Looking back at my first year of CECE Presidency, 2022, yet another challenging year for the world and also for our sector, I try to focus on the positive signs of resilience and vitality in the construction industry and in the economy at large. That’s why my second year as the CECE President will be inspired by the willingness to consolidate that resilience and embrace the changing society.
The changing political, economic and social environment in Europe over the last few years have been the driving force for a strategic reflection for CECE. I am therefore happy to have seen CECE members bringing this strategic reflection to a conclusion. The CECE statutory structures have been reviewed and revised in 2022 to make the organization fit for the future. While the national member associations remain central to the governance, CECE now has the chance to mirror the enlarging perimeter of the CE industry by engaging widely with the relevant stakeholders in the sector. Indeed, in 2022 we have welcomed three new organisations to the CECE membership: Norwegian MGF, Portuguese SOIMA Cranes and Trackunit from Denmark.
2022 was also a year with an even larger focus on advocacy and communications in support of the key technical dossiers. We have increased the awareness of the construction equipment sector among EU policy makers in Brussels, thus strengthening CECE to optimally represent the sector’s
interests. Moreover, I am happy that CECE was part of the first post-pandemic bauma which exceeded my expectations.
Looking ahead, 2023 will be an important year for the construction equipment sector. It will be a year full of challenges but also of opportunities. With the CECE Congress taking place at the beginning of the year, we wanted to address the uncharted, yet crucial, theme of diversity. With the help of industry leaders, TEDx speakers and innovators, we will look at several elements of intercultural and intergenerational differences and learn how to address them by turning them into success factors. Part of that transition is finding out how to improve the sector’s gender balance.
Turning to the geopolitical situation of the European continent, now more than ever, the construction equipment sector needs to remain strong and prepared for the uncertain future. Our industry is committed to contributing to a prosperous and sustainable Europe, now and for the generations to come.
Alexandre Marchetta CECE President*Edited and printed in December 2022
Alexandre Marchetta, CECE President for term 2022-2023
CECE is the voice of the European construction equipment manufacturers. Founded in 1959, we are a European-level federation that engages with EU policymakers on behalf of our membership. Through our national member associations, we speak on behalf of an industry made of 1,200 companies employing 300,000 people and creating a value of € 40 billion annually.
Relying on a wide network of industry experts engaged across a broad range of policy areas, we coordinate the views of our members with the aim of achieving a fair and competitive regulatory environment. Our advocacy work addresses the broad spectrum of policies that impact the manufacturing and the construction industries in Europe.
We are committed to Constructing the Europe of Tomorrow by securing a globally competitive European construction equipment industry through four main goals.
publication in the OJEU
Engine emissions
Trade policy
Legend on the radar - on the CECE radar political phase - political discussions at the EU level preparatory phase - evaluation studies; impact assessments; stakeholders consultations legislative phase - EU Commission proposals; readings by EU Parliament and Council; trialogue negotiations; final proposals & publication in the OJEU implementation - entry into force & monitoring
The daily tasks of the Committee for European Construction Equipment (CECE) are managed by the CECE office in Brussels, consisting of three technical policy managers, the communications manager, communications & events assistant and the secretary general. The team’s work is supported and supervised by the Board, composed of the managing directors of the national member associations. The Board meets six times a year. Twice a year, the CECE General Assembly – the highest governing body of CECE – gathers the presidents of the national member associations, who discuss the CECE work programme, review the organisation’s achievements, set priorities and approve the work of the Board.
The General Assembly is chaired by the CECE President, seconded by two Vice-Presidents, each elected for 2 years. The president is also the first CECE representative in external relations, supported by the secretary general.
The work of CECE is organised by topics as well as products. The work on topics is handled by Commissions supported by dedicated Project Teams for specific tasks. Topics relevant for a particular range of products are handled via Product Groups The organisation and proper functioning of the Commissions, Teams and Groups, as well as the timely interaction and consultation between them, is initiated and coordinated by the CECE Office.
For the large amount of technical regulatory dossiers two Commissions and several Project Teams have been established. The High-Level Technical Policy Advisory Group (HLTPAG) consists of high-level technical and engineering executives of leading companies with a strong interest in European affairs and their impact on the business. The group advises CECE with regard to strategic positioning, sector priorities and industry positions on technical subjects. The HighLevel Group on CO2 (HLCO2) advises CECE on industry positions and priorities on environmental subjects. The group’s members support the advocacy work of CECE through speaking engagements or participation in meetings with policy makers.
