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About the Report
In 2019, a cross-functional team chaired by the senior group director of Corporate Social Responsibility and consisting of other leaders in Human Resources, Facilities, Finance, Procurement, Marketing, and Legal reviewed areas within Cadence that are important to Cadence’s stakeholders – employees, investors, customers, industry partners and associations, and local communities. The team also conducted a materiality review, a benchmark analysis of industry peers, and obtained feedback from key stakeholders, which informed the content of this report. The purpose of this report is to share with our stakeholders the progress we made in our environmental, social, and governance efforts in 2019.
This report has been prepared in accordance with the principles and disclosures of the GRI Standards: Core option. This report covers our activities for all of our Cadence entities in our financial statements for the 2019 calendar year, unless the fiscal year is identified. For our Environmental Sustainability section, certain metrics are provided for the 2018 calendar year. To provide feedback or obtain additional information about this report and Cadence’s corporate social responsibility program, please contact csr-esg@cadence.com.