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C.E/ Credit Worksheet

October 2022 CDA Continuing Education Worksheet

This worksheet provides readers an opportunity to review questions about the article “Improving Access to Care and Patient Experience Through Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging” before taking the C.E. test online. You must first be registered at cdapresents360.com. To take the test online, click here. Earn 0.5 of Core C.E. credit through this activity.


1. Which of the following apply to the FDI World Dental Federation’s definition of oral health? (mark all that apply)

a. The ability to speak, smile, smell, taste, touch, chew and swallow.

b. The ability to convey emotion through facial expressions with confidence and without pain, discomfort or disease.

c. It is fundamental to physical and mental health and well-being.

d. It is influenced by the person’s changing experiences, perceptions, expectations and ability to adapt to life circumstances.

e. All of the above.

2. According to the 2021 NIDCR report, “Oral Health in America: Advances and Challenges,” since the surgeon general’s 2000 report, all of the changes in oral health reported below have occurred except one. Mark the untrue statement.

a. In the U.S., the greatest improvement in untreated tooth decay in primary teeth occurred in children aged 2-5 years.

b. Untreated tooth decay in adolescents declined overall, with disparities between lower-income and higher-income families also decreasing.

c. Caries experience in children is significantly impacted by income with higher rates to start and less decline for those with lower incomes.

d. Mexican American children and children living in poverty achieved the largest gains in the placement of a sealant on at least one permanent molar, resulting in a near elimination of this health disparity in prevention among poor and Hispanic children.

3. Which of these statements about older adults are true? (mark all that apply)

a. Projections show that by 2030 nearly 20% of older adults will be childless and will be more reliant on nonfamilial sources for their care.

b. Nationwide, nearly three-fourths of older adults (75%) have retained enough teeth to qualify as having a functional dentition.

c. Among long-term care patients in California, half had untreated caries, with those in rural settings experiencing more decay and poorer oral health overall.

d. As Californians have good access to dental care across the lifespan, over half are expected to keep their teeth and be able to maintain them in good health as they age.

4. All but which one of the following statements about the LGBTQ population are true?

a. A 2017 Gallup poll survey showed increases in LGBT identification between 2012 and 2017 to be predominantly among millennials, with race and ethnicity of the respondents similar to those of the general population.

b. According to 2009-2014 NHANES data, LGBT respondents reported higher rates of untreated caries and periodontal disease.

c. Increased risk of overt discrimination, intimidation and abuse in health care settings, as well as concerns over perceived discrimination, may inhibit LGBTQ+ individuals from seeking care.

d. Many older LGBTQ+ individuals do not have children, which may increase their reliance on nonfamilial caregivers to assist them in accessing dental care as needed with advanced age or disability.

5. According to the NIDCR 2021 report, “Oral Health in America: Advances and Challenges,” which of the following populations are at greatest risk for poor oral health outcomes? (mark all that apply)

a. Immigrants.

b. LGBTQ+. c. Homeless.

d. Those in the juvenile justice or foster system.

e. All of the above.

6. True or False: An updated definition of health literacy (Healthy People 2030) includes both an individual’s ability to “find, understand and use services to inform health-related decisions and action for themselves or another” plus the concept of an organizational health literacy in which “organizations equitably enable individuals” to exercise their health literacy.

7. The author makes several points in her discussion on oral health literacy (OHL), including all but which one of the following?

a. To achieve equity, it is essential for patients to feel heard and have a sense of belonging wherever they seek care.

b. A wide variety of plain-language and translated oral health materials are readily available and frequently used as communication tools in dental offices.

c. Interpreter services improve patient satisfaction, reduce errors and can educate providers about potential cultural misunderstandings.

d. Poor social and socioeconomic conditions contribute to low health literacy, potentially reinforcing behaviors that undermine health, limiting use of preventive services and adversely impacting outcomes of care.

8. True or False: The California Department of Public Health has developed an oral health literacy toolkit for use in dental offices. The Oral Health Literacy in Practice Toolkit is free and available to download online.

9. True or False: The author suggests that if over the next five years dental schools successfully recruit and graduate 5% more students who are from racial or ethnic backgrounds that are currently underrepresented in the profession, this would be adequate to address the social determinants of health that result in disparities in oral health by 2030.

10. True or False: According to the author, making practices and clinics safe spaces for all who enter and making oral health care available to individuals in places they already regard as safe may make the difference in increasing access to care and reducing disparities in oral health over the next 20 years.

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