Center for democratic transition
MANUAL FOR ELECTION OBSERVERS - Civic elections monitoring -
Podgorica, April 2001.
Center for democratic transition
Raško Konjević
Dragan Koprivica
Damir Rašketić
MANUAL FOR ELECTION OBSERVERS Published by CDT – Center for democratic transition Podgorica For the publisher Marko Čanović Translator Irena Dragaš Design Aleksandar Pajević Printed by Grafo Montenegro Printrun 100 issues Podgorica, April 2001. godine
CDT – LET FREEDOM BE YOUR CHOICE TOO Address: Bulevar Save Kovačevića 56, 81000 Podgorica Phone/fax: 081 60 10 50 E-mail:
Center for democratic transition
MANUAL FOR ELECTION OBSERVERS - Civic elections monitoring -
Center for democratic transition
SUMMARY Introduction
Our Mission Elections on April 22 Our right to monitor elections 7 Administrative structure of elections 8 -REC -MEC
6 6
8 9
Voting Procedures A Polling board
10 11 12 12 13 13 13 13
Election materials Register of Electors Voting ballots Record of the Work of the Polling Board Voting boxes Polling booths Book of voters Box for keeping control coupons
1. Polling station
Basic rules of voting
Voting procedures
Special circumstances
Voting outside of Polling Station
Order at the Polling Station
Dissolution of the Polling Board
Manual for election observers
Center for democratic transition
Counting Procedure
Instructions for Observers on Election Day
Rules of behavior Observers What to bring What to do Things to consider Voting process Counting Process Serious situations (Incidents that they should pay attention to)
20 20 21 22 22 23 23
Manual for election observers
Center for democratic transition
INTRODUCTION Our Mission Statement The Center for Democratic Transition is non-Governmental organization, whose mission is to support the democratic process in Montenegro. This organization's membership is young people who support international democratic norms and standards. CDT supports the political rights of citizens regardless of their ethnic, religious or national origin. CDT supports an openness and transparency in all election and government processes. CDT supports the rights of businesses to compete fairly through support of an open privatization process. The Center for Democratic Transition will monitor campaign events and Election Day for the April 22 Parliamentary Elections. CDT hopes that these elections will have democratic atmosphere where citizens will have freedom of choice, participation and voting. A media campaign by CDT has been designed to promote these freedoms on television, radio and posters. During the campaign period, CDT will monitor and record events at each political rally. In addition CDT will keep track of the parties compliance of the CDT’s drafted “Political Parties Agreement about the Rules of Conduct During the Election Campaign” which was signed by nine of the major parties. On Election Day CDT will have over 1,000 monitors covering 85-90% of all polling places throughout the country. A parallel vote count of a small sample of the total polling stations will be conducted. Three hours after the polls close CDT will have a projection of the election results. CDT is building on their past experience monitoring the 2000 local elections in Podgorica and Herceg Novi, and the 2000 Federation elections. Citizens have the rights to decide, choose and vote. The Center for Democratic Transition will protect those rights by monitoring the campaign period and Election Day. Elections on April 22 The People’s Party left the ruling Coalition “To Live Better,” which won the last Parliamentary Elections, and shortened the mandate of the Parliament. This triggered conditions for calling a new election. With mandates to be decided, the choice is returned to citizens. The Center for Democratic Transition offers you not just the right to choose, which is allowed by Constitution, but also the right to monitor the regularity of these elections. Honest and fair elections are the basis for the development of democracy. Manual for election observer
Center for democratic transition
Our Right to Monitor Elections The right for us to observe the elections is provided by the document of the 1990 meeting of the then-Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe. In section 8 of that document, signed by the government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: The participating States, consider that the presence of observers, both foreign and domestic, can enhance the electoral process for States in which elections are taking place. They therefore invite observers from any other CSCE participating States and any appropriate private institutions and organizations who may wish to do so to observe the course of their national elections proceedings, to the extent permitted by law. They will also endeavor to facilitate similar access for election proceedings held below the national level. Such observers will undertake not to interfere in the electoral proceedings. The Law for Election of Councilors and Representatives states: Authorized representatives of the local nongovernmental organizations registered for observing the exercise of political rights and freedoms shall be allowed to monitor the course of the election and the work of the bodies in charge of administering the election (Article 111a). Authorized representatives of foreign countries and relevant international organizations and nongovernmental institutions, registered for observing the election and the exercise of the suffrage, may monitor the course of the election and the work of the bodies in charge of administering the election in conformity with provisions prescribed by this law (Article 111v). Local nongovernmental organizations must apply at least five days before election day to the Republic Election Commission providing the name of the organization, the certificate of registry, and the number and composition of the observer's representatives. NGOs that are issued official authorization from the REC shall be issued identification cards for each observer bearing the name and surname of the observer and title of the organization to which the observer belongs. Obligations < < <
The observer must carry the identification card in a conspicuous manner (Article 111d, LECR). The Polling Board shall enter into the Record the presence of observers at the polling stations (Article 111dj, LECR). At the proposal of election administrative bodies, the REC can withdraw authorization and the identification card from any person who fails to observe the rules with regard to the maintenance of order at the polling stations or rules regarding the work of the election administration bodies (Article 111e, LECR). Manual for election observer
Center for democratic transition
Persons monitoring the operation of the election bodies are obliged to act in conformity with the law and the rules of conduct established by the Republican Election Commission. If any person breaks the rules of keeping order at the polling station, or in any other way, disrupts the work of an election body, the election body may remove them and enter this in the Record (Article 22, LECR).
