It solutions for industries in mwc americas 2017

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cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

AboutCDNSol ut i ons Gr oup CDNSol ut i onsGr oupi saI SO9001: 2008cer t i ďŹ edI Tser vi cepr ovi dercompanyhavi ng17+y ear sofexper i ence. CDNSol ut i onsGr oupi smaki ngi t sdebut i nMWCAmer i cas2017on12t ht o14t hSept2017atMosconeCent er , 747 Howar dSt , SanFr anci sco, CA, USA.CDNwi l lshowcasei nnov at i v emobi l i t y sol ut i onsandwi l lawar et oi t svi si t or showmobi l ei st r ansf or mi ngi ndi vi dual s, busi nessesandent i r ei ndust r i es.

AboutMWCAmer i cas 2017 270+Empl oyees 32+Count r i esSer ved 100% Sel fMade 1400+Pr oj ect sCompl et ed

TheGSMAandCTI Aar epr oudt oannounceMWCAmer i cas2017ev ent . Mobi l eWor l dCongr essi soneoft hewor l d' sl eadi ngmobi l ecommuni cat i onsconf er enceandexhi bi t i on.MWCi sakeypl at f or mt onet wor kwi t h i ndust r yl eader s, i nt r oducey ourl at estt echnol ogywor kt ot hemar ketand l ear naboutnewt r ends, pr oduct sandser vi ces. TheMWCAmer i cas2017 ev entwi l l ex cl usi v el yl aunchf orAmer i cat oshowcasel at estpossi bi l i t i es i nmobi l ei ndust r y .Theev entwi l lal sof eat ur ecut t i ngedgemobi l et echnol ogi es, ser vi cesandpr oduct swi t hast r ongf ocusonVi r t ualr eal i t y , I nt er netofThi ngs, Gami ng, I nnov at i on, Wear abl eand5G.

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

I ndus t r i es

Sol ut i ons

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

Heal t hCar e Wear el i vi ngi naagewher el i f esci enceandheal t hcar eor gani zat i oni nt hewor l d ar eget t i ngawar edofheal t hcar et echnol ogychanges.Lat estheal t hcar esol ut i ons hashel pedpr of essi onal scol l abor at emor e,r espondf ast er ,engaget hei rr esour ce andt i memor eef f ect i v el y ,communi cat epr oduct i v el yt opat i ent s,anddi agnose mor eaccur at el y . AtCDNSol ut i onsGr oup, wenotonl ygr i pt heur gencyofheal t hcar esol ut i onbutunder st andhowt obr i ngt hem f r om i deat oper f ect i on.

UseofAR&VRt echnol ogyt opr ov i det hr eedi ment i onal f aci l i t ywhi l edoi ngser gi cal oper at i ons. Cr osspl at f or mr esour cemanagement

Pat i entengagement

I mpr ov epat i entandst af fex per i encebymaki ngpr ocesseseasi er

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

Aut omot i v e/ Tr ans por t at i on CDNSol ut i onsGr oupi sanexper tt or ev ol ut i oni z et hel ogi st i csandt r anspor t at i on sol ut i ons. Fl ui dcapaci t ypl anni ng, useofpr eci si onanal yt i cst or educecost&eďŹƒci enci es by st r eaml i ni ng oper at i ons,aut omat i c communi cat i on t ool s,secur e dat a,eetmanagementandi nnov at i v emar ket i ngar esomeoft hef eat ur est hat wedev el opedi nourt r anspor t at i onsol ut i on.Leadi ngaut omot i v ebr ands,and publ i ct r anspor t at i onser vi ceshav est i ckt hei rt r usti nourcust om t r anspor t at i on sof t war esol ut i on.

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

Banki ngAndFi nance St abl euserexper i ence, st r onganal yt i cs, easi l ysear ched, accessed, pr ocessedand managedf eat ur es,aut omat edsuppor t ,hi gherbusi nesseďŹƒci ency ,f r audpr ev ent i on,r i skmanagement ,t hesear esomef eat ur est hatwi l lchanget hewayofbusi nessf orbanki ngandďŹ nancei ndust r y .Thesegoal scanbeachi ev edbydev el opi ng par t ner shi pwi t hCDNSol ut i onsGr oup. Di gi t al cust omerexper i ence, I nv est mentmet hods, I nsur ance, Payment sandcar ds, Ret ai lbanki ng,Leasi ng,Lendi ng,Ri skandcompl i ance,andAnal yt i csar esome l ogi cst hatwehav edev el opedf orsomeofourBanki ngandFi nancei ndust r ycl i ent s.

