Co-op City Times 09/10/2022

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Governor Hochul Updates

Co-op City Times and Co-op Creatives Co-op City Times Co-op City Times. Vol. 57 No. 37 Saturday, September 10, 2022 $1.25 Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! Sept. 15 - Oct. 15. Facing Reality As We Look Ahead Dear FellowSoniaShareholders,Feliciano President’s Report (Continued on page 4)(Continued on page 2) Co-op City Public Safety (Continued on pages 12 and 13) Co-op Fair, Performance, and Fireworks! —CCPD(Continued on page 3)

Photo by P.M Campbell BY BRANDON ORTIZ


A video survey indicated that the sack the suspect was carrying got larger and larger as he made his way into several buildings and collected packages. The suspect went to the front doors of residents, collected delivered boxes, he proceeded to the stairwells, opened the packages and dis carded the boxes in which items were shipped. recovered many of these discarded boxes. That victims and build a solid case against the suspect. multiple charges of burglary, including grand lar

who had been prepositioned to intercept and arrest him. Clothing that the suspect was initially wear ing was also recovered in the building.

The Public Safety dispatcher who answered the cooperator’s call professionally debriefed the shareholder and obtained complete details, including an accurate description of the suspect. The dispatcher then alerted Public Safety patrol toon Commander also responded with several the building. The Platoon Commander was in con stant contact with the Operations Lieutenant at Public Safety headquarters who assisted by track ing the suspect’s movement within the building

“As previous supply constraints loosen, vaccination can be even more convenient and accessible,” said NYC Health Com more New Yorkers and we want to get the message out that now is the time to get vaccinated if you’re eligible appointments available and are ready to welcome clients.”

involved in this operation for their dedication to sion to publish the photos of several suspects in the hope that someone would see something and say something and it worked.”

“This apprehension was a true team effort that ed and tracked an experienced career criminal through multiple package thefts and escape at tempts to avoid apprehension,” Chief Riley add ed. “This was a great arrest made possible by dedi cated professionals who worked as a team, worked the problem, and achieved a successful conclu sion.”Riverbay Executive General Manager Bob Kle

fore rely on our partnership with shareholders who are stakeholders in keeping this community safe and a great place to live. This arrest is a byproduct of that positive community relationship combined

cers, dispatchers, and the administrative staff who employed available technology. However, this ap prehension started with an observant shareholder who saw something and reported the observation.

immediately engage him. A pursuit was initiated which proceeded through multiple hallways and stairwells.Duringthe pursuit, in an effort to elude capture, the suspect changed clothing. The experienced the suspect while systematically maneuvering him

New York City is continuing to expand access to Mon keypox vaccine by opening a new location in the Tremont and expanding second dose appointments.

More than 88,000 New Yorkers have been vaccinated against Monkeypox and cases have started to decline in New York City.

2 Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 GOT FOOT PAIN? CO-OP CITY FOOT CARE CENTER The Premier Foot And Ankle Practice In Co-op City TWO LOCATIONS! Third Location Coming Soon! 718-671-2233 OPEN MON. THRU SAT. – Available Evenings and Weekends DR. KARIM A. BADAWY, DIRECTOR DR. JAMES MILIDANTRI • DR. HOSSAIN ROUF HEEL AND ARCH PAIN CENTER. COMPREHENSIVE DIABETIC FOOT CARE MANAGEMENT. HOUSE CALLS BY APPOINTMENT. SERVICES PROVIDED ON-SITE: • Fully Digital X-Rays • Hi-Tech Ultrasound • Full Range of Vascular Testing • Caring and Supportive Doctors and Staff Who Listen to Your Concerns • Highly Rated Neighborhood Foot and Ankle Care Most Health Insurance Plans Accepted: 1199, Aetna, GHI, Blue Shield, Empire, Medicare, United Healthcare, HealthFirst and others. Affordable Prices Available For Patients With High Deductibles/No Insurance. ALL FOOT AND ANKLE CONDITIONS TREATED Following All CDC Guidelines LASERHi-TechforPain,Inflammation,FungalNails,Warts SECTION 2 BUILDING 13 100 CASALS PLACE SECTION 5 BUILDING 29C 4240 HUTCH. RIVER PKWY E. Package Pirate –––––––––– (Continued from page 1)

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is working with community-based organizations in the Bronx to refer clients to the new site, located at 1826 Ar thur Avenue, Bronx, NY 10457, which is expected to serve is available at all city-run sites. Second dose appointments

NYC Opens Bronx Monkeypox Vaccination Site for First Dose Walk-in Clients

became available online.

to conduct a comprehensive investigation and es tablish probable cause that this suspect entered multiple buildings in a relatively short period with the intent to steal packages.

The Tremont clinic operates Monday-Saturday from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Monkeypox vaccines are free and available to anyone regardless of immigration status or residency.

“The community partnership in Co-op City be tween Public Safety and shareholders continues to nity policing methodology employed by this de partment each and every day,” said CCPD Chief Joseph Riley. “Due to the physical size of our community, encompassing 320 acres and over 22 million square feet of residential space, our Public

New Yorkers who suspect they may be infected should call have one, they can call 311 to get connected to an NYC Health + Hospitals location or to access H+H Virtual Express Care. New Yorkers can also visit the NYC Health Map nearby provider. Care is available in New York City regardless of immigration status, insurance coverage, or ability to site/doh/health/health-topics/monkeypox.page

New York City public schools have lost an estimated 120,000 students during the pandemic, according to the City Council press release from June.

Fair Student Funding.

lined that the City Council voted to adopt the budget. Then, the Mayor maintained that the city was actively working to ensure that all schools received the necessary funding they

“Our resolution directs the Mayor and Chancellor to fa cilitate DOE restoring the $469 million it has removed from school budgets, an amount that is nearly three times greater than any reductions in the city budget,” Speaker Adrienne Adams stated in a City Council press release this week. “This resolution focuses attention on how DOE implements its $37 billion budget, with its actions increasingly occurring outside of public accountability and transparency. These un accountable actions must cease to truly support our students and school communities, and DOE must reverse them. The answer to declining enrollment cannot be simply for DOE to take money from schools.”

Residents, especially those in buildings adjacent to school property, are advised to exercise caution when parking in the school lot. CCPD will provide additional attention to Co-op City property adjacent to the area but will not patrol on DOE property. The NYPD is aware of this issue and is responding accordingly. —CCPD

Masking Restrictions –––– from page 1)

not about just spending money. It’s about spending money dent that we are going to make the right investments in our schools. We have enough resources that if the number of students increase in certain schools, the chancellor’s going to make sure they get the resources there.”


a $215 million decrease to the DOE budget this year due to a loss in student population and the end of federal pan demic support funding, as explained in a City Council state ment released in June.

For many years, Co-op City residents have taken ad vantage of the DOE permitting parking on their prop erty outside of school hours. Both robberies appear to have been perpetrated by a group of three young males.

FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf reminded Americans of the effectiveness of boosters in the FDA press release, especially as the fall season approaches.

Mayor Adams offered a different view of the situation during a press conference on Thursday, Sept. 8, as he wel

highlighted the arrival of updated Covid-19 boosters, “which are designed to add Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 vari ants and bolster previous vaccination protection,” accord booster is available to individuals 12 years and older, while the Moderna version is available for individuals 18 years andIndividualsolder. interested in getting their updated booster can

Bereavement Support Returns Sept. 12

The City Council passed a resolution during a special Stated meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 6, that urged Mayor Adams and Chancellor Banks to amend the 2023 City Budget and add a combined $469 million back to school budgets.Inthe resolution, the City Council is also calling for

Please note that locations are approximate depending on avail ability of on-street parking.

The New York City Council is asking Mayor Eric Adams and the Department of Education Chancellor David Banks to reverse budget cuts to school funding.

Test & Treat Mobile Van in Co-op City

“The Covid-19 vaccines, including boosters, continue to save countless lives and prevent the most serious outcomes

and Moderna boosters to include the updated boosters. The agency also outlined in an online press release how the new boosters “provide increased protection against the cur rently circulating omicron variant.” Side effects of the new booster were similar to those of previous Covid-19 vaccines.

NYC City Council Passes Resolution to Reverse School Budget Cuts Co-op City Department of Public Safety Community Alert

have the equity that we need for our children. And if anyone believes it’s just about spending money, then tell me. With all the money we spent in the past, why are 65 percent of

“Here’s what the City Council is stating, in essence. That

JASA’s Bereavement Support meeting returns on Monday, Sept. 12, 1-2:30 p.m. This support group is facilitated by Rev. Dr. Robert A. Smith, Jr. Dial in: 929-2056099, Meeting ID: 8390511 1606, Passcode: 585936.

Find out what’s going on in Co-op City here...

However this week, the City Council detailed their per spective and opposition to the actual combined total reach ing $469 million.

“With the updated boosters available this week, I urge all New Yorkers to take steps to better protect themselves tage of the latest tools and resources at our disposal in or der to keep our families and our communities safe. Test before gatherings or travel and if you test positive, talk to your doctor about potential treatment options.”

ence “pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, fa tigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain and fever.”

NYC Test & Treat Corps’ Mobile Test to Treat unit has re placed the Mobile Covid Testing Van previously deployed to Co-op City. The unit is available daily on a rotating schedule at each of the three shopping centers from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. as follows:

He went on to say: “I think the Daily News front page said

Co-op City Times

Notably, the $101 billion budget that the City Council voted to adopt in June earmarked $700 million for public schools, an additional $277 to offer “academic enrichment” in the Summer Rising program and $49 million to increase the available Summer Youth Employment spots to 100,000 among other education related endeavors.

masks, the MTA put out a press release later on Wednesday tation. The MTA detailed that masks are optional in all stations, buses, subways, commuter trains and paratran sit Inservices.Co-op City, Riverbay Corporation reminds sharehold ers that face coverings are required in all common areas of residential buildings, garages and community centers un til further notice. Violators of this rule are subject to a $50


ing the restoration and a full accounting of unspent federal stimulus funds.”

Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 3

On the third Saturday of every month, 9:30-10:30 a.m., the assem blyman invites shareholders to en joy a cup of coffee on him while they share their local concerns. The coffee klatch will take place at the Section 5 Pizza, located at Einstein Loop N. This new engage ment opportunity follows the as semblyman’s lobby visits which he has held in Co-op City for years.

Next week’s schedule: Monday & Tuesday: 177 DreiserWednesdayLoop & Thursday: 2049 BartowFriday,AvenueSaturday and Sunday: 135 Einstein Loop

The mobile Test to Treat Rapid Testing van does not offer PCR testing. Anyone who tests pos itive for COVID at the Test to Treat mobile van can speak with an onsite clinician, and, if eligi ble, receive free Paxlovid anti-vi ralAppointmentsmedication. are not required. Bring ID and insurance card, if available. Please note that insurance is not necessary to use this service; it is open to everyone.

by calling 1-800-232-0233 or going online to

the agency press release on August 31. “As we head into fall and begin to spend more time indoors, we strongly encour age anyone who is eligible to consider receiving a booster dose with a bivalent Covid-19 vaccine to provide better pro tection against currently circulating variants.”


2nd Front Page

there’s a lot of stimulus money out there. Let’s just spend this stimulus money like it’s here forever. It is not. The money is running out, and every dollar that we have is ac counted for already,” Mayor Adams said.


The Co-op City Department of Public Safety is aware of at least two robberies that have occurred within the past two weeks af ter normal business hours in the parking lot of the Department of Education (DOE) prop erty located on Baychester Avenue.

and services, and depleted inventories, just to provide a few examples. Co-op City, like many other co-ops and residential developments, is not immune to these pressures. Disruptions in the supply chain drive prices up. These concerns affect how we manage our day-to-day operations and how we provide timely services to our Settingshareholders.expectations has become a challenge due to the additional costs we have incurred in keeping pace with the services we must provide. We all struggle with taking care of our family’s needs and the reality that a 10% carrying charge increase may be necessary is extremely daunting.

dicional que hemos incurrido para mantener el ritmo de los servicios que debemos brindar. Todos luchamos con el cuidado de las necesidades de nuestra familia y la realidad de que la necesidad de un aumento del 10 por ciento en el costo de ad ministrar nuestra propiedad pueda ser necesario es estremadamente desalentadora. jetivos y responsables al trabajar con nuestro equipo de administración para en para minimizar el impacto de un aumento del 10% (por ciento) en los gastos de mantenimiento. Co-op City proporciona calefacción y refrigeración con gas nat gamos 9.7 millones en precios de gas, mientras que en 2021-2022 para el mismo un seguro adecuado. Estos costos se han triplicado. Por lo tanto, cuando miramos el panorama general, estas son cosas de las que no podemos precindir.

zos de un junta solidaria y un equipo de gestión. Necesitamos enfrentar las reali tos en un presupuesto que equilibre nuestros gastos con nuestros ingresos con una proyección de un posible aumento del 10%.

