CdS Sunrise February Issue 2016

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CdS Sunrise Corona del Sol High School | Tempe, AZ | Vol. 38, No. 4

What do we really know about alternative forms of smoking? Story by Dion Deguzman and Lauren Puffer pg. 16


Staff editor-in-chief Nikki Hinshaw managing editor Katelyn Stys online editor-in-chief Carson Pyatt online managing editor Tanner Kujawa production editor Brenna Bochenek life & times Megan Marples sports Jake Pyatt photo editor Maria Martin copy editor Kajal Dave cartoonist Celeste Hayes staff Faryal Ashraf Dion Deguzman Nikki Dull Juan Estrada Celeste Hayes Isabella Hulsizer Lauren Puffer Kasey Ruthardt Arlayna Schooley Patricia Stoica

From an editor Nikki Hinshaw | Editor-in-Chief This issue, we highlight a couple of different fads that have recently become prominent. From hoverboards to vaping, trends dominate the media and are consequently adopted by high school students. These trends gain appeal and momentum due to the innate desire for acceptance that most teenagers possess. While quickly assimilating to the new lifestyle that society deems “cool” may seem to solve issues of insecurity, being a follower does little to truly improve your happiness. I’m not saying that buying a hoverboard or vaping will instantly improve your social status. In fact, many people have started to realize how ridiculous the trends of today actually are. If you love hoverboards and genuinely believe they’re the coolest mode of transportation, then invest in one. Just don’t hop on the bandwagon for the sole reason of creating some version of yourself that will satisfy society’s expectations. Trends are meant to be a source of exploration; they present a new way to have fun, encourage a healthier lifestyle or offer an alternative to a dying fad. However, the newness that makes trends so enticing is also a major cause of concern. While trends can overtake our lives for months, years or decades, eventually they all fade. After trends have been present for a significant amount of time, we are able to look back and determine the repercussionsor the benefits-the trend supplied. For example, smoking traditional cigarettes has taken a sharp turn in the minds of consumers as it transformed from a social activity into a potential health risk. When acknowledging the trends and fads that arise, you have to think about the long-term effects to these products. Will vaping become the new trend that clouds consumers’ judgment, or can people realize the chances they take by committing to a fad without regard for the future? Looking back, you’ll want to remember that while trends came and went, you stuck true to what you personally believed in. Instead of partaking in what others believe to be necessary activities, or purchasing the next big thing without hesitation, assess if the trend is actually something you want to be a part of. R

What’s online? The CdS Sunrise staff works hard to produce content and post stories daily. Check out some of our newest content at R

Sand volleyball is a new sport at Corona this spring. Check out how this sport will compete against other schools and how it will be run differently than girls volleyball in the fall.

adviser Kris Urban The Sunrise is an open forum for student expression and welcomes letters on all matters. The staff reserves the right to edit as required. All materials submitted for publication must be signed. Views and opinions contained herein are those of the author and not considered to be the opinions of the staff, adviser, administration or the Tempe Union High School District. Unsigned editorials reflect the views of the editorial board. Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/ MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service.

2 R February 2016

Photo by Celeste Hayes


What’s in this issue


Explore Healthy Diets Learn about some of the different diets that can lead to a healthier lifestyle Photo by Katelyn Stys



Find out how this new mode of transportation is taking the world by storm

Photo by Maria Martin


Vape Culture Read all about this alternative form of smoking and its effects Photo by Maria Martin

Latest trends


Find out what items are trending this February Photo by Maria Martin R 3


A night in Candy Land Nikki Dull | Staff Writer


hen you think of February, you might think of Valentine’s Day and associate the whole month with the word “love.” What better way to celebrate love than the annual Sadie Hawkins dance? Sadie Hawkins is a semi-formal dance, much like Homecoming, except girls ask guys. Sadie Hawkins, or just Sadies, first originated from a comic strip where there was a designated day for unmarried women to chase bachelors around the town in hope for marriage. Corona’s Sadie Hawkins dance is Feb. 13 and is sponsored by Student Council. A lot goes into setting up for school dances, with planning months in advance, deciding on a theme and getting the word out. “We have to buy decorations and supplies and have to publicize the dance,” sophomore girl’s representative Olivia Miller said. “Then, on the day of the dance we have to set up the gym in order to get everything ready.” Sadies tickets will be $15 for singles and $20 for couples. The theme of the dance is “Candy Land” which is fitting because chocolate bars were sold the week prior to the dance to advertise. If you purchase a chocolate bar at lunch the week of Sadies it will give you the chance to unwrap a candy that has a ticket to give you free admission into the dance. “It’s an easy, fun way to help promote the dance,” Miller said. “Plus it gives you the chance to win a free ticket also.” R

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4 R February 2016

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Comp Gov conquers state Tanner Kujawa | Online Managing Editor


or the past four consecutive years, the Corona del Sol Competition Government team has won the state championship and advanced to the national competition in Washington D.C. On Jan. 9, the team did it again. “Corona has participated in the We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution program since 1987 and have been state champions 17 times,” Competition Government teacher Competition Government celebrates after winning the state championship. Rund has led the team to nationals for two Alison Rund said. consecutive years. Photo courtesy of Arizona Foundation for Legal Services and Education For the fifth year in a row, Competition were all afraid of messing up.” Government students will take part in the national Now that they have passed the state competition, competition and compete for a national title. the team members will have to start fresh and the units “This year, we are representing the state of Arizona will have to compose three new speeches. at the national competition for the fifth year straight,” “We have to write three more speeches (for the Rund said. national competition) and then we’ll have to start Earning a state title is no easy task, and the the research process all over, but it’s nice because we Competition Government team worked tirelessly to already know a lot more now,” Doud said. prepare themselves, some even giving up their winter Competition Government is more than just another breaks to meet and perfect their speeches. class or a resume filler for most students. Students in “The students worked tremendously hard over the program form long-lasting relationships with their winter break, some groups meeting almost every day,” peers. Rund said. “That hard work led to an impressive 15 “When we first got put into units I never would’ve perfect scores at the state competition at GCU (Grand expected them (those people) to become some of my Canyon University).” best friends but I love them all,” Doud said. “Having The students felt a great deal of pressure to keep such a close team as a whole (is great).” the tradition of advancing to nationals going and were As it is her second year as the adviser and her worried about coming up short. second consecutive year leading the students to “We met with each other, read speeches, did nationals, Rund loves to see their hard work pay off. research and met with coaches to practice rebuttal,” “I am beyond proud of them and how hard they’ve senior Megan Doud said. “We were all nervous. Not worked and the dedication they have to this program,” because we didn’t know our stuff but just because we Rund said. R R 5


Friends, family remember Machovsky Kasey Ruthardt | Staff Writer


reshman Jacob Machovsky died in his home Jan 11. Machovsky’s memory will be carried on the next three years as his classmates continue on with their high school careers. Machovsky was involved with JROTC at Corona.


While Machovsky may have only been at Corona for a short time, he still managed to make a lasting impression on teacher Tom Bogle. Machovsky was taking Bogle’s web design class and was very talented at what he did. “He was able to take a web page that he created in my class and then launch it as a mobile application,” Bogle said. “I didn’t teach him that. He just wanted to do it, so we went out and he did it.” Machovsky had close friends in Bogle’s class whom he would talk to about things that interested him, including airplanes and different bands. According to Bogle, Machovsky had an interest in “pretty hard music” and loved showing the things that brought him happiness to others. “He always had a few close friends that he was open and communicative with,” Bogle said. “I think more than anything else he was always wanting to share his passions with the world.”

