34 minute read


Building 18 Association

Hi, neighbors.


Please continue to follow CDC guidelines, wear your mask, wash your hands frequently and maintain proper social distance. If you have not taken the Covid–19 vaccine and booster yet, please think about getting it to protect yourself and others. Stay out of the hospital. doors. It is very important that your apartment door is self–closing after seeing report to Maintenance if you have a door problem.

To the bereaved families, we give you our deepest sympathies. To the homebound, we wish you a speedy recovery. Please stay alert and check on our seniors during this icy cold weather.

Be safe, be well and be happy to all of you.

––Gertie Brown

Section 5 Association

We trust all is well, we went through a trying time, however, we wish all the best of health. The Section 5 Association represents the concerns of all ten buildings and townhouses. We want to acknowledge and thank CB 10 District Mgr. Matthew Cruz for his help with the Einstein Loop BxM7 express bus stop location that was no longer accessible. The shareholders who lived in the Einstein location had to walk additional blocks to board the bus.

We brought this to the attention of CB10 Dist. Mgr. Matthew Cruz who graciously met with myself and Nelson Sweeting representing Section 5 Association. We met in April of 2021, he viewed the Einstein location, took pictures and assured us he would look into the situation. The task was completed and taken care of by Dist. Mgr. Matthew Cruz as well as others who were also advocating for the return of our express bus stop. The Section 5 Association thanks all who were involved for their support. We are a community and it is great to come together in a time of need. Thank you all. The President of Section 5 Association, Mr. Robert Hedgpeth, sends his appreciation.

––H. Overman


Mission Statement: Our mission is to secure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.

Special thanks to our general meeting guest speaker, Ana Cristina Garcia, representative of NY Presbyterian Government and Community Affairs, which is one of the largest comprehensive healthcare facilities in the world and the largest in New York. She shared information on improving the Sickle Cell Care Program; Care on Demand, CHALK Program (plant-based diet in highrisk areas), obesity, asthma and community partnerships. To sign up for the newsletter, go to: healthmatters.nyp.org.

We also viewed CEO and NAACP President Derrick Johnson’s message on the importance of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 that is proposed legislation that would restore and strengthen parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, certain portions of which were struck down by two United States Supreme Court decisions. In addition, we watched a video that reviewed Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

After the vote, CEO Derrick Johnson stated: “Today’s shameful outcome revealed who stands for, and who stands against democracy. The Voting Rights Anything short of protecting the right to vote is a death sentence for democracy.

The NAACP was founded in February: Established in New York City on February 12, 1909 by a group that included African American leaders such as W.E.B. Du Bois and Ida B. Wells-Barnett, they formally announced the formation of a new organization. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People would have a profound effect on the struggle for civil rights and seeking equality for all. Founder’s Day Membership Campaign, January - February 12th: The community at-large is welcomed to become a new member. For members, renew your membership, gift a membership to another or upgrade your membership to become a Silver Life Member. 53rd NAACP Image Awards is on Sat., February 26, at 8:00 p.m. on BET. 113th NAACP National Convention, July 13-20, Atlantic City, NJ.

To follow NAACP’s statements and trending topics, go to: NAACP.org.

We Need You in the Fight: Each and every NAACP member makes a difference to the complex, ongoing work of advancing racial equality. Join this multigenerational network of activists dismantling structural racism by using your power to take action on the most pressing issues of our time.

Become a member or gift a membership: adults are $30 and youths are $10. Make check/money order payable to: NAACP Co-op City #2210 and mail to: NAACP Co-op City, Einstein Station, P.O. Box 75-3111, Bronx, NY 10475.

––Brenda Brown

Building 21 Association

The next 21 Association General Session Gathering will be: Thursday, February 25, via Zoom at 7 p.m. (Note: Fourth Thursday of each month.)

All we ask of anyone kind enough to be a Floor Captain is as follows:

1. Contact Numbers and distribute to each neighbor. 2. Co-op City Times: Place at each apartment door. (Delivered Saturdays.) 3. Elevator Notices: Read them and talk to your neighbors about them. 4. Promote: Meetings, clubs and gatherings.

