CDS International – 2009 Annual Report

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A n n u a l

R e p o r t

CDS International is a nonprofit organization that supports intercultural understanding through professional development programs in Argentina, Germany, Russia, Spain, and the United States. Our programs include international internships, professional fellowships, State Department public diplomacy initiatives, J-1 visa services, work-study programs, and study tours. We have over 40 years of experience working with participants from more than 80 countries. CDS International—We Build Careers.

Kölner Dom, Cologne, Germany Timothy Brogan—Beyond My America photo contest finalist

Message from the Executive Director and Chairman We are extremely fortunate to work with such a dedicated and talented staff at CDS. As the economic crisis impacted international markets, our staff met the financial challenges with a resiliency that helped build a stronger organization. With their fortitude, we spent the past year investing in CDS’s mission—we enhanced our core services to provide young adults with international career-building programs.    In 2009, we refined our website extensively and created an efficient and information-rich tool that benefits everyone associated with CDS. We also made several structural adjustments within the organization that have played a major role in streamlining a host of processes, including faster application turn-around times and more efficient, personalized service.    While strengthening our services, we continued to offer opportunities for students and young professionals to gain international experience. Two programs observed major milestones in 2009: the Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program and the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals both celebrated 25 years of strengthening German–American relations. Two new programs were also introduced this past year. The Transatlantic Renewable Energy Fellowship offered work experience in Germany to American students interested in the budding field of green technology. The Korea WEST program concentrated on Korean–American ties through professional internships for students and recent graduates in the United States.    The career-building importance of our programs was highlighted during the financial crisis. Adaptability and the ability to consider differing ideas from multiple perspectives define success during adverse times. We could think of no better way to instill these tools in young professionals than by having them complete a CDS program. By moving to a foreign country, learning a new language, and experiencing new business methods, individuals gain the skills needed to thrive in professional settings, regardless of the place or financial climate.    As we at CDS faced the challenges of 2009, we kept our own international experiences in mind and remembered how valuable they are for personal and professional growth. This, coupled with the energetic work our committed staff devotes to the organization, makes us incredibly proud to be a part of the CDS International family. Our colleagues truly put their heart and soul into realizing our mission every day. Thank you all for your support and we look forward to working with you in the year ahead!

Robert Fenstermacher Executive Director

Karl Geercken Chairman of the Board

Internships Abroad Internship Programs in Argentina, Germany, and Spain

The Internships Abroad programs give students and recent graduates the opportunity to gain work experience in Argentina, Germany, and Spain. In 2009, over 130 participants from more than 90 different universities enjoyed the unique opportunity to explore a foreign culture while building their professional resumes.

CDS staff works closely with program participants to design individualized and inspiring internships. Each customized internship program is based on the participant’s previous experience and professional goals. Internships are 2 to 12 months long and are with companies of all sizes in a variety of professional fields. CDS also offers group programs to colleges, universities, and consortia in the United States. CDS partnered with several institutions in 2009, offering group benefits and custom programming. These included: College of Charleston Michigan State University University of Iowa University of Michigan University of South Carolina: Moore School of Business University of Wisconsin Wayne State University Yale University Programs are administered with the help of partners abroad. Partners include InWEnt: Capacity Building International in Germany, COINED in Argentina, and CDS representatives in Madrid, Spain, and Berlin, Germany.

Supporting CDS The permanently endowed CDS International Scholarship Fund provides financial support to Americans participating in CDS programs in Argentina, Germany, and Spain. Stipends annually support 30 to 50 Americans and are used to help cover the cost of international travel, language courses, and living expenses. In 2008, CDS reached its ten-year goal of raising one-million dollars in permanently endowed and board-designated funds for the scholarship fund. This allowed CDS to broaden its fundraising appeal to include support for the CDS mission. Contributions now also benefit program development and enhanced intercultural experiences in addition to scholarship fund stipends. CDS thanks all those who have expressed their support through financial and in-kind donations, reinforcing our commitment to the international community. CDS is especially grateful to the Carl Duisberg Foundation for its generous support of language training in Germany and to the Bayer USA Foundation, which provides funding for Americans going abroad.

This internship was the perfect leg up for the beginning of my career in International Studies. Being at the forefront of this kind of research will lead future employers to see that I am dedicated to my field and that I have spent much time and effort on educating myself.

Susan Powalowski Program: Summer Internship Program in Germany Internship: Europäische Forum für Migrationsstudien (efms) / European Forum for Migration Studies Bamberg, Germany

J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa Internships and Practical Training in the United States

The J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa is required for non-U.S. students and young professionals completing internships in the United States. It is a non-immigrant visa issued by the U.S. Department of State as a public diplomacy initiative. Everyone applying for a J-1 visa must be endorsed by an official sponsoring organization such as CDS.