Fellow classmate Connor Thompson, who had known Machovsky since they were in elementary school, will remember the good times he had with him. “(I remember) the time we messed around with shopping carts,” Thompson said. “We would hop in them and would push each other, and we curved and we crashed and it was fun.” Machovsky’s family has set up a team in honor of Jacob for a benefit being held April 9 at Arizona State University. The benefit is being held by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and will feature a walk on ASU’s campus to raise money and spread suicide prevention awareness. R

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New classes to be offered next year Isabella Hulsizer | Staff Writer Year after year, Corona finds new and innovative ways to teach different subjects. A few new classes that will be available for next year include World Religions, Botany, App Development and Multimedia American History. World Religions: With more than 4,200 different religions across the world, an average high school student can probably only name a few. Taking this class will help expand knowledge of different religions and history behind them. David Dotts will teach this one semester elective. “This course is meant to offer an insight into the historical origins, spiritual thinking and modern practices of current global religions,” Dotts said. Botany: Get ready to get your hands dirty because a majority of this class will take place in the garden. In addition to projects, teacher Courtney D’Angelico will lecture students on the life of plants and how humans interact with the environment. “(Botany) is going to be project-based,” D’Angelico said. “I’ll give students a selection of different topics they can research and then they can focus on that topic and

6 R February 2016

apply it to the garden.” App Development: On the cusp of technology, apps are available on smart phones, tablets and just about any electronic device. This class will teach students how to create apps, think outside of the box and learn about the latest app trends. In addition, students will become entreprenuers and present their ideas to venture capitalists. Teacher Ron Kennedy has previously taught this class at Desert Vista High School and is introducing it at Corona for the first time next year. Multimedia American History: Throughout history, movies, television, photography and music have evolved to fit the events and technology of the time. Teacher Dave Webb will educate students about popular culture throughout the decades. “(Multimedia American History) will teach 20th Century American History from a multimedia perspective,” Webb said. “We will go decade by decade and look at popular culture through pictures, TV, movies and music. It’s going to be fun and informational; I can’t wait.” R

Life & Times


or many students, the New Year was accompanied by resolutions to improve themselves within various areas, most commonly in diet. However, the goal to eat healthier, whether to lose weight or to improve overall health, is not only fueled by the coming of a new calendar year. A multitude of factors can impact how one might choose a diet, such as religious beliefs or allergies. The ultimate goal is to find a diet that represents the unique facets of an individual, which is a quest many Corona students and teachers alike have embarked on, including junior Sadie Schueffler. “I wanted to see if I could (be vegan),” Schueffler said. “I don’t see the point in eating meat because I don’t like it that much, or killing animals.” After a few weeks of committing to being vegan and eating no animal products, Scheuffler became pescatarian, which allowed her to reintroduce items like fish and cheese back into her diet. “I’m anemic so it’s really hard to not get any protein,” Scheuffler said. “It’s easier if you can eat creamed-based stuff and cheese.” Exercise Physiology teacher Sarah Blechacz encourages those following a vegan diet to obtain an adequate amount of protein. “You have to be careful that you do get enough protein in your diet because some people switch to vegan and then don’t necessarily eat very healthy; they’re just eating a lot of refined carbohydrates,” Blechacz said. However, Blechacz also explained that there are health benefits to a vegan diet if done correctly. Senior Smita Gopal, who follows a similar but less strict vegetarian diet, has experienced the upsides to her eating situation.

Highway to health: Guide to a healthier diet

continued on pages 8-9

Story by Katelyn Stys and Nikki Hinshaw R 7

Life & Times continued from page 7 “It’s a healthier lifestyle choice,” Gopal said. “You can digest food better and it helps with fat maintenance.” While Schueffler and Gopal both cite their unfavorable personal opinions on killing animals as a source of their diets, Gopal’s religion also plays a large part in her eating habits. “I’m Hindu,” Gopal said. “We respect animals; it’s a large part of our culture.” Aside from vegan, pescatarian and vegetarian diets, alternative eating choices such as the paleo diet incorporate high protein intake in addition to fruits and vegetables. Honors Chem-Phys teacher Katie Chance adopted the paleo diet at the beginning of the New Year. “I just wanted to start eating a little healthier,” Chance said. “I’ve noticed that I’m eating way more fruits and vegetables since I started.” When eliminating all other factors involved in selecting a diet plan, the solution appears clear. “A non-diet, balanced diet.” Blechacz said. “Avoid processed foods, avoid added sugar. Eat a good balance of healthy carbohydrates, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and some lean meats and other proteins.” Although Blechacz said that some “fad diets” that prescribe eating fruit, vegetables, meat and no processed foods have some merit, she warns against the longevity of results. “People want a quick fix and if they can do one of these crash diets they’ll get into that for a while,” Blechacz said. “Typically people that do that yo-yo back and forth between losing weight and gaining it back and will eventually will just quit altogether or try a different one.” All diets have pros and cons, but it is the responsibility of the individual to discover what eating habits will produce the health results he or she desires. “Some of them (the diets) like Paleo or Vegan that encourage people to eat less processed food, I think that’s definitely a good thing,” Blechacz said. “The problem is when people take them to too much of an extreme and then it’s not actually helpful.” R

8 R February 2016

Vegetarian This diet is considered a healthy way to meet nutritional needs. The diet is ultimately plant-based, but is not as restrictive as a vegan diet. Although there are many different forms of the vegetarian diet, common ones include the lacto-ovo vegetarian diet and the pescatarian diet. The lacto-ovo diet excludes meat, fish and poultry, but allows dairy products and eggs. The pescatarian diet also excludes meat and poultry, but differing from the lacto-ovo diet, excludes dairy and eggs but allows fish to be consumed. Most people choose to be vegan because they do not like eating foods that come from animals.

Restaurants: Pita Jungle ($$)- 4921 E. Ray Road, Phoenix Desert Roots Kitchen ($)- 414 S. Mill Ave., Tempe Hummus Xpress ($)- 930 W. Broadway Road, Tempe

Pros Better weight control, abundance of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and proteins, reduces risk of type 2 diabetes

Cons Possible nutrient deficiencies, difficult to get protein; it may be difficult to have a balanced meal plan

Life & Times

Restaurants: Nourish ($)- 2152 E. Broadway Road, Tempe Simon’s Hot Dog (vegan, vegetarian hot dogs) ($)- 4280 Drinkwater Blvd., Scottsdale



High in fiber, health and environmental benefits, help lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure

This diet, also known as “the caveman diet,” consists of eating foods that people would have been able to eat hundreds of years ago, which means no processed foods. If you are considering the paleo diet, it means you will only be able to eat lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, seeds and seafood. Items such as dairy, grains and starches are not allowed. The motto for the paleo diet is “live well, live longer.” The diet’s official website promises that it will help to “optimize your health, minimize your risk of chronic disease and lose weight.”


Cons Can be a radical change, loss of essential vitamins and minerals

The vegan diet excludes all meat and animal products. The diet is used by some people for religious purposes but some also use it to help lose weight. In addition, people use this diet simply because they do not believe in killing animals. The meat- and dairy- free menu that is under the vegan diet can support weight loss and reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.


Original ChopShop ($$) –22 E. University Drive, Tempe Detroit Coney Grill ($) –930 W. Broadway Road, Tempe


No preservatives or chemicals, higher iron intake, weight loss

Cons Can be costly, lack of dairy, nutrient imbalance

Photos by Katelyn Stys R 9

Life & Times

Something to sing about Corona del Sol student tries out for a spot on The Voice Celeste Hayes | Staff Writer


enior Bianca Arevalo is dreaming of the big stage. In fact, Arevalo’s dream is was not too far from reach. Arevalo passed two of the three auditions to get on ABCs The Voice. Her first audition was held at the Minute Made Ball Park in Houston, Texas. “So I signed up online,” Arevalo said. “Then I had my ticket and flew out to Houston, Texas. I waited for four hours and then I was split into a group of 20 and then into a group of 10.” Arevalo was well prepared for her audition. She sings with the Corona choir and had also been training with a voice coach for the past month and a half. “Her voice is very soulful, she has a smooth tone and a really good range,” choir teaacher Greg Hebert said. “She is talented and soulful and a very relaxed performer.” She chose to perform “Feeling Good” by Michael Bublè and “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood for her first audition in Houston.