5. Encourage your neighbors to:

• Vote – Vote – Vote! In the Riverbay election. Public Safety: 718-671-3050; CSO: 718-320-3300

6. That’s it!

If you have questions regarding the 21 Association, you have three ways of gaining information. Email: 21association@gmail.com. Call: 347-504-1821. Attend the monthly general meetings via Zoom video conference. Everyone from all buildings, plan to come and join us at Building 21. Bring a friend.

“Each one of us, multiplied by all of us, equals a force for good.”

––Michelle Marbury


Youth Committee: It is that time of year again! Save the date, Saturday, February 26, the Youth Committee will be presenting their 21st annual Black History celebration. Due to Covid-19 restrictions and to ensure the safety of members and guests, this event will be virtual. The theme for this year will focus on health and wellness. We are currently looking for youth to show how they practice healthy habits such as a yoga or meditation demonstration or creating healthy meals. We are also looking for poets and musicians. If you or anyone you know may be interested, please email ncnwcoopcityyouth@gmail.com.

Youth Section: The Co-op City Youth Section would like to thank family, friends and members for their generous donations that were received for the visors will be going shopping and donating the collected items to our Bronx

Fund Raising: Thank you to everyone who supported our popcorn fundraiser. Proceeds will help to support our community programs and events. We must be vigilant all year round and spread awareness on this atrocity. On Saturday, January presentation titled: Shatter the Silence: Action Required! Committee members were: Dr. Johnetta B. Cole, NCNW National Chair and President; Sandra K. Esq., NCNW Executive Director; Dr. Que English, Moderator; Chief Bumpers, co-moderator; and other committee members from across the United States and boroughs. It also takes place around some sporting venues, some schools and or perhaps they may be coerced with education and other opportunities. Panelists others through the trauma of being a victim, in addition to spreading awareness

NCNW members and guests were also asked to take the Red Card Pledge to spread awareness and to help put an end to violence and discrimination against women. Go to www.redcardpledge.com to take the pledge. The Red Card Pledge was launched at the UN in 2020.

NCNW is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) at the UN. Mary McLeod Bethune, founder of NCNW, was appointed by President Harry S. Truman to attend the founding conference of the United Nations in 1945, and she was the only woman of color in attendance.

Join NCNW! www.ncnwcoopcitysection.com.

––Lori Melton

If you see something, call the Public Safety dispatcher at (718) 671-3050. Be sure to give as many details as possible since this will help to apprehend the responsible person(s).

The Co-op City Times welcomes issue-oriented letters to the editor to be considered for publication. All letters, in prose, not poetry, must be addressed to the editor, not to third parties. All letters must be signed by the writers and include their addresses and phone numbers, which will be kept confi dential, so that the editor can verify – • Letter to the Editor • –

We have been told that the Cablevision (Altice) cable agreement with Co-op City will expire in 2024. In addition Verizon FIOS also wants to come into Co-op City.

On January 19, 2022, Verizon Wireless roles out its 5G service which, from my understanding, has two parts: 1. Upgrading Verizon 4G service to 5G, which they say is ten times faster than 4G and carries a lot more data. 2. Verizon 5G wireless internet services with download speed of 300 MGB/sec and an Upload speed of 50 MB/sec.

It is anticipated that Verizon 5G wireless home internet service will be available in our area in late February 2022. From what I know, this service does not require any new cables. This is may very shareholders will have a choice for Internet access. —

Better Business Bureau Scam Alert

U.S. households can now request free at-home COVID-19 test kits through a new Biden administration program. But when the government rolls out new initiatives, such as the stimulus checks, scammers typically like websites when requesting the your free Covid tests. These scam sites may ask for payment or personal information, such as your Social Security number.

You hear about the free COVID-19 tests and do a search for it online. Or, you see a post or ad on social media or receive an unsolicited email or text. These communications urge you to request your free tests immediately by clicking on a link. you notice something unusual. This fake version may ask you for personal information, such as your Social Security number or Medicare ID. It could also request your credit card details, under the guise of needing to pay for shipping (Note: The real webpage does not ask for payment or your SSN). Before you know it, you have given up your information to a scammer.

