dancing (a Bucaan Community House program) every Thursday at Tolosa Hall (148 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy). Beginner 9:30-10:25am ($3), Beginner 10:3511:30am ($3), Improver 11:30am-noon ($2). First-time dancers are welcome at any Beginner class but please phone to confirm there are no changes because of COVID. Our emphasis is on having fun. For more information, phone Laura on 0448 007 751.

T TAI CHI Tai Chi classes have resumed each Monday night (except public holidays) at the Golden Years Club, 314 Main Road Glenorchy. 6:00pm until 7:30pm, $7 concession, $10 employed. For enquiries, phone Bill Pearson on 0409 972 668. U U3A GLENORCHY Learning for pleasure. At the Australian/ German Club, 30 Bowden Street, Glenorchy. For more information, phone 6249 2384 or email

D DANCING PARTNER I am interested in meeting a lady 45 to 55 years of age to partner me at social dances and some lessons. I am intermediate in Salsa, and beginner in Ballroom and Rock N Roll. If you are interested in one, two, or all of the above dances please contact me on 0412 699 748.

GLENORCHY RODMAN BOWLS CLUB Barefoot bowls every Wednesday night from 5pm. $5 a head which includes a sausage sizzle and cheap drinks. Bring your mates or come solo. Teams of four can be made up on the night. It’s a great night out where you get make new friends and whoop it up a bit. Many great players over the years started out simply by coming along and playing this great game of ours. For more information, phone the club on 6273 2293.

GLENORCHY CITY TENNIS CLUB Open for community court hire, from 7am to 10pm. Court hire from $15 per court, per hour. Book your court online at

AUSTRALIAN ARMY CADETS - 63 ARMY CADET UNIT Within the Australian Army Cadets, you will experience: • Friendship, leadership and management skills. • Camping, adventure training, drones and STEM activities. Plus more! Parading Wednesdays from 1800-2100 at Dowsing Point. If you are aged between 13 & 17 years old, register your interest today! OR email


B BEREAVED PARENTS’ SUPPORT GROUP Our free group is run by a bereaved mother and is open to people who have lost a child at any age, for any cause and regardless of whether the loss was recent or not. Grandparents and adult siblings are eligible too. The evening meetings are in the McDougall building in Ellerslie Road, Battery point on the second Tuesday of every second month at 7:30pm. Social gatherings occur in the months in between on a Sunday afternoon. Freecall 1300 064 068 for dates and details.

MOONAH LADIES PROBUS CLUB Meets first Monday of the month at Rodman Bowls Club rooms, Glenorchy. Meeting starts 10am followed by morning tea and guest speaker. Finishes 12noon. Monthly bus trips and dining out days. Annual subscription $30. Meetings $5. Ph. 6247 7572. N NEW TOWN CROQUET CLUB Come and try croquet at 3 St John’s Avenue, New Town. Entrance from Creek Road, behind the basketball courts. Please contact New Town Croquet Club secretary Lizzie Bassett on 0409 799 462 for more information. All very welcome. Flat shoes needed, equipment provided.

The Claremont Community Library is open every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 11am to 1pm. The library is run by an amazing group of volunteers and is located at the Claremont Memorial Hall on the corner of Main Road and Bilton Street, Claremont. For more information, call 0422 939 024.


A ATHLETICS FOR MASTERS Tasmanian Masters Athletics commences its summer season on 5 October. Track and field athletics for over-30s is held at the Domain Athletic Centre from October to March. People of all capabilities are welcome to come along and try. First time is free! Go to www., phone 0402 314 079 or email for enquiries.


GLENORCHY STAMP CLUB Meets first Tuesday of each month (excluding January) at 6:30pm at the Glenorchy Library meeting rooms, 4 Terry Street. Established in 1965, this club gives an opportunity to discuss, swap, buy and sell stamps. For more information, phone Frank Catania on 0488 439 498.\,ballsandpartner.Newmembersalwayswelcome.AllenquiriestoormessageusonFacebook.Professionalcoachingalsoavailableadults,juniorsandbeginners.PhoneSahilon0466098984.

CLAREMONT GARDEN CLUB Meets third Monday of each month at the Lady Clark Recreation Hall at Waldron Street, Claremont (first turn on the left off Box Hill Road). Meetings begin at 7pm with trade table of plants, guest speakers and supper. Organised monthly activities, new members welcome. Phone 0417 387 781.

