CDP Offers a New Course on the Human Rights Framework to CBCDRRM in March 2013

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In cases where a registered participant could not attend the course, the TCD welcomes a replacement provided that s/he qualifies in the course requirements. Also, notice of cancellation must be made at least three weeks prior to the commencement of the course. After which, a refund with 15 per cent deduction for administrative costs and bank charges, can be claimed. There would be no refund for cancellations made within the three-week commencement of the course.


Contact Us CSWCD Building, R. Magsaysay Avenue, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City (632) 928-7285 Telefax: (632) 926- 6996 Look for: Ms. Mayfourth D. Luneta Deputy Executive Director Training and Capacity Dev’t Program


About Us

Promoting the Communities’ Rights for Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Future

The Center for Disaster Preparedness Offers a New Course on the The Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) is a regional resource center for community-based climate and disaster risk reduction and management based in the Philippines. Since its inception in 1997, the organization’s competencies have centered on capability building, research and publication, networking and advocacy. From merely the Disaster Resource Training Center of the Citizen’s Disaster Response Center (CDRC), CDP has now become one of the leading institutions mainstreaming CBDRRM in the development practice not only in the country but also in the Asia Pacific Region. Having capability building as one of CDP’s expertise, it trains leaders from various local government units and line agencies, civil society organizations and people’s organizations that are in turn training the people under them. For CDP, there is a great advantage to this kind of strategy since the trainees capacitated would be able to contextualize the learnings into their own culture, context and language. Moreover, even before the concept of ‘mainstreaming’ CBDRRM was introduced, CDP has already been proactively influencing various organizations to embrace the concept of CBDRRM. Initially, CDP’s work can be likened to a community organizing, supporting and assisting vulnerable communities in increasing their capability to become resilient to various forms of hazards and vulnerabilities. In addition, prior to the call to mainstream DRR and CCA in all aspects of governance, it is very clear to CDP that what it is doing is exactly like that. With this in mind, the organization feels that it is on the right track right from the very start. Now, with the heightened call of various groups to advocate for CBCDRRM, CDP is more inspired and motivated to continue with its work. And now, this new course offering that integrates DRRM and CCA, and as well utilizes the rights-based framework to DRR and CCA in the context of communities.

Human Rights Framework to Community-Based Climate & Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Dates: March 18-22, 2013 The course is open to local government units, non-government organizations, international non-government organizations, the private sector and community organizations.

INTRODUCTION The Philippines is considered to be one of the countries in the world exposed to disasters. The World Bank report entitled, ‘Natural Disaster Hotspot List’, ranks it as a country vulnerable to three or more natural hazards. Concurrently, almost 30 per cent of disasters that happened in Southeast Asia from 1990-2009 occured in the Philippines (Source: Arnold, et al., Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis). The country’s experience of a combination of hazards has led to a higher degree of exposure and greater difficulty in managing disaster risks. Also, the global phenomenon of climate change is further exacerbating this condition both in the medium and long term periods. This is due to the fact that the increase in both frequency and intensity of weather-related hazards could put the country’s coastal GDP at risk with an estimate of 52 per cent.

The whole course provides the following: A clear, broad, and operational framework in approaching community-based climate and disaster risk reduction and management within the macro and micro contexts; An understanding of the rights of the displaced population brought about by disasters as stipulated in the United Nations Guiding Principles and its application within the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework in the country as mandated by the law;

Training Information Language

Both English and Filipino shall be used as the medium of instruction in the course offering. This is to ensure greater exchange of ideas and facilitate understanding on the part of the resource person(s) and among the participants.


The sessions are designed to be a whole day activity. For participants coming from the provinces, CDP shall be making arrangements for accommodation for the entire duration of the course, if necessary.

A rich dialogical exchange and inputs on the good practices of the CBCDRRM in the country;

Course Fee

An integration of psychosocial care and support as a right of the displaced population and the role of service providers in the delivery of psychosocial care to the affected population; and,

participant excluding accommodation and transportation. The fee shall cover the course registration, training materials, food for the duration of the course and may include field visit. CDP will provide special discount to organizations that would send at least three participants.

The standard course fee is Php 20,000 per

ABOUT THE COURSE The over-all objective of the course is to enhance the participants’ knowledge on disaster risk reduction and management within the frame of the rights-based approach and to enable them to develop and design their own DRRM plan at their level. The Rights-Based Approach (RBA) perspective of the course provides an opportunity for participants to link CBCDRRM to development vis-à-vis its impact to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The realizations of both the MDGs and other poverty reduction measures are affected by disaster events and climate change impacts in countries like the Philippines. If disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA) are not addressed in a holistic and comprehensive manner, they will add up to the already existing development challenges thereby affecting the achievement of development goals. Similarly, the rights-based framework to CBCDRRM provides the link and an understanding for the communities on the connection of the rights and CBCDRRM . It is therefore providing the communities the opportunity to build their capacities as they are taking concerted actions for their own well-being and empowerment.

A planning for safe, resilient and sustainable communities that have to be integrated in the barangay and municipal level local DRRM plans. Having local governments, civil society groups and organizations including communities capacitated, chances are that empowerment is achieved and their capacity to influence and shape the development changes at varying levels are more likely to happen.

“I believe that community involvement, participation and peoples’ empowerment are key to sustainable disaster risk reduction.” -Zenaida G. Delica-Willison


Interested individuals and/or organizations can apply directly to the Training and Capacity Development (TCD) Team. Kindly refer to the contact details and address at the back. The team encourages group application in order to avail of discounted rates.


Payments can be done either directly to the office with address herein below or through bank transfer with the following bank information: Depository Bank: Account Number: 1150073738 Branch: Tomas Morato-Kamuning, QC

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