• Look closely at the domain name. One way that fake websites trick people is by using a domain name that is extremely close to a real business’ or organization’s domain name. For example, the real COVID-19 test request website is special.usps.com/testkits. Scammers may swap two and it’s best to close the tab. • Watch out for tricky subdomains. Sometimes attackers hope you will confuse a subdomain with the real domain name. For example, a scammer might use the subdomain name usps.faketestkit.com hoping you won’t notice that “faketestkit.com” is not the correct domain name to get your free test kit, which is usps.com. • The real website asks only for your name and address. You do not need to pay for the tests using the government program – even for shipping. And you will not be asked for insurance details, your Social Security number or any other sensitive information.

Board of Directors’ Meeting January 26, 2022

Insurance Resolution #22-01

Riverbay’s Commercial General Liability the expiring Commercial General Liability was with AXIS Insurance Company for a premium of was a layered program among the following two insurances carriers:

The total combined expiring Commercial General Li the Director of Risk Management, after instructing its General Liability & Umbrella broker, York International, to conduct a marketing program promoting Riverbay’s taking on risk with a high retention and an improving loss history, recommends Riverbay placing the Commercial General Liability with AXIS Insurance Com 10.93% decrease, for the policy period 1/31/22 to 1/31/23. that the Board approves placing the Commercial General Liability Company for an annual renewal premium not to exceed remain a layered program with the following insurance that this Resolution shall take effect immediately.

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We welcome letters to the editor only from Co-op City shareholders at .

Letters should address issues of interest to the Co-op City community. Comments should be fact-based and responsible. Letters should not personally attack others and must be written in a respectful manner.

Only signed letters will be considered for publication. The Co-op City Times does not publish anonymous material.

Submissions must include the writer’s address and phone number – which ity and residency of the writer can be

Thank you for your cooperation.

Co-op City Times / January 29, 2022 7 CCPD Works to Ensure a Harassment Free Community


Co-op City takes pride in being a diverse community in which approximately 50,000 people live and work. The Co-op City Department of Public Safety works to ensure that Co-op City is free from any type of harassment. Harassment takes on many forms and violators can face a variety of penalties. There is a wide spectrum of different offenses that fall under the category of Harassment and its related charges. None of these offenses are acceptable within Co-op City and the appropriate action will be taken for each type. Tensions can run high due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Arguments among family members within the apartments of Co-op City have increased during the pandemic. Family members tend to spend more time at home and need to share resources. Working or attending classes from home when other family members are home can lead to an increase in stress levels. Arguments over social distancing and mask wear-

ing in public areas have also been observed. It is important to try to remain Public calm and refrain from engaging in arguments with family members, friends and especially people you do not know. Understand that the current situation can Safety Report cause an increase in stress and it is best to take a deep breath and walk away if that is possible. In New York City, Harassment is a Violation of the Penal Law Section violators can face a variety of penalties. There is a 240.26. A violation of the law is punishable by up to 30 days in jail as well as wide spectrum of different offenses that fall under the a possible monetary fine. However, in order for an officer, either New York category of Harassment and its related charges. None of City Police Department or the Co-op City Department of Public Safety, to make these offenses are acceptable within Co-op City and the an arrest or issue a Universal Summons, the officer must personally witness appropriate action will be taken for each type. the violation. If harassment occurs and it is not witnessed by the officer, the Tensions can run high due to the Covid-19 pandemic. person harassed can respond to Bronx Criminal Court and take out a summons Arguments among family members within the apartments against the person. The Bronx Criminal Court system has an abundant number of Co-op City have increased during the pandemic. Family mem- of resources depending on the nature of the situation, and Mediation is widely used to remedy Harassment issues. The Public Safety Department as well as the Cooperator Service Office (CSO) should be notified to prepare a report for an incident which occurs in the community. The utilization of any type of electronic means, such as a telephone or a computer, escalates Harassment to Aggravated Harassment. Physical contact such as shoving or kicking also results in Aggravated Harassment. Aggravated Harassment is an A Misdemeanor which carries a jail sentence of up to one year and a possible monetary fine. People need to make sure that any comments or messages transmitted to another person are not offensive or capable to be taken out of context. This applies to phone calls, texts, e-mails, voice messages, social network sites, etc. Parents should make sure that children are aware of these rules. For school-age children, there can also be disciplinary action taken at the school. Harassment taken to an even further level can turn into Stalking, a crime which at the highest levels, can be a Felony. A Felony carries a prison sentence of more than one year and often a hefty fine. We often hear about the end results of the most serious cases of Stalking in the news. Most cases of Stalking begin as Harassment which is taken too far. Be sure to notify 911 and the Department of Public Safety if any of these forms of Harassment are witnessed. January has been recognized as National Stalking Awareness Month since 2011. Please visit the website, www.stalkingawarenessmonth.org. In the event that a Universal Summons for Harassment is issued or any other type of arrest is made by either the New York City Police Department or the Co-op City Department of Public Safety, a Community Complaint can be issued. The issuance of a Universal Summons is viewed the same as any other arrest as it pertains to violation of the Riverbay lease. A Co-op City Community Complaint is issued for Anti-Social Conduct for any arrests which occur within the community. A Community Complaint is issued to the shareholder of record for the apartment for any resident or guest of their apartment. The fines start out

