12 minute read

Support with the CBS Client Services team
CBS offers a dedicated Client Services team to support people at a time when they are making significant decisions about their life. The aim is to make the journey to getting the right support for people living with disability and for older Tasmanians as simple and stress free as possible.
CEO Allyson Warrington knows the importance of putting clients first.
“Forming the Client Services team was an initiative to ensure our clients are well taken care of and supported right from the outset,” she said.
“The team provides their undivided attention, from initial steps through to the commencement of services.”
But how does this differ from other providers? Ms Warrington explains.
“Many providers have intake staff to sign you up but don’t offer the full suite of service assistance,” she said.
“What’s more, in a time of ever-increasing waiting on the phone or being put on hold, our team are picking up new calls within ten seconds.”
Client Service team member Rachael loves that she spends her day helping people to discover supports available to them.
“It feels great to simplify what can be a confusing and stressful time for people,” she said.
“When they become aware of the range of services we have available for them, it is a joy to relieve that worry, knowing we can make a real difference in their life.”
If you’d like support navigating the ins and outs of getting support or identifying what type and level of service is right for you, call the CBS Client Services team on 1300 227 827.
Our range of services will support you in the home and in the community so you can maintain your independence and social connections.
Stay in the place you’re familiar with and keep connected with friends and family with support from CBS. The right amount of support from the right people can go a long way.
home care packages | domestic support | personal care | social hubs | garden maintenance | social support | home maintenance and modifications
1300 227 827 cbsaust.org.au

DO you ever struggle to hear your TV or family members clearly?
Is speech hard to follow in background noise?
Do you have ringing in your ears?
Have you ever worked in a noisy place?
You may have suffered noise induced hearing loss.
You may be entitled to more than you realise.
Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists are offering you an opportunity to receive a FREE assessment which may entitle you to FREE digital hearing devices and other compensation entitlements.
The team at Hearing Matters will assess your hearing health as well as provide free legal consultations to see what help you are entitled to.
You deserve to be treated for any damage you may have been caused at a noisy workplace and you may also be entitled to a monetary payment.
You might be entitled to more than you think.
• Do you have diffi culty hearing speech from the Television or radio? • Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? • Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? If you have answered Yes and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment you may have entitlements to medical and fi nancial compensation. Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements.
Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists are passionate about ensuring everyone is aware of and given easy and fair access to the best medical and legal services available if they have suffered injury at CALL US ON 1300 100 326 for your FREE assessment work. If you or someone you know has suffered extended Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for noise exposure, take your FREE Industrial Hearing Loss assessment advantage of this offer by and consultation for possible entitlements. calling us on 1300 100 326 *Terms and conditions apply to discuss your situation and arrange a free assessment now.
You may be entitled to more than you think. Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements. Call us on 1300 100 326 for your FREE assessment www.ihls.com.auYou might be entitled to more than you think. • Do you have diffi culty hearing speech from the Television or radio? • Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? • Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? If you have answered Yes and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment you may have entitlements to medical and fi nancial compensation. fi nancial compensation. you may have entitlements to medical and Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements. been exposed to a noisy work environment Call us on 1300 100 326 If you have answered Yes and you have
for your FREE assessment
more than you think. You might be entitled to ISE? IN N W RKED
You may be entitled to more than you think. Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements.for your FREE assessment www.ihls.com.au
Call us on 1300 100 326
fi nancial compensation. you may have entitlements to medical and been exposed to a noisy work environment Call us on 1300 100 326 If you have answered Yes and you have
for your FREE assessment
www.ihls.com.au • Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? • Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? the Television or radio? • Do you have diffi culty hearing speech from
You might be entitled to more than you think.Do you have difficulty hearing speech from the television or radio? Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? W RKED IN NISE?Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements. Call us on 1300 100 326 for your FREE assessment www.ihls.com.au Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? If you have answered YES and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment, you may be entitled to compensation*. CALL US ON 1300 100 326 for your FREE assessment you may have entitlements to medical and financial compensation. Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your FREE Industrial been exposed to a noisy work environment Hearing Loss assessment and consultation for possible entitlements. If you have answered Yes and you have *Terms and conditions apply • Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? • Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? the Television or radio? • Do you have difficulty hearing speech from
You might be entitled to more than you think.
• Do you have diffi culty hearing speech from the Television or radio? • Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? • Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? If you have answered Yes and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment you may have entitlements to medical and fi nancial compensation. Do you have difficulty hearing speech from the television or radio? Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Do you have trouble hearing in background noise?Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements.
Call us on 1300 100 326
for your FREE assessment
www.ihls.com.au • Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? You might be entitled to more than you think. the Television or radio? • Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? • Do you have diffi culty hearing speech from the Television or radio? • Do you have diffi culty hearing speech from • Do you suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? more than you think.• Do you have trouble hearing in background noise? You might be entitled toIf you have answered Yes and you have been exposed to a noisy work environment you may have entitlements to medical and fi nancial compensation.
ISE?Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your IN N Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements. W RKED
You may be entitled to more than you think. Contact Industrial Hearing Loss Specialists for your Free Industrial Hearing Loss Assessment for entitlements.for your FREE assessment www.ihls.com.au Could you have noise-induced hearing loss?
Call us on 1300 100 326
for your FREE assessment

