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Policies that support IDMS
Though the sections mentioned were under Health of the Article XIII, accurate data on persons with disability could help the national government and local government units, in a more effective formulation and management of programs for members of the sector.
Policies that support IDMS
Other sections of the Constitution also point out the responsibility of the state to guarantee active participation of the sector. These include the Section 2 of Article V on Suffrage calls on the Congress to “design a procedure for the disabled and illiterates to vote without the assistance of other persons”; and Section 2 of Article XIV on Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports that requires the State to “provide adult citizens, the disabled, and out- of- school youth with training in civics, vocational efficiency and other skills.”
Moreover, the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 (RA 10121) stipulates that it is the policy of the state to “develop and strengthen the capacities of vulnerable and marginalized groups to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the effects of disasters (Letter “n” of the Sec. 2 of State Policies).” It also defined vulnerable and marginalized groups as those that “face higher exposure to disaster risk and poverty including, but not limited to, women, children, elderly, differently-abled people, and ethnic minorities (Letter “oo”, Sec. 3 of the Definition of Terms). As such, the National DRRM Law acknowledges persons with disability as active players and contributors in resilience building.
The Magna Carta for Persons with Disability (RA 7277) has been the most important legal basis for persons with disability in the country, as it provides a clear and comprehensive input on the rights and privileges of persons with disability. There are also existing legal instruments focused on accessibility (Batas Pambansa 344), institutional mechanism for persons with disability programs and services (RA 10070), incentives (RA 9442), and economic independence through employment and opportunities (RA 10524; EO 417). The RA 7277 has been adopted to ensure their rehabilitation, self-development, and self-reliance, thereby achieving the necessary skills and capabilities to take an active part in their community.