The Technical Commission (TC) brings together a wide variety of technical experts from national associations and companies. They review the work of the Project Teams (PTs) and discuss technical topics not covered by a specific PT. The TC is also a platform to inform non-PT members about the ongoing work.
For advice on and support of the CECE advocacy strategy, CECE regularly calls on the company representatives that are operating in the “EU capital”, the CECE Brussels Advocacy Network.
Product Groups (PG) consist of industry representatives manufacturing the same
type of equipment. They meet to exchange information - in accordance with European regulations and laws on competitionand to promote technical and economic cooperation.
CECE’s Statistical Commission (SC) brings together statistical and market experts from member associations and companies in order to optimise the statistical service of CECE. The representatives of CECE’s Statistical Commission together with representatives of the sister associations from Japan, Korean and North-America form the Intercontinental Statistical Committee (ISC), which takes care of the worldwide statistical systems for the construction equipment industry.
The topic of trade is handled by CECE’s Trade Policy Commission (TPC). The group exchanges on access to foreign markets, global supply chains, and raw materials. The goal of the TPC is to spread awareness about the most important trade topics mainly within the EU, but also worldwide.
As an International Exhibition Partner of bauma, CECE had the chance to contribute to this industry’s biggest trade fair by organizing a number of meetings, events and seminars.
The bauma week for CECE started on Sunday 23rd October with the bauma Innovation Award Ceremony and Opening Night. The official first day of bauma was, however, Monday 24th October and on this day, CECE organized the first internal meeting of CECE PG Tower Cranes. Tuesday 25th October was also dedicated to internal meetings
as PG Concrete Equipment was organized on that day.
For CECE, one of the busiest days of bauma was Wednesday 26th October. The day started with the CECE Press Conference which was a public event. The conference was moderated by Roma Guziak, CECE Communications Manager, and had Riccardo Viaggi, CECE Secretary General, and Alexandre Marchetta, CECE President, as speakers. The main topics covered were the presentation of the new CECE Uptime Tracker for telematics data, newly created project team on
bauma is the world’s leading trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment. This time, a total of around 3,200 exhibitors from 60 countries and more than 495,000 visitors from over 200 countries met in bauma between 24th and 30th October 2022 in Munich, Germany.
Stefan Rummel, the CEO of Messe München said: “This bauma has again stoked enthusiasm and fascination! After the world fundamentally changed following the last bauma, we’re really thrilled that bauma 2022 demonstrates the trade fair remains a powerhouse of the construction-equipment industry thanks to our customer’s great variety of innovations, good business deals and many visitors from all over the world.”
electrification of construction equipment, announcement of CECE’s new member organizations and overview of InfraROB (see p.25). The event was followed by the IAC Meeting – the Intercontinental Associations Committee represented by CECE and the construction machinery associations from the USA, Korea, Japan and India. CECE also organized together with VDMA and iCEMA the EuropeIndia Day. The event took place in the afternoon of Wednesday 26th October. And as the last event of the day, the CECE Board took place in the late afternoon.
Thursday 27th October started with the CECE General Assembly meeting.
October. Katharina Knapton-Vierlich joined two CECE public events where she delivered speeches. She started the day with a keynote speech on the role and impact of EU policies on the road to zero emissions in construction activities. The keynote was delivered during the CECE ERA event organised within the bauma Forum on the Road to Zero Emission. She has also participated in the following public event co-organised by CECE and FIEC on the Reconstruction Effort in Ukraine. Speakers and participants agreed that rebuilding needs to start now. Welcome speech was presented by Riccardo Viaggi, CECE Secretary General, and followed by the opening statement by Dmytro Shevchenko, Consul of Ukraine to the EU.
The last day of bauma for was CECE Saturday 29th October during which CECE was still hosting Katharina Knapton-Vierlich who continued the companies visits.
During the bauma week, CECE hosted two guests from the European Commission. On Thursday, CECE hosted Mehdi Hocine, Head of the Unit for Machinery in DG GROW. He had a chance to visit booths of CECE’s members and meet the deputies of various companies.
The second CECE guest at bauma was Katharina Knapton-Vierlich, Head of the Unit for Construction in DG GROW who arrived to the fair on Friday 28th
#CECEatBAUMA is the title of the social media campaign during the bauma week. The most engaging post gained 4,950 impressions and 175 engagements!
