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by cdfdiabetes
Charlotte Tucker Scholarship recipient Amelia Lukassen was inspired by her passion for photography and a desire to spread awareness for type one diabetes. She knew she wanted to document something meaningful to her and other type 1s, something that is not commonly seen, and an aspect of life that seemed to fit perfectly. Some of the photos are a little intimate, but that is because she wanted the feeling of the photo essay to be authentic and truthful to the experience of the type 1 diabetes. “I was inspired by other pieces depicting medical journeys and wanted to share a bit of mine with the world. I shot the collection of pictures over three different days, both due to lighting and because I let the ideas for photos come to me naturally. One of my favorites is the picture of me with my tubing getting caught on the doorknob, as many pump users can probably understand this annoyance.” Great job, Amelia!