A través del acuerdo de préstamo, 124 millones del dinero que gastaremos a lo largo del tiempo se asignarán a proyectos de capital. Sin embargo, este no era fondosSomosoperativos.afortunados de no vivir en comunidades que están en mal estado y que no son seguras. Nuestra responsabilidad para todos nosotros es garantizar que alcancemos los estándares de vida que todos merecemos y requerimos. Muchos

ment, we operate our own Public Safety and trash pick-up. These are just some of the amenities provided and we are proud of our efforts to keep our community running safely. While $900,000 is what we had in the bank in March because of payments owed to our vendors and for services we provide, we currently have $7.8 million in the bank and another $5 million in a money market that is used for emergencies. As I stated, the monies come in and the monies go back out to pay for all the services we provide for ourselves as homeowners of this development.

desarrollo de viviendas que estaba mal administrado. iste un mandato para convertir a la electricidad total para el 2034. Podemos decir que estámos muy lejos en el futuro, pero cuando miramos el tiempo, se mueve rápidamente. No tenemos nada establecido ahora, pero esta es una de las reali dades a las que nos enfrentaremos. Tener esas conversaciones ahora es impre scindible para que estemos preparado y listo con los fondos que necesitaremos pare que esto suceda.

––––––– (Continued from page 1)

Estimados Compañeros Accionistas, El sábado 27 de agosto de 2022, nuestro Gerente General Ejecutivo Bob Klehammer proporcionó un nuevo pronóstico del presupuesto operativo para

Gracias por el privilegio de servirle.

to the efforts of a caring, responsible Board and Management team. We must face parent as a Board and, with our Management team, continue to work together on a budget that balances our expenses with our income as we address the projec tion of a 10% increase.

We must start thinking about renewable energy sources as there is a mandate to convert to full electricity by 2034. We may say that this is far in the future, but when we look at the time, it moves quickly. We don’t have anything currently in place, but this is another one of the realities we will be facing. Having those conversations now is a must so that we are prepared and ready with the required funding to adhere to this new mandate.

of opportunity where we can reduce the budget shortfall to minimize the impact of a projected 10% carrying charge increase. Co-op provides heat and cooling using natural gas which has increased by about 500%. In 2020-2021 from the period April to March, we paid out $9.7 million for gas purchases, whereas, in 2021-2022 for the same period, we paid $17.7 million. To protect our property, we must have adequate insurance. These rates have nearly tripled. Therefore, on us as a community yet are expenses we cannot operate without.

In March of this year, there was concern that we only had $900,000 in the bank. All the money that we take in primarily through carrying charges and merchants’ rents go back out to pay for the services we provide. We are doing Local Law 11, a city mandate we are responsible for every ten years. By the time we com plete Local Law 11, we would have paid $70 million to secure our facades and complete the repairs needed. We just completed our elevator modernization proj ect that cost us $40 million. We are installing ADA (American Disabilities Act)

Through the loan agreement, $124 million of the monies we will be spend ing over time will be allocated to capital projects. However, this was not the case before the loan. Everything that we paid on capital repairs came from our oper atingWefunds.arefortunate that we don’t live in a community that is suffering from ram pant disrepair and unsafe conditions. Our responsibility to ourselves is to ensure that we meet the standards of living that we all deserve and require. Our current waiting list is about 6,700 with approximately 240 available apartments. People want to come here to live. This was not the case when I moved in. Back then, the Co-op had 2,000 available apartments and few applicants in a development that was managed poorly.

precios más altos, el costo de gas, petróleo, y seguro que dependemos en gran me dida para las cosas que necesitamos para ejecutar Co-op City. Esto están aumen tado por la escasez de mano de obra, el aumento de la demanda de bienes y ser vicios y el agotamiento de los inventarios, solo por dar algunos ejemplos. Co-op City como muchas otras cooperativas y desarrollos habitacionales no somos in munes a esto. La interrupción en la cadena de suministro hace subir los precios. Estas preocupaciones afectan la forma en que administramos las operaciones di arias que brindan servicios oportunos a nuestros accionistas.

dólares en el banco. Todo el dinero que recibimos principalmente a través de los cargos de transporte y las rentas de los comerciantes se devuelve para pagar los servicios que brindamos. Estamos haciendo la Ley Local 11, un mandato cada diez años. Cuando se cumpla la Ley Local 11, habremos pagados 70 millones de dólares en asegurar nuestras fachadas y hacer las reparaciones necesarias. Acabamos de terminar el proyecto de elevadores que nos costó 40 millones de dólares. Estamos instalando puertas ADA (Ley de Discapacidades Estadounidenses) a un costo el evado. Gastamos unos 8 millones en reemplazos de pisos y abatimiento. Tenemos nuestra propia Seguridad Privada y contamos con nuestro servicio de recolec ción de basura. Estas son solo algunas de las cosas proporcionadas y estamos orgullosos de nuestros esfuerzos para mantener nuestra comunidad funciona ndo de manera segura. Se utilizó el dinero que nos llevo a tener $900,000 en el banco para pagar adeudados a nuestros proveedores a los servicios que brinda mos. Corrientemente tenemos 7.8 millones en el banco y otros 5 millones en un mercado de dinero que se usa para emergencias. Como les dije, el dinero entra y sale para pagar todos los servicios como dueños de casa.

Thank you for the privilege of serving you. We are Shareholders First – We Matter!!

Primero somos accionistas: Todos nosotros somos importantes

4 Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022

President’s Report

Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 5

We look forward to seeing you and having a productive meeting.

Preparing for Election Day on November 8: NAACP units are working to register, educate and motivate voters ahead of the November 8th elections. Elect candidates who support policies that improve our community. Power your vote!

NYC 311,

Mission Statement: Our mission is to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons. Known as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), it profoundly affected the struggle for civil rights and the course of 20th Century American History.

Co-op City’s Labor Day event is history for 2022. Thank you to all the tremendous success. Walking around, the diversity of booths was evident and the gathering of information fun to participate in and witness. You could really pick up a lot of information on insurance and health. We hope next year is a “do even better” celebration.

86th NYS Conference Convention: Will be in-person from October 7-9 in Binghamton, NY. Make hotel reservations for the Holiday Inn directly by September 12. Convention theme: “Educate, Engagement, Participate, This Is Power”. Information to follow.

Become a member or gift a membership: Adults are $30 and youths are $10. Make checks/money orders payable to: NAACP Co-op City #2210, and mail to: N.A.A.C.P. Co-op City Einstein Station, P.O. Box 75-3111, Bronx, N.Y. 10475.

Building 20 Association

VEO scooters are black and aqua. (855) 836-2256, email:

Please be advised that the Building 20 Association will hold a Building 20 Association meeting on Thursday, September 15, at 6:30 p.m. under the Building 20 portico between Buildings 20A and 20B.

Welcome, to our new residents in Broun Place. It was great to receive the note from the Residential Sales d interested to know subjects of concern to you. Our CSO representative, Mr. accommodations for people with disabilities policy,” concerns us, particularly your understanding it too.

We Need You in the Fight: Each and every NAACP member makes a difference to the complex, ongoing work of advancing racial equality. Join this multi-generational network of activists dismantling structural racism by using your power to take action on the most pressing issues of our time. Follow us on Facebook: Co-op City NAACP.

Co-op City was home for the innocent cab driver murdered three weeks ago. We send sincere condolences to his immediate family, four children and his grievingNeighbors,wife. it is settled. Private cars and motorcycles are not allowed on our internal walkways. Should you see a private car or truck etc., please report to CCPD or Covid-19CSO.numbers are rising again, so please wear a K95 mask or other ap proved masks in crowds when you are out and about. Testing and vaccine centers are printed in the Combing section of the Co-op City Times. Check where vaccine Seniors, register with the Riverbay “RUOK” Emergency contact program. This is critical for those living alone or with a chronic ailment. Our association extends sincere condolences to families and friends who are suffering loss and illness. I will be setting up a meeting for 2 p.m. on September 15. Remember, keep dancing and better days are ahead! Wakanda forever!

Two Saturdays ago, a mattress without a cover was left in our dumpster site blocking access to our bins. I have to acknowledge the Grounds department for a swift pick up of that and a discarded sofa and loveseat set out this past week.

BIRD scooters are silver and blue. (866) 205-2442, email: LIME scooters are white and green. (888) 546-3345, email:

the time and desire to serve.

Pick up or go online to and view the Co-op City Times Every cooperator needs to read what our leaders announce, what is passed or considered by the Board of Directors and the different processes we must abide by. Thank you to all contributors and great photographers.

“Power concedes nothing without a demand! Together we were able to ensure that President Biden kept his campaign promise. We must continue to dream further action to close the racial wealth gap.” –Wisdom Cole, National Director, Youth and College.

––Brenda Brown

E-Scooter Program Complaints

––Eva Kindaichi-Lazaar

––Darlene A. Keesley

Broun Place Townhouse Association


Recycling means the white bin is paper while green and blue are used to hold house garbage. Please do not throw your masks on the street. Instead, use bins and pails. I picked up two bags of gutter garbage littered by irresponsible people.

Notice of Branch Election process during September, October and Novem

We will also recognize National Hispanic Heritage Month, which begins on September 15, and ends on October 15.

Neighbors, we have to remember there is now a Stop sign on Broun Place and Bellamy Loop, so please remember to stop at that corner.

We hope that you are having a fantastic summer.

are for two years: January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2024. If you are not receiving emails or phone-vite messages, please update your email address and phone number to 718-320-3210naacpccity2210@gmail.comsoyoucanparticipate.Further information to be announced later.

To view NAACP President Derrick Johnson’s statements on: The Jackson, Mississippi Water Crisis and Shooting Death of Donovan Lewis by Columbus Police Department, go to

With the heat, dehydration is a problem. Keep a cloth frozen, ready to apply to your neck or forehead. It really works when you feel dry.

exits at Section 5’s Palmer Avenue. How can forcing all of us to merge onto I-95N at Pelham Parkway –– only to immediately exit –– do anything but 7 more Letters)

The Co-op City Times welcomes issue-oriented letters to the editor to be considered for publication. All letters, in prose, not poetry, must be addressed to the editor, verify the authenticity of the authors. Anonymous or unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Letters cannot exceed 350 words. Ideally, they shouldbe typed. All letters must be in the Co-op City Timesin that week’s edition. Views and opinions expressed in letters are solely the writer’s and not necessarily shared by the Co-op City Times – •

In a confessional, we would ask forgiveness for: Not turning off electric powered devices when not in use, which includes, but not limited to, lights and convectors.October

Letters to the Editor

appliances when not in use. Unplugging appliances can save electricity, so make it as much a habit as when you https://blog.constella-turn

Co-op City TimesCo-op City Times

Co-op City TimesCo-op City Times

Lemonade out of Lemons – Sort of

lane is easier than it sounds. The lane’s already right there. That fourth lane is Step Three.

Only signed letters will be considered for publication. The Co-op City Times does not publish anonymous material. Submissions must include the writer’s address and phone number – which will

It’s imperative to keep cooperators informed of progress of our conservation efforts by posting energy and water usage statistics monthly on our lobby bulletin boards and in the Co-op City Times. Let’s look forward to hopefully see decreasing energy and water usage.

Thank you for your cooperation.

(See page

Adams seem to be doing everything possible to lead to a disarmed populace. In a disarmed populace, the only groups that possess guns are the police and the criminals. Under these circumstances, the public is unarmed and vulnerable will always be able to acquire a weapon. They steal them,

We welcome letters to the editor

well as water usage seems to be a factor, however small, in increased costs that will be part of our carrying charge increase.

Last Saturday was a beautiful day for outdoor activities,

Pelham Parkway heading west. We take these routes to avoid getting anywhere near I-95.

• –6


There are some who wish to spread fear, as fear is a great motivator. People in fear are unable to think logically. We many violent crimes, also much of the property crimes that are destroying our economy. In spite of the recent Supreme

Project X: One. Two. Three.

The article refers to laptops, computers, small kitchen appliances and phone chargers.

of us, unlike the governor and mayor, do not have security details protecting us. If guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns.

I was pleased for the opportunity to speak with a represenstreet cleaning program. This is a busy intersection where cooperators walk, drive or take the bus to enter the Interstate-95 highway. It is depressing and disappointing to see

making maneuvering off the Hutch onto I-95N unnecessary. Step Two has begun. It requires removing, combining,

Co-op City Times

We were hit with some disconcerting news in the Co-op City Times


Co-op CityCo-opTimesCity Times

fall, which indicates that a large carrying charge is down the

making potable water unavailable to hundreds of millions of people, many in this country, it’s imperative to do the ethical thing, which is to conserve water.

Fantastic End of Summer Events

City Times /


with you yet, Section 5. They also plan to make a turn out of the Pelham Parkway

Letters should address issues of insponsible. Letters should not personally attack others and must be written in a respectful manner.

they are trying. She mentioned the clean-up they performed between Sections 4 and 5. I was pleased to learn of those the regular maintenance clean-up services at least once a elers in these areas, we must remember to deposit our litter into trash receptacles. Please join me in following up with

As for the lemonade, kind of watered down, let’s take this opportunity to save money and valuable resources by decreasing our energy and water usage. This could be a factor in decreasing our operating costs, and, hopefully, lessen to some degree the proposed carrying charge increase.

