Hobart Observer September 2022

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THE Myer City of Hobart PageantChristmaswillreturn to the city streets in November, after a two-year hiatus because of COVID regulations.Santawill be back in town for the 40th annual Myer City of Hobart Christmas Pageant on Saturday 19 November, starting at 10.30am.

FULL STORY ON PAGE 5 importsJackJumpersarriveSPORT +SCHOOL HOLIDAY FUN SPRINGFEATURE School Holiday Fun City’s pauseSantaover DUTTAMikeDeputyMayor&CouncillorHobartCityCouncilElections2022 If re elected, I will continue to: • Uphold Aboriginal rights, beliefs and culture • Value and protect our natural environment, heritage and oppose inappropriate developments • Support that UTAS consult with community, staff and students about its relocation to the city and await the outcome of the Hobart City elector poll and Legislative Council inquiry • Advocate for and support Council’s Affordable Housing and Homelessness Commitment • Ensure that minority voices in our multicul tural/diverse community are heard and validated • Support Council strategies to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change • Support arts and cultural festivals, develop and maintain visitor services and tourism infrastructure • Advocate to keep rates to a minimum and support small businesses and retailers • Promote Hobart as an ‘education city’ to attract overseas students and as the gateway to Antarctica Working together for a better Hobart HobartSouthSt,Macquarie356SherlockZelindaDrbyAuthorised Contact me via: 0448 305 790 MikeDutta48@gmail.com DuttaMike www.MikeDutta.com.au Mike DUTTA for Deputy Mayor and Councillor

The state’s biggest Christmas pageant, the event regularly attracts 15,000 spectators.

City of Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds said it signifies the start of the festive season across southern Tasmania.“TheCity of Hobart and Christmas just hasn’t felt the same in recent years without the pageant,” she said. “The return of the Christmas Pageant shows our city is moving on from what has been a challenging past three years.“We’re so happy that we are able to bring Santa Claus and the pageant back to central Hobart. It’s always so lovely to see the enthusiastic participants and the warm welcome they get from the crowd.”Formore information visit 2890.com.auemailhobartcity.com.au,events@hobartcity.orphone6238 Army here to help Win family passes to the Hobart Show



Up to 65 community groups will participate in the pageant, with great prizes on offer for the best floats.

Community Paramedics Ross Brodie and Daniel Haack with Extended Care Paramedic Karen Dare, Ambulance Tasmania acting CEO Jordan Emery and Integrated Care acting manager Charles Wendell-Smith. Photo credit: Mackenzie Archer new team of Community Paramedics has been deployed to attend non-emergency triple zero callouts, as Tasmania becomes the first Australian state to pilot a new model of care.

L-R PETstock Tasmania regional manager Travis Britton and RAST operations manager Mitch Spong with some canine friendsSee page 27 to win tickets.

Royal Hobart Show is ready to go

Salvos Sleepout breaks record

“For many who participated it really hit home the following day at just how challenging it can be to function in society after a rough night.”The Salvation Army has expanded the Street2Home program into the state’s north after seeing alarming rates of homelessness in the area.

2 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022

Salvation Army Tasmania public relations manager Amelia Natoli, State Leader Kim Haworth and Hotel Grand Chancellor general manager Ralph Freckleton prepare for the Salvos Sleep Out Mackenzie Archer THE Salvos Sleepout event has raised a record $116,000, as homelessness rates in Tasmania hit an all-time high.Last month 80 people from across the state spent the night sleeping on the streets to help raise vital funds for the Salvation Army’s community exponentially.TasmaniasleepingtheKimTasmaniaStreet2Homeoutreachprogram.SalvationArmyStateLeaderHaworthsaidamountofpeopleroughinisincreasing“Wehavethreesafe spaces across the state that provide a 24-hour homelessness service that are at breaking point,” she said. “They are constantly at capacity, and we are having to turn people away.”Forthe first time this year’s Salvos Sleepout was spread across four different venues, three in the south and one in the north.“Most participants took part in a tour or some form of activity which educated them on what was happening in their local community,” Salvation Army Tasmania public relations manager Amelia Natoli said.“We focused on actually talking about what people experiencing,arewhat the Salvos programs do and what more can be done both at an communityindividualleveland a government level.

Anna Reynolds, City of Hobart Mayor HELLO everyone. Our community has a tradition of lively discussion on important issues. But the recent debate about UTAS has become polarised. In March, Council resolved that UTAS should restart its community consultation process. We asked that they remain open to the modification of plans and consideration of compromise options. I acknowledge the numerous departments and students who are already based in the city and I understand the desire of UTAS management to create one single campus, rather than being split between the city and Sandy Bay. But I’m concerned that this singular focus on consolidating at all costs may be limiting our thinking about the future of UTAS and the tertiary sector more broadly. I’m really keen to see a compromise that includes:•agrowth of education, science and innovation in •Hobart;away forward that respects newuniversitieswhichCanberraresearchmultiplecitiesnextsignificantlyandgrowI’deconomy.forattractivescienceAustralia’saeconomy•campus;atresearchsomeaspirationscommunityandallowseducationandtoremaintheSandyBayHobart’sfuturetiedtoreputationascityofandasanlocationtheknowledgeliketoseeHobartitstertiaryresearchsectorinthe20years.Manysettheirsightsonuniversitiesandinstitutions,likeandAdelaidebothhavefiveintheircities.There’sroomforandimproved educational and research facilities in both the CBD and in Sandy Bay. Could a significant part of the Sandy Bay site be reimagined as a specialist campus for Science (including blooms!theandknowledge,byplanningbrightOurspecificappropriate,aroundandpolarisedbeyondseedevelopment.andfocusedcommercialscientificcollaborativeintoBay,futurevisionanopportunityandTechnology,agriculture),EngineeringMaths(STEM)?Thereisagreattoputeducation-focusedattheheartofplansforSandybreathingnewlifethecampusasahubforinnovationandenterprisesonresearchnewproductIwouldlovetoifwecanmovethecurrentdebateworktogetheraninnovative,Hobart-compromise.citywillhaveafutureifourisinspiredanambitionforexcellenceeducation.Hopeyou’reenjoyingspringsunshineandAnna

Compromise key for solving city’s campus equation The Hobart Observer is your community monthly newspaper reaching 24,888 homes and businesses, distributed on the second Tuesday of each month Owned and published by Corporate Communications (Tas) Pty Ltd, Trading as Cor Comms Printed by the Mercury newspaper D E A D LIN E S F O R PrEditess Ready Material: JUST A LITTLE Reminder A: Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000 PA: GPO Box 1600, Hobart TAS 7001 W www.hobartobserver com.au A D VE R T I S IN G : Justine Brazil 6210 5201 E D I TO RIA L : Kane Young and Mackenzie Archer 6210 5212 editorial@hobartobserver com.au advertising@hobartobserver com.au OCTOBER 2022 THURSDAY 22 SEPTEMBER MONDAY 3 OCTOBER Responsibility for all election comment in this edition is taken by Nicolas Turner, Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000. Political advertisements published in this newspaper are done so on a commercial basis. • HEALTH & LIFESTYLE Page 23 • PET TALK Page 24-25 • SCHOOL HOLIDAY FUN FEATURE Page 26-27 • TRADES, SERVICES & CLASSIFIEDS Page 28 • HOBART FM 96.1 RADIO GUIDE Page 28 • FINANCE Page 29 • SPORT Page 30-32 REGULAR MONTHLY FEATURES Community News ROBERTS PARTNERS&LAWYERS • Wills • Estates • Conveyancing • admin@rplawyers.com.au1LitigationStantonPlace,Cambridge(03)62484144HOBART&SYDNEYOFFICES NEXT MONTH: PRIME TIMES SPRING feature

THE Royal Hobart Show is coming to city next month, for three days of family fun. This year’s Show will run from 20-22 October, with most of the activities taking place at the Hobart Regatta Grounds and Hobart City Hall while the Hobart Showgrounds undergo a programredevelopment.majorAcrossthethree-daypatronswill enjoy all the traditional Show favourites like woodchopping and the animal nursery, along with an extensive entertainment program at the Regatta Grounds including a dinosaur petting zoo, a new Pets Parade, and waterpowered fun from Gold Coast-based onEntertainment.Jetpack“YoucanalwayscounttheRoyalHobartShow to bring new and exciting Australian acts to our show going community,” Royal Agricultural Society of Tasmania CEO Scott Gadd announcedRASTsaid.recentlyleading pet retailer PETstock as the Show’s naming rights sponsor, and regional manager for Tasmania Travis Britton said he is thrilled to be part of the popular“Supportingevent. an event that celebrates all things Australian and the local community is incredibly important to us,” he said. Early-bird tickets and more information can be found at hobartshowground.com.auwww.

“The money raised at this year’s Salvos Sleepout with allow us to keep a Street2Home worker in both the north and south of the state,” Captain Haworth said. “The workers are on our streets and in our parks trying to connect and journey with people sleeping rough to integrate them back into housing and back into society.“The something.”forandSleepoutorpeoplewithoutprogramStreet2Homewouldn’trunthesupportofthattakepartdonatetotheSalvoseachyearwearesogratefuleveryonethatgave

Stroke education needed FAST

THE intricate work of Miniature Enthusiasts of Tasmania members will be on display at the Claremont Memorial Hall next month, with the public invited to explore the 2022 Doll’s House and Miniature Show. The not-for-profit group meets regularly in the Lenah Valley, on the Eastern Shore and in Launceston, learning and sharing the skills of making miniature scenes and doll’s houses in various scales - 1:12 (regular dolls house size), 1:24, 1:48 and 1:144. The crafy members occasionally make projects from kits but often build things from scratch, using scraps of timber, upcycledcontainerscardboard,material,usedandotherobjects.Thepubliccanexpect to see a range of exquisite buildings and scenes made by group members, with many of the pieces including tiny hand-made furniture.Anumber of traders will also be in attendance, selling supplies and readymade objects in a range of Thescales.Doll’s House and Miniature Show will be held at the Claremont Memorial Hall on the weekend of 15 and 16 October. Entry is $5 for adults and free for accompanied children under 16. Miniature shops made by Lorraine Davidson It’s a small world for miniature enthusiasts

fulljusttreatment,quickareassaid.survive,”thanstrokeTasmaniansthatworkTasmaniatoongoingGovernmentTasmanianforitscommitmentreducingstrokeinbutsaidmorecanbedone.“Ourresearchtellsusanestimated665willsufferaeachyearandmore10percentwillnotMsMcGowan“Thatistrulyatragedy,80percentofstrokespreventableand,withaccesstoemergencymanysurvivorslikeNiccanmakearecovery.”MsMcGowansaid in Australia 40 per cent of people are unable to name one sign of stroke. “Being able to recognise the three signs of stroke – Facial droop, inability to lift both Arms, and slurred Speech - quickly is often the difference between a full recovery or permanent disability or death,” she said.“F.A.S.T messaging is critical to reducing harm by stroke and I want to thank the Tasmanian Government for committing an extra three years of funding into creating further community awareness.”

A GEILSTON Bay man has used his stroke story to influence

Miniature Enthusiasts of Tasmania secretary Julie Kapeller and president Lorraine Davidson with some of their works

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 3 Community News

Stroke survivor Nic Stephen with Stroke Foundation CEO Sharon McGowan outside Parliament House


Nic said. “I started to feel strange and couldn’t work out what was wrong, so I took myself off to bed. It wasn’t until I woke up the next morning that I realised I couldn’t walk or see out of my left eye.” After undergoing a series of scans, it was revealed Nic experienced a stroke.Heisone of 11,000 Tasmanian stroke survivors living in the community and he wants to ensure more Tasmanians survive after CEOStrokestroke.FoundationSharonMcGowan thanked the


COMMUNITY planting initiative the Understorey Network is connecting local green thumbs to address a native plant shortage.Afterbeing on hold for five years, the Understorey Network will re-launch its popular growers scheme after receiving a Community Action Grant from the Tasmanian Community Fund (TCF). The scheme will connect like-minded people across regional and urban communities through learning and sharing the satisfaction of growing native plants in their NetworkThebackyards.Understoreynowruns a community-based nursery at Tolosa Reserve in Glenorchy. Entirely run by volunteers, the nursery has the capacity to produce about 15,000 native tubestock each season. Understorey Network volunteer Anne Griffiths said the growers scheme is ideally suited to keen gardeners who want to actively support the environment from the comfort of their own home.“The thegrowersanimals,”forputtingandinplants,Tasmania’sNetworkUnderstoreyaimstopromotesmallernativesooftenoverlookedrevegetationplantingwhichareintegraltobackgoodhabitatbirds,insectsandothershesaid.“Itisourhopethattheschemeeducatesgeneralpublicon

Understorey Network volunteers Amanda Cole, Sandra Sorgi, Julie Ayre and Anne Griffiths at the Tolosa Park native nursery

The $35,000 grant from the TCF will allow the Understorey Network to appoint a new Project Manager who will support the volunteers who join the growers scheme.“Byappointing a new Project Manager, we will be able increase the number of plants sold at the nursery and provide an extra income stream, ensuring its longterm financial viability,” Understorey Network volunteer Amanda Cole said.TCF Chair Sally Darke said the NetworkUnderstoreyisjustoneof 23 projects supported by this year’s Community Action

Grants.“Weknow the Fund is a significant source of support for grassroots activities in the state and in this round we were impressed with the passion, innovation and hard work of the many volunteers and leaders driving these projects,” Ms Darke said. “We are particularly pleased with the Understory Network’s model that uses the sales of plants to sustainably fund theirhavehowlookstrivesiswellbeing“Improvingthemselves.theofTasmanianssomethingtheTCFtoachieve,andweforwardtoseeingtheseprojectswillapositiveeffectoncommunities.”

New network connecting green thumbs Youth Volunteer Army here to help

Student Volunteer Army New Zealand to trial a youth-based volunteering program aimed at addressing the state’s declining volunteer rates. Available for public school students and young people registered with jobs hubs, the program is designed to help students add essential skills to their CV and get jobs, build networks and confidence, and increase civic participation.“Ouryouth are incredible volunteers and contributors to our community, and this deserves to be recognised,” Volunteering Tasmania CEO Dr Lisa Schimanski said. “Through the Youth Volunteer Army, we will support a new generation of volunteers through school-based, communityled volunteering initiatives and recognition of youth volunteering efforts.”

Year 11 students Owen Fitzgerald, Cooper Daniels and Henry Garrett at the launch, with Volunteering Tasmania CEO Lisa Schimanski and Community Services Minister Nic Street

4 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 Community News ADVERTISEMENT Supporting people with a disability • Individual and group support • Life skills development • Recreation and Leisure • Supported holidays • School holiday and after school programs • Respite - evening and overnight weekend • Coordination of supports – improving life choices For further information Phone 03 6243 6044 Email enquiries@parkside.org.au www.parksidefoundation.org.au The Parkside Foundation LOCAL AND TASMANIAN Large enough to support you, small enough to care.