The High-Level Technical Policy Advisory Group (HLTPAG) consists of leading figures of member companies with a strong interest in European policy and its technical impact on the construction machinery sector. The group advises CECE with regards to strategic considerations on sector priorities and industry positioning on technical subjects.
Chair: Eugen Schobesberger (Liebherr)
Number of experts: 18
CECE HLTPAG continued monitoring the latest developments in the digital and green transformations of the business models. The HLTPAG merges this area with the key policy developments coming from the European Commission. In 2022, the HLTPAG hosted the European Commission to a discussion on the role of the High Level Construction Forum (HLCF), where CECE is the representative of construction equipment manufacturers. Within the HLCF, the construction industry ecosystem identifies the steps for the co-creation of roadmaps towards the green, digital and resilient transitions of the EU construction industry.
In 2023 the group will engage with the CECE’s Technical Commission on regulatory developments of huge impact such as the revised Machinery Regulation and the EU Data Act. In coordination with the CECE HighLevel Group on CO2, the HLTPAG will start bilateral dialogues with other EU industry organisations on the transition to net-zero emissions from construction.
QUOTE FROM THE CHAIR: ”CECE’s member companies are embracing and leading digitalisation, with smart machines creating connected jobsites. I am happy to see that through the leading role of HLTPAG, CECE has undertaken a structured approach to digitalisation, which we will continue in the years to come.”
The High-Level Group on CO2 (HLCO2) consists of highlevel senior technical and engineering experts from leading companies who advice CECE on CO2 emissions related topics. The expert group brings together information and views on decarbonisation topics, technology developments and policy initiatives.
Chair: Alan Tolley, JCB
Number of experts: 20
In 2022 the group discussed different decarbonisation measures for construction machinery at national level and the use of alternative fuels for the sector. The group also worked on the definition of the scope of new CECE group on electrification and alternative fuels. A study was undertaken on the detail of the emissions produced from quarrying processes.
The High-Level CO2 group will carry out the update of the CECE-CEMA brochure on CO2 including examples that illustrate the CECE-CEMA ‘’four pillars approach’. The experts will continue to exchange on legislation and national actions related to CO2 reduction for the sector.
” Climate change is probably the biggest challenge facing the world; the HighLevel CO2 group is producing positions and strategies for the decarbonisation of construction that can give policy makers practical and pragmatic routes to a net zero carbon future.”
The group has produced a position paper ‘The Role of Construction Equipment in Decarbonizing Europe’ for use by member associations and companies. It further discusses decarbonisation technologies and policy initiatives with other associations representing sectors such as automotive (ACEA), agricultural machinery (CEMA) and machinery rental (ERA).
The EU set out specific actions for Europe’s digital transformation by 2030. The adoption of digital technologies will bring substantial advantages increasing the overall added value of the construction machinery industry. Data management is considered the key element to enable the digital transition. The CECE Task Force on Digitalisation follows the market developments around telematics and connectivity, digital technologies and IoT to assess the impact of the EU data policies on the digital transformation of construction equipment.
Chair: Holger Pietzsch, Hexagon
Number of experts: 33
In 2022, the work of the Task Force mainly focused on issues related to access to machine data and standardisation in construction. Telematics data has become pivotal for OEMs to analyse construction activity and the DTF played a key role in the development of the Uptime Tracker, CECE’s new market intelligence tool to gather telematics data on an industry-wide level. In addition, in coordination with the PT Data workgroup, the DTF contributed to the development of the CECE position paper on the Commission’s proposal for a Data Act by sharing expertise on telematics data and data collection processes.
PRIORITY FOR 2023: The DTF will continue working on the digital transformation of the industry, which goes hand in hand with sustainability goals. The group is indeed committed to foster sustainability through the digital transformation of construction machinery equipment as the role played by digital technologies is central to reduce carbon emissions in construction. Identifying practices to measure sustainability across the value chain and combine machines’ efficiency with sustainability will be on top of the DTF agenda for 2023. The EU Data Act developments and related policy issues will also remain on the radar of the DTF focusing on the implications for innovation and competitiveness.
QUOTE FROM THE CHAIR: “As more data is generated more often, the DTF is addressing the important enablers of data access, standardization and focus beyond the machine. These factors are essential steps on the road towards a more competitive, sustainable, and attractive construction industry.”
