Welsh Revenue Authority Brand Usage Guidelines gov.wales/wra
The identity presented uses a modern typeface. It was felt that any design element was unnecessary and would diminish the clean lines.
Organisations the WRA considers to have a similar status were looked at, with consideration given to the colour palate and the typeface weight and style used in the identity. Proposed Welsh Revenue Authority identity
Look and feel
An organisation’s visual identity is an important asset. It reflects the character of the organisation and allows consistent presentation across all materials.
The Welsh Revenue Authority wishes to be seen as ‘professional’ ‘confident’ and ‘accessible’, delivering a ‘responsive’ high-level service for customers and partners.
It wants an identity with a fresh, modern feel that will also define its relationship with the Welsh Government. Similar status
The identity should convey these beliefs and be flexible across all platforms.
The link to the Welsh Government dragon indicates the relationship between the two organisations. It is presented in a cohesive manner that does not undermine the WRA Thename.colour used is solid and upstanding with no political bias. Further work will continue on this suggested identity to prepare guidelines and develop it across all platforms.
Designing an identity for the Welsh AuthorityRevenue
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Yours LoremPlasoremRobertsincerelyJonesipsumipsum ALISON JONES WELSH GOVERNMENT CATHAYS PARK,CF10CARDIFF3NQ Dear Alison, applicationSample Quatro light Quatro slab bold Awdurdod Cyllid Cymru Welsh Revenue Authority Quatro ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzLight Quatro ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzBold Quatro Slab ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzBold Awdurdod Cyllid Cymru Welsh Revenue Authority Awdurdod Cyllid Cymru Welsh Revenue Authority Awdurdod Cyllid Cymru Welsh Revenue Authority Awdurdod Cyllid Cymru Welsh Revenue Authority Awdurdod Cyllid Cymru Welsh Revenue Authority Robert Jones Senior Inspector of Taxes Plasorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Cardiff CF10 3NQ Tel: 03000 0123 120 Email: robert.jones@wra.gov.uk Awdurdod Cyllid Cymru Welsh Revenue Authority Awdurdod Cyllid Cymru Welsh Revenue Authority Awdurdod Refeniw Cymru Welsh Revenue Authority Awdurdod Refeniw Cymru Welsh Revenue Authority Awdurdod Refeniw Cymru Welsh Revenue Authority Robert Jones Senior Inspector of Taxes Plasorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Cardiff CF10 3NQ Tel: 03000 0123 120 Email: robert.jones@wra.gov.uk
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Cadarnhau (kad-arn-high) gov.wales/wra This suggests a solid, robust quality that can be relied on This is about providing certainty, being accurate and reinforcing trust. Our Approach Cydweithio (keed-way-thee-o)Thisliterallymeans ‘to work together’ and carries a sense of working towards a common goal. gov.wales/wra Our Approach gov.wales/wra Cywiro (kuh-wir-o)Thisliterally means ‘returning to the truth’ and is about the way we work with youto resolve errors or concerns. Our Approach acc wra
Kathryn Bishop Welsh Revenue Authority Chair
Social TwitterMediaheader / Twitterbanner profile pic Twitter tweets
David Jones Non Executive Board Member No-one actually enjoys paying tax, but we want the people of Wales to pay the right tax in as painless a way as possible.”
Our Approach Our Approach explains how we will work with taxpayers and their representatives, by delivering the eight values set out in Our Charter gov.wales/wra
With the formation of the WRA, Wales will take a large step forward in the journey of devolution, with responsibility for revenue generation as well as for public expenditure.” Our Approach Defines tax administration as a collective endeavour for the benefit of all; prioritising working together to ensure the right amount of tax is paid at the right time.
© Crown
Ymatebol DwyieithogManwlGywir
Infographics Organisation able o ‘sign in’ and file returns from 1st April 2018 How to register with WRA for Land Transaction Tax Complete registrationorganisationformonline www.gov.wales/wra1 2WRA applicatioreviewsn WRA sets accounorganisationuponline3 Account administrator ‘sign up to wra services online 4 5 Sign completupe 6 Sign up Add new users to your (optional)onlineorganisationaaccount This will arrive in your email box instantl Verification code sent to email address Approval letter sent via pos This could take up to day @ Fast
Tax have replaced
*Information covers the period running between end of January and mid-April 2018 These figures are approximate. XXX Our Partnerships Read about the Welsh Revenue Authority (WRA) Corporate Plan: @WRAtweetgov.wales/wra More Information Cydweithio (keed-way-thee-o) This literally means ‘to work together’ and carries a sense of working towards a common goal. Cadarnhau (kad-arn-high) This suggests a solid, robust quality that can be relied on This is about providing certainty, being accurate and reinforcing trust. Cywiro (kuh-wir-o) This literally means ‘returning to the truth’ and is about the way we work with you to resolve errors or concerns. than 120 responses to our consultation EIGHT lingua Efficient Diogel CefnogolTeg Ymgysylltu Effeithlon copyright 2018 WG34556 21,500 times Our Charter comprises of eight form the basis Our Approach Land Transaction Landfill Disposals Stamp Duty Land Tax and Landfill Tax, respectively Wales.
From 1 April (2018) we started to collect and manage devolved Welsh taxes – the first taxes to be introduced in almost 800 years in Wales. Approach A Welsh Way of Doing Tax Our Charter At the Welsh Revenue Authority (WRA), a new tax authority for Wales, we have started to develop a Welsh way of doing tax. Below provides a brief overview of Our Charter and Our Approach detailing how we will offer an innovative tax administration which delivers an effective and efficient service. Read our Corporate Plan for further information via gov.wales/wra Our Charter sets out how we want to work in partnership to deliver a fair tax system in Wales. This means providing a bespoke service dependent on individual needs. Following a consultation period, we published Our Charter in March 2018. Our responses document is available on our website. Our Approach explains how we will work with taxpayers and their representatives, by delivering the eight values set out in Our Charter As we implement Our Approach we will continue to work with a range of partners to ensure we deliver a tax system that meets the needs of people in Wales. Some example partners, include: 1,100+ Number of registrationsTransactionLandTax Land Transaction Tax calculator used 2,500+ Number of users registered for Land Transaction Tax online accounts Over 80% LLT firstresolvedqueriestime All 17 official landfill sites operating in Wales registered for Landfill Disposals Tax 900+ calls answered by WRA helpdesk team
shared values ONE fair tax system SecureSYSTEMTOTOGETHERWORKINGDELIVERAFAIRTAXFORWALESSupportiveFa Engaging Responsive B
shared values which
Here is some WRA data leading up to mid-April 2018*: have described Our Approach three Welsh as best what are seeking to create in Wales (see Corporate Plan 2018-19): It defines tax administration as a collective endeavour the benefit all; prioritising working together ensure the right amount of tax paid at the right time.
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