11 minute read
Riverbay’s by-laws require 1/3 of eligible shareholders to vote in the annual Board election to validate the process for Co-op City shareholders to choose their representatives on the Riverbay Board of Directors.
This is the third extension of this year’s Board election. The initial voting period ended on Friday, May 20, at which time, not enough votes had been cast to validate the election. As per the 2022 Election Rules, the election was then extended an additional two weeks to Friday, June 3, and then to Friday, June 17, after enough shareholders had still not cast their votes to make the quorum.
Board Director Francine Reva Jones, chair of the 2022 Election Committee, said this week: “It is unfortunate that many shareholders neglect to take advantage of their right to vote in the annual Board of Directors elections. Shareholders should be aware that it is their responsibility to vote in this annual election. three extensions have been required in order to reach a quorum of 1/3 of the eligible shareholders, and one day. It is disappointing, to say the least. Some changes must be made and the Election Committee will make recommendations to the Board.”
A voting incentive is being offered to inspire shareholders to vote in the annual Board election as has been the case for several years. This year’s Election Committee recommended and the Board approved offering a $500 incentive to the building or townhouse section with the highest voter turnout in the election. In addition, shareholders in the building or townhouse cluster who vote in the election will and third place prizes worth, $300, $200 and $100, respectively.
Shareholders eligible to vote can return their completed ballot by mail, in which case, it must now be postmarked by June 24, 2022. Ballots can also be completed online by logging into the YesElections portal at www.riverbayvotes.com. Once there, input mailed by YesElections to your home and register running in this year’s Board election.
Shareholders who do not wish to vote for candidates may choose to “Abstain” on this year’s ballot, in which case, the ballot will be counted towards the quorum only.
The Election Committee is asking shareholders who may have misplaced or lost their ballot to contact YesElections at 1-800-955-4597 to get a re can then use to vote online.
In addition to soliciting the assistance of building/townhouse association presidents to encourage residents in their respective building and townhouse cluster to participate in the election as well as disseminating RoboCalls daily to shareholders, a voting kiosk manned by YesElections representatives was available June 9-11 on a rotating basis at each community center for those who wished to utilize the service to cast their votes. At this week’s Election Committee meeting, committee members voted to once again make a YesElections voting kiosk available in the Dreiser Auditorium so shareholders early election votes. The YesElections voting kiosk will be at the Dreiser Auditorium on: Wednesday, June 22, from 4-8 p.m. Thursday, June 23, 11-3 p.m. Saturday, June 25, 11-3 p.m. on the Riverbay Board include Raymond Tirado, Ly Springer Jr., Ivy Gaynor, Aisha Hernandez Ahmed, Rod Saunders, Monique Coleman, Jacqueline Smith
Election Committee –––––
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one is encouraging shareholders not to vote. This is extremely troubling and negative behavior. It is unbelievable that someone would do this. If you were email: riverbay2022election@riverbaycorp.com or contact the anonymous Whistleblower Hotline at 1-833-290-0009 (English), or 1-800-216-1288 The candidates are working extremely hard to and let’s continue to have faith in our community and strive for the quality of life that we deserve. If you have not yet done so, please make your voice heard by casting your vote and encouraging your neighbors to do likewise. Thank you.
—Francine Reva Jones Chair, 2022 Election Committee
election will each serve a term of three years. The three election forums where candidates debate issues and state their opinions on a variety of topics relevant to the community are shown on the Riverbay Crawler from 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and again from 5:30 p.m. to midnight daily, to allow those who may have missed the live broadcasts of the forums the opportunity to view them at their leisure and to get to know the candidates. Three election supplements were also published in the Saturday, April 30, May 7 and May 14, 2022 issues of the Co-op City Times which can be read online at issuu. com/cctimes. In addition to the Election Committee chair, Director Jones, and Riverbay General Counsel Jeff Buss, other members of the committee include shareholders Yvonne Allen, John Gale, Denise Gerrald, Sandy Krasnove, Marita Taylor, Jarasia Wilson and Dorian King. Riverbay General Counsel Jeff Buss oversees the work of the committee. GOT FOOT PAIN?
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Co-op City Times
2nd Front Page

Find out what’s going on in Co-op City here...
TODAY - Family Day in Co-op City
NYC Parks Department and Councilmember Kevin Riley are sponsoring Family Day in Co-op City today, Saturday, June 18, noon-4 p.m. The event will be held on the Section 1 Greenway (in the vicinity of 100 Benchley Place). Admission is free.
Activities will include games, obstacle courses, sports and much more. It’s Graduation Time!
Shareholders, if you have a graduate or a student who excelled this past school year, let us know so their accomplishments can be shared with your neighbors. Send your submissions to cctimes@riverbaycorp.com or call us at 718320-3300, x3375/6.
Covid Testing Van
NYC Health & Hospitals’ Test & Trace Corps operates a Mobile Covid-19 testing unit daily in Co-op City from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. on a rotating basis.
NOTE: There will be no mobile van on Monday, June 20 in observance of Juneteenth. The mobile testing van’s schedule for next week is as follows:
Tues. – 177 Dreiser Loop
Wed. & Thurs. – 135 Einstein Loop
Fri., Sat. & Sun. – 2049 Bartow Ave.
The tent-based team will no longer be available.
Appointments are not required. Walk-ups are welcome.
Scan the QR code on the side your paperwork, or a health care professional can assist you on board.
