The Welsh Government has worked for a number of years on financial initiatives to tackle period poverty. Eradicating period poverty means ensuring that having a period does not lead to missed education, absences from employment or withdrawal from sport and social activities. Since 2018 we have invested around £12 million to ensure that children and young people and those on low incomes have access to free period products. Tackling period poverty remains a priority of the Welsh Government but it is time to go further. In June 2021 the Welsh Government published its Programme for the 6th Senedd. This Programme for Government includes commitments to embed period dignity in schools and expand our free period provision in communities and the private sector.
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In October 2021 the Welsh Government published a draft Period Dignity Strategic Action Plan for consultation. The Plan sets out the Welsh Government’s approach to ensuring period dignity in Wales. We have adopted a broad definition of period dignity, which prioritises the eradication of period poverty but also aims to go beyond this to end any sense of stigma and shame associated with periods. The vision includes a range of experiences and connected policy areas that affect a person’s experience of having a period and the ongoing impact of periods on their life. The plan is due to be published in September 2022.
Project objectives: To achieve Period Dignity for all by 2026. To challenge the stigma and taboos surrounding periods and to increase understanding, acceptance and normalisation of periods by all. Requirements: • To design a logo for ‘A Period Proud Wales’ and to create a look and feel for all documents and marketing materials. • Show a range of period products – pads, tampons, cups. • Colours – red, happy for blood to be represented • Bold and proud feel • No female symbols or reference to gender • No flowers.
Logo Bilingual text showing the logo without the word ‘Wales’ this compliments and balances the Welsh translation, which doesn’t include the word ‘Cymru’. We believe this is a stronger logo which would be used with Welsh Government branding and hence negate the need for the word ‘Wales’ to be used at all. The logo showcases the four main period products using the secondary colour palette, which could be placed on a veriety of different documents.
Lockup Logo Combining the campaign and Welsh Government logos.
Using the ‘Funded by’ Welsh Government acknowledgement logo branding This logo must be used alongside your brand, to explain the relationship between an organisation/ project and the Welsh Government.
Byddwch yn Mislis A Balchder.
Byddwch yn Mislis A Balchder.
Mae’n bryd chwalu’r stigma, y tabŵs a’r mythau am flislifau.
Mae’n bryd chwalu’r stigma, y tabŵs a’r mythau am flislifau.
Rydym am i bawb siarad yn agored ac yn hyderus am mislifau, p’un a ydynt yn eu cael ai peidio.
Rydym am i bawb siarad yn agored ac yn hyderus am mislifau, p’un a ydynt yn eu cael ai peidio.
Be Period Proud.
Be Period Proud.
It’s time to bust the stigma,
It’s time to bust the stigma,
taboos and myths about periods.
taboos and myths about periods.
We want everyone to speak openly and confidently about periods, whether they have them or not.
We want everyone to speak openly and confidently about periods, whether they have them or not.
Am fwy o wybodaeth/For more information:
Am fwy o wybodaeth/For more information:
Text The chosen font, Aptley, is simple, bold and easy to read.
Light Regular SemiBold Bold Black WG45402
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
Colours The chosen primary colour is Fuchsia, supported by a secondary colour palette. For type and messaging, here are some preferred colour combinations to ensure high contrast and legibility for accessibility.
Primary palette
C0 M98 Y44 K0 R230 G14 B88
#e50d58 Lighter tint at 50%
Secondary palette
C49 M77 Y0 K0 R151 G82 B155
C1 M66 Y0 K0 R237 G120 B173
C7 M39 Y100 K0 R235 G165 B0
C70 M9 Y40 K0 R68 G172 B165
C0 M0 Y0 K100 R35 G31 B32
#97519a WG45402
The Icons The product icons are clear, simple and easy to understand. They can help communicate and signpost key information within documents.
WG WG45402
Layouts Showcasing the logo (and reversed out version) on document covers. It is strong and striking logo which conveys the message clearly. Using the alternative logo here bringing more colour and highlighting the products.
Period Dignity Strategic Action Plan
Period Dignity Strategic Action Plan
Portable Display Banners
A Period Proud Wales
A Period Proud Wales
Period Dignity Strategic Action Plan
Period Dignity Strategic Action Plan
Exterior Display Panels Here are examples of how key messages supported with the logo can be displayed using big, bold text and colour which emphasises the subject matter.
Rydym yn Genedl Sy’n Falch a Mislif. Cyflawni Mislif ag Urddas i bawb erbyn 2026
We are a Period Proud Nation. To achieve Period Dignity for all by 2026
Mislif A Balchder.
A Period Proud Wales.
Yr ydym wedi buddsoddi £12 miliwn i sicrhau bod gan blant a phobl ifanc a’r rheini ar incwm isel fynediad at gynhyrchion mislif am ddim.
We have invested £12 million to ensure that children and young people and those on low incomes have access to free period products.
A Period Proud Wales.
Exterior Display Panels Here are examples of using the four product icons, which could also have a great impact out and about in the community.
Bod yn Falch Be Proud
Bod yn Be Falch Proud
Am fwy o wybodaeth/ For more information:
Social Media Assets The logo works well over a variety of platforms. Here are examples of how messages and logos could be displayed on Facebook and Twitter.
facebook Be Period Proud. Periods are natural. Periods are not a choice.
We are a Period Proud Nation. No-one should be ashamed or embarrassed about periods.
Social Media Assets
Byddwch yn Mislis A Balchder. Ni ddylai neb fod â chywilydd neu embaras am fislifau.
Be Period Proud. No-one should be ashamed or embarrassed about periods.
We are a Period Proud Nation. WG45402
CLICK Password: PeriodProud2022
Central Design Team, Communications