The U.S. Department of State designates official sponsor organizations to evaluate visa applications, ensure that both the intern and U.S. host company meet all federal requirements, and issue the documents needed for the visa. CDS has been an official sponsor of the J-1 visa since 1969 and sponsors both the intern and trainee categories.

USA Internship Program

CDS partners with universities and organiza-

The USA Internship Program promotes profes-

tions around the world. International internships

sional development and cultural understanding

offer students a unique educational opportunity

through international training programs associ-

that cannot be matched in the classroom alone;

ated with the J-1 visa. In 2009, over 1,700 individ­

partnering with CDS allows institutions to create

uals from more than 70 countries participated in

flexible internship programs that meet a variety

the USA Internship Program. Internships last from

of requirements. CDS would like to thank its key

6 weeks to 18 months and provide the opportunity

partners abroad:

to learn new skill sets and create relationships that will prepare them for a successful career.

Aceglobal (Singapore and Malaysia)

CDS offers a range of services through the

Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico)

USA Internship Program. In addition to visa spon-

InWEnt: Capacity Building International (Germany)

sorship, these include enrollment in health and

University of Waterloo (Canada)

accident insurance, assistance obtaining a Social Security Number, and support handling workplace challenges. CDS also hosts cultural events and

USA Internship Program—Participant Origins

networking opportunities in cities throughout Europe: 55%

the country.    With the design of a new website and a reorganization of work flow in 2009, the USA Internship

North America: 28%

Program offers a streamlined and efficient program that removes the stress from the visa applica-

Asia/Pacific: 10%

tion process for U.S. companies and international

Latin America/Caribbean: 6% Middle East/Africa: 1%

interns alike. CDS guarantees a five business-day turn-around on all completed applications.

Korea WEST

In 2009, the U.S. Department of State chose CDS to help administer the newly founded Korea WEST program. Twenty-three Korean students and recent graduates were selected for internships in the U.S. related to their fields of study. The program lasts up to 18 months and includes language training at Hunter College in New York as well as a travel period during which participants explore the U.S.

My internship with the Fresh Air Fund has given me a better understanding of how NGOs are organized and how they help people. The work I’ve done here has helped me decide that I’d like a career in social work and I plan to bring my newly learned fundraising skills with me when I return to Korea.

MyungEun Jung Program: Korea WEST Internship: The Fresh Air Fund, New York City, United States

Fellowships High-profile fellowship programs to Germany and Russia

CDS International administers several high-profile fellowship programs to Germany and Russia. The students and young professionals who take part in these fellowships gain in-depth career experience while engaging foreign cultures. Each fellowship also provides language training to those not already fluent in their host country’s language. Two prominent programs celebrated their 25th anniversary in 2009: the Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program and the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals.

The Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program in Germany provides 20 accomplished young American professionals with customized work placements at leading corporations and institutions. During the nine-month program, Fellows complete assignments in the private and public sectors and attend seminars throughout Germany and other European countries. Fellows are welcomed into the active Robert Bosch Foundation Alumni Association at the conclusion of the program. Alumni in this network have enjoyed professional success with organizations such as the National Security Council, Cisco Systems, and CNN. The Alfa Fellowship Program provides up to ten Americans and five British young professionals the opportunity to spend eleven months in Russia studying the language and working in their area of professional interest. Past work assignments have included esteemed institutions such as the World Bank Group and the Washington Post. Fellows also participate in seminars and regional trips that are interspersed throughout the program. Following their time abroad, Fellows are welcomed into the Alfa Fellowship Program Alumni Association, through which they are able to stay connected to Russia after they’ve returned home. The Alfa Fellowship Program is generously funded by Alfa-Banking Group. OJSC Alfa-Bank is incorporated, focused, and based in Russia, and is not affiliated with U.S.-based Alfa Insurance.

The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX) encourages professional and personal development throughout a year-long reciprocal program. Each year, 75 Germans travel to the United States and 75 Americans travel to Germany for this program, representing a wide range of career fields. CBYX features a two-month language course, a semester of study at a technical college or university, a five-month internship, and a host family stay.    As part of the CBYX program, five participants from Germany may also apply to complete an internship with a U.S. member of Congress through the Congressional Internship Program. Many thanks to the representatives and senators who have supported this program. Congratulations to those chosen to take part in the 2008–2009 program: Simon Emig Senator Richard Lugar, Indiana

Willem Lueschow

Viktoria Friedrich

Henriette Schmidt

Representative Bill Delahunt, Massachusetts, 10 th District

Representative Virginia Foxx, North Carolina, 5th District Representative Phil Gingrey, Georgia, 11th District

Maik Lehmann

Representative Nick Rahall II, West Virginia, 3rd District The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals is jointly sponsored by the U.S. Congress through the U.S. Department of State and by the Administration of the German Bundestag. It is jointly administered by CDS International and InWEnt: Capacity Building International.

