Formal research assignment the formal research project will be worked on weekly through various assi

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FORMAL RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT The formal research project will be worked on weekly through various assignments To Purchase This Material Click below Link FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT

FORMAL RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT The formal research project will be worked on weekly through various assignments. The topic you choose should be directly related to the degree that you are earning. All major assignments will be related directly to the topic that you choose in Week One, so please be sure that the topic you choose is one that you can more fully develop as we move from idea to finished product. Your final paper should be formatted liked the sample student paper that begins on 225, which is formatted according to the 6th edition of the APA Manual. THE SCHEDULE OF WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ASSIGNMENT: Week One: Proposal due by Sunday.

Week Two: Annotated Bibliography due by Sunday. Outline due by Sunday.Week Three: Draft due by Sunday.

Week Four: Checklist due by Friday. Formal Research Assignment due by Sunday. This essay should follow these requirements : · Use proper APA format (cover page, abstract, body, and reference page). We will use the 6th edition only. · Must be 2000-2500 words. (This includes the ABSTRACT (200-225 words) and the BODY (1800-2275 words.) · Use Times New Roman font (12 point).

· Use integrated short burst quotes in the body of your own sentences. Use minimal paraphrasing and signal phrases. No block quotes should be used. · Sources should be obtained from eLibrary databases. They should consist of articles from scholarly journals dated within the last ten years. Other sources may be approved as long as they are scholarly and provided you check with the instructor first. · Submit this assignment in Microsoft Word Document format. No other formats will be accepted. All online students are required to have Microsoft Word as their word processing program. If you do not have this program, please visit your local Office Max, Office Depot, or Staples store, or contact the Keiser bookstore for assistance. You can also access many web sites to purchase the program. offers a free trial. · Use the following format for the FILE NAME: AbernathyA_Formal Research Assignment. Note that the name format contains your last name and first initial in exactly that order. · Submit the assignment in the DROPBOX titled Week 4: Formal Research Assignment. Be sure to go back and review your Outbox to make sure that your attachment is actually posted. Here are thr Annotated Bibliography for reference: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON GLOBAL WARMING The topic of discussion in the five listed article is global warming. Global warming has made people recognize the environment as an important aspect of their survival. It comes about due to excessive emission of harmful gases in to the air from either vehicle exhausts, factories gas waste or green house farming projects among others. On the contrary other people believe that global warming is among the natural processes that take place on earth thus nature should take its course. I however argues believing that the government through its legislations is in a better place to slow down global warming thus tremendously reducing its effect. The following articles clearly set out my argument. Dorries, Matthias. “Climate Catastrophes and Fear.” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (November/December 2010) 1.6: 885-890. She is a writer who ventures mostly in environment articles and climate. In her article she reveals that the increase in fear over the sudden change in climate all over the world is because people are still to be educated on the long term effects of global warming. She is clear that the reason for continuous variation in climate change is more in political and people’s culture. For instance, when the government gives many

companies and industries the go ahead to produce products that increasingly pollute the air then variations in temperature will lead to global warming. On the other hand if there production is limited then the amount of carbon in the air will be reduced. People’s culture like their daily human activities including greenhouse farming when regulated then temperatures in the globe will be allied. The reason being weather change and global warming is not Marely science. Therefore need for a culture that oversees the importance of safeguarding climate. More government involvement in stopping global warming is also critical. Berner, J.; Furgal, C.; Bjerregaard, P.; Bradley, M.; Curtis, T.; DeFabo, E.; Hassi, J.;Keatinge,W.; Kvernmo, S.; Nayha, S.; Rintamaki, H.; and Warren, J. (2005): Human Health; in Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, p. 863-906. The chapter that is reviewed in this book describes the health of the people in the artic in this chapter, we learn that the social economic and environmental conditions are linked with the health of the people in terms of the physical mental cultural and emotional status. Due to global warming- a state in the environment where the temperatures variations are very extreme. The ozone layer gets damage and the UV lights penetrate to the earth’s surface. This change impacts on agriculture in terms of food availability changers to water quality among others. In the chapter ways of mitigating climate change due to global warming is outlined in depth. The government can play an important role in reducing this cases in the artic. Newton, John; Paci, C.D. James; Ogden Aynslie (2005): Climate Change and Natural Hazards in the north: Integrating Indigenous Perspectives with Government Policy; Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 10: 541-571. The Author in this book advocates for the improvement of government policies concerning climate change. And natural hazard control. This part of the book focuses on how the development of adaptation strategies that will help communities to live with the changes that have already taken place., rather than the creation of government programs and initiatives .focused on mitigation measures to reduce a community’s contribution of greenhouse gases are proceeding. He also states the importance putting in place indigenous perspectives in the formulation of strategies both at the local, territorial, and national government levels. It is through ready acceptance by the government to find a way through the community practices that the menace of global warming and climate change can be evaluated. Patino, Lorena (2010) Understanding Climate Change Adaptation – Synthesis Report. Government of Canada. The report by the above named environmentalists provides valuable insights on going beyond adaptation strategies and finally manage to mainstream the issues that global warming is bringing across as seen in climate changes. According to this report community planning is key in maintaining a stable environment in the ecosystem. Industries are on the increase on many countries all over, this articles takes of how neighboring communities wastes from either factories, industries or vehicles will not

affect the members of another country. The government there fore makes collaborations with those countries forming alliances and activities such as extensive tree planting in order to counter the effect of the wastes released. Other examples of collaborative approaches to adaptive management are provided. Lynas, Mark. High Tide: The Truth about Our Climate Crisis. New York: Picador, 2004. Lynas takes a different course when explaining the effect of global warming in his article. He uses his experience through the years he has travelled and witnessed what harm has been done. In the locations he visited he recorded how people are falling in to health crisis and their daily activities which are their source of income get destroyed due to changes in climate. He criticizes the United States for what he sees as the ways its domestic and foreign policies have undermined the efforts of other countries at attempting to control the emission of greenhouse gases.

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