Hobart Observer October 2023

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A FREE PUBLICATION FOR THE HOBART MUNICIPALITY Independently owned and published by Cor Comms OCTOBER 2023 (L-R) Tas TAFE Youth Migrant English Program students Mouiz Ahmed, Moutz Ahmed, Etntasay and Mastafa Rezaei with the Youth ARC welcome mat. Photo credit: Simon Andrews IN THIS ISSUE >> Tasmanian Tennis Awards SPORT Win Hobart Show tickets Tasmania's leading NDIS service provider! 1800 ONTRACK (1800 668 722) Supported Accommodation, Community Access and Support Coordination Get the right support to increase your independence and build social and community connections. PERSONAL AND BUSINESS ORDERS WELCOME HOME DELIVERIES OR PICK UP IN STORE W here Meat and Poultr y Matter GLENORCHY www.robboschickennmeat.com.au Shop 1/2 Innes Street, Glenorchy Open 7 Days a week Mon – Fri: 8.00 am – 5.30pm Sat: 8.00am – 4.00pm Sun: 8.30am – 4.00pm Contact us on Phone: 03 6273 5565 Email: chickennmeat@robboscm.com.au HACCP Certified WELCOME YOU’RE Multicultural students have shared their stories, made new friends and contributed to group art pieces at Hobart’s Youth ARC during Welcoming Week (8-17 September). FULL STORY ON PAGE 6 FEATURES SCHOOL HOLIDAY FUN Prime Times School Holiday Fun

HELLO everyone,

The wheels of local government can move slowly, but with persistence and passion, good ideas can eventually happen!

Our New Town main street upgrade is nearing completion and ends a process I kicked off as a candidate for Council in 2014.

The community petition I organised saw Council support a street make-over. A design process followed that involved a community and business team who worked with Council staff.

In spring 2015 the City of Hobart and a team of consultants undertook a program of community engagement to identify and prioritise streetscape upgrades for retail precincts across Hobart’s local areas.

An innovative ‘tactical urbanism’ approach was taken – the first of this kind of engagement by the Council.

Pop-up-style events were held in local areas, and communities were able to trial a range of temporary traffic interventions and streetscape improvements. Participants designed, organised, tested and proved their bold concepts, and the communities had a lot of fun in the process.

In New Town, the traders group planned an event to test the closure of two street sections to create a new village square. ‘Twilight on the Green’ was a great success with people from the neighbourhood enjoying food, fire and music into the evening.

Following this fabulous street party to test ideas and several rounds of community surveys and displays, the end product is the result of many local people generously giving their time, ideas and passion to revamp and beautify the street.

The involvement of the community in these types of projects is essential to ensure the end result reflects their desires and priorities, and it has been wonderful throughout the project to see the community engage in this groundup approach to street design.

This investment in the public spaces of our local shopping streets creates a sense of community and supports the small businesses that are the anchors of these places.

Enjoy the spring!

Dark Mofo no go for 2024

DESPITE record attendances and box office results this year, Dark Mofo organisers have announced that the festival will pause in 2024 for a period of renewal.

With changing conditions and rising costs impacting the viability of festivals everywhere, Dark Mofo intends to reshape a more sustainable model for a full return in 2025, setting the foundation for the next 10 years.

Festival organisers have, however, reached an agreement with the State Government to present two key aspects of the festival in 2024 — the Winter Feast and the Nude Solstice Swim, which will also coincide with the opening of a new major exhibition at Mona.

“Dark Mofo has always

been dedicated to enriching and transforming lives through ambitious art and ideas,” new artistic director Chris Twite said.

“We want to make sure that we have a festival that continues to deliver incredible art and artists, that continues to expand its artistic boundaries and remains a beacon of creativity, innovation and cultural significance.

“While this was a tough decision, it ensures we move forward in a viable manner.”

Premier and Minister for Tourism and Hospitality

Jeremy Rockliff thanked Dark Mofo for the past 10 years and reaffirmed his commitment to the next decade of festivals.

“We understand Dark Mofo’s need for a smaller event in 2024 as they

reshape the festival for the future, and we will continue to work closely with them on their plans when the full event returns in 2025,” he said.

“David Walsh contributes so much to Tasmania, and we will continue our partnership with him and his team to deliver Dark Mofo into the future.”

Destination Southern Tasmania also welcomed Mona’s 10-year commitment to the full Dark Mofo festival from 2025.

“I know I speak on behalf of thousands and thousands of Tasmanians who could not be more grateful to the team at Dark Lab and David Walsh himself for delivering the past 10 years of Dark Mofo,” CEO Alex Heroys


“This coming year will be different, but Winter Feast is continuing and Tasmanians and visitors alike love this iconic event.”

Premier Rockliff said the State Government would significantly increase its investment in the Off Season program next year to draw visitors to Tasmania in the cooler months.

“While the pausing of the wider festivities might be seen as a blow, what it will allow is the Government, the THA, Tourism Tasmania and TICT to work together to invest in other areas across the broader industry to ensure the state is still attracting visitors in our off season,” Tasmanian Hospitality Association CEO Steve Old said.

2 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023
Anna Reynolds, City of Hobart Mayor
The Hobart Observer is your community monthly newspaper reaching 24,888 homes and businesses, distributed on the second Tuesday of each month Owned and published by Corporate Communications (Tas) Pty Ltd, Trading as Cor Comms Printed by the Mercury newspaper D E A D LIN E S F O R Edit Press Ready Material: JUST A LITTLE Reminder A: Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 PA: GPO Box 1600, Hobart TAS 7001 W www.hobartobserver com.au A D VE R T I S IN G : Justine Brazil 6210 5201 E D I TO RIA L : Kane Young 6210 5212 editorial@hobartobserver com.au advertising@hobartobserver com.au NOVEMBER 2023 THURSDAY 26 OCTOBER MONDAY 6 NOVEMBER Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis. Persistence pays off for New Town project REGULAR MONTHLY FEATURES • HOBART FM GUIDE Page 10 • SCHOOL HOLIDAY FUN FEATURE Page 16-19 • PRIME TIMES FEATURE Page 20-25 • PETS Page 26-27 • A FINANCIAL MOMENT Page 28 • HEALTH AND LIFESTYLE Page 29 • TRADES AND SERVICES Page 30 • SPORT Page 31-32 ROBERTS & PARTNERS LAWYERS • Wills • Estates • Conveyancing • Litigation 1 Stanton Place, Cambridge (03) 6248 4144 admin@rplawyers.com.au HOBART & SYDNEY OFFICES Community News EARN E X TR A C A SH IN YOU R L O C AL AR E A ! Are you interested in delivering newspapers and catalogues to household letterboxes in your area? SCAN THE QR CODE TO LEARN MORE DISTRIBUTORS WANTED www.deliverfordollars.com.au Choices Flooring by Boxall 13c Tasman Highway, Midway Point • (03) 6265 2008 Choices Flooring’s Healthy Home selection offers a nature inspired, health-focused approach to interior design. Visit us in-store or view our online magazine at choicesflooring.com
Dark Mofo artistic director Chris Twite speaks with the media

Council crews preparing the city for summer

HOBART residents are being warned to prepare for a long, hot bushfire season and take steps to keep themselves and their properties safe this summer.

City of Hobart fire crews have been practicing drills including fitness tests, fuel reduction burns and training

scenarios ahead of the summer season, with dry conditions across Tasmania expected to remain now the Bureau of Meteorology has declared an El Nino event.

Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds said the City of Hobart employs more than 20 staff who undertake planned

burns and help reduce flammable bushfire fuels in the forests surrounding Hobart.

“We spend about $2 million annually preparing for bushfire, including maintaining 112 kilometres of fire trails and a large network of fuel breaks designed to help reduce the risk to Hobart from dangerous

bushfire,” Cr Reynolds said.

“Our fire crews also carry out fuel reduction burns and have spring burns planned for South Hobart, Ridgeway, Lenah Valley and the Queens Domain.

“Over the past five years the City has carried out fuel reduction burns across more than

Pharmacists flip the script

A NATION-leading pilot program will enable pharmacists to prescribe medication to Tasmanian aged care residents in collaboration with their general practitioner.

Implemented in coming months, the pilot program is a key recommendation from the independent Pharmacist Scope of Practice Review commissioned by the State Government, to provide a comprehensive assessment of the role of pharmacists in Tasmania.

Health Minister Guy Barnett said the initiative would improve the medication safety of residents and lead to a better quality of life, helping prevent hospital presentations.

“We know many GPs spend valuable time reissuing prescriptions for residents, rather than spending that time addressing residents emerging health needs,’’ Minister Barnett said.

“I am confident that pharmacists working

collaboratively with GPs and prescribing within the safeguards of a treatment plan approved by the GP will significantly improve patient care.

“Our Government will continue to work with pharmacy, medical, and residential aged care facility representative groups as we pilot this nation-leading change in several sites.”

An implementation plan for the recommendations from the independent review by KPMG is being developed.

400 hectares of public bushland in Hobart and takes every opportunity to safely implement its burn program.

“We make significant efforts to prepare for the upcoming bushfire season and urge the community to do the same.

“It is important to prepare your home and

family for bushfire by cleaning out gutters, removing flammable plants that are close to your house, ensure you have a plan to leave early, and monitor the fire danger rating forecast.

“Make sure you have a bushfire plan, talk about it with family, friends and neighbours, clear up your property and

prepare an emergency kit.

“Know when to leave your property, well before a bushfire puts you and your family in danger and know where to go.”

Residents can create their own bushfire plan by visiting the Tasmania Fire Service website, bushfire.tas.gov.au

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 3 Community News ADVERTISEMENT
Hobart firefighters prepare a fuel reduction burn in South Hobart. Photo credit: Simon Andrews (L-R) Bruce Levitt of Health Consumers Tasmania, Health Minister Guy Barnett, Helen O’Byrne of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and Shane Jackson of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

Community News

Creative caring at the RHH

BEC Stevens was one of three artists who recently completed a residency at the Royal Hobart Hospital through the ‘Care through Creativity’ program, connecting with patients and staff through artistic impressions of nature.

Ms Stevens’ work drew upon her horticulture background, wheeling a garden trolley and encouraging patients to engage in activities which provided pockets of joy, collaboration and reminiscence.

“Since being a patient many years ago I have dreamt of creating works with plants in a hospital context,” Ms Stevens said.

“The opportunity to work and contribute to the caring environment of the hospital has been a privilege.

“One patient remarked that this project was better than medicine, which felt pretty special.”

Other artists taking part in the program were Tasmanian Aboriginal artist Allan Mansell, who set up a portable printmaking studio to engage staff during breaks; and Claire Pendrigh, who brightened the hospital gym with her colourful paintings of Tasmanian flora and fauna.

“Everyone had their own personal stories that they brought to the project,” Ms Pendrigh said.

“I’m hoping that these unique stories all come together in a way that tells of our shared experience of the environment around the hospital.”

The ‘Care through Creativity’ program was facilitated by

Inscape Tasmania which has been conducting artist residencies in Tasmanian health settings since 2015.

Inscape was founded by Leigh Tesch and Jacqui Dawborn to foster positive connections between arts and health.

“We felt it was important to provide opportunities for creativity and light during such a difficult and isolating experience,” Ms Tesch said.

“These projects bring an entirely new atmosphere to the wards which lifts the spirits of staff and patients.

“It’s an honour to provide local artist opportunities to express their talents whilst providing meaning and connection to those who need it most.”

HCC Planning Committee news, 6 September

Significant trees

The Planning Committee has finalised its position on the proposed amendments to the significant tree register and endorsed for this list to go to the Tasmanian Planning Committee for consideration, with the exception of 66 York Street.

93-93A Liverpool Street, Hobart

The Planning Committee has approved a development application for partial demolition, alterations, partial change to use of general retail and hire, and signage

for 93-93A Liverpool Street, Hobart.

Included in the approval were conditions that the permit does not approve any flashing or illuminated signs; and that the Liverpool Street window display must not contain any explicit images, wording, products or materials.

1/175 Goulburn Street, West Hobart

The Planning Committee has refused a development application for the partial change of use to

Brothers put their best feet forward

visitor accommodation for 1/175 Goulburn Street, West Hobart.

19 Hakea Drive, Tolmans Hill

The Planning Committee has approved a development application for a dwelling at 19 Hakea Drive, Tolmans Hill.

29 Trumpeter Street, Battery Point

The Planning Committee has refused a development application for mechanical plant and associated works at 29 Trumpeter Street, Battery Point.

WHEN Aaron Fitzgerald’s younger brother Mitchell was diagnosed with a brain tumour three years ago the shock diagnosis had a devastating impact on his entire family. Diagnosed at just 26 with a high grade Oligodendroglioma tumour, the world was turned upside down for both Mitchell and Aaron.

Brain cancer takes the lives of more people under 40 than any other cancer. The past few years have been tough, but Aaron has remained determined to take some positive steps to support his brother – and now he’s inviting Tasmanians to

join him on an upcoming fundraising Walk for Brain Cancer.

The event will be held on Saturday 21 October, with participants invited to join the 50km walk from Snug to North Hobart. All funds raised with be donated to brain cancer support charity the Peace of Mind Foundation.

Last year Mitchell and Aaron attended a three-day Peace of Mind Foundation men’s retreat for brain cancer patients and their carers.

“It was such a restorative and uplifting few days and reiterated just how valuable

programs like these are for patients and their friends and family,” Aaron said.