YOUNG Tasmanians are being invited to sign up for the Youth Volunteer Army, a new program designed to celebrate and recognise their efforts and create a culture of volunteering in the next generation.Thanksto $300,000 funding over three years from the Tasmanian hasVolunteeringGovernment,Tasmaniapartneredwith

The Youth Volunteer Army was officially launched during National Student Volunteer Week (8-15 August) at Rosny College, which was one of the first schools to sign up to the hasYouth“Participationprogram.intheVolunteerArmygivenourstudents a greater sense of purpose and value in saidMinisterandfunprocessemployment.tothatthroughdevelopingSandersonengagement,”communityteacherMelsaid.“StudentsarevaluableskillsvolunteeringcanbetransferredtheworkplaceandThewholehasbeeneasy,andengaging.”CommunityServicesDevelopmentNicStreetvolunteerwork experience can help young people get their first job, and people who volunteer when they are young are more likely to volunteer later in life. “Volunteers are an essential part of our community,” he said. “Around 69 per cent of Tasmanians are volunteers, and the contribution to the state is around $4 billion. “We know that young people aged 15-17 are the most likely of any age group to volunteer. “The Youth Army is a fun way for young people to record volunteer hours and enables young people’s volunteeringtas.org.auArmytherecognised.”contributionsvolunteeringtobeTofindoutmoreaboutYouthVolunteergotowww.

how they can support our unique ecology cycle.”

Kittens need foster carers

Community Paramedics answer the call

Ten Lives Cat Centre foster carer Vicki Burnett with her current crop of foster kittens. Photo credit: Mackenzie Archer

Part of the national Australia Day Awards program, the Hobart Community Awards recognise and honour individuals and groups who have made an outstanding contribution to the Hobart community during the past 12 months.Categories include Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Community Initiative or Event of the Year.

THE kittenupcomingseasonis fast approaching, and the Ten Lives Cat Centre is seeking more than 100 new foster carers to meet growing demands. With free training, 24hour support and free cat food, litter and vet care, fostering a kitten from Ten Lives has never been easier.Long-time foster carer Vikki Burnett has reared 656 kittens in the past six and a half years, and says being a foster carer has given her life new meaning after she was forced to stop work.

“Saying goodbye to a foster kitten is never easy, but when you receive a call from the shelter saying they have gone to a new loving home there is no better feeling in the world.”Vikki specialises in the care of neo-natal kittens and is currently caring for a litter of six. Ten Lives Manager Noel Hunt said there is an option for everyone looking to foster this coming kitten season. “At present, we are down to only 120 foster carers,” Mr Hunt said. “This happens annually because many of our foster carers end up adopting the kittens as they become older.” Mr Hunt said without new foster carers, Ten Lives will not be able to deal with incoming new intake.“There are many foster opportunities available, including basic care requirements, such as ensuring a kitten puts on weight before surgery or cats that just need time out of the shelter,” he said.“Kittens and cats are much healthier and happier in a afindoutpositionanyoneenvironment,homesoIurgewhoisinthetofostertoreachtoTenLives.”Visittenlives.com.autoouthowtobecomefostercarer.

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 5 Community News Drop by Andrew’s mobile office on the date and location below*: Tuesday 20 Septembe r 2.00pm-3.30pm Chigwell Shops Tuesday 27 September 9.00am-10.30am Moonah Main Road Advertisement www.andrewwilkie.org Andrew Wilkie YOUR INDEPENDENT IN CANBERRA Authorised by Andrew Wilkie MP 188 Collins Street Hobart 7000 *Weather/COVID permitting Andrew Wilkie MP Independent Member for Clark Want to get in touch with Andrew? w Drop in to the office at 188 Collins Street Hobart or post a letter to GPO Box 32 Hobart 7001 w Phone 6234 5255 or 6234 5861 w Email andrew.wilkie.mp@aph.gov.au w Ask for a meeting NINE ofandpatientsnewtripletodeployedParamedicsCommunityhavebeenacrossTasmaniaattendnon-emergencyzerocallouts,inaplantotreatmoreinthecommunitykeepTasmaniansouthospital. Following successful trials in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, Tasmania will become the first Australian state to pilot the new model of care. Ambulance Tasmania acting CEO Jordan Emery said a significant number of triple zero calls that Ambulance Tasmania receives are for non-lifethreatening andatminorpatientsParamedics“Communityemergencies.willtreatwhopresentwithillnessorinjurytheircall-outlocationfreeupambulances to deal with more urgent calls,” he said. “This new model of care will help to ease the pressure on waitingownthefordepartmentsemergencybycaringsomepatientsincomfortoftheirhomesratherthanforhoursinour emergency departments.” All nine paramedics have undertaken five weeks of intensive training both face-toface and online, and completed a specialised clinical placement in the fast-track section of a hospital emergency department.Specialised training included experienceparamedicsskills,anddecision-makingassessment,patientclinicalspecificclinicalequippingthewiththeandskills to care for people in the community.Theteam of paramedics will be rostered on to provide 16 hours of coverage a day in Launceston, Hobart and Ulverstone, with Burnie to be added following the completion of the new station.

Nominate now for AwardsCommunityin2023 FROM FRONT PAGE

IT’S time to again shine a light on inspirational citizens, with nominations for the 2023 City of Hobart Community Awards now open.

“These awards are the chance to honour those citizens who think of community first, whose actions and deeds have made Hobart a better place to work and live,” Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds said. “It is an opportunity to think of those who have had a positive impact on your life and to reward them for their selfless pursuits, and I encourage you to nominate them so they have the chance to receive the recognition they deserve.” To submit a nomination, AwardsHobartCommunityhobartcity.com.au/visitby3October.

“After taking early retirement due to personal reasons, I found myself looking for something to occupy my time,” she said. “It wasn’t until my son came home one afternoon with a sick kitten that I found my new“Everycalling.kitten offers unconditional love if you treat them with care.

hearing all the stories from return dads who said what an important time it is in their lives, how vulnerable they feel and how important it is to be prepared,” Maya said.“I feel really passionate about this time for the men and support partners and encourage anyone who is going to be a birth support to come along to a one-off session.”Tofind out more about Beer + Bubs and to book into a session beerandbubs.com.auvisit

“We know the temporary Saturday ferry last summer proved popular, and people are keen to continue to use such a service to reach attractions such as markets, cafes and attractions on both sides of the Derwent,” he said Further detail regarding the timetable for the Saturday service will be released soon, with the service operating by summer. Fares will be equivalent to the Metro single zone bus rate. The Derwent River ferry service is an initiative under the Hobart Transport Vision being delivered through the $1.6 billion Hobart City Deal.

A NEW signalised pedestrian crossing on the Channel Highway will make it easier and safer for Taroona students using the bus stops opposite the schools. The recently completed crossing is the final stage of a $1.5 million upgrade designed to improve safety for students using public bus services. The completion of the crossing follows an upgrade of the city-bound bus stop on the Channel Highway at the start of this Improvementsyear.included a larger, safer waiting area, two new bus shelters for increased comfort, and a design that better caters to passengers with limited mobility.

THE popular Derwent Ferries service between Hobart and Bellerive is set to run on Saturdays this summer, adding to the commuter-friendly weekday timetable.Transport Minister Michael Ferguson said more than 110,000 passengers used the ferry service in its first year of operation.

Five more Tastes on menu Crossing keeps kids safe Ferries to sail Saturdays

COMMEMORATIVE services and wreath-laying ceremonies were held across Tasmania last month to mark Vietnam Veterans Day, an annual day of remembrance for those who served during the Vietnam War. The Greater Hobart SubBranch of the Vietnam Veterans Association Australia held its event at the Hobart Cenotaph on 18 August, attended by Her Excellency the Governor and hosted by Independent Member for Clark Andrew Wilkie. The focus of this year’s commemoration was to honour our Aboriginal soldiers who served in Vietnam.“Aquick look through our history books show Aboriginal soldiers have served Australia during First and Second World Wars among other conflicts, and until recently, were given scant recognition for their service,” Vietnam Veterans Association Australia Greater Hobart Branch president Rob Woolley said. “One of our Tasmanian Aboriginal soldiers has said that Vietnam had left him with many bad memories, both serving in the jungle and walking the streets of Sydney when he returned. “He felt used while he was in Vietnam and abused when he arrived home - a sentiment many other soldiers would identify with too.”Vietnam Veterans Day was originally known as Long Tan Day which commemorates the day in 1966 when the battle of Long Tan was fought by the men of D Company, 6th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment (6RAR).

“It is wonderful to see so many contributions being recognised, this year we have had a record number of nominations from every corner of the state, from King Island to Huonville and Scottsdale to Swansea,” she said. “By recognising the depth and breadth of people and organisations that support dying Tasmanians, we give visibility to what can sometimes be an invisible workforce and volunteer network.“Weare thrilled we can take this time, once a year, to thank just a small handful of these wonderful people.”

Moreton group Coordinator of Medical Services Kristina Mullins and Moreton Group Out-Reach Program Assistant Daniel Chisholm

The improved facilities support the expanded bus services on this route which started earlier this year, including an additional public bus service from Taroona in the afternoon and changes to the morning Hobart CBD to Taroona timetable.Services to Taroona High School also use higher capacity buses, including articulated buses and the new XDI fleet.

“Especially with COVID, it is a space for the partner to become excited about this new chapter.“With expectingbirthalongsession,themuchoftenpracticalsoappointmentsbeenpartnersmeasuresCOVID-safeinplacehavenotabletoattendorclasses,beingabletohaveahands-onsessionhelpspeopletofeelmoreengagedinpregnancyandbirth.”AteachBeer+Bubsanewdadcomestosharehisuniqueexperiencewiththeparents.“Ithasbeengreat

Vietnam Veterans Day was first commemorated in 1969 with the raising of a cross at the battlefield by the men of 6RAR, this has been adopted to cover all veterans who served in the Vietnam War –the longest conflict in Australia’s history.

“The program helps men and partners gain the practical knowledge they need to be involved in the births of their children in a positive way and to get the parenthood adventure started with a memorable and empowering experience,” MayaDesignedsaid. by a social worker and doula in Western Australia, Beer + Bubs has been created specifically for the partners of child bearers.

6 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 Community News

Dads delivering, at the pub

Mackenzie Archer EDUCATION sessions at a Hobart pub are helping prepare expecting dads and their partners for childbirth.Oncea month, registered midwife Maya Wilkinson runs a ‘Beer + Bubs’ session at the Crescent Hotel, where newly expecting parents share a meal and learn how to best support each other during labour.

Expectant dads Adrian Koolhof and Marco Gjocaj with Beers + Bubs presenter Maya Wilkinson (centre) at the Crescent Hotel

THE future of the Taste of Summer festival on Hobart’s waterfront has been secured, with a new five-year deal to ensure the popular food and drink festival will remain on the menu.The Tasmanian Government has committed $7.7 million to support the delivery of the event through to 2026.“This agreement will ensure the event can continue to support our economy and local businesses over the summer period for the long term,” Hospitality and Events Minister Nic Street said. “Drawing visitors from right across the country, the Taste provides local producers and suppliers a platform to showcase their world-class products, in an iconic setting that has cemented itself as one of Australia’s premier food and drink festivals. Importantly, the event also provides significant flow-on benefits to Tasmanian small businesses right around the state.” Potential stallholders are asked to keep an eye on the Taste of Summer website for registration details.

LEADING Nurse Practitioner Kristina Mullins was among 18 finalists awarded at this year’s Tasmanian Palliative Care Awards. Last month the sixth annual Palliative Care Awards acknowledged many selfless individuals and assistingorganisationspeoplewith a life-limiting illness to live, die and grieve well. Kristina, Coordinatortheof Medical Services at Moreton Group, is facinghealthcareprovidingtoTasmanianshardshipand

Palliative carers celebrated

navigateotherwiseforinterventionspatients,vocalforaccesswhotiredforemergencyKristinapreventativeandcarehomelessness.“Iprovideurgent-typeforminorinjuryillness,aswellascare,”said.“Ihadworkedinthedepartment17yearsandIgotofseeingpeoplecouldn’taffordtohealthcare.”Kristinaisknownbeingastrongandadvocateforheroftenprovidingandsupportthosethatwouldbelefttoendoflifeissues alone.Run by Palliative Care Tasmania (PCT), the state’s peak body for palliative care, the 2022 Tasmanian Palliative Care Awards were held at Government House on 9 August.PCT Tasmania CEO Colleen Johnstone said the evening was a great time to recognise the depth of compassion and excellence in Palliative Care across the state.

“It’s a chance for the birth supporter to relax a bit more and ask any questions they feel they may feel embarrassed about,” Maya said.

Heroes remembered on Vietnam Veterans Day

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 7


Community A homelessnessHOBART shelter has helped the public better understand the issues facing the city’s most vulnerable residents, hosting an open day last month as part of Homelessness Week 2022.Hobart City Mission’s Safe Night Space crisis accommodation, which provides shelter and support every night for up to 40 people who would otherwise be forced to sleep rough, threw open its doors to the public on 6 August. Based in the former congregational church at 47 Davey St, the space has provided more than 16,000 individual bed nights to nearly 600 Tasmanians since opening.Therecent open day gave community members the chance to experience Safe Night Space firsthand, expand their knowledge of the homelessness crisis, and connect one-on-one with frontline workers supporting Hobart’s most vulnerable residents. “I think it’s important for our community to understand what needs to be provided for those in our community sleeping rough,” Safe Night Space program co-ordinator Hanna Richardson“Comfortsaid.and safety are the bare minimum of what is required, and we want our community to have a understandingbetterof what it is like to experience - and try to overcomehomelessness.”WhileSafeNight Space is mostly recognised as a shelter and place to escape the streets, the program also offers a range of other services including providing hot meals and shower facilities and helping guests access other support. Program leader Hanna Richardson, Support worker Jasmin Osmond and Team leader Claire Wearne

LINGLING & MARCUS BAI Lord Mayor & Councillor KAREN & OWEN DAVIES Deputy Lord Mayor & Councillor LILI & RON CHRISTIE Deputy Lord Mayor & Councillor I’m voting for... Please vote minimum 1 to 5 for our Hobart Community TeamWritten and authorised M. Bai 147 Macquarie St., Hobart Free Sunday Parking in CBD No Skyscrapers in my Heritage City No Mega Cruise Ships Free Parking for Seniors HCM Safe Night Space opens its doors to public

“If we don’t expose women to opportunitiesthesethat were once thesenothingmale-dominated,willchange.“Weneedwomeninindustriessothey can mentor the next generation of young transmissionTasNetworksgirls.”delivery leader Elizabeth Walker said gender diversity can be limited in STEM industries, particularly in constructions roles.“Iwork in the Fields Operation Department and I am one of few women,” she said. “I hope the festival was an opportunity for young girls to explore what is out there and find the pathways into typically careerify.tas.gov.auindustries.”male-dominatedForfurtherresourcesvisit

St James Catholic College students Chelsea and Ella with TasNetworks apprentice Michael Flood at the FearlessFestival expo. Photo credit: Mackenzie Archer Renewals Program Project Manager (Trainee) Joseph Randall TasWater STP works continue L-R TasWater Operations Centre Manager Paul Sweet, Tasmanian Operators of the Year Jamie T Brown and Shannon Spencer, and Leader Water Systems Performance Stephen Westgate Top operators recognised

THE sixth annual Fearless Festival has helped break down employment gender stereotypes, encouraging women to make their mark in traditionally maledominated fields. The Fearless Festival promotes the diversity of employment and career choices in Tasmania, and provides opportunities for young (and not-so-young) women to meet, hear and mingle with successful women from a wide range of Femalejobs. professionals from 600insightsindustriesmale-dominatedsharedtheirwithmorethangirlswhoattended the exhibition over two days. The event showcased more than 40 stalls at Wrest Point and also featured a range of masterclasses across the city.Women’s mentor and celebrity chef Kirsten Bacon said the Fearless Festival was a great opportunity for young women to explore Tasmania’s primary industries.“Among the 40 stall holders were Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service, TasWater, Tasmanian Fire Service, Work & Training, TasNetworks and so many more,” she said.

