Bambisanani newsletter january 2017

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B ambis anani News letter J anuary 2017 B ambis anani <info@ cde. org. z a> R eply-To: info@ cde. org. z a To: mx. mathe@ gmail. com

BAM BI SANANI NEW SLETTER We wish ever yone a happy and pr osper ous 2017!

Tue, J an 31, 2017 at 5: 02 P M

You are one of the 754 people we pers onally met at 20 convers ations , 20 s coping trips and s ix youth works hops acros s 20 municipalities in S outh Africa. In all thes e engagements , you have s hared your experiences , opinions and ideas on how to improve young people’s acces s to economic opportunities and tackle the challenge of youth unemployment at the local level. It has helped us in getting a better ins ight in what is happening at local level, and what is pos s ible. T hank you very much.

Engaging with you was about placing the challenge of youth unemployment and the r esponsibility for dealing with it back within the community E veryone is affected by the high rates of youth unemployment in the country, s ome more directly than others . However, it is often as s umed that the res pons ibility of addres s ing the challenge lies s olely with the government. Many people therefore underes timate their own ability to contribute towards a s olution. B y holding the forums and youth works hops we have given local actors a platform to s hare their thoughts , voice their concerns , and s earch for s olutions to youth unemployment in their areas . T his has made s omething that can appear overwhelming in s ome s mall way much more managea ble s imply by talking about it. We hope that the convers ations continue long after this project has ended and that the s earch for s olutions to youth unemployment gathers pace and involves all local actors and interes ts . Indeed, it mus t if we are to addres s the challenge at the s cale required to make a s erious difference.

Youth wor kshops S haring experiences with peers is important to young people, and allows them to s peak openly and hones tly – without being intimidated. C DE held s ix youth works hops in C ape Town, eT hekwini, B uffalo C ity,

P olokwane, J ohannes burg and S harpeville. Young people were given the opportunity to engage directly with each other and the project team on the is s ues mos t important to them. Watch one of the many video compilations we have made on what young people have to s ay watc h the video here.

New year, new focus T his new year means a new focus for B ambis anani. We are now compiling and analys ing all of the information we gathered on our trips , and complementing it with the res earch we have commis s ioned from experts ins ide and outs ide of S outh Africa. In the next few weeks we will launch our webs ite. It will provide additional res ources for everyone wanting to learn more about youth unemployment and what to do about it. It will als o feature the s ummaries , pictures and delegate lis ts from all our engagements . We hope the webs ite will be us eful to you in expanding your local networks and reflecting on what is pos s ible in your municipality.


“I would like to thank C DE for having thes e meetings es pecially becaus e the firs t meeting really made a huge difference in my life as it introduced me to Mr P ule Monama and als o Mr G abriel S outhan. T hey really helped a lot es pecially in things that I am doing bus ines s wis e. C DE has to continue and actually go bigger with thes e convers ations

s o it reaches out to the mas s es and helps many out there like me.� Vinny Mabunda, P olokwane.

B a mbis a na ni 5 E ton R oa d, P a rktown, J oha nnes burg, 2193, S outh Africa P O B ox 1936, J oha nnes burg 2000 P hone:+27 (0)11 482 5140 | E ma il:evelien@ copyright B a mbis a na ni 2017

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