Summer edition
Kaye and Paul walking on top of the world
A FEW years ago, Kaye and Paul Gilhooly struggled to walk more than 20km in one day.
But now 20km is just a quick stroll for the New Town residents, who have embraced long-distance walking and recently returned from a massive fourand-a-half month trek across France and Italy.
Kaye (61) and Paul (64) set off from the iconic Mont Saint-Michel on the north coast of France on 27 May, headed for Monte Sant’Angelo in Puglia, Italy - roughly 3000km away.
Rather than following a popular route the adventurers created their own as they went, piecing together established walking tracks and navigating through sections where there were none.
Starting in late spring, walking through the summer and into autumn, the Gilhoolys made their way through western France, the French Alps, northern Italy and the southern Apennine range, overcoming a number of challenges along the way.
“The weather was hot - hitting 40 degrees at times, making walking difficult and draining,” Paul said.
“Drinking enough water was always a daily challenge. We also had our fair share of wild storms.”
But the Gilhoolys loved life on the trail, embracing the freedom of being far removed from day-to-day life.
“On a daily basis we are constantly kept on our toes negotiating the language, finding food and accommodation and adapting to the varying landscapes and solitude,” Kaye said.
“We feel fit and alive. Age is no barrier.”
The pair’s walk finished in the small Italian town of Cittaducale, Italy on 10 October, when a range of factors led them to make the difficult decision to stop about 500km short of their original destination, Monte Sant’Angelo.
“It’s been an incredible journey, and after walking 2250km we’re very proud of our achievement,” Paul said.
“We look forward to many more walks and adventures for as long as our legs can carry us.”
Mr and Mrs Gilhooly returned to Hobart on November 7, and will host a presentation about their walk at the Buckingham Rowing Club in Marine Esplanade, New Town from 3.30pm on Saturday 4 February. To RSVP, email kaye61gilhooly@gmail.com

Kaye and Paul Gilhooly high in the French Alps
St Ann’s marks 100 years
ONE of Hobart’s pioneering aged care homes has reached a special milestone, recently celebrating a century of caring for Tasmania’s elderly.
Residents and invited guests gathered on 9 December to reminisce on the history of St Ann’s, which was one of the first “rest homes” in Australia.
Founded by A. Barbara Barnett in 1922 and designed to replace the overcrowded asylumstyle facilities common in the early 1900s, St Ann’s was originally situated in Bellerive before moving to Melville Street in 1933.
The home moved to its current location, based at the 1830s sandstone house in Davey Street known as ‘Hawthornden’, in 1953.
St Ann’s general manager Linda Daniels said both staff and residents took time to appreciate the building and its history during the 100-year celebrations.
“This was a very special occasion for our residents and staff, who feel a real connection with the home and its history,” she said.
“We’re so lucky to be the custodians not only of this beautiful building and grounds, but also of the legacy that has been built around St Ann’s during the past 100 years.”
St Ann’s is operated by not-for-profit aged care provider Respect. Managing director Jason Binder said St Ann’s deep connection with Hobart was valued by many.
“St Ann’s was originally opened at a time when aged care in Australia was in need of intervention,” Mr Binder said.
“This home was among the first of its kind, and helped pave the way for modern aged care models.
“We’re proud to be associated with this home’s incredible history, as we look towards its future.”
Because of overwhelming demand, St Ann’s have recently submitted plans to further increase the size of the home, hoping to add a new 15-room premium wing to the existing footprint. Preparation and planning are well underway.
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