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

Educat i on CDNSol ut i onsGr oupknow t hei mpor t anceofeducat i oni nev er y one' sl i f e.I nnov at i v el ear ni ngandcr eat i ngnewsol ut i onst omakel ear ni ngmor eeasyandef f ect i v e i sal l ourmot i v e.AtCDN, wehav edev el opedbespokel ear ni ngsol ut i onsf orourcl i ent st hati sensur i ngcompl i anceoft hei rl ear ni ngsyst em wi t hgl obalqual i ďŹ cat i on andcer t i ďŹ cat i onsyst ems.

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

Tr av el&Tour i s m Thet r av elandt our i sm sol ut i ont hatwehav edev el opedf orourest eemed cl i ent si sacompr ehensi v esyst em f ort r av el andt ouroper at or st hatf eat ur ed Tourbooki ngandmanagement , i ghtsear chandbooki ng, costest i mat i on, di scountandof f er smanagement , saf et ymanagement , andagent management . Tr av eli ndust r yr equi r esani ncl usi v esof t war et omanagei t sdayt oday f unct i ons acr oss al ldepar t ment s.CDN Sol ut i ons Gr oup can pr ovi de endt oendt r av el andt our i sm sol ut i onwi t hsi gni ďŹ cantbusi nessv al uef ort he out boundbusi ness.

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

Hos pi t al i t y I ti s compul sor yt o qui ckl y adaptnew demands ofcust omer st o becomeont opi fy oumanaget heHospi t al i t yi ndust r y .CDNSol ut i ons Gr ouphel psHospi t al i t yi ndust r ybydev el opi ngcompr ehensi v ef eat ur esi nt hei rsol ut i onssuchasFi nance&Account i ng, Anal yt i cs, Consul t i ngandt r ansf or mat i onandSuppl yChai nManagement . Cont actus i fy ouwantt ot r ansf or my ourhospi t al i t ybusi nessbybui l di ngl ast i ng connect i ons.

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

St ar t up CDNSol ut i onsGr oupunder st andt hedi fficul t yofst ar t upswhi l edev el opi ng t hei rpr oduct .Sowecr eat edourSt ar t upSt r at egypl ant ohel py ourst ar t up busi nesst hatwi l lnavi gat eal lr oadbumpsi ny ourpat hofsuccess.Our exper tst ar t updev el opmentt eam andpr oductexper t swor kwi t hy out o cr acki nt ot hedet ai l sofy ouri dea, cr ossexami nepossi bl edownf al l , cr eat ea st r at egypl an,andpr epar et hesol ut i onf ordev el opment .Byhel pi ngy ou cr eat eacl ear , compr ehensi v est r at egyf ory ourst ar t upbusi ness, CDN Sol ut i onsGr oupwi l lpr ovi dey oubenefitf r om ourexper i encei nsol ut i on dev el opmentf orst ar t ups.

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

Ent er t ai nment CDNSol ut i onsGr oupknowhowt oconnectcont entandpeopl ewi t hy ourent er t ai nmentandmedi abusi nessbywr appi ngl at estt echnol ogi esi ny oursol ut i on.We hav edev el opedgr eatl ogi csf orourcl i ent ' st ol eadi nt hedi gi t alagesuchast r acki nguserbehavi or s, del i v ert i mel ycont entacr ossmul t i pl echannel s, cont entmonet i zat i on, andexpl or enewsour cesofr ev enue. Somoder ni z ey ourent er t ai nmentandmedi ast r at egi est osucceedi nt hedi gi t al agebychoosi ngCDNSol ut i onsGr oupasy ourdev el opmentpar t ner .