Rights < <
The bodies in charge of election administration must provide for undisturbed attendance/observing of the election by foreign and local observers (Article 111dj, LECR). The work of election administration bodies is public (Article 22, LECR). Administrative Structure of Elections The Republican elections in Montenegro will be administered by: < < <
Republic Election Commission Municipal Election Commissions, and A Polling Board for each polling station
General provisions that apply to all electoral bodies include: < < < <
Any submitter of a verified candidate list has the right to appoint an authorized representative to the election administrative body (Article 18, LECR). Those serving on election administrative bodies must have the right to vote (Article 19, LECR). Election administrative bodies make decisions by a majority of votes of their members (Article 21, LECR). The work of the election bodies is public. Members of the election bodies and observers are obliged to act in conformity with the law and the rules of conduct established by the Republic Election Commission. If any electoral body member or observer violates the law or the rules of conduct or, in any other way, disrupts the order at the polling station or the work of the election body, the election body may remove the individual and enter the data in the Record (Article 22). Republic Election Commission (REC)
There are 13 permanent members of the REC, which include: a chair, a secretary and 11 members appointed by the Republican Assembly â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all of whom should be lawyers. Two of the 11 regular members are representatives of the two largest opposition parties in the Assembly. Each electoral contestant with a registered candidate list can appoint an authorized representative who participates in the work of the REC and makes Manual for election observer
Center for democratic transition
valid decisions beginning 15 days before election day (in this case, April 07). Authorized representatives and permanent members may each have a deputy who replaces them in event of their absence or inability to perform their tasks and duties (Articles 29-31, LECR). Important responsibilities of the REC related to these elections include: < < < < < < < <
Ensure that the election is conducted legally and the provisions of the LECR are uniformly implemented; Monitor and offer professional advice on the implementation of the LECR; Coordinate the work of the Municipal Election Commissions, give instructions with regard to the implementation of the LECR and supervise their work; Establish unified standards for the election materials; Establish the forms for carrying out election procedures provided by the LECR; Determine the manner of proclamation of candidate lists; Determine the manner of handling and keeping the election material; Announce the total number of voters and their number by municipalities and polling stations. (Article 32, LECR) Municipal Election Commissions (MEC)
There are seven permanent members of each MEC, which include: a chair, a secretary and five members appointed by the Municipal Assembly â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all of whom should be lawyers. Each electoral contestant with a registered candidate list can appoint an authorized representative who participates in the work of the MEC and makes valid decisions beginning 15 days before election day (in this case, April 07). Authorized representatives and permanent members may each have a deputy who replaces them in event of their absence or inability to perform their tasks and duties (Articles 24 and 25, LECR). Important responsibilities of the MEC include: < < < < < <
Ensure that the election is conducted legally; Do logistics for the administration of the election; Determine polling stations for the election of councilors; Form polling boards and appoint chairman and members of polling boards for election of councilors; Determine the number of ballot papers for each polling station, stamp them, and together with the verified extract from the register of electors deliver them with a written record to the polling boards; Determine whether the electoral lists for the election of councilors have been made and submitted in conformity with the LECR; Manual for election observer
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< < < < < < < <
