01+07 08+14
Pover api ccol aPar t enope!Vani t osaost ent iacci ai omar ci oebi gi ot t er i ai ncement o, ment r eisegnidiunpassat oi l l usoediunf ut ur odii l l usi onii mbr at t anoe dannovi t aalpr esent edeipr esent i ; quicomeovunque. Di ssi mul ar l oèunvezzo,cant ar l ounapant omi ma,ur l ar l oun’ar ma,f ot ogr af ar l ounpi acer e. I lmagodiOzèunci al t r one.Asvel ar l o. . .unabambi na.
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L i neepr ospet t i chet essonol at el at i r anni cadivol ont àpi et r i f i cat e. L osguar dol esor vol adi st r at t oe ner egi st r al escont at er egol ar i t à, ir i t migeomet r i ci , gl ispazii st ant anei . D’unt r at t o,l ascl er osiot t i car aggi ungel ’asi nt ot o: l apal pebr ameccani casipar al i zza, l asci andoperpochisecondil ar et i navi t t i madel l ’aggr essi onediunosquar ci oi r r i pet i bi l e del l ’enor meaf f r escoi ncompi ut odel l amoder ni t à.Eal l or at ut t ocambi a. L et r amecr omat i chef uor i esconodal l emur avi si vedel l esi neddochii mpost eal l acapaci t àdi sopr avvi venzacogni t i vaumanadalsovr accar i cosensor i al eur bano. I lpaesaggi ot r af el at oansi maconf usoi nsot t of ondo. I lmagmasii nsi nuai nmol t epl i cicuni col idacuii r r adi al uce i lcuibagl i or eappr ossi mal ef i gur ei nsagome. . .
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Per spect i vel i nesweavecl ot ht het yr anni calofpi et r i f i cat ewi l l . Thegl ancepassesoverdi ver t edand her egi st er st hedi scount edr egul ar i t i es, t hegeomet r i calr hyt hms, t hei nst ant aneousspaces. Ofast r oke,t heopt i cscl er osi sr eachest heasympt ot e: t hemechani caleyel i di spar al ysed, l eavi ngbyl i t t l esecondt hevi ct i m netoft heaggr essi onofanunr epeat abl el acer at i on oft hehugeunf i ni shedf r escooft hemoder ni t y.Andt henever yt hi ngchanges. Thechr omat i cwef t scomeoutoft hevi sualwal l soft hesynecdochei mposed t ot hehumancogni t i vesur vi valcapaci t ybyt heur bansensor yover l oad. Thepai nt i ngl andscapepant sbeendi sconcer t edi nbackgr ound. Themagmacr eepsi nmanyt unnel sf r om whi chwhosei r r adi at esl i ght f l ashappr oxi mat est hef i gur esi nf or ms. . . . . . el l i pt hel i nemel t sandwi t hi tt hemyt hoft hepr ogr ess. Poorl i t t l ePar t enope!Vai nshow of fr ot t enst eelandjewel l er yi ncement , whi l et hesi gnsofadel udedpastandofaf ut ur eofi l l usi onsst ai nand gi vel i f et ot hepr esentoft hepr esent s; her easever ywher e. Di ssi mul at i ngi ti sabadhabi t ,si ngi tami meshow,shouti taweapon, phot ogr aphi tapl easur e.TheOzmagi ci ani sasl oven.Tor eveali t . . .achi l d.