In June 2022 the Technical Commission restarted the physical meetings after two years of traveling restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Apart the review of actions and prioritisation of activities in the different expert’s group, the Technical Commission meetings have become a good forum for regular directly exchange with legislators in the most relevant topics for the sector.
This year the Technical Commission engaged on activities linked to the decarbonisation of the sector. The Project Team on engine emissions extended its scope to cover alternative fuels and a new group was created to address member’s needs related to electrification.
As previous years, the review of the Machinery Directive and harmonised standards were the focus of the Technical Commission. PT Machinery lead advocacy actions including the definition of amendments to the Machinery Products Regulation proposal and developed and efficient network for advocacy vis-à-vis of the Parliament and Council. The Technical Commission eco main concerns for the sector to make CECE messages be broadly heard.
In June 2022, the Technical Commission endorsed the CECE position on the Data Act proposed by PT Data. PT Data, in coordination with PT Machinery had the lead on activities related to the Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence. After two years of working together both groups demonstrate that the sharing of expertise is more than ever necessary for horizontal topics.
For environmental topics, the Technical Commission was regularly reported on last policy developments including the proposal for review of the F-gas regulation, Batteries and Waste Batteries regulation and Ecodesign for Sustainable Products regulation developments and had a focus on the REACH restrictions that could affect the sector such as PFAS. In emissions related topics, the Technical Commission followed the most relevant developments for the worldwide emissions and supported the extension of activities to alternative fuels.
Chair: Stefan Nilsson, Volvo CE
Number of experts: 80
The world of technical regulation is managed by the CECE Technical Commission. The Commission brings together a wide variety of technical experts from national associations and companies. They review the work of CECE Project Teams.
Data related topics required and intensive work on the CECE community last year and the CECE position paper on the Data was part of the core discussions. The advocacy related to the Machinery Products Regulation proposal also played an important role in the CECE advocacy where members joined efforts to influence legislators and advocate CECE main concerns.
CECE is also engaged with European Commission’s work associated with Outdoor Noise Directive, providing regular input to the experts group via the PT Noise. Finally, the Technical Commission is expected one of the priority files, the proposal on road circulation that is foreseen to be published beginning of next year.
The Technical Commission was also updated on the technical requirements from Brexit, trade topics and the evaluation of the New Legislative Framework (NLF).
In terms of reporting and communication, the Technical Commission provides regular feedback to all technical events organised by CECE. In 2023 the CECE Congress will hold a Technical Forum addressing some road of decarbonisation for the sector.
The Technical Commission also coordinated with other international construction machinery associations the European input to the Joint Technical Liaison Meeting (JTLM), including the latest regulatory developments. As previous sessions the JTLM was held online hosted by iCEMA India.
CECE will continue in 2023 to provide input to the European Parliament and Council for the review of the Machinery Directive. Other relevant new initiatives are expected that will require the PTs and TC involvement such as the of the European Commission’s proposal on road circulation, the proposal on Cyber Resilience Act, the REACH restriction for PFAS and the activities related to Outdoor noise.
“It is good to be back to physical meetings. Even though we have significantly improved our online meeting skills, nothing surpasses meetings in person. In 2022 we have extended our scope to cover alternative fuels and member’s needs related to electrification. We have also formed an ad-hoc group on standarisation which focus on the challenges with harmonised standards related to the new Machinery Regulation. Notable is also the increased number of experts in our Project Teams. This will increase our capability in these times of continuously inflowing new regulatory initiatives and technology shifts. I’m looking forward to yet an intensive year and continued good collaboration.”
The new Project Team on Electrification was established in April 2022, followed by a call for experts. The main objectives in a first stage were to identify activities and prioritise them. This includes activity to identify and map existing legislation & standards applicable to electric drives, the energy supply and related systems for construction equipment products, at a European and international level.
With the support of members, in 2023 the group aims to complete an overview of the already published legislation and standards for the electrification of the sector and perform a gap analysis indentifying needs of further legislation & standards for the construction machinery sector. In coordination with PT3R, the group will also evaluate the impact of the new regulation on Batteries and Waste Batteries.