Peace of Mind Foundation founder and CEO Rebecca Mallett said contributions such as Aaron’s were invaluable to the continued success of the organisation, which supports more than 500 families every year.

“We have heard the Tasmanian community are incredibly giving and love to lend a helping hand and we’re delighted Aaron has taken this initiative to enable us to provide much need assistance to patients like Mitchell,” she said.

News from the Hobart City Council meeting, 25 September

Central Hobart Plan –Finalisation Report

The Council has endorsed the Central Hobart Plan (CHP) final draft, the result of the partnership between the City of Hobart, the Tasmanian Government and the community.

The CHP is a comprehensive plan to guide the future development of central Hobart over the next 20 years.

Doone Kennedy Hobart Aquatic Centre – Warm Water Pool Project Update

The Council will continue to lobby funding partners and stakeholders for additional funding for the construction of the Doone Kennedy Hobart Aquatic Centre.

However, should no additional state or federal government funding be forthcoming by 30 November 2023, the council will advise governments that it is not able to proceed with the project.

The project is strongly supported by a broad range of stakeholders and will deliver measurable health benefits for Tasmanians.

Proposed 2023-24 Financial Year Capital Works Program

The Council has endorsed the $35 million 2023-24 Capital Works Program. Of that total, about $21 million (or 67 per cent) of projects on the priority list are carried forward from the 2022-23 capital works projects.

Included in the priorities are the $1.5m Queenborough Oval upgrade, and the $1.395m extension of bicycle facilities in Argyle and Campbell streets.

Rates and Charges Policy Amendment – Vacant Residential Land Rates Remission Incentives

The Council has amended its Rates and Charges Policy to introduce part rates remission for vacant residential land under development and to incentivise the development of residential vacant land on certain grounds.

The amendment will also allow the City of Hobart CEO to approve applications for rate remissions up to $8,000. Rate remissions sought higher than

$8000 will need to be approved by a majority of the Council.

Key City of Hobart long-term strategies approved

The Council has reviewed and endorsed the refreshed Capital City Strategic Plan and approved the City Economy Strategy 2023-28.

The purpose of the Plan is to present council with the feedback and the key themes that came through during the community engagement process. The strategic plan outlines the outcomes the City is aiming to achieve over a ten-year period.

The new City Economy Strategy 2023-2028 sets out high level economic development priorities to guide funding and support initiatives.

Community Engagement Framework and Policy

The Council has endorsed a new Community Engagement Policy and Framework, following a strategic review of its community engagment practices.

The City also undertook a community engagement process to understand from the community what their experience in engaging with the City was, any barriers to particpation and how the City could encourage greater engagement.

Personal Mobility Device (PMD) Fee Structure

The Council has approved the issuing of Personal Mobility Device (PMD) permits at a

rate of 50 cents per e-scooter per day with a minimum of 500 e-scooters per day.

This operator fee is based on cost recovery and considers officer time to manage PMD services, parking infrastructure and community and stakeholder education and engagement.

Hobart Community Awards – Review

Due to a decreasing number of nominations for the Hobart Community Awards, the City of Hobart has resolved to cease operating the Hobart Community Awards Program and reallocate resources towards an expanded Community Volunteer Recognition Program.

4 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023
Artist and horticulturist Bec Stevens shares her garden trolley with a RHH patient. Photo credit: Natasha Mullhall Aaron and Mitchell Fitzgerald invite you to join their Walk for Brain Cancer

Saturday 14th October 10am to 2:30pm


New mountain bike track ready to take off

TASMANIA’S newest mountain bike experience offers riders the chance to fly – and not just on the tracks.

Based on the privately owned and operated 2500ha Meadowbank Vineyard in the Derwent Valley, Meadowbank MTB was officially launched at Hobart’s Franklin Wharf this month, with national MTB champ Leyla Sharman on hand to promote the new venture.

Meadowbank MTB’s Gerald Ellis said the new trails, which all end at the Meadowbank Winery, are open to group and corporate bookings.

“We are providing exclusive use of the tracks for the duration of the booking – up to a maximum of 30 riders,” Mr Ellis said.

“The trails have a 300m vertical drop and approximately 13km of

professionally built tracks. The trails are designed for inclusiveness, group riding, and enjoyment for all levels of skill.

“Our goal is to offer a boutique, truly Tasmanian experience combining the thrill of mountain biking with premium Tasmanian wine and the beauty of the Derwent Valley.”

Riders can also choose to

arrive at or leave Meadowbank in style, on board the Above and Beyond Seaplane. Destination Southern Tasmania CEO Alex Heroys welcomed the new Meadowbank MTB, which he said is unique.

“We know that all across Tasmania, mountain bike tourists are flocking to the state to experience some of the world’s best trails,” he said.

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 5 Community News Drop by Andrew’s mobile office on the date and location below*: Thursday 12 October 12.00pm - 1.30pm Chigwell Shops Thursday 2 November 2.00pm - 3.30pm Sandy Bay Road near Derwentwater Avenue Monday 6 November 2.00pm - 3.30pm Moonah Main Road Advertisement www.andrewwilkie.org Andrew Wilkie YOUR INDEPENDENT FEDERAL MP Authorised by Andrew Wilkie MP 188 Collins Street Hobart 7000 *Weather/Health permitting Andrew Wilkie MP Independent Member for Clark Want to get in touch with Andrew? w Drop into the office at 188 Collins Street Hobart or post a letter to GPO Box 32 Hobart 7001 w Phone 6234 5255 or 6234 5861 w Email andrew.wilkie.mp@aph.gov.au w Ask for a meeting
Coin, Stamp & Collectables Fair
National MTB champ Leyla Sharman at Franklin Wharf with Meadowbank MTB’s Simon Tyrrell and Gerald
(Gold coin donation entry) Howrah Community Centre, 11 Howrah Road, Howrah Multiple stall holders buying and selling Enquiries please call Aaron 0405 672 050

VIEW ladies in Hobart

THE Voice, Interests and Education for Women (VIEW) organisation held its National Convention in Hobart for the first time recently, with members celebrating the role of women in society.

Almost 400 women came from across Australia in early September to attend the VIEW Clubs of Australia National Convention, which featured speeches from prominent Tasmanian authors Meg Bignell, Kathrine Johnson, Robbie Arnott and Kate Kruimink.

Hat Day lifts lid on mental health

PRINCES Street Primary students have helped lift the lid on mental health by hosting a Hat Day event at the Sandy Bay school last month.

Most of the school community got involved in the event on 27 September, donning crazy headwear for the day as they raised awareness for mental health research and a total of $275 for the cause.

Australian Rotary Health’s longest-running mental health research fundraising event, Hat Day is held on or around 10

October every year to coincide with World Mental Health Day.

The campaign has raised more than $2 million for mental health research over the past decade, with 100 per cent of donations going directly to research helping the one in five Australians affected by depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

One of the largest independent funders of mental health research in the country, Australian Rotary Health was established in 1981 to research the mystery of

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), leading to an 80 per cent reduction in SIDS deaths.

Since 2020 the organisation has focussed more on mental health, with much of its research based around the 0-12-years age group.

This was in response to research finding that 50 per cent of adults who experience mental illness first show symptoms by the age of 14, and early intervention in younger age groups can reduce the incidence of mental illness in later life.

“Some women attend the convention every year to hear from inspirational

speakers, but it’s also a great social occasion with fantastic themed dinners and a spectacular gala evening,” VIEW national president Marg Woodhouse said.

“One of the highlights of the convention is also getting to hear from young people who were supported by The Smith Family.

“This year we heard from one inspirational young woman who is now giving back to the Tasmanian community as a teacher, because she’s seen the power of education first-hand.”

VIEW members ended the weekend-

long celebration with a Community Celebration Walk through the Queens Domain and Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens to acknowledge the work they have achieved together.

VIEW was established in 1960 by The Smith Family as a service to women and the community, and now supports more than 1680 students on The Smith Family’s ‘Learning for Life’ program.

The National Convention serves as a chance to celebrate the achievements of women, and of the VIEW clubs across Australia.

Airport grants take flight

APPLICATIONS for Hobart Airport’s 2023 Community Grants program are now open, with grants of $5,000 and $15,000 available for local charities helping Tasmanians come together.

“Hobart Airport is inviting local charities to apply for grants that help make a difference to Tasmania’s social, economic and environmental wellbeing,” Hobart Airport CEO Norris Carter said.

Last year’s grants were awarded to Second Echo Ensemble, Tassie Mums,

Colony 47, Eat Well Tasmania, Dress for Success and Anglican Health & Welfare.

“This year once again we have grants of up to $5,000 available and one larger grant of $15,000 available for a charity that is making a big difference in helping our community connect,” Mr Carter said.

Applications close on 31 October, with successful recipients advised in December. To apply, visit hobartairport.com.au/communitygrants

Youth Art and Recreation Centre rolls out the welcome mat


Hobart students were invited to share their stories, forge connections with other local youth and participate in group art pieces at the Youth Art and Recreation Centre (ARC) during Welcoming Week.

Welcoming Week (8-17 September) is an international event

that brings groups from all backgrounds together to build stronger connections throughout multicultural communities. Its theme this year was ‘power of place’.

Hobart’s Welcoming and Inclusive City Portfolio chair Zelinda Sherlock said the theme

was ideal for new residents living in the city.

“This is a great opportunity to reflect on what it is that makes migrants feel welcome in Hobart before adding to the chalk welcome mat,” she said.

“Hobart has so much to offer and it is great to support this event and

2 0 2 3 H o b a r t A i r p o r t

provide an opportunity for many to share their story.

“We often have the students come to open access programs after their TasTAFE introduction, and it’s during open access that they have the opportunity to make connections and practice their English in a

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safe and inclusive setting.

“They also come to chill out, play games and explore their creative talents with the support of the youth officers and volunteers who are all practicing artists.”

Youth ARC hosted Tas TAFE Young Migrant Program classes during Welcoming Week,

inviting students to help decorate a temporary chalk welcome mat in the entrance and foyer.

Youth ARC provides a creative space for younger members of the community to mix, such as Abinash, a 17-year-old from Nepal who moved to Hobart 10 years ago.

“Youth ARC has been

a very welcoming place for me. It has given me the chance to make new connections and helped me feel at home in Hobart,” Abinash said.

“The staff are really welcoming here. They play table tennis with me and mentor my creative hobbies of dance and photography.”

W e r e a w a r d i n g g r a n t s t o l o c a l c h a r i t i e s t h a t h e l p o u r c o m m u n i t y c o n n e c t T h e r e a r e $ 5 , 0 0 0 a n d $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 g r a n t s a v a i l a b l e f o r p r o j e c t s t h a t w i l l m a k e a d i ff e r e n c e t o s o c i a l , e c o n o m i c , o r e n v i r o n m e n t a l o u t c o m e s i n T a s m a n i a A p p l i c a t i o n s c l o s e 3 1 O c t o b e r

A p p l y n o w h o b a r t a i r p o r t c o m a u / c o m m u n i t y g r a n t s

6 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 Community News 6165 3914 362 Main Road, Glenorchy madeleine.ogilvie@dpac.tas.gov.au fb.me/madeleineogilvie.com.au Authorised by P. Coulson, Suite 4C, 33 Salamanca Place, Hobart Madeleine Ogilvie Liberal Member for Clark
Princes Street Primary teacher Kate Evans with students Finn and Jeffrey on Hat Day

James and Fraser save the day for Marc

FORMER Australian underwater hockey player Marc Richards was competing in his usual Wednesday evening match at the Doone Kennedy Aquatic Centre when he blacked out and suffered a heart attack.

Lifeguards James Clues and Fraser Kelly responded to the highpressure situation within seconds and began performing life-saving CPR.

Thanks to their swift action, Mr Richards has made a full recovery and is looking forward to jumping back into the water soon.

“I tried to drown and have a heart attack at the same time so I had a taken in a lot of water,” Mr Richards said.

“I knew I was in a lot of strife because I was having trouble breathing so I was trying to keep calm.

“I’m lucky that it happened here with a defibrillator on hand and trained professionals ready to help me.

“When I saw the two boys again today I started to well up a little bit. They’ve done me a great service and all I can say is thanks.”

At the time of the incident Mr Clues had only eight months’ experience as a lifeguard, and this was the first time Mr Kelly had responded to such an emergency in six years at the centre.

“Initially the moment was quite confronting but at a point the

adrenaline kicks in and all your training comes back to you,” Mr Clues said.

“To see Marc walking and shake his hand was a really rewarding experience,” Mr Kelly said.

Royal Life Saving Tasmania projects manager Karina Siggins said it is important that individuals and organisations are prepared for an emergency situation.

“Both James and Fraser acted so well in the moment by remaining calm and remembering their training which ultimately helped them save a life,” she said.

“First aid courses take two hours out of your life which could give you the skills and knowledge to save someone else’s.”



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More protections for fireys

A BILL to extend the list of presumptive cancers for firefighters has now passed the House of Assembly.

Former Attorney-General and Minister for Workplace Safety and Consumer Affairs, Elise Archer, recently tabled the ‘Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment Bill 2023’, which expands the list of diseases covered by the ‘Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988’ to include nine additional cancers: cervical, ovarian, penile, thyroid, pancreatic,

skin, lung, uterine and malignant mesothelioma.

Ms Archer said a healthy firefighting service is critical to the safety of all Tasmanians.

“The Bill recognises that firefighters have an elevated risk of developing these nine additional cancers and provides presumptive access to support through our workers compensation scheme,” she said.

“The importance of a robust and healthy fire-fighting workforce in safeguarding Tasmanians’ well-

being is paramount.