Public Safety Blotter

January 16 - January 22, 2022

January 16 – 140 Darrow Place

Flooding condition in the lobby impacted elevator service in the building. CCPD provided roof-top escorts from the adjoining building so shareholders could take the elevator to the top of the adjoining building and walk down, rather than up, in the affected building.

Opposite 99 Donizetti Place

While on routine patrol, CCPD observed a vehicle placed on a milk crate with one wheel removed from the vehicle. CCPD was unable to locate the owner of the vehicle.

650 Baychester Avenue

While on routine patrol, CCPD officers observed a vehicle with the front passenger window broken and the glove box open with items scattered about on the inside of the vehicle. A canvas of the area by CCPD for suspects yielded negative results. CCPD was unable to locate the owner.

950 Baychester Avenue

While on routine patrol, CCPD officers observed a vehicle with the front passenger window broken and the glove box open with items scattered about inside of the vehicle. A canvas of the area by CCPD for suspects yielded negative results. CCPD was unable to locate the owner.

January 17 – 140 Elgar Place

While on routine patrol, CCPD Emergency Service Unit observed construction scaffold collapsed on two vehicles and partially blocking the street. Riverbay Maintenance, the scaffolding company and FDNY were notified and on scene. The area was secured by Public Safety. A canvas of the area was conducted for other scaffolding issues with negative results.

January 18 – 120 Elgar Place

CCPD received a complaint of an unauthorized camera in Building 34. Investigation revealed that the camera was, in fact, unauthorized and affixed improperly. The cooperator was instructed on proper camera regulations and agreed to correct the situation.

January 18 – 177 Dreiser Loop

CCPD responded to the community center for a disorderly group. Upon arrival, CCPD was met by Maintenance who reported about a group of youths deploying a fire extinguisher in the hallway. A canvas of the area for the youths by CCPD patrol officers yielded negative results. Public Safety Detective Unit was assigned the case. An investigation was conducted and detectives identified multiple violators. Multiple Community Complaint, Notices of Violation were issued to the parents of the juvenile violators.

120 Darrow Place

CCPD Emergency Service Unit responded to a call for an elderly shareholder with an excessive nose bleed. CCPD Emergency Service Officers rendered aid and the shareholder was transported to the hospital with EMS for further evaluation.

120 Aldrich Street

A shareholder returned to his parked vehicle in front of the above location. The shareholder observed his passenger door and hatch door opened and items removed from his vehicle.

99 Darrow Place

While a CCPD supervisor was preparing a report for a shareholder, his parked CCPD marked patrol vehicle with emergency lighting engaged was struck from the rear and damaged by a male who was intoxicated. The intoxicated male was arrested for driving while intoxicated and transported to the 45th Pct. for further processing. The suspect is a Co-op City resident and was also issued multiple community complaint violations. Riverbay Risk Management has been notified and is proceeding with an insurance claim to recover the cost to repair the marked cruiser.

January 21 – 100 Einstein Loop

A shareholder reported that a package identified as delivered was, in fact, taken without her permission or authority from the hallway in front of her apartment.