“We live in an age where technology development in the field of electric drive machines has outpaced the creation of legislation and standards. Whilst the rapid growth is exciting and offers new opportunities for innovation, it is important for industry to ensure that any new legislation is harmonised across the Single Market, and is fair, consistent with other relevant legislation, proportional, and doesn’t stifle the many benefits that electric drive offers. Additionally, the availability of a suitable energy supply to users is also a critical aspect to be considered, since it is essential that the electrical distribution infrastructure supports the charging requirements”
Chair: Dale Camsell, CEA
Number of experts: 50
The electrification of construction machinery is progressing rapidly.
The Project Team on Electrification considers the main technical requirements, legislation and standards related to electric drives, the energy supply and systems for construction machinery products.
Advocacy actions and collaborations will be defined after the prioritisation of activities. The group of experts is engaged supporting this work. The collaboration with other non-road mobile machinery associations will be also essential.
Restriction on use of substances in the construction machinery sector, constraints in view of machinery design, production and sales and availability of raw materials, those are topics that are covered by the CECE Project Team 3R. CECE follows the Circular Economy Action Plan and related legislations, like REACH regulation, Waste Framework Directive and Ecodesign Directive.
In 2022 the Project Team 3R focused on the analysis of two new legislative proposals: the review of the F-gas Regulation and the proposal for Ecodesign for Sustainable Products (ESPR). The group also continued to monitor the Batteries and Waste Batteries regulation file which is planning to finish an agreement by the end of the year. PT3R also discussed main restriction in REACH that could affect the sector including the upcoming restrictions on PFAS.
PRIORITY FOR 2023: The review of the F-gas regulation, the review of REACH and the restriction of PFAS are the priority files for the group in 2023. PT3R will also analyse the impact on the sector of the Batteries and Waste Batteries regulation final text. The further developments of the European Chemical Strategy and the Circular Economy Action Plan will also be monitored.
QUOTE FROM THE CHAIR: ‘’Changes in REACH structure and functioning will have a major impact in our sector. The group is focus on improving the substances restrictions follow-up to provide input to legislators in a timely manner. Next year will require an engagement of the team to have information from the supply chain that will support advocacy actions”.
Chair: Sofia Cerny, Volvo CE
Number of experts: 50
The Project Team 3R provided feedback to the public consultation for the REACH review and supported advocacy actions vis-à-vis of the EU Commission regarding the inclusion of lead in the REACH Authorisation List.
In April 2022 the group launched activities related to alternative fuels with the objective of identifying potential alternative fuels and assessing the suitability for construction machinery including their respective carbon footprint.
In March 2022, the ITF on engine emissions composed by EUROMOT, EUnited, EUROPGEN, CEMA, FEM, EGMF and CECE published and updated version of the FAQ on Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 (stage V). The new guidance included information on the Regulations (EU) 2020/1040 and (EU) 2021/1068 for the extension of the transition periods, the amendment to the delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/654 on the conditions for use of a UNECE R96 typeapproval, the geographic applicability following the end of the BREXIT transition period and addressed second-hand machines.
The group was regularly updated on the technical requirements defined by the UK government for Brexit and, with the support of the national associations, updated the requirements for construction machinery in the Low Emissions Zones across Europe. With the regular exchanges with the association members of JTLM, PT engine emissions followed main global development on emissions requirements for our sector.
“The work on alternative fuels will be a priority for PT engine emissions in 2023. The group has the challenge to follow trends on alternative fuels and perform a gap analysis on applicable existing legislation & standards “.
“Firstly, I thank the members of the PT for their support during 2022. During next year we will focus on the subject of alternative fuels with the aim of providing a detailed analysis that will be a tool to highlight the opportunities for regulators, standardisation bodies and other stakeholders to work together to facilitate the supply and use of alternative fuels.’”
Chair: Jason Ong, Komatsu
Number of experts: 75
European construction equipment manufacturers contribute to society by making significant efforts to lower the emissions of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and other environmentally harmful particulates. Emissions of pollutants from new construction equipment are now lower than ever. CECE Project Team
Advocacy actions related to alternative fuels will be defined after the identification of needs for the sector. As previous years, CEA will regularly inform the group on the main developments defined by the UK government for Brexit in order to help the members to support their companies on a timely follow-up.
Engine Emissions identifies main concerns regarding the obligation of the EU regulation on requirements relating to gaseous and particulate pollutant emission limits and typeapproval for internal combustion engines for non-road mobile machinery as well as closely following the latest developments in related strategic initiatives at a national and European level. The Project Team also investigates the suitability of alternative fuels for construction machinery.