“I am also particularly proud that these amendments rectify the existing gap in coverage for cancers specific to females. The inclusion of these female-specific cancers reflects the significant contribution of our female fire-fighters.

“Clearly, female fire-fighters should be afforded the same protections as their male colleagues.”

The Bill will be considered by the Legislative Council later this year.

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 7 Community News Your local Liberal Member for Clark Phone: 6165 7730 119 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay elise.archer@dpac.tas.gov.au Your local Liberal Member for Clark MP Authorised by Elise Archer, 119 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay 7005
Marc Richards (centre) with aquatic centre lifeguards James Clues and Fraser Kelly Elise Archer with Taroona volunteer firefighters

English tutors making a major difference

TasTAFE is on the lookout for new volunteer English tutors for migrant students in the Hobart area.

Volunteer tutors assist migrant students on a oneon-one basis for around an hour each week. Volunteer tutors assist students to learn speaking, reading and writing English, as

well as establish important connections with the local community.

TasTAFE has about 60 volunteer tutors in the Hobart area and is keen to recruit more. It is offering a free six-week tutor training course beginning on 23 October.

Heather became a

volunteer tutor earlier this year and said volunteering in the Adult Migrant English Program is very rewarding.

“The tutor training was very helpful,” Heather said.

“The online part was easy to do at home and had interesting materials, including videos and

stories of actual migrants. It was also good to meet students during the training.”

Hajare migrated to Australia in June 2022 and is a student at TasTAFE.

“With Heather, I learn reading and writing faster,” she said.

“The one hour each

week with Heather is so important for me, because I don’t have any other chance to practice English.

“I have two children and I want to be able to help with my son’s homework. I also want to get a job in the future.”

TasTAFE Volunteer Tutor Scheme

administrator Hiroko Kunimoto said volunteers do not need to have a teaching background.

“Our tutor training covers all the information you need to become a tutor and we also provide ongoing professional development,” Ms Kunimoto said.

“Our tutors do fantastic jobs and I keep hearing great stories of friendships and the progresses that the students are making.” For more information about the program and to register your interest in volunteering visit www.tastafe.tas.edu.au/ volunteer-tutor

NoHo strip upgrade rolls on with Lefroy Street car park

A NEW car park expansion is allowing more people to experience the dining experiences available on the North Hobart restaurant strip, as the continual upgrade of the area takes another step forward.

The City of Hobart has completed the upgrade to the Lefroy Street car park, following on from the recent Swan Street Park redevelopment and the Condell Place carpark upgrade in enhancing the North Hobart strip. The upgrade included increasing the parking by 35 car parks, six bike parks, the introduction of two EV charging stations, improving lighting on the site, and two new disability access points.

Pedestrians are now able to access the car park from the centre of the North Hobart strip, using the laneway between the Saigon Express Lounge and

Fusion Hairdressing.

“This will result in greater customer access to the famous North Hobart restaurant and shopping strip while providing greater safety to the public,” Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds said.

“North Hobart has become synonymous with dining for all tastes and budgets and this upgrade will only make it more appealing and accessible for everyone.”

The parking expansion provides three-hour parking between 9am8pm (with 24-hour access). The car park will be free for everyone after 6pm, meaning it will be easier and cheaper for everyone to enjoy North Hobart’s night life.

Hobart City Economy Portfolio

chair Louise Bloomfield praised the new carpark and how it would stimulate North Hobarts nighttime economy.

“Council’s own data tells us that the annual night-time spend is increasing with a total local average spend from our residents and visitors in 2019 of just under $17 million growing to more than $24 million in July 2022,” Cr Bloomfield said.

“Anything that enhances this sector by improving convenience and access to our diverse nighttime activities and restaurant offerings can only be a win for everyone.”

Included in the $1.59 million project was the re-establishment of the creek line for the Providence Rivulet, reducing flood risks and bringing environmental benefits by restoring a natural waterway.

The City of Hobart is now preparing the broader North Hobart Neighbourhood Plan, a 20year plan that will help direct the areas growth in a sustainable way.

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Volunteer English tutor Heather working with TasTAFE student Hajare

Invasive trees turn over a new leaf

THE Hobart City Council is continuing to improve the natural environment around the Queens Domain, cutting down invasive trees and turning them into habitats for local species.

The latest initiative will see between 40 to 50 hollowed-out logs installed to provide habitats for several threatened species living in the northern section of the Domain.

“We understand the importance of that grassland and council

officers have been working for a long time to manage this grassland and make sure it is here forever, and that we are improving it over time,”

Hobart Sustainability in Infrastructure Portfolio chair Bill Harvey said.

“We are putting in logs that have been cut in a way that provides habitat for some of the threatened species that live on the Domain, including the eastern barred bandicoot and the southern brown bandicoot - two really valuable species that no

longer exist on most of the mainland, but we still have in Tasmania.”

Many of the logs are from cut down Sheoaks, a small native tree that grows on the Domain and has been threatening the grassland.

City of Hobart Program Leader for Fire and Biodiversity Melanie Gent said wood encroachment is one of the biggest threats to native grasslands.

“We have found through ecological processes and through

Let Glenview work for You Our help

our fire management processes that we weren’t able to control them the way we wanted in order to keep the grasslands intact, so we have come through to remove some of these species by hand,” she said.

“It has been great to use some of these tree logs to create further habitat for these creatures.

“We are already seeing the benefits of this work through the rise in populations of bandicoots and bettongs and wallabies and other creatures that live here.”

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 9 Community News JOIN TASMANIA’S MOST LUXURIOUS HOTEL Contact Karen.Wood@luxurycollection.com to find out more. No experience required - all training provided. School-friendly hours available. Fantastic opportunity to work in a luxury hotel with a friendly and professional housekeeping team.
Like some help with cleaning, gardening, cooking? Want to join a social outing? Simply get in touch and we will support you to find useful services - to ensure you continue to live independently and comfortably in your own home. Contact Aniela on 03 6277 8800 enquiries@glenview.org.au Getty Images
(L-R) City of Hobart Program Leader Fire and Biodiversity Melanie Gent, Fire and Biodiversity Team member Laura Vermeersch and Hobart Sustainability in Infrastructure Portfolio chair Bill Harvey on the Queens Domain Fire and Biodiversity Team member Laura Vermeersch helps unload one of the logs

TEN-YEAR-OLD Milly Collins faced a very uncertain world when she was born with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss.

However, through help from The Shepherd Centre, she has made outstanding progress in her hearing loss journey.

Last month Milly spoke in Parliament House, with guests including the Premier and Members of the House of Assembly and the Legislative Council all listening to her talk about how The Shepherd Centre has helped her transition from hearing aids to Cochlear Implants.

“The Shepherd Centre is dedicated to fostering collaboration with existing services

to provide wrap-around care for children with hearing loss in Tasmania,” The Shepherd Centre CEO Dr Aleisha Davis said.

“Our collaborative approach significantly improves outcomes for children, ensuring they receive necessary supports from an early age and, ultimately, a lasting difference in the lives of children with hearing loss, such as Milly and her family.”

As a result of generous philanthropic support from the Tasmanian Community Fund, The Shepherd Centre has been able to establish its services in Tasmania.

“The Tasmanian Community Fund provided seed funding to The Shepherd Centre in 2021 so it

could establish a presence in the state,” Tasmanian Community Fund chair Sally Darke said.

“It is pleasing to hear of the powerful stories and life changing outcomes that our funding has already made, and will continue to make, through supporting young Tasmanians with hearing loss in their early years to access sound and speech, which is critical for their education.”

To assist with the growing demand for The Shepherd Centre’s work in Tasmania, the federal government is providing funding for permanent sites in Hobart and Launceston that will ensure even more children across Tasmania can receive the support they need.

MATHERS House in the Hobart CBD offers a Dementia Friendly Café on the last Wednesday of each month, giving people with dementia and their caregivers a chance to socialise and connect with the community, while breaking down the stigma surrounding the condition.

The café is quiet and welcoming, allowing those with dementia and their caregivers to socialise in an environment that won’t overwhelm them.

“What is really lovely about this café is it is for people who are living with dementia, and that could be someone in the very

TASMANIAN through and through, Luca is a young man whose great wish in life is to entertain others and break into the radio and TV industry.

After training with 96.1 Hobart FMTasmania’s first FM radio station – Luca now presents the ‘Thursday Drive with Luca Forrest’ program from 4-6pm every Thursday.

early stages or someone in the advanced stages of the disease,” Welcoming and Inclusive City Portfolio chair Zelinda Sherlock said.

“The idea is for two hours there is a strong social inclusion aspect, and you can meet others and have some time where you feel supported and connect with community in a safe space that is free and welcoming.”

Libraries Tasmania and Dementia Friendly Tasmania run a similar café in Kingston and have now partnered with the City of Hobart to organise the Mathers House café.

Libraries Tasmania offers a wide range of activities designed to help trigger memories and curiosity in those with dementia, including woodworking, kitting, games and memory triggering exercises.

“I’m super proud of the work the staff have done with this,” Libraries Tasmania digital inclusion coordinator Josie Hurst said.

“We have got some really keen staff members who have been instrumental to take it upon themselves to develop a suite of activities we bring each time.”

Monday 6am: Monday Breakfast with

Mix with Mandi Bennett. Midday:

2pm: Music Of

with Jenny Berry. 4pm: Reeling in the Years with David Batchelor.

Glenn’s Country with Glenn Gillie. 8pm: Classic Ride with Melvin Freestone. 10pm: Double Or Nothing with Willie Jackson.

Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

Tuesday 6am: Wake Up with Kaye Payne.

9am: Bringing Back the Memories with David Batchelor. Midday: Beat & Ballads with Phil Williams.

3pm: Tuesday Drive with Mal Dennis. 6pm: Mostly Folk. 8pm: The Early Late Show with Margs.

10pm: The Late Late Show with Ron Andersen. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.


6am: Wednesday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Bright and

Breezy Mix with Kathy. Midday: Wednesday Lunch with Frank McIvor. 2pm: Showtime with Ron Andersen. 4pm: Johnny Dallas Revival Show with Johnny Dallas.

6pm: Wednesday Night Juke Box with Robbo. 8pm: Country Jukebox with Russell Hevey.

10pm: Music of Your Life with Michael Holloway. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

Thursday 6am: Thursday Breakfast with Craig Cracknell. 9am: Magic Music Mix with Tom Payne. Midday: From The Noughties to

the Forties with Robyn Guy. 2pm: The Music Of Your Life with Kenny White. 4pm: Thursday Drive with Luca Forest. 6pm: Serbian with Aleksander Djeric. 7pm: Chinese. 8pm: Contrasts in Classic Jazz. 10pm: Greek Program with Benny.

Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight.

Friday 6am: Rise & Shine with Ria Walter. 9am: Songs & Stories with Brian Corr. Midday: Karina’s Karousel with Karina Ceron.

Rockin’ On with Ray Kemp. Midnight: Music Of Your Life Overnight with Craig Cracknell. Saturday 6am: Mostly Old But Something New with Tim Kingston. 9am: Polish. 10am: Croatian. 11am: Greek with Sotiris Kalogeropoulus Midday: World Music with Amanda Sims. 2pm: Music of Your Life with Amanda Sims. 3pm: Music of Your Life with various presenters. 6pm: Kickback with Kenny White. 9pm: Saturday Night with Rob Maisey or Underside with Spook & Mike. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Sunday 6am: Sunday Breakfast with Chris Burrows. 9am: German. 10am: Spanish. 11am: Irish with Brian Corr. Midday: Italian Program. 12.30pm: Nepalese program. 2pm: Dove c’e’ musica Italiana. 2pm: Music Of Your Life with Tony Geeves. 6pm: Sunday Country with Bob Hevey. 8pm: Sunday Night Country with Wayne Crossin. Midnight: Music of Your Life Overnight. Presented by: HOBART FM Radio Luca Forrest Tony Shea with his wife and caregiver Sheryl at the Dementia Friendly Café Milly making giant strides in her hearing loss journey Dementia café comes to town

2pm: My Favourite Music with Judi Forsyth. 4pm: Friday Drive

10 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023
Community News
Milly Collins (front left) and her mother Clare, with Stephanie Mountney and her daughter Francesca
On Luca’s shows you can expect a great range of classic hits and some of the world’s favourite artists. He also delves into local issues - “opening up a can of worms each week, and we love it”, as one listener put it. Luca would love you to join him and the other presenters on 96.1 Hobart FM, where we play The Music of Your Life. You can also follow Luca on Instagram (lucaforrest_96.1). 6pm:
John Evans. 9am: Monday Morning
Classics with Rick
Your Life
with Peter Johnston. 6pm: Good Times Rollin’ with Russell Hevey. 9pm:

RAST’s Adelaide trip

A DELEGATION led by the Royal Agricultural Society of Tasmania (RAST) has visited the Royal Adelaide Show.

The delegation attended a conference at the Royal Adelaide show hosted by Agricultural Shows Australia and the SA Next Generation group, with the theme “Showing into the Future” taking centre stage.

The Tasmanian delegation featured a range of RAST members from across the state: RAST councillor Matilda Scott (Cleveland), operations coordinator McKinley Garwood

(New Norfolk), operations manager Mitchell Spong (Mornington), general manager business development Zak Douglas (Howrah), Poultry Committee member Mark Robinson (Dulcott) and Sheep Committee member Andrew Kline (Kempton).