Affordable Housing and the African-American Association our community. Please learn more about Project X and join meeting has been requested and the date will be announced. be met. Let’s be vigilant.

heading Pelham Parkway onto I-95N. It’s being replaced by a much bigger entry ramp.

studies that have


Thank you for your interest in working for Riverbay Corporation.

Public Safety Blotter

600 Baychester Ave.

On the New York City website, there is a map of the different zones as it pertains to the risk of flooding during a storm situation. All residential areas of Co-op City are within Zones 4-6 making it highly unlikely that flooding would occur and evacuation would be necessary during a storm. Go to the website and search “Know your zone.” In addition to maps of the five boroughs of New York City, there are also instructions on how to prepare for storms and other emergencies. You can also sign up for “Notify NYC” for text messages specific to your location. Tips and instructions are also included in this article.

We have to take a balanced and reasoned way of dealing with the future. Don’t take the drastic action of banning e-bikes and scooters. Instead, have our well-experienced Fire Safety officer come up with guidelines that e-bike owners must follow, such as, be present while the battery is charging, keep a fire extinguisher handy, purchase a recommended type and size fire extinguisher.

contract opportunities to list this week.

BLOTTER BONUS : The best crime fighting strategy is when the public and law enforcement work together for the betterment of the community. The saying, “When you see something, say something,” certainly means something… Package Pirate Pinched in Partnership with the community.

I ask the Board to vote no on #22-37.

A cooperator reported two delivery packages were removed from in front of his door. CCPD is investigating the matter.

A cooperator reported packages taken from in front of his door.

Since the August 2, 2020, state law allowing E-bikes to be operated on streets and some highways, e-bike sales have soared. The state is considering a bill that will give up to $1,000 rebate off the price of an e-bike or e-scooter in the name of environmental concern. The future is going to be electric.

We are not NYCHA residents, we are cooperators. And NYCHA has, as yet, only proposed to ban these electric devices.

100 Alcott Pl.


Month. Last year, Hurricane Ida caused a great deal

An alert cooperator noticed an individual who resembled a person of interest printed in the CC Times. A sweep of the area provided positive results and a male was arrested and charged with Burglary and Grand Larceny.

August 28 – September 3, 2022

September is known as Emergency Preparedness Month. Last year, Hurricane Ida caused a great deal of damage in the New York City area including several Co-op City locations. At this point, there is no threat of a storm heading our way with anything more than residual effects. There are still several weeks of what has been known as the hurricane season so we do not know what the next storm will bring. Many factors can still influence the final effects of a storm. It is always best to be prepared for whatever weather may be around the corner.

door. CCPD has several educational programs to avoid being a victim of theft.

A cooperator reported an unknown individual spray painted his vehicle.

Public Safety Urges Shareholders to BE PREPARED for Hurricane Season

A cooperator reported money missing after a repairman was in her apartment.

A cooperator reported a package taken from in front of her door. has had electric scooters and electric-assisted wheelchairs in our buildings for the 28 years I have lived here and probably well before that. Have we ever had an incident? Thousands of delivery people have used E-bikes for well over a decade and there have been few significant issues. We have rental e-scooters all over our property. Have there been any reports of them catching fire? Besides, there are many causes of fire.

—Kelly Canzoneri



Aug. 28 – 100 Alcott Pl.

CCPD responded for a report of larceny from a vehicle. The owner stated that he parked his vehicle and when he returned, the passenger side window was broken and items removed.

120 Elgar Pl.

140 Elgar Pl.

For information on CONTRACT OPPORTUNITIES ONLY, please contact: Lenya Garcia at; and Anatoliy Budnitskiy at Please note: emails should be sent to both parties.

CCPD officers responded for a suspicious male turning doorknobs to gain access to vacant apartments. After a canvass of the area, a male was apprehended and arrested.

While responding for an unrelated radio call for assistance, CCPD officers observed an unlicensed dog and issued a community complaint.

There are no Please check back.

Aug. 31 – 120 Alcott Pl.

Letters ––––– (Continued from page 6)

To the Editor:


A cooperator reported delivery packages taken from in front of his

Vote No on the E-Scooter Ban

September and October generally bring a mixture of weather which can often be very unpredictable. Fall weather is often combined with the threat of effects from tropical storms, hurricanes and tornadoes. In past years, we have had several storms with thunder, lightning and high winds. Mother Nature even surprised us with a few earthquakes several years ago, a reminder that any weather is possible. Up until August of 2020’s Hurricane Isaias and 2021’s Hurricane Ida, Co-op City has been spared from storm-related injuries or major property damage. Fortunately, there were no reported injuries in Co-op City as a result of Hurricanes Isaias or Ida. Major storm damage from Isaias was reported within the community, including toppled trees causing damage to several vehicles. Hurricane Ida caused flooding within Co-op City including the Bartow Community Center. During Hurricane Isaias, the northeast experienced the strongest winds since Superstorm Sandy in 2012. Hurricane Ida caused mostly water damage. Despite the high winds of Hurricane Sandy, Co-op City had very little reported damage. Two very similar storms had extreme variations in how Co-op City was affected, therefore, it is very important to always be prepared.

Our apartments are virtually fireproof. Fire spreads to another apartment on very rare occasions. We all carry our mandatory fire insurance policies. This should be a personal decision and responsibility.

Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 7

Sept. 2 – 120 Aldrich St.

Resolution #22-37 banning e-bikes, e-Scooters, and e-batteries is, in my opinion, another overreaction similar to the past attempt to ban smoking in one’s own apartment, or the suggestion we should all hang air conditioners out our

CCPD ESU responded for an individual in emotional distress. A cooperator was transported to Jacobi Psychiatric for evaluation and treatment. 100 Aldrich St.

The best thing Co-op City residents can do in preparation for any hurricane or storm is to make sure any loose articles are removed from terraces or patios. Once a storm has started, it is best to stay in your home. Right now, there are no predictions that any of the current hurricanes or tropical storms will have more than a residual effect on our area. It is still a good idea to be prepared for high winds and heavy rain.

Co-op City Department of Public Safety urges all residents to make sure that they are prepared for all types of emergencies. Being prepared for all types of emergencies will allow residents to feel confident in the event of any type of emergency. It is always better to be over-prepared than not prepared at all. Once an emergency strikes, it becomes too late to prepare. Many supplies become scarce once a storm hits or is predicted.



DO NOT email resumes for EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES to the aforementioned emails. For EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES,

For employment opportunities, please search “Riverbay Corporation” at the following sites:

100 DeKruif Pl.

Candidates may review full position descriptions and apply directly at eitherCurrentsite Riverbay employees should submit a transfer request and resumé directly to the HR department.

(Continued on page 23)

A cooperator reported delivered packages taken from in front of her door. CCPD is investigating.

Aug. 29 – 900 Co-op Blvd.

120 Co-op Blvd.

Aug. 30 – 120 Erskine Pl.

99 Carver Lp.

CCPD officers responded for an individual yelling in the hallway. Upon arrival, a canvass was conducted and a male was detained and issued a criminal court summons for trespass.

Director’s Viewpoint – Bernard Cylich, Secretary

21 Association

President Taylor oversaw the beginning of the installation of garage E-Z pass access and the upgrading of lobby doors in compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act.

In 2014, the Board elected CTSAH member, Cleve Taylor, president of Riverbay Corporation.

Under the Riverbay Fund president, Claudia Sampson, the Fund successfully obtained $500,000 from Washington to begin upgrading our Riverfront park. Finally, cooperators will have access to a beautiful recreational spot along the river, just as millions of New Yorkers have near their riverfront parks.

Turbulent History

All we ask of anyone kind enough to be a Floor Captain is as follows:

beacon to the nation, as “the largest diverse affordable housing cooperative?”

bribery, etc., costing our cooperative, conservatively, over $400 million. In spite of this record of corruption and mismanagement, our cooperative remains the BEST DEAL IN TOWN.

If you have questions regarding the 21 Association You have three ways of gaining information. Email: Call: 347.504.1821. Attend the monthly general meetings via Zoom video conference. Everyone from all buildings plan to come and join us at Building 21. Bring a friend. Each one of us divided by all of us equals a force for good.

First Building 21 Association Meeting of the Fiscal Year

2. Co-op City Times: Place them at each apartment door (Delivered to all lobbies on Saturdays)

The Coalition To Save Affordable Housing (CTSAH) was founded in March of 2002 –20 years ago – to silence the drum-beat for privatization and keep Co-op City affordable for future generation of working families. Years passed before the

Early last year, President Berk led the effort to

BecauseWhy? as co-owners, we are free of gouging landlords and developers.

As we have throughout our turbulent history, we shall meet this unavoidable challenge too.

3. Elevator Notices: Read them and talk to your neighbors about them

4. Promote: Meetings, Clubs and Gatherings

Since 2016, our carrying charges increases compounded by 9.75%, while, in comparison, the Consumer Price Index increased by more than twice as much, 23%. Currently, we are impacted, however,

8 Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022

entertainment center that promises to generate tens of thousands. Improving the delivery of service via our Call Center has been a challenge and Management continues its effort while having downsized our staff by nearly 200.

5. Encourage your neighbors to: • VOTE – VOTE – VOTE! in the Riverbay election

City Hall, we are facing steep carrying charge in-

Security: 718-671-3050 • CSO: 718-320-3300


countries around the world as the cost of fuel has risen sharply and goods and services have become more expensive. Not only has our corporation exhausted its savings but, as reported by our Director of Finance, our debt has mounted by over $18 million. However, without a money tree, a sugar daddy

ciency and productivity of our Power Plant thus generating millions of dollars in savings and income.

ing of Senator Charles Schumer and Congressman Jamaal Bowman, the federal agency, Housing and Urban Development (HUD), expedited and approved the closing of the loan guarantee not a day too soon, before interest rates took off. This loan will provide us a much-needed infusion of $120 million for capital projects while freeing up monies to improve delivery of service.

with rights to rent rooms, to place articles, announcements and ads in our Co-op City Times, and to post particular, they were demonized weekly in the City News published by Christopher Hagedorn, a rightwing real estate mogul, and in the Co-op City Times by pro-privatization Board members. Nevertheless, the Coalition succeeded in defeating privatization, overcoming corruption, seeing a Board president jailed for bribery and kickbacks, and Hagedorn close his weekly scandal rag, City News.

We are determined to do so.

cial hemorrhaging, negotiated down a $60 million lawsuit, the result of Marion Scott’s – our then-managing agent – violations of Federal Labor Standard Act, to $6.5 million, and, after 15 years of chaos and corruption, Marion Scott Realty as well as the risk manager were suspended.

Recently, Board and Management leadership met with City Councilman Kevin Riley who committed to obtaining promised funding for upgrading our Cultural-Art Community Center, formerly the Bingo Hall, to serve our youth andForseniors.over 50 years, Riverbay Corporation was the victim of scandalous rip-offs, construction defects, defective and faulty material and equipment, poor engineering, bloated budgets, kick back and

taining our quality of life services.

In 2016, under the new leadership of Board President Linda Berk, and later, myself – both CTSAH members – major changes continued: replacing 160 faulty elevator motors with state-ofgrading Dreiser Auditorium to a state-of-the-art

Hello, 21er’s and to all the eyes that gaze upon this post. Come and join us on Thursday, September 29, at 7 p.m. in the gathering room, rear of 21B. September is here. So, let us attend our building association meetings and discuss what is on your mind and how we can all do better together. Your Safety & Protection begins with YOU, on your Floor!

1. Contact Numbers Emergency” contact numbers and distribute to each neighbor


Section 5 guests should visit the Co-op City United Methodist Church, 2350 Palmer Avenue, on Thursdays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., to pick up groceries. Guests do location for Section 5 residents.

Senior Farmer’s Market Coupons

––D. Illis

Co-op City is not having the lobby attendants back in the lobby anymore. We all miss Andy Soto in our lobby.

Contact Us



September Distribution on September 6 from 2 p.m.-4 p.m. Masks are re quired. The distribution occurs at the 920 Baychester location. Recipients of the coupons must be 60 years of age or older and must bring proof of age (i.e. ID NYC card or a non- or driver’s license). Recipients who already re ceived coupons this year cannot receive additional ones. The NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets cross-checks submitted applications. Recipients will receive $25 worth of vouchers towards the purchase of fresh fruits, vege tables and herbs.


Ride I.D.s are not acceptable.

We also pride ourselves on trying to maintain the standards and quality of life we all want to enjoy. So, here are a few reminders: if you drop something, pick it up; if you spill something, wipe it up; do not deface the property; your dog always belongs on a leash and of course pick up after them. When you are expecting a delivery or moving large items, contact Management so that our el evators can be protected. If you are expecting a delivery of a package, give in struction to have it delivered to your door. If it is left in the lobby, take the time to complain to the company you are dealing with.

Please clean up after your dog. We are getting a lot of complaints about people not cleaning up after their dog and people stepping into dog poop.