Chair: Marie Poidevin, Evolis
Number of experts: 60
The EU Digital Single Market strategy is driving legal initiatives that will have a broad impact on the construction machinery sector, from the protection of personal data to the data generated by machines. This includes questions as ownership of the data, transfer, portability, liability, data security. Identifying the main concerns regarding the obligations of the new regulation lies in the hands of the experts of CECE Project Team European Data Policy.
In 2022, the actions of the CECE PT Data workgroup mainly focused on matters related to data, cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence (AI). On data, the Project Team issued a position paper in response to the European Commission’s proposal for a Data Act. The team also reacted to the publication of the draft Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) report with a number of Amendments in relation to the most concerning provisions of the legal text. As regards cybersecurity, in coordination with PT Machinery, PT Data started working to set on paper the industry’s position on the Commission’s proposal for a Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). The work also builds on the feedback provided to the Commission’s questionnaire to the public consultation once the initiative was announced. Concerning Artificial Intelligence (AI), PT Data continued cooperating with PT Machinery on the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) Commission’s proposal in order to establish an adequate definition of “AI system”.
The Commission’s proposal for a Data Act will remain the key priority on PT Data agenda for 2023. In addition, the Project Team will continue the work on cybersecurity (Cyber Resilience Act proposal) and AI (Artificial Intelligence Act).
“In a fast evolving regulatory environment, data sharing and IP protection will be central questions for our manufacturers when defining their business models in the coming years”
In 2022, CECE engaged in a dialogue with DG CONNECT to present the strong implications of the Data Act for the construction equipment sector due to the proposed data sharing obligations on manufacturers. Vis-à-vis the European Parliament, advocacy focusses on the key issues for the industry, such as definition of data, compensation for making data available, B2B contractual freedom, trade secrets protection, transition period.
The EC is currently revising the noise test codes and measurement methods in the Outdoor Noise Directive (OND) Annex III, thus CECE worked actively to provide input at all stages of the revision. CECE provided feedback during the EC expert group meetings that took place in 2022. We also produced an updated table of test codes and measurements for CECE products as well as a position paper explaining the main sector concerns on the EC 3rd draft for the review of the OND.
CECE will closely monitor the file and will collaborate with its members to provide input on the upcoming public consultation. Following up on the revision of OND Annex III remains a priority for CECE in 2023. We will also monitor each stage of the EC’s announced revision of the whole legislation and react accordingly to ensure that the needs of the industries are well reflected in the text.
“These important works, tasks and challenges can only be achieved together. Within the framework of CECE, we all have the opportunity to do this, which we all use intensively and together to bring everything to a common acceptable conclusion in the interest of our industry”.
Number of experts: 68
The construction equipment industry is delivering products that are ergonomic, easier and less noisy to operate. To obtain a high level of protection, the level of noise emitted in the environment by equipment for use outdoors has been reduced to protect the health and well-being of citizens. The experts within the CECE Project Team Noise are contributing to the classification of the new noise limits for certain categories and possible new test methods.
Chair: Alessandro Rossi, Caterpillar Number of experts: 48
The task of harmonising EU safety requirements for circulation of mobile machinery on public roads is the scope of CECE Project Team Road Circulation. Harmonisation of requirements for the road circulation of mobile machinery in the EU will remove several layers of costs for industry and other stakeholders and therefore increase the competitiveness of the industry in the EU. In addition, it also increases the well-functioning of the Single Market and lowers the risk of road accidents in areas of lower standard requirements.
As in the previous years, CECE kept the road circulation for construction mobile machinery as one of its high priorities supporting EC work with the hope to see this legislation published as early as possible.
After the submission of the ITF (Industrial Task Force) proposal, CECE followed the development of the EC’s work, answering their questions while defending the industry’s needs. Despite some changes in the DG (Directorate General), the EC is still committed and very engaged in this work, and they held a workshop in June 2022 where they presented the key characteristics of their legal proposal for the legislative framework. The proposal is still undergoing internal approval within the EC. The expected publication has been delayed from the end of this year to the first quarter of 2023.
Following up on the publication of the European Commission’s proposal will be of the utmost importance in 2023. We anticipate that the PTR will be involved at every stage of the legislative process to ensure that any amendments made by the European Parliament and Council reflect the views of the CECE members.