They were joined by RAST president Peter Spotswood, vice president Helen Geard, director and councillor Tim Munro, and CEO Scott Gadd.

“Agricultural shows are a bedrock of the Australian way of life,” RAST CEO Scott Gadd said.

“This status can’t be taken for

granted, and it is essential that our movement remains relevant to our communities.

“It is important that we nurture the next generation of show managers.”

The conference featured speakers from across the world who spoke about issues facing the agricultural industry, such as environmental, social and governance matters, biosecurity and public health at shows, and insurance issues.

“It was a pleasure to be able to take to Adelaide some very committed young Tasmanians,” Mr Gadd said.

Underwood beefs up the biodiversity

“A LABOR of love” is how local farmer Angela describes the regenerative approach to grazing that she and partner Josh apply at Underwood Park, their small farm south of Hobart.

Through careful management of their cattle to simulate the grazing habits of a wild herd, including daily moves to fresh grass and allowing the grazed pasture long

recovery periods, the couple aim to increase all aspects of biodiversity above and below ground while also sequestering carbon into the soil.

“Our customers are looking for paddock-toplate traceability,” Angela said.

“They want a product that tastes great and they can feel good about eating, knowing that their meat was raised locally in a

sustainable manner.”

The couple are raising Beef Shorthorn cattle, a tradition breed well adapted to perennial pastures and renowned for its eating quality.

“Moving the mob on rain or shine is always a highlight of the day,” Angela said.

“It’s very rewarding to see them happy and healthy, doing what cows do best – eating grass!”

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 11 Community News
Angela Escolme and Josh Phillips with daughter Winsome after a daily move of their beef cattle at Underwood Park, Oyster Cove The RAST delegation that recently travelled to Adelaide

Get in the swing at Cambridge Golf Park

THE highly anticipated new Cambridge Golf Park officially opened on 22 September, providing a world-class and high-tech golf facility for families and communities in the Hobart region.

After a major makeover, Golf Park is now open and catering

to everyone from avid golfers to beginners, families and group functions.

The Golf Park team is ready to help and guide visitors through their first Golf Park experience.

Every bay is fully equipped with brand new

Callaway balls, hitting mats and the latest Top Tracer technology, which gives everyone the ability to instantly track their distance and accuracy on big screens in each bay.

Top Tracer provides golfers with many interactive options, from virtually playing on the

world’s best courses, through to practicing and improving your game.

After more than 500 labour hours supported by BuildItTasmania, Oomph Coffee, Callaway Golf, Top Tracer, Manning Electrical and Schweppes, the park is now fully operational.

A private launch event just prior to the official opening saw more than 10,000 golf balls hit by patrons utilising the brand-new Top Tracer technology.

These are exciting times for Golf Park and the local golfing community, with Top

Tracer operational and further plans to expand the centre in the futureincluding a new mini-golf course opening next year. There is no need to book at Cambridge Golf Park. Just come on down and the Golf Park team will set you up in one of the state-of-the-art

golfing bays, available seven days a week. After-hours memberships are available from $50 per month, which allows access to Golf Park via a member code. Visit golfpark.com.au or phone 0404369462 and speak to Zack or Coco.

12 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023
Name Email Address WIN A FAMILY PASS! Write in your details below for a chance to win a PETstock Royal Hobart Show Family Pass! To enter, complete your details above and email a photo with the subject line ‘HO PETstock Royal Hobart Show Family Pass’ to: justine.brazil@corcomms.com.au Only entries received by 12 October will be considered. Winner will be notified by email. A ‘Family Pass’ allows entry for two adults and two children. THE SHOW IS BACK! The ‘PETstock Royal Hobart Show’ is back at the Regatta Grounds! Children ten, Adults fifteen and Families only Forty dollars! Save even more when you buy online at www.hobartshowground.com.au Early bird ticket prices available online for bookings made before 16 October. Your ticket is valid for any day you choose at the ‘PETstock Royal Hobart Show’! Thursday 26 to Saturday 28 October! Thursday from 9am – 5pm Friday from 9am – 10pm Saturday from 9am - 4pm ◦ Carnival rides ◦ Farm animals ◦ Noah’s racing pigs ◦ Show bags ◦ Animal Wranglers ◦ Eljay’s Junk Yard action show and amazing jet pack entertainment ◦ Friday night fireworks + so much more!
Patrons test out the upgraded facilities on launch day at the new Golf Park in Cambridge

BACK in 2019, brother and sister duo Rod Dann and Katrina Williams had their hands full running their Wattlebanks Catering food vans and mobile catering business.

Opening a café was the furthest thing from their minds.

But when an unexpected opportunity arose in the picturesque historic town of Richmond, the siblings decided to take the leap.

“We hadn’t really thought about running a café, because we were enjoying catering at some wonderful festivals, events and functions with our two food vans,” Katrina said.

“But we saw the venue and location and thought

it was beautiful, with a wonderful feel to it.

“It felt like a great next step for our business; an exciting opportunity.

“We’re located in a lovely town, with wonderful support from locals.and other business owners in the region.

“We’re all about creating memorable moments with family and friends, showcasing local produce and creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, and Richmond really lent itself to that.”

Wattlebanks Café and Providore at Richmond is open seven days a week between 9.30am and 3.30pm. Additionally, on Fridays the café operates

@ Home Meals

between 3.30pm and 7.30pm serving a takeaway local seafood and chips menu.

There is also a private function room with a fireplace and floor-toceiling sliding doors that open onto the outdoor garden event space.

Despite the challenges of COVID, Wattlebanks’ Richmond café was such a success that Rod and Katrina soon expanded further, opening the Wattlebanks Coastal Café & Providore at Orford on Tasmania’s beautiful east coast in late 2020.

Open 7.30am to 3.30pm seven days a week, Wattlebanks Coastal

a wonderful selection of dine-in and take-away food and excellent coffee in a fresh, coastal-style relaxed environment.

Wattlebanks @ Home ready-made meal range has proved especially popular at the Orford store, with customers calling in to stock up on their way to or from the east coast.

Wattlebanks cafes are the perfect place to share a meal with family and friends.

Menus are seasonally updated and include a great selection of dishes for both adults and children, with a mix of classics and daily specials.

“We strive to make memorable moments

through fresh Tasmanian produce,” Katrina said.

“For us, a memorable moment could be a wedding, anniversary or engagement party. But it could also be sharing lunch with family, or welcoming friends from interstate and bringing them to Wattlebanks for a showcase Tassie produce in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

“We’ve really focused on delivering personable customer service. We invest a lot in training and teambuilding days so our staff really feel like part of the business, and that shines through in the service customers receive.”

Wattlebanks is also big on sustainability -

food scraps and coffee grinds from the cafés are collected by local farmers and producers; while ‘The Udder Way’ milk

dispensing system has recently been installed at Orford, using refillable glass bottles to cut down on plastic waste.

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 13
2 Choose your meals and add them to your cart 3 Choose ‘Delivery’ or ‘Pick Up’ 4 Make payment online 5 Enjoy your meals in the comfort of your own home 1 Scan the QR code to see our weekly menu HE R E’S H OW TO P R E-O RD E R RECEIVE 10% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER AT CHECKOUT Pre-order our ready-made meals and take the night off! RECEIVE 10% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER AT CHECKOUT We
Pre-order our take-home meals and take the night off!
king life a little bit easier! We’re making life a little bit easier!
Wednesdays 10 30am 0419 897 121 enquiries@wattlebankscatering.com.au wattlebanks.com.au O UR W EEK LY M EN U C YCL E • Menu opens: • Menu closes: Pick Up: • Delivery: Sundays 10 30amWattlebanks Coastal Café & Providore, 1 Charles Street Orford, 1pm - 4pm orWattlebanks Café & Providore, 27 Bridge Street Richmond, 2pm - 4pm - Orford, Richmond and surrounding suburbs 2pm - 5pm - Greater Hobart area 2pm - 6pm - Wednesdays Wattlebanks Café & Providore, 27 Bridge Street Richmond, 1pm - 4pm - Thursdays Wattlebanks Coastal Café & Providore, 1 Charles Street Orford, 1pm - 4pm - Wednesdays Greater Hobart & Richmond surrounding suburbs, 2pm - 6pm Thursdays Orford and surrounding suburbs, 2pm - 5pm S CA N TO VIE W O U R M E N U The tranquil outdoor space at Wattlebanks Café and Providore at Richmond Cafés
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Study with HERC

GRADUATION is such an exciting time for graduates and staff alike. Watching a classroom of nervous, excited and aspirational students on day one develop into confident skilled and knowledgeable students ready to embark on their future as Enrolled Nurses 18 months later is one of the best parts of my job. It is a time to reflect on what brought them to Nursing in the first place and remind them that due to their hard work they

can now do what they previously only dreamed of.

One of our graduates, at the commencement of her course wrote:

“It has been my passion to be a nurse since I was young. I love the idea of being able to take care of people and be with them on their journey of recovery. I love how I can make a positive impact on people’s lives.”

For me, as the Education Manager of HERC and a Registered Nurse, I am proud to work with a great team who help make these students dreams a reality.

I am proud of the commitment our students make and I am proud that as an organisation we contribute to my profession, providing the healthcare industry and vulnerable members of society with approximately 45 new Enrolled Nurses each year. If you are wondering if this could be you, if you want to make your dreams a reality, and if you want a job where you make a difference every single day, contact us or visit our website for more information about our upcoming Diploma of Nursing intakes.

14 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023
your healthcare career with us today herc.tas.edu.au HERC is the training division of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Tasmanian Branch. HERC proudly delivers ANMAC & ASQA accredited training delivered under a third-party agreement with Registered Training Organisation ANMEC (Australian Nursing & Midwifery Education Centre), RTO Code 40064. This arrangement enables HERC to deliver ANMEC’s HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing. Skills Tasmania subsidies may be available.
‘10 years of graduat ing exceptiona l health professionals!’
HERC staff (L-R) Emily Brinckman, Alexandra Kavic, Jo Worsley, Alison Percy, Heidi Dobson, Ashley White and Tamara Gee with ANMF Tasmanian Branch Secretary Emily Shepherd

The Playhouse: behind the scenes

Sign up for study

THE Menzies Institute for Medical Research is looking for people aged over 40 who are experiencing ongoing COVID symptoms to take part in a community study.

The Menzies Institute for Medical Research is an independent, Australianbased medical research facility recognised internationally for its contributions to medical science.

The Institute’s work extends from the laboratory to wide-scale community studies, such as the current Long COVID PERCEIVE study.

“The PERCEIVE study seeks improve understanding of

Long-COVID and the appropriate treatment response to the problem,” Menzies Institute cardiologist Professor Tom Marwick said.

“Participants undergo a series of screening questionnaires about health, wellbeing and physical activity, walking tests of exercise capacity, and some of them undergo an echocardiogram and formal exercise stress test.

“Suitable participants will be randomly allocated to medical therapy (if there is cardiac involvement, which is rare) and exercise training by a personal trainer. Progress is tracked over 12 months.”

Have you had COVID-19?

The Long COVID PERCEIVE study currently has 36 Tasmanians randomised into study, with several more undergoing screening.

The Menzies Institute is actively looking for more people who are aged 40-plus, have had a COVID infection and are experiencing ongoing symptoms.

If you are interested in taking part, or for more information, phone research nurse Kristyn Whitmore on 62264235; email perceive.menzies@ utas.edu.au; or go to https://baker.edu.au/ research/clinical-trials/ perceive-study

MOST of us are used to seeing some truly wonderful and talented actors on stage, performing in a range of shows – from Shakespeare to comedy to pantomime to drama and even those popular who-dunnits!

Have you ever stopped to think about all of the people who work behind the scenes?

Lenah Valley resident Ann Harvey is one of those people that you might not see on stage but who has the crucial role of costume coordination for Hobart Rep’s upcoming production of ‘The Glass Menagerie’.

We’ve all gone along to a show and marvelled at the fabulous costumes worn by the various

actors. Good costuming helps to tell the story, set the scene and give the audience a clear feel for when the show is set. Like lighting, set and sound effects, costumes help to create the special magic that we see on stage.

With ‘The Glass Menagerie’ Ann is working with legendary Australian actor/director Jeff Kevin – who used a speech from the play for his NIDA audition in the 1960s - to achieve just the right look and feel for the show.

Drawing strongly on playwright Tennessee Williams’ own turbulent family history, ‘The Glass Menagerie’ follows the Wingfield family, who all dream of a better life.

Laura (Kate Choraziak) is profoundly introverted, living in an imaginary world of makebelieve where looking after her glass animals is her only refuge. Her mother Amanda (Karen Kluss) constantly relives her glory days as a Southern belle, and hopes Laura can be married off to a gentleman caller named Jim. Laura’s brother Tom (Julius Lovell), meanwhile, escapes to the movies and alcohol, longing to get away from his boring job to travel and become a successful writer.

Hobart Rep presents ‘The Glass Menagerie’ at The Playhouse Theatre in Bathurst Street from 13-28 October. For bookings go to playhouse.org.au/book-now 13

The Persistent cardiovascular effects of COVID-19 viral infection study (PERCEIVE) is looking for people who have had COVID-19

The PERCEIVE study aims to understand whether COVID-19 causes damage to the heart and impacts functional capacity

We also want to know if best practice management (e g. heart medication or exercise training) can restore function

Who can participate?

