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Sir Deian Hopkin’s Foreword

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When Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918 was inaugurated in 2013, six ambitious objectives were outlined in the Framework Programme ranging from the commemoration of significant anniversaries to the development of a wide-ranging educational programme. Central to the aspirations of the programme, and key to its success, was the development of strong partnerships between organisations across Wales in order to ensure the fullest participation by individuals and communities. This, indeed, has been one of the notable achievements of the programme and this commemorative volume reflects and enshrines that partnership and cooperation as well as recalling the numerous highlights of the centenary. Public interest in the programme of commemorations, including significant centenary events and the wonderful cultural programmes, has been maintained throughout the four-year period. Indeed, year on year, public participation in commemorations and projects has far exceeded anyone’s expectation while the extensive educational programmes have ensured that a new generation of young people have gained invaluable knowledge and insight into the events of a hundred years ago which still have a resonance to this day. Thanks to the efforts of the partner organisations, admirably supported by the Welsh Government, the National Lottery Heritage Fund and other funders, an enduring legacy has been created. The creation of new national memorials, such as the National Welsh Memorial at Langemark or the renovation of Yr Ysgwrn, the home of Hedd Wyn, as a cultural centre, will ensure an enduring public awareness of the significance of the war and its impact. As the result of so much valuable work through projects in schools and community organisation, in documentary identification and retrieval, as well as an extensive programme of visual representation, we now have the opportunity, through careful curation and maintenance, to sustain a rich digital legacy. This commemorative volume is one final contribution to the centenary of the war and will help ensure that Wales will continue to remember. Sir Deian Hopkin The Welsh Government’s Expert Adviser on the First World War

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