The Émigré Memorial German Internship Program—German State Parliaments (EMGIP), the BadenWürttemberg STIPENDIUM “Work Immersion Study Program” in Germany (WISP), and the Transatlantic Renewable Energy Fellowship (TREF) offer students a short-term fellowship option. EMGIP provides one- to three-month internships in German Landtage (state parliaments). WISP is a three-month work-study program offered exclusively to American community college students. TREF, part of the German government’s Transatlantic Climate Bridge, concentrates on environmental and green energy fields and is part of CDS’s larger focus on renewable energy. TREF is jointly administered with InWEnt: Capacity Building International.

2009 Financials CDS International, Inc. is an independent, nonprofit organization that is exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is classified as a publicly supported organization under Section 509(a). Contributions to CDS for its exempt purposes and mission are tax deductible.    CDS maintains very low administrative costs with 86% of our expenses going toward programs and 14% allocated for administration and support services for the year ended December 31, 2009. Roughly 48% of our income is derived from administrative service fees, 20% from federal contracts, and 32% is private support from program activities.    CDS has a Scholarship Fund in excess of $1 million, to support Americans pursuing international internship opportunities. As of December 31, 2009, the permanently endowed portion of the Scholarship Fund totaled $546,832, while the Board-designated portion was $465,000.    CDS’s financial statements are audited by Marks Paneth & Shron LLP. The summarized Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 2009, and Statement of Activities for the year ending December 31, 2009, were derived from CDS’s financial statements. The complete audited statements are available on the CDS website or upon request to CDS’s chief financial officer.

Assets Cash and cash equivalents Property and equipment, net Investments Other assets

$ 39,299 $ 164,799 $ 3,066,911 $ 283,860

Total Assets

$ 3,554,869

Liabilities Total current liabilities Net assets—unrestricted operating Net assets—Board-designated Scholarship Fund Net assets—temporarily restricted Net assets—permanently restricted Scholarship Fund

$ 1,053,191 $ 1,446,508 $ 465,000 $ 43,338 $ 546,832

Total Liabilities and Net Assets

$ 3,554,869

STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES: Year Ending December 31, 2009

Operating Support and Revenue Program administration fees Program revenues Government contracts Contributions Other income

$ 2,034,147 $ 1,327,227 $ 865,007 $ 39,103 $ 10,275

Total Operating Support and Revenue


Operating Expenses Program services Management and general Fundraising

$ 4,108,102 $ 666,307 $ 11,787

Total Operating Expenses

$ 4,786,196

Investment Activity Change in Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year   Unrestricted   Temporarily restricted   Permanently restricted

$ 365,244 $ (145,193) $ (188,811) $ 43,338 $ 280 $ 2,646,871 $ 2,501,678 $ 1,911,508 $ 43,338 $ 546,832

Annual Report Design by Curran & Connors, Inc., Art Direction by John Einemann, Copywriting by Chad Robertson


B oard M e mb e rs

Karl Geercken

Robert Fenstermacher (ex officio)

Charles R. Manak

Jim Thomas

Cross-cultural Consultant Managing Global Communications, LLC

Dr. Magda Gohar-Chrobog

Charles Meier

Kevin Gully

Gerd Mueller (retired)

Dr. H. Friedrich Holzapfel

Jacqueline Renner

Chairman and CEO Carus Corporation

Gudrun Johnson-Stein

Prof. Dr. Andreas Winkler

Dr. Hans W. Decker

Fritz E. Kropatscheck (retired)

Chairman of the Board Partner Alston & Bird LLP Treasurer of the Board Executive Vice President Third Solutions Inc.

Linda Boughton (ex officio) Deputy Executive Director & Chief Financial Officer CDS International, Inc.

Blouke Carus

Professor Columbia University

Executive Director CDS International, Inc.

Practice Principal Hewlett-Packard Managing Director The Burlington Group

Education Consultant

General Counsel Courtland Partners Ltd. Director, Project Management Office Citibank, North America Chief Financial Officer Bayer Corporation President EcoWater Systems

President ISS International Business School of Service Management

Managing Director Deutsche Bank AG

C D S S ta ff

Megan Bah Linda Boughton Anya Carrasco Danil Chung Joanna Curtis Sara DeLano Nicole Eissa Rob Fenstermacher Melissa Graves Katerina Holubova

Evan Kerrigan Marie Kratzmann SunJeong Lee Susana Lee Will Maier Matthias Neureither Anna Oberle-Brill Roxana Pleacoff Bryant Pritchett Chad Robertson

Katy Sandiford Emily Schmidt Elise Serbaroli Nicole Sisco Amanda Stibick Beth Uding Jacqueline von Saldern Emily Wiechers Sophie Woodruff Peggy Wunderwald-Jensen

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