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“You only have to showcase a little bit of each song, you don’t get to perform the whole song for the first audition,” Arevalo said. She nailed her first audition being Bianca poses with the ticket that qualified her to move on to the next round. She didn’t the only one continue pass the third audition, but recognized the benefits of the experience. Photo out of all other courtesy of Bianca Arevalo contestants to not put a damper on Arevalo’s dreams. get a call back. “Singing in front of producers and Arevalo went to her third and being able to work with them and final audition Jan. 13. Arevalo flew have people recognize my talent is to Houston and found out that she something I can definitely allow myself nfortunately didn’t make it to the third to create fond memory out of,” Arevalo and final audition. On the bright side, said. “It makes me a stronger person she still made it all the way to the last and singer knowing that I have talent, audition and was one of many talents but (also) allowing myself to know that auditioned. This small set back did some people are better than me.” R

Life & Times

Don’t strike Battlefront down yet, it could become more powerful than you can imagine Ethan Farrell | Guest Columnist Star Wars: Battlefront (2004) and its sequel (both developed by Pandemic Studios) are widely regarded as some of the greatest Star Wars video games to have been created, so to no surprise, gamers have anticipated the release of what would finally be the next game in the series ever since the announcement in June of 2013. Upon finding out that there would not be a true single player campaign, many players became skeptical. Some consider the campaigns of the first two games to be an important part of the game. In reality it was exactly the same as multiplayer, but with a little bit of plot tacked on. Although this does add motivation to playing, it also tends to become bland quickly. A poll on Gamespot’s website had conflicting opinions. Some posters believed that being able to play at one’s own pace without the competition was more fun. Others thought that multiplayer was much more thrilling and addictive. This leaves the player base split, as well as the developers. . Star Wars Battlefront (2015) was released with both multiplayer, as well as single player that did not include a campaign. This left gamers thirsting for more plot. The first two games had a combination of gameplay from both the original Star Wars trilogy, as well as the prequel trilogy. This gave players a lot of content to choose from, including eighteen different planets to fight on. When the newest reboot of the series was announced, players found out that not only does it take place during the Original Trilogy, but it solely takes place on four planets, with multiple maps per planet. DICE actually visited film locations in order to make the game as immersive as possible, and players will definitely be able to tell. Players can feel the sand blowing on their faces on Tatooine, and the snow crunch under their feet on Hoth. I have to praise DICE for the work put into this game, graphics wise. Of course graphics do not make a video game. The game play of Star Wars Battlefront (2015) can simply be described as fun, and somewhat fast-paced, but it also is able to feel tactical. Entering the game, whether playing in first or third person, it really feels as if you are a Stormtrooper or part of the Rebel Alliance. From taking down an Imperial AT-AT Walker, to flying alongside the Millennium Falcon, there are many choices for both large-scale and close-quarters game modes. While in game, players can find power-ups which can expand their arsenal temporarily. If one can manage to find the power up, it will allow them to play as a hero or villain, based on which

team they are on. Currently there is a choice between Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Boba Fett, Emperor Palpatine, and the evil Darth Vader. Each hero plays differently, allowing players to choose their character based on either the map, assisting the team, or just personal preference. It is very exciting to play as any of the heroes, and they look very similar to their actors. The voice acting for some of the characters, namely Luke and Darth Vader feels wrong. These minor flaws don’t necessarily detract from the gameplay, but are noticeable. All things considered, the gameplay is entertaining, excitable and immersive, and since this is what most gamers look for, the game is prettty spot on.

Photo courtesty of Flickr.commons

Even with its flaws, Star Wars Battlefront’s (2015) biggest issue is a lack of content, which is understandable based on the amount of work put in to it. This problem can be easily fixed with downloadable content. New maps, blasters and heroes have been promised, and the free Battle of Jakku downloadable content has already been added to the game. When all is said and done, Battlefront has managed to catch the attention of both Star Wars and videogame fans alike. With nostalgic throwbacks to the original films, as well as new styles of gameplay, it caters to a new generation of both genres. It captures the feel of Star Wars, and is about as close as it can get to giving the impression that one is participating in the films. The game manages to be perfect (I don’t use that word often) in some areas such as sound and graphics design, but there is room for improvement in other areas. I rate Star Wars Battlefront (2015) at 9/10. Star Wars Battlefront (2015) has received mixed reviews between 7 and 9 stars, and can be purchased at game retailers for $59.99. R R 11

Life & Times

Celebrating Valentine’s Day Celeste Hayes | Staff Writer Valentine’s Day is both one of the most hated and loved holidays for teens. It brings the pressure of teenage relationships along with the pressure to find a date. It’s one of those days that all single people hate and those in a relationship stress over. What should they get their boyfriend/girlfriend? What should they do for the day? Everything has to be perfect. A lot of people have a difficult time deciding on how to spend the day or evening with their loved one. Here are some fun and new ideas for all the struggling girls/guys trying to figure out what to do. For couples, there are lots of great places that are cool to check out. You could go with the classic dinner and a movie. There are lots of affordable eating establishments around the valley like The Habit, Someburros, Ted’s Hot Dogs, Inn-Out and Steak ‘n Shake, to list a few. For those who would like to splurge a little more for dinner, Rustler’s Rooste, The Melting Pot and Bucco di Beppo are all great places. There are also tons of great new movies coming out in theaters. Zoolander 2, Hail Caesar, Ride Along 2, The 5th Wave and Kung Fu Panda 3 all come out in January and February. There is also an alternative to the regular theater, the West Wind Drive-In. This is a great and romantic alternative to the classic movie theaters that are so often over crowded. This theater is great options for all the couples who drive, and is relatively affordable, the general price being $7.50 per person. This theater is on 5650 N 55TH Avenue Glendale, AZ. For more information, call (623)-939-9715. For a less traditional activity maybe go enjoy a sporting event, play or concert. The Phoenix Coyotes have games on the 12th and 15th. Phoenix Performing Arts center will be hosting Comic Con the 12th-14th. At Talking Stick Resort there is going to be a Valentine’s Super Love Jam on the 12th and The Comedy Get Down Tour on the 13th. For any questions regarding minors entry, call (888)-292-8495. The Super Love Jam is performing some of the biggest love songs. At the Marquee Theater Hoodie Allen, a popular rapper, will performing

12 R February 2016

on the 14th. You can also keep it simple, stay in and watch all your favorite movies. Enjoy each other’s company and order take out. For all you single people, make a day with your friends, throw a themed Cartoon by Celeste Hayes party, bake cookies, go for a hike or have a Netflix marathon. Maybe even go for a day trip with your best buds. Sedona is a great place to spend the day. There are tons of beautiful sights to see, it is an easy two hour drive from Phoenix. Sedona is also overflowing in great places to eat and enjoy the scenery. Valentine’s day is a day to celebrate love and the ones you love. Whether or not you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, you can still spend the day with the people you love the most. Whoever you celebrate Valentine’s day with, may it be filled with lots of love. R

Life & Times

Hovering around Arlayna Schooley | Staff Writer


breakthrough in technology transforms dreams for the future into a reality of today. The hoverboard controversy has caused many to question its safety, yet remain optimistic for the better. The first time most people heard of the hoverboard was in director Robert Zemeckis’ sci-fi film Back to the Future. The memorable prop then reappeared in August 2015, featured in a Lexus Commercial. The trending commercial spread fast, causing many to wonder if someone had finally found the answer to make the future a reality.

Story continued on page 14 R 13

Life & Times Since then, countless companies have tried to improve or change the rising fad. Some may call hover boards the “it girl” of technology. Looking at the hoverboards, one thing creators have yet to obtain perfection in is the actual “levitating” part. Instead they hover on two wheels. Although consumers were eager to purchase this must-have technology, for every positive aspect there was a negative counterpart. One current controversy among consumers, creators and the country is whether hover boards will actually explode. Countless users have complained about its tendency to blow up. Many consumers, including parents, worry about its safety. Sophomores Sevannah Hernandez and Kyle Brown and senior Colton Merdich have all had their hoverboards for a little less than three months. They all agree that it’s really fun once you learn to balance. “It’s weird at first,” Merdich said. “Once you get ahold of it it’s really fun.” Hernandez also said that it really isn’t that difficult to ride a hoverboard and the difficulties are easily overcome. “It’s not as tricky or hard as it may seem. It’s really easy to get on and off,” Hernandez said. Critics of hoverboards are especially concerned with the riders’ safety. Both Hernandez and Brown advise owners to carefully read instructions. Like with all things, owners should carefully read pay attention to directions and manuals. “You need to know how to watch and control them,” Hernandez said. All hoverboard manuals specifically state to charge the board for two to three hours, so it is possible to avoid the claimed explosions by simply paying attention. “Mine hasn’t caught fire yet so I’m all good,” Brown said. If you ever have concerns about a product you’ve

purchased, never be afraid to call, write or visit the company. Merdich’s family took precautions before purchasing the hoverboard by voicing their concerns in an email. “They confirmed it was safe and as long as you pay close attention to instructions you’re good,” Merdich said. Even though hoverboards seem to be the new “it thing,” students are unsure how successful they will be in the future. “It will be one of those passing fads,” Merdich said. “I hope they will one day be cheaper. Then (they could) possibly be the new bike or skateboard.” Although Merdich feels like the trend will pass, Brown thinks that hoverboards are here to stay. “I think this will be a trend and (I) can see this as a method of transportation in the future,” Brown said. While Brown remains optimistic and see the hoverboard as a continuous trend, or a possible new way of transportation, Hernandez has her doubts. “It could be a trend in the future, for maybe another 1-4 months,” Hernandez said. “As for transportation, I think something better will come along.” Merdich, Brown and Hernandez all agreed that hoverboards are more of an accessory than a necessity. “If you really want (one), then get (one), it’s up to you,” Hernandez said. R

