Engineer Recognition Australia – CDR Sample

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Engineer Recognition Australia – CDR Sample As engineering is a highly-skilled profession, credentials checking are strict and thorough. Engineers Australia is the body which will manage the recognition process for candidate. They have a good reputation for prompt service, often processing applications in as little as four weeks.

Here, we provide an overview of the credentials recognition process for an engineer. Of course, we have not covered everything, but this should give you a basic understanding of the system for engineer recognitionAustralia. For more information you can visit our website:

## Engineering occupation categories:Engineers Australia recognises 3 categories:-> engineering associate -> professional engineer -> engineering technologist However, for migration purposes, they also have a category called 'engineering manager'. :::::>> Recognizing your qualifications Engineers Australia will assess you skills through either your accredited engineering qualifications, or Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). ~~~ Accredited engineering qualifications: ~~~ There are 4 pathways for your accredited engineering qualifications: a. Australian Qualifications b. Washington Accord c. Sydney Accord d. Dublin Accord

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