Super Beta Prostate-Questions You Must Answer!

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For those of us men who are approaching (or passed) the 60 year mark, you may have heard about Super Beta Prostate as something that may help with your BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).  For those of you not in the know, BPH is, as the name describes, a totally benign condition in which the prostate gland becomes enlarged.  This happens to nearly all men somewhere around the age of 60.  And while BPH is not necessarily a health threat the way prostate cancer is, it can certainly be a frustrating condition to deal with as it changes a man's ability to urinate normally.  You see, the prostate gland sits right above the bladder, and so when it becomes enlarged as it does with BPH, it presses on the bladder, creating a sense of urgently needing to urinate, even before the bladder would normally be full.  So in addition to feeling the need to urinate more frequently, including throughout the night causing sleep disruption, it also makes it difficult to completely evacuate the bladder.  As you can imagine, it's no surprise that this is a very unsettling condition for a man to deal with.  (By the way, if you are experiencing these kinds of symptoms, even though it may only be BPH and not anything to be concerned about such as cancer, it is still wise to make an appointment with your physician to get thoroughly checked out.  Prostate cancer is common, but if it is caught early, it is one of the more successfully treatable cancers out there.  So don't take any unnecessary chances by ignoring symptoms such as those described above). For those men who are experiencing the symptoms of BPH, the search for a solution is often very high on their list of priorities, and it's understandable.  While there are medical interventions that you can discuss with your doctor which include prescription pharmaceuticals as well as surgical procedures (something that you will most likely want to avoid at all costs), there are some less aggressive options that many people have found very good success with.  One of those is the use of beta sitosterol supplements. Beta sitosterol is a compound that is found naturally in many foods including in black cumin seed, Nigella Sativa, pecans, Serenoa repens (saw palmetto), avocados, Curcurbita pepo (pumpkin seed), Pygeum africanum, cashew fruit, rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, soybeans, sea-buckthorn and wolfberries.  It is a compound that is similar to the cholesterol created in our own bodies and it has been shown to actually help lower cholesterol (lowering the bad LDL while not lowering the good HDL... which is exactly what you want to have happen).  Of course the real interest for people reading this article is the use of beta sitosterols to help treat enlarged prostates.  This natural compound has been used for a long time in Europe for just this reason (as well as others which, in addition to the cholesterol lowering properties explained above, include treating gallstones, enhancing sexual performance, boosting the immune system, treating the common cold and flu, asthma, menopause symptoms as well as helping in the treatment of hair loss and baldness).  It has begun to be studied here in the US as well and so far there have been no negative findings while it does look promising for use in BPH and cholesterol control.

Among the products that are available with beta sitosterol, Super Beta Prostate claims to have the

highest concentration and highest quality. With a competitive price point and loads of testimonials of men who have been very happy with the results they have achieved, it seems like the logical choice. Remember though, as a nutritional supplement, this is not regulated by the FDA. You should definitely talk to your doctor about anything you plan to take, especially if you think you might be experiencing any kind of prostate cancer symptoms. Phil D. has been in the health and wellness field for over 25 years.

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==== ==== Click here to find out why Super Beta Prostate supports overall health as well as prostate health. ==== ====

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