(Continued on page 19)


For information on CONTRACT OPPORTUNITIES ONLY, please contact: Lenya Garcia at Lgarcia@ .com; and Anatoliy Budnitskiy at abudnitskiy@ riverbaycorp.com. Please note: emails should be sent to both parties. Please DO NOT email resumes for EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES to the aforementioned emails. For EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES,


There are no contract opportunities to list this week. Please check back.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES For employment opportunities, please search “Riverbay Corporation” at the following sites: www.Indeed.com www.Glassdoor.com

Candidates may review full position descriptions and apply directly at either site.

Current Riverbay employees should submit a transfer request and resumé directly to the HR department.

Thank you for your interest in working for Riverbay Corporation.

Co-op City Times / January 29, 2022

Director’s Viewpoint – Michelle Marbury, Second Vice President

Managing A City Within A City…

You may ask: Why “board de-

velopment training” and its cost is velopment training” and its cost is

necessary? The answer is, no Board necessary? Director comes equipped to handle the heavily reguDirector comes equipped to handle the heavily regulated enterprise that is the Riverbay Corporation. We present our varied and unique set of skills as an offering to the work of the Directors but in concert, we are asked to familiarize ourselves with countless rules, laws, codes and agreements, which results in volunteering an enormous amount of lifetime to service and community.

What does this mean to you as a Shareholder?

“You” want to be sure that who you choose to represent you is up to the challenge and willing to do all that is necessary to manage and carry out the duties put before them on your behalf – The only way to keep a “control” on that is to be sure that each board member opment training weekend” is designed to do just that.

Last Weekend’s Development Training

Most important to note is that a Board member’s job is to govern and make policy. We do that by identifying problems and then taking said issues back to the Board (i.e. through a committee or from complaints that have not been adhered to through the system of protocols put in place to run our corporation).

Board members are in a constant state of analysis (if we are doing our job correctly). We must protect the integrity of Management’s role (i.e., through addressing the problem by gathering information at the root cause).

Policy Making Processes: Important for you to understand…

When the community comes to us with problems, we must come together in the Board Room to make policy which governs our corporation and addresses those problems. Example: Repair issues that are not lem through a committee, or gathering information as to the root cause ing pinpointed the problems, and offer a report of the Management so that they will carry out “directives from sue. In short, if a Board Director says to you, they will take care of a certain issue or problem for “you” vidually, they are speaking out of turn. Such language can be detrimental to the corporation as a whole. Each just like you. The power held by a Board member, is only in effect when utilized along with the Board as a unit.

Directors’ Fiduciary Duties

These duties are the creed that a Board Director must adhere to. They are framed on the wall in the Board Room as a reminder to us of our responsibilities… • Duty of Care • Duty of Loyalty • Duty of Obedience

Let’s Analyze This and Make It Plain… (The following is excerpted from the Riverbay Corporation’s 2021 Board Development Training, as presented by Smith, Buss & Jacobs LLP, Saturday, January 22, 2022)

The cost of the 2 and a half-day intensive before ence is less than $1.00 per shareholder. Duty of Care

• Business Corporation Law § 717 – A director shall perform his duties as a director, including his duties as a member of any committee of the board upon which he may serve, in good faith and with that degree of care which an ordinarily prudent cumstances. (49) • This also refers to the level of attention required of each director to attend meetings, carefully review documents, participate in committee work, pay attention, question, listen, understand, seek assistance from subject matter experts and do what is necessary to inform the decisions you are called upon to make.

Disclosure of information. Since members of the board of directors have access to a considerable amount of personal information tion should be held in the should not be disclosed to any person, “…except insofar as it has a direct ness of the company, or (b) the division’s efforts to deter fraud in developments thorized to receive such information.” • ers’ records.

Duty of Loyalty

expense of the corporation, and their private interests • the cooperative as a whole,” setting aside personal or political interests.

Duty of Obedience

• – I (Director’s name) do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of the Riverbay Board of Directors and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and the State of New York. I shareholders of Riverbay Corporation to the Riverbay Board of Directors, I understand that I, individually, have no more right or privileges than any other resident shareholder within this community. I pledge to obey all of the rules and regulations of the cooperative, and to work with the other members of the Board of Directors, as a whole, to develop and to oversee policy for the good of the entire Co-op City community. • ity, that may subject the Board, the Corporation, and

Thank you for reading my viewpoint. I can be reached at mmarbury@riverbayboard.com.

Each one of us, divided by all of us, equals a force for good.

Black Forum

Emergency Food Pantry – 920 Baychester Ave., Bldg. 1A (entrance faces basketball court). The pantry opens Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11 once a month. Look at the last date on your pantry card. The next pick up would bution become available. All guests must present a pantry card to receive food. ping cart. We require masks and physical distancing. New registrants can receive er’s, or driver’s license with a 10475 address to register. Palmer Avenue to pick up groceries. They open on Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. Registration is open at this location for Section 5 residents. on January 4. You must recertify in order to pick up groceries in the year 2022.

Restaurant Meal Distribution – The restaurant meal distribution has ended. Thank you to all who took part. We will post information in this article about new programs we have for the community.

Defensive Driving Class – Classes are TBA until our normal meeting space available at the Empire Safety Council website:

Contact Us – Reach out to us at coopcityblackforum@gmail.com.

––D. Illis

Velocity Track Club

Velocity Track Club athletes at the Ocean Breeze Invitational.

group received medals, so medals were hard to earn! ven, Karly, Shyenne, Lyon, Ryann, Tiarra, Kenia, Zuriel and Madison M. dred percent of your donation will go towards helping our children. Support our

Thank you!

––Winston Dinkins

Building 9 Association

Greetings, Building 9 family and friends.

Please continue to pray for the police and all the victims of gun violence. Pray for peace in our country and in our community.

We wish healing for the hurt and encouragement for the discouraged. Keep in mind and heart those who have lost loved ones and those who are alone and shut-in. A kind word, a call or a brief visit is usually welcomed. masks and Covid-19 testing kits at various distribution sites throughout the community. We thank them for their continued efforts on our behalf.

The Building 9 Executive Board was pleased to publish the website address for distribution and early distribution of Covid-19 testing kits by the federal government. According to the response, everyone was able to navigate the website your hands often, maintain social distance whenever possible. Observe social distancing guidelines in lobbies, laundry rooms and on elevators.

The Building 9 Association Executive Board election meeting took place on Thursday. The election results will be posted on lobby bulletin boards. The Building 9 Association Executive Board looks forward to seeing you, serving Preparedness Guide and window guard form in the mail. Please complete and return the window guard form in the SASE provided. sion, please ensure the appropriate level of attendance and support is provided

“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Be blessed, be well and be safe.

––Linda Collins

African-American Association of Co-op City

P.O. Box 702, Co-op City Station, Bronx, NY 10475 177 Dreiser Loop, Room 15, Bronx, NY 10475 www.facebook.com/coopcity.africanamericanassoc • (929) 430-3255

Presents its 25th Annual BLACK HISTORY MONTH PROGRAM

Libation Prayer Lift Every Voice and Sing Tribute to the Ancestors:

Hank Aaron, Virgil Abloh, Midwin Charles, Tommy DeBarge, Garth Dennis, Robert Lee Elder, Marcel Theo Hall a/k/a Biz Markie, Bell Hooks, Gregory Edward Jacobs a/k/a Shock G, Vernon Jordan Jr., Chi Modu, Jovita Moore, James Mtume, Sidney Poitier, Colin Powell, Robert Ross a/k/a Black Rob, Desmond Tutu, Cicely Tyson, Melvin Van Peebles, Michael K. Williams, Malikah Shabazz, Robbie Shakespeare, Earl Simmons a/k/a DMX, Demaryius Thomas, Mary Wilson, and Wanda Young a/k/a Wanda Rogers.

African-American Performers

Saturday, February 5, 2022 3:00 p.m.

Zoom information: Meeting ID: 828 8641 7953 Passcode: 187413 New York telephone number: 1-646-558-8656

Co-op City Times / January 29, 2022

Director’s Viewpoint – Mary Pearson, Assistant Secretary

Was that so hard? The BxM7 Einstein Loop bus stop is up and running after so many bumpy starts and stops. I have no idea why the NYC DOT has been so unhelpful or why the MTA (the impossible to communicate with each other. MTA reps said in October they were waiting for signage that was put in place in January – nine months earlier. Then we and the MTA waited for the curb to be painted yellow for several more months before being informed by the DOT that they don’t do that anymore.