• People aged 40 years and over, and

• Have had a COVID-19 infection and have ongoing symptoms

Scan the QR code to find out more or to participate. Alternatively, contact Kristyn Whitmore, Study Coordinator: perceive.menzies@utas.edu.au or 6226 4235

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 15
Cardiologist Professor Tom Marwick
This study has been approved by the University of Tasmania Human Research Ethics Committee H0027543
- 28 October Bookings at playhouse.org.au
Glass Menagerie directed by Jeff Kevin designed by Jill Munro
Hobart Repertory Theatre Society proudly presents by arrangement with ORiGiN TM Theatrical, on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. a Concord Theatricals Company.
Tennessee Williams The
Costume coordinator Ann Harvey, right, trying out options for actor Karen Kluss


On your marks, get set...

A POPULAR children’s exercise program that kicked off in Moonah and Kingborough earlier this year plans to expand to the Eastern Shore.

Aimed at kids aged 18-months to six-years-old, Ready Steady Go Kids is Australia’s largest multi-sports program and has a sciencebased foundation which encourages teamwork and sportsmanship whilst building social, motor, listening and concentration skills.

The classes are designed in collaboration with an occupational therapist and a professional physiotherapist to ensure a well-structured and engaging program.

Classes are led by

professional exercise coaches who guide the children through a variety of exercises that strengthen their physical and mental capabilities whilst fostering strong social connections.

Ready Steady Go Kids franchise owner and sports coach Janelle Smith brought the program to Tasmania after seeing its benefits in other states.

“The program is about getting young children active whilst engaging in a fun, safe and social environment that helps them develop a range of essential skills,” Ms Smith said.

“Kids learn the benefits of working as a team, developing new motor skills and building their confidence to take on

physical challenges.

“The structure of the class provides a safety net for the children so that every time they return, they feel more comfortable and willing to get involved.

“It’s a really rewarding experience as we cater for children of all backgrounds and fitness levels. We work really hard to create a safe and welcoming environment that nurtures growing bodies and minds.”

Enrolments are now open for term four classes.

To enrol or book a free trial for your child head to the Ready Steady Go Kids website and search for a class near you: www.readysteadygokids.com.au

EarlyChristmas Market


is returning to Hobart this October, with local makers filling MAC 02 with their high-quality handmade products.

Since 2017 the Tasmanian Made Market has been helping local small businesses showcase their products, featuring a wide range of fine art, clothing, jewellery, candles, woodwork, foods, glassware and much more.

“The Tasmanian Made Market is an opportunity for makers from all over Tasmania to showcase their craft to the community and potential clients,” founder Cat Hocking said.

“Over the years it has opened up opportunities for the makers to grow their businesses in ways they could never imagine.”

The market itself has grown considerably since its humble beginnings in 2017, when the very first Tasmanian Made Market was held in a goat shed at the Hobart Showgrounds.

“We had booked a venue at the Showgrounds but the week before the market they realised they had double booked the venue and we ended up in the goat shed,” Ms Hocking said.

“We made it work and in spite of the change in location,

the rustic conditions and a torrential downpour, we had about 2000 customers find us and it was a huge success.”

The markets now attract more than 10,000 visitors, keen to support the local producers.

“We offer a place for local makers to be seen and thrive so that they can make a living,” Ms Hocking said.

“We also provide the opportunity for the local community to support local business, have fun and stock up on Christmas and birthday presents.”

The next Tasmanian Made Market will

on 21-22 October.

16 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023
be held
Ready Steady Go Kids coaches Gerald Murphy and Janelle Smith with Finley, Charlie and Max
Octo b er @ MAC 02 Hunter St, Hobart 9.00am - 4.00pm FREE ENTRY!
along for a fabulous day out. Over 100 handmade artists, kids activities & fabulous food. Meet the Makers and get all your Christmas shopping done early!
Supercharge your child’s spor ting potential We are Australia’s largest multi-sport program for 1 5–6 year olds! • Learn the basics of 10 great sports • Low child/coach ratios • Physio-designed, structured & FUN! BOOK YOUR FREE TRIAL NOW! readysteadygokids.com.au | 130 0 766 892 Pick up all your Christmas gifts at the Tasmanian Made Early Christmas Market
Meet the makers at the market


Can you find Mary Mouse these school holidays?

Our story begins...

THE year is 1845, and we are in London, where there are no cars on the roads, or planes in the sky, or big, tall buildings. And in that city, there are a lot of very poor people who don't have enough work or money or food to eat.

Look a little closer in that dirty crowded city and you will find a little mouse. Let's call her Mary. Mary Mouse spends her days searching for crumbs and scraps to eat. She's always hungry and there is never

enough crumbs to keep her little belly full.

One day, on her quest for food, she scurries upon a big ship in the harbour. And what does she find? The ship is full of women and girls and little children, all crowded together. They are all being sent to the other side of the world to a place called Van Diemen's Land as punishment for stealing, or fighting, or even worse.

It takes 103 long days for the ship to sail all the way from London to Hobart Town.

It's dark when the women, children and Mary Mouse are marched off the ship and up the river to the Cascades Female Factory. It's noisy, crowded and very busy and little Mary Mouse is very frightened, so she scurries away. Where did she go? Where could she be?

These school holidays, it's up to you to follow Mary's trail at the Cascades Female Factory and see where our little mouse has gone. Can you find Mary Mouse?

Your story begins...

If you like searching and are good at finding things, then pack up the car and continue your quest at the Port Arthur Historic Site. Starting Saturday 16 September, the familyfriendly scavenger hunt 'Found at Port Arthur' is back. Kids can lead their own adventure to discover hidden histories and landmarks around the World Heritage site.

'Found at Port Arthur' scavenger hunt is free with your site entry tickets and

with more than 100 acres of grounds, gardens, ruins and historic houses to explore, this is a sure-fire way to fill in a day with challenges and fun facts to engage the whole family.

There is even more to discover with extra tours to share even more tall tales on the Isle of the Dead where at least 1,000 convicts, soldiers and even children were buried. Did you know that Port Arthur was believed to be the worst of the worst prison from which it was impossible to escape –

or was it? True crime prison break stories abound in the 'Escape from Port Arthur' tour, where the reckless and the bold escape attempts are told in and around the Guard Tower, the Hospital and the infamous Separate Prison.

Wherever your exploration of history and mystery takes you, the best part is the café back at the Port Arthur Visitor Centre, which is fully stocked with hot chips, pizzas, burgers and fresh salads to refuel any adventurer.

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 17




Soaring high: Young Voices spreading joy through song

YOUNG Voices of Hobart is a choral program offering a fun, safe and inclusive space for young people to sing and learn together. Since forming in 2019, the choir has grown in both size and stature, developing a reputation across the country for excellence in music education and for a high standard of choral performance.

Recently the choir undertook its first interstate tour, heading to Melbourne to perform in a concert with The Yarra Voices and Young Voices of Melbourne. The concert was a sellout success, with all three choirs presenting their own

Heading away these school holidays?

engaging program of works and then combining for a final item with more than 70 singers on stage.

As well as performing in the concert, Young Voices of Hobart members participated in a singing workshop, did some shopping and sightseeing, and performed at the Melbourne Zoo.

Young Voices of Hobart provides young singers with many opportunities to perform throughout the year, from community events to high-profile concerts at the Federation Concert Hall.

So why are so many young people choosing to sing in a choir?

It’s a busy time at Hobart Airport these school holidays. We can't wait to welcome you the next time you choose to travel. Here’s our top tips for travellers this season:

With the launch of Rex Airlines daily service Hobart to Melbourne, we’re seeing great uptake of their low cost offers and this is driving competition across other carriers A great outcome for the travelling public

We're expecting peak passenger numbers over the September/October school holidays. Make sure you plan ahead and leave extra time to get through check in and security screening

A reminder that the passenger drop off/pick up zone is only for 2 minutes To help congestion we recommend - Kiss, Drop and Drive!

Crate Cafe is now open in the new airport forecourt in front of the terminal. Grab a coffee or snack before you continue your journey

Check our website hobartairport.com.au to stay in the loop!

Singing in a choir has wide-ranging health benefits. It improves lung function and circulation, assists with memory, focus and pattern recognition, and releases endorphins which make you feel good! Singing also increases your sense of wellbeing and connectedness, and helps to build teamworking and social skills. Most importantly of all, singing is fun! It leads to amazing opportunities to meet new people, travel and perform in unique locations, and create memories to last a lifetime.

Term 4 starts on Monday 16 October - why not give it a go!

18 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023
M O N D A Y S 4 : 0 0 P M - 5 3 0 P M C O N T A C T U S : 0 4 0 9 3 3 4 9 0 0 a a r o n @ y o u n g v o i c e s h o b a r t c o m a u Weekly tuition with music professionals Performance t-shirt All music and learning resources High profile performances at carols events on radio, at aged care facilities, schools, public spaces and more Term 4 Program fee includes: Registrations now open for students in Grades 3 - 12 Young Voices of Hobart is a fun, inclusive singing program committed to exceptional choral education and high level performance outcomes To learn more visit us at www youngvoiceshobart com au T E R M 4 , 2 0 2 3 C O S T : $ 1 4 5
Young Voices of Hobart performing at the Melbourne Zoo recently


Amazing adventures

LOOKING for some AMAZING fun these school holidays? Pile the kids in the car, take the easy 30-minute drive from the city and you will find yourself at Amaze Richmond in the beautiful Coal River Valley.

Located at the entrance to the historic town of Richmond, Amaze is just the place to let the kids enjoy some fresh air in the country. Everyone will be excited to explore the two incredible mazes that are fun for all the family - whether you are two years old or 102!

The challenge in the Hedge Maze is not just finding your way out but discovering all 31 of the native Tasmanian animals hidden throughout the many winding paths of the maze. Sometimes the platypus is very tricky to find, but he is in there!

Uppie’s Timber Maze is a different adventure. There are codes to crack, a hidden tunnel and a lookout that gives you a great view of the site. The maze itself is a bit more complex, with the wooden walls not giving away any hints as to which direction you might be facing. But beware, there are doors that can be opened and

closed to change the paths in the maze – so it might be different each time you visit!

Before (or after) you head into the mazes, you can browse through the proudly Tasmanian gift shop supporting local makers and artists. Amaze stocks locally made jewellery, candles, woodwork, pottery, soaps, books and accessories, as well as Tasmanian-grown tea, honey, and “grown-up” chocolates.

The gift shop also sells miniature versions of some of the animals hidden in the Hedge Maze, so it is like taking a bit of the maze home with you. They even have their own exclusive range of the most adorable hand-made crocheted toys –but you have to be quick, as they sell out fast!

After all that activity, the café can provide you with some welcome refreshments. Enjoy a delicious meal or snack, expertly prepared by the talented team led by new head chef Ben Coleman.

Ben’s 40-year career has taken him throughout the US, Europe and Asia, but locals will remember him from his time in the esteemed kitchens of

Prosser’s Seafood Restaurant and The Astor Grill.

Ben’s focus is on simple food done spectacularly well. Of course, he also features locally sourced Tasmanian produce, and there will always be some interesting specials on the menus that will satisfy both foodies and families alike. And yes, there is a kid’s menu.

If the sun is shining - and it often is in Richmond - then we highly recommend just relaxing on the deck and enjoying the fabulous vibes of the countryside, while the kids play good old-fashioned games on the lawn. That sounds like a win-win to us! Amaze caters for all ages and abilities. The mazes and the facilities are pram and wheelchair friendly. There is lots of outdoor seating, and maze tickets give you all-day entry. The team at Amaze LOVE birthday parties and functions, so let them know if they can help you celebrate a special occasion for your family or group.

Richmond is the perfect place to spend the day, and Amaze is both the journey and the destination. Find yourself at Amaze Richmond.

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 19
The kids will love exploring the twists and turns of the mazes
www.amazerichmond.com SCHOOL HOLIDAYFUN FOR EVERYONE! OPEN EVERY DAY 10am to 4pm weekdays 9am to 5
weekends D BOOK ONLINE or call us on 6124 2293 13 Bridge St Richmond
20 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 PRIME TIMES Spring edition Celebrate with us this Seniors Week! See what’s on at www.cotatas.org.au Supported by


A revolution in natural bone health

IN the heart of Hobart, a ground-breaking solution is quietly transforming the landscape of bone health.

OsteoStrong Hobart, a specialist wellness centre, has emerged as a beacon of hope for those seeking to improve their bone density and overall strength and well-being.

At OsteoStrong Hobart, science and technology intertwine to offer a unique approach to skeletal wellness.

Unlike traditional methods of exercise that deliver solely on muscle strength, OsteoStrong builds bone density and increases bone health through osteogenic

loading – a system process that triggers the body’s natural bone-growing abilities.

Members, regardless of age or fitness level, engage in a weekly one-on-one session with a coach to enhance their bones, balance and strength, and reduce their risk of falls and fractures.

Beyond its revolutionary technology, OsteoStrong Hobart’s team of dedicated coaches guide members through their wellness journey. The centre’s warm and inviting ambiance fosters a sense of community, where individuals can connect, learn and prioritise their bone

health together.

The impact of OsteoStrong on the Hobart community has been nothing short of remarkable. As word spreads about the centre’s transformative results, more individuals are taking charge of their well-being and building their bone health naturally.

OsteoStrong Hobart stands as a testament to human innovation and our ongoing quest for improved quality of life. With its fusion of advanced technology, guidance and positive outcomes, it is reshaping how we perceive and prioritise bone health.

Osteostrong is a non-invasive, drug-free approach to help people improve their bone density and overall skeletal strength. It is designed to benefit various age groups and backgrounds, particularly those at risk of osteopenia, osteoporosis, and other conditions related to low bone density.