L LIBRARIES TASMANIA The Glenorchy Library in Terry Street runs a range of community programs throughout the year, including: Rock & Rhyme. A free 30-minute lap-sit session ideal for babies up to 2 years of age featuring lots of fun songs, action rhymes and stories. Wednesdays at 10.30am or Thursdays at 10am. Story Time. A free 30-minute session which includes stories, rhymes, and action songs. Sessions are aimed at preschoolers aged 2-5 years. Tuesdays at 10am. Coffee, Cake & Computers. Build your confidence and digital skills by joining our weekly class for adults. Each week we explore a different topic. Mondays at 9.30am.


M MOCO DRAGON BOAT CLUB MoCo (Montrose Community) Club is located at Montrose Bay. Free come and try sessions are available with qualified coaches and all equipment is supplied. Come and learn a new sport and get fit at the same time. Everyone over 12 years of age is welcome. For more information, phone Mark Dwyer on 0418 138 805.

P PETANQUE CLUB CLAREMONT Held at the Cadbury Recreation Grounds every Wednesday at 12:30pm. Come along and give it a try. For more information, phone 0418 582 308.

R ROTARY CLUB CLAREMONT The Rotary Club Claremont has 55 years of serving the community and meets Wednesday evenings at the Claremont RSL 9 Bilton street, Claremont 7011. Doors open 6pm for 6.30pm start. Contact

G GENTLE SQUASH FOR SENIORS An aerobic fitness program designed for over 55s to improve hand-eye coordination, reflect, health and wellbeing in a friendly environment. Equipment provided. First session free, $6 a session. Afternoon tea provided. Every Friday from 1:30 to 3pm at Eastside Squash, 69 Cambridge Road, Bellerive. For more information, phone John on 6244 6539.

This social club welcomes active retirees seeking friendship, fellowship and fun. It meets on the first Monday of each month at Claremont RSL from 10am until approximately noon. The session comprises a short business meeting, followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Activities are at the suggestion of members. A lunch outing is organised on the second Sunday of each month. Annual subscription is now $20, meeting day $3. Contact secretary on 6118 2376.

S SEATED LINE DANCING Open to everyone, no matter their ability, Boots and All Seated Line Dancing classes are held at Chigwell Barn (10 Bucaan St, Chigwell) every Wednesday from 1-2pm. Entry is by gold coin donation. All choreography incorporates arms and legs, allowing students to pick moves that suit them. Dances can be done while seated, standing, or supported by the back of a chair. It’s a relaxed, fun atmosphere. Phone Bucaan Community House on 6249 5363, email,coordinator@orfindus on Facebook for more information.

SINGING LESSONS Group singing lessons for children aged 8-14 Geilston Bay. Please phone 0407 430 902 to book and appointment.

J JUST US (SENIORS) Sing for fun. Small group rehearsing Friday mornings at private home from 10am to noon. Sharing our enjoyment while performing for the senior community on the Eastern and Western Shores. New members welcome. For more information, phone 6243 5930 or 6249 8168.

Tips for younger people The Anglicare team offers these tips for younger people who live on a limited income.

ANGLICARE operates the National Debt Helpline in Tasmania. It’s a free service for Tasmanians, operated by Tasmanians.MatO’Brien is the southern program manager for financial counselling at Anglicare. “You don’t have to be in financial crisis to ring the Helpline,” Mat said. “You don’t need to have accumulated any debts, despite the name of the service! We all know that the cost of living has risen. You might need some simple hints and tips on how to balance your budget and make your income go further.“We’re here to support you whatever your situation.”Matsaid the earlier you reach out, the better. “Our conversation will be about much more than numbers,” he said. “We will challenge you and motivate you. We will explain the consequences of the choices you are making about money. “If you are in debt we can assist you to negotiate an affordable repayment plan. And in some cases we can arrange for a debt waiver.”Matencourages people to accept and admit that they can’t afford everything they would like to “There’ much pressure for people to think that spending money is good and makes you and others happy,” he said. “This can have a negative impact on both your mental and physical health.“Afinancial counsellor can coach you on how to have conversations about money and commitments with others in your family, including children.”,aprovisionspecialsplurgeorexperiences.

Ruby’s story

The Anglicare team is particularly concerned about the take-up of Buy Now Pay Later programs, such as AfterPay and similar products.“These products are very easy to obtain. If you use them without a budget to work with, you will run into problems,” Mat said. “We explain the hidden fees and charges. If you miss a payment or pay late, you can be hit with a fee that can be as big as $15. Then there are fixed monthly fees, a payment processing fee and some providers also charge an establishment fee.“It may become difficult to get approval for a loan to buy a car or a house in the years ahead if you have this kind of debt. Even late payments will affect your credit rating. “We show people where their money is going. We explain how working more to earn more to cover the cost of material things is not the answer. We talk to people about what it will feel like to achieve a long-term financial goal.”

Lewis’s story Lewis* signed up for the BeforePay app. This gave him early access to his fortnightly salary, for a flat fee according to the amount that he borrowed. He spent the money and was then ‘short’ well before his next payday. “In the beginning I was borrowing very small amounts, like $50,” he“Thensaid. the company increased my borrowing capacity so that I could borrow 25 per cent of my pay in advance. And the fees went up.

Ruby* called the National Debt Helpline because her debts had become unmanageable. The constant phone calls she was getting from creditors were making herSheanxious.cried throughout the call. When asked about her debts, she said they were “all the bad ones”.The Anglicare financial counsellor arranged to meet Ruby in person to make a plan. It became clear that most of Ruby’s debts were with Buy Now Pay Later creditors. Ruby explained to her counsellor that she found these services easy to use when she was out shopping. She could take the item home straight away. She could split the costs into several payments. This made her think that her purchases wereRubyaffordable.opened five BNPL accounts and none of the providers checked with her to see if she could afford them. They offered her increases to her credit limits.When the repayments became too much, she took out some quick ‘payday’ loans to buy groceries for her family. Ruby’s counsellor took her through her options and together they designed a repayment plan and a new budget. Next steps “What happens after you make that first call is up to you,” Mat said.

“We can continue talking to you over the phone or we can arrange to meet you in person.

1800 007 007 | Our financial counsellors can help you fine tune your budget for FREE. Anglicare Tasmania provides a FREE, independent, non-judgemental and confidential counselling service throughout Tasmania. They can help you organise your budget, suggest ways to manage any debt you have and refer you to other useful services. Free confidential service Worried about the cost of living?

“I thought it was a great idea at the time, even though I was already under financial stress. I felt like I was on a hamster wheel and I couldn’t get off.” Financial counselling supported Lewis to make changes to his spending patterns and live within his means.

“We can continue the conversation for as long as you need it. The beauty of our service is that it is free, friendly andFinancialconfidential.”counselling is about budgeting and goal-setting. It doesn’t cover investments or growing your wealth. Your financial counsellor will tell you if they think you need legal advice. Phone an Anglicare financial counsellor on 1800 007 007, between 9am and 5pm Monday to *Clients’Friday. names have been changed to protect their privacy.

• Reach out to NILS, the No-Interest Loans Scheme, for items related to your education such as a laptop, or to pay for things like car repairs, a sofa or a new fridge. You can also use a NILS loan to cover medical and dental expenses.

• Be aware of how little things, such as your morning caffeine fix and subscriptions to gaming and streaming services, can quickly add up. • Shop around for your providers.serviceLook for a bank that offers no fee/low fee accounts, and a ‘nofrills’