Hoverboards are a fad that has exploded recently among Corona students. Hoverboards give the allusion of hovering while you are still on two wheels. Photos by Maria Martin

14 R February 2016

Cover Story

Vape Culture

Dion Deguzman and Lauren Puffer | Staff Writers

I’m sure we are all familiar with what vape pens, e-cigarettes, and hookah pens are and what they do. These three products can be described as ways to inhale water vapors via a personal vaporizer. These contraptions apply heat to the liquid you put into the vaporizer, which produces vapor. With that said, it may seem like this is a healthier alternative to smoking, yet, there’s a lot more behind these products than an average student might think. The history of vaping dates back to the 1960s in China. The first vape pen called the Ruyan was created by Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik, who created this because his father who died from cancer due to his habit of smoking. Lik believed that vaping is a way to stop smoking cigarettes which would lead to preventing cancer. In the mid 2000s vape pens slowly made thier way to the United States. Vaporizer products rely on the liquid known as e-liquid or e-juice. The harmful thing about e-juice products is that they are organized by how much

nicotine they contain. You can be vaping anywhere from 0 mg of nicotine to 24 mg of nicotine depending on the product you buy. According to the American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation, as of October 2015 public places are required to treat e-cigarette and vape pens just as they do real cigarettes. Not being able to vape indoors is a law certain companies and stores are now enforcing. As of August 2014, the city of Tempe banned vaping in all public areas such as restaurants, bars and other enclosed areas. Such as, the In-NOut on Chandler Blvd. bans the use of e-cigarettes indoors Since this technology is somewhat new, most studies contradict and battle each other. Many journals stated their opinion on whether vaping can cause cancer, if it’s a healthier alternative to smoking, and if it could actually help someone quit smoking. As of now, vaping is such a new product that people are still learning about the risks and/or benefits of.R

Story continued on page 16 Photo by Maria Martin R 15

Cover story

Cover Story

Story continued from page 15

Clouds of confusion Pros Cons

It’s likely we can all agree that there are no real known “pros” to vaping other than the fact that it looks cool and you can breathe clouds out of your mouth. You can do a lot of tricks with the clouds that you vape. You can also explore a variety of vape juice flavors: mango, watermelon, and even Skittles. Vaping has also been used as a way to quit smoking.. By switching to vape products, smokers have been able to quit tobacco and cigarettes with the hope of stopping the effects that smoking had on their bodies. Although, most “pros” aren’t official and may change in the future.

Ingredients within e-cigarettes and vape pens do not typically have prominent listings. Oftentimes, people will use vape products and assume that nicotine isn’t contained in the product simply because they don’t see it shown boldly on the packaging. E-cigs and vape pens are also used for marijuana. One in five high school students who use e-cigarettes have put marijuana in them. Though it’s not completely proven that vaping is a gateway to smoking or other inhalants, it’s very probable. Overall, your choices are your choices, and only you can decide if this is a good or bad thing. Photo courtesy of Flickr Commons

Role of vape in school

16 R February 2016

campus.” According to the TUHSD Student Handbook, a tobacco violation refers to the distribution, share, use, possession and/or sale of tobacco and similar substances. A first offense results anywhere from a conference to a twoday suspension. By the fourth offense, a student may be suspended up to 10 days and recommended for a smoking cessation program. Additionally, the situation will be dealt with as an insubordination offense. While there are school consequences that deal with vaping, there are also legal consequences to consider. “Possession of the device alone would not result in a criminal charge, but if it is believed that the device

“1 in 10 adolescents have tried nicotine vapor products” (Center for Disease Control) Willcuts: “That has a lot to do with their upbringing; if a child sees it they’re definitely going to want to try it.” Student: “I think it’s better than actual smoking, I think it’s a better option, but it’s silly at the same time.” Chance: “It’s really important that we educate our youth on what is contained in these products because they’re the ones most likely not to read directions. Even if they are doing something illegal they might not think it’s bad as it really is.” Parent: “Nicotine is known to be addictive and not something we want our young people doing. Additionally, many people use vape products or cigarettes to relax, pass the time, reduce stress or to celebrate or to deal with boredom. It minimizes the individual’s ability to manage stress through other forms such as exercise, talking to a close friend or adult or finding other healthy, non-habit forming ways to deal with stress or boredom.” Formisano: “What world are we coming to? There’s nothing you can do to change it. You can’t stop the kids from what they’re doing.”

Vaping is a gateway to smoking (various sources)

Carson Pyatt | Online Editor-in-Chief Multiple people are interested in discussing the different flavors and tricks that vape is used for, but many are often unaware of the consequences that may be given for having a vape pen at school. “The Tempe Union High School District Office considers vaping as a tobacco violation,” Assistant Principal Jim Bell said. “The consequences of vaping at school are usually off-campus suspension,” School Resource Officer Amy Gallagher said. “Typically, administration does not have to determine what is in the device (e juice, nicotine, wax, marijuana, etc). They can take disciplinary action (regardless of what substance is in the pen) because those devices are not allowed on

CdS Sunrise interviewed a student who uses vape pens; sophomore Ben Formisano, who has never vaped; Katie Chance, a Corona del Sol teacher; a Corona parent; and the general manager of The High Maintenance Smoke Shop on Ray and Rural, Liz Willcuts. We asked them their opinion on the following statistics.

contains an illegal substance then an administrator would turn the device over to PD and the device would be tested to determine the contents,” Gallagher said. Even if a student is legally allowed to purchase and own a vape pen, the pens are prohibited from campus altogether. If a student violates this, there will be consequences. “It does not matter if the student is 18 years old and it may be legal for the student to have the device in his/ her possession,” Gallagher said. “An administrator can still take disciplinary action for having it on campus.” While vaping and other electronic cigarettes are relatively new substances, the consequences for having these devices on campus are clear. R

Willcuts: “‘Gateway’ can be confusing to people. If a kid wants to do anything, they’re going to do it. They don’t need anything other than somebody telling them to go ahead and try it.” Student: “It could be, but it could also be a way to quit smoking.” Chance: “It depends on the reason people are doing it. I think that people that are trying it because they’re having other issues emotionally. Those who feel supported from friends, families and teachers are a lot less likely to continue to keep doing hardcore drugs as compared to vaping. Those that don’t have those emotional supports drugs are drugs.” Parent: “I do believe vaping is a habit forming behavior and, may increase the individual’s likelihood of trying substances like tobacco. Tobacco smoking is one of the hardest addictions/habits to break so why take that chance of putting yourself into such a difficult situation.”

“...manufacturers are not required to list nicotine content prominently on the packaging or indicate how much nicotine is in a cartridge” ( Chance : “I think it’s a cultural shift. We end up glorifying drug use in media outlets and with parents not really taking on these issues one-on-one with their children, it makes this very difficult. As teachers, that’s definitely something as a school we can address, but with so much on our plates I think it’s a parent issue. (Teachers) are here to help in any way we can.” Parent: “This is a disturbing statistic. To me, it shows that more and more teens are using substances to distract themselves, deal with boredom or relax themselves. This age group has such strong pressure for peer acceptance that I think they will do a lot of things to fit in without looking at any potentially long term consequences.” Formisano: “First off, if you’re not old enough to drive you should not be old enough to buy vape. Second, you’re trying to look cool; you’re in middle school. It’s a look and it’s an aesthetic, people want it. These young kids that are 12 and see it on Twitter and they want to be like that because that’s what society tells them is cool. It’s so sad.”

“E-cigarette use among middle and high school students (tripling) from 2013 to 2014” (Center for Disease Control) Willcuts: “There is nicotine in some e-cigs and vape products, but there’s also ones that don’t have nicotine in them. With everything you need to read the fine print.” Chance: “False advertising is never a good thing. I think it should have a label up front and honest with all the ingredients so people know what they’re buying.” Parent: “Like every other product on the market, the actual ingredients that are in the product should be known to consumers so the consume can make an informed choice. Many vape products/e-cigarettes do contain nicotine and, therefore, it should be labeled as such.” Formisano: “I feel like they definitely should be listed on the packaging when you buy it, but I feel like if you’re dumb enough to buy into vape then you deserve the consequences that come with it.” Whether it’s a new trend or a new way to stop smoking cigarettes are two of the many questions people have about vape pens. We may not find the answer for the next couple years. As of now, this business of vaporizer pens and e-cigarettes has been booming and makes a lot of money for shops selling these products. R

Isabella Hulsizer contributed to this story R 17

Cover Story

Uncertainty with vape pens, e-cigs poses controversy


ver the past few years, we as an editorial board have seen a surplus of students switch their “go-to” cigarette from the traditional tobacco cigarette to e-cigs and vape pens. These electronic alternatives have things about them that make them intriguing, but how much do we really know about them? Some say that they contain less nicotine or that they are not addictive whatsoever, but others fear that they could be considered a “gateway” drug. We watch students in and out of school breathe flavored smoke out of their mouths. The legal age to purchase a vaporizor pen is 18; however, you see students much younger than that partaking in the activity. Much like traditional cigarettes, it seems to be simple to find ways to obtain these items at a younger age. Interestingly enough, in order to smoke an e-cig or a vape pen, you can be 16 even though the legal age to purchase one is 18. The biggest problem we have with these devices is the uncertainty behind them. The packaging of many vape pens and e-cigs is vague and can be difficult to understand. Sometimes, the nicotine levels are hidden or not seen at all. What makes students think that they are that much better than traditional cigarettes when they are not? Sometimes I think that it could be a part of socialization. Growing up, if you ever watched the movie Grease you saw Sandy be pressured into smoking because it would make her look “cool.” Is vaping the new “cool” thing and our staff has just missed the memo? We’d like to think not. While people might think that vaping looks cool, we as an editorial board think that participating in vaping gives the connotation of someone who makes bad decisions. The negative affects of consuming the smoke within vape pens or e-cigs can be just as detrimental as that of a traditional nicotine cigarette. In addition to the negative affects, we find it annoying when people vape or use e-cigarettes while in “non-smoking” areas. While many “non-smoking” places, such as restaurants and stores, have also banned the usage of e-cigs and vape pens, some have still failed to do so. While sitting in Starbucks working on homework, we have seen people sitting a few tables away smoking an e-cigarette. We could

smell the fruity smoke the man was puffing out of his mouth every few minutes. When we go to public places, we do not expect to see people smoking traditional cigarettes and we expected this for these smoking alternatives as well, which doesn’t seem to be the case. We do not personally enjoy breathing in somebody else’s electronic smoke or smelling it come from their mouths. What makes it OK for people to smoke these items in locations that lighted cigarettes are not allowed? Overall, we are not fans of these smoking alternatives or lighting a traditional cigarette. There is so much uncertainty among these devices that we do not find them safe, let alone legal, for students to be smoking, especially on school grounds. R

Staff Editorial Opinion of the Sunrise Editorial Board

Cartoon by Celeste Hayes

18 R February 2016


AAAAAAAAAAA Cast your vote in 2016

AAAAAAAAAAA With the 2016 presidential election coming up later this year and the Arizona Primary on March 22, it is a good idea for students to get informed about the top candidates in the race. Provided is information on the front runners from both the Republican and Democratic parties and their stances on four issues that each individual has made a main focus of his/her campaign.

Democrat Hillary Clinton: Former Secretary of State, New York ◊

Gun Control- Clinton plans to establish federal background checks, hold the gun industry accountable, limit who can buy a gun and ban military-style weapons. She has said she respects the Second Amendment but is in favor of gun control. Clinton’s plan also includes measures to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, domestic abusers and stalkers. ◊ National Security- Clinton’s intends to bring stability to the Middle East by supporting the Iraqi military and defeating the Islamic State by supporting regional powers. Clinton also says she’ll contain Russia and decrease European dependence on Russian oil. Climate change has been defined as a national security issue in her campaign, and she believes leading the offensive against climate change will better prepare America for the future. ◊ Education- Clinton aims to improve education from the early childhood to college level by providing federal assistance for pre-school access, teacher training and student debt assistance. The New College Compact is a plan to help students graduate debt-free. Students at a community college would receive free tuition. Clinton also wants to support the individual needs and provide all students the resources and support they need, especially students with disabilities. ◊ Economy- To grow middle class families and small business, Clinton has several ideas, including tax relief, investing in scientific research and infrastructure, encouraging profit-sharing with workers, raising the minimum wage and imposing regulations on Wall Street. Clinton also believes that paid family leave encourages economic growth, so she wants Story by Brenna Bochenek & Kajal Dave to guarantee up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave. The Photos Courtesy of Flickr.commons funds for this plan would not be a tax on middle class families or small business, but taxes on the wealthiest Americans. R R 19

Entertainment Republican Ted Cruz: U.S. Senator from Texas

◊ Immigration - Cruz wants to reform the way immigrants legally enter the U.S. in order to protect American workers. Cruz will triple border security and wants to implement a wall that will keep illegal immigrants out of the country. As long as U.S. unemployment remains high, Cruz will halt any increase in immigration until it reaches a more manageable rate. Cruz has also stated that he will immediately end President Obama’s current amnesty policy. ◊ Religious Liberty - Cruz has stated that on his first day of office, he will end any persecution based on religious liberty. Cruz believes that the founders of America were led by God to found America and form our government. He also believes that the rights that are set forth by our Constitution are God-given rights, and that they should never be compromised. Cruz believes that in life it is extremely important to live according to faith, and that he worships the Lord through his fight to secure religious freedom in America. Second Amendment - Cruz argues that there is more weight behind the Second Amendment than simply using guns for hunting or target practice. He believes that the American people need guns to establish protection for themselves and for their families. Cruz wants law-abiding citizens to be able to protect themselves on our home soil against radical Islamic terrorists and other threats to society. He believes that the Second Amendment is an integral part of American freedom and safety. Restoring Family Values - Cruz holds the firm belief that marriage is a sacrament between one man and one woman. He has stated that pure marriage and family values are the “building blocks” of society. One of the first things Cruz wants to do when he takes office is investigate Planned Parenthood and end all federal funding that is currently going to that organization. Cruz also has voiced his opinion that abortions should be outlawed entirely and that no federally funded facility should provide abortions to women. R

Republican Donald Trump: Businessman, New York ◊

National Security- Trump believes that more money needs to be invested into the military. He plans to actively attack the Islamic State, create a safe zone in Syria and not accept any refugees. Trump had also said he would temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the country. The current relations with China would be re-evaluated and Trump would deploy the military in the East and South China Seas. Immigration- Trump introduced a plan to build a wall on the Mexican border and make Mexico pay for it. He also wants to provide more funding for ICE, defund sanctuary cities and detain illegal immigrants until they can be sent home. Trump has proposed a plan to put Americans first by requiring employers to hire American workers first, temporarily halting the issuing of green cards to promote domestic hiring and shrinking the size of refugee programs to give more funding to at-risk American children. Economy- Simplifying the tax code and not adding to the debt and deficit is part of Trump’s tax plan. The current relationship with China will also be redefined by a Trump administration, which wishes to declare the country a currency manipulator and end their intellectual property violations. Trump will lower the corporate tax rate to 10 percent and eliminate waste in the federal government. Gun Control- Trump fully supports the Second Amendment. His goal is for all states to recognize concealed carry permits and reform the background check system. The mental health system has been called broken by Trump, and he vows to fix it and get those who are potentially violent to themselves or others off the streets. His plan includes expanding treatment programs, though he has not released specifics on how it would be funded or what type of treatments would be focused on. R

20 R February 2016

Entertainment Democrat Bernie Sanders: U.S. Senator from Vermont ◊

Income/Wealth Inequality - Sanders wants to strengthen the lower and middle classes by creating an estate tax, which would mostly affect the upper classes. Sanders also hopes to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2020. Sanders would also sign the Paycheck Fairness Act, which requires equal pay for men and women in the workplace. Education - Sanders believes that everyone in America should be able to attend college, despite their income. He wants public colleges and universities to be tuition-free so that everyone has the opportunity to attend. Sanders also would like to cut the interest rate on student loans by almost two percent. Sanders would also plan to utilize need-based financial aid and work study programs to help students pay for college as well. Foreign Policy - Sanders plans to move the U.S. toward a path of diplomacy and wants to make war a last resort. He states that any military action that will be taken under his administration will have “clear goals, limited scope, and provide support to our allies in the region.” Sanders would like to shut down Guantanamo Bay entirely and ban the use of torture by the U.S. He believes in promoting American values to spread our influence around the world by promoting human rights, combating climate change and fair trade. Family/Medical Leave - Sanders wants to require all employers to provide a minimum of 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave. Paid medical leave would cover time off needed due to medical emergencies, such as surgeries, heart attacks and other health related emergencies. Paid family leave would be applicable to people having children. It would allow both parents to take the time needed to welcome their child into the world and into their lives. Sanders also would require businesses to provide employees with two weeks of paid vacation and seven paid sick days. R

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Republican Marco Rubio: U.S. Senator from Florida

◊ Second Amendment - Rubio believes that the Second Amendment is a fundamental right that every American is guaranteed. He wants to address mental illness and why some Americans have become such violent individuals. Rubio also believes that people are trying to stigmatize gun ownership and that outlawing guns will not stop people from committing acts of violence. ◊ National Security - The Rubio doctrine emphasizes American strength, prosperity and values. Rubio supports the completion of the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic Partnerships. He wants to stop acts of radical Islamists in the Middle East and permanently extend Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which modified the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Finally, Rubio plans to modernize American forces for land, sea, air, space and cyberspace so that the U.S. can become a leader of cutting edge military power. ◊ ObamaCare - Rubio wants to fully repeal ObamaCare and push for consumer-centered health reforms. He wants to expand access to affordable and quality healthcare by reforming insurance regulations and ensuring Americans access to affordable coverage. Rubio wants to replace ObamaCare with a market-driven alternative and reform both Medicare and Medicaid. Common Core - Rubio wants to stop the federal push for states to use Common Core standards and give states control over their education system. Rubio will ensure that states that do not follow Common Core are not deprived of funding and does not believe that schools should have to adhere to federal principles. R R 21


Battle of the genres Science Fiction and Fantasy Kajal Dave | Copy Editor First off, I have to admit that I don’t watch that much television. I like certain shows, I get attached to certain characters and I find myself anguishing over some season finales. However, sometimes a show just does something that’s so impractical or out of the blue that I have to quit. Fantasy and sci-fi shows are my favorite because I don’t really run into this problem. In fantasy shows, a plot twist isn’t a random death or pregnancy. It’s a malicious artificial intelligence or radiationmutated mermaids. Granted, those plot twists are definitely more unrealistic in our lives, but in a sci-fi setting anything can happen. Drama or crime shows consistently go to the same plot devices for shock value. Depending on the setting, a sci-fi or fantasy show doesn’t have these limits. Admittedly, sometimes a fantasy show can go too far with this. Once Upon a Time, which is pretty entertaining, tried stuffing so many characters into one show that I just got tired of it. I watch television to relax, not to get confused by multiple plot lines of characters. There’s a sweet spot between having an engaging plot and not confusing your audience. Sci-fi and fantasy shows have a better chance of hitting this spot because they can add a new setting or concept and tailor it to their needs. The idea for the setting can come from a fairy tale or a comic book. I have always been interested in comics, so shows such as Arrow and The Flash piqued my interest. While The Flash could be considered sci-fi, Arrow is in murkier territory. There are less of the traditional sci-fi themes like crazy

experiments and anomalies in physics, but they are still present and are seen more as the show progresses. These shows can be watched together or separately, as they exist in the same universe. So if sci-fi isn’t your cup of tea, you can stick to Arrow, which eases you in to sci-fi. The Flash is better for those who would like to stay away from darker themes. A more recent obsession of mine is The 100. It’s an adaptation of a book, so it’s no surprise that it caught my eye. The book is good, but the show takes off in a completely different direction and is a good example of how shows can take advantage of their world. It takes a while for it to pick up, and the sci-fi elements are growing slowly. Each new season adds more sci-fi themes. The twists and surprises that pop up are products of world building, not last-minute saves. However, this show may fall into the trap of adding too much. Old characters and old plot lines cannot be ignored for a war or new group of people. When you try and go too big, things get messy. There’s so much more room for creativity when a show is set in a world that is only limited by imagination. I don’t mind other genres, but I usually can only get through one or two seasons before it starts to bore me. Fantasy and sci-fi shows that take advantage of the material they gave themselves have the opportunity to adapt and throw their characters into drastically different situations. In these genres, only the creators of the show make the rules. R

Photos by Lauren Puffer

22 R February 2016

Entertainment Drama Isabella Hulsizer | Staff Writer Beginning in the Victorian era, people have always been drawn to the spicy plots of dramatic entertainment. Back then drama was carried out on stages. We have just traded outdoor theatres for big screens. The best genre of entertainment is definitely drama. Dramatic shows and movies like Gossip Girl, 90210 and Grey’s Anatomy pull on the heartstrings and engage the viewer’s emotions. I believe that is why so many people cannot stop watching them. When your favorite character dies, you feel sad. The producers know that all humans have emotions and they use that to their advantage when writing shows. However, even when they die, you will continue to watch to see what happens next. Next thing you know, their friends are plotting their revenge. You never know what to expect. That brings me to my next point: PLOT TWISTS! One episode can make you laugh your heart out and the next week you can be crying over the most recent plot twist. Of course it has to be juicy, so the plot twists are always ones you’d least expect. Along with plot twists, drama tends to overlap other genres. Action, comedy, crime, adventure, fantasy and horror. This is why drama is the best. While watching shows you get a sliver of each genre. The characters may have to go on an adventure to find the criminal while also making

cheesy jokes. It is able to hone in on the best aspects of all the genres. One of the best qualities of drama is that it is realistic and unrealistic at the same time. Shows are usually based around events that could actually happen in a regular person’s life; however, they’re overly dramatized. Yes, you could be juggling a job, a significant other, a group of friends and a social life, however dramatic entertainment makes it sound so much more fun and easier than it really is. That is what I think makes the show seem so much more enticing. Lastly, dramas can go on season after season. Once you’re hooked you are unable to stop watching. Many would argue that isn’t very healthy but I beg to differ. By watching an episode once a week, or binge watching on Netflix or Hulu, you can create a bond with others who watch the same shows. It can be a topic of conversation which you participate with other people and before you know it you’ve made new friends all because you both watch the same dramatic television show. Dramatic entertainment brings people together, it is enjoyable to watch and engages your emotions for 30-90 minutes. R

Crime Dion Deguzman | Staff Writer There is nothing better than the feeling of lying down on my bed and watching a TV show filled with action, drama and suspense. You could sit there for hours watching a crime TV show because almost every episode ends with a cliffhanger that leaves you wanting more. Those types of TV shows are dangerous when they reach Netflix because you never want to stop watching and you find yourself finishing an entire season in one sitting. I am not going to lie, I’ve told my friends I was busy and couldn’t hang out with them, but in reality I was just finishing an entire season of Law & Order: SVU. Characters in crime shows are what make these types of shows so special. With court cases and crimes there’s never a set criminal that lasts the entire season. Granted, you do have a set team of problem solvers that can

range of police officers, psychologists and lawyers, yet something about each of them makes them special in their own way. Plot is such an important part of any crime TV show. A successful crime plot is when you propose the main problem in the pilot episode and then you somehow make side stories to tie in to finding the solution to the bigger problem. Also, the best shows make the problems long enough to finish the episode but also make sure the viewer can’t necessarily find out the solution before the characters do. Although most crime TV shows have different problems and criminals arising every episode, the writers strategically write the plot line for that episode to easily flow into the entire season. That is one thing I find I don’t like about fantasy/sci fi shows, switching stories so quickly and leaving me feeling like I’m switching TV

shows with the same actors. On the other hand you have drama shows, which seem like they can never solve any problem without a cheesy plot line about someone we should aspire to be. It’s almost like these drama shows leave us with the impression that, the lifestyle the character has is actually real. I know that may sound stupid but think about it, I was in eighth grade watching 90210 and I thought that’s how life and high school actually worked. Seeing life from the side of the law is such an interesting experience. Although these crimes may not happen in real life, it’s a great way to relax on your couch, stay on your toes and feel smart when you figure out a crime someone committed. R R 23