Emergency Food Pantry

Congressional Recognition for Community Service and USA Karate Nationals Medals (bronze, silver and gold). This young lady is also the brand creator be hind a seasoning brand, which makes creating halal dishes accessible to any one. Ra’eesah will distribute samples from her spice bundles to guests of the Black Forum food pantry soon.

PetersonBuilding 13 Association

Reach out to us at

Visit our Facebook page at: Building 13 Association Inc.–Co-op City.

to pick up groceries in 2022. No exceptions. Required documentation is as fol lows: NY State Driver’s license, NY State Non-Driver’s or NYC I.D. (zip code

Thank you to our vice president, Wendell Mattison, and Lisa Rodriguez and I attended the 45th Precinct Community Council meeting last Thursday. Along with many in the community, we are diligently working on having the city ad dress the tractor-trailer situation surrounding our community, a problem faced by many communities across the borough.

We hope all is well. Stay safe.

Contacts: Leslie Peterson, president, at 718-320-1370, or Wendell Mattison, V.P., at 917-330-1380. Thank you for supporting our team.

920 Baychester Ave., Bldg. 1A (entrance faces basketball court). The pantry opens Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 11:00 a.m.-12:45 p.m. for grocery distribution. Guests are eligible to pick up food once a month. Look at the last date on your pantry card. The next pick up would be one month from the last pick up or after. It is a 30/31-day rotation on average. Black Forum will text registered guests if items outside of regular distribution become available. All guests must present a pantry card to receive food. Remember to bring at least four clean shopping bags with handles and a shopping cart. Masks required and physical distancing observed. New registrants can receive food the same day they register. Please show a valid ID NYC card, a non-Driver’s, or Driver’s li cense with a 10475 address to register.

People in the building still are not feeling safe having meetings in the build ing association meeting room with no widows or ventilation.

Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 9

Congratulations to Barry and Gracie Dickerson (pictured, left) on 50 years of marriage. Keep it go ing for another 50 years!

It is always a pleasure to see our fellow cooperators out and about, enjoy ing all that this community offers. We have had fantastic musical presenta tions, and, of course, last weekend an all-day affair culminating with an awe

Ra’eesah is a new volunteer with the Black Forum who is a high school student taking college classes at a premier institution. She is also an accom plished young entrepreneur who has received a long list of awards. This in

Building 6 Association

Recently, I received information regarding new residents in our building. We welcome them and hope they will join our association meetings. We pride our selves on knowing and greeting one another when we see each other. We have a friendly and supportive group of people in our building. Yes, we talk to one another all the time.

During these past months, the Building 13 Association has worked to get was damage to our back walkway and hopefully within this week or the next repairs will begin. We hope you had a great summer, but we are back!

Black Forum

15 at 7:00 p.m. Make sure we have your e-mail address or telephone number so we can keep you abreast of important information and special events happen ing in the community. We especially want this information so you can receive Zoom sign-in information for our meetings. We have two guests scheduled to attend our September meeting. Check the bulletin board in the lobby for addi tional information. If there is someone you would like invited to our meetings, feel free to contact building association members. We are here to help you be come familiarized with the rules and any upcoming changes Riverbay imposes.

In NYC and in lots of other areas, people are mak ing their own guns. And, naturally, their guns do not Thereafter, some people have sold these types of guns throughout NYC. For instance, back in October 2021,

the Queens District Attorney along the NYPD busted a man for allegedly making a tremendous amount of

Director’s Viewpoint – Daryl Johnson

In fact, here are some comments from Mayor Adams: “Catch, release, repeat,” the mayor said as he was commenting on a violent youth case that happened in the subway system. “As soon as we catch them, the system releases them, and they repeat the action. That is just, you know, that’s when I say we are the laugh ingstock of the country. How do we keep our cities safe when the other parts of the criminal justice system, they have abandoned our public safety apparatus?”

Outrageous Violence

Lots of stories on television and in the newspapers are focusing on the rise of violent crimes in NYC. So, let’s see what’s going on throughout the city.

Now, there are other criminal statistics listed on their website that can be reviewed. However, I want everyone to see some of the most serious crime statis tics that have occurred within the cited precinct area. To counter these statistics, Mayor Adams along with are being released as soon as they’re arrested.

Gun violence has also become a major problem in NYC. For instance, several people were shot across the city about two weeks ago, over one weekend. On Saturday, August 27, a man was shot several times in the chest while he was in a lobby. On Sunday, August 28, one person was killed, and four other peo ple were shot on the Coney Island boardwalk. Later on, a 44-year-old lady in Brooklyn died after she was shot in the head. Then, a man and a lady were shot in the arm in Brooklyn. And, in the Bronx, several peo ple were shot, and three people were killed during that same weekend.

Thereafter, the suspect was charged with attempted murder. However, the charges were downgraded to misdemeanors, like third-degree assault, and sec ond-degree harassment. Regardless, take a guess what happened to the suspect under the zero-bail laws. That’s right, they released the suspect from jail. But, the outcry from the victim’s family was so emotional that the governor intervened. Then, the suspect was ul timately locked up—on a parole violation.

any type of illegal activity. Thank you.


Labor Day Weekend Event

Let’s do our part to make Co-op City a wonderful place to

Please do not send a letter to me at this time. However, you can send an email to me at: djohnson@,pleasecallme ONLY at 718-671-4544 if you would like to have a brief discussion with me. Okay, that’s it for now. So, please have a wonderful week. And, may God bless you and your family. Thank you.

10 Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022

Let’s start off with some of the most serious crimi nal complaint statistics for 2022 from the 45th Precinct. According to their website, the 45th Precinct “con tains six miles of park area, and 10.6 miles of water front. The precinct encompasses Co-op City and City Island.”Here are the most serious criminal complaint sta tistics from their website for 2022: Murder: 3; Rape: 11; Robbery: 129; Felony Assault: 177; Burglary: 68; Grand Larceny: 351; and Grand Larceny Assault: 191.

In Co-op City, we have zero tolerance for criminal activity. For instance, there have been cases wherein a family member was arrested for an alleged crime. Thereafter, community complaints were issued. Then, a holdover case for an eviction was initiated in Housing Court. And, in some cases, our lawyers requested an order to have the person that committed the alleged crime removed from living in our community. Good! We will not tolerate any type of foolishness in this community.Now,some criminals in NYC are wilding out and committing some of the most senseless crimes ever. For instance, a few weeks ago, a video showed that a man walked up behind another man in the Bronx and allegedly sucker-punched him in the head. Then, the victim was injured so bad that he was in a coma with a skull fracture, a broken cheek, and brain bleeding.

recently jogging near his Bronx home. Then, three suspects allegedly attacked and beat the off-duty of then allegedly stole his cellphone, car keys, and wallet. Thereafter, the suspects took off in a vehicle. Then, the police arrested one of the suspects in this attack. But, can you believe that the police think that this same group of suspects might be responsible for 19 attacks in the Bronx and Queens since August 1, 2022?

had allegedly made AR-15s, AK-47s, along with sev eral types of handguns. Also on display were 15,000 rounds of ammunition. And, the machines that were allegedly used to make all of those weapons.

The Labor Day weekend concert on Saturday, September 3, 2022, was good. Fireworks? We spend between $20,000 - $25,000 just on our fireworks shows. However, a lot of people said that they weren’t

Contact Information

In another case, a very young man was arrested for allegedly making ghost guns. According to a report, he was able to buy the gun parts online. Meanwhile, Mayor Adams has been going after the online retailers that were selling these gun parts. And, just recently, legal settlements were made with three gunmakers to prevent the sale of gun parts to anyone in NYC. Also, going forward, the legal battle will continue with two otherBottomgunmakers.line:Please make sure that no one in your home is involved with illegal guns, illegal drugs, or

NYC – Getting Too Violent?

Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 11 THE DEALS DON’T STOP!! MEAT • SEAFOOD • DELI • GROCERY Same Day Service • Delivery Available • Pick-up In Store or Curbside 7-Days a Week DELI DEALS! Hormel Deli Ham...............................$5.99lb. Genoa McCadamLandBelGioiosoSalami......................................$6.99lb.Provolone........................$6.99lb.O’LakesAmericanCheese.......$4.99lb.MuensterCheese..............$5.99lb. Pork and Chicken Kabobs...............$2.99ea. USDA Choice Rib Steaks ...............$17.99lb. Filet Mignon Custom Cut Free.......$24.99lb. Tomahawk Steak (Angus) $19.99lb. USDA Choice Skirt Steak...............$16.99lb. Prime London Broil..........................$7.99lb. Ground Beef Family Pack (5 Lbs. or More) $3.99lb. Sterling Silver Fresh Hamburgers....$7.99lb. Choice Shell Steak...........................$19.99lb. Choice Flank Steak..............................$12.99lb. Choice Marinated Big G Steak.........$12.99lb. Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops.......$3.99lb. Italian Sausage....................................$5.99lb. Italian Style Chicken Sausage..Buy 1, Get 1 FREE Spare Ribs Small.................................$4.99lb. Whole Chickens..................................$2.99lb. Our Famous Chicken Cutlet Special (4.5 Lbs. Net) $25.00 Sabrett All Beef Franks (5 Lb. Pkg).....$29.99 45 Years of Serving the Highest Quality Foods! Not responsible for typographical errors. Prices subject to change without notice. MEAT PLANS FREE Dozen Eggs with any Meat Plan! Hours: Mon. - Sat.: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.; Sun.: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. FAMILY PACK 1 lb Chicken Cutlets 3 lbs Spare Ribs 2 pkg Sabrett Franks 3 lbs Chicken Legs 2 lbs Italian Sausage ALL THIS FOR $49994 BARBECUE FEAST 3 lbs Spare Ribs 3 lbs Chicken Breasts 2 pkg Sabrett Franks 3 lbs Chicken Legs 2 lbs Sausage 3 lbs Chuck Chop ALL THIS FOR $69997 CADILLAC PLAN 2 lbs Chuck Filet 2 lbs Prime London Broil 2 lbs Chicken Cutlets 2 lbs Beef Stew 2 lbs Shell Steak 2 lbs Club Steak 2 lbs Chicken Legs 2 lbs Chicken Breasts 2 lbs Chuck Chop 2 lbs Sausage 2 lbs CC Pork Chops ALL THIS FOR $15999 10 Italian Style Chicken Sausage Buy 1, Get 1 FREE! Jumbo Snow Crab Clusters 1/2 PRICE! $12.50/lb. Marinated Meat And Seafood Available! WholeUSDAShells of PRIME 14ChoiceforBEEFPricesWHILESUPPLIESLAST!lb.avg.

Community Fair –– (Continued from page 1)

12 Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022

Photos by P.M Campbell

with “Lovely Day” by Bill Withers, and performed songs like, “Celebration” and “Ain’t No Stopping Us Now.”

Co-op City Community Fair, Concert

During an intermission at 8 p.m., Carl Edwards, from Antigua, was welcomed to the stage and played the steel drum. After the band returned to perform, they played until 9 p.m., when, as they were covering Frankie Beverly and Maze’s “Before I Let Go,” the fireworks started. Coloring the sky red, blue, green and white, with rockets bursting in all different shapes and sizes, the 25-min ute show left nothing to be desired. The Section 1 Greenway was full, and with every bang being greater than the last, the audience burst into cheers and applause throughout the near half hour show.

“Can y’all make some noise for Stacy real quick,” said the lead singer as he called onstage the 9 year old who had been dancing throughout the show. As he welcomed kids in the audience on stage, Dogberry, a teacher, said, “This is our future.”

Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 13

Concert Celebration!

and Fireworks

NCNW Co-op City Section –Zoom Health Committee –


School supplies –

––Joyce Howard

NCNW youth and adult members

Social Media –Facebook Instagram

14 Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022

NCNW youth with Back to School Giveaway supplies

National Council of Negro Women

NCNW at the Co-op City Labor Day Fair

Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 15 The Wright Agency: We Value Your Business! We have relocated to Ridgehill Mall and WE ARE STILL SERVING CO-OP CITY as we have for 42 Years! The Wright Agency Call Us 718-340-4947Today! • Low Premiums • Protective Device Discounts • Auto-Home Discounts ConvenientCourteousStaff!Hours!New Hours: Mon. – Thurs.: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: By Appointment Riverbay Requires Co-op Shareholders to Obtain Coverage! Your Co-op is an Investment Worth Protecting! Protection To Cover Your Belongings Against: We Offer: • Auto • Homeowners • Life Other Lines of Insurance: Anthony Wright Agency Owner • Fire & Smoke • Water damage from plumbing • Guest medical protection • Certain personal liabilities Low Rates For EntireTheYear!Nichola Ferguson InsuranceLicensedAgent Lawrence Newkirk FamilySpecialistProtection Albert Issifu Licensed Insurance Agent / • Theft Coverage • And so much more! Licensed Staff 73 Market Street, Suite 376, Yonkers, NY 10710 (Free Parking!)