The trip will feature a study tour of various water and wastewater treatment plants, plus the opportunity to participate in the Water Industry Operations Group of New Zealand Conference.Meanwhile, water from the Fern Tree water treatment plant has won the Tasmanian 2022 Ixom Best Tasting Tap Water competition and will now represent the state at the national competition in New South Wales next month.

TASWATER’S work at the Macquarie Point Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is continuing, with two of three trickling filters being upgraded and returned to service.

8 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 Community News

confinedcraneneededhigh-risktheseengagedcontractoractivitiesfilterssaid.(Trainee)ProgramRenewalsProjectManagerJosephRandall“Accessingthetricklinginvolveshigh-riskandaspecialisthasbeentoundertakeworks.“Wehavefouractivitiesthattobemanaged:liftingoperations,space, isolations and working at heights.“Anoperating trickling filter reduces odour at the plant and allows the treatment process to flow correctly before it gets chlorinated and discharged.“OurMacquarie Point plant now has two working trickling filters. In the months ahead we intend to have the third up and running again as well.”

“This festival was a chance to open young women’s eyes to their very own potential.

Next crop of Fearless females

Trickling filters are a sewage treatment system that rotate under pressure, spraying sewage over filter media to allow biological matter to grow. This then removes organic matter before it gets chlorinated and discharged.TheMacquarie Point STP trickling filters had stopped functioning because of problems with the central bearing. Other methods were used to maintain the moisture within the filter while the bearing was temporarily out of operation.“Butatthe end of the day, the bearings required replacement to improve the resilience of the plant for the future,”

TWO TasWater team members have been recognised in the annual Water Industry Operators Association of Australia (WIOA) Excellence in Operations Awards. TasWater Senior Operator at Rocherlea Shannon Spencer won the award Tasmanian Operator of the Year 2022; while Derwent Valley Water Service Operator Jamie T Brown was named Young Tasmanian Operator of theShannonYear. Spencer has been with TasWater for 23 years, while Jamie T Brown has been on the team for two-and-a-half years.Both were nominated by a TasWater peer or manager for their commitment to personal development and training, working effectively as part of a team and other engravedresponsibilities.regulatoryAlongwithantrophy, the two winners will also join the WIOA Operator Delegation on its annual trip to New Zealand.

New lights turned on

Two new traffic lights have been installed at the intersection of Molle and Collins streets to make entry into the Hobart Rivulet Track safer for pedestrians, cyclists, motorists andThefamilies.intersection is home to the most popular route for people walking and cycling to work from South Hobart and is a natural gateway for those wishing to walk or run along the rivulet from the CBD during their lunch breaks.

“Riding the lights on the first day they operated was very exciting after years of campaigning to make the popular intersection safer.

Bicycle Network Tasmania public affairs manager Alison Hetherington was one of the first riders to test out the new “Anyonecrossing.whotried to walk or ride across Molle Street during peak hour knows how difficult it was to navigate the constant stream of traffic,” she said.

“It is now a much safer and fairer intersection where everyone gets a go rather than the intersection being dominated by traffic.”

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 9 Community News VOTE NO As part of the Hobart Council postal ballot pack, you will be asked if you support UTAS moving to the Hobart CBD. Find out more www.saveutascampus.com VOTE NO Vote NO so UTAS can focus on education and research instead of property development. Vote NO to retain the stunning, spacious Sandy Bay campus for current students and future generations. Vote NO to keep the CBD for shoppers, workers and businesses. Vote NO to stop UTAS choking the already congested CBD with an extra 10,000 staff and students. vote no to save UTAS AND OUR CBD Authorised by AM Bird, Mt Nelson ADVERTISEMENT www.benlohberger.com.au e: benforhobartcitycouncil@gmail.com Ben Lohberger I n d ep e nd e nt for Ho ba r t Say NO to UTAS Protect our drinking water Strong action on housing eScooters off our footpaths No more perks for Councillors Authorised by Ben Lohberger, 7/19-21 Castray Esp, Battery Point 7004 ADVERTISEMENT

Cyclist Penelope Clark from South Hobart Sustainable Community gives son Harlow a ride through the intersection, followed by Alison Hetherington from Bicycle Network Tasmania

THE new Molle Street traffic lights were switched on for the first time recently, after commuters called for safer crossing conditions.

4. Other in kind and publicity support as determined by the implicationsTheCEO.financialof the motion will see a request for up to $15,000 funded through the Urban Sustainability Grant program 2022 or, if unable to be actioned through an Urban Sustainability Grant, a request of up to a maximum of $10,000 from the City’s waste and recycling –circular economy budget function.Themotion was unanimously approved by Council.

THE funds raised from this year’s 24-hour Matched Giving Day Appeal will ensure The Ronald McDonald House Charity (RMHC) can continue to support Tasmanians with seriously ill children.

Council Acting as Planning Authority

Current Hobart Ronald McDonald House resident KerryLeigh Schuerleer said her situation would have been very dire without the emergency accommodation.long-termAfterexperiencing pregnancy andtwoawayRHH,”NPICUweekshaswhen27.5birthwhereHobartLauncestontransportedKerry-LeighcomplicationswasfromtotheRoyalHospital(RHH),shelatergavetohersonatonlyweeks.“Hewasveryyounghewasbornandspentthefirstnineofhislifeinthewardattheshesaid.Kerry-Leighhasbeenfromhomeforandahalfmonthsstillhasalongroad ahead.“The HobartMcDonaldfinancially.”awellsomethingsorenttogether,”husbandouropportunityhasMcDonaldRonaldHouseaffordedusthetobenearsonandformyandItobeshesaid.“WearestillpayingbackinLauncestonifwehadtofindinHobartasitwouldhaveputmassivestrainonusTheRonaldHouseislocatedright

The proposal for partial demolition, alternations, partial change and use to car park and associated works at 325 Elizabeth Street, Elizabeth321-323AStreetand 16A Lefroy Street, North Hobart, was approved by Council.Theupgrade is proposed to result in an increase of 35 car parks, six bike parks, the introduction of a charging station, and improved lighting and pedestrian access. The proposal for partial demolition and alternations at 98 and 100 Augusta Road, Lenah Valley, was approved by Council. The proposal for partial demolition, alterations and swimming pool at 369 Huon Road, South Hobart, was approved by Council.Theproposal for a change of use to visitor accommodation at 7/337 Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay, was approved by Council.Theproposal for a change of use to visitor accommodation at 4 Rupara Avenue, West Hobart, was approved by Council with an amendment. Conversion Practices motion The motion was deferred by Council due to the absence of Councillor Fox. Conflicts of Interest Advisory Panel motion Councillor Will Coats tabled a motion, “that Council officers prepare a report into the formation of AdvisoryConflict-of-Interestafunction. The intent is for Council to have an expert(s)independentappointedto an advisory role and then be available to provide independent feedback and advice on conflicts of interest.”Themotion was approved by Council.

10 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 Community News

Alderman Jeff Briscoe tabled a motion, “that Hobart City Council support the Interrupt Project (incorporating a raft constructed totally of collected plastic waste that will voyage from Hobart to Sydney this year) by: 1. Providing access to relevant plastic recycling material from our waste centre to obtain plastics as required free of charge to complete the vessel. 2. Providing safety equipment to the project such as life jackets, website.thelink3.discretiondeterminedandvoyage,equipmentrelevanttrackingelectronicdevicesorothersafetyfortheasrequired,tothevalueundertheoftheCEO.Enableareal-timetothevoyageonCityofHobart

beside the RHH, and offers 11 rooms that cater to families, couples and“Volunteerssingles. come in daily and cook meals for the families living here and the staff are just so attentive and understanding,” KerryLeigh“Theysaid.know how to deal with delicate situations, they know this isn’t an easy journey and they walk it with you.”All donations made during the 24-hour Matched Giving Day Appeal are doubled by generous corporate supporters of the charity.RMHC Vic & Tas CEO Peter Bishop said he couldn’t thank the Tasmanian community enough for supporting the“Familiescampaign.tell us that they can’t imagine what they would have done without Ronald McDonald House,” he said. “We’ve supportingbeenfamilies from across Australia for 35 years and the funds raised last month will ensure that this vital, family centred care will continue long into the future.”

End of Term Report A high-level summary of achievements by the current council was presented.TheEnd of Term report provides a snapshot of key achievements and projects over this term of council, 2018-2022. This report will be presented every four years.

News from the Hobart City Council meeting, 29 August Matched Giving Day twice as nice BILL HARVEY FOR LORD MAYOR & COUNCILLOR VOTE 1 Authorised by Deb Rees, Tasmanian Greens, 298 Argyle Street, North Hobart TAS 7000. ADVERTISEMENT HELEN BURNET FOR DEPUTY LORD MAYOR & VOTECOUNCILLOR1 Authorised by Deb Rees, Tasmanian Greens, 298 Argyle Street, North Hobart TAS 7000. ADVERTISEMENT Ronald McDonald House Hobart co-ordinator Megan Nixon with Kerry-Leigh Schuerleer

Hobart to Sydney Interrupt Project motion

ACCLAIMED Italian/ Slovenian pianist Alexander Gadjiev will perform a one-off show in Hobart next month as part of his debut national concert tour - and the ‘Hobart Observer’ has tickets to give away to readers.26-year-old Gadjiev stole the show at the prestigious 45-yearcompetitorfinalistsprizeswinningCompetitionInternationalSydneyPianolastyear,halfofalltheavailabletothe–afirstforanyintheevent’shistory.

Sam Hooper performing at the Sydney Eisteddfod’s NSW Doctors Instrumental Scholarship Final, where he received the Most Promising Young String Player Award

Hooper gets

Award-winning Italian/Slovenian pianist Alexander Gadjiev is heading to Hobart Win tickets to concert

Born into a musical family in Gorizia, Italy, Gadjiev made his concert debut at the age of nine and gave his first solo recital a year later. He studied at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg and the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin, and won first prize at the acrossGadjievvirtuosicaCompetitionInternationalHamamatsuPianoin2015.AudiencescanexpectstunningdisplayofskillswhenperformsAustralia,playing pieces by Chopin and Schumann and premiering a new work by Australian composer Colin“ExploringSpiers. the vastness of Australia this year, sharing my music in front of live audiences across the country, meeting the locals and mentoring young talent at master-classes and local schools will be a dream come true for me,” Gadjiev said. Alexander Gadjiev performs at Hobart Town Hall Wednesdayon5 October. Tickets are available from theatreroyal.com. auThe ‘Hobart Observer’ has two double-passes to give away, valued at $110 each. To be in the running, send an email to phone.willSeptember,thenumberyourasGadjievaubrazil@corcomms.com.justine.with“Alexandercompetition”thesubject,andnameandphoneinthebodyofemail.Entriescloseon22andwinnersbenotifiedby

ASPIRING Hobart violinist Sam Hooper has won an historic award at this year’s Sydney Eisteddfod.Atonly12 years old, Sam became the first recipient of the Eisteddfod’s new Most Promising Young String PlayerOpenAward.toentrants aged 8 to 20, the Award aims to discover a young string player with exceptional potential and aid their musical journey by finetuning their technique with additional resources. Sam travelled from Hobart to compete in the musicalaudienceadjudicatorsimpressingEisteddfod,theandwithhisabilityand passion.Ontop of receiving the new award Sam also won the Under 12s Violin event and was Highly Commended in the Under 15s. As part of his prize Sam received a private lesson with workshop.ofbehind-the-scenesforinstrumentSamCentreChen.winnerInstrumentalFinalEisteddfod’sheJanetprofessionalSydneyviolinistDavis,beforeperformedattheInstrumentalalongside2013ScholarshipAnnaDaSilvaTheSydneyStringalsoofferedtheloanofanofhischoicetwoyears,plusatourtheStringCentre

award at the Sydney Eisteddfod Talented Hobart violinist, 12, adds another string to bow

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 11 Community News

Sam his

Fellowship cracks $1m

Minister Elise Archer and Cody Jones at the awards dinner Breeding success at Earth Awards

The Tasmanian Government is committed to building a sustainable housing system for all Tasmanians. We are developing a Tasmanian Housing Strategy that will provide a 20-year vision for the future of all housing in Tasmania.


The Link youth service clinical manager Angela Waite and ATDC CEO Alison Lai with a shopfront display of cranes folded for Overdose Awareness Day

Elise Archer MP with Paul and Janet Gadomski and Premier Jeremy Rockliff at the Alex Gadomski Fellowship Live Life Ball

HelpSAYYOURHAVEshapeTasmania’s housing future

“The communityTasmanianalways comes out to support each other and have been right behind this annual fundraising event and the Gadomski family for the past four years. “It is always a timely reminder that life is so precious and that we should live life to its fullest in honour of Alex Gadomski and Maddie Riewoldt.”

THE Alex Gadomski Fellowship has celebrated a major milestone at this year’s Live Life Ball, the organisation’s major annual fundraising event. The Fellowship was established in 2018 by Paul and Janet Gadomski, in collaboration with Maddie Riewoldt’s Vision, to honour the life of their son Alex, who passed away at the age of 21 after a five-year battle with conditions caused by Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (BMFS). Held at Wrest Point, the Live Life Ball aims to raise awareness and vital funds for medical research at Hobart’s Menzies Institute to help find a cure for BMFS.“This year’s Live Life Ball was the last and largest to be held as a fundraiser, reaching the total target of $1 million since its inception four years ago,” Paul Gadomski said. At the Ball, Premier Jeremy EliseLiberalwhenexpectedwhenachievement,isyears.ofGovernmentannouncedRockliffaStatecontribution$40,000overtwo“Toraise$1millionanincredibleespeciallyPaulandJanetonlytoraise$50,000theyfirststarted,”MemberforClarkArchersaid.“Alexwasaremarkable young man who had a dream of completing his medical degree at UTAS and undertaking research to find a cure for BMFS and I am sure he would be very proud of the legacy that has been created in his name.

Members of the community were invited to fold some cranes, bring them along to one of the events and add them to the impactscrashes,”wehasunintentionalTasmanianslearnhaveTasmanians.beoverdoseeachAwarenesssupportLaiATDCinstallations.CEOAlisonsaidcommunityforOverdoseDaygrowsyear,showingthatcontinuestoanimportantissuefor“Inrecentyears,manybeensurprisedtothatthenumberofdyingfromoverdoseoutnumberedthosehavelostfromcarMrsLaisaid.“DrugoverdoseTasmaniansofall ages and backgrounds, and many people don’t realise that overdose is most likely to be due to prescription medicines. “However it’s important to know that preventing overdose is something we can all be a part of, as simply talking about overdose could save a conversation.”gentleandtheimportantbutstigmachallengingandmedicinesabout“Conversationslife.druguse,mixingandalcohol,overdosecanbeduetothesurroundingittalkingaboutitistoreduceriskofoverdose,foldingacraneisawaytostartthat

Housing is important to everyone and everyone is invited to be part of the Visitconversation.ouronlineforum to have your say:

12 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022


Cranes help raise awareness

THE Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Council (ATDC) has unveiled three new interactive artworks to awarenessbehind.ofacknowledgethoseremembertolargestAugust)AwarenessInternationalTasmaniancranesfoldedthousandsAwarenessInternationalmarkOverdoseDay,featuringofhand-origamipapercontributedbythecommunity.Startedin2001,OverdoseDay(31istheworld’sannualcampaignendoverdose,withoutstigmawhohavedied,andthegrieffamilyandfriendsleftThecampaignraisesofoverdose

and stimulates action and discussion


THE Civil Contractors Federation (CCF) of Tasmania has celebrated excellence in local construction at its Annual Gala and Earth Awards Dinner in Hobart last month.Seventeen- year-old Cody Jones was named Civil Trainee of the Year, representing Bridgewater business Roadways Pty Ltd.Cody is known not just for his skills on the job, but also for his dedicated entrepreneurial skills, running a successful sheep and alpaca breeding business since he was 11 years old. “Young trainees like Cody are such an asset to our state, and I look forward to following his progress in the years to come,” Workplace Safety and Consumer Affairs Minister Elise Archer said. Ms Archer and Infrastructure Minister Michael Ferguson joined representatives of the civil construction industry from across the state at the event, where the Kingston-based Batchelor Construction Group took out the award for projects valued between $10 million and $30 million, for their major work on the City of Launceston’s waste centre.The works of Moore Civil Contracting, Stabilised Pavements and Downer Group was also recognised at the awards. “Annual events like the CCF Earth Awards are so important for our industry, driving continuous improvement and innovation, and recognising the dedicated and committed work of those in local civil construction across projects of all sizes,” Ms Archer“Oversaid.the many years I have been attending, I am always so impressed by the diversity and scale of the civil projects completed by local businesses year on year, and the benefits they bring to our economy.”