Confirm and proclaim the electoral lists for the election of councilors; Publicize the number of electors in the municipality and by individual polling stations; Establish the results of the election of councilors and the number of votes for each candidate list, as well as the number of seats won by each candidate list for election of councilors; Issue certificates to elected councilors; Establish the overall results of the election of councilors in its constituency by each polling station and submit a report on this to the REC; Publicize the results of the election of councilors; Submit the report on the results of the election of councilors; Submit the data on the results of the election of councilors to the bodies in charge of the collection and processing of statistical data. (Article 27, LECR) I VOTING PROCEDURES A. The Polling Board
The Polling Board directly administers voting at the polling station, ensures the regularity and secrecy of voting, and establishes the results of voting at the polling station. It also keeps order at the polling station during voting, and assigns two of its members to administer voting outside of the polling station. The permanent members of the Polling Board are appointed no later than 10 days before Election Day. The Polling Board consists of chair and four permanent members and one authorized representative of each election list. Two representatives of opposition parties in the respective assembly, which won the largest number of votes in the last election, are also included as permanent members of the Polling Board. The Chair and members of the Polling Board, as well as the authorized representatives, may each have deputies who replace them in event of their absence or inability to perform their tasks and duties. B. Election Materials The Election Commission prepares election material; determines the shape and appearance of the voting ballots; decides the method, location and the control of printing; distributes the voting ballots; determines the number of voting ballots (which must be equal to the number of voters on the Register of Electors at that polling station); and reserves voting ballots of not more than three percent of the total number of voters on the Register of Electors. The Polling Board takes election material from Local election commission at least 48 hours before the elections. Election material consists of: Manual for election observer
Center for democratic transition
Voting ballots; The general list of all registered candidate lists; Extracts from the Register of electors for that polling station; Special and official envelopes; A record of the work of the Polling Board form; Sufficient ballot boxes, which are transparent, and the means to seal the boxes; Other instruments necessary for voting. C. Register of Electors
The Register of Electors is a public document where citizens who have the right to voteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s names are entered; it only is used for the elections. All citizens have the right to vote who have: reached 18 on election day, are residents of Montenegro for at least 24 months prior to election day, and are on territory of Montenegro on election day. The Register of Electors is unique, permanent and is updated on regular basis, especially after calling for elections. Each municipality is responsible for maintaining the Register of Electors for the self-governing unit. The Registers of Electors are prepared in the units of local self-government by polling stations and are gathered in the Central Register of Electors. A voter can be entered in the Register of Electors only once, in just one unit of local self-government, and at only one polling station. All citizens who have the right to vote or will gain the right to vote on the election day are entered in the Register of Electors according to their residence. Citizens residing abroad are included in the Register according to their last permanent place of residence. The Register of electors includes: - The unique ordinal number under which s/he is entered in the Register; - The first name and surname; - The date and place of birth; - Citizenship; - The address and the date of last statement of personal residence; - The Unique ordinal number of voter. Within three days of calling the election, the body in charge of Register of Electors informs the citizens that they can inspect the Register and ask to be entered or deleted, or to have changes, amendments or corrections made. The electoral body in charge of Register of Electors is required to publish, within 48 hours of calling the election, in the daily newspaper â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pobjedaâ&#x20AC;? a numerical tabular display of data about changes made compared to the Register of Electors in prior elections.
