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Remembering the policemen who served in the war
In 2014 the South Wales Police force started a project to remember policemen from previous forces of Glamorgan, Cardiff, Swansea, Merthyr and Neath who served during the First World War.
Since then nine booklets have been produced telling their stories. In addition, two permanent displays have been created at the Force Heritage Centre at Police Headquarters in Bridgend. One focuses on the police and the war generally. The other contains items related to Richard (Dick) Thomas. He was a Glamorgan police officer and Welsh international rugby player who was killed at Mametz Wood in July 1916. A highly successful exhibition, seen by over 100,000 people, was also held at the Firing Line Museum at Cardiff Castle during 2017 and 2018. This related to Ernest Rollings, a Neath policeman. He undertook a raid on German headquarters in Framerville in France and recovered secret German documents. These were said to be so important that they hastened the end of the war.
Right: Ernest Rollings: “The policeman who ended the war” exhibition at Firing Line Museum Cardiff Castle © South Wales Police