Podiatrist and Foot doctor Glenn Copeland
Who is Dr. Glenn Copeland?
Founder of Footmaxx™ - a state of the art gait analysis system to precisely determine the root of your foot troubles.
A best-selling author who has published 5 books in 12 languages including "The Foot Doctor"
One of North America’s leading Podiatrists in active practice for more than 35 years.
Consulting Orthopaedic Podiatrist for the Toronto Blue Jays since 1979
Founded and served as Chief Executive Officer for many successful companies including: Feet First (1982 – 1989) Footmaxx International (1991 -2000) Cleveland Clinic Canada (2004 to 2008)
He is currently the ‌ Medical Director for the Rehab and Wellbeing Centre at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto since 2008. Consulting Podiatrist and Strategic Advisor to the award winning Canyon Ranch Health Resort since 2007