Community News

Local Member for Clark Madeleine Ogilvie and Premier Jeremy Rockliff on a recent visit to the Tassie Mums Hobart headquarters Playwright Alison Mann, left, with Amy’s Tattoo cast members Gabrielle Adkins, Matt Newell, Lisa Gormley and Jane Longhurst

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 13 Community News

Tassie kids benefitting from Premier’s Fund for Children


THE term ‘paddock to plate’ is often used in culinary circles, but it is also the catchcry for artist-led professional theatre company Blue Cow ‘Amy’sAlisonTasmanianthisBlueTheatre.CowwillmonthpremiereplaywrightMann’sworkTattoo’,which was developed through the company’s playwriting program The Cowshed.

LOCAL artist Nick Hills has used his mental health struggles as inspiration for his first solo art show, which is open in Hobart this month. Fuelled by his desire to break through a cycle of depression and negative self-talk, Nick used the process of drawing to help him work through his issues, after trying both medication and therapy. Despite having no formal art training, Nick decided to work towards having an exhibition of his digital illustrations, created using and iPad Pro and ‘Breathe’,software.ProcreateHisexhibition,istheresult of three years of work and more than 100 hours spentNickdrawing.credits the process of making art with being a major factor in his recovery. “I never went to any art schools or had any training and to this day I make things up as I go,” Nick said.

Local artist Nick Hills with a work from his new exhibition ‘Breathe’. Photo credit: Stu Gibson

“Our vision is to have Tasmanian audiences enjoy exceptional work that has been written and developed by Tasmanian artists and delivered around the state, and ‘Amy’s Tattoo’ is a fine example of this - it is literally from paddock to plate,” Blue Cow Theatre executive producer Lucinda Toynbee Wilson said.“Alison commenced the work several years ago in The Cowshed and spent 2020 and 2021 as our writer in residence so she could complete the script and ensure Blue Cow could deliver a production of exceptional quality.” ‘Amy’s Tattoo’ is a gritty tale of attraction, love, friendship and family. It challenges social taboos, questions the paradox of nature and nurture, and is unafraid of the space between the darkLeadplaces.character Amy is a talented local tattoo artist whose world is rocked by the entrance of John, a teenage champion swimmer conceived using one of her eggs, nationalago.anonymouslydonated20yearsTheplayhasreceivedrecognition, including noconceivedlearnedancestorialchancethatfrom‘Amy’sgenesisPremier’sprestigiousshortlistedbeingfortheQueenslandDramaAward.AlisonsaidtheoftheideaforTattoo’cameseeingadvertisingofferedpeoplethetofindouttheirheritage.“Atthesametime,Ithatmostdonor-peoplehadlegalrighttohave access to their records and find out their story,” she“Tattoosaid. is an ancient artform and the motivation to get one is always very personal.

Paddock to plate for fresh Blue Cow produce Nick’s art a breath of fresh air

“I’m interested in why people decide to change their body permanently, and the intimacy of a tattoo artist having the permission to make this change to them.”

MORE than 40 projects and programs set to benefit kids across the state are being supported by funding from the first round of the Premier’s Fund for Children and Young

other small items and “rehomes” them via social service organisations to Tasmanian families in need.Tassie Mums received $10,000 from the Premier’s Fund, which will go towards activity packs for children exiting family violence, experiencing poverty or arriving from a new country.MsOgilvie also recently visited local not for profit organisation Colony 47 to hear about its Branching Out Project, which received a grant of more than $47,000.Theprogram involves organising social and recreational activities for young Tasmanians at risk of “Wehomelessness.wanttosee all of our kids in a great place and organisations like Colony 47 deliver that outcome,” she said. “I couldn’t be more proud of the work that is being done with this funding.”

‘Amy’s Tattoo’ is directed by Sarah Carradine, co-directed by Lucinda Toynbee Wilson, and features actors Lisa Gormley, Matt Newell, Jane Longhurst and Gabrielle Adkins.Itwill be performed in Hobart’s Theatre Royal Studio Theatre from 21-24 September, and at Launceston’s Earl Arts Centre on 30 September and 1 October.

“Putting this show together has taught me so much about myself, my art and my capabilities.“Although I have a long way to go, I have come a long way and I finally feel content.”

While the artworks were born out of a dark place, ‘Breathe’ is packed with humour as Nick explores the themes of life and decay through an eclectic mix of strange characters, psychedelic animal portraits and meltingFindinglimbs.time to create the art was sometimes the biggest battle for Nick, a full-time electrician who would draw at night after putting his kids to bed. Nick is well known in the local mountain biking scene, with his art appearing on magazine covers, jerseys and other merchandise.‘Breathe’is showing in the Salamanca Arts Centre’s Top Gallery until 24 September.

LOCAL whisky brand Lark Distilling Co. has impressed an international panel of judges at the annual World Whisky Masters in London, winning a coveted Master medal along with multiple Gold and Silver accolades.Only12 whiskies received a Master medal at this year’s competition including Lark’s Chinotto Cask II Cask Strength, which was lauded for its innovative approach, marriage of flavours and greatLarkbalance.alsowon seven Gold medals – the most of any andofrecognisedWhiskywhileandwell-balancedsaltyjudgeswasdistillery.AustralasianLark’sClassicCaskadmiredbyforits“umamicaramelnose,palateroundedfinish”Lark’sEvolveBarSerieswasforitsnose“goldensyrup,oakearthyspice”.

Louisa Anne Meredith; along with portraits of George and Mary Meredith by Thomas Bock, borrowed from the collection of the Glamorgan Spring Bay Historical Society Museum in Swansea. The exhibition is at Narryna House Museum (103 Hampden Road) from 7 October. Opening hours are 10am to 4pm, Tuesday to Saturday. Entry is $10. For informationmoregoto www. narryna.com.au or phone 62342791.

Portrait of Frances Meredith and her cousin Eliza Jane Windsor by William Paul Dowling, c.1850

becomeiconictuliprecentlyOurArmatiDouglasPHILANTHROPISTSandJennylaunchedtheCityCanopyprojectbyplantingatreeoutsidetheFullersBookshop.Hobartissettooneofthe nation’s greenest cities under the new Our City Canopy project, which is designed to fast-track the City of Hobart’s Urban Street Tree Strategy. With just four per cent of Hobart’s CBD currently sheltered by tree canopy, the city has an ambitious target of planting enough trees to reach 40 per cent by 2046.“Planting trees has been a lifelong passion for myself and my wife Jenny,” Mr Armati said. “Through a special Trees for the Future Fund we are turning a personal passion into something much bigger than ourselves, something that will benefit the people of Hobart long after we are gone.“Increasing the number of trees that line our streets, parks and playgrounds will have so many positive impacts for our city and the people who call Hobart home.” The Armatis hope Hobart resilientFuturetoprojectphilanthropistsindividualsbusinesses,andotherbackthebycontributingtheTreesfortheFund.“Treesarevitaltoaandliveable city, and it is critical that we invest now if we are going to create a city for the future that enjoys the many benefits of a healthy, thriving urban forest,” Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds said.

14 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 Community News

Lark Distillery founder Bill Lark and Head of Distilling Chris Thomson Lark masters the art

Philanthropist Douglas Armati and Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds help plant the new tree outside Fullers

“We are so proud of the quality of the product that we craft here in Tasmania and are honoured to be recognised by the global spirits industry,” Lark head distiller Chris Thomson said. “It is an goldsMasterandontoofdistilleryachievementincredibleforouratthebottomtheworldtosteptheglobalstagebringhomeaMedal,sevenandtwosilvers.“Theawardsare

Meet Tassie’s colonial ‘King of Oyster Bay’ at new Narryna exhibition

testament to the hard work of the entire team, and our continued pursuit of the exceptional. Thirty years on we are only just getting“Imaginationstarted.


Hobart CBD tree canopy continues to grow

THE passionate private life of George Meredith – the “King of Oyster Bay” - is the fascinating back story behind a new exhibition at Narryna in Battery Point. The unseenincludesearlyaHamilton,cabinetbylettershisfeaturedtoposterrecentlyowncoastrolewhofamilyTasmanianthepersonalprovidesexhibitionanunusuallyinsightintoprivatelivesofacolonial-theMerediths,playedaprominentonthestate’seast-throughtheirfamilytreasures.Ondisplaywillbethedonatedfour-bedthatbelongedGeorgeMeredithandprominentlyinprivateandpersonaltohiswifeMary.Madeinthe1830sleadingTasmanianmakerWilliamthebedisstunningexampleofcolonialfurniture.Theexhibitionalsopreviouslywatercoloursby

“Open spaces like Swan Street Park are few and far between in North Hobart, and so our new park design is aimed at maximising what we can do with the limited space available through innovative design,” City of Hobart Parks and Recreation Committee Chair Alderman Jeff Briscoe said. The project is expected to take six months to complete, with the park and a small section of the road reserve on Swan Street fenced off to establish a work site. Access to Swan Street and surrounding buildings will be maintained. The City of Hobart is contributing $231,847 to the park transformation project, with the other $551,303 funded by an Australian Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program grant. For more information and project drawings Street-Parkhobartcity.com.au/Swan-visit

Born in Brunswick owner Con Vailas, with the new Swan Street Park under construction in the background. Inset: an artist’s impression of the finished park Ugly duckling NoHo park set to blossom

Winner of the 2022 Hadley’s Art Prize, ‘Antara’ by Pitjantjatjara artist Tuppy Ngintja Goodwin

THE richest landscape prize in the Australian art world, the Hadley’s Art Prize, was recently awarded to Pitjantjajara artist Tuppy Ngintja Goodwin – who became the first woman to win the major prize since its inception in 2017. The artist received the $100,000 prize for her work ‘Antara’, which depicts the ancient storyline of Maku Tjukurpa, or Witchetty Grub story, from Mimili, an Anangu community on the Anangu YankunytjatjaraPitjantjatjaralands in the north-west of South Australia.“TheHadley’s Art Prize is a substantial and consequential art prize, among the most prestigious in Australia –recognising excellence in contemporary landscape art, and celebrating the contrasts seen across Australia, as captured in the works here on display,” Arts Minister Elise Archer said. “I know the judging panel had a very difficult decision with highquality finalists, featuring the highest proportion of female entrants in the prize’s“Seventyhistory.per cent of finalists were women, with almost one third overall being First Nations women from regions across Australia.” This year’s winning work was selected from a finalist group of 35 works by a panel of judges.Alongside the major prize, the Residency Prize valued at $10,000 was awarded Darwin-basedtoartist Max Bowden for her work ‘And a nice day was really had by all’.

The $1000 Packing Room Prize was awarded to Tasmaniabased artist Catherine Woo for her work ‘A moment in the day’; the $500 Student Prize went to 18-yearold local Tasmanian artist Adam Howell; and Martin Rek was announced as winner of the People’s Choice Award for the second year in a row. “There is great diversity and quality in the finalists’ exhibition – among the artists, the materials, and the stylistic artists.”producingand–selectedofseeWayneHadley’sapproaches,”ArtPrizejudgeTunnicliffesaid.“ItwasadelighttothehighnumberTasmanianartistsasfinalistsTasmania’suniqueboldlandscapeissomegreat Goodwin wins the Hadley’s Art Prize

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 15 Community News

A BORING little park in North Hobart is being transformed into a fun and vibrant space designed to match the funky establishments on the busy Elizabeth Street restaurant strip. Adjacent to the popular Born in Parkrestaurant,BrunswickSwanStreetisownedbythe Uniting Church in Australia and maintained by the City of Hobart. Hobart Deputy Lord Mayor Helen Burnet said the new park design would create a place in which people can play, meet and enjoy every “Theday. park has been designed with an open-air amphitheatre feel and will feature a funky little play area for the kids, park pockets for picnics and plenty of seating,” she said. “A mini-maze in the fenced play area will double as a labyrinthine seating arrangement and beautiful big trees will be planted to help increase Hobart’s urban street tree canopy and provide shade for visitors.” Plans for the park design were refined after community feedback revealed people wanted more seating and green spaces; a small, fenced play area; and pockets of space for smaller groups to make their own.

Training Dates 2022 Managing Challenging Behaviour: 26 October Launceston 10:30am – 1pm Venue TBA 27 October Penguin 10:30am – 1pm 62 Main Road, Penguin 28 October Hobart 10:30am – 1pm 4 Hart Place, Rokeby

Set sail for boat sale

Float your boat this Spring

“They will be both offered in theTasmaniancourse‘CirclefreewilloverLauncestonPenguin,andHobartoneday.“Duringtermfourwealsobeofferingaonlineeight-weekofSecurity’facilitatedbyAustralianofYearRosieMartin.“Thetrainingwillgive informal carers further knowledge about how to best raise the children in their care, and provides engagement with other informal carers and engagement with our services.” If you require further support, call the FKAT phone support line on 1800 149 994. STATEWIDE for INFORMAL CARERSfor Foster and Kinship Carers Association of Tasmania will be offering several training opportunities in the coming months for grandparents raising grandchildren, and other informal kin relatives in a caring role.


How to ensure your boat floats

and Safety Tasmania


16 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022


Lia CEOMorris,Marine

THE Rotary Club of Lindisfarne and the Motor Yacht Club of Tasmania are joining forces to host a Spring Clean Marine and Boot Sale next month, giving people the chance to turn their old rods, reels and ropes into cold, hard“Thecash.Club has been looking for an opportunity to reinstate the popular Lindisfarne Trash and Treasure Market that was quashed by COVID,” Rotary Club president Stephen Bray said. “Through the cooperation of the MYCT we can once again give the community an event where they can come together to buy and sell items, enjoy a coffee and barbecue, as well as listen to the Clarence City Band that will be in Proceedsattendance.”fromtheevent will be shared between the Rotary Club, which will use the money to help fund its range of local, national and international projects, and the historic motor launch ‘Egeria’ which is owned by the ThereMYCT.isalong-lasting relationship between Rotary and the ‘Egeria’. Many Rotarians are members of the ship’s volunteer crew, and Rotary has previously supplied the vessel with an Automatic External Defibrillator. ‘Egeria’ also takes part in Rotary’s Annual Charity Sail Day. The Spring Clean Marine and Boot Sale will be held in the MYCT carpark on Sunday 9 October. Members of the public are asked to support the event by cleaning out their boat, shed or garage of unused items, booking a site at the sale for $15, and turning their old items into dollars.Bookings can be made through www.eventbrite.com.au, or by contacting the MYCT.