Panic! at the Disco fans rave over new album Patricia Stoica | Staff Writer Panic! at The Disco has established itself as a chameleon, changing its look and sound dramatically each album cycle. The band only consists of Brendon Urie, lead singer and must-instrumentalist, but originally it was a four-piece band from Las Vegas. Over the years the lineup has gone through many changes, but even now, Panic! has remained constant in it’s ability to make music that exceeds expectations. Every album is a whole different experience aesthetically and musically. The last album, Too Weird To Live, Too Rare to Die, sounded like a celebration of the city it grew up in. This album sounds like a celebration of life. Death of A Bachelor is by far my favorite Panic! album so far. “Tonight we are victorious!” is the triumphant chant that opens the album. It represents the record well enough. Death Of A Bachelor, if anything, is triumphant. P!ATD’s last album was electropop, but this new one is more pop rock than anything it has produced before. Most of the tracks fall inbetween that spectrum, but overall it’s a pretty rounded out experience. The title track itself is a “very jazzy, very Sinatra esque...” track with a “beat that sounds like Beyoncé’s ‘Drunk In Love,’” Urie said about the song in an article for Upset magazine. Upon the song’s initial release, Urie shared to social media that “‘Death Of A Bachelor’ is very important to me. It expresses the bittersweet (but mostly sweet) end of

an era. A look back at a part of my life now deceased. An ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’-esque look into a possibly different future. But mostly an appreciation for the present.” Urie may have been talking about the song but what he said also applies to the rest of the album. The theme throughout seems to be of reminiscing while distancing yourself from the situation appreciating it for what it was while letting go, something that it is often hard to do. “Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time” is one of my favorites, it details a wild night spent partying, but the chorus ends with a spoken word threat of “Oh yeah, don’t threaten me with a good time.” There’s a couple lyrical gems in here: “I lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt/ But I make these high heels work.” It’s also the inspiration for the artsy cover. The best thing about this album is how it fits so naturally in P!ATD’s discography. In its ever-changing catalog of musical endeavors, Panic! has found a completely different path to take each record cycle. But each step makes sense- of course they would make a poppy rock album after releasing an electropop record. The evolution of sound over the years doesn’t feel unnatural, it just feels like the band was moving forward in the only way it knew how. At this point, Panic! at the Disco has officially become Brendon Urie’s project. So far, he’s handled it pretty well. R

Photo courtesy of

24 R February 2016


Currently trending... Alex & Ani Bracelets

With a price range of $28-40, I see this trend as a big hit this school year. Alex & Ani bracelets come in gold and silver and both are well-crafted and gorgeous. Being able to wear a bracelet that you can look at, smile and remember every memory affiliated with a specific charm is such a special thing to have. Also, these bracelets are stackable and don’t look too overwhelming on an outfit since they are thin and made of wire. Although, I recommend staying away from stacking gold with silver, however be ready to hear the clinging of charms every time you’re trying to write.

Joggers Joggers are not my favorite trend. The only problem I have with joggers is that they don’t look right if you don’t have the exact size that fits your body. Since they do not come in the normal measurements of waist and leg length, they are measured by small, medium, large, etc. They either look really baggy and too long, or too tight and not long enough. I am a person that wears joggers and these pants are so much more comfortable than denim jeans. Joggers are known to have multiple styles and since they are usually made from cotton, they provide extra comfort. For example, Forever 21 Men sells joggers that look like sweat pants, khakis, or jeans and all styles are just as comfortable as the others.

What do you think of this issue’s trends? Want us to review anymore trends for the next issue? Tweet us with the hashtag #cdstrends @cdssunrise and you might see your favorite trend in our next issue. R

Dion Deguzman | Staff Writer

Baseball Tee This is one of my favorite unisex trends because it is simple yet it can do many things for an outfit. Baseball tees bring a very youthful vibe to an outfit since it is not a plain, boring shirt but not a preppy dress shirt. It also adds a pop of color to any outfit and goes with anything from khakis to jeans. These shirts can have a range of prices since almost every clothing company makes their own baseball tees, but they would not be worth more than $10. Baseball tees can be worn in every season; whether its hot or cold outside they look just as great.

Hydroflask These water bottles are expensive and I originally thought it was not worth spending so much money on them. However, these water bottles are sturdy, light for their size and also keep your drinks cold or hot all day. My Hydroflask has changed my life, and paying that high prwice makes me want to put this water bottle to good use. One word of advice, if you’re going to buy a Hydroflask for yourself, just go all out and buy the 32 or 40 oz. which is worth the money. On the 32 oz. Hydroflask you’re spending $1.06 per ounce and on the 40 oz. you’re spending .92 cents per ounce versus getting an 18 oz. where you’re going to be spending about $1.45 per ounce. So go big or go home.

Photos by Maria Martin R 25

entertainment February Staff Playlist S Here are our staff picks for some good music to check out this month...

Nikki Hinshaw

Jake Pyatt

1. “Undone (The Sweater Song)” Weezer 2. “San Francisco” The Mowgli’s 3. “Oceans” Coasts 4. “Catch” Dresses

1. “Sweet Child O’ Mine” Guns N’ Roses 2. “In the Air Tonight” Phil Collins 3. “My House” Flo Rida 4. “No Child in the Wild” Kanye West & Jay Z

Lauren Puffer 1. “Buzzin’” Shwayze 2. “I’m Big Mike” Danny Casillas 3. “Polarize” Twenty One Pilots 4. “I Know There’s Gonna Be” Jamie xx

SCOTTSDALE MICROSCOPIC ENDODONTICS Thomas J. Cipriano DDS, MS 4910 E. Greenway Road, Suite 3 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Phone: 602-374-7879 Fax: 602-404-8287 26 R February 2016


The Finest Hours tells important story of Coast Guard triumph Brenna Bochenek | Production Editor Based on a true story from 1952, The Finest Hours follows four brave members of the Coast Guard as they attempt to save the survivors of the SS Pendleton, an oil tanker that was wrecked in a blizzard. It is an amazing story of how the men, led by Bernie Webber (Chris Pine), refused to give up on those who were stranded on the destroyed ship despite the horrible weather and incredible odds. The film also stars Casey Affleck, Ben Foster, Eric Bana and Holliday Grainger. As a whole, The Finest Hours is a very good movie. The performances weren’t Oscar-worthy, and the special effects weren’t breathtaking, but the film didn’t need those things to make it entertaining. What I liked about the film was its simplicity. It is advertised This boat, the CG 36500, is the same one that was used by the real Bernie Webber and three other coast guard members to rescue the survivors from the SS Pendleton in 1952. In 1981 it went through as the story of four men who risk a full restoration by volunteers from the Orleans Historical Society and re-launched in a public their lives to save men trapped in a ceremony. Photoc courtesy of Creative Commons storm at sea, and that’s exactly what technology on the boats are all consistent with what you get. There aren’t any twists, or they would have been like during that time period. unbelievable action sequences, just the straight facts Also, the entire cast speaks in a New England accent of what happened. and they all possess the toughness that is often That’s not to say the film is boring. Although associated with inhabitants of the east coast. These at times it lacked momentum, the story was still are all extra details that really drive home the fact interesting enough to keep the audience engaged. that this is a true story. It truly was amazing to watch the men find the Films that are based on true events are some destroyed ship remains in the pitch black, open of the most important films that are made. The ocean with no modern technology and after having Finest Hours is exemplary of this because it tells lost their compass. They relied only on their own the story of an incredible hero and the bravery knowledge of the seas and the wind to navigate and that is shown by the members of the Coast Guard. bring 32 survivors home safely. The Coast Guard still considers the rescue of the Another great thing about this film is that it survivors of the SS Pendleton to be one of the most is a period piece set on the east coast. The Finest daring rescues in U.S. Coast Guard history, and it is Hours takes place in Massachusetts during the ‘50s, important that everyone knows about the story of which adds an entertaining element to the plot. The these incredible and courageous men. R cars they drive, the way the women dress and the R 27