Masks are mandatory in Co-op City common areas including elevators, laundry rooms, stairways, hallways, lobbies, community centers and garages.
Co-op City residents cautioned about Money Grams and Green Dot MoneyPak scams
The 45th Precinct’s Crime Prevention and Community Affairs Units as well as the Co-op City Public Safety Department (CCPD) continue to advise Co-op City residents, especially seniors, to be vigilant and not fall victim to scammers using Green Dot MoneyPak cards and Money Grams.
According to the NYPD, while Money Grams and Green Dot MoneyPak cards are legitimate products, scammers are using them to steal money from their intended victims.
The scammers utilize a variety of schemes with some of the most common being the utility company and government agencies scams in which the victim is told that they owe money and the call is to immediately collect what is owed or else service will be shut off.
Additionally, the scammers may claim that a loved one is being held against their will, or has been involved in an accident and payment is needed to gain their freedom. They may also claim that a grandchild or relative has been locked up in a foreign country and needs bail money.
Victims may be told they won the lottery or some type of sweepstakes and money is needed to claim the winnings or for taxes on the prize. If you have to pay for a prize you won, you did not win, the NYPD warns.
The Green Dot MoneyPak scam is a phone scam where the victim is called by someone claiming to work at a utility company, for example, Con Ed or a cable company, or a government agency, such as the Department of Finance, and they are collecting money that is past due. The caller then informs the victim that they can avoid service interruption, arrest or deportation, if they immediately bring their account up to date by paying the past due amount using a Money Gram or Green Dot MoneyPak card that can be purchased at a local store. The caller instructs the victim to purchase a amount and call a phone number that the caller gives to the victim once this has been done.
The victim proceeds to purchase the Green Dot card at a local store and then calls the number they were given by the caller to satisfy the debt. The victim is then instructed to scratch off and read the MoneyPak card serial number to the perpetrator. The perpetrator then drains the funds from the Green Dot MoneyPak card.
The NYPD notes that while many schemes still involve victims being asked to wire money to the scammers, onto the card. The cards can only be purchased using cash nancial information to a retail cashier or to make a payment. Anyone with the 14-digit number located on the back of the MoneyPak card can drain the funds.
In the IRS scam, the victim is contacted and told that they do not make immediate payment using a Money Gram or Green Dot MoneyPak card, they will be arrested or deported. The scam is perpetrated in the same manner as the utility scam with the results being the same – the victim’s money is stolen.
The NYPD warns residents to be alert and not fall victim that the scammers can purchase computer apps which disguise their true telephone number and can make it appear as a legitimate number, for example, the 45th Precinct, NYPD, 9-1-1, Con Ed, etc., on your phone’s caller ID.
In addition to cautioning the public that the NYPD does not solicit money, and that utility companies and government agencies would not contact you demanding payment for outstanding bills using Money Grams or MoneyPak card, the NYPD is also warning residents not to call any of the phone numbers provided by the scammers since this is another layer to the scam. If you think a call is suspicious, call the number listed on your bill.
The NYPD offers the following tips to avoid becoming a victim of this scam: • Be suspicious of any caller who demands immediate payment for any reason. • Remember that anyone who has the number on a Green Dot MoneyPak card has access to the funds on the card. one who emails or calls you unsolicited. • Never wire money, provide debit or credit card numbers or Green Dot MoneyPak card numbers to someone you do not know.
––Rozaan Boone

The Bronx District Attorney’s Offi ce held a 5K Run Walk Roll Against Gun Violence on Saturday, June 4, to kick off Gun Violence Awareness Month. Those who completed the 5K received free Yankee tickets. Attendees were encouraged to wear orange. Among those who attended were Riverbay Board directors Sonia Feliciano, Francine Reva Jones and Bishop Angelo Rosario. Partnering organizations included the New York Yankees, Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson, BRAG (Bronx Rises Against Gun Violence), Guns Down Life Up, SUV (Stand Up to Violence), Brady United Against Gun Violence, VIP Community Services, and SOS (Save Our Streets).
Mold –––––––– (Continued from page 1)
The same applies to items placed on top of convectors that result in dirt and debris falling into the convector and blocking the drain pipes thereby contribut vectors such as furniture.
Mold vs. Mildew
Mold: Usually fuzzy or slimy in appearance. It appears as irregularly shaped mold begin to rot. Most typical indoor air exposures to mold do not present a risk of adverse health effects. Molds can cause adverse effects by producing
Please note: RIVERBAY DOES NOT CLEAN MILDEW IN TUBS OR TILE. Housekeeping is the responsibility of each individual shareholder.
Mold/Mildew Prevention Tips for Shareholders
1. 2. Prevent moisture by increasing surface temperature or reducing the moisture level (humidity) in the apartment 3. Keep convectors free from clogs 4. Do not store any items on top or against convectors. There must be at least 1 foot clearance 5. 6. Ensure bathroom fan is operational. Shareholders are responsible for keeping fans clean. Use a small baby bottle cleaner to clean out the louvers. DO NOT close louvers or cover the fan. 7. Install drip pan under each convector (Aluminum lasagna pans) 8. 9.
10. 11. 12. use on tile and tubs. 13. air. 14. 15. 16. are able to absorb toxins by moving these chemicals through to their roots and Do not place plants on top of your convectors. ing your convector drain.
Plants ––––––– (Continued from page 1)
tiful the complex looks during the Spring and Summer months. These compliments keep the staff motivated to do even better each year. I personally believe