Helping Tasmanians stay in their homes

IN 1994 Southern Cross Care established a community care arm. This has now developed into the Home and Community Care Office, which provides professional assistance services across Tasmania.

The southern Tasmania home care team offers therapeutic and practical services that allow people to stay in their homes and remain independent for as long as possible.

Southern Cross Care deputy executive of integrated services

Paula Harkins said the highly trained team was constantly growing and evolving.

“People want to remain as independent as possible and we assist them to do that in their own home by providing cleaning, personal care,

shopping and social support services,” she said.

“We have 120 staff members state-wide providing a variety of professional services to more than 500 clients.

“All our workers are experienced and hold the relevant qualifications for their positions, and we have an amazing learning and development department which provides extra training in areas such as dementia care, palliative care, leisure and lifestyle.

“We have a really committed team of caring people who are dedicated to empowering people to stay in their homes.”

Business development manager Erica Ramage said Southern Cross Care is regularly listening to feedback

from clients and making improvements to its service delivery.

“Our clients can provide feedback at any time and in a recent survey the responses were incredibly positive,” she said.

“We are constantly listening to feedback and implementing effective changes to improve the delivery of our services.

“We have a social support centre here at our southern office ready for new participants today and we are looking for opportunities to further evolve these community programs.”

Southern Cross Care and their friendly team embrace innovative technologies to assist people to improve safety and accessibility and enjoy living.

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 21 PRIME TIMES Spring edition
Contact us 88 Bathurst St, Hobart (+61) 6215 4777 hobart@osteostrong.com.au osteostrong.com.au
The OsteoStrong Hobart team can help improve your bone density, overall strength and well-being
don’t last a life time.
The Southern Cross Home Care team at their New Town office
Suppor ting independent living across Tasmania with lifest yle village communities , per fectly designed for those who want to get the maximum out of life with the minimum of worries Helping people to stay independent at home by providing personal and clinical ser vices , and helping you to remain connected to your communit y with transpor t and social outing assistance Providing Residential C are in a safe and nur turing environment with a professional care team including 24/ 7 on-site nurses professional chefs allied coordinators Southern Cross C are is Tasmania s largest not-for-profit aged care provider dedicated to delivering flexible health and lifest yle ser vices to suit you and the people you love We are a wholly Tasmanian provider and one of the state s largest employers with over 1 ,10 0 full and par t time employees O ur range of ser vices are designed to make you feel right at home Feel right at home. Fo r f urthe r i nfor m ation e m a i l e n q uir i es @ s c c t a s .org. a u o r c a l l 6 1 4 6 1 8 0 0

Support in the home and the community

CBS offers Home Care Packages and a comprehensive range of services under the Commonwealth Home Support Program and Veterans Home Care to individuals in their homes and in the community.

CBS provides day respite social activity programs, known as ‘Hubs’, enabling individuals to stay connected and active in their community. Programs feature a range of interactive activities including special events, wellness activities, guest speakers, arts and crafts, recreational activities and outings.

Client Maria Vialle is a regular visitor to the social hubs.

“The Social Hub staff are so friendly and helpful, they walk me to my car and I feel so safe and supported,” Maria says.

“They are very supportive and inclusive to all, making sure I always have something interesting to do.”

Other popular services include the Home Maintenance Program which

covers a wide range of small repair and maintenance tasks in the home, and the Home Modifications Program which focuses on improving safety and accessibility in the home.

The Ageing Backwards movement program is offered in key locations around southern Tasmania, supporting positive ageing in a relaxed group exercise class. The focus is on building strength in daily movement patterns while having fun. The class caters to those who require mobility aids of any type.

CBS offers a dedicated Client Services team to support people at a time when they are making significant decisions about their life. The aim is to make the journey to getting the right support for older Tasmanians as simple and stress-free as possible.

CEO Allyson Warrington knows the importance of putting clients first.

“Forming the Client Services team was an initiative to ensure our clients are well taken care of and supported right from the

outset,” she says.

“The team provides their undivided attention, from initial steps through to the commencement of services.”

But how does this differ from other providers? Ms Warrington explains.

“Many providers have intake staff to sign you up but don’t offer the full suite of service assistance.

“What’s more, in a time of ever-increasing waiting on the phone or being put on hold, our team are picking up new calls within 10 seconds.”

Client Service team member Rachael loves that she spends her day helping people to discover supports available to them.

“When people become aware of the range of services we have available for them, it is a joy to relieve that worry, knowing we can make a real difference in their life,” she says.

If you’d like support navigating the ins and outs of getting support, or identifying what type and level of service is right for you, call the CBS Client Services team on 1300 227 827.

22 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 PRIME TIMES Spring edition
Our range of services will support you in the home and in the community so you can maintain your independence and social connections. Stay in the place you’re familiar with and keep connected with friends and family with support from CBS. The right amount of support from the right people can go a long way. home care packages | domestic support | personal care | social hubs | garden maintenance | social support | home maintenance and modifications cbsaust.org.au | 1300 227 827 Your life, your choice, our focus. Visit a Hub and talk to the CBS Client Services team

Helping you achieve your goals

HOBART Exercise Physiology opened their doors in South Hobart in January 2022, and have been helping people achieve their exercise goals ever since.

The team of Accredited Exercise Physiologists has grown from three to eight over this time, assisting a wide variety of people to improve their fitness and quality of life.

Exercise Physiologists are Allied Health professionals who are qualified and specialise in helping individuals move their body in a better way to reduce pain and maintain independence.

Despite being able to work with individuals of all ages and abilities, Hobart Exercise Physiology has found that helping individuals over

the age of 50 has the most rewarding benefits.

“As we age we tend to use our bodies less and less, whether that is due to pain, decreased confidence or other health issues,” Hobart Exercise Physiology director Robb Macmillan said.

“However, there are so many benefits to exercising beyond the ‘younger’ years of our lives.

“Exercise Physiologists can help individuals reduce pain, lose weight, improve their balance, improve confidence in their body, and so much more.”

With a fully functioning private gym and a friendly and supportive team of experts, Hobart Exercise Physiology prides itself on making the gym space a welcoming one

for individuals of all ages and abilities.

“We certainly aren’t your usual ‘gym’,” Robb said.

“All our clients book in for private sessions with an EP to be supervised and all our clients are working towards bettering their lives through exercise.

“We want to create an environment where everyone can come in and feel supported and comfortable whilst exercising to achieve their goals.”

Exercise Physiology sessions can be accessed without a referral and claimed through private health. We also accept NDIS or Work Cover referrals, and Medicare rebates may be available through talking with your GP.

Seniors Card helping to ease the pressure

TASMANIA’S community is experiencing significant hardships due to cost-of-living increases. These pressures can be particularly difficult for seniors, who may no longer be in full time employment.

As part of the Tasmanian Government’s plan to ease these pressures, the Tasmanian Seniors Card Program provides a free discount card to residents who are aged 60 years and over and

not in paid employment of more than 20 hours per week, averaged over a 12-month period.

The Program has 600 Tasmanian businesses which offer discounts and concessions on goods and services including council rates, power bills, and many others.

More than 120,000 Tasmanians have already joined the program and are

enjoying the many benefits that it offers. This represents 26 per cent of the Tasmanian population and 87 per cent of Tasmanian population aged 60 years and over.

In 2022 the Tasmanian Government launched the online Seniors Card Program, with a website where older Tasmanians can apply for a Seniors Card, replace lost cards, update their details and more.

The new Seniors Card website also features a new online Discount Directory which provides access to the latest discounts and benefits, and lists the names, locations and types of businesses that provide discounts to Seniors Card Program members.

The 2023-2024 Tasmanian Seniors Card Directory is now available. Hard copies are available at all Service Tasmania service centres; libraries; Tasmanian Visitor Information Centres; and the offices of Members of the Parliament of Tasmania.

For more information visit a Service Tasmania Shop, phone 1300 135 513 or go to www. seniors.tas.gov.au

With savings at over 600 Tasmanian and interstate outlets, choosing a business in the 2023-2024 Seniors Card Directory has never been easier. Remember

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 23 PRIME TIMES Spring edition
to look for the sign or ask if Seniors Card is accepted. To live more and pay less, pick up your free copy of the Directory at Service Tasmania, Libraries Tasmania or Visitor Information Centres. You can also access a copy online at seniors.tas.gov.au or by calling 1300 135 513
Accredited Exercise Physiologists Robb Macmillan and Clare Goss work with clients Jo and Len Gibbs, of Sandford

Seniors Week celebrations

SENIORS Week is all about celebrating this year. Celebrating how ageing is positive, how it can present new opportunities, and how it can be a friendly reminder of the importance of looking after yourself.

As of June 2022, 213,000 senior Australians were

receiving home care services - a 300 per cent increase over the previous five years. While there are many reasons for such an increase, OneCare has seen more Tasmanians taking control over their ageing and learning how to ask for help when they need it.

Fundamentally, a person’s own home is often the very best place they can be. With the proper support, remaining in your home can be good for your heart, soul and body.

That is why OneCare is dedicated to providing exceptional home care services that enable you or your loved ones to continue living comfortably in the place you call home.

Our state-wide home care service has been helping Tasmanians live comfortably and independently for many years, providing services that take the weight off you or your loved one’s shoulders.

We get so used to doing everything for ourselves that it can be difficult to recognise when we need support.

In sharing the load of care, cleaning and companionship with someone else, we often see just as many social benefits as well as physical benefits for our clients.

Home care can help with lots of things such as daily tasks, appointment transport, or administering specialised

medical support. Some clients like having some help preparing nutritious meals, while others prefer a green thumb be put to good use in the garden.

Everyone has unique needs and preferences; therefore, every home care package will look different.

You may need home care services if you’ve seen a decline in your energy and ability to look after yourself, or perhaps you are recovering after an illness and need

intermittent help to get back on your feet.

As your needs change, so can your service.

Rest assured, the people delivering your care are just as invested as you in improving your wellbeing.

All OneCare employees receive regular training and accreditations to ensure the care we provide follows best practice for support work and meets our company standard of being Tasmania’s leading provider.

As we celebrate another Seniors Week, OneCare is thrilled to play a part in so many Tasmanian lives. Our state-wide home care service is helping many Tasmanians live in their communities for longer.

The positive impact of these services is often underestimated until you experience it for yourself. Reach out today to OneCare’s home care team on 1300 555 409 or visit onecare. org.au

24 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023
Stay comfortable and healthy in your own home, while receiving unrivalled care and support from our statewide OneCare team. We provide: • Personal care • Meal preparation • Social support • Cleaning • Shopping • Home and garden maintenance • Nursing services • Massage therapy • Transport • Equipment hire and purchase • Allied health services • Hydrotherapy • Podiatry • Physiotherapy • Clinical care PLUS • Private fee for service. Your local Tasmanian, not-for-profit home care provider. OneCare is here to help you and your family. To find out more, call us on 1300 555 409 or visit onecare.org.au to speak to a member of our friendly team.
Our Home Care service can help you with everyday tasks and provide you with the care you need to remain in your home for as long as possible. We’re here to help you make the most of every day.
PRIME TIMES Spring edition

Community Transport Services Tasmania

We are a statewide not-for-profit service that delivers affordable door-to-door shared community transport to support people to live well, maintain their independence, and connect with their community.

We can take you to:

CTST keeps you connected

ARE you aged 65 years or over (50-plus for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) and without transport to get to medical appointments, the shops, bank, pharmacy or social activities?

CTST can help.

CTST is a communitybased organisation that provides affordable, entry-level door-to-door community transport across the state.

Our vehicles and friendly

volunteer drivers are located around the state, and you will enjoy peace of mind travelling with us in a safe environment.

Some of our vehicles can accommodate wheelchairs, and we will also transport your guide dog or assistance animal. Registered carers travel with us free of charge.

To access our service, call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 to request transport assistance. Once transport

assistance is approved, call CTST on 1800 781 033 to register and we will soon be able to take you to where you need to go.

Interested in becoming a CTST volunteer driver?

If you enjoy driving, have a few hours to spare and would like to volunteer with us, give us a call on 1800 781 033. More information about our service and volunteering is available from our website at www.ctst.org.au

medical appointments shopping visiting friends and family

local events, activities, and more - just ask us

Carers travel with us for free.


If you are aged 65 years+ (50 years+ for Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islanders), please request transport assistance through My Aged Care. Once this is complete, give us a call to register with our service.

1800 781 033

www.ctst.org.au info@ctst.org.au

Are you eligible for a free $100 Vetera n Wellbeing vouc her?


If you’re a veteran living in Tasmania, you may be eligible to receive a FREE $100 voucher to put towards your membership or registration fees at a participating Tasmanian gym or sporting club. By taking advantage of this o er, you can boost your physical and mental wellbeing, meet new friends and establish connections.

To nd out more, visit www.veterans.tas.gov.au/wellbeing-vouchers

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 25 PRIME TIMES Spring edition
can help take you to where you need to go
drivers, like John,



3 years and 9 months old

Having had nearly 4 years of a less than ideal life, Mia is now ready to be adopted by her forever family. She is a beautiful girl with a lot of love to give.


SASS, SVEN I-2 years old

These Silkie Roosters are gorgeous; very tame, with fluffy feathers and friendly dispositions. Excellent human companions, Silkies shine when guarding and watching over hen flocks ensuring the wellbeing of their feathered companions. These Silkies will make a delightful addition to any farmyard.

People have long been fascinated by fireworks.