So many people emailed, texted, phoned, pleaded and badgered anyone and everyone from the time of the bus stop’s initial move on 11/18/20. In mid-March,

First up was Stephanie McGregor – Impatient Zero. Thanks to her cousin’s daughter’s intel, she was the so, a second text reached me from a woman who has since been watching the process slowly unfold from her my complaint-partner from way back, emailed me. That was in 2021. At the 1/20/22 celebration, Katherine told me an MTA representative threatened that if we don’t shape up and keep the cars from parking in the bus stop, they’ll take it away and move us back to the river. that requirement.

After seeing the Einstein Loop BxM7 bus stop con p.m., the miraculous happened. For a brief shining moment, long enough to get photographic proof, the bus stop was totally empty of cars. Hallelujah. But it didn’t last.

The Sunday evening before that wondrous moment, I called CCPD to ask if they could swing by and ticket -

Tiny Triumphs

cer, CCPD did not have the authority. They could only issue tickets to double-parked cars and cars parked at

So, I called 311. I told the whole bus stop saga to the poor woman in charge of illegally parked vehicle incident reports. I requested that whenever patrol cars from they issue tickets? I, unfortunately, haven’t seen the new bus stop totallyempty of parked cars before or since the Thursday afternoon Miracle-Monday-Moment, and I’ve got a great view from my window – and binoculars.

I was told by the 311 rep that the more people making the same request, the more attention it will get. So that call to action. Getting through the 311 announcements

For those who’ve gotten us as far as we have, for those responsible for this dearly needed tiny triumph for the community, many thanks. (Special thanks are due to two of our Board Directors for their killer legislator-whispering skills.) Still, we need to keep the stop clear if we

There’s an epilogue to this tale.

MTA Superintendent of Road Operations, John O’Malley (formerly of NYPD) was incredibly helpful and informative at the Thursday, 1/20/22, grand re-opening. He stayed long after the revelers disbursed just to keep an eye on the BxM7 schedule. He and I and an MTA Security staff member chatted about the obstinate DOT (no yellow curb, ever, DOT says; no additional No Parking/No Standing sign will be attached to the lamp post at the end of the bus stop, ever, DOT says.)

Suddenly, a passenger came trotting over saying waiting passengers, the man who will henceforth be

That’s right. After all this endless rigmarole, the bus driver turned into Einstein Loop south, the impossible-to-turn-into-corner that started this whole shebang! The driver took the old route, the old turn, the wrong turn, not the corrected turn. Not the one that took fourteen months

As the bus pulled away, a sweet passerby and I

Disabilities and Accommodations Committee:

Many suffer each year from the shortened daylight hours blamed for the Wintertime Blues. Once more this year, SAD –Seasonal Affective Disorder – gets an unhelping hand from Covid. The D&A Committee will soon be posting tips for dealing with SAD and much

Do you know of Caregivers Outreach Mentorship Empowerment, Inc. (comeoutreach.org)? Register for the free, third Thursday of the month, Let’s Talk, Zoom sessions. upcoming, virtual, 7-part series from the state of Vir by the Citywide Council on Special Education. Aimed to bolster self-advocacy and decision-making, the series setting and respecting boundaries, self-esteem and self-acceptance, pregnancy & STI prevention, abuse prevention, and human anatomy. The series begins on February 2 and runs mostly biweekly through this free Zoom Series at .

Stay safe, stay well. or by email at mpearson@riverbayboard.com.


Free enrollment help is available!

Health insurance plans are more affordable now than ever.


Call 311, text COVEREDNYC to 877877 or visit nyc.gov/getcoverednyc to be connected to a GetCoveredNYC Specialist.

Building 13 Association Association of Building 14 Cooperators

Free at-home COVID-19 tests: (www.covidtests.gov):


Visit our Facebook page at: Building 13 Association Inc.–Co-op City.

––Leslie Peterson

Building 13 members wishing their mail person, Frieda, a happy retirement.

be “they

Security More calls mean swifter action

Laundry Room more calls mean quicker action

––Josie Ferguson

Director’s Viewpoint – Daryl Johnson

A young 15-year-old girl was recently killed by a school bus. And, now, Mayor Adams wants to make our streets safer.