These shirts make a great gift any time of the year. If you do not have one, make sure you get one or two! Many buildings are celebrating 50 years of existence, making up the largest cooperative in the country. We have 50th Anniversary t-shirts. The shirts are beautiful and on sale now, with the Section 4 Partnership logo on the back. You will be proud to wear it. If you would like one or two, contact us by emailing:, or phone: 347-915-4939.

The Section 4 Partnership’s purpose is to promote a community of more than just neighbors, but as one family of many cultures, that proactively embraces greatness and promotes neighborhood interaction. The goal of the organization is to offer solutions that will educate, elevate, inspire and mobilize our community in unity, to sustain affordability and growth in order to remain environmen tally sound and vibrant for generations to come.

2. Co-op City Times: Place them at each apartment door (De livered to all lobbies on Saturdays)

All of us, multiplied by each one of us, equals a force for good.

50th Anniversary T-Shirts: A Collector’s Item!

We also will begin collecting building dues. The dues are needed to include refreshments at the meetings, decorations for holidays, candy for the kids at Halloween and Christmas, and to pay Santa Clause to take pictures with the children. If we collect enough, we would also lost loved ones. We will make sure the dues are affordable and hope you all will participate. celebrate and honor you!

Good day, my fellow cooperators. I hope many of you have enjoyed your summer.

––H. Overman

Happy birthday to those celebrating this month. We continue to offer our sincere sympathy and condolences to the families that have lost loved ones. We wish all the best of health and by sending you a card as she is excellent in sharing goodwill. Also, notify her of any illness, or a neighbor who has deceased and if anyone is in a nursing home.

—Andrea D. Mayo

Security: 718-671-3050 • CSO: 718-320-3300

3. Elevator Notices: Read them and talk to your neighbors about them

S4P Mission Statement

Cooperators –residues on our street in the circle in front of our triple core and the walkways. It may be out siders, but the littering is getting worse so we all should work together to keep our community clean and beautiful. The walkways are in dire need of power washing.

September is here, and the building association will start having monthly meetings again. Hopefully, we will be able to invite guests from Riverbay many of you would like to meet. Feel free to contact me at with suggestions.

Building 27 Association

5. Encourage your neighbors to: • VOTE–VOTE–VOTE! in the Riverbay election

Coffee with Mike – Assemblyman Benedetto invites shareholders to have coffee from 9:3010:30 a.m. on the third Saturday of every month. This will be an opportunity to share our local concerns. Coffee with Mike takes place at the Einstein shopping mall. Cooperators are asking to meet with the DOT because we were deprived of Town Hall meetings. To send in comments is not the same as the voices of the people. Assemblyman Benedetto indicated he will see what he can do and get back to the community.

4. Promote: Meetings, Clubs and Gatherings

Section Five – The pathway around the curve has been completed. Finally, barriers have been installed to divide the entire length of the curve. The new barriers look good; we hope they will remain that way. What is next, we do not know; hopefully, it will all be shared with the shareholders through a town hall meeting. It is noted NYS Secretary of Transportation, Nivardo and Ulitilies that service Section 5. However, as shareholders, we are part of this critical process comments could also easily be addressed in open meetings.

16 Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions

––Michelle Marbury

Hello, neighbors. We are now heading for the fall season. It was a joy watching the back to school gathering for our children at P.S. 160. These are memories kids will not forget. We wish the kids, students and staff a safe and healthy school year.

Building 33 AssociationSection 4 Partnership

have assigned Floor Captains. If you have not volunteered for

are as follows:

1. Contact Numbers Emer gency” contact numbers and distribute to each neighbor

For our

6. Isn’t it worth your safety to get this done?

Calling all Building Association Presidents, Vice Presidents and Staff: We must all (in every section and every building) show up for our building associations and committees. We may be on Zoom or Webex or other modes of video onferencing, and for that reason we should all show up. You do not even have to leave your home. You cannot beat that commute. We all owe it to our shared community. Think about this and make a silent pledge to get involved.

Our schedule is as follows:

Masks: Masks are recommended in the buildings and all indoor areas of Co-op City, including the laundry rooms.

African-American Association of Co-op City

Laundry Room – Fabric softener sheets are slippery and should be picked washers and dryers because others are waiting to use the machines. Also, clean

Every Wednesday, 7:00 p.m., Bible Study via Zoom

Fifth Sunday – Conference Call Line, (712) 432-3900, Access: 343284#

Every Wednesday – Hour of Power Noon Day Prayer, 12:00 p.m., Conference Call Line, (712) 432-3900, Access Code: 343284#

A tearful Serena said, “It’s been the most incredible ride and journey I’ve ever been on in my life, I’m so grateful to every single person that’s ever said, ‘Go, Serena!’ in their life.” From the African-American Association of Co-op City, the queen has spoken!

The Queen Has Spoken

It was 7 p.m. at Arthur Ashe Stadium in the Main Court at Flushing Meadows. It was the 29-year-old against the 40-year-old. It was Australia against the United States. It was the legend, Serena Williams, against top ranked Ajla Tomljanovic at the US Open. Tributes poured in during each of the three matches Serena played from tennis legends

Cooperators – Means acting jointly with others to unite for the common good. We are not doing that. We have concerns that cooperators are not doing their part. We must all work together.

Compactor Rooms – If you know who is not following the instructions for CSO.

Greetings, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Rev. Dr. Calvin E. Owens and the Community Protestant Church family welcome you to wor ship with us. We are located at 1659 East Gun Hill Road, Bronx, NY 10469; church number: 718-862-9172; fax#: 718-671-4416, or email: Administration@

Yoga & Pilates Classes with Meena Sharpe-Hicks – Contact: Meena at 917-863-1507.

Platforms, until the pandemic is completely over, are presented via Zoom Meetings and Webinars. There may be some outdoor meetings until the cold weather sets in. Remember, membership is only $15/year for a single membership and only $25/year for your household. Email: or call 929-430-3255 The African American Association of Co-op City, P.O. Box 702, Co-op City Station, Bronx, NY 10475.

while the room is being repaired. A notice for the new date will be posted on the bulletin boards.

Noteworthy dates!

Second Sunday – Conference Call Line, (712) 432-3900, Access: 343284# Adult Sunday School, 9:00 a.m. Conference Call Line, (712) 432-3900, Ac cess:

stadium, they tweeted and cheered ferociously from the stands and outside the court. When all was said and done, her conqueror gave one of the most touching homages ever spoken. She even admitted that ending Serena Williams career was “tough to handle.” Picture courtesy of Stephanie Mills via Facebook

Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 17

– Contact: Xonia, 646-301-9438.

Happy birthday to all. Our prayers to all who lost loved ones. Check on the sick and shut-ins. If you see something, say something.

—Marta Medina Sanchez

Come & Visit Us – You’re always welcome in God’s House, your House! We are a Bible-centered a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship and service to God and our com munity. We are a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and bilingual congregation, ALL are welcome! Services are held at 2350 Palmer Avenue, across from Building 30. Parking is available. Our pastor is Rev. Arnaldo Sánchez-Orta.

Co-op City Department of Public Safety (718) 671-3050 • • @CCPDnyc If you SEE something, SAY something!

––Betty Leak

Tuesday Spanish Bible Study (via Zoom): 12:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

Free Coffee House Join us! Friday, September 23, from 6-9 p.m. All are welcomed!Formore information, if you are interested, contact Marta @ 917-740-0256, email:Blessings,

Thursday Bilingual Prayer Service (In-person & via Zoom): 9:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m.

Open Doors, Open Hearts and Open Minds

22A and B Association

Evening Line Dance Classes with Cynthia Dixon – Contact: Cynthia, 917903-7073.

First Sunday of the Month Bilingual Service: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. English Service: 10 a.m.; Spanish Service: 11:30 a.m.

Adult Sunday School, 9:15 a.m. in person

“Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.” —1 Kings 8:28b (NIV). Come, let’s pray together!


– Contact: Keith, 917-561-6211.


Telephone: (718) 320-3795, email:

The African American Association sponsors the following programs for your participation (Contact respective instructor indicated below for updates)

Community Protestant Church

Food Pantry: Thursdays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

It was a wonderful summer, but it is time for back-to-school shopping, vac cination and school work.

Sunday, October 16: General Membership Meeting, 3 p.m.

Third343284#Sunday – 11:00 a.m. service, in-person

Fourth Sunday – Communion and via Zoom, Adult Sunday School, 9:00 a.m. Conference Call Line (712) 432-3900, Access: 343284#

All of us, multiplied by each one of us, equals a force for good.

Sunday, September 18: General Membership Meeting, 3 p.m.

––Sarita Tidball

Co-op City Baptist Church “Gospel Line Dancers” with Joyce Smith –Contact: Joyce, 718-320-0714.

Dog Owners – Keep up the good work curbing your dogs. Please do not throw food off your terraces as you will get a community complaint.

Iglesia Evangélica MU de Co-op City –Co-op City UMC

Join our membership!

Come and Receive a Blessing

First Sunday – 11:00 a.m., Service, in-person and Communion, Adult Sunday School, 9:15 a.m. in person.

After a grueling three-hour match, Serena remains one shy of Margaret Court’s record of 24 Grand Slams. On Friday, September 2, the queen of modern day

Serena turns 41 this month and she told the world that she is not “retiring,” she is evolving — and while she remained purposely vague about whether this appearance at Flushing Meadows would represent her last hurrah, everyone including Oprah Winfrey and Gale King who gave her stunning tribute after round 1, assumed it will be.

SCHOOL IS OPEN! Please follow posted speed limits when driving near schools. Stop for schoolbuses with STOP sign and

Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Tuesday Evening Bible Study (via Zoom): 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

Resort World – Thursday, September 22, in Montecello, NY. Price: $45. Bonus: $25 slot play and $15 for meal. Final payment due by Wednesday, September 7. Waiting list only. Make checks to Goose Island Seniors. We accept Zelle at 347847-1941. Buses leaving our three usual bus stops. Pick-ups: Einstein Loop, 8:15 a.m.; Asch Loop, 8:45 a.m. and Dreiser Loop at 9 a.m. Must show proof of vaccination and mask required on bus and in casino.

Our club is located at 135 Einstein Loop, Rm. 39, Bronx, NY 10475 at the Section 5 Center. Our phone number is (718) 379-9613. You may call (mornings) Mon. – Fri., 9 a.m.-12 p.m. (Evenings) Mon., Wed. and Fri., 6 p.m.-9 p.m.; Tue. and Thu., 1 p.m.-9 p.m., or, call, text or Zelle Stephen, (347) 847-1941. Our email address is

Condolences – We were sorry to learn of the passing of our beloved member, Elizabeth T. Hayes. We extend our sympathy to her family. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.

We hope that everyone enjoyed the Labor Day Holiday.

––Ann Purnell

Happy Birthday – Cheers to all our Septem ber birthday celebrants. We wish you an incredibly happy birthday and continued peace and happiness throughout the year.

––Stephen Roberts, Sr.

The meeting begins at 1 p.m. and we have a guest speaker with much to share with us. Our Chapter is restarting our search for new and available ex ecutive board members to serve within our group. We will be having elections soon. Please contact Ms. Polite, 718-320 4278, with any nominations

Membership – Members who are 80-plus years of age and in good standing with their membership dues (dues paid for the past two consecutive years) are eligible to apply for “honorary membership.” If you would like to apply, please submit your letter of request to Dorothy Chambers-Byrd, President of theIfRoDL.youwould like to become a member of the Retirees of Dreiser Loop, or you wish to renew your membership, please make your check in the amount of $25 payable to the “Retirees of Dreiser Loop” and mail it to: Retirees of Dreiser Loop, 177 Dreiser Loop, Room 19, Bronx, NY 10475. Questions may be addressed to JoAnn at (718) 710-9082 or Mary at (718) 655-9170.

Retirees of Dreiser Loop

We hope that Labor Day was enjoyable for ev eryone. We would like to thank Riverbay Corpo ration, the vendors and all who assisted with Sat urday’s fair on the greenway. There were informa tion tables, salespeople, friends, activities for the children and food—all kinds of food! Our elected

Goose Island Seniors

––Georgianna Rodriguez

18 Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 • 4035 Bronxwood Avenue, Bronx, N.Y. 718-231-7647Fax:718-231-7665 Personalized & Professional Care • 56 Years Serving Our Community All areas are handicapped accessible HoursCall24 Servingculturesall&faithsLIVE STREAMING WORLDWIDE. Family Owned and Operated • Large Chapel on premises • Ample Parking on premises • Casket Showroom on premises • Pre-need counseling • Out of town services • Cremations A dignified funeral every family can afford. Amid ongoing concerns about the Coronavirus COVID-19, McCall’s Bronxwood Funeral Home is closely monitoring the latest reports from the CDC and is fully committed to providing the funeral and memorial services you expect without interruption, in a clean and hygenic environment. Worldwide Shipping including Caribbean, Africa & South America

Wind Creek – September 24. Price: $50. For more info, call or text (646) 579-1701.

Newsletter Committee – Articles and photos for inclusion in our Summer/Fall 2022 edition of the “In the Loop” newsletter should be submitted to Georgianna no later than October 26.

Nordic Lodge – October 8. Price: $190. For more info, call (646) 579-1701.