“Despite the EC has undergone some changes in key personnel and the work has been held by the Commission with limited share CECE has worked on this file trying to ensure the EC remain engaged on this file progressing it whilst defending key industry’s needs”
Following the publication of the European Commission’s proposal for the Machinery Products Regulation (MPR) in 2021, CECE’s PTM closely followed the legislative process, proposing amendments and recommendations on specific articles of the MPR and on the European Parliament and Council’s proposed revisions. Also, CECE, while cooperating with different organizations, formalised a shared position paper to promote the importance of horizontal criteria for common specifications under the MPR. We have been carefully following the state of play of the trialogue negotiations that started in September 2022 to ensure that the position of CECE members is being reflected in the amendments tabled for the proposal, while looking forward to the formal adoption of the Regulation and its implementation. In addition, PTM worked on different correlated topics, including the draft of a letter providing comments on the relationship between construction machines and the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). Moreover, together with PT Data, we have been cooperating to provide feedback to the European Commission’s proposals on the Artificial Intelligence Act and the «AI system» definition therein included, as well as on the Cyber Resilience Act. On the issues related to the delegated acts under the Radio Equipment Directive (RED), CECE, together with other associations, put forward a position paper on the common understanding of the term «Internet-connected radio equipment». CECE also created an ad-hoc group on standardisation to ensure constructive actions with other sectorial associations and to propose practical solutions on standardisation-related matters.
The Machinery Products Regulation adoption and implementation is the main topic in the agenda of the PTM for 2023. The intention is to analyse in depth the new piece of legislation and ensure a good understanding of the text among members. CECE will also continue to monitor the expected publication of the evaluation of the PED, while following the issues related to the delegated acts under the RED.
“I would like to take the opportunity to thank the PT members for their important work on the MPR file. Following trialogue, the subject of standardisation will become a critical issue for industry hence we have created a specific ad-hoc group to provide really focussed engagement with both CENCENELC and Commission”
Number of experts: 49
Within the CECE Project Team Machinery, the experts have the task of evaluating the machinery directive and its performance, and to identify area for improvement.
In 2022, CECE has been discussing with Members of the European Parliament, Political Group advisers, and authorities of Member States, to engage and present the position of construction equipment manufacturers. CECE has also liaised with the Permanent Representations in Brussels involved in the process. In parallel, CECE has not only organized but also participated in different events to both present and further discuss its position on the key points of the Machinery Products Regulation proposal, while also presenting the construction sector to some high-level representatives of the European Commission on the occasion of the 34th Edition of the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Construction Machinery (Bauma).
The CECE work is organized as well by different products. The work of CECE Product Groups focuses on improving the quality and timing of the products, enabling easy communications amongst mixed fleets and advancing machine’s productivity. Different types of equipment require different approach.
After an active participation in the drafting of the technical document related to road circulation requirements for towed equipment and a promotion of this document during last years, follow-up and participation in some meetings of the CECE Road Project Team and the European Industrial Task Force in charge of the road circulation file. Launch of a call of experts to refresh the list of members and reactivation of the road equipment product group.
PRIORITY FOR 2023: Define a new roadmap for the road equipment product group.
Chair changeover: Stéphane Guillon, Fayat Group
Secretary: Richard Cleveland, EVOLIS
Number of experts: 16
The activities of the year were focused mainly on the analysis of the market scenario emerging from the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
PRIORITY FOR 2023: Beside round tables on the economical situation, a test will be launched to inquire whether it is possible to provide statistics for a new product line: self-erecting tower cranes. Other new activities will include:
- Human resources, how to attract people to our industry;
- Brainstorming on future sectorial lobby;
- How to manage the new harmonized product standard EN 14439 concerning tower crane essential safety requirements, as leverage to promote European manufacturing.
«Good market performances continue to be concentrated in North America and Europe, while China raises big concerns. Buyers show some delay in final decisions and accelerate at the last moment not giving time to manufacture the products.”
“Our ambition is to define a roadmap for road construction equipment: all together we must find common solutions to address the ecological transition challenge.”
Chair: Marco Guariglia, Liebherr
Secretary: Luca Nutarelli, UNACEA/CECE
Number of experts: 8
HIGHLIGHT IN 2022: The group focused its activity on: · Analysing the market scenarios, · The improvement of the statistical programme.
PRIORITY FOR 2023: New statistics dedicated to electric machines will be tested, moreover new actions to expand reporters of concrete vibrators will be implemented. Round table on market situation will continue regularly.
FROM THE CHAIR: “2023 should continