11 minute read
6: Enable the health and social care response including the COVID-19 vaccination programme
7: Continue to monitor inequities and, where they exist, identify solutions to address them Update
In terms of COVID-19 vaccination, we have, and will, continue to be led by the latest clinical and scientific evidence and advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI). Due to the nature of the virus and the need to provide people with the maximum protection in response to waves of infection and different variants over the last year, there have been times when there has been a need to significantly uplift the vaccination workforce and infrastructure. To mitigate the impact on the NHS as much as possible, there has been a campaign to use volunteers from non-NHS workforce from other public and emergency services, voluntary sector, retirees, and students. COVID-19 vaccination workforce planning at a national and local level has, and will, continue to take account of new and existing pressures on the health and care system. All NHS Wales organisations aim to use a workforce model split between core staff and flexible staff, and targeted use of local premises and resources. The strength of this model is the agility to step up and down dependent on the path of the pandemic, any future waves and on future vaccination planning. This blended model for vaccine supply, workforce and estates will continue to be pursued by Health Boards, ensuring flexibility for services and accessibility and equity for patients.
Under the provisions of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, the Welsh Government’s Ministers are required to set national milestones to assist with measuring progress towards achieving the seven well-being goals of the Act. The national milestone ‘to increase the percentage of children with two or more healthy behaviours to 94% by 2035 and more than 99% by 2050’ has contributed to enhancing and focussing the monitoring of work to tackle inequities. This will be further strengthened during 2022 with the development of milestones on adults who have two or more healthy behaviours, and a milestone on healthy life expectancy at birth (including the gap between the least and most deprived). In 2021, Public Health Wales published its first report as part of the Welsh Health Equity Status Report initiative (established following the Memorandum of Understanding between the Welsh Government and the WHO Europe Region). This report contributes greatly to our work in monitoring inequities through providing a multidimensional picture of the COVID-19 implications on health equity and vulnerability, and identifies where action is required to address inequities which have been exacerbated by the pandemic. The forthcoming Welsh Health Equity Solutions Platform, referenced earlier in this CMO report, will also provide a key tool to monitor inequities and to inform policy interventions to ensure they are as effective as possible in tackling inequities.
8: Ongoing research into tackling and monitoring of the direct and indirect long-term effects of
COVID-19 During 2020 & 2021, UK Research and Innovation and the National Institute of Health Research have funded 19 studies on Long COVID to help diagnosis and treatment. The studies examine the causes of Long COVID, trial drugs, investigation of symptoms, evaluation of health services, and exploring ways that patients can monitor the condition to optimise their recovery and return to work. The outputs of these studies will be shared with policy and practice over 2022-2023. The Health and Care Research Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre (WCEC), which is in receipt of funding of £3m over 25 months (ending March 2023), has already published a number of reviews which have informed Welsh Government decision making. The WCEC includes Long COVID in its work programme and has already published information on studies which include, or are currently open to, the Welsh population. In February 2022, the COVID-19 Evidence Centre will outline a work programme which includes undertaking further evidence synthesis on Long COVID, based on issues addressing Welsh need with a view to informing Welsh policy and practice across the NHS and social care sector. WCEC has reported on its work to date at its Annual Symposium held on 23 March 2022. The WCEC outlined its work programme in January 2022, which includes undertaking further evidence synthesis on Long COVID, based on issues addressing Welsh need with a view to informing Welsh policy and practice across the NHS and social care sector.
1 Welsh Government (2020) Population projections by year and age.
Available at: https://statswales.gov.wales/Catalogue/Population-and-Migration/Population/
Projections/National/2018-based/populationprojections-by-year-age (Accessed on 2 December 2021) 2 Welsh Government (2020) Population projections by year and age.
Available at: https://statswales.gov.wales/Catalogue/Population-and-Migration/Population/
Projections/National/2018-based/populationprojections-by-year-age (Accessed on 2 December 2021) 3 Welsh Government (2020) Population projections by year and age.
Available at: https://statswales.gov.wales/Catalogue/Population-and-Migration/Population/
Projections/National/2018-based/populationprojections-by-year-age (Accessed on 2 December 2021) 4 Welsh Government (2020) Population projections by year and age.
Available at: https://statswales.gov.wales/Catalogue/Population-and-Migration/Population/
Projections/National/2018-based/populationprojections-by-year-age (Accessed on 2 December 2021) 5 Office for National Statistics (2021) Life expectancy estimates, all ages, UK.
Available at: www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/ healthandlifeexpectancies/datasets/lifeexpectancyestimatesallagesuk (Accessed on 2 December 2021) 6 Office for National Statistics (2021) Life expectancy estimates, all ages, UK.
Available at: www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/ healthandlifeexpectancies/datasets/lifeexpectancyestimatesallagesuk (Accessed on 2 December 2021) 7 Public Health Wales (2021) COVID-19 Recovery Profile.
Available at: https://phw.nhs.wales/services-and-teams/observatory/data-and-analysis/covid-19recovery-profile 8 Welsh Government (2021) Wellbeing of Wales.
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Available at: www.phw.nhs.wales/services-and-teams/observatory/data-and-analysis/covid-19recovery-profile/ 11 Office for National Statistics (2021) Monthly mortality analysis - England and Wales. Available at: www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/ monthlymortalityanalysisenglandandwales
12 Welsh Government (2021) Adult general health and illness (National survey for Wales): May 2020 to
March 2021. Available at: www.gov.wales/adult-general-health-and-illness-national-survey-walesmay-2020-march-2021 13 Welsh Government (2021) Adult general health and illness (National survey for Wales): May 2020 to
March 2021. Available at: www.gov.wales/adult-general-health-and-illness-national-survey-walesmay-2020-march-2021 14 Welsh Government (2021) Adult general health and illness (National survey for Wales): May 2020 to
March 2021. Available at: www.gov.wales/adult-general-health-and-illness-national-survey-walesmay-2020-march-2021 15 Office for National Statistics (2021) Child and infant mortality in England and Wales.
Available at: www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/ deaths/bulletins/childhoodinfantandperinatalmortalityinenglandandwales/2019#trends-in-childand-infant-mortality (Accessed on 3 December 2021) 16 Welsh Government (2021) StatsWales.
Available at: https://statswales.gov.wales/Catalogue/Well-being/ childwellbeingmeasuresnumberofhealthylifestylebehaviours (Accessed on 3 December 2021) 17 Welsh Government (2021) Wellbeing of Wales: national indicators.
Available at: www.gov.wales/wellbeing-wales-national-indicators (Accessed on 3 December 2021) 18 Welsh Government (2021) General medical services contract (quality assurance and improvement framework): interactive dashboard.
Available at: www.gov.wales/general-medical-services-contract-quality-assurance-andimprovement-framework-interactive-dashboard 19 Welsh Government (2021) Adult lifestyle (National Survey for Wales): January to March 2021.
Available at: www.gov.wales/adult-lifestyle-national-survey-wales-january-march-2021 20 Welsh Government (2021) Adult lifestyle (National Survey for Wales): January to March 2021.
Available at: www.gov.wales/adult-lifestyle-national-survey-wales-january-march-2021 21 Welsh Government (2021) Adult lifestyle (National Survey for Wales): January to March 2021.
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Available at: www.gov.wales/covid-19-moral-and-ethical-guidance-wales-advisory-group-cmeagwales 39 UK Moral and Ethical Advisory Group (2021) Moral and Ethical Advisory Group.
Available at: www.gov.uk/government/groups/moral-and-ethical-advisory-group 40 Welsh Government (2021) COVID-19 Moral and Ethical Guidance for Wales Advisory Group.
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