Manual for election observer
Center for democratic transition
Any request for changes to the Register must be supported by proper evidence and a decision is made within 48 hours of the request. Registration appeals may be presented directly to the Supreme Court of Montenegro. The Court must make a decision within 24 hours of receipt by the Court. The Courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision is final. The Register of Electors is concluded no later than 25 days prior to election day. The legal authority decides to close the Register of Electors, which includes the total number of citizens entered in the Register of Electors, and the date of closing the Register of Electors. Further modifications to the Register of Electors can be made only on the decision of a court, at least 10 days prior to election day. The body in charge for the Register of Electors compiles verified extracts of the Register for each polling station. Each extract, besides information entered in the Register of Electors, contains: -
The name of the body in charge; The date of compilation and the designation of the polling stations. D. Voting Ballots
The Voting ballot includes: - The constituency; - The ordinal number which is put in front of the candidate list; - The title of the polling station, according to the schedule confirmed at the complete election list and the ordinal number; - A remark stating that voters are to choose only one candidate on the list by circling either the title or the name/surname of the first candidate on the list. On the back of the voting ballot in the upper right corner should be the title of the municipality, the title and the number of the polling station, and the stamp of the Polling Board with the title and the number of the polling station. The voting ballot is printed so that it contains two parts: a control coupon that has a unique serial number and the actual voting ballot. The unique serial number is not printed on the voting ballot portion. The control coupon and the voting ballot are separated by perforation. E. The Record of the Work of the Polling Board A record of the work of the Polling Board is written on the appropriate form. The Record form contains information about people who were monitoring the work of Polling Board and how much time they spent at the polling station. The Chair enters the information in the Record, and all possible remarks of the members of the Polling Board are entered at the moment they are made. All members of the Polling Board sign the Record, and each member is given a Manual for election observer
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copy of the Record after the voting process is finished. F. Voting Boxes The Voting Box is transparent and made of appropriate material in proper dimensions. The Polling Board seals voting box with appropriate instruments. A voting ballot is attached to the box. The Voting Box must be placed so that all members of the Polling Board can clearly see it. G. Polling Booths Polling booths must be made of adequate material (not paper or cardboard), and must be placed so that secrecy of voting is completely safe. H. The Book of Voters The body in charge of Register of Electors issues a book of voters for each polling station. It includes: -
Name and surname; Date and place of birth; Address of the voter; Residence; Unique ordinal number of the voter; Place for signature.
If the unique ordinal number of the voter in not determined, than the number of personal identification is entered in the book. I. Box for Keeping Control Coupons The box for keeping the control coupons is made of appropriate material (cardboard, wood, plastic) and it has a cover. It has internal compartments, which suits the dimension of the coupon. II VOTING 1. The Polling Station The MEC establishes the location of the polling stations and announces them at Manual for election observer
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least 20 days prior to the election day. Polling stations must be arranged so that there is enough space for all the members of the Polling Boards to see and have access to the ballot box and election materials at all times. Polling stations have to be visibly marked. Polling stations are located so that there is no more than 1,000 registered voters for each polling station. A citizen votes at the polling station where s/he is entered in the Extract of the Register of the Electors. Polling stations open at 8 a.m. and close at 9 p.m. During “working” hours, polling station must be constantly open. Voters who are present at the polling station at the time of its closing are allowed to cast their votes. The Polling Board is to determine the number and identity of such voters before extending the hours of election day. In the event that this procedure is not obeyed, the Polling Board is to be dissolved and the voting is to be repeated. If order at the polling station is disturbed, the Polling Board may interrupt voting until order is restored. The Police and other uniformed persons are not allowed to enter the polling station during voting, unless invited to enter by the Polling Board in the event that order is disturbed. If voting is interrupted for more than one hour, voting shall be prolonged by the length of the interruption. At the polling station and within 50 meters, it is forbidden to display political party symbols and other promotional materials that may affect the decision of the voters. Use of mobile phones and pagers is forbidden at the polling station. During process of voting all members of the Polling Board or their deputies must be present at the polling station.
