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Public Safety Report
The Oxford Dictionary defines a bully as: “A person who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt weaker people.” The answer is a little more in-depth than that, however. The bully has what s/he feels is real (even if it may not be real) power imbalance. The power imbalance may be physical. An example of this is a bigger child fighting a smaller child. The imbalance may be informational. An example is one child having embarrassing information on another person. It could be social. The popular person excludes a less popular person from events. Bullying includes making threats or attacks physically and verbally. Bullying can happen anywhere. It could happen at school, playground, home and the internet. Due to the internet, a person can be bullied from people in a different country or place. The internet can have countless amount of people saying negative things about a person. These countless amounts of people saying negative things about another person may have never even met that person.
Verbal Bullying:
The Three Types of Bullying
This happens when a person says, or writes, to another person/s something mean or negative to hurt that person. This includes teasing, name-calling, threating to harm that person or someone they care about; taunting and inappropriate sexual comments.
Social Bullying:
This is when you hurt the person’s relationship or reputation. This type of bullying involves spreading rumors and hurting people socially. This also involves having people not socialize with others.
Physical Bullying:
This is the more common form of bullying that everyone is familiar with or knows about. This form of bullying includes hitting, kicking, pushing, etc. This includes breaking and/or taking other people’s possessions.
There are many factors as to why a person bullies another person. These factors are peers, family, emotional and school-related. Remember, the person who bullies does not have to be bigger than the individual being bullied. As was stated earlier, it is a power imbalance. This imbalance of power can come from popularity, strength and cognitive ability. The bully could have one or all these characteristics.
How do we help kids who are being bullied?
I’ve heard parents and adults telling kids that if another child hit them, they
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