Cabinet Foreword It will take more than Welsh Government action to meet Carbon Budget 2 (2021-25) and we need everyone to play their part in achieving net zero. We wanted our Pledge Campaign, launched at our Climate Change Conference 2019, to galvanise action. Since then we have received over 118 Pledges to date from every corner of Wales and from across society; with businesses, the public sector, communities and school pupils all committing to be part of Wales’ greener and fairer future. Your Pledges are the seeds that will grow into the actions we need to tackle climate change. This is a huge effort from Team Wales - thank you! Some great work is already taking place across Wales. The examples of action within this document show your leadership, innovation and partnership
1 All Wales Plan 2021-25: Working Together To Reach Net Zero
working, in joining and in some cases leading, the effort needed to tackle the climate emergency. Together we must act as a nation to provide a better future for both current and future generations. This includes working with our young people and ensuring that our actions meet their aspirations. This is our first All Wales Plan published alongside Net Zero Wales, our emissions reduction plan for Carbon Budget 2, recognising the crucial role that you, our partners play. Together we have made a great start. Now we must continue to work together so that Wales can continue to go from strength to strength, meet the challenge of climate change and deliver a greener and fairer future.