6 minute read

Lord, Please Help This Board

happen if those eight directors lost just one seat.

One opposing candidate that ran during this election was named Leah Graham. Previously, Leah was a big vote-getter when she was on the board before. could have won a seat on the board during this recent election? Absolutely!


Therefore, the majority of the directors knew that they would have to give up control of the board if they lost that one seat. And, they knew what would happen after they lost that one seat.

To start, they knew that we would stop a lot of nonsense and senseless spending that goes on here. For instance, what do you think about all of the annual carrying charge increases that we have received? Well, from my perspective, all of those increases

Example: Why do we have 900 employees plus outside contractors working here? Do you actually think that we can continue to afford this nonsense here? No! Therefore, we need to create a voluntary early retirement program so that we can reduce our payroll. Now, what about paying some contractors $18,000 just to restore a 1-bedroom apartment?

There was a broker that made over $230,000 just ministering our claims. However, there were just a can go on and on about a lot of nonsense that goes on here. But, can you see why this election was so we could have stopped all of this nonsense if we had the majority vote? easy. Therefore, based on all of the facts, can you see why those eight directors voted to not extend this election?

The Quorum

We need to get our politicians to change the Busiers will not be needed in a co-op board election.

The Riverbay Fund

Did you know that a resolution was previously created so that the Riverbay Fund could get $150,000 a year from your pockets? Do you have a group here? If yes, have you ever applied for or received any money from this Riverbay Fund? No? Why not? Wait until you read my next viewpoint.


Did you know that only 21 percent of all regismayor? Now, did you hear any complaints about the other registered voters that did not vote? No! Why not? Look, you get the most votes, you win. No nonsense! We need this type of election here. Thank you.

Contact Information

Please send a letter to: Board Director Daryl email account: djohnson@riverbayboard.com.

Therefore, please do not respond to any message, with my name on it, that requests money, money transfers, gift cards, personal information, or anything from you. And, please do not ever send money or anything to anyone because you saw my name on a false message.

Then, there were three other directors on our board that belonged to that group. Together, those eight di-

However, what about the other seven directors on the board? Well, we knew that we did not have the tion. Regardless, everyone knew exactly what would their slate.

Bottom line: We could have paid $2,700 to extend this election. Thereafter, we could have received 299 that part was ful week. And, may God bless you and your family. Thank you.

Also, please call me ONLY at 718-671-4544 if you would like to have a brief discussion with me. And, please hang up your phone immediately if son or is associated with me and asks you for money or anything else.

Primary ––– (Continued from page 1)

Preliminary BOE data showed that District 12 had the highest voter turnout in the Bronx with

As for the Bronx District Attorney race, Darcel voters should be aware of the following registration

• Mail registration: application on or before October 28.

• In-person registration: Individuals must reg-

• Absentee Ballot: October 23 is the last day the BOE will accept any absentee ballot applications via mail, telefax or the absentee request portal.

• Absentee Ballot in-person: November 6 is the last day to apply for an absentee ballot in-person.

• Mailing an absentee ballot in: Absentee ballots must be postmarked by November 7 and arrive

The BOE has to receive any Military Voter Ballots on or before November 20.

• Delivering an absentee ballot in-person: November 7 is the last day an individual can deliver their absentee ballot in-person to their local BOE


Consumer reworks are ILLEGAL in NYC. Leave it to the professionals! Stay Safe!

Board of Directors’ Meeting - June 28, 2023

First Reading - Resolution #23-29

SUBMITTED BY: Kevin Lambright

SECONDED BY: Lynette Wright


WHEREAS, the Power Plant is requesting approval for the installation of hardware and materials for the upgrade of the Gas Turbine Control Systems; and

WHEREAS, Siemens Energy will provide the system upgrades and installation work as they are the equipment manufacturer; and

WHEREAS, the installation upgrades will be completed in October 2023 during the Major Maintenance Outage; and

WHEREAS, prior to voting on this Resolution, no Director has disclosed to the Section 713.

NOW THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: that the proposed Contract #3882 with Siemens Energy for $435,345.60 plus tax and a 10% contingency ($43,534.56) be approved as submitted by Management in accordance with Resolution #85-16 and as amended by Resolution #95-44 and #20-19;

BE IT FURTHER IT RESOLVED: that the President is hereby authorized to execute the contract and Management is authorized to take all steps necessary to make this action effective.

