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About the Report
The purpose of this report is to share with our stakeholders the progress we made in our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts in 2020. The content of this report is informed by feedback from our key stakeholders: employees, investors, customers, and industry partners and associations. During 2020, we built on stakeholder engagement and materiality review processes that were initiated in 2019. Our senior group director of Corporate Social Responsibility chairs a cross-functional team consisting of internal leaders in Human Resources, Facilities, Finance, Procurement, Marketing, and Legal. Each of these leaders raise ESG priorities for implementation and reporting based on stakeholder feedback. This feedback informs our sustainability and reporting strategy. To validate our priorities, we conduct gap analysis referencing Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and Global Reporting Index (GRI) standards, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Climate, Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), and Nasdaq questionnaires. Further, we conducted a benchmark analysis of industry peers. This report has been prepared in accordance with the principles and disclosures of the GRI Standards: Core option and encompasses activity for all Cadence entities included in our consolidated financial statements. The activity and metrics disclosed are for the 2020 calendar year unless the fiscal year is specifically identified. The Environmental Sustainability section includes metrics for the 2019 calendar year. To provide feedback or obtain additional information about this report and Cadence’s corporate social responsibility program, please contact csr-esg@cadence.com.