III BASIC RULES OF VOTING Official Invitation By April 17 each voter should receive at their home a written notice stating: the date and time of voting, the number and address of the polling station where the voter should vote, and the ordinal number corresponding to the voter’s place on the Register of Electors. If the voter hasn’t received official invitation, s/he can still vote. Before the polling station opens, the Polling Board will determine by drawing lots Manual for election observer
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the permanent member who, in the presence of other members, will make a deliberate damage to the Polling Board stamp by cutting or burning the rubber matrix, and also select a permanent member of the Polling Board who will be stamping the ballots with the damaged stamp as the ballots are handed over to the voters. The control coupon of the voting ballot is not stamped with the determined stamp of the Polling Board. Voting ballots are arranged according to the sequence of the serial numbers on the control coupon so that they can be handed to the voters in that sequence. In the presence of the voter who is first in line at the polling station, the Polling Board will check the ballot box and place a control slip signed by all members of the Polling Board and the first voter in the voting box. Then, the voting box is sealed in the presence of the first voter, and this action is noted in the Record. After the voting box is opened, it is first checked if there is a control slip inside. In the event that this procedure is not obeyed, the Polling Board is to be dissolved and voting is to be repeated at that polling station. By drawing lots, a member of the Polling Board is selected to remove the control coupon from the ballot after the voter has voted, and a permanent member is selected by drawing lots to be in charge of voting outside the polling station. -Each citizen votes in person; -A voter can vote only once during elections; -Voting is done in secrecy; -A voter confirms taking a voting ballot by signing book of voters IV THE VOTING PROCEDURE An authorized representative of the Polling Board checks with ultraviolet light each voter when s/he enters polling station, in order to determine if there is presence of invisible ink. With confirmation that there is no presence of invisible ink, the voter will: - State name and surname - Prove identity by producing some form of identification with a photograph and a personal number or ID number on it (i.e., the voterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ID, passport, or driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license). Upon confirming the identity of the voter, a member of the Polling Board: - Circles the ordinal number before his/her name in extract of the Register of Electors;
Manual for election observer
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- Explains the voting procedure to him, and hands over a ballot paper, which is stamped with the aforementioned damaged stamp on the back of the ballot. Upon determining position on the Register of Electors, a member of the Polling Board puts invisible ink on the right point finger and warns voter to keep finger up until the ink is dried. If the voter doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have right point finger order of the fingers that ink should be put on is: thumb, finger 3, 4, 5, and if he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have right hand same order is applied on the left hand. If the voter doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have fingers, the ink test is not applied. If requested by a voter, members of the Polling Board can explain the voting procedure again. The voter folds the marked ballot paper in a manner that conceals the party s/he has voted for but leaves the control coupon free. The voter then goes with the ballot to a member of the Polling Board, who was chosen by drawing lots, to remove the control coupon. Then the voter places the ballot paper in the ballot box and leaves the polling station. Voters chooses only one candidate list by circling either: < < <
The ordinal number before the title of the candidate list; The title of the candidate list; or, The name and surname of the first candidate on the list. V SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES
If for reasons of blindness, disability or illiteracy, a voter needs assistance in marking his/her ballot, s/he has the right to bring another person who is not a member of the Polling Board with him to mark the ballot and perform the voting procedure for him/her. Voting performed in this manner should be noted in the Record. Voting Outside the Polling Station A voter who cannot come to the polling station because of a disability informs the Polling Board that s/he wishes to vote. A member of the Polling Board in charge of voting outside the polling station will enable that voter to cast his/her ballot in a manner that ensures directness and secrecy of the vote. After being informed, the member of the Polling Board in charge of voting outside the polling station will deliver the voter an official envelope containing the stamped ballot paper, the general candidate list with all candidate lists included, and a special envelope to put his marked ballot paper.
Manual for election observer
Center for democratic transition
After the voter has voted, s/he will place the ballot paper in the special envelope, which is then sealed and wax-stamped in his presence by a member of the Polling Board. The sealed envelope is then placed in the official envelope, which is also sealed in the presence of the voter by the member of the Polling Board. The Polling Board member delivers the official envelope to the Polling Board, which opens it, circles the ordinal number before the voter's name on the extract, and places the closed envelope into the ballot box. Utilizing this method of voting should be entered into the Record. VI ORDER AT THE POLLING STATION No one is allowed to come to the polling station carrying arms and dangerous instruments. Only as many voters as there are polling booths at the polling station can be present. Persons having no rights or duties with regard to administration of the elections are forbidden to remain at the polling station. VII DISSOLUTION OF THE POLLING BOARD and < < < < < < < < < < <
In the event that any of the following occurs, the Polling Board is to be dissolved voting is to be repeated: A voter does not vote in person; A voter casts more than one ballot; Voting is not done in secrecy; Voting is not done with verified ballot papers; A voter does not confirm that s/he has taken the election material by signing his/her name in a separate book of voters; Someone comes to the polling station carrying arms or dangerous instruments; Voters waiting in line at the time of closing are not allowed to vote; The control slip is not found in the ballot box at the start of counting; A member of the Polling Board tries to influence the decision of the voter; If alterations to the extract of the Register of Electors is made from the day of its composition to the day of conducting the election, as well as on election day; If the number of ballots in the ballot box are larger than the number of voters who voted.