Anglicare Program Manager Mat O’Brien Mat with Anglicare

Tasmania Financial Resilience & Wellbeing

G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 23 A FINANCIAL MOMENT

helps a client Balance your budget for free

24 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 Garry Underwood’s Brent St servicingAutomotivecentre • New Car - Log Book Servicing • Brake & Clutch Repairs - CV’s • Exhaust Standard - Sports • EFI Servicing and Tuning • Air Conditioning Service & Repair Servicing & Repairs to all Cars, 4WD’s, Commercials, Campervan’s, Caravan’s & Trailers Rentals Flat Tray Ute’s | Van | Mini Bus | Cars Approved Inspection Station, Over 40 years Experience, TACC Recommended Repairer 10A Brent Street, Glenorchy 6272 5911 •New Car Log Book Servicing •Brake & Clutch Repairs CVs •Exhaust Standard Sports •EFI Servicing and Tuning •Air Conditioning Service & Repair (Auth. no. AU45100)FENCINGLOUISSERVICEHobartarea.Phone:0488247492 MINI BUS RENTALS ‘12 seaters’ - 4 cylinder Car licence required to drive Also Flat Tray Utes Cars • Wagons • Vans Brent Auto Rent 10a Brent Street, Glenorchy 03 6272 5911 0419-339-707orYour windows can be delivered on time even at short notice! ContaCt Kerry or Ben who will give you a guaranteed delivery date saving you time and money. SOOTHING YOGA & MEDITATION IN MOONAH Classes & 1:1 Personal Programs Improve your health, physically, mentally, emotionally. Yoga postures build flexibility, balance, core strength. Meditation and Yoga Nidra for Relaxation. Monday 10am and Mondays & Wednesdays 5.30pm Margaret 0428 252 560 Facebook/Soothing Yoga Single & Double Glazing Aluminium Windows and Doors Supplied and fitted Fly and Security Screening Porch Enclosures Professional ● Fully Insured ● 40+ years experience 0403 537 937 TASMADE WINDOW REPLACEMENTS 6272 8416 ● 7 DAYS ● VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM Vacuum Cleaning Gutters Solar Panel Cleans Gutter Guard Installation Fully Insured 1300 654 Call now for a free quote Published monthly in the Glenorchy Gazette, Hobart Observer and the Eastern Shore Sun papers . To advertise in the ‘Trades, Services & Classifieds’ section, contact: P A Y I N G C A S H A u s t r a l i a n a n d W o r l d c o i n s , b a n k n o t e s , s t a m p s , g o l d , j e w e l l e r y , s m a l l c o l l e c t a b l e s a n d m o r e C O N T A C T U S Phone: (03) 6200 8637 Shop 11/113 Main Road Moonah TAS info@tasmaniannumismatics com au Installation / repair Leak Gutterpreventioncleaning 0451 171 227 Before After Before After We specialize in guttering system installation, repair,cleaning. Our Services Business Details Pro gutters Pty Ltd ABN: 37 639 804 390 Notice of Intention Notice is hereby given that, after the expiration of 14 days from the publication hereof, REBECCA ANNE BORG of 6 Kristine Ave, Baulkham Hills, NSW, 2153, the administrator of the estate of JOHN BORG, late of 6 Kristine Ave, Baulkham Hills, NSW, 2153, deceased, to who letters of administration of the said estate were granted by the Court of NSW Supreme Court on the 11th June 2021, will apply to the Supreme Court of Tasmania in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that the seal of the Said Supreme Court of Tasmania may be affixed to the said letters of administration pursuant to Part VI of the Administration and Probate Act 1935.

HOBART resident Lewis Taylor has surpassed his fundraising goal of $158,000 eight weeks after completing his final climb for the 158 Challenge.InJanuary Lewis set out with an ambitious goal of summiting all of Tasmania’s 158 abels (mountains higher than 1100m) in 158 days whilst raising critical funds for the Cancer Council Tasmania.“Itwasabsolutely incredible to hit my fundraising goal after two years of planning and executing,” Lewis said. “From those who donated a few dollars right through to those large business donations, I can’t thank you enough and in particular, I want to thank Rolls Cycles who came in at the end to see me past my target.” Cancer Council Tasmania CEO Penny Egan said the not-forprofit organisation relies on generous donations such as Lewis’ to be able to provide its program and“Lewisservices.has raised more than $165,000 – that is the most a community fundraiser has ever raised for us here in Tasmania,” Ms Egan said. “Last year we provided 6000 transports to treatment for people living with cancer and 7000 occasions of support to those impacted by cancer so receiving this kind of donation will go a long way in ensuring that we can continue to provide our programs and services.“Thank you to everyone who supported Lewis because in supporting Lewis you have supported many Tasmania’s impacted by cancer.”Donations for the 158 Challenge are open until the end of the month, via

“This is very real issue in our community, and I hope this annual event helps to spread the word.“So come on down for a great game of footy and help us crack our $2,500 fundraising goal.”

For the past three years George has been organising the annual Kick 4 Heartkids event to help raise awareness in Tasmania.Thefirst game was held at St Virgil’s in 2019 and raised more than $900. Last year’s match was played on the gravel oval at Queenstown and raised“Congenital$3000. heart disease is the most common babies,”oneabnormality,birthaffectinginevery100hesaid.

FOOTBALL players from across the state will come together later this month to play in the annual Kick 4 Heartkids charity game. Forty-eight keen players will take to the KGV Oval on 17 September in a flurry of red and blue, to raise awareness about congenital heart disease in TasmanianTasmania. isbeingClarkerepresentativeHeartkidsGeorgesaidtheworkdoneatHeartkidsimportantforevery Tasmanian.“Ilivewith a congenital heart disease and have grown up with the support of Heartkids,” he“I’vesaid.had six openheart operations to maintain multiple issues I’ve had with my heart, and Heartkids has been there for me every step of the way. “I do these events to give back and make sure Heartkids gets the recognition it deserves.”