Rotarian Nigel Grey and Commodore John Hebbink promote the upcoming Marine and Boot Sale, alongside the ‘M.L Egeria’

Community News

Free training for kinship carers

Working with schools & government agencies through problems & issues: 7 December Penguin 10:30am – 1pm 62 Main Road, Penguin 8 December Launceston 10:30am – 1pm Venue TBA 9 December Hobart 10:30am – 1pm 4 Hart Place, Rokeby Circle of Security: Term 4, 2022 Eight-week online course delivered via Microsoft Teams by Rosie Martin

THE Foster and Kinship Carer Association of Tasmania (FKAT) is answering the needs of informal carers with a series of free training sessions across the state. For the next four months, informaltoJonesrepresentativeininformalopportunitieslimitedperforminginformalgrandchildren,grandparentsinformaldesignedwillorganisationnot-for-profitFKATofferfreetrainingtoassistallkinincludingraisingandotherkinrelativesacaringrole.“ThereissometimestrainingforkinshipcarersTasmania,”FKATAnitasaid.“FKATisworkingconnectwithmorekinshipcarers to ease their caring role.” As well as offering a range of issues’,”throughgovernmentwithBehaviour’‘ManagingtwotheirchallengesaroundneedFKATwithkinshipformalforvariouscatchupsregularFKATthroughoutopportunitiestrainingtheyear,coordinatescarerconnectandhostsannualeventsallinformalandfosterandcarers.Throughdiscussionsinformalcarershasidentifiedaforfurthertrainingsomeofthetheyfaceincaringrole.“Wewillbeofferingin-personcourses,Challengingand‘WorkingschoolsandAgenciesproblemsandMsJonessaid.

WHAT floats your boat? Literally, not the rhetorical question about what makes you happy! It is buoyancy that floats your boat and keeps you safe on the water.Ifyour boat was built before 2006, the chances of it having sufficient buoyancy are not great. Boats built and registered after this date must be fitted with an Australian Builders Plate (ABP), and boats are built with either level or basic flotation unless the type of craft is exempted. The average tinny or runabout must have an ABP. Level flotation means the boat should float level if swamped or capsized, although sea states will ultimately determine this. Basic flotation means that the boat, while it won’t sink, may float with the bow out of the water. Ask yourself what would happen if your boat doesn’t float and your family is on board. If your boat does get swamped or capsizes, the chances of survival are greatly increased if it floats level. It gives those on board time to reach life-saving equipment, and in some cases, attempt to bail out the water.Ifthe boat sinks it renders your EPIRB, VHF radio and other safety equipment useless! Most trailer boats have some form of buoyancy. But in many cases, this can be improved as it is often not distributed to allow the boat to float level.Importantly, you can add extra buoyancy to your boat. The easiest way is to add foam buoyancy.Ifit’sasmall traditional tinny, check if there is buoyancy under the seats, then measure the seats to obtain a cubic metre rate of buoyant material on board. The other way of determining current buoyancy in fibreglass boats is to fill the underfloor void with water and then measure this water as it is drained out and again convert to a cubic metre rate. If you are going to add additional buoyancy, this should be added in areas above the floor to improve the chances of it floating level. This could be under seats, under the outboard well, and particularly under gunwales.Mostfibreglass and newer aluminium boats have a wide side deck which can assist in the easy installation of additional buoyancy. Because of the amount of weight in the stern of these types of boats, approximately half the buoyancy should be located here to counteract the weight of the motor and batteries if fitted. It is possible to increase the buoyancy of the average trailer boat by up to 50 per cent by adding foam in the locations mentioned, without reducing cockpit and storage space. Some years ago, MAST increased the amount of buoyancy by this amount in three average fibreglass runabouts by adding polyethylene closed cell foam.Information on the addition of foam buoyancy in trailer boats is available on chancesincreaseeasy-to-watchmast.tas.gov.au,www.includingvideos.Aboatthatfloatswillyourfamily’sofsurvival.

Upcoming Courses Include: Managing Challenging Behaviour Working with schools and other government agencies Circle of Security RSVP a minimum of two weeks prior to event to ceoafcatas.org.au or phone 0499 149 960 if you are interested in attending this free training.

Customers browsing at Bookfest Bookfest is the whole community benefits from puts her hand up for

Master’s degree in Employment Relations (formerly AustralianaRelations),IndustrialandamgraduateoftheInstitute of Company Directors (GAICD).WhenI was raising my family I spent 18 years as a small business proprietor, and would like to see the Council “open for business” when it comes to the needs of this sector. Other issues that need to be addressed include parking, especially in North Hobart; the UTAS move; and the Macquarie Point derision,andbringtherationalstrong,Citythecontributeofexcitedoptimist,development.IamaneternalandIambytheprospectbeingabletopositivelytofutureofHobartbybringingasensibleandvoicetotable.Iwouldcollaborationcollegiality,nottotheCouncil. com/RotarySalamanca/ QUALITY Sat 15 - Sun 16 Oct 9.00 am - 4.00 pm 2nd 1 H U R L E Y H O B A R T C D E B R A sed by Tony Stewart 5 She don P ace West Hobart

‘Circular Economy’ event the

ADVERTISEMENT Scout Hall Marieville Esplanade Sandy Bay rotarysalamanca com.au Supported by facebook

Former Clarence Alderman



BOOKFEST is an event that ticks all the boxes - book donors can declutter their homes; pre-loved books can bring enjoyment to new owners; and the money raised from book sales funds Rotary Club humanitarian community and international projects including sponsoring students to attend the National Youth Science Forum, providing school uniforms to primary school students in rural Nepal, and hands4000asqualityAutumn)aSalamancayearstoequipmentdecommissionedrelocatinghospitalfromHobartLao.FormorethanfourtheRotaryClubofhasorganisedbiannual(Springandsecond-handbooksale,known‘Bookfest’,withuptobooksexchangingateachevent.

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 17

MY name is Debra Thurley, I’m a former Clarence City Council Alderman who fell in love with West Hobart and have now resided there for the past six years.Iworked for Clarence City Council for 10 years across asset ablebutnotInfrastructureorcarparks,thatexcellence,infrastructurebusiness,Governmentassistance.problemconstituentlevelstherole,Alderman.beforethethenandcorporatemanagement,governancefinance,andwasanexecutiveatLegislativeCouncilbecominganIhavealovefortheconnectingtocommunityatallandprovidingsupportinsolvingandMypassionisLocal–corequalityanddesignwhetherbetoiletblocks,playgroundsrecreationfacilities.shouldbejust‘fitforpurpose’,future-proofedandtotakeusintothe

years ahead. I was an executive of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association at both state and national level, working towards equal female participation and the improvement of culture and behaviour in Local Government. I understand the rightful scope of Local Government – I am cautious of Council taking up issues that fall within the responsibility of State or isthatfavourites)andloveratteamsandschoolcoachingcommunity,connectedbenefitsresourcesfinances.aGovernment,FederalwithoutregardforCouncilSpreadingtoothinno-one.Ihavealwaysbeentomysincemychildren’snetball,softballindoorcricketandvolunteeringLittleAthletics.Iamasport(AFLfootballcricketaremyandbelievekeepingactivethekeytoboth physical and mental health. I would press for improvements at Council-owned grounds, including the clubhouse facilities. I recognise the immense value sports clubs can have for the people;programsleadershipPCYC,presidentcommunity.IamcurrentlyofTaswhichprovidesandactivityforyoungvicepresident of the Zonta International Club of Hobart which empowers women and girls and raises funds for homeless women; and a non-executive director of COTA Tasmania, working to eliminate ageism, improve IT literacy and influence government policy for people aged over 50. I believe in lifelong learning, and I have studied over the years to ensure my ResourcesDiplomaBusinessBusiness,development.professionalIhaveaDiplomaofDiplomaofManagement,ofHumananda



The next Bookfest will be held at the Sea Scouts Hall in Marieville Esplanade, Sandy Bay on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16“TheOctober.popularity of Bookfest is thattheirdonationsClubcontactingnumberpopularthewetravel‘astooutsideofeachsaid.presidentClubexponentially,”growingRotaryofSalamancaAnnePalmer“BeforeBookfestopensday,longqueuescustomersassemblethedoor,hopingpurchasemanyofthenew’books.“Withinternationalnowre-opened,areanticipatingthattravelgenrewillbethisBookfest.”AnincreasingofpeoplearetheRotaryofSalamancawithofbooks,andgenerosityensuresBookfestalwayshas a new, diverse range of books available. To assist customers to find their favourite genre, books for sale are sorted into popular categories.Bookfest also always includes a children’s section where parents can read to their kids and young people can select books. On re-purposeddecorationssculpturescanstall,successfulfeatureBookfesteverycustomersreadingsmilestheareweekendsBookfestpatronsseenwalkingoutdoorswithbigandarmfulsofmaterial.SomehaveattendedBookfestsale.Theupcomingwillagainthevery“Bookenz”wherecustomerspurchaseart,andChristmascreatedfrombooks.

most frequent and costly natural hazards

THE Tasmania State Emergency Service (SES) has recently adopted the Australian Warning System (AWS) for flood emergencies and launched an SES Flood Warnings System which will provide advice to the community regarding what to do when a flood happens. Like the AWS for other emergencies, the Tasmania SES Flood Warning System consists of three ascending warning levels: Advice (yellow), Watch and Act (orange), and Emergency Warning (red). The warnings are presented in triangles, with a house in the centre and flood levels underneath. These warning triangles will be issued with a set of callto-actions specific to the emergency event. The SES Flood Warnings will be issued on the new version of TasALERT.com, the Tasmanian Government’s official andSESTasALERTwillwebsite.warningemergencyandinformationThewarningsalsobepublishedonandTasmaniasocialmediachannelsbroadcastonABC Radio.The Tasmania SES Flood Warning System complements the Flood Warnings and Flood Watches issued by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).Tasmania SES will take the BOM warnings as a key consideration when deciding to issue an SES Flood Warning, as well as other information such as flood modelling, local knowledge, flood history, operational information, and inputs from councils. “While States and Territories are implementing the AWS at different times subject to their risks and resources, it will be the case in the near future that no matter where it is in the country or what type of emergency is occurring, the message about what to do will be aligned,” Tasmania SES Acting Director Leon Smith said. The AWS was adopted by Tasmania for bushfires in September 2021. Following the adoption for flood emergencies, there are plans to adopt the AWS for storm emergencies from 2023.


Flooding is one of Tasmania’s which can occur any time of the year Check TasALERT.com to learn about So when the next flood comes, you’ll know what to

the system.

do. Tasmania has adopted the Australian Warning System for flood: ADVICE WATCH & ACT EMERGENCYWARNING WHEN FLOODS HAPPEN Augmented Focus - this new technology will change the way you hear the world. Additional microphones enable speech and noise to be processed separately. This creates a clear contrast and then recombines them delivering outstanding speech clarity, even in noise. Free trial with every recommendation. CAREDENTUREINSPECIALISINGALLYOURNEEDS • DVA and PENSIONERS welcome • Comfortable natural looking dentures • flexible metal free partial dentures • affordable IMPLANT retained dentures • Same day repairs, relines CALL 6272 0544 NOW TO BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION! Now in two great locations: 118 Main Road Moonah and city address available by request CAREDENTUREINSPECIALISINGALLYOURNEEDS • DVA and PENSIONERS welcome • Comfortable natural looking dentures • flexible metal free partial dentures • affordable IMPLANT retained dentures • Same day repairs, relines CALL 6272 0544 NOW TO BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION! Now in two great locations: 118 Main Road Moonah and city address available by request 1300 732 377 RTO 600711300www.onroadoffroad.edu.au732377 RTO 60071 www.onroadoffroad.edu.au EARN E X TR A C A SH IN YOU R L O C AL AR E A ! Are you interested in delivering newspapers and catalogues to household letterboxes in your area? SCAN THE QR CODE TO LEARN MORE DISTRIBUTORS WANTED www.deliverfordollars.com.au

18 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 ADVERTISEMENT

Tasmania gets new SES Flood Warning System

Councillor Will Coats The Last Resort writer Franz Docherty, actor Paul Levett and director Ingrid Ganley at rehearsals

or The Playhouse

RESORTLAST21-29OctoberBookingsplayhouse.org.au Theatre website for details or call 6234 1536


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evolving needs in the motorcycle industry. During developmentthe process of XP SilkoleneSilkolenewhenandcustomersfrontbylinesthesyntheticsemi-syntheticlines,‘Comp’categorisedmotorcycles.engine2-strokelubricantsrangepower.andlowerfueloffersSilkoleneandtoresultstypelubricantscompetitorcomparedwasdifferentrigoroustechnology,testingofformulationsconductedandwithmotorcycleinthesameofengines.TheofthisresearchledthelaunchofthenewimprovedFUCHSrangewhichriders11percentsavings,18percentoilconsumption3percentincreasedTheFUCHSSilkoleneofmotorcycleincludesand4-strokeoilstosuitallTherangeisinto‘Super’,and‘Pro’productwhichrangefromtofullester-basedoil.Distinctionbetweendifferentproductisfurthersupportedthecolour-codedlabelswhichenabletomakeeasyinformeddecisionspurchasingFUCHSmotorcycleoils.Inadditiontotheengineoils, the ‘Maintain’ range consists of maintenance oils and lubricants such as coolants, gear oils, brake and clutch fluid, fork oil, chain lube, foam filter treatment and fuel additives. These products are developed specifically to compliment the engine oils and help riders maintain their motorcycle’s performance capabilities. The complete range of FUCHS Silkolene motorcycle lubricants are available at R&J Batteries’ Hobart branch at 41 Derwent Park Road. Visit the branch to find the right lubricant for your motorcycle. Go to rjbatt.com.au for more information or call 6272 2943.