The Spotify debate Patricia Stoica | Staff Writer


here’s been a little bit of hate for Spotify going around recently, but why exactly are artists like Adele and Taylor Swift taking their songs off the streaming service? A lot of it comes from the seemingly unfair amount of compensation that artists receive. Swift famously argued in a Wall Street Journal essay, “Music is art, and art is important and rare. Important, rare things are valuable. Valuable things should be paid for.” Swift was claiming to represent the underdog; while she is able to make a living from touring, other artists are not so fortunate. But are the numbers really low enough to make one of Spotify’s most streamed artists feel like songs were valued at virtually nothing? Modern Jazz and electronic musician Benn Lee Jordan, who has released music under the name The Flashbulb, weighs on the great debate. He points out a number of things in a lengthy post on his blog,, and seems to generally be in favor of the streaming service. “I can tell you that Spotify has made me about 30 percent more than iTunes, Pandora, Amazon, Xbox Music, Google Play, eMusic, Rhapsody, Rdio, Deezer, MediaNet, Simky, Nokia and Myspace Music combined in that (one

year) period,” Jordan said. A musician like Jordan, who’s most streamed song has about 2.5 million plays, is able to say that Spotify alone has paid his rent for the last nine months. I can only imagine that with the numbers someone like Adele or Swift brings in, their paychecks would be considerably larger. Further on, Jordan notes that “the numbers for Spotify are growing monthly, and have actually doubled from the first month (of the one year time period) to the last while sales on other platforms remained the same.” The strongest point he presents is that Spotify rewards replayability: “Rewarding artists who have re-playable albums. If someone buys my album on iTunes and listens to it every day while exercising (yeah, not likely), I get $7. If that person uses Spotify, it can accumulate to a whole lot more,” Jordan said. R

Artist Benn Lee Jordan embraces putting his music on Spotify. However other artists, such as Taylor Swift, have refrained from the using the streaming service. Photos courtesy of Creative Commons

28 R February 2016


Restaurant Review: La Casa Blanca Megan Marples | Life & Times Editor For an authentic taste of Mexican food, look no further than La Casa Blanca. Situated on the edge of a suburban neighborhood, the white building stands out from the rest of residential homes. The entrance to the restaurant is through the patio in the back. Walking in, the room is dimmed to a faint glow and colorful Hispanic dĂŠcor hangs on the walls. After sitting down, chips, salsa and bean dip are quickly ushered to the table. The menu features a variety classic of Mexican dishes such as enchiladas, burritos and tacos.

Photo by Megan Marples

On this visit I ordered a shredded chicken burrito plate for $8.99. All burrito plates come with a side of rice and beans. For an additional charge customers can add a variety of ingredients into their burrito such as lettuce or cheese. I decided to add rice and beans inside my burrito, which created a rich flavor. Another dish I sampled was the Pollo Fundido for $9.95 off the traditions menu. The chicken burrito is fried then topped with chipotle cream cheese along with layers of cheddar cheese. Despite the ingredients, the burrito isn’t actually spicy. The chipotle cheese creates a smooth flavor to offset the savory chicken. Like the burrito plates, this meal is served with a side of rice and beans. To conclude the meal I ordered the Sopapillas for $3.50. The fluffy squares of dough are served warm with a light dusting of powdered sugar. Honey is served on the side for those who wish to sweeten the dish, which I highly recommend. Needless to say it was my favorite part of the night. If you wish to try La Casa Blanca, I recommend going at night. The patio lights up and creates a beautiful atmosphere to dine. La Casa Blanca is located at 24605 S McQueen Road in Chandler. R

Pizza Pinwheels An easy way to make yummy comfort food Faryal Ashraf | Staff Writer Ingredients: - 1 container of Pillsbury Original Pizza Dough - 1/3 cup of marinara sauce - 1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese - Choice of toppings - Cooking spray Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit 2. Lightly spray a cutting board with cooking spray and roll out dough 3. Coat dough with sauce, leaving outer rim without sauce 4. Sprinkle generous amounts of cheese, and place on toppings 5. Roll dough and chill for 25 minutes 6. Cut into one inch pieces and place on a baking tray lightly coated with cooking spray 7. Bake at 350 degrees for 14-18 minutes 8. Cool before enjoying

Photo by Megan Marples

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30R February 2016

Sports Jake’s Take

Taking it too far Coaches, fans are getting too involved Jake Pyatt | Sports Editor When do you say enough is enough? Many times in sports it’s hard to tell. A Pennsylvania high school head basketball coach appeared to head-butt a referee after disagreeing with a foul called on his own player. These actions made me want to voice my take on how many times, especially in high school sports things are taken too far. Thankfully, Corona has not had to deal with a serious problem at a sporting event since we took on our crosstown rivals, Marcos de Niza, during the 2012 basketball season. This year, when we played the Padres twice in football, extra security precautions were put in place during

Cartoon by Celeste Hayes

that game to avoid another ugly altercation between the schools. This is not the case for some other schools. Two high school football players in Texas attacked a referee by hitting him from behind with full force and then the other jumping on him. These are kids who take the things their coaches teach and tell them all the way through the rest of their lives. What made them think that this was OK and reasonable to do? The same goes for the Pennsylvania coach. If a player had done that, they surely would have been dismissed from the team. There are also times when players and student sections can get pretty ugly toward each other. Our own student section during basketball games sometimes makes comments that cause parents around me to comment about how inappropriate and disrespectful they are. Recently, the Tribe has been much better about watching what they chant which has led to a better performance on the court by both teams. In professional sports, many athletes react in ways on the field that would not be approved if a young adult acted that way. The professionals make a living. High school sports are for fun and to learn, not to get paychecks. High school should be a time for creating good memories that will last forever, not worrying about if a person made a mistake or to heckle someone for their physical characteristics. R

31R February 2016


Finishing strong Kasey Ruthardt | Staff Writer Corona del Sol’s wrestling team has been pinning down the competition, proving itself a worthy match for the fast approaching end of the season. So far the wrestlers have competed in five tournaments including Hills in the Desert, Moon Valley, Blackford Duals, the Mile High Invitational and Flowing Wells. The team has done very well in the regular season with a record of 15-4. As state is coming closer, the team, along with head coach Jim Martinez, is reflecting on the way the season has been going. “It’s varied, which is nice because the first tournament we had junior Dylan Conner at heavyweight, junior Diego Fill, senior Marc Farina and junior Nick Ruffalo go undefeated,” Martinez said. “These guys are “At Moon Valley we had 11 place winners, so that was like my brothers. tournament for us.” Spending everyday a great Martinez isn’t the through blood, sweat only one who holds the team’s progress in high and tears makes regard. The wrestlers the goodbye even themselves are proud of harder.” the work they’ve put into -Marc Farina the season and are looking forward to growing as wrestlers. “The team has performed well,” Ruffalo said. “They get better every time we compete.” The team has had some difficulties that they’ve had to overcome this season including skin infections and injuries. Martinez is hoping to have all athletes that are injured or getting over skin infections to be well in time for state on Feb. 12 and 13. “They aren’t starting from scratch but they’re not building on the conditioning they would have gotten if they had been wrestling all along,” Martinez said. “They’re going to take a step back, but hopefully in the next three weeks we’ll see that conditioning return and they’ll be ready for sectionals.” Not only has the team been looking back on the season, but it has been looking to the future preparing for the end of the season. Martinez is hopeful, keeping his standards high for the outcome. The wrestlers are aware of these expectations and are prepared to work overtime to meet Martinez’s goals and goals of their own.

32 R February 2016

Cam Upshur takes down the oppnent on Jan. 27th. The team only lost four matches this year. Photo by Dion Deguzman

“We’ll do well in our sections,” Martinez said. “I think we’ll qualify a good number, probably around 11, potentially 12, guys qualifying for state which would be outstanding in anybody’s estimations. I think we’re going to do real well, I would guess we have got the kind of team that could be a top five finisher and where in that top five depends on how well we perform.” For some of the wrestlers, this is their final year wrestling at Corona. With that thought in mind comes the extra drive to want to work harder and prove one final time how hard they’ve worked to be an Aztec. Farina, with a record of 34-1 for his high school career, reflects on the past four years he’s spent on Corona’s wrestling team. “These past four wrestling seasons have been the highlight of my high school career,” Farina said. “These guys are like my brothers. Spending everyday with them through blood, sweat and tears makes the goodbye even harder.” While wrestling as a sport is more individual, Corona’s wrestlers view the sport as a team effort, pushing each other to work harder and hoping for results that will benefit them as a whole. They work with each other for hours each day getting better and perfecting their techniques to make themselves better athletes, and their team champions. “The team has done well,” Farina said. “We have had a lot of people step up and wrestle varsity and I’m proud of them. I think the team can easily be top five in state. We just need to stay healthy as well as keep working hard.”R

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