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Mayor de Blasio was joined by With the new Dreiser site, shareholders looking Congressman Jamaal Bowman, State Senator to be vaccinated were prioritized in the first days of Jamaal Bailey, Bronx Borough President the site opening and Riverbay staff are currently being Ruben Diaz Jr., Assemblyman Michael trained to continue assisting Co-op City residents to Benedetto, Council Member Kevin Riley, make appointments. Co-op City residents who would and New York City Health Commissioner, like the vaccine can contact Riverbay at (718) 879Dr. Dave Chokshi, during his tour of the new 5950. facility. In addition to the above number, eligible
New York City’s Department of Health is shareholders and Riverbay staff members interested the administrator of the Dreiser site and is in being vaccinated at the Dreiser site can also make working with city contractor, Affiliated Physicians, to provide the vaccines. The site, located at 177 Dreiser Loop, operates Monday through Saturday, from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. At a press conference held in the Dreiser courtyard following the officials’ tour of the vaccine facility in the auditorium on Saturday, Councilman Kevin Riley stressed that the vaccine facility is a cooperative effort among elected officials. He also thanked Riverbay Corp. for their assistance and support. Photos by Brandon Ortiz and Noel Ellison an appointment in-person at the Dreiser Center daily from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., at the Bartow and Einstein Centers from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., or by using the state’s “Am I Eligible” online tool, am-ieligible.covid19 vaccine.health.ny.gov, or by calling (877) VAX-4NYC (829-4692) or online at vax4nyc. nyc.gov. Homebound residents interested in getting March 6, Mayor de Blasio stated: “Our goal is five million New Yorkers fully vaccinated the vaccine can also fill out an online form at by June. To make sure the Bronx comes back, make sure New York City comes back, we forms.cityofnewyork.us/f/homebound. need to reach everyone with the vaccine. The best way to vaccinate people is right in their Shareholders looking to stay updated on own neighborhood. Here in Co-op City, you see the amazing site that’s been set up in a information regarding the Dreiser vaccine site can matter of days.” continue referring to the in-house tv Crawler
The Mayor went on to highlight that the Dreiser vaccination site will have the capacity on channel 12 (MATV) and channel 591 to vaccinate 1,000 people per day when the facility is fully operational. (Optimum). Riverybay’s official Facebook
Congressman Bowman acknowledged the historical context of the Dreiser site with page, Co-op City Riverbay, in addition to the respect to the often troubled history between Black and Latino communities and vaccines. Co-op City Times and CCPD Twitter account,
“Not just the Tuskegee experiment, but the experi-mentation with the cells of Henrietta @coopcitytimes and @CCPDnyc respectively, Lacks; the forced sterilization of will also continue providing updates or the Black and Latino community, schedule changes for the site. both here and in Puerto Rico,” Shareholders who are not signed up for Rep. Jamaal Bowman said. “I’m Phone Tree alerts are encouraged to do so, fully aware of that history, but as especially those who are seniors. Phone Tree a member of Congress, I felt that alerts provide important notifications relative it was my responsibility to lead to the Co-op City community. The application the way. I want this entire to sign up for Phone Tree alerts can be found community to know that the on page 4 of this edition of the Co-op City vaccine is safe, it’s going to save Times. Those who wish to sign up for lives and it’s going to help our emergency services with CCPD can utilize the Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. delivered most of his city come back stronger than ever.” application printed on page 3 of this issue. remarks in Spanish, reassuring members of the Congressman Bowman andLatino community that the vaccine is safe. New York Senator Chuck Schumer co-signed a letter to President Biden dated February 27, 2021 detailing the need for a vaccination site in the Co-op City, Edenwald and Wakefield area pointing out that “a staggering 411 people living there have lost their lives to this deadly virus. The daily case rate remains higher than that of New York City at large, and the death rate of 505 people per 100,000 is among the highest in the nation. In these neighborhoods, 90 percent of residents are people of color, and one in four residents are elderly.”
Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. delivered the majority of his remarks in Spanish to emphasize to the Latino community how important it is for them to take the vaccine. “When I saw medical personnel in there – personnel that look like us –that’s important, that raises the comfort level,” Borough President Diaz Jr.,said at the press conference. City Council Member Kevin Riley stressed that bringing the site to fruition was truly a team effort from all levels of government. “I want to personally thank everyone that made this possible. I know this is a labor of love. Thank you also to Mayor de Blasio chats with a Co-op City resident with a vaccine appointment. Riverbay for providing this space for us to use,” the councilman said. Notably, the Dreiser vaccination site will be administering the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, a single-dose shot, meaning follow-up appointments are not be necessary.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was highlighted during the Mayor’s press conference as he mentioned it being the catalyst for moving forward with a citywide program that aims to vaccinate New York City’s most vulnerable homebound seniors.
“Now that we have the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, we can finally reach our homebound seniors because it is a vaccine that is so much easier to work with, it does not require the same refrigeration. It’s one shot. It’s one shot and you’re done,” said the mayor. “Already here in Co-op City, 50 seniors, 50 homebound seniors, have been vaccinated, and a lot more will be in the coming days.”
According to data gathered by the city, only 8% of adults in Co-op City have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 so far, but the new Dreiser site hopes to change that.
A pop-up vaccination site a few weeks ago in Co-op City proved to be unhelpful for shareholders as many found securing an appointment to be impossible, while a large number of individuals, who were not Co-op City residents, were able to secure appointments.
Governor Cuomo announced expanded eligibility for the vaccine this week. Now, New Yorkers who are 60 years and older and those with underlying health conditions will be eligible to receive the vaccine. Essential workers from governmental and nonprofit entities who deal with the public will also be eligible beginning March 17.

Congressman Bowman and Senate Majority Leader Schumer co-signed a request to President Biden for a vaccine site to serve Co-op City. Riverbay officials joining the Mayor at the vaccine facility in the Dreiser auditorium included Board President Linda Berk and General Manager Noel Ellison.

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