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 19 ADVERTISEMENT

// 41 Derwent Park Rd, Hobart // 6272 2943 THE OIL OF CHAMPIONS Market Leading Lubricant for EXTREME PERFORMANCE FUCHS Silkolene is available at: Ride like a pro with FUCHS Silkolene lubricants

Hobart Repertory Theatre Society proudly presents a new hilarious play by Belinda Bradley & Franz Docherty

AUDIENCES can discover who did it (and why!) when the outrageous ‘poo-dunnit’ mystery ‘The Last Resort’ premieres the Playhouse Theatre next month. ‘The Last Resort’ follows experienced maitre d‘ Anton and his long-term partner Jerome, a former Michelin chef, who are now in their twilight years. They seem like the ideal couple to host a dinner party for their dearest friends at their retirement village. But previous dinner parties have ended in controversy, and Anton has had to fight toothand-nail for permission to host the sabotagemariedescendstimes,goodwillupRatherevent.thanservingamenuoflaughter,andhappythedinnerpartyintoabain-oflies,betrayaland…afterapoois discovered in the vanity unit!‘The Last Resort’ was written by award-winning local creators, writers and producers Belinda Bradley and Franz Docherty, who are cocreators and writers on the new six-part mystery drama series ‘Savage River’, which premiers on the ABC this month. They have also recently fromdevelopmentreceivedfundingScreenTasmania for ‘Unearthed’, an eightpart gothic psychological thriller series for young adult audiences; and their screenplay ‘Thunder’ won the Best Screenplay Award at the BOFA film festival.Thescreenplay of ‘The Last Resort’, which the pair developed with ‘Kenny’ star Clayton Jacobson, received funding from Screen Tasmania and Screen Australia.Lastyear Belinda and Franz adapted ‘The Last Resort’ into a stage play, working with dramaturge Peter Matheson as part of Blue Cow Theatre’s Cowshed Program. Now the play is set for its premiere season at Hobart’s Playhouse Theatre in Ganley,DirectedOctober.byIngridtheshowwill be performed by a bevvy of talented Tasmanians including Jeff Kevin, Ivano Del Pio, Kathy Spencer, Michael Hanlon, Phil Crouch, Paul Levett, Pip Tyrell, Adrienne Casey, Leila Grave, Claire Latham, Tamara Bloomfield and John Xintavelonis.TheHobart Repertory Theatre Society presents ‘The Last Resort’ at the Playhouse Theatre

Box Office See

New play has the smell of success

20 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 ADVERTISEMENT


bikeinjuriesdepartmenttopatientsrespondmaycareExamplesCare.ofacutecasesthatnursesberequiredtotoincludepresentingtheemergencywithseverefromacarorcrash,acutechronic illness like infective chronic journey.patients’themonopportunitytohealthcarediseases.strokes,pulmonaryobstructivedisease,andinfectiousWeinviteallprofessionalattendthiswonderfulandreflectwhatitmeanstotobepartoftheacutecare Acute Care Conference 2022 - broadening your scope

For a tour contact Rhea on 03 6277 8800 glenview.org.au/bisdee-respite/

Acute care involves the treatment of patients diagnosed with short-term but serious conditions and might take place in a number of clinical settings like & Emergency, Intensive Care and Neonatal

anyway!” Athol Meaghan enjoys staying at ‘Hotel’ Bisdee ‘Hotel’ Bisdee staff really look after you CONFERENCE • 26 OCT 2022 • HOBART ACUTE CARE “Acute Care - broadening your scope” SCAN TO FIND OUT MORE AND TO REGISTER anmftas.org.au/acutecare22 Have you registered yet? THE midwivesforaHobart.atWednesdayCareholdingTasmanianFederationNursingAustralianandMidwifery(ANMF)BranchisitsannualAcuteConferenceon26OctobertheRACVHotelinTheconferenceisuniqueopportunitynursesandworkingin acute care to increase the breadth of their skills and knowledge, featuring speechMelbourneRoyalTristaninadvancedacutepresentationsbest-practiceaboutthecaresectorandclinicalpracticeallspaces.KeynotespeakerDrHardingfromtheChildren’sHospitalwillfocushisonuniqueand challenging MedicalMenziesBlackburnClinic,theNickiInstitutefromincludeEmergencypresentationspaediatrictotheDepartment.GuestspeakersDianneMasontheMelanomaAustralia,DrElkertonfromMacquarieSkinandDrNicholasfromtheInstituteforResearch.

“It is just like a holiday with bus tours, lunches and making friends. I’ve always called

ATHOL Meaghan worked for most of his life on the family dairy farm at Westerway, before moving to settle at his sister’s place in Granton about three years ago. He’s retired and likes being around others and keeping his mind MarleneAthol’sactive.sistercalled Bisdee Community Centre in Glenorchy to see what they could offer him as a social support group and day respite centre. The friendly staff organised the Bisdee bus to collect Athol and he’s now a popular regular at the centre.

Hotel-like accommodation for respite care that feels more like a holiday. Our guests can enjoy 24/7 personal care, join activity programs and bus trips, or relax while our professional and friendly staff make them at home.

Riet stayed for five nights while her family were on holiday. She has been a regular at our day centre for eight years. Bisdee home,

“Every kind of modern nursing role in every sector is demanding, but acute care represents one of healthcare’s most challenging disciplines, particularly at present,” ANMF Tasmania Branch Secretary and HERC CEO Emily Shepherd said.“As a front-line health responder, acute nurses and midwives are called upon to perform a wide variety of assessment, treatment and support modalities and must be prepared for diverse situations every day.”


“I meet different people every day and they are very friendly to talk to,” Athol said. “We have games and go on outings. I know nearly everyone - I’ve been here that long.” When Athol’s sister Marlene needs some time to herself, Athol comes to stay at Hotel Bisdee, the respite service within the community centre. Athol stayed at Hotel Bisdee several times last year, and also enjoyed a recent trip to Oatlands with the community centre group.“Ilike staying here,” Athol said, standing in his comfortable room at Hotel Bisdee. “I get to go on more outings and the staff really look after you. “The staff are so good, they even check on you at night.” Bisdee Community Centre is at 8 Windsor St, Glenorchy and is open for day respite seven days a week from 7am.Hotel Bisdee operates 24/7 for respite care, and guests are welcome to join the day centre group to socialise and participate in the activities.Contact the Bisdee Community Centre for bookings, fees, and subsidies. Phone 6277 8820 or org.auenquiries@glenview.email

my second

Care for You - time to

HOME and Fabric Warehouse in Moonah is bringing fun, colour and bargains to shoppers looking to freshen up their retailertextileThehomes.independentandfurnishingisfillingagap in the Tasmanian textile industry by offering high-end products at low market prices. From 1 September local consumers have been able to purchase high-quality products including quilts, doonas, sheets, towels, floor rugs, home décor items and curtains, and dress and upholstery fabrics for a fraction of regular prices. After a 45-year career in business retail John Maiden and his partner Amber came to Tasmania just before COVID hit, to retire and enjoy a slower pace of life. They were the owners of a chain of retail stores in New South Wales, Canberra and Queensland that sold beautiful curtains and dress upholstery fabrics. After two years of fulltime living in Tasmania, they were excited for a new“Weproject.sawa gap in the market for highquality textile pieces at affordable prices in Tasmania and after coming across the Moonah store the idea just flourished,” John said. Situated behind Cooleys Hotel, the Home and Fabric Warehouse has four lanes of vehicle access and ample covered and open-air parking.“Consumers will walk into the store and be welcomed by light and colour and a myriad of products at fantastic prices,” John said. “Beautiful cotton quilt covers will $50 rather than $200 and velvet fabric will be $20 a metre opposed to $100200.“Iwant Home and Fabric Warehouse to be somewhere everyone can afford to shop. “With rising interest rates, inflated food and petrol prices and a housing crisis, a bargain is going to be attractive. “New home builders invariably run out of money after building their home and after buying the basic necessities.“Ihopethat Home and Fabric Warehouse will allow those to make their house a home without breaking the budget.”Aftera lengthy career in the home furnishing textile industry John is able to source highquality products at the right price. “I have been doing it all over the world from Italy to Turkey and back home here in Australia,” heAssaid.well as stocking products from right around the globe, Home and Fabric Warehouse will sell a large range of Australian owned and made Australian-made.”Fabricbeingthirdsayproducts.outAustralians“Sinceproducts.thepandemicareseekingAustralian-made“IamsopleasedtothatmorethanaofallproductssoldatHomeandWarehouseare

Home & Fabric Warehouse owners John and Amber Maiden outside their new Moonah store NOW OPEN! Quilts for doonas Well under half normal retail with imperfections.slight Polyester Single $30 Double $40 Queen $50 Wool Single $40 Double $50 Queen $60 Panel blinds, curtains and blinds Ready to hang. From $30. Easiest and cheapest way to cover windows. Towels From $6. Fluffy & yummy. Pillow cases Only $1. Rugs From all over the world. $99 not $200. Throws from $10. Vellux The most famous blanket in the world. $60 not $200. Doona sets Best In Hobart. Such amazing value. Queen only $69.95. Come see us at 45 Main Road, Moonah! On the city side of Cooleys Hotel Fantastic access and parking! QUALITY!SUPERB UNBEATABLEPRICES! Warehouse bringing bargains to Moonah

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 21 ADVERTISEMENT

acknowledged.educationbursariesstudentsourwasherparticularlyDeaytonservicetheirsignificantlyandacademicoutstandingcollege.contributionall-roundtothe“Bothstudentswereintheirstudies,bothcontributedthroughsportingandendeavours,”Mrsaid.“AmeliawassuccessfulinVETcoursesthatsheabletodoon-siteatGlenorchycampus.”AttheAwardsnightwhoreceivedtowardstheirwerealso“AtGuilfordYoung we want everyone to be able to fulfill their potential,” Mr Deayton said.“Our bursaries are often the difference between someone being able to attend Guilford Young for Years 11 and 12 or “Onenot.of those bursaries in the VET field was the Shelbi Berechree Bursary, in memory of a much-loved student who sadly passed away in a car“Theaccident.bursary is awarded to up to two students annually who excel in the VET Early Childhood and Care course which was Shelbi’s passion and an area she shone in. “Amelia Clifford and Hannah Davis were last year’s recipients selected by the childcare industry and Shelby Foundation.” Guilford Young College is the only all-senior secondary Catholic college in Tasmania and offers more than 150 courses. The College offers extensive arts and sports programs, and is the registered training organisation for the Catholic sector across the“Westate.also collaborativelyworkwith the University of Tasmania to deliver the High Achiever Program to our high-achieving students,” Mr Deayton said. “On top of providing an academic challenge and a taster of university life, the program also offers TasmaniatowardscoursestudentsTasmaniansubsidisedcostsandcreditUniversityofcoursesand degrees.“Thisyear we have multiple students engaging in first-year music and math courses, and for the first time a student taking a first-year language course.” To find out more about 2023 enrolments or to attend an open day at the Glenorchy or Hobart campus visit gyc. tas.edu.au

22 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 ADVERTISEMENT

Guilford Young College Principal Craig Deayton with Year 12 student Charlotte Turton Guilford Young College award recipients include Laura Ackerley, Charlotte Turton, Cassie McLoughlin, Ansa Le Grange, Imogen Brown, Olivia Cummins, Max Brideson, Ilar Flynn and Oscar Breslin at the Glenorchy campus GYC Awards winners Top ten ATAR scores in 2021 Dux of the College Joshua Young 99.8 Max Deacon 98.6 Rohnan Waghorn 98.5 Sarah Fitzpatrick 98.2 Noah West 98.1 Anja Bobrowski 97.95 Sophie Rule 97.85 Lotta Prichard 97.75 Lucy Harrison 97.55 Henry Rollinson 97.5 Principal’s Award Amelia Hill-Mundy Jenna Stacey Guilford Young College Awards Haidar Alnasser Ella HanardiJennaAngusAmeliaSarahFitzpatrickFitzpatrickHill-MundyMcGregorStaceyYoung Shelbi Berechree Award Amelia HannahCliffordDavis Adam Croser Memorial Debating Award Angelica Matusewicz Haidar Alnasser GYC TOUR DAY Thursday 20 October (Hobart Show Day Holiday) Hobart Campus - 94 Barrack St 9.00am - 2.00pm (hourly tours) Bookings https://www.trybooking.com/CBAJJessential: GYC OPEN DAY Saturday 29 October Glenorchy Campus - 76 Bowden St 9.00am - 2.00pm (hourly tours) Bookings https://www.trybooking.com/CBAJNessential: Guilford Young awards outstanding students

STUDENTS, families and staff of Guilford Young College gathered last month to celebrate the achievements of some outstanding students. At the College’s annual Awards night students are recognised for their success in study, service, sport, art and faith.“We have 780 students enrolled this year and on the awards night we recognised the achievements of more than 100 of them,” Guilford Young College Principal Craig Deayton said.“The evening is a representation of how broad the studentsexperienceschoolingisforinYears11 and 12 at Guilford Young College.“Themore a student is connected with their school the more likely they are to embrace the whole experience and succeed in their studies.” Year 12 student Charlotte Turton received an English award on the night. “I came from a smaller school with a small group of peers and despite not having a lot of friends when I first arrived, I instantly felt welcomed,” she said. “It is a really easy place to feel confident in your own abilities. You are doing subjects you have chosen yourself, in an environment that challenges you to do the best you can. “I was really happy that I choose to come here for my final two years of school, with such a broad range of subjects it is really easy to make new friends with similar interests.” Recent graduates Amelia Hill-Mundy and Jenna Stacey were the recipients of the Principal’s Award for their

6. Set aside again to rise for 40 mins.

For further information please contact: E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com

1. To make pumpkin puree you will need a cup of chopped pumpkin and enough water to cover it. Either boil on the stove top in a saucepan or place in a microwave on high for 8 to 10 mins.

5. When dough has risen again flatten out slightly and sprinkle pepitas and sunflower seeds onto the dough. Form into the shape of loaf you want, containing the seeds on the inside.

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 23

5. Using tongs, transfer pasta to pot with mushrooms and add cream and one cup of pasta cooking liquid. Increase heat to medium, bring to a simmer, and cook, tossing constantly, until pasta is al dente and liquid is slightly thickened (about three minutes).

6. Remove pot from heat. Add lemon zest and juice, parsley, butter, half a cup of parmesan, and lots of pepper and toss to combine. Taste and season with more salt if needed.

Freshly ground black pepper

3. In a bowl place the 50 ml warm water, sugar and yeast together. Mix and set aside until frothy, or about 10 mins.

4. Meanwhile, cook pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water, stirring occasionally, until very al dente (about two minutes less than package directions).

4. In a larger bowl place the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and put in olive oil, cooled pumpkin puree and the yeast mix. Mix together and turn out onto a floured bench top and knead for 10 mins, if dough is sticky add a bit more flour. Set aside for half an hour or until doubled in size. Knead again for 10 mins and set aside for another half an hour.

A paddock to plate cooking experience for all Ingredients • 1 x 2kg whole duck 150g butter 100ml Grand Marnier 50ml vinegar 50g castor sugar Juice of 3 oranges 6 oranges Clean and pat dry duck, heat butter in fry pan large enough to hold duck and fry duck for approximately 5 Placeminutes.duck in oven for approximately 45 minutes on 180°C basting as you go. Turn heat down to 160°C and cook for a further 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cover with Grand Marnier and cook for a further 5 minutes. Remove from oven and strain all liquid into a pot, add in vinegar, sugar and juice of 3 oranges and reduce until a nice Meanwhileconsistency.peel and cut oranges and prep with no skin or seed. When sauce is nearly ready add segments to sauce and warm - do not let oranges break down. Carve duck and cover with sauce and arrange segments. Enjoy! PADDOCK TO PLATE COOKING EXPERIENCE FOR ALLA PADDOCK TO PLATE COOKING EXPERIENCE ALL Method 4 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 500g mushrooms, sliced into bite-size pieces Salt • 2 medium shallots, finely chopped 500g spaghetti or fettuccini Half a cup of heavy cream One third of a cup of finely chopped parsley Zest and juice of half a lemon 2 Tbsp. unsalted butter, cut into pieces Half a cup of parmesan, finely grated, plus more for serving


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Enjoy PUMPKIN BREAD andCookingChefaholicSchoolCatering Duck à l’orange


7. Set oven to 195oC 8. When dough has risen again, brush the top with water and sprinkle on more seeds.


• 500g


Chefaholic Cooking School

• 1

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• How does the fund manage ‘the gap’? At HCi, we offer Access Gap arrangements to minimise your out-ofpocket expenses

3. Reduce heat to medium-low and return all mushrooms to the pot. Add shallots and cook, stirring often, until shallots are translucent and softened (about two minutes).

• 2 tsp

11. Let cool a bit then eat! For further information please contact: E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com

• 1 Tbsp


2. When the pumpkin is soft use a blender to process it. Stand aside to cool. *These next steps can be done with a bread maker on dough setting.

1. Heat 2 Tbsp. oil in a Dutch oven or other large pot over medium-high. Cook half the mushrooms in a single layer, undisturbed, until edges are brown and starting to crisp (about three minutes).

2. Give mushrooms a toss and continue to cook, tossing occasionally, until all sides are brown and crisp (about five minutes more). Using a slotted spoon, transfer mushrooms to a plate; season with salt. Repeat with remaining 2 Tbsp. oil and mushrooms and more salt.

7. Divide pasta among bowls and top with more parmesan.

It may


• Does it include what you need without lots of things you don’t need?