Ivelisse Santiago, Miledy Martinez, John Turjak, Ana Matos, Alma Alequin, Veratta Rhames, Jan ice Brown, Loretta Thompson, Bettie Ward, Lyone Hall, Gloria M. Bobbyn, Pamela Rumph, Thalia E. Roach, Gladys Perry, Beryl Hines, Ola Waymmann, Carlton Lawrence and Majorie Yellon.

way to end the summer outdoor fun. from Monday-Thursday from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. with answers to questions you may have and information we can share from the National organization. The midterm elections are right around the corner and there is still much to do to get legislation passed to

someone of your choice. Ms. Baker is continuing to

Trip Committee – The trip to Wind Creek Casino and shopping at the Wind Creek Outlets in Bethle hem, PA is on September 13. The bus for this trip will pick up at 169 Dreiser Loop. Please arrive there no later than 7:30 a.m. The bus will leave promptly at 8:00 a.m. Please bring a face mask. Everyone will be required to wear a face mask while traveling on the bus. On the return to Co-op City, the bus will drop off at Einstein Loop, Asch Loop and Dreiser Loop. We look forward to this fun day out.

Sick and Shut In – To those who are sick and shut-in, we pray that you will soon see brighter days ahead.

Hunterdon Hills Playhouse – Tuesday, October 25. Dr. K’s Motown Revue. Come enjoy a delicious

and by calling 718-379-2088. The annual dues are $20 payable by check or cash. Mrs. Wilson, our Good and Welfare contact, advises that our friends and relatives are moving forward and doing better by the day. Prayers and good wishes continue to go to the sick and shut-in. If there is someone you would like to have mentioned, please contact Mrs. Wilson at 718-671-5493.

General Meeting – Thank you to everyone who attended our general membership meeting on Sep tember 7. It was so good to see you there. Our next general membership meeting will be held on Oc toberMembers,5. if you would like to use Room 19 for your card or game player groups, please contact Ted Byrd at (917) 797-9230.

Entertainment Committee – “Hold the Date,” December 8, 2022, on your calendars for the RoDL’s annual holiday luncheon at the Marina del Rey.

Notary Services with Yvonne Menefee every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 135 Einstein Loop, Room 39, Bronx, NY 10475 (Section 5 Center).

cials are important to the work of AARP in all areas. Continue to be involved in your community and state affairs to make the changes come to light that we need for a better quality of life for ourselves.

Greetings, Retirees!

Our next General Membership meeting is on September 12 and will be held by Zoom. The log in information is Meeting ID: 839 4857 9810; Passcode: 580664; NY Dial-In: 929-205-6099.

To all members: Happy birthday to our mem bers who celebrate their birthday in the month of September: Veronica Mack, Mary Harvey, Mary Smith, Sandra Cortez-Johnson, Patricia Harris,

lunch and listen to your favorite Motown hits. Price: $120. Few seats available. Bus pick-ups: Einstein Loop, 8:15 a.m.; Asch Loop, 8:45 a.m. and Dreiser Loop at 9 a.m. Must show proof of vaccination and mask required on the bus.

Sick and Shut-in – Linda Werner is still recover ing. We prayed, God heard us, He is in control. Ella Thorne misses everyone. She is in Workmen’s Cir cle. Mary Pilla, former Goose Island president, sends her love to all. You can call her at (718) 753-1816.

AARP Chapter #4997

Bingo – Every Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 1:15 p.m. Members only. Admission: $5 for three cards, 12 games and jackpot. Extra cards are $0.25 each. Refreshments. Proof of vaccination. Temperature taken at entrance. Sunday Bingo on September 25 at 1:30 p.m. All are welcome. Must be vaccinated.

Our heartfelt sympathy is also extended to El eanor Barlow and her family on the recent loss of her brother. Please keep Eleanor and her family in yourPleaseprayers.continue to keep all those who have re cently lost loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.

I cannot close without reminding all to use safety precautions, wear your mask, wash your hands and keep social distancing when in public places. Riverbay still has certain protocols in place and for a good reason. Our numbers are improving but that can change in a day. Flu shots will be available soon.

Line Dancing w/Ellie 11 a.m.-12 p.m.


Never Too Old To Learn Spanish, 10-11 a.m., Rm 35

Concerts in Motion – Mondays, 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Call in number: 646-5588656, Meeting ID: 527-067-8391.


Chair Yoga w/ Charles Tyler 10-11 a.m. Zoom (Virtual only for now) 1-646-876-9923 - Meeting ID: 995 6534 1173, Passcode 855423 Piano Sing Along Class (In-Person) 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Line Dance with Cynthia 12:30 a.m.-1:45 p.m.

Dinner Hour, 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

Health and Wellness w/Ann 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Crochet Class w/Sandra Ramirez Virtual – Sat., 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Dial-in number: 646-558-8656, 81636224412#, Meeting ID: 816 3622 4412.

Computer Learning w/Ralph, Zoom only: 6:30-7:30 p.m. NEW Di al-in #: 347-893-2966, Meeting ID: 936 8132 9040, Passcode: 259554. Blood Pressure, 1st & 3rd Tues. 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Rm. 2 Digital Photography Class In-person, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Tai-Chi, in-person, 2-3 p.m., Rm. 2

Arts w/Laura via Zoom 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

JASA Co-op City NORC Program Invites You for These In-Person & Virtual Activities

American Dream Mall, Rutherford, NJ – Tues., Nov. 1; $35. Deluxe Motor coach transportation. Light refreshments served on bus. Pick-ups: Bartow, 9:45 a.m.; Dreiser, 10 a.m.; Einstein, 10:15 a.m.

Caring Hands Body Massage 1-3 p.m. by appt., Room 35

Dinner Hour, 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Blood Pressure Screening 10:00 a.m.-11 a.m.

Self Defense Class, In-person 2 p.m., Rm. 2

Go Easy On Us Computers 2-3 p.m., Room 40

Smartphone and Tablet Class w/Julesa, 2-3 p.m.

Prize BINGO 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Hair Care 4U, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. by appt., Room 35

Walk w/Odessa (on break)

Facials & Manicure 1 p.m.-3 p.m., Rm. 35

Alternate Kosher Meals are available Kosher Non-Kosher

JASA Bartow Older Adult Program is seeking retired professionals to teach Conversational Spanish, Conversational French and Sign Language to seniors. If interested, please contact amoncrieffe@ as soon as possible.

p.m. Purchase a pumpkin to paint from 2 p.m.-3 p.m. Bingo at 3 p.m., knockwurst sandwich at 4 p.m. Pick-ups: Bartow, 8:30 a.m.; Dreiser, 8:45 a.m.; Einstein, 9 a.m.


Notary, appointment only. Call 718320-2066. Available at JASA Bartow Tues., 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m.; Weds., 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; Einstein Center, Room 34, Thurs., 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Hot Topics w/Michelle 1 p.m.-2 p.m., Rm. 49

Painting Classes – Every Wed., 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Zoom meeting. Dial-in num ber: 929-205-6099, Meeting ID: 920 9563 1147, Passcode: 024057.

Spring in Your Step Stretch & Tone, 10-11 a.m., Rm. 45

Dominoes w/Jose, 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m.


Tofu Lasagna Roll Tossed Salad Whole Alt:FreshBreadWheatFruitandJuiceTunaSalad

Lemon Herb Chicken, Potato Kugel, Zucchini in Tomato Sauce Whole Wheat Bread, Fresh Fruit and Juice Alt: Gefilte Fish

Let’s Get It On Zumba 1-2 p.m., Room 45 Coloring for Calmness 2 p.m.-3 p.m.

Creative Arts & Painting, 1-3 p.m., Room 35

Room 49 unless otherwise noted

Meditation Class – GPC (Grand Parents), 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Third Thurs. of every month. Dial-in number: 929205-6099, Meeting ID: 991 1390 5105, Passcode: 170462.

Room 31 unless otherwise noted

Dinner Hour, 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

Bereavement w/Dorine, 1st & 3rd Wed., 12-1 p.m.

Always Grand Line Dancing w/Ellie 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Rm. 45

Mindful Mornings Tai-Chi 9:00 a.m.-10 a.m., Rm. 38

Technology class w/Ralph Lucenti (Smart devices and computer) – Thurs., 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Dial-in number: 929-205-6099, Meeting ID: 862 5043 9695, Passcode: 896989.

Bingo, 1 p.m., In-person

Arthritis Exercise, in-person, 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Rm. 2

Manicure 2:00-3:30 p.m.

Alert and Alive, resumes in the Fall Knitting & Crochet, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Art Class w/Dmitry Virtual 1-3 p.m. Massage Therapy, 1st & 3rd Friday, 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m., In-person Bingo, 1:15-2:30 p.m., Room 4

Roast BraisedSpanishPorkStyleCollardGreens

Dinner Hour, 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

Stay Well Exercise w/Denise Will resume in October Smartphone and tablet literacy w/ Julesa, in-person, 1:15 p.m.-2:15 p.m.

Mount Airy Casino and show, “Merry Motown Christmas” – Dec. 6, $124. Bonus: $15 slot and $15 food voucher. Show. Pick-ups: Bartow, 7:45 a.m.; Dreiser, 8 a.m.; Einstein, 8:15 a.m.

BuddyNess Board & Card Games, 1-2 p.m.

Sultry Salsa Dancing, 10-11 a.m., Room 45

Tea & Books, 1-2 p.m., Rm. 35

Blood Pressure w/Willa 10 a.m.-11 a.m. (1st and 3rd Tues.)

Moroccan Salmon Brown Rice Steamed Bread,WholeBeansGreenWheatFreshFruitandJuiceAlt:ChickenSalad Fish NormandyBakedSalsaw/FreshRelishMacaroniandCheeseBlend

Bridge To Care Arthritis Exercise, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Room 45

BBQ Chicken Breast, Egg Bread,w/MushroomsBarleyandOnionsGrilledVegetables,WholeWheatFreshFruitandJuiceAlt:EggSalad

Krucker’s Oktoberfest, Pomona, NY, Oct. 27, $116. Deluxe motor coach trans portation. Breakfast, Lunch (noon), beer, wine & soft drinks from 12 p.m.-4 p.m. Live music and dancing from 1 p.m.-4

Weight Mgt. Support Group w/ Gigi, 2nd Wed., in rear of JASA main office, 1 p.m.-2 p.m.

Massage Therapy 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Curried SteamedQuinoaChickpeaVeggie,andStirFryBroccoli

Action Bodies In Motion 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Room 45

Crochet Club – Fridays, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. 646-982-8254, or Julissa, 646-946-1252.

BBQ SauteedRoastedChickenButter-nutSquashSpinach Alt:WholeTomatoMeatballsRiceBasilSaladWheatBreadFreshFruitandJuiceTunaSalad

For information, please call: (718) 320-2066 (Schedule subject to change without notice)

Bereavement Support Group w/Dr. Smith – Mon., 1:00 p.m. Dial-in num ber: 929-205-6099, Meeting ID: 839 6918 9974, Passcode: 520396.

JASA Bartow Older Adult Center Health, Resource Fair and Arts Exhibition, Bartow Center courtyard – Sept. 17, 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Health screening, Health and Wellness info., giveaways, snacks, refresh ments and music by DJKASINO. Lunch available, $2 for seniors, $5 for guests.

Crochet Class w/Sandra Ramirez –in-per son, 1 p.m.-2 p.m. Please call 718-3202066 to register.

Line Dancing w/Cynthia 12:30 a.m.-1:45 p.m.

True Lifers Movie Club 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Rm. 35

Chronic Pain – “Giveaways” to par ticipants, Mon., 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Rear 646-982-8254, or Julissa, 646-946-1252.

Stay Well Exercise w/Odessa, 10 a.m.-11:15 a.m.

Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 19 14Sept.Wed.,

Spanish Class, In-person, 1 p.m.-2 p.m.

Zumba w/Ola, 1-2 p.m., In-person, Room 2.

Painting Class w/Dmitriy –Mondays, 1 p.m.-3 p.m. Dial-in num ber: 929-205-6099, Meeting ID: 846 0511 1606, Passcode: 585936.

Einstein Dreiser Room 7 unless otherwise noted

Manicure, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.

Deliver Health Workshops to help oth ers in the community and get gift cards. For further info., please call or email: Julissa Reynoso, 646-946-1252/; Laura Brea, 646-982-8254/

Are you interested in free steel pan lessons? Call 718-320-2066. In collabo ration w/Agatha House Foundation.

Line Dancing with Bartow Swingers –Mon., 12-1 p.m., Bartow Center, Room 31; Wed. and Fri., 12-1 p.m., Dreiser, Room 1.

Arthritis exercise w/Damion 10 a.m.-11:15 a.m.

Young At Heart Karaoke 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Beginners Crochet and Knitting w/Lynne, 11:30 a.m.12:30 p.m.

Payments for trips at the Bartow office can be made Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., & 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. only Funded by: The NYC Department for the Aging, The NYS Office for the Aging and Riverbay Corporation.