Fundraiser Lewis Taylor (centre) with Roll Cycles manager Nick Driessen and Cancer Council CEO Penny Egan

Lewis rolls past target

Kick 4 Heartkids will be held at KGV on 17 September, with the first bounce at 5pm. Entry is by gold coin donation. To make a donation visit kick-for-heartkids-3au/my-fundraising/237/

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Tasmanian Heartkids representative George Clarke (right) with players Nakisha Grimsey and Jaythan Poulson, preparing for the annual Kick for Heartkids event at KGV Oval Footy match with Heart

trulyclubofinspirationMember,”membercentenarycoach,juniorcommitteeatohisproceedings,McCambridge,Robyn’senthusiasts.son,Davidopenedhighlightingmother’scommitmentOHA.“Shewasandisplayer,parent,member,coordinator,mentor,historian,committeeandLifehesaid.“Robyn,youareanandatreasureboththeOHAhockeyandourfamily.“Fewpeoplewilleveryappreciatethetoil and labour you have undergone to get to today.”Hockey Tasmania CEO and OHA club member Damian Smith also addressed the crowd at the launch, before Life Member Nicolas Turner interviewed a panel featuring Robyn and fellow Life Members Nicki Stewart, Peter Woolford and John Sargent.Topurchase a hardcover or softcover copy of the book, phone John McCambridge on 0409 956 898. IN Tasmania, only 14 per cent of golf club members areButwomen.theClaremont Golf Club is trying to change that, and has recently become a signatory to the Royal and Ancient Women in Golf Charter. The Charter is aimed at inspiring an industrywide commitment to developing a more inclusive culture within golf, and encouraging more women and girls into the sport. As a signatory to the Charter, the Claremont club is proactively focused on changing the golfing demographic in Tasmania, through targeted initiatives like Even Par, MyGolf and Get into Golf.The club has introduced a raft of measures designed to create a beginner’s pathway to the sport for women, including engaging female trainers and starting a women’s mentorship program. The club has recruited three women to what was previously an all-male Board, and continues to focus on increasing women’s representation in its attendedatbecomingTheleadership.clubcelebratedasignatoryaneventon22JulybylocalLiberal

AFTER an epic decadelong process, a highly detailed and meticulously researched documentingbookthe 100-year history of

26 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 Sport

Launceston’s Sam Clifford won the Pace Financial Services 10km event, kicking clear in the latter stages of the race to win in a time of 30:31. He was followed home by Bailey MurzeckiHince (30:57) and Phil McConnon (33:28). Meriem Daoui (37:42) defended her Women’s 10km title, coming in ahead of Ruth Wilson (40:41) and 17-year-old Emily Best (41:36). The Running Edge 5km event featured a tight battle between eventual winner Gabe Dennison (16:16) and Sam Kohne, who finished second in 16:25. Gerry Connolly was third in 17:49, one second ahead of his daughter. In the women’s race, Lilly Ellis continued her meteoric rise, winning in a time of 17 min. 25 sec. while Sophie Connolly was 2nd (17 min. 50 sec.) and Caitlin Barnett grabbed 3rd (22 min. 02 sec.).Arden Petersen took out the Steeline Tasmania 2km event for the second straight year, and will be now looking for a high placing in the upcoming National won(9:15).andFordchasedChampionships.Cross-CountryHewashomebyJett(7min.26sec.)CampbellRathboneGraceWood(9:14)acloseraceinthe girl’s event, finishing just two seconds of Zoey Penney. Ruby Proposch (9:36) was third. Risdon Primary and Hobart City High School were the lucky winners of the Steeline Tasmania School Sport prizes. The Fun Run was organised by the Northern Suburbs Athletic Club, with club vice president Richard Welsh thanking the event’s sponsors, partners and volunteers for helping make it a success. “This was a true community event with many volunteers from the athletics community (who braved the challenging weather) in place to ensure that everything ran smoothly,” he“Theresaid. were many positive comments from importantacknowledgingparticipantstheircontribution.”

MORE than 300 people of all ages braved the conditions on 14 August to run, jog or walk the 32nd Hazell Bros Glenorchy Fun Run. Heavy morning rain and strong winds threatened to derail the event. But just moments before the starter’s gun went, the rain relented and participants were able to stay relatively dry.