School Bus Kills a Young Girl

A video was posted online showing the moment that a young 15-year-old girl was struck and killed by a school bus. Then, the video horribly shows the rear passenger side wheel of the bus rolling over the girl as she was on the ground. Thereafter, the school bus driver kept going on his way.

Later on, the cops arrested the school bus driver and charged him with failure to yield to a pedestrian and failure to use due care. Then, he was released on a Desk Appearance Ticket.

So, our new mayor is proposing some new changes for vehicles and for pedestrians. One proposal involves adding a head-start signal timing feature so that pedestrians can cross the street before vehicles

Bottom line: Some people are driving their vehicles in a reckless manner. So, they don’t have a problem with viciously cutting in front of drivers, tailgating, and driving at high speeds. What’s up with some drivers illegally modifying their exhaust system to make loud noises while they’re speeding and driving crazy? Therefore, the NYPD needs to crack down on this foolishness.

Additionally, the mayor needs to create a safety campaign for pedestrians. What’s up with some pe texting on their phone? How about some pedestrians that deliberately stand in the way of large vehicles as they make turns? What about parents that don’t believe in holding a small child’s hand as they cross the streets? Plus, hey, the parent has no problem letting the child walk behind them as they cross the street. Independence, right? Horrible!!! Look, we desperately need an educational campaign to teach people

Subway Safety

On Saturday, January 15, 2022, at around 9:30 a.m., a woman was waiting for a train at 42nd Street and Times Square. Suddenly, a man allegedly pushed her in front of a train. Afterward, the man ran away. the train. Later on, a man turned himself in to the police. The police then charged him with second degree murder.

And, now, it was reported that the MTA is considering the idea of placing platform barriers at subway stations throughout NYC. These barriers will be used to prevent people from falling or being pushed onto the subway tracks. Additionally, it’s rare that you’ll hear about people going into the subway tunnels to hang out or to set up a home.

However, annually, can you believe that there are hundreds of cases of people that are just roaming around in these tunnels? Then, at times, some of these folks make horrible decisions to go onto the subway tracks. And, that’s when things can go really bad for the person, the subway workers, emergency service workers, the MTA, and everyone else.

Concerning these barriers, MTA Chair and CEO Janno Lieber recently said that a ‘Track Trespass Working’ group was created to deal with these issues.

Bottom line:

People can make a decision to wait for a train at any area along a subway platform. And, they might not encounter any problems. However, do you think have expressed their fear about using the subway system?

Do you think that we might have a problem when the media is constantly reporting that major crimes are occurring in our subway system? Absolutely! Regardless, without a care in the world, lots of people will do everything they can to stand at the edge of the platform. Then, that’s when someone with bad intentions can do something horrible to them. So, the MTA should consider placing barriers throughout the subway system. Additionally, they should consider creating a campaign to educate the public about safety issues.

Virtual Board Training

Can you believe that our directors stayed at their own apartments last Saturday and had a successful board training session on Zoom? Can you believe that we didn’t have to go away and charge this community for transportation, hotel rooms, meals, drinks, and other charges?

Previously, statements were made so that directors could get away from this community at your expense. However, were 1,000 cooperators struggling to pay their carrying charges at the last possible moment? Were we receiving annual increases because of claims that we didn’t have a lot of money to run our operations? Absolutely!!! So, now, I want to thank our directors and our Legal team for making a great decision to have this training session on Zoom.

NYC Crime – Getting Out of Control

ary 21, 2022 when that cop was killed in Harlem. Hun came out to express their anger and frustration with the horrible crimes that have been occurring in this city. Let’s hope and pray that things will get better here.


Will we be safe if we walk out into the street while our head is buried in our phone? Can a bus or a truck kill us if we deliberately stand in the way while they’re making a turn? Do you think that someone can push us into an oncoming train if we stand at the edge of a subway platform? Absolutely!!! So, please consider these points.

Thank you.

Contact Information

Please do not send a letter to me at this time. However, you can send an email to me at: djohnson@ riverbayboard.com.

Also, please call me ONLY at 718-671-4544 if you would like to have a brief discussion with me. Okay, that’s it for now. So, please have a wonderful week. And, may God bless you and your family. Thank you.

NYC – Safety Issues

We are shareholders, not tenants! Become involved in your building association!

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