Scientists tell us the unexpectedness of colour is why fireworks are so captivating; even if we wanted to, we’re hardwired not to look away from the light, and we seem to be excited by the anticipation of a slightly scary experience.

Unfortunately, they can be terrifying and dangerous for animals - and for vulnerable people too.

The RSPCA receives many calls about runaway animals after fireworks displays. In particular, dogs and horses often try to run away when frightened by fireworks. Wildlife can also be affected by the unexpected noises and bright lights fireworks produce.

A dog can hear 10 times better than a human. Fireworks typically explode at a staggering 145-150 decibels - as loud as a jet engine at close quarters - so these explosions can be frightening and even harmful. Terrified animals may flee their homes trying to escape the



2x Black Satin, 1 x long haired Peruvian

All 2 years, 6 months old males

Guinea Pigs are interesting and fun little characters who are very social together. When provided with everything that they need, they can be delightful family pets.

In Australia, both the ACT and Victoria acknowledge animal sentience and have already included it in policy. It is only a matter of time until other Australian jurisdictions do the same. For these reasons, and other safety concerns, all Australian jurisdictions, except for Northern Territory and Tasmania, have already banned fireworks use by members of the public.

Tasmanian legislation already acknowledges that fireworks can cause stress and anxiety to animals, as exclusion zones or “Sensitive Areas” around zoos, sanctuaries, kennels, or commercial horse businesses are identified in the Regulations.

startling and confusing blasts. Many of these animals can end up several kilometres from home. Dogs have been known to jump through plate glass windows to escape loud noises, and easily jump over, or dig their way under fences that would normally contain them. Sometimes, they end up lost or get hit by cars.

On June the 1st 2023; Tasmania’s ‘Cracker Night’ there were many reports on social media over the following week of lost pets. RSPCA Tasmania also received many phone calls from members of the public regarding missing dogs who escaped during the fireworks and sadly some who have not returned home. Most distressingly RSPCA Tasmania were also made aware of several dogs who were killed as a result of escaping. Thirty two countries throughout the world now recognise animals as “sentient” beings. This means that it is accepted that animals have feelings and awareness and can suffer from stress and anxiety.

As a general principle, the RSPCA is opposed to fireworks displays. We believe that there is no justification in causing harm - or even death - to any animal purely for entertainment.

Having said that, we recognise that many people consider fireworks displays an important part of public celebrations like the ones being held in Hobart in late October.

We therefore urge the government to consider limiting fireworks displays to only these major public events. In the review of the Regulations, domestic pets should also be protected with some form of exclusion zone. The organisers of public events should be required to ensure neighbours and pet owners in the immediate vicinity are given appropriate notification.

Advertising fireworks displays in advance is important – as it can give people vital time to plan and prepare for the distressing experiences their pets may face.

We would of course be pleased to provide further comment should that be required

3. 4. 5.


1 year and 8 month old

Salty is a lovely large female greyhound, playful and energetic, Salty would be a great companion for another dog with a similar zest for life! She is smart and very affectionate.

Her vision is slightly impaired, which has not affected her outgoing, gorgeous personality.

26 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023
BY SEE IT. REPORT IT. CALL 1300 139 947 OR EMAIL reportit@rspcatas.org.au SCAN THE QR TO FIND OUT MORE
PLEASE GIVE TODAY TO HAVE YOUR DONATION DOUBLED $25 ...or any money you can spare for Tasmanian animals in need $50
Keeps an RSPCA inspector on the road, fighting animal cruelty for another day. Gives vet care and vaccinations Provides flea and worm treatment. PARTNERS
scan this code to donate
or visit
All donations received before midnight Thursday October the 5th 2023 will be matched by our generous partners, Royal Canin,
and Peter Alexander. So that will DOUBLE your kind donation

Spike is a prime example of the benefits of foster care

Joel Diprose, Ten Lives Cat Centre

MEET Spike, a radiant ginger tabby with a heart full of affection. The then five-month-old arrived at the Ten Lives Cat Centre on 18 April accompanied by her sister, Bluey.

Within just two days, she was nestled into the arms of a foster family, the first of five that would aid her five-month journey towards finding a forever home.

Spike is more than just a playful kitten with golden eyes that complement her vibrant coat. She loves scaling heights and the fun rattle of ping pong balls. However, this spirited tabby also battled health issues, including a prolonged period of tummy troubles.

Thanks to a specialised diet, she began to mend. While she might need

a dietary transition in the future, expert vet consultation remains imperative. Additionally, the discovery of earlystage cataracts in her eyes underscores the need for regular check-ups.

Spike’s journey highlights the irreplaceable role foster carers play in the recovery and wellbeing of cats. Ten Lives, an organisation deeply devoted to feline welfare, urgently seeks shortterm foster carers, especially for adult cats.

Spike finally made her way to the adoption rooms on 18 August, and after some 136 days in Ten Lives care, she was adopted on 1 September.

For those who cannot commit long-term, or who often travel, work or study from home, fostering offers a purrfect opportunity. A short stay, even if just for a week or two, can be

transformative in a cat’s life.

Kitties like Spike, who may need more time to address medical issues, will recuperate faster in loving foster homes compared to the shelter environment. However, future caregivers, be warned – the soothing purrs and affectionate nudges might lead to a delightful “foster fail” – where you can’t help but adopt your foster cat yourself!

A brief chapter in your life can rewrite the entire story for a kitty. For many, like Spike, fostering is the bridge to a love-filled future.

Ten Lives Cat Centre is a self-funded animal charity that relies on donations and volunteers to care for and rehome the unwanted cats and kittens of Tasmania. See how you can get involved: tenlives.com.au

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 27 MORNING, AFTERNOON OR FULL DAY SHIFTS AVAILABLE Scan to apply )> MARGATE, CITY & NEW NORFOLK OP SHOPS Apply now tenlives.com.au/volunteer RAJAH 3 YEARS OLD MALE ADOPT Scan to see more kitties )> Scan to find out more ) > Learn more tenlives.com.au/adopt 12 Selfs Point Road New Town 6278 2111 tenlives.com.au
Spike and Bluey during their time in foster care Spike waiting for her forever home. Photo credit: Rachael Daniels


Why use a mortgage broker?

USING a mortgage broker like Richard Denholm at Mortgage Choice Rokeby can offer significant advantages when navigating the complex landscape of home loans and financial decisions.

Mortgage brokers act as intermediaries between borrowers and lenders, providing expert guidance and personalised solutions tailored to individual needs.

Here are several compelling reasons to consider utilising the services of a knowledgeable mortgage broker:

1. Expert Advice and Guidance: Mortgage brokers like Richard Denholm possess in-depth knowledge of the mortgage industry, lending products, interest rates and market trends. They can leverage this expertise to guide borrowers through the intricacies of home loan options, helping them make well-informed decisions.

2. Access to a Wide Range of Lenders: A reputable broker has access to an extensive network of lenders including major banks, credit unions and non-traditional lenders. This access allows brokers to source a variety of loan options, increasing the chances of finding the most suitable loan terms and interest rates for the borrower's unique financial situation.

3. Customised Loan Solutions: Every borrower's financial circumstances are different. Mortgage brokers take the time to understand individual needs, goals and financial constraints. They then work to match borrowers with loan products that align with their specific requirements, optimising the likelihood of securing a loan that suits their needs.

4. Time and Effort Savings: Researching and comparing various loan options from different lenders can be timeconsuming and overwhelming. A broker streamlines this process by doing the legwork on behalf of the borrower. This saves valuable time and energy while ensuring that borrowers have access to the most relevant and competitive loan options available.

5. Negotiation Power: Experienced brokers like

Richard Denholm have a deep understanding of lenders' processes and criteria. They can negotiate with lenders to secure favourable terms, potentially leading to better interest rates, reduced fees, and more flexible loan conditions than borrowers might obtain on their own.

6. Simplified Application Process: Applying for a home loan involves a significant amount of paperwork and documentation. A mortgage broker assists borrowers in preparing and submitting the necessary documents accurately and efficiently, minimising the risk of errors that could delay or jeopardize the loan approval process.

7. Continuous Support: The journey doesn't end once a loan is secured. Mortgage brokers provide ongoing support, assisting borrowers throughout the application process, answering questions, and addressing concerns. This level of personalised assistance can be invaluable, especially for first-time homebuyers or those unfamiliar with the mortgage process.

8. Better Loan Approval Odds: Brokers understand the lending landscape and can recommend strategies to improve borrowers' creditworthiness and increase their chances of loan approval. This can be especially crucial for individuals with unique financial situations or those who may face challenges in securing traditional financing.

9. No-Cost Service for Borrowers: In many cases, mortgage brokers are compensated by the lender, meaning their services come at no direct cost to borrowers. This makes using a broker a cost-effective option for accessing expert advice and comprehensive assistance.

10. Peace of Mind: Partnering with a mortgage broker gives borrowers confidence that they are making informed decisions based on accurate information and professional guidance. This peace of mind is invaluable when navigating the complexities of home loans and real estate transactions.

In conclusion, utilising a mortgage broker like Richard Denholm at Mortgage Choice Rokeby offers a host of benefits, including access to expert advice, a wide array of lenders, customised solutions, and ongoing support.

Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned investor, a broker can simplify the loan process, save you time and effort, and increase the likelihood of securing a loan that aligns with your financial goals and needs.

Copyright 2022 Mortgage Choice Pty Limited (ABN 57 009 161 979, Australian Credit Licence 382869) and Smartline Operations Pty Limited (ABN 86 086 467 727 Australian Credit Licence 385325) are owned by REA Group Limited. Your broker will advise whether they are a credit representative of Mortgage Choice or Smartline

The Financial Information Service

Hank Jongen, General Manager, Services Australia

HELLO everyone, If you’re considering returning to work, planning for the future, learning about superannuation and investments, or managing a lump sum, Services Australia’s Financial Information Service (FIS) can help. The FIS provides free, independent and confidential information to help you make informed decisions about your current and future financial needs.

• FIS is available to everyone, not just people receiving Services Australia payments and services.

• FIS also works with financially vulnerable people to improve their financial capability.

• FIS fosters selfsufficiency by looking at financial options beyond the payments and services offered by us.

• FIS provides information and resources online, in community information sessions, and through webinars.

The Financial Information Service is staffed by specialists located across the country. These officers have an expert understanding of social security payments and financial concepts. They can help people of all ages build their financial capability, so they can make informed decisions to achieve their financial goals.

How can FIS help?

FIS Officers can explain:

• how financial products work, and how they interact with government payments.

• how government payments work, and how changes in your circumstances may affect your eligibility.

• resources to help you with financial matters.

• how a range of government and community services can help you.

Our free FIS webinars can help you understand your finances and increase your confidence with financial matters. You can register for upcoming live and interactive webinars or watch a range of recently recorded webinars covering topics of interest for people of all ages, including ‘Financial

Fitness’, ‘Mortgage Basics and Creating Savings’, and ‘Super for Women’. You can find our webinars by searching servicesaustralia.gov.au/ fiswebinars

It’s important to point out FIS Officers are not financial planners or financial counsellors. They don’t give or sell advice or promote or purchase investment products. They do not advocate with agencies, businesses or government departments on your behalf. FIS officers do not make decisions about your payments.

To speak to a Financial Information Service Officer

To speak to the Financial Information Service, call them on 132 300. Say ‘Financial Information Service’, when prompted for the reason for your call. This will take you through to a FIS Officer who will help you with your enquiry. Depending on your circumstances, the FIS Officer may book a video chat appointment, or a further face-to-face interview for you, in or near your local Services Australia Service Centre.

Until next time, Hank Jongen

28 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023

Hiking Larapinta Trail


HIKING the entire Larapinta Trail in Central Australia was lifechanging for me. It’s the longest hike I’ve ever done (230km over 17 days). It pushed me to the edges of my endurance. It wowed me with its magnificence. This was a unique and wonderful experience, and I am returning next year. Once was not enough.

We began the hike from its western edge, Mount Sonder and Redbank Gorge, walking east towards Alice Springs. We had sensational clear blue skies every day. We had two food drops to look forward to and two tourist areas with canteens and showers!

I was mesmerised from day one: the ever-changing landscape, the vibrant colours, the variety of flowers in bloom, the bird life, the deep and sacred gorges and the delightful waterholes were simply awesome. It was the most spectacular visual overload. I was expecting parts of the trail would be boring, but it wasn’t like that at any time. It was pristine and


The topography (amount of up and down) of the Larapinta Trail did not look overly hard to me. But what I underestimated was how hard the ground was, so managing my sore feet was my biggest challenge despite not getting blisters at all.

The amount of elevation is rarely more than 600 meters and the trails had been considerately carved into the landscape. These are ancient trails made more prominent for the many tourists that visit the area.

The sky seems to go on forever and the caterpillar ranges reach for miles and miles – words really do not do it justice and my camera couldn’t really capture the grandeur of it all either. The remote and untouched Hugh Gorge was my favourite place and is only accessed by hiking in with only six people visiting it on the day we were there.

The sacred Inarlanga Pass made me stop and deeply reflect on the traditional owners of this land. I felt the privilege of

being able to walk through this remarkable place. You could feel how important this place was and still is to the aboriginal people. Birthday Waterhole was another highlight and this one is easier to access if you have a four-wheel drive.

So if adventure to remote and diverse places is on your bucket list I invite you to travel with me next year (I have three spots left on my private tour with full catering and light packs), or you can read the full version of this blog and see more photos at https://jocc.com.au/larapinta-trail. Make contact if this is of interest to you at jo@jocc.com.au or 0409 86 2206.