Second Reading - Resolution #23-31

SUBMITTED BY: Monique Coleman

SECONDED BY: Andrea Leslie


WHEREAS, the Procurement Department sent requests for proposals for Bid teen (16) garage elevators; and


WHEREAS, the bids were reviewed in detail by the Project Manager and Riverbay’s Elevator Consultant; and

WHEREAS, the Project Manager and Elevator Consultant have concluded that Champion Elevator is the lowest responsible bidder (see attached Management May 3, 2023); and

WHEREAS, prior to voting on this Resolution, no Director has disclosed to the full

NOW THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: that the proposed Contract a cost of $7,100,827.50 and a 10% contingency $710,082.75 be approved as submitted by Management in accordance with Resolution #85-16 and as amended by Resolution #95-44 and #20-19;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the President is hereby authorized to execute the contract and Management is authorized to take all steps necessary to make this action effective.

YES: Coleman, Feliciano, Johnson, Lambright, Leslie, Marbury, Peterson, Richardson, Rosario, Sampson, Saunders, Smith, Watson, Wright

ABSENT: Cylich


Emergency Resolution #23-35

SUBMITTED BY: Leslie Peterson

SECONDED BY: Leah Richardson


WHEREAS, companies for the emergency repairs of garage #5; and

WHEREAS, Riverbay initially received seven (7) proposals and then best and Project Engineer and Project Manager; and

WHEREAS, the Project Engineer and Project Manager recommends Starcel

WHEREAS, prior to voting on this Resolution, no Director has disclosed to the Section 713.

NOW THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: that the proposed contal of $380,990.00 be approved as submitted by Management in accordance with Resolution #85-16 and as amended by Resolution #95-44 and #20-19;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the President is hereby authorized to execute the contract and Management is authorized to take all steps necessary to make this action effective.

YES: Coleman, Feliciano, Johnson, Lambright, Leslie, Marbury, Peterson, Richardson, Rosario, Sampson, Saunders, Smith, Watson, Wright


Second Reading - Resolution #23-27

SUBMITTED BY: Jacqueline Smith

SECONDED BY: Bishop Angelo Rosario


WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Riverbay Corporation (“the Corporation”) has a duty to ensure that monthly maintenance is paid on time by its shareholders, and that shareholders comply with the terms of their occupancy agreements; and


Housing Court matters and such other proceedings as may be assigned by appearance and an hourly rate of $250 per hour for matters not covered by


WHEREAS WHEREAS, there have been numerous changes in Housing Court procedures and fees since Riverbay entered into the 2004 Contract; and

WHEREAS Services retainer that, among other things, includes provisions consistent ance from $80 to $95, and increases the hourly rate from $250 to $275 an hour; and

WHEREAS, prior to voting on this Resolution, no Director has disclosed

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approves the Board of Directors Resolution #85-16 as amended by Board of Directors Resolution #95-44; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall take effect as authorized to execute the contracts and Management is authorized to take all steps necessary to make this action effective.


YES: Coleman, Feliciano, Johnson, Marbury, Peterson, Richardson, Sampson, Saunders, Smith, Watson, Wright

NO: Lambright, Leslie, Rosario

ABSENT: Cylich


Second Reading - Resolution #23-32

SUBMITTED BY: Andrea Leslie

SECONDED BY: Monique Coleman & Michelle Marbury


WHEREAS, the Procurement Department sent requests for proposals


WHEREAS, the bids were reviewed in detail by the Project Manager and Riverbay’s Elevator Consultant; and

WHEREAS, the Project Manager and Elevator Consultant have concluded that Champion Elevator is the lowest responsible bidder (see attached Consultant memo dated May 3, 2023; and

WHEREAS, prior to voting on this Resolution, no Director has disclosed

NOW THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED: that the proposed $229,970.08 per month, with a maximum annual contract escalation of three percent (3%) be approved as submitted by Management in accordance with Resolution #85-16 and as amended by Resolution #95-44 and #20-19;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the President is hereby authorized to execute the contract and Management is authorized to take all steps necessary to make this action effective.

YES: Coleman, Feliciano, Johnson, Lambright, Leslie, Marbury, Richardson, Rosario, Sampson

NO: Saunders, Smith, Watson

ABSTAIN: Peterson, Wright


See page 10 for more Resolutions

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