The Views from the Frontline (VFL) is a program initiated by the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) beginning 2009 which enables local monitoring of DRR efforts vis-à-vis national and global DRR and climate change frameworks and policies. In 2018, the VFL pilot implementation specfically aims to strengthen the inclusion and collaboration between governments, at-risk people, and civil society in the design and implementation of policies and practices, thereby promoting an inclusive and people-centered approach to disaster risk management as advocated by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) and other post-2015 development frameworks.
Utilizing a mixed-method approach consisting of focus group discussions with vulnerable groups, interviews with representatives of local government units and civil society organizations, and random surveys with community members, the VFL program was able to gather the perceptions of 2,535 respondents on risks, their ex