Fee for lunch is $2.00 & $5.00 for guest ALL meals served w/margarine and fresh milk Menu subject to change without notice. Bartow Center (929) 399-1394 Dreiser Center (718) 320-1345 Einstein Center (718) 671-5161

After services and Kiddush, members play games. Your support for the Tra ditional Synagogue is greatly appreciated. Wishing all our members and friends peace and good health.

The synagogue has a Facebook page, Traditional Synagogue.

It is that time of the year. The High Holidays are coming up soon and it is time to reserve your seat as a full member or non-member with seats only. You can call Marilyn at (347) 449-5005 for reservations and costs.

Happy birthday to Barbara Rose, Michael Schweiger, Howard and Stevan Schwartz, Fern Brand and all of our other members who will be celebrating their birthday in August. Please send me your names and I will add them to the list.

Spiritual Food for Thought: Step back and take a broad view of where you are spiritually and how you got here. Renew yourself in the foundation of what you believe. For the purpose of examination, see if you have strayed from that which you value the most. Do not compromise those elements of vital spiritual importance, but rather reinforce what you know to be righteous. You belong to me, says the Lord.

Morning Rosh Hashanah on Zoom Monday, September 26, at 10:00 a.m. Kol Nidre Evening Yom Kippur on Zoom Tuesday, October 4, at 7:30 p.m.

Grace and peace! ––M. Chambers

Evening Rosh Hashanah on Zoom Sunday, September 25, at 8:00 p.m.


The Two Fish and Five Loaves Food Pantry Ministry is now accepting donations of non-expired, non-perishable food items as well as toiletries and essential hygiene products. Our Outreach and Missions Ministry provide care packages to individuals and families throughout the boroughs of NYC and use your donations to support their efforts. We thank our fellow cooperators who have left donations at the church front door. If you would like to donate, you can drop off items on any given Sunday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., or Friday. Please call the church for time availability.

You are invited to participate in these services by calling 1-425-436-6344, Access Code: 509 898, followed by the # sign.

$15 per tree (if you want to buy a tree, call 347-449-5005) Mazel Tov to all having simchas. If you are ill, we wish you good health. If you asked the Rabbi to say prayers for a sick person, you should make your donation to the synagogue.


Synagogue of Co-op City

We’re Back! Our Christian Education Board is back from Summer break and hopes everyone enjoyed their time off. It is time to get back to the work! Sunday School for adults and youth will resume in-person on September 18 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. Coffee/tea/juice and a light snack is available prior to the start of class from 9:30 a.m.-10:15 a.m. The New Millennial Bible study class (ages 18-35) no longer meets on Sunday mornings and will meet with Pastor Carol biweekly on Zoom beginning Wednesday, September 18, from 7:30 p.m.-8:45 p.m.

Candle Lighting for Friday, September 16, at 6:43 p.m.

Bishop Boyce Landrum, Overseer and Sr. Pastor of Greater Love Refuge Ministries, along with Pastor Carol Landrum and the Greater Love Christian church family invite you to in-person Worship each Sunday morning at 11:30 a.m. We are a non-denominational, multi-generational, teaching, preaching, faith month. Greater Love is conveniently located at 900 Co-op City Blvd. (Bldg. 2A), on the ground level, Bronx, NY 10475; enter by way of the main entrance. Our telephone number is 347-920-5607.

Shalom, everyone.

Grace and Peace, ––Pastor Carol

Chavurah - Temple Beth El has been compiling a list of names that you and others in the community have requested to be listed in our Book of Remem brance. This book is now over 20 years old and we keep adding names to it every year. Should you have names that you want added, please call me or email me. This is being done as a service to you and your family and friends. Chavurah - Temple Beth El of Co-op City contact info: Phone number: 973-769-3915. Email: ––Rabbi Dennis

The Traditional Synagogue is located in Section 5, 120 Erdman Place in the and Sunday from noon to 2 p.m. comeTheoversynagogue has services on Saturday morning starting at 10:00 a.m. After services, we always have a Kiddush.

The High Holidays Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are in just two weeks. Chavurah - Temple Beth El is still here and we are having services via Zoom. Here is the schedule:

PublicWednesday,Yiskor October 5, at 2:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Please send an email or call me so I can get you the Zoom links. We can also get you a book for the services. Services are free.

To All Members

The synagogue needs donations. Whatever amount you can donate, big or small, would help. The synagogue needs men to help make a minyan. There are a lot of Jewish men who live in Co-op City who do not come to services. Please come by 10 a.m. so we can take out the Torah. The Traditional Synagogue is the only synagogue in Co-op City.

Good and Welfare

The synagogue would appreciate donations to keep our shul open. If you would like to help, go to to donateThesynagogue will be serving a hot Kiddush meal after Sabbath morning services. Saturday morning services will start at 10 a.m.

GreaterLandrumLove Refuge Ministries

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine.” (Isaiah 43:1)

High Holidays

– Temple Beth El

20 Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022

Morning Yom Kippur on Zoom Wednesday, October 5, at 10:00 a.m. Yiskor will be at the end of the Morning Service

St. Joseph’s is located at 155 Dreiser Loop, lower level, Co-op City, Bronx, NYGreetings!10475. Due to the ongoing pandemic, St. Joseph’s Church has suspended services until further notice. However, we continue to worship via teleconference on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Father Johnson also conducts daily weekday services at noon.

St. Joseph’s Episcopal Anglican Church


Fun and Games

Greater Love’s Prayer Line is held each Wednesday afternoon beginning at 12:30 p.m. and on Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. An open invitation to all; the dial-in number is 351-999-3024.

General Information

Sabbath ends on Saturday, September 10, at 8:05 p.m.

Bible study and prayer meeting will also be held Wednesday evening starting at 7:30 Worshipp.m.service every Friday evening at 7:30 p.m.

100 Co-op City Boulevard, Building 22A. Our telephone number is 718-3240334 or 646-345-6707. Pentecostal Tabernacle invites everyone to Worship Service on the following days. All services are held online. To join, please call 720-740-9746, Access Code: 8876631.

Focus: The Effective Fruitful Christian (11 Peter 1:1-3) “Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord.”

50th Anniversary Banquet – Saturday, October 8, from 1-6 p.m. at Eastwood Manor. Anniversary Guest Speaker, Reverend Dr. Shelton Williams. Adults are $100 and youths are $50. For tickets and information, contact: Sadie James, 718-652-8943, or Hermena Smith, 718-708-5035.

Our church is located at 135 Einstein Loop Community Center, Room #33.

Thursday – Prayer Service by phone: 9:00 p.m. (564-888-5521; code: 696248)

“And he gave some Apostles, and some prophets, and some, evangelists, and some, pastors and teachers. For the perfecting of the saints, for the edifying of the body of Christ. That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and from, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ. From whom supplies, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, makes increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that he henceforth walk, not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind. Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart, Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lascivi ousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.” (Ephesians 4; 11-19)

Sundays – Worship Service: 11:30 a.m.

Iglesia Cristiana Marcos 16:15 les hace una cordial invitación a la comunidad hispana a congregarse con nosotros.

I Love My Church – 2

Continual progressive spiritual growth is a normal process for all spiritually healthy Christian believers. As individuals continue to grow in Christian character, their reverence and respect for God continue to increase. This process of growing spiritually brings a believer to full maturity in Christ. God has given to His church the gift of ministry in all its aspects and dimensions in order to perfect this process of spiritual growth for believers. We should continue to grow spiritually every day.

Iglesia Cristiana Marcos 16:15

Viernes - Estudio Bíblico por Zoom: 8:00 p.m. (3447367643; codigo: 3jEJ2W)

––Brenda Brown

Iglesia Cristiana Marcos 16:15 cordially invites the Hispanic community to come gather and worship with us.


Now take that same principle and apply it to other parts of your life. Would you do better at school if you only went to class once a year? Would you make more money if you only went to work once a year? You get my point right? The same thing applies to your spiritual life. If you want to get closer to God, you need to spend time with Him. One of the ways we do that is by coming together for corporate worship.

September 4th Worship Service Theme: “The Promises of That Place.” Scripture: (Psalm 91:1-2) “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my ref uge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.” (Revelations 3:20; Psalms 27:1)

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.

If you are looking for a church to worship our Lord and Savior, if you feel alone, wounded, depressed, if you need liberation, our doors are open to receive you. Jesus is willing and able to free you and heal you.

Becoming A Matured Christian

––Rev. R.


Monday – Prayer Service by phone: 9:00 p.m. (564-888-5521; code: 696248)

Tuesday – Zoom Bible Study: 8:00 p.m. (3447367643; code: 3jEJ2W)

Lunes - Servicio de Oración por telefono: 9 p.m. (564-888-5521; codigo: 696248)

Thank you for your contributions. Mailing address: Church of New Vision, P.O. Box 75-3037, Einstein Station, Bronx, N.Y. 10475.

Que Dios le bendiga y recuerda que Cristo te ama.

Wednesday Night Prayer Service and Bible Study starts at 7:00 p.m. The Conference Line Number: (646) 769-9900, Access Code: 3099388. Once prayer has begun, please mute your phone so all can hear with clarity.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer…every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts” –(Acts 2:42,46) (NIV)

Imagine for a moment that you and your friend are enjoying lunch together. In the midst of your conversation, your friend shares with you their desire to get back into physical shape. This is something that you would love to get back into workout schedule, your friend says, I can really only commit to one day out of the year. What would your response be? Do you think your friend would reach their full physical potential with a workout routine of one day per year? Of course not!

Prayer and fasting service will be held every Wednesday morning from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

He loves us so much that he left his Throne of Glory to save us.

Romanos 8:2 — Porque la ley del Espíritu de vida en Cristo Jesús me ha hecho libre de la ley del pecado y de la muerte.

Greetings, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Church of the New Vision and Pastors Kenneth and Deborah Hodge welcome you to worship with us at 115 Einstein Loop, Bronx, NY 10475. Church phone: (718) 671-8746), and Pastor’s phone: (914)-522-5039.

Romans 8:2 — For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Friday – Zoom Bible Study: 8:00 p.m. (3447367643; code: 3jEJ2W)

Servicios ofrecidos:

––Pastor Mike Tolone

Si usted está buscando una iglesia para adorar a nuestro Señor Jesucristo, si se siente solo, herido, deprimido o si necesita liberación nuestras puertas están Él nos ama tanto que dejo su Trono de Gloria para salvarnos.

The Lord has blessed Church of New Vision for the past 50 years and through it all we are still here in unity by God’s grace – abiding in faith, hope and love Because a small group of believers saw a need and had a mission to move forward in unity with a purpose: Church of the New Vision was established November 12, 1972 in the Co-op City community located in Section 5. You can be a par ticipant in this 50th Golden Anniversary Fundraiser with your contribution of

These qualities will develop in our growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 40:31: But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Domingos - Servicio de Adoración: 11:00 a.m.

At Newsong, we value coming together as a church family in two ways.

Our verse for 2022 is: (Isaiah 54:17) “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgement you shall con demn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from, Me, say the Lord.”

God bless you and remember, Jesus loves you.

There is one service at 11:00 a.m. and Sunday School will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Masks are required and temperatures will be taken. Services can also be viewed on YouTube after 1:00 p.m.

In a letter to the believers in Ephesus, Paul addressed the topic of spiritual growth and maturity in Christ Jesus.

Sunday worship service is from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

the New Vision and note: 50th Golden Anniversary.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Church of the New Vision

135 Einstein Loop, Room 35, Bronx, NY 10475

We become a matured Christian as we develop the qualities of virtue, knowl edge, self-control, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and love.

Journal Committee: In celebration of the church anniversary, a commem orative journal is being compiled. If you would like to purchase an ad, contact Brenda Brown at 718-671-3748 or Hermena Smith at 718-708-5035. The ad prices are as follows: inside front cover, $200; full-page, $100; half-page, $60; quarter-page, $40; eighth-page, $30; add a photo, $20. Ads must be purchased by September 15.

FigueroaNewsong Church

For more information about our Sunday Gathering or our Life Groups: Contact Us: Mailing address: P.O. Box 100, BX, NY 10475. Email: Central Website: Social Media: Instagram: @newsongchurchbx; Facebook: @newsongchurchbx; Twit ter: @newsongchurchbx; YouTube: Newsong Church NYC.

Jueves - Servicio de Oración por telefono: 9 p.m. (564-888-5521; codigo: 696248)

Services offered:

#1 Sunday Gathering. Our Sunday gathering is the time where we come together as a church family for worship. We celebrate Jesus through singing, learning from God’s Word, and praying for one another. At NSC, everyone (young and old) has an opportunity to experience God in a fresh new way! Our Sunday service is located at 135 Einstein Loop and starts at 11 a.m. #2 Life Groups. Just attending on Sunday is not enough to grow spiritually. It would be like eating healthy one day a week, and then eating nothing but junk food for the next six days! God created us to live in community with others so that we can experience the full life that He intends for us. It is through Life Groups that we develop close friendships, help one another grow, and support each other through prayer. Our Life Groups meet at different times and places and vary from traditional Bible studies, to common interest groups. You do not have to attend NSC to join a Life Group. It is our pleasure to help you get closer to God! If you do not have a home church, we want you to be our guest this Sunday, as we start our new teaching series all about our mission and values called “I Love My Church!”

