Hobart Observer October 2021

Page 9

prime times

Hobart Observer OCTOBER 2021 9


CELEBRATING AGE WITH SENIORS WEEK THE 23rd Tasmanian Seniors Week, the 11th to be organised by COTA Tasmania on behalf of the State Government, has begun and will run from 11 to 17 October. More than 380 events are on offer state-wide, with more than half of

the events happening in the south. While the overall number of events is still fewer than pre-pandemic levels, the events on offer are interesting and varied. The Hobart area alone will offer about 70 events, including physical exercise activities such as

exercise classes, croquet, petanque, indoor and outdoor bowls, and the increasingly popular e-bike tours. There will be information events, including talks and tours at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, health checks,

historical tours and a ‘global gastronomy’ event at Hobart’s Mather’s House. Entertainment options feature ‘Afternoon at the Proms’ with the popular Army Band, ‘Popular Pipes’ at the Town Hall, a Choir of High Hopes rehearsal, and

‘Hymnfest’. The truly adventurous can embark on single or multi-day Lady Nelson sailing tours. Seniors Week retains its tagline of “Discover. Imagine. Together”, which was introduced several years ago and still resonates perfectly

with the objectives of the week. The free, official 72-page printed events guide is available at Service Tasmania, libraries, council offices, community houses, and all Australia Post outlets. The guide features the popular Daily Planner

section, allowing readers to easily identify the events that appeal and make their Seniors Week activity planning easier. The guide is also entirely replicated online and can be accessed at www.cotatas.org.au/ seniorsweek.

Busy Bisdee to showcase services at public open day A SPECIAL Open Day this October will showcase the services, activities and opportunities Glenview Community Services offers the local community. A trusted notfor-profit aged care organisation that opened in 1948, Glenview is a landmark in Glenorchy and offers a range of services designed to help people live life to the full. Glenview has evolved to meet the changing needs of the community, adding a series of new wings and buildings including the only cottage respite service in southern Tasmania, with hotel-like rooms for low-needs clients, and carers in need of a break. The Bisdee Community Centre is Glenview’s hub of activity, providing a fun and supportive environment where

community members can socialise and meet new friends. The Centre offers a wide variety of social activities including arts and crafts, cooking, card games, morning teas and fitness classes, plus exciting outings to a range of destinations. “The aim of the program is to reduce social isolation,” Glenview executive manager, community services Kirsty Bartlett Clark said. “It provides opportunities for people aged over 65 to come and meet some new people, because it’s not always easy to make new friends as we get older. “Every Saturday we have our Saturday Socials, where we take a couple of busloads of people out and do all sorts of fun things. We go to festivals, markets, zoos, go fishing and on bushwalks – we try to

Discover how we care for you, and for yours. Bisdee offers 24/7 respite care, home support and social groups.

accommodate whatever our clients want to do.” Members of the public can see for themselves all that the Bisdee Community Centre has to offer at a special Open Day, coming up as part of Seniors Week in October. Visitors are invited to tour the respite care rooms, view art and photo displays, stroll through the gardens, and enjoy live music from the Hobart Ukulele Group and country singer Johnny Wright. Staff from Glenview’s respite accommodation, home care and independent living units will be there to answer all your questions. The Open Day will be held at 20 Windsor St, Glenorchy from 10am2pm on Tuesday 12 October. Entry is free, but visitors are asked to book a session via www. trybooking.com/BTCLA

workshops in everything

OPEN DAY 10am - 2pm

TUE 12 OCTOBER Come and meet our staff and regulars at Bisdee Community Centre and respite care. If you live independently, ask about the helpful services of our home care and garden teams. We’re looking forward to meeting you at 20 Windsor Street Glenorchy. More information at: glenview.org.au/ bisdee-community-centre-open-day

Please book by calling 6277 8820 or at: trybooking.com/BTCLA

spring program Arts & Crafts, Pe r fo r m i ng A rts , Life Skills, Food & Nutrition, Mi n d Bo dy Spi rit, Music

prime times i s published quarterly in the Glenorchy

Gazette, Hobart Observer and the Eastern Shore Sun papers - aimed at people over 55. To advertise in this feature contact: justine.brazil@corcomms.com.au

book now @ www.kickstartarts.org/cx Booking essential for most sessions. Ph: 0455 111 748 Email: creativeexchange@kickstart.org.au SUPPORTED BY

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