I had a isandimproveitmovingyourmoveadaptiveyourtriedletbywefitterthistalk,dosocialmemethikingfitness.upmotivatedThiswithinjuryandimprovedlungesaddingfitnessImythenadequatedoingmovingmoreresolvedevenmoremadestrain,hamstringlong-standingandgluteandthishadmewalkwithcaution.OftenwheninjuriesareweretainacarefulwayofandIhadbeenthis.So,byallowingrecoveryandre-strengtheningglutesandhamstringregainedmyhikingandspeed.Bysomesquatsandtomyworkoutmystrengthconfidencethatthewouldnotflare.Thirdly,headoffsomefitterhikers.challengedandmetokeepandboostmycardioIhadnoticedmybuddywhomIinNepalwaslettinggofirstwhichisaandkindthingtosowecanwalkandtalkandwalk.Butwasnotgettingmeandfaster.Mostlyambledalongsideside,butattimesIhersetthepace(andtokeepup).Evenasyouagebodyisincrediblytothewayyouandtrain.Eveniffitnessandwayofisslowerthanoncewas,fitnesscanateveryagestage.JoCordell-CooperJoCCHolisticPT.SheoffersbeginnerFridayNIGHTHikes(weekly)ontheEasternShore,andregularintermediatehalf-dayhikes.Checkoutherwebsiteathttps://jocc.com.au/hikingformoreinformation,orphone0409862206.

Jo Cordell-Cooper

• Can you easily claim costs back from your fund?

For further information please contact: E: chefaholic.tas@gmail.com P: 0407 175 720 or 0448 820 367 www.chefaholiccookingschool.com Method • 250ml temperature)pumpkinPureed(room

• Does your cover protect you from the Medicare Surcharge Levy at tax time?

Hiking faster can get you up to speed your health cover a health check of its own will ensure it meets your needs and provides value to your family, whatever its size, shape or situation. with COVID’s impact on our health and hospitallengtheningwaiting times, health cover can be an important safety net. you check? seem complex, but the key details to check in reviewing your health cover are:


• Can your cover include your children beyond 18? HCi family policies cover children for six years longer than most other funds. Did you know that many health insurance comparison sites only review funds that pay to be included or that give the site a commission on a sale? Doing your own research can give you more confidence, won’t result in any sales follow-ups, and means no hidden fees paid in commissions! What if your cover ‘fails’ its health check? If your existing hospital, extras or combined cover does not meet your needs or provide the best options for you, change to another fund! HCi has a range of affordable health cover options to suit most people – and we’ll even manage the switch from your old fund for you to make it easy.No ofperiodshavebetweenyourtobecover,equivalentwhenwaitingadditionalperiodsapplyyouswitchtoorlowersothatneedn’tafactorinchoosingswitch.Upgradingcover(withinorfunds)mayadditionalwaitingforcertaintypescover.

Jo Cordell-Cooper HIKING can be enjoyed at any age and stage; I’ve always said that. But on a recent winter hike into the Central Highlands, I was surprised at how quickly a strong and savvy hiker overtook me and left me in their dust. I’m still feeling quite capable all things considered, so I pondered – was she extraordinarily swift, or had I become slow? I think the truth is a combination of both. As a personal trainer in my 50s it was easy for me to reflect on how I’ve been hiking lately and why I might be so much slower. My dog is aging, and my hiking buddies now are social andSo,steady.what to do about this? Can I train so I’m able to keep up with my younger and fitter hiking buddies? The answer is yes! Here’s what to do to improve your walking speed:First, ditch the dog –not every day, but take a few 20-30 minute walks weekly where you can walk faster. Regardless of your age if you frequently walk fast and push it on some hills or stairs, even for shorter hikes your body will become accustomed to Littlethis. efforts add up. On hills and the flat allow the heart rate to rise and then rest. Push, rest, push, rest –that’s the way to build cardio strength as well as muscle endurance, so there is your first strategy. By rest I mean walk a bit slower – don’t stopSecondly,completely!resolve any longstanding injuries.

9. Bake for 20 – 30 mins, depending on shape of loaf. 10. Bread is ready when it is golden brown on the outside and sounds hollow when you tap it with your knuckles.

What should


Healthier private health cover

• Pepitas and



• ml warm water 1 tsp Salt Tsp sugar olive oil plain flour dry yeast. sunflower seeds


Positive welfare experiences are sometimes characterised in terms of ‘quality of life’, for example with the relative concepts of ‘a life worth living’, or ‘a good life’, and the negative concepts of ‘a life worth avoiding’ or ‘a life not worth living’. The RSPCA believes that all of these interrelated aspects need to be taken into account when considering an animal’s welfare Tasmania’sstate.animal welfare standards are well behind community expectations. Our laws do not acknowledge mental suffering and give a free pass to cruel activities. Just like us, animals deserve a life free from cruelty and enforced suffering. It is time for us to bring our regulatory environment into the 21st century. To learn more, visit rspcatas.org.au For more information and bookings email us: giftsinwills@rspcatas.org.au


EDEN Eden (2) is a delightful small domestic grey and white rabbit whose favourite things are playing in her enclosure and being humans!with EMMA Everyone, meet Emma! A beautiful 2 year old, extremely friendly, loves lots of cuddles and is very people orientated. She has passed her muzzle free accreditation with flying colours and is now ready for her furever home.

BY As humans, our welfare at any point in time is affected by many different things, such as our health, social life, work, sleep ing, living arrangements and income. We know that good nutrition, exercise, feeling safe and financially secure all help improve our overall welfare, but that at any time something can happen to make us feel better or worse than normal. Just as with humans, a non-human an imal’s welfare includes its physical state and its mental state. Anything which has the capacity to affect these states has the potential to affect an animal’s welfare, for good or bad. For many years, animal welfare focused only on the physical state of an animal such as providing a safe environment, food, water, disease prevention and treating in juries. But most scientists now accept that an animal’s mental state – how an animal feels and what it prefers to do – is every bit as important as its physical state. Mental state encompasses both positive experienc es, such as comfort and contentment, and negative experiences, such as pain, fear and Definitionsfrustration.


&CHARLOTTEMARTIN Charlotte (12) and Martin (6) have been family to one another almost 7 years, so must be adopted together. Ideal home would be one with no children or other pets. These two are affectionate, relaxed, smoochy, playful, love attention and being brushed!

Foster care gives animals that are initially not ready to be re-homed, or in our care as emergency boarders, an opportunity to settle into a temporary home life, The aim of foster care is to help animals that are overwhelmed in, or unsuitable for, a shelter environment . This may be due animals are too young or too small for adoption or because they are recovering from illness or surgery, or they need special TLC as is sometimes the case with animals seized by our inspectors. We also take care of companion animals of people experiencing family/domestic violence, homelessness, or medical facility. We have very strict rules around sharing information to ensure the anonymity and safety of all concerned. We will ensure that we match animals and carers and give you the support of a foster care coordinator and team. Sound like you? Please apply today.


ROBERT & BARRY Both Robert and Barry (pictured) are Olive Yellow Budgies, both accustomed to an aviary space so would really love it if someone has a similar home for either, or both of these two stunning boys now.


of animal welfare have histor ically focused on minimising or eliminat ing the negative experiences of animals, however, in recent years the importance of providing positive experiences for animals has become increasingly understood, underpinned by an expanding body of neuroscientific evidence. Positive experi ences include satiety, reward, contentment, curiosity and playfulness, for example, and welfare can be improved by giving animals opportunities to engage in rewarding behaviors.

after-hours emergency vet services, together equating to more than 10,000 treatments per year.Last year, the Catwalk Challenge toaregoingshowsHowever,inislastisn’tisurbangotreatmenthelpingwewastotal,friendsandcatsparticipantsencouragedtotaketheirforwalksonharnessgetsponsorshipfromandfamily.Inmorethan$7500raised.Butthisyearareaimingfor$10k,ustoprovidetocatsinneed.So,howdoesMittensfromcouchpotatotoexplorer?WhatIneedtosaythatharnesstrainingforeverycat–thethingwewanttodoputyourbestfriendastressfulsituation.ifyourcatakeeninterestinoutsidethentheyaprimecandidate.Thecatisintroducedtheharnessinstages

Open your heart and your home I help?

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 25 Pet Talk

THE culture of cat ownership in Tasmania is changing, and the days of letting our furry friends roam the streets are drawing to a close. People are realising that cat containment is the best option for their cat’s wellbeing and also for the wellbeing of our to keeping your cat within the boundary of your property, whether through catproof fencing, making a cat enclosure or catio (cat patio), or simply taking your cat outside on harness and leash in your garden or at pet-friendly spots. There are

Jen also recommends taking into consideration your cat’s daily food allowance when giving treats.“We want them to be challenged, not stressed, so it’s important to check in with them to ensure they are enjoying themselves,” Jen said. Now, your cat may just be content exploring your garden – and that is fine; we don’t have to climb a mountain! What is important is that you are spending time together in a safe and enriching environment. It’s good for the cat, and it’s even better for the human.Keep an eye out for the Catwalk Challenge from 1-10 October and check out Jen’s harness training guide on the Ten Lives website. But most of all, spend some quality time with your pets!Ten Lives Cat Centre is a self-funded animal charity that relies on donations and volunteers to care for and rehome the unwanted cats and kittens of Tasmania. See how you can get involved: tenlives.com.au

Cats on harnesses provide urban enrichment for cats and humans

How can

and starts indoors. We start small with treats and positive reinforcement every step of the way. When the cat is comfortable wearing the harness and walking around inside, it’s time to move“Walkingoutdoors.acat is very different to walking a dog,” Ten Lives Head Vet Nurse Jen Pelham said. “Be prepared for a slow walk that involves stopping to ‘smell the roses’ and watch birds rather than a long walk/ jog that you would do with a dog.”


Some of the reasons our kitties need foster care before they can be adopted are: Shy or timid • Too young • Illness

The Ten Lives Cat Centre provides full support and everything you need to care for a cat or kitten in your home. We provide: • food & bowls • kitty litter & trays • toys, blankets & beds • 24 hour support • medicines and vet care You provide: • a loving environment • care for our cats and kittens Every cat has a story. Are you part of it? You can find out more about the Ten Lives foster care program and other ways you can help at tenlives.com.au Ten Lives 12 Selfs Point Road, New Town Open Mon - Sat 10.00 - 4.00 Sun 10.00 - 2.30 6278 2111 tenlives.com.au Ten Lives _ Gazette - 2 Cats 1 Pic Blurb _ ADOPT.indd 1 30/08/2021 1:39:34 Pelham tries harness training with Latte the cat East Ten Lives Cat Centre

Foster caring can be one of the most rewarding and uplifting aspects of volunteering. Our foster care program is an essential part of our work looking after our kitties. You don’t have to foster all the time, fostering even for a short time - a week or two - helps with our vital Fosteringwork.isatruly wonderful experience which is extremely rewarding for you and lifesaving for the cats or kittens you care for.

PM Ten Lives Head Vet Nurse Jen




26 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 SCHOOL HOLIDAY FUN SPRING School fromProgramsHolidayavailable29September to 15 FindOctoberoutmore femalefactory.org.auat THE MOST FUN SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITY IN HOBART OPEN EVERYDAY FROM 10AM - 9PM OVER THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS • Super fast electric karts for all ages • Free arcade machines in between races • Cafe for great coffee, stone baked pizzas, and more Scan the QR code for your exclusive school holiday deal Or book at hyperdrive.racing 22-24 Mertonvale Circuit Kingston, Tasmania 7050 p (03) 6229 1895 E INFO@HYPERDRIVE.RACING MESCAN

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 27 SCHOOL HOLIDAY FUN SPRING IT’S SHOWTIME! The PETstock Royal Hobart Show is coming to the Regatta Grounds! Enjoy the Dinosaur Petting Zoo, Noah’s Racing Pigs and Friday night Experiencefireworks!thenew water-based entertainment, including water-skis and jetpacks! Jump on carnival rides, grab a show bag, see farm animals and much, much more! Save with early bird tickets nearly 50% off! Children $5 Adults Families$10just $25 HobartShowground.com.au Thursday 20 to Saturday 22 October at the Regatta Grounds WIN A FAMILY PASS! to the PETstock Royal Hobart Show AddressEmailPhoneName To enter, complete your details above and post your entry by October 12, to: Hobart PETstockObserverRoyalHobart Show Family Pass Level 2, 152 Macquarie Street Hobart TAS 7000 Winner will be notified by phone. A “Family Pass” allows entry for two adults and two children. W LWORTHS SURFGROMSW LWORTHSw.surfgroms.comw.surfgroms.comSURFGROMS

Presented by: FMHOBARTRadio Kaye Payne Installation / repair Leak Gutterpreventioncleaning 0451 171 227 Before After Before After admin@progutters.com.auwww.progutters.com.auEnquiresCallus We specialize in guttering system installation, repair,cleaning. Our Services Business Details Pro gutters Pty Ltd ABN: 37 639 804 390 P A Y I N G C A S H A u s t r a l i a n a n d W o r l d c o i n s , b a n k n o t e s , s t a m p s , g o l d , j e w e l l e r y , s m a l l c o l l e c t a b l e s a n d m o r e C O N T A C T U S Phone: (03) 6200 8637 Shop 11/113 Main Road Moonah TAS info@tasmaniannumismatics.com.au

Monday 6am: Monday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Mandy’s Monday Morning Mix. Midday: Lunchtime Classics with Rick Rae. 2pm: Monday Variety with Shirley Nicolle. 4pm: Reeling in the Years with Dave Batchelor. 6pm: Glenn’s Country With Glenn Gillie. 8pm: Classic Ride with Melvin Freestone. 10pm: Music of Your Life overnight Tuesday 6am: Wake Up with Kaye Payne. 9am: Bringing Back the Memories with David Carr. Midday: Beats and Ballads with Phil Williams. 3pm: Tuesday Drive with Mal Dennis. 6pm: Mostly Folk with Helen Morrison/Ross Sermons. 8pm: Late Nite Hits with Marg. 10pm: Night Owl Club with Ron Andersen. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Wednesday 6am: Wednesday Breakfast with John Evans. 9am: Bright and Breezy Mix with Kathy. Midday: Wednesday Lunch with Phil Tyson. 2pm: Showtime with Ron Andersen. 4pm: Revival show with Johnny Dallas. 6pm: Wednesday Jukebox with Robbo. 8pm: Country Jukebox with Russell. 10pm: Music of Your Life with Michael Holloway. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Thursday 6am Breakfast with Craig Cracknell. 9am: Magic Music Mix with Tom Payne. Midday: Music of Your Life with Karina Ceron. 2pm: My Collection with Ken Tanner. 4pm: Drive with John Evans. 6pm: Serbian. 7pm: Chinese. 8pm: Contrasts in Classic Jazz. 10pm: Greek with Benny. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Friday 6am: Rise and Shine with Ria Walter. 9am: Songs and Stories with Brian Corr. Midday: Fridays with Mal Dennis. 2pm: My Favourite Music with Judi Forsyth. 4pm: Drive with Peter Johnston. 6pm: Good Times are Rolling with Russell and Bob. 9pm: Rock On with Ray Kemp. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight with Craig Cracknell Saturday 6am: Mostly Old But Something New with Tim. 9am: Polish. 10am: Croatian. 11am: Greek. Midday: World Music with Amanda Sims. 1pm: Music of Your Life with Amanda. 3pm: Various Presenters present The Music of Your Life. 6pm: Kick Back with Kenny White. 9pm: Music of Your Life. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight Sunday 6am: Chris Burrows Breakfast. 9am: German. 10am: Spanish. 11am: Irish Brian Corr. Midday: Italian. 1pm: Nepalese. 2pm: Dove c’e musica Italiana. 3pm: Movie Ticket Radio with Robert Ryan. 4pm: Music of Your Life with Tony Geeves. 6pm: Sunday Country with Bob and Russell Hevey. 9pm: Sunday Night Country with Wayne Crossin. Midnight: Music of Your Life overnight

KAYE was born in Queensland and moved to Tasmania in 1992, becoming a Hobart FM listener shortly after. In 2008 Kaye answered a request for volunteers to become part of the Hobart FM family, and for the past 14 years she has woken up listeners at 6am once a week as a Hobart FM breakfast presenter. Kaye currently presents breakfast from 6 - 9am on Tuesday mornings, playing anything from classical through to country, jazz and today’s modern grooves. She loves music and loves to entertain - why else would you get up at 4.30am to volunteer your time on a cold and frosty morning? “I can’t think of a better thing to do,” Kaye says. “Hobart FM has a family of people who tune in. They give us a call and send us messages on Facebook, and we know their life stories almost as much as we know our own. “I also like to promote live music here in Tassie, and play local artists as much as possible.”