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Member for Clark Elise Archer, Debbie Brinkley from the Professional Golfers’ Association, and Golf toinjuriesthoseprogramsintroducedArcherwithinculturecreategenderplayingclubtheachievementSimondevelopmentAustraliamanagerWest.“Thisfantasticrecognisesimportantworktheisdoingtolevelthefield,breakdownbarriers,andamoreinclusiveinthesportandtheclub,”Mssaid.Theclubhasalsoadaptivetoencouragewithdisabilitiesorandolderwomengetintogolf.

Elise Archer MP with Claremont Golf Club president John Erends, Golf Australia development manager Simon Weston and Professional Golfers’ Association mentor Debbie Brinkley Sam Clifford breaks the tape to win the 10km event Women’s 10km placegetters Emily Best (third), Meriem Daoui (first) and Ruth Wilson (second) Women’s 5km placegetters L-R Caitlin Barnett (third), Lilly Ellis (first) and Sophie Connolly (second)Robyn McCambridge with her new book ‘The OHA Hockey Club – 100 Years of History’ Hundred years of hockey history Women tee off at Claremont

Robyn spent countless hours reading,researching,documenting and clarifying material for her book, which is believed to be one of the most detailed history books ever written about an Australian hockey club. The book – which perfectly encapsulates the club’s centenary motto ‘Celebrating the past and inspiring our future’ - was officially launched at the Tasmanian Hockey Centre on 13 August, at an event attended by more than 80 club members, supporters and hockey

Rain can’t stop the Glenorchy Fun Run Hobart’s OHA Hockey Club has finally been


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THE JackJumpers’Tasmanianew imports have landed in Hobart, keen to make their mark on the 2022/23 Hungry Jack’s NBL season. Shooting guard Milton Doyle and power forward Rashard Kelly arrived on 15 August, brought in to replace departing American duo Josh Adams and MiKyle McIntosh. Doyle, 28, played 10 NBA games with the Brooklyn Nets during the 2017-18 season, after starring for the Loyola Ramblers in college. He returned to the NBA in 2019 after signing with the Chicago Bulls, averaging 17.5 points, 5.8 assists, 4.1 rebounds, and 2 steals per game for the team’s G-League affiliate, the Windy City Bulls.

Kelly graduated from Wichita State University in Kansas in 2018, beginning his professional career with Russian club Parma before stints in Italy and Turkey.The26-year-old most recently played with JDA Dijon Basket in France’s LNB Pro A league, averaging 11.4 points, 6.4 rebounds and 2.2 assists per“I’mgame.excited about the program you guys have got here, and the things you’re trying to accomplish,” Kelly said. “I’ve been following the league for a while, since I became a professional. I’ve been intrigued by it and wanted to be part of the NBL, so when Tasmania gave me a shot I had to say ‘yes’ with no hesitation.”TheJackJumpers also recently added former South East Melbourne Phoenix player Tristan Forstyth as an earlyseason injury replacement for star centre Will Magnay, along with development players Josh Tomasi and Walter Brown. The JackJumpers will begin their second season on the road against the Phoenix, before returning home to host the Cairns Taipans on 3 Octoberthe first of many matches at Glenorchy’s MyState Bank Arena set to sell out.The JackJumpers have also secured blockbuster home games on Boxing Day (vs the New Zealand Breakers) and New Year’s Day (vs the Phoenix). JackJumpers head coach Scott Roth (centre) welcomes new imports Milton Doyle and Rashard Kelly to Hobart

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Doyle has also played in Spain, Italy and most recently for Gaziantep Basketbol in the Turkish Basketball Super League. “I watched the NBL playoffs bringwell,”everyonechemistrythechampionshipandgame,JackJumpers’teamisgreatandplaystheirrolehesaid.“IknowwhattheytothetableandI’m looking forward to playing with these guys.”

28 G lenorchy Gazette SEPTEMBER 2022 K-10 | Catholic | Coeducational 204 Tolosa Street Glenorchy (03) 6274 6000 Our students are at the heart of everything we do Our values create a strong community where students are at the centre and positive relationships flourish. We want our students to have attitudes, make decisions, and act with integrity based on respect for the dignity of every human being. Our students enjoy a consistent learning community from Kindergarten to Year 10 on one site, making the transition from primary to secondary years seamless. Contact us to talk about your child’s unique educational needs. OUR NEW BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE CENTRE OPENS IN 2023

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