Manual for election observer
Center for democratic transition
VIII THE COUNTING PROCEDURE After the polling station has been closed, the Polling Board begins to count the votes and determine the election results in its polling station. Counting procedures should proceed as follows: - The number of unused ballot papers are counted and placed in a separate envelope, which is sealed. - The number of control coupons separated from the ballot papers are counted and placed in a separate envelope, which is sealed. The number is noted in the Record. - The number of voters who have voted based on the extract from the Register of Electors is determined. The number is noted in the Record. - The ballot box is opened, and it is first determined if the control slip put in the ballot box at the beginning of voting is in the ballot box. The information is noted in the Record. - Valid ballots are separated from invalid ballots. Invalid ballots include: -
Unmarked ballots; Ballots marked in such a way that it is not clear for which candidate list the voter has voted; Ballots with more than one candidate list circled.
The Polling Board counts and notes in the Record: - The number of invalid ballot papers; - The number of valid ballot papers; - The number of votes cast for each candidate list. The Polling Board enters into the Record: -
The number of ballots received; The number of unused ballots; The number of used ballots; The number of valid ballots; The number of voters who have voted according to the Register; The number of voters who have voted by post. The number of votes for each candidate list; The number of voters according to the extract of the Register.
Manual for election observer
Center for democratic transition
Also entered into the Record are any remarks and opinions of Polling Board members that may be relevant to the election. All members of the Polling Board sign the Record, and each receives a copy of the Record. The Polling Board places unused, invalid and valid ballot papers in separate envelopes with an indication of their contents and seals the envelopes. The completed Record of the Work of the Polling Board, the extract of the Register of Electors, ballots, the control coupons, the stamp of the Polling Board, and any other remaining electoral material is placed in another envelope and sealed. The envelope with all election materials is delivered to MEC immediately and not later than 12 hours after the polling station has closed.
Manual for election observer
Center for democratic transition
IX INSTRUCTIONS FOR OBSERVERS ON ELECTION DAY RULES OF BEHAVIOR The success of our civic monitoring project is dependent on the projectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s organization, as well as the behavior of each individual observer. The reputation of the organization is reflected in the words and actions of its leaders and every observer and directly influences the public perception of the civic monitoring project and its findings. Our goal is to ensure that the organization is perceived as a truly independent and reliable organization reporting on the election process for the benefit of the Montenegrin population. For the findings of CDT to be accepted by a wide majority of the Montenegrin population, it is imperative that all those associated with our project carry out their duties professionally and without political bias. Therefore, we ask that all observers sign the pledge on the following page and adhere to some basic principles and rules: - As an observer, we ask that you maintain total impartiality in the conduct of your duties, expressing no political preference or bias in relation to national authorities, political parties or individual candidates. - As an observer, we ask that you refrain from talking to the media at any point during the election process. - As an observer, we ask that you not interfere in the electoral process. You should simply and accurately observe the process and report upon it. Observers Observing the processes of voting and counting are the primary function of CDT volunteer observers. The key duties of observers are to: - Attend training; - Abide by the volunteer pledge in all their activities; - Undertake the observation at assigned polling station(s); - Complete and return observation forms as instructed. Duties of an observer at the polling station: - Determining whether everything is all right at the polling station before voting starts;
Manual for election observer
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- Monitoring of the polling station on the election day in order to note all unusual or irregular activities, report about them and enter them in the Record of that polling station; - Monitoring process of counting of votes on the election day and ensuring regularity of counting of votes according to election law. Rights of an observer at the polling station: -
To have access to all public documents concerning election process; To have freedom to examine all election material; To report all complaints to the Chairman of the Polling Board.
What is not allowed to an observer at the polling station: - To interfere in election process in any way; To have contact with voting ballot; - To give instructions, or orders, or be in contradiction with decisions of the Polling Board; To wear any symbols of political parties or independent candidates; To watch voters fill in voting ballots or interview voters; To violate the election law which includes: - Harming the secrecy of voting; - Interfering or disturbing legal procedures; - Influencing the election process; - Bribing voters. Observers should be: - Nonpartisan and have the ability to observe; - Informed about all rights that they have as observers; Informed about all possible irregularities; Introduced to recording and reporting; - Organized for monitoring of the polling station and delivering reports to mobile monitors. What to Bring: In order to observe the vote and counting procedures better, and make your job easier, bring with you: - Your accreditation; - Identity card or some other identification document; - This manual; - Observer forms; - A writing instrument; - A sandwich and drink (non-alcoholic). Manual for election observer
Center for democratic transition
The Way We Monitor Elections Observers will be able to watch the entire election process. Observers should come at least half an hour before the polling station opens. When you come to the polling station introduce yourself to the Chair and other Polling Board members. Introduce yourself to other observers too, and find out to which parties or coalitions they belong. Bring your accreditation at the polling station and carry it in a conspicuous manner. Choose your seat, ensuring you do not cause an obstruction to the voting process, but making sure you can clearly see the proceedings. Use this manual and check if all procedures stated in it have been obeyed. Note down your remarks in the observer form. If you notice any problem or violation or rules and regulations of election procedure, bring it to attention of the Polling Board chairman and note it on your observer form depending on the â&#x20AC;&#x153;weightâ&#x20AC;? and seriousness of the problem: -
Note your remarks on your observer form P-1; If there was a greater violation of the election procedure or violation of law, note your remarks in P-1 report form, and contact your Mobile Center Office or inform your mobile monitor by phone or fax;. - Please stay at your polling station until the counting of votes is finished, note down your observations in the report form and deliver it to your municipal coordinator; - Please do not express your feelings about election results while you are a CDT observer. Things to Consider in Monitoring As a non-party observer of CDT you should be aware of the atmosphere inside and outside of the polling station before voting starts. Pay attention if you see campaign signs, posters or some other promotional material inside, outside or near the polling station. Are there symbols of any political parties, coalitions or independent candidates? Are there any organized activists of any political party, coalition or independent candidates? Are persons in uniforms, whose presence might disturb or is disturbing voters, present inside or outside of the polling station? Are there any violations of the prohibition on campaigning on election day?
Manual for election observer
Center for democratic transition
Please refer to this manual to check the arrangements in the polling station and the election material. Is number of voting ballots sufficient? Is there enough room at the polling station for the Polling Board to conduct their duties and process voters efficiently? Please pay attention if there is anything that might affect secrecy of voting. Voting Process Pay attention if the Polling Board is following the rules of election procedure: Is the Polling Board following the legal method of identifying the voter? Is the appropriate procedure followed with those voters who are not in the list of voters as well? Is handing of voting ballots done in appropriate manner? Are the polling boxes closed properly? Are there any other pencils for marking voting ballots? Are any voters allowed to mark their voting ballots from outside the voting booth? Were there any cases of voting in the name of other person, and if were, state the number of those cases. Are the appropriate procedures being followed with regard to voting of sick and disabled persons? Was anyone deprived of right to vote, and was it justified? Counting Process The process of counting voting ballots is an important part of the election procedure. Note the time counting started. Have you noticed any irregularities during counting process? One of the most important things is to see is whether unused ballots were sealed and ready before the ballot box was opened. Also monitor the number of ballots that the Polling Board considers invalid. Is the invalidation justifiable? Is that number excessive? Were there any challenges or confusion during counting process? Serious Situations in Monitoring All the earlier mentioned situations are important for an observer to monitor in order to perform your duties. We hope that election procedures will be followed at all polling stations, and that whole process of election will be regular and without problems. Manual for election observer
Center for democratic transition
We have to pay attention in case of violations of election rules and regulations; that is, if critical situations or incidents occur. What observers should pay attention to in the election process is stated in the next points: -
You or other observers are not allowed to enter the polling station or you were forced to leave it; Promotional material of some political party or coalition material is displayed at the polling station; - Any kind of physical violence or threat at the polling station; - Staying longer at the polling station or presence of persons in uniforms; - Polling boxes were not empty during sealing; - Polling booths do not ensure secrecy of voting; - Systematic violation(s) of election procedure; - Chaos and confusion at the polling station; - The authorized members of the Polling Board not performing appropriate duties; - Disturbance or disappearance of voting material; - Voters casting more than one voting ballot; - Voters were helped during voting for unjustifiable reasons; Organized arrival of voters at the polling station (state the registration number of the bus); After the polling box was opened it was determined that the number of voting ballots is bigger than number of people who voted; Mistakes were made during the counting of votes and no correction was made. Each observer should distinguish between innocent mistakes in implementing the election law and violations that could greatly affect election procedures. If these critical situations occur, please note them in the report form.
Manual for election observer