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The response I most commonly hear is that people want to have financial security so they can do the things they wish to Financialdo. security generally refers to that state of mind when you’re at peace with your finances. Essentially, this means being able to meet your expenses without having to generate an income.Achieving financial security necessarilydoesn’tmean having lots of money, it simply means having enough money to be able to do what you want to do. Naturally, financial security is a life goal for many Australians. To achieve financial security, it means thinking about it and setting ourselves up for it. How do you achieve financial security?



account the objectives,



What’s important about money to you?

There are a variety of ways to achieve financial security. This could include money management skills, financial management tools, investment advice or financial advice/ planning. Building good money habits It’s important to start becoming accustomed to habits that will assist you in achieving financial security. Building good money habits may take time. Start small if you need to – it all helps. For example, start by sticking to a simple budget or implementing a basic savings plan. Also, take a closer look at your spending habits. Try to focus on doing things within your means and reduce those unnecessary ‘extras’. Paying off ‘Bad Debts’ Another way to achieve financial security is to pay off ‘bad debts’. This can include personal loans or credit card debts. Try to make this a priority. The sooner you pay down your debt, the sooner you can get on track to being financially secure.Paying off these debts will also result in more money going into your pocket, rather than on interest on loans (money in the bank’s pocket). Debts such as loans on your home or investment loans may be part of your long-term investment strategy and that’s where chatting to an expert can help.

Peace of Mind ‘Financial security’ represents different things to all of us, but I believe the essence of it lies in having peace of mind about your financial position.Andso, while our individual goals may differ, the way we get there is most likely to be the same – by smart planning, building good spending habits and investing wisely. At Strategic Invest Blue, we’re dedicated to providing holistic advice to our clients - be it young families, empty nesters or retirees - so that they are financially secure and can live their best possible lives.We welcome you to arrange a consultationcomplimentarytoascertainhowwecanbeofassistance.

Regular Catch Ups Let’s say you have a financial adviser you like and trust. This is great. We all know that one of the most constant things in life is change, and therefore I would suggest meeting regularly with your adviser to review your finances. It’s important to stay informed and be reassured that you’re on track to achieve your goals and objectives. You want to know you’re succeeding ‘on purpose’ and it’s not just the market or luck on your side. Having the peace of mind of knowing you’re on your way to achieving financial freedom is paramount.

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LUKE Klapsis is a Financial Planner with Strategic Invest Blue. He finds it particularly rewarding working closely with clients to help them determine their goals and together, creating strategies so these goals can be Currentlyachieved.building their first home and with a child due later in the year, financial security is top of mind for Luke and his wife.Here, Luke offers his perspective on the importance of being financially secure. What does financial security actually mean? I’m not sure people ask themselves this question very often or even give much thought to it. In my opinion, asking ten different people what financial security means to them would result in ten completely varying responses. This is because everyone has different values when it comes to money.Tohelp canmoney,someone’suncovervaluesaroundasimplequestionbeasked….

design your one of a kind future. it’s possible!

10km placegetters Emily

“This was a true community event with many volunteers from the athletics community (who braved the challenging weather) in place to ensure that everything ran smoothly,” he“Theresaid. were many positive comments from importantacknowledgingparticipantstheircontribution.”

win the 10km

Women’s Best (third), Meriem Daoui (first) and Ruth Wilson


30 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 Sport

OHA hockey club and our“Fewfamily.people will every truly appreciate the toil and labour you have undergone to get to today.”Hockey Tasmania CEO and OHA club member Damian Smith also addressed the crowd at the launch, before Life Member Nicolas Turner interviewed a panel featuring Robyn and fellow Life Members Nicki Stewart, Peter Woolford and John Sargent.Topurchase a hardcover or softcover copy of the book, phone John McCambridge on 0409 956 898.

Women’s Caitlin Barnett (third), Lilly Ellis (first) Connolly

5km placegetters L-R

Hundred years of hockey history

Rain can’t stop the Glenorchy Fun Run

Launceston’s Sam Clifford won the Pace Financial Services 10km event, kicking clear in the latter stages of the race to win in a time of 30:31. He was followed home by Bailey MurzeckiHince (30:57) and Phil McConnon (33:28). Meriem Daoui (37:42) defended her Women’s 10km title, coming in ahead of Ruth Wilson (40:41) and 17-year-old Emily Best (41:36).

AFTER an epic decadelong process, a highly detailed and meticulously researched documentingbookthe 100year history of Hobart’s OHA Hockey Club has finally been released. Author chroniclingonMcCambridgeRobynembarkedthechallengeofthehistoryof both the Women’s and Men’s sides of the club back in 2013, inspired by the work already done by fellow Life Member John Sargent in his 1997 book ‘We are OHA - Reflections and Collections’.Robynspent countless hours reading,researching,documenting and clarifying material for her book, which is believed to be one of the most detailed history books ever written about an Australian hockey club.The book – which perfectly encapsulates the club’s centenary motto ‘Celebrating the past and inspiring our future’ - was officially launched at the Tasmanian Hockey Centre on 13 August, at an event attended by more than 80 club members, supporters and hockey enthusiasts. Robyn’s son, David highlightingopenedMcCambridge,proceedings,hismother’s commitment to OHA. “She was and is a player, treasureanMember,”membercentenarycoach,juniorcommitteeparent,member,coordinator,mentor,historian,committeeandLifehesaid.“Robyn,youareinspirationandaofboththe

The Running Edge 5km event featured a tight battle between eventual winner Gabe Dennison (16:16) and Sam Kohne, who finished second in 16:25. Gerry Connolly was third in 17:49, one second ahead of his daughter. In the women’s race, Lilly Ellis continued her meteoric rise, winning in a time of 17 min. 25 sec. while Sophie Connolly was 2nd (17 min. 50 sec.) and Caitlin Barnett grabbed 3rd (22 min. 02 sec.).Arden Petersen took out the Steeline Tasmania 2km event for the second straight year, and will be now looking for a high placing in the upcoming National won(9:15).andFordchasedChampionships.Cross-CountryHewashomebyJett(7min.26sec.)CampbellRathboneGraceWood(9:14)acloseraceinthe girl’s event, finishing just two seconds of Zoey Penney. Ruby Proposch (9:36) was third.

and Sophie

Sam Clifford breaks the tape to event


Robyn McCambridge with her new book ‘The OHA Hockey Club – 100 Years of History’

Risdon Primary and Hobart City High School were the lucky winners of the Steeline Tasmania School Sport prizes. The Fun Run was organised by the Northern Suburbs Athletic Club, with club vice president Richard Welsh thanking the event’s sponsors, partners and volunteers for helping make it a success.

MORE than 300 people of all ages braved the conditions on 14 August to run, jog or walk the 32nd Hazell Bros Glenorchy Fun Run. Heavy morning rain and strong winds threatened to derail the event. But just moments before the starter’s gun went, the rain relented and participants were able to stay relatively dry.

Backyard Blitz for cricket kids

“This is very real issue in our community, and I hope this annual event helps to spread the word.“So come on down for a great game of footy and help us crack our $2,500 fundraising goal.” Kick 4 Heartkids will be held at KGV on 17 September, with the first bounce at 5pm. Entry is by gold coin donation. To make a donation visit kick-for-heartkids-3au/my-fundraising/237/www.heartkids.org.

Iron Hobart waterfront


Bellerive Primary Tasmanian cricketers visiting their

Tasmanian Heartkids representative George Clarke (right) with players Nakisha Grimsey and Jaythan Poulson, preparing for the annual Kick for Heartkids event at KGV Oval Footy match with Heart

students ask questions of the

THE next generation of triathlon stars will be part of the action at February’s IRONMAN 70.3 Tasmania, following the announcement that the weekend will feature an IRONKIDS event. IRONKIDS Tasmania will take place on 4 February on the Hobart waterfront, taking in part of the course that athletes will take to in IRONMAN 70.3 Tasmania the following day.The event will be split into two categories, with children aged 7-10 years completing a 1km run, and those aged 11-13 years running 1.5km. All runners will receive an IRONKIDS Tasmania t-shirt and finisher medal and get the full IRONMAN 70.3 Tasmania finish experience, making their way down the red carpet to finish on the Princes Wharf No1 morea70.3inauguralathedirectorGroupforecourt.TheIRONMANOceaniaregionalCarlSmithsaidIRONKIDSeventisgreatadditiontotheIRONMANTasmania.“IRONKIDSprovidesgreatopportunityforpeopletoget

involved in the event and we love seeing kids out enjoying themselves and being a part of the weekend,” he said. ‘“The 1km and 1.5km run course provide an achievable goal for kids taking part and they get the fun of running down the finish chute like so many others will the following day at IRONMAN 70.3 im703-tasmaniawww.ironman.com/beonareIRONKIDSTasmania.”EntriesforTasmanianowopen.Spotsthestartinglinecansecuredbyvisiting

HOBART resident Lewis Taylor has surpassed his fundraising goal of $158,000 eight weeks after completing his final climb for the 158 Challenge. In January Lewis set out with an ambitious goal of summiting all of Tasmania’s 158 abels (mountains higher than 1100m) in 158 days whilst raising critical funds for the Cancer Council Tasmania. “It was absolutely incredible to hit my fundraising goal after two years of planning and executing,” Lewis“Fromsaid.those who donated a few dollars right through to those large business donations, I can’t thank you enough and in particular, I want to thank Rolls Cycles who came in at the end to see me past my target.” Cancer Council Tasmania CEO Penny Egan said the not-for-profit organisation relies on generous donations such as Lewis’ to be able to provide its program and services.“Lewis has raised more than $165,000 – that is the most a community fundraiser has ever raised for us here in Tasmania,” Ms Egan said. “Last year we provided 6000 transports to treatment for people living with cancer and 7000 occasions of support to those impacted by cancer so receiving this kind of donation will go a long way in ensuring that we can continue to provide our programs and“Thankservices.you to everyone who supported Lewis because in supporting Lewis you have supported many Tasmania’s impacted by cancer.” Donations for the 158 Challenge are open until the end of the month, via 158challenge. com

Fundraiser Lewis Taylor (centre) with Roll Cycles manager Nick Driessen and Cancer Council CEO Penny Egan Lewis rolls past target

H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022 31 Sport

For the past three

THOUSANDS of youngsters have been introduced to the basics of cricket by some of Tasmania’s best players, as the Hydro Tasmania Community Cricket Blitz toured the state last month.Upto 7,000 children from 38 schools across the state took part in this year’s Blitz, with participants ranging from kindergarten right up to Year 10. A group of 26 Tasmanian Tigers and Hobart Hurricanes male and female players visited schools across the state – including the East Coast, West Coast and King Island regions - supported by Cricket Tasmania staff. As well as running clinics teaching students the basics of cricket, participants also had the chance to meet and ask questions of some of their favourite players. Cricket Tasmania’s General Manager of Hurricanes and Commercial, Scott Barnes, said it was fantastic to see schools keen to be involved again in year.regionswhichalignedTasmania’sCricketcurriculum-cricketprograms,arereachingmoreofthestatethis

FOOTBALL players from across the state will come together later this month to play in the annual Kick 4 Heartkids charity game. Forty-eight keen players will take to the KGV Oval on 17 September in a flurry of red and blue, to raise awareness about congenital heart disease in TasmanianTasmania. isbeingClarkerepresentativeHeartkidsGeorgesaidtheworkdoneatHeartkidsimportantforevery

kids ready to run on

years George has been organising the annual Kick 4 Heartkids event to help raise awareness in Tasmania.Thefirst game was held at St Virgil’s in 2019 and raised more than $900. Last year’s match was played on the gravel oval at Queenstown and raised“Congenital$3000. heart disease is the most common babies,”oneabnormality,birthaffectinginevery100hesaid.

Tasmanian.“Ilivewith a congenital heart disease and have grown up with the support of Heartkids,” he“I’vesaid.had six openheart operations to maintain multiple issues I’ve had with my heart, and Heartkids has been there for me every step of the way. “I do these events to give back and make sure Heartkids gets the recognition it deserves.”

“As always it’s a busy pre-season for our players, but they love the opportunity to get out into the community, visit all different corners of the state, and meet so many members of our community,” he said. “Our strategy with the Blitz is a little different this year, as we may be attending less schools but we are running more sessions with more year levels at each school that we do visit - to the points that we’re actually expected to reach more than double the number of participants we did last year.”

(centre) welcomes new

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SET TO STING JackJumpers head coach Scott

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32 H obart Observer SEPTEMBER 2022


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THE JackJumpers’Tasmanianew imports have landed in Hobart, keen to make their mark on the 2022/23 Hungry Jack’s NBL season. Shooting guard Milton Doyle and power forward Rashard Kelly arrived on 15 August, brought in to replace departing American duo Josh Adams and MiKyle McIntosh. Doyle, 28, played 10 NBA games with the Brooklyn Nets during the 2017-18 season, after starring for the Loyola Ramblers in college. He returned to the NBA in 2019 after signing with the Chicago Bulls, averaging 17.5 points, 5.8 assists, 4.1 rebounds, and 2 steals per game for the team’s G-League affiliate, the Windy City Bulls. Doyle has also played in Spain, Italy and most recently for Gaziantep Basketbol in the Turkish Basketball Super League. “I watched the NBL playoffs bringwell,”everyonechemistrythechampionshipandgame,JackJumpers’teamisgreatandplaystheirrolehesaid.“IknowwhattheytothetableandI’m looking forward to playing with these guys.” Kelly graduated from Wichita State University in Kansas in 2018, beginning his professional career with Russian club Parma before stints in Italy and Turkey.The26-year-old most recently played with JDA Dijon Basket in France’s LNB Pro A league, averaging 11.4 points, 6.4 rebounds and 2.2 assists per“I’mgame.excited about the program you guys have got here, and the things you’re trying to accomplish,” Kelly said. “I’ve been following the league for a while, since I became a professional. I’ve been intrigued by it and wanted to be part of the NBL, so when Tasmania gave me a shot I had to say ‘yes’ with no hesitation.”TheJackJumpers also recently added former South East Melbourne Phoenix player Tristan Forstyth as an early-season injury replacement for star centre Will Magnay, along with development players Josh Tomasi and Walter Brown. The JackJumpers will begin their second season on the road against the Phoenix, before returning home to host the Cairns Taipans on 3 Octoberthe first of many matches at Glenorchy’s MyState Bank Arena set to sell out.The JackJumpers have also secured blockbuster home games on Boxing Day (vs the New Zealand Breakers) and New Year’s Day (vs the Phoenix). Roth imports Milton Doyle and Rashard Kelly to Hobart

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