Jo Cordell-Cooper was recently named “Personal Trainer of the Tear – Tasmania” by industry-leading organisation AusActive for the second consecutive year.

Jo operates her award-winning business Jo CC Holistic PT from Geilston Bay. Typically Jo’s clients are a little complex, so reach out if that’s what you need.

Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering

Chefaholic Cooking School


A paddock to plate cooking experience for all


Chefaholic Cooking School and Catering Duck à l’orange





• 3 cups of chopped pumpkin (no skin)

• 1 x 2kg whole duck

• 150g butter

• 500g rigatoni

• 250ml Pureed pumpkin (room temperature)

• 100ml Grand Marnier

• 200g bacon diced

• 50 ml warm water

• 50ml vinegar

• 50g castor sugar

• 1 tsp Salt

• 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped

• Juice of 3 oranges

• 1 Tsp sugar

• ½ cup cream

• 6 oranges



• 1 tbsp fresh chopped parsley

• 1 Tbsp olive oil

1 Steam the pumpkin until it is soft and gently mash.

• 500g plain flour

minutes. Remove from oven and cover with Grand Marnier and cook for a further 5 minutes.

• 2 tsp dry yeast.

2 In a large saucepan of boiling salted water cook the pasta until al dente.

• Pepitas and sunflower seeds (optional)

Remove from oven and strain all liquid into a pot, add in vinegar, sugar and juice of 3 oranges and reduce until a nice consistency.

3 Meanwhile in a small frying pan cook the bacon and garlic, stirring often, until the bacon is crisp.

4 Place the mashed pumpkin in a saucepan and gradually stir in the cream. Stir in the bacon mixture and parsley, and gently heat the sauce. Season with pepper to taste.

• Ground pepper

• 1 cup parmesan cheese.

Clean and pat dry duck, heat butter in fry pan large enough to hold duck and fry duck for approximately 5 minutes.

1. To make pumpkin puree you will need a cup of chopped pumpkin and enough water to cover it. Either boil on the stove top in a saucepan or place in a microwave on high for 8 to 10 mins.

5 Drain the pasta and return to the pan. Stir in the cheese. Add the sauce, toss to combine, and serve.

2. When the pumpkin is soft use a blender to process it. Stand aside to cool.

For further information please contact:

Meanwhile peel and cut oranges and prep with no skin or seed. When sauce is nearly ready add segments to sauce and warm - do not let oranges break down.

E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com

Place duck in oven for approximately 45 minutes on 180°C basting as you go.

*These next steps can be done with a bread maker on dough setting.

P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com

Turn heat down to 160°C and cook for a further 30

Carve duck and cover with sauce and arrange segments.

3. In a bowl place the 50 ml warm water, sugar and yeast together. Mix and set aside until frothy, or about 10 mins.

For further information please contact:

E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com

P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com

4. In a larger bowl place the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and put in olive oil, cooled pumpkin puree and the yeast mix. Mix together and turn out onto a floured bench top and knead for 10 mins, if dough is sticky add a bit more flour. Set aside for half an hour or until doubled in size. Knead again for 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour.

5. When dough has risen again flatten out slightly and sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds onto the dough. Form into the shape of loaf you want, containing the seeds on the inside.

6. Set aside again to rise for 40 mins.

7. Set oven to 195oC

8. When dough has risen again, brush the top with water and sprinkle on more seeds.

9. Bake for 20 – 30 mins, depending on shape of loaf.

10. Bread is ready when it is golden brown on the outside and sounds hollow when you tap it with your knuckles.

11. Let cool a bit then eat!

For further information please contact:

E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com

P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 29
EnjoyHobart Support group for people living with Crohn’s or colitis Third Wednesday of every month at 6.30pm. Level 2, 152 Macquarie St, Hobart. For more information, visit crohnsandcolitis.org.au/ support-groups WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift: Check out our display at Mobility4All, 53 Sunderland STAIRLIFT SALES TASMANIA Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist P: 1300 919 406 (local call cost) or (03) 6272 2966 • E: info@stairliftsalestasmania.com.au • W: www.stairliftsalestasmania.com.au INDEPENDENT LIVING + MOBILITY www.mobility4all.com.au Cnr Sunderland St & Derwent Park Rd Moonah Ph (03) 6273 8300 I info@mobility4all.com.au 53 Sunderland St (Crn Derwent Park Rd) Moonah Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: info@stairlifttasmania.com.au W: stairlifttasmania.com.au WHY MOVE? Future proof your home with a stairlift from the specialists: Indoor and outdoor, straight and curved. Statewide installation and service. Checkout our displays at: The Independent Living Centre, 275 Wellington Street, South Launceston Mobility4all, 53 Sunderland Street (Cnr Derwent Park Road), Derwent Park Tasmania’s only stairlift specialist Straight Curved Contact us for a quote today: P: 1300 919 406 or 6272 2966 E: info@stairlifttasmania.com.au W: stairlifttasmania.com.au WHY MOVE? 23 Derwent Park Rd, DERWENT PARK Personal service and easy off street parking
Jo Cordell-Cooper on the Larapinta Trail
30 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 225 Collins Street, Hobart P: 6234 1044 F: 6231 3887 E: autocraft@netspace.net.au www.autocraft.com.au Automotive Specialists • Suppliers of Motorsport & 4WD Equipment • Servicing of all makes & models • Computer Diagnosis • Electronic Fuel Injection Repairs Mention this ad to receive 10% off labour! • Prompt & efficient service • Free quotes • Fully insured • No mess CALL ALLEN ON 0431 046 705 E: admin@hobartgutterclean.com.au W: www.hobartgutterclean.com.au ABN: 13154983258 Hobart Gutter Clean GUTTER CLEANING Vacuum Cleaning Gutters Solar Panel Cleans Northern and Southern Tasmania Gutter Guard Installation Full Insured 1300 654 253 www.guttervac.com.au Call now for a free quote • Woodheating Specialists Flue and Chimney Cleans • Safety Checks • Re-flues and Installations • Replacement parts • Sales of new heaters • Fully insured and all work completed to Australian Standards 0407 040 641 Installation repair Leak prevention Gutter cleaning 0421 435 537 Before After Before After Enquires www.progutters.com.au admin@progutters.com.au Call us We specialize in guttering system installation, repair,cleaning. Our Services Business Details Pro gutters Pty Ltd ABN: 37 639 804 390 P A Y I N G C A S H A u s t r a l i a n a n d W o r l d c o i n s , b a n k n o t e s , s t a m p s , g o l d , j e w e l l e r y , s m a l l c o l l e c t a b l e s a n d m o r e C O N T A C T U S Phone (03) 6200 8637 Shop 11/113 Main Road Moonah TAS info@tasmaniannumismatics com au LOUIS FENCING SERVICE Hobart area. Phone: 0488 247 492 Pestcontrolnow.au Basic Service Essential Service Log Book Service Tyres & Wheel Alignment Full Vehicle Inspection Road Worthy Inspection Pre-Purchase Inspection All Mechanical & Electrical Repairs Other Vehicle Diagnosis AUTOMOTIVES SET RIGHT 9AM - 5PM MON - FRI OPENING HOURS 0470205834 100 CHARLES ST, MOONAH Scan for booking Free Mobi e App & Custo e Porta reception@srauto.com.au www.srauto.com.au Reliable, respectful, skilled plumbing professionals We perform the following services: Contact us now to make a booking General maintenance nallyplumbing.com.au Hot water cylindersinstallation & maintenance Renovations/fixture upgrades Unblocking toilets & drains 0400 134 260 admin@npgtas.com.au Painter Paperhanger Handyman, plastering, waterproofing and general maintenance. Pensioner discounts. Reliable, trustworthy senior tradesman. Phone 0438 433 390 All interior and exterior painting works, including roofs. All work is done with quality and care. Call today for a free quote: 0417 503 232 Express Roofing Domestic & Commercial Metal Roofing Skylights & Downpipes 0409 546 532 6128 3525 matt@express-roofing.com.au www.express-roofing.com.au 55a Butler Ave, Moonah Tas 7009 Guttering & Fascia Wall Cladding Reliable and a ordable rates. Servicing greater Hobart, Kingborough, Huonville and Eastern Shore Email Sarah Alomes ogweddings13@gmail.com book now 0432 132 600 29 John Street, Kingston TAS 7050 hobartcraniomassage.com.au

Tennis awards served up

THE state’s tennis community came together in Hobart recently to honour the contributions of volunteers, clubs, players, coaches, officials and schools at the 2023 Tasmanian Tennis Awards.

Ten award recipients were recognised for their outstanding achievements and exceptional

contributions to the sport, while Richard Fromberg was inducted into Tasmania’s Tennis Hall of Fame.

Ulverstone-born Fromberg, who now lives in Melbourne, was also guest speaker at Awards.

“The Awards are fantastic and it’s a big surprise to receive this award,” he said.

“I started playing tennis when I was nearly 10 years old and loved it. We just had a racquet lying around at home and I used to go and hit against a brick wall for hours and hours every day.

“Some of the best advice I’ve had is probably ‘don’t ever give up’ – the hardest point to win for a lot of players

TIS helps coaches kick on

SEVEN Tasmanian coaches will be able to build their futures in professional sport thanks to the 2023-24 Tasmanian Institute of Sport Coaching Centre Scholarship program.

This year’s recipients coach across five different sporting disciplinesfootball, athletics, AFL, equestrian and hockey - and hail from the state’s south, north and northwest.

Scholarships have been awarded to Hobart’s Libby Monks (hockey), Rachel Hosie (athletics throwing disciplines) and Anna Smee (running); Launceston’s Chelsea Wing (football), Deb

Reynolds (AFL) and Jo McFarlane (equestrian); and Ulverstone’s Phil McCulloch (AFL umpiring).

Sport and Recreation Minister Nic Street said the recipients are set to participate in an intensive professional development program to build up their skills and prepare them for a life in professional coaching.

"In addition to this dedicated training, these talented Tasmanians will receive financial assistance across the year-long development program and mentoring from experienced coaches,” Minister Street said.

“Importantly, three of the recipients – Chelsea Wing, Rachel Hosie and Deb Reynoldsare being supported by Womensport and Recreation Tasmania who have a strong focus on getting more women into coaching in Tasmania."

“We look forward to seeing the progress each of our scholarship recipients make across the coming year and following their journey to the national and international stage.”

More information about the TIS Coaching Centre and the Scholarships is available at www.tis.tas.gov.au/ coaching-centre

2023 Tasmanian Tennis Awards winners

Excellence in Officiating Peter Beckett

Most Outstanding Athlete with a Disability Nic Heames

is the last point. Even though you could be close to losing a match you’re actually very close to winning at the same time. So just keep going and never give up.

“The tennis community is fantastic to be part of. Hopefully we have more Tasmanian players in the future that can follow along.”

Coaching Excellence Domain Business Team (Nick Martin and Catherine Krueger)

Most Outstanding Tennis Senior 30+ Shaun Summers

Most Outstanding Event Geilston Bay Open

Most Outstanding Club Sorell Tennis Club

Volunteer Achievement Award Brendon Oliver-Ewen

Junior Athlete of the Year – Girl Arwen Koesmapahlawan

Junior Athlete of the Year – Boy George Anderson

Most Outstanding School Kingston Primary School

H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 31 Sport
Womensport and Recreation Tasmania’s Leez Robertson, scholarship recipients Rachel Hosie and Anna Smee and TIS high performance manager Ilene Carr Tennis Tasmania president Martin Turmine and Hall of Fame inductee Richard Fromberg



THE University of Tasmania has sent its largest ever group of student athletes to the 2023 UniSport Nationals on the Gold Coast, returning with victories in sailing and hockey.

UniSport Australia is the peak governing body of university sport in Australia, fostering the importance of sport as an integral part of university life at 43 member universities across the country - who collectively

represent more than one million students.

UniSport hosts some of the largest and most highly anticipated university sporting competitions on the Australian sporting calendar, including the annual UniSport Nationals.

UTAS sent its biggest ever team to the 2023 Nationals (23-29 September), with 101 representatives across 10 sporting categories including the university’s

debut entries in water polo, soccer, judo and ultimate frisbee.

The UTAS sailing team backed up its 2022 win in the Open Teams Racing competition, defeating the University of Melbourne in the finals series.

And the UTAS men’s hockey team improved on its fifth-place finish last year to claim the 2023 title, going undefeated through the pool games and preliminary

finals before defeating the University of Queensland 2 - 1 in a thrilling gold medal match.

“This is such an exciting time for sport at UTAS,” operations manager Anthony Jusup said.

“The annual national games provide a terrific opportunity for students to bond through sport and test themselves at a highly competitive level.

“We were really proud to

send such a large and highly motivated team of athletes this year.”

UniSport general manager Christine Voge commended all participants for the spirit they displayed across the seven days of competition.

“The 2023 UniSport national championships included more than 6000 athletes competing across 31 different sports,” Ms Voge said.

“Congratulations to

all competing teams, universities and officials on a wonderful week of competition.”

The University of Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney are currently tied at the top of the 2023 overall national champion tally with 12 pennants each, with the title winner to be determined by the UniSport T20 cricket championships in Adelaide next month.

32 H obart Observer OCTOBER 2023 OBSERVER
(L-R) UTAS athletes Jordan Walker, Lisa Svenby, Liam McLaren, Eilidh Stewart and Declan Taylor. Photo credit: Simon Andrews

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