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

Ret ai l CDNSol ut i onsGr ouphasdev el opedconnect ed, i nnov at i v eshopperexper i ences, conv eni entr et ai lsol ut i onsf ori t scl i ent st hatnotonl ymeett hei rcust omerdemands, butear nt hei rl oy al t yaswel l .machi nel ear ni ng( ML) , Ar t i ďŹ ci al I nt el l i gence ( AI ) , andt heI nt er netofThi ngs( I OT)ar esomeoft het echnol ogi est hatwehav ei mpl ementwhi l edev el opi ngar et ai l ent er pr i seenvi r onment . Ti l l now, wehav eser v ed ourser vi cesi nr et ai lsegment ssuchasDi scountst or es,Depar t mentSt or e,Gr ocer s, Speci al t yRet ai l er s.

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

RealEs t at e CDN Sol ut i onsGr ouphav epr ovi dedr et ai lsol ut i onst hatmeett het oday’ s needswhi l epr epar i ngf ort hef ut ur eandt hi squi ckt r i ckwi l lhel pr et ai l owner st ost ayont opt hei rbusi nesses. Wehav edev el opedr eal est at esol ut i onsf orourcl i ent st hathav eal gor i t hm andl ogi cst opr ovi der ealt i mer esul t st hati ncr easet hepr oďŹ tmar gi ns.Wei nnov at et hebestpr ocessesand t hemostwor t hymet hodst ohel pr et ai l er sov er comechal l enges.

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

Agr i cul t ur e CDNSol ut i onsGr ouphav eext ensi v eexper i enceofdev el opi ngI Tsol ut i onsf or agr i cul t ur ei ndust r y .Weknow t hi si ndust r yandi t sneedi ndet ai landhav e pr ov enabi l i t yt odel i v erasol ut i onmor et hany ourexpect at i on.Agr obased busi nessesneedflexi bi l i t yandr el i abi l i t y ,ouri ndust r yspeci ficsol ut i onf or agr obusi nesswi l lhel py out oi mpr ov ey ourcompet i t i v eness.I fy ouwantt o r un an effici ent ,pr ofit abl e and pr oduct i v e busi ness,y ou need t o Keep upt odat ey ouragr i cul t ur ebusi nesswi t hl at estandadv ancet echnol ogyand CDNcanef f ect i v el ydot hi sf ory ou. Cont actusher ei fy ouwantt oknowmor eaboutourl at estt echnol ogy sol ut i onst hatar ehel pi ngt or ev ol ut i oni z et heagr i cul t ur alsect or .

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

Publ i s hi ng The publ i shi ng busi ness t o adaptconst antchanges accor di ng t ot he mar ketcondi t i ons. Sot odi ssol v et hem conďŹ dent l yandst r engt hencompet i t i v eness,power f ulpubl i shi ngsol ut i onsar er equi r edandt hat swhatCDN Sol ut i onsGr oupdel i v ert oi tcl i ent s.ePubl i shi ngsol ut i onsnotonl yposes chal l engest opubl i sher s,butal sopr ovi degr oomi ngoppor t uni t i est oy our busi ness.CDN hasdev el opedpubl i shi ngsol ut i onsf ort hei rcl i ent st hat hel pst hem dev el opt hei rchannel sandopt i mi z et hev al uechai n.

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

Hot elandRes t aur ant I nv est ment si nR&Dhav eal l owedust omakesi gni ďŹ cantpr ogr ess andt hi smadeCDN Sol ut i onsGr oupenabl et odev el opcompl et e r angeofsof t war eandsol ut i onf ory ourhot elandr est aur antbusi ness.Wehav edev el opedhot elandr est aur antmanagementsof t war eandappsbyusi ngnewt echnol ogi est hati sf eat ur edwi t hpoi nt ofsal e, busi nessanal yt i cs, sel fser vi ceki osk, i nv ent or yandpr ocur ement ,paymentgat eway ,wor kf or cemanagement ,r eser v at i onsan t abl ebooki ng, or dermanagement , del i v er ymanagement , andmor e.

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

Cont act Cont actust odayt ogetcompl et er angeofi ndust r ybasedsol ut i onf ory ourbusi ness.Wear e al soex hi bi t i ngi nMWCAmer i cas2017ev entsoy oucanal someetusatourst andS2256andS 2258i noursout hhal lt odi scussy ouri dea.

c ont ac t @c dns ol . c om

h ps : / / www. c dns ol . c om/ event s / mwc amer i c as 2017/

cont act @cdnsol . com

ht t ps: / / www. cdnsol . com/ event s/ mwcamer i cas2017/

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