Martes - Estudio Bíblico por Zoom: 8:00 p.m. (3447367643; codigo: 3jEJ2W)

Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 21

Isaías 40:31: Pero los que esperan al Señor renovarán sus fuerzas; se montarán con alas como águilas; correrán y no se cansarán; caminarán y no se desmayarán.

Nuestra iglesia se encuentra en el centro comunitario de 135 Einstein Loop, Salón #33.

La Santa Cena es el 1er Domingo del mes


Attention: All Adult Females of Co-op City! Feeling Lonely? Needing a Retired God-Fearing Nurse to accompany you somewhere? Sit, walk, talk and pray with you? Call me now or anytime! Rates within the Bronx: $20/hr., outside the Bronx/negotiable. Use/drive your vehicle or public transportation. Legal ID a must! By Appointment/s Only. Call now. 347-821-9061.

22 Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 Go to an independent ANONYMOUSCallwww.lighthouse-services/riverbaycorpwebsite,,tocompleteanonlinedisclosureform;thefollowingindependentthirdpartywhistleblowerhotlineat1-833-290-0009(English);or1-800-216-1288(Spanish);;orSendafaxto(215)689-3885(theemailorfaxmustinclude“Riverbay”inthesubjectofthereport).WHISTLEBLOWERHOTLINE If you have knowledge or a concern of possible violations of law, accounting irregularities, or other suspected wrongdoing affecting Riverbay, you are encouraged to report it to law enforcement, or you may report it through an anonymous hotline by the following methods: EMERGENCY SERVICE L & L REPAIRAPPLIANCE • ALL MAKES & MODELS • Stoves • Washers • Dryers •Lamps • Dishwashers • Refrigerators • Bags • Hoses • Belts • Vacuum Cleaners Family Owned & Operated Since 1954 NYC License #1233497 Fully 2951718.792.2655InsuredMiddletownRoad,Bronx,NY10461(NearPelhamBayStation) 10/30 APPLIANCE REPAIR CAR SERVICE Executive Exotic Limo •Proms •Sports Events •Weddings •Funerals •Tours •Sweet 16 •Special Occasions •Airports•Casinos:212-531-3792 Mobile: 917-560-6838 Toll Free: ExecutiveSecurityProtection.comExecutiveExoticLimo.com855-369-9936 Casino Empire,AtlanticSpecialsCity,NJFoxwoods,CTYonkersResorts,Queens 9/24 SPOONERDOMESTICSERVICE • Basic Cleaning $100 • Deep Cleaning $150 • Non-Medical Senior Care $90 • 4 Hour Min. + 8.88% tax • Bonded • 7 Days • Cash, Pay-Pal 11/26 Advertise in the Co-op City Times! Call for Rates! Ad rates 718-320-3300$10/week!fromx3384 CLEANING SERVICES HOME IMPROVEMENT LOCKSMITH COMPANIONSHIP/ASSISTANCE1-800-479-2667 CO-OP SALES - JASON LASH • HANDYMAN SERVICES • RANGE HOODS • VERTICAL & MINI BLINDS • LIGHT FIXTURES • SINK VANITIES • KITCHEN CABINETS • SPACE SAVERS • CABINET REFACING • MATCHING HAMPERS • COUNTERTOPS • BATHTUB ENCLOSURES • CUSTOM CLOSET MIRROR DOORS • CLIP-ON MIRROR FRAMES • CUSTOM WALL MIRRORS WeQuote!AnyBEAT CO-OP SALES BLINDS! Vertical, Mini, Wood, Pleats 9/24 Grout & CleaningCarpet Co-op City Resident Specials BreatheEasy EliminateBugs MARY KAY CONSULTANT Cassandra Watson-Gabbidon, Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. Website: Phone: 954-861-0475. Mention this ad when you call. 9/24 CLASSIFIEDS FATHER & SON Top Quality Work - Painting, Plastering, Tiles, Walls Call Wesley 212.996.7347 or 917.325.5334 10/22 FAMILYPAINTINGLOCKSMITHANDBLINDS NEW STYLE BLINDS Re-installation of any types of Blinds. Repair Closet Doors and Sell New Bi-Fold Doors! 9/24 COMPUTER CONSULTANT & REPAIR JB RYAN COMPUTER REPAIR & UPGRADE Repair – Upgrade – Data Recovery – Virus Removal Laptop Overheats Cracked Screen Broken Power Jack Transfer your cassette tape music to CDs. Call James 646-281-4475, 718-324-4332. 2/18 RECORDS WANTED Old Records Wanted. Will Pay Top $$ for JAZZ, JAZZ, JAZZ, Rock & Roll, Soul Music, Latin, 50s, 60s, & 70s. LP, 78 or 45. Call Joe 917-952-4408 11/5 CLASSIFIEDS To Advertise: 718-320-3300 cctimes@riverbaycorp.comx3384 9/24 STYLISHREUPHOLSTERINGREUPHOLSTERY718.881.7691DECORATORS Custom Craftsmen – 40 yrs. experience. Sofas & Chairs upholstered; Slipcovers - Fabric & Plastic; Kitchen Chairs - $8.99 & up. Caning; Venetian Blinds; Drapes - Custom 9/24 9/24 CLEANING SERVICES (CONTINUED) 9/24 9/24 O. entic Cleaning Services Residential & Commercial Cleaning -Maintenance Cleaning -Deep -SpecialCleaningProjects & Organizing -Events Cleaning We provide High Quilty & Professional work (929) 215-3339 Contact@othenticcleaning.comothenticcleaning.com100%SatisfactionGuarantee IF IT’S NOT AUTHENTIC IT’S NOT US 9/10 9/24

Co-op City Intergenerational Outreach Center (CCIOC) is have a “Getting 24, (10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.). Don’t wait until too late to make sure your affairs are in order and your wishes are known to your loved ones. Attendance at all three sessions is required. To register or for additional information, call Hattie Lucas at 718-671-8449 or 917-734-5935.

Co-op City is a diverse community with people of all ages, abilities and char acteristics. All persons should remember to respect each other and embrace their differences. Do not forget to say hello to your neighbors when you pass each oth er in the hallway or in the street. Maintain social distancing and follow the cur rent recommendations from New York City Board of Health and the CDC. Coop City strives to accommodate all persons. Avoid getting into confrontations with neighbors regarding the wearing of masks or vaccination status. Be respon sible for yourself, your family and your guests.

Rev. Dr. Sheldon E. Williams and the Co-op City Baptist Church family invite you to join us for Worship Service tomorrow in person at 9:00 a.m. as we celebrate Family and Friends Day and the 44th National Grandparent’s Day. We are located at 135 Einstein Loop, Room 50 (lower level). Masks are required. The service is also available on Zoom at or Zoom Telephone Conference Line (646) 568-7788. Conference ID 962 343 0102; Password 788175#.

The church now has a free app, available at your Apple, Android or Google app store. To get the app, put in Co-op CBC. The app is open to all.

Please keep each other in prayer and be wise in your decisions. Please continue to mask-up, practice social distancing and stay safe!

During warm fall weather, it is often tempting to take a dip in the ocean. However, lifeguards are no longer on duty at area beaches. Ocean beaches are particularly dangerous this time of the year due to the effects of offshore tropical storms. The absence of lifeguards, combined with dangerous conditions, can have deadly consequences. Unseasonably warm weather can last well into October, but avoid the temptation of swimming in unguarded beaches.

GOD will strengthen us as we continue to travel through this storm. GOD is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

community of people who follow the teachings of Jesus the Christ through worship, prayer, Bible study and fellowship. We seek to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the church through ministry.

––Hattie L.

Co-opLucas City Baptist Church

seatbelt, obey speed limits and avoid distractions when driving. Just a reminder, driving or parking on Riverbay property is a violation of your occupancy agree ment and can result in your car being towed and/or a Community Complaint be ing

Putting together an Emergency Kit is also an important part of emergen cy preparedness. An emergency kit should include one gallon of water per per son, per day for at least three days. A three-day supply of non-perishable food should also include a can opener for canned foods, plates, cups, utensils and pa

tion and cash should be ready to bring in the event you must leave your home in an emergency.

It is very important that everyone takes whatever steps they can to conserve electricity in order to decrease the risk of a blackout. A blackout, combined with a severe storm, is not a good combination. If everyone takes steps to conserve electricity, it decreases the risk of a blackout. Energy conservation is a good idea year-round. Using energy-saving light bulbs is a good place to start. Turning off and unplugging appliances when they are not used is also a good idea.

and are illegal in New York State. Zero-tolerance enforcement will be conduct ed by the Co-op City Department of Public Safety as well as the New York City Police Department. Barbequing is also not permitted on any of the public areas of Co-op City or on terraces or townhouse patios. Propane tanks are strictly pro hibited by the New York City Fire Department in any multiple family dwellings.

Rev. Williams asks everyone who calls into the Sunday Worship service or Wednesday Bible class using Zoom through your computer or dialing in using the Zoom information shown above.

Fall Prevention Forum in October which will discuss methods of fall prevention. Prior to scheduling this forum, we would like to know the interest for this forum. Please call Hattie Lucas (718-671-8449) or Ione Foote (347-485-0672) by Sept. 15, if interested in this forum, have questions or require further information.

Prayer Warriors Prayer service is held on Thursdays at noon. Prayer Service is also held on Fridays at 10 a.m.. Friday Evening Prayer service is held at 7:30. can be joined using the Free Call Line dial in number, 857-3570254, Access Code is 660065#.

If you consume alcoholic beverages, be sure not to operate a motor vehicle. Phone a friend who did not drink or call an Uber or other ride share service.

Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 23

Public Safety – (Continued from page 7)

remember, if you see something, say something. Call 911 and the Department of Public Safety at (718) 671-3050. Callers may remain anonymous when giving information. The Co-op City Department of Public Safety would like to thank all persons who have called in suspicious activity or sent informa tion via our website. Thank you to my loyal readers who take the time out to let me know that you appreciate my articles and offer suggestions for future articles.

First Aid kit and basic tools should be a part of every emergency kit. Moist tow elettes, personal hygiene items and garbage bags should be included for person al sanitation. Clothing and blankets should be included for warmth and comfort. Prescription medications and eyeglasses should also be included. Books, games,

Preparing for emergencies should involve all members of the family. Establishing an emergency plan which is known to all members of the family is essential. Children actually enjoy helping to prepare for an emergency. There are several websites,, and, designed for children to help to educate them on all facets of different types of emergencies. Other websites for emergency preparedness are and These websites offer infor mation regarding emergencies most likely to affect residents of our geographi calPreparingarea. for an emergency includes establishing a plan. The plan should in clude a family meeting place, one local and one regional. The plan should take into account family members being at home, at work or at school. A local tele phone contact and a long distance contact should be included. Telephone outag es often only affect local services. Establishing a long distance contact will al low families to check on the status of all family members. All family members should be familiar with the plan.

Since Tuesday, February 16, 2021, Riverbay Corporation put into effect a new policy regarding the wearing of masks. Non-compliant shareholders who fail or refuse to properly wear masks or face coverings are subject to a $50.00 new Community Complaint received approval from the New York State DHCR (Division of Homes and Community Renewal) due to mandates in effect within New York State. Riverbay Corporation has elected to maintain the mask man date for the health and safety of cooperators and visitors.


Wearing a mask or face covering is required in the public areas of the build ings including the lobbies, hallways, elevators and laundry rooms. The high vol ume of persons passing through these locations make it a very important require ment to wear a mask. Wearing a mask is for your safety and the safety of your neighbors and family members. Be sure to instruct all family members and guests of the mask-wearing requirement in Co-op City common areas. This includes work persons and delivery persons. Be Co-op City Strong and wear your mask.

Mid-Week Bible Study is held on Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. and every other Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. using Zoom information shown above.

24 Co-op City Times / September 10, 2022 • Se Habla Español Licensed & Insured #1188270, NYC Better Business Bureau, NYC Dept. of Consumer Affairs NY State COVID-19 Protocol Compliant Oak, Maple or White with Choice of Laminate Countertop, New Sink and Faucet Gray, Espresso, Slate, Cherry or Ivory with Choice of Laminate Countertop, New Sink and Faucet 1-800-479-2667 TIME TO GET ORGANIZED!From$3995AndFullHeightClosetDoorsClosetOrganizersDesignedandInstalledWE ALSO OFFER: • SHOWER DOORS • TUB ENCLOSURES • VANITIES/SINKS • WALL MIRRORS • CABINET REFACING • MEDICINE CABINETS • RANGE HOODS • PAINTING • BLINDS • APPLIANCES • LIGHT FIXTURES • CARPET CLEANING • (TILES,FLOORINGWOOD, LAMINATE) We AllOrMatchBeatWrittenCompetitorQuotes! Professional Kitchen Design & Installation ALWAYS Included!! Quality!Prices!BestBest Update Your Bathroom For Less! $5995From

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