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Publisher Center for Digital Technology and Management Arcisstr. 21 80333 Munich, Germany Phone: +49 89 289 – 28471 Fax: +49 89 289 – 28459
E-Mail: info@cdtm.de
Editors Philipp Hofsommer, Anna-Sophie Liebender-Luc
Team Heads Sergej Lotz (Design), Dominik Möhrle (Programming) and Srajit Sakhuja (Editing) with support from the entire Class Fall 2020
Printed Copies 80
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Picture Manager Keke Kaikhosroshvili
Illustrations Kei Hysi
Year of Publication 2020
Increasing innovations in the healthcare industry have continuously increased life expectancy. Similarly, technology has revolutionized how we connect with one another and lead our daily lives. However, the elderly population still faces significant challenges in dignified aging, and few advancements have been made in that field. Ranging from health issues, housing, financial security to social isolation, the elderlies often remain dependent on relatives and the healthcare industry. Older people seek independence – but many struggle due to the problems they face.
How can we better empower aging and older people? What can we innovate to enable independent living? What are the solutions towards creating more connectedness with their loved ones and society in an age of individualism and changing family models? How can individuals change their lifestyles now to better prepare for an independent and fulfilled aging later?
To answer these questions, we first need to understand the cornerstones of elderly living. What brings happiness and fulfillment in old age? What are the social determinants of health, and how does this affect elderly living? How can supporting environments be designed to enrich health and happiness, and what preventative measures can be implemented to shift the focus towards independent, healthy living? This report identifies current trends (political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal) that affect the future of both aging and the elderly. It derives four future scenarios, as well as five related business ideas. The generated business concepts range from a noisecanceling pillow, a smart sole for gait analysis, an elderlyled community gardening concept, a family memory storytelling platform, to an education platform for elderly sexuality.
The Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) is a joint interdisciplinary institution of education, research, and entrepreneurship of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
CDTM offers the interdisciplinary add-on study program „Technology Management“, which is part of the Elite Network of Bavaria. Students from various study backgrounds with creative ideas, great motivation and an entrepreneurial mindset are offered the tools to put their ideas into practice. As a research institution, CDTM closely cooperates with the industry, start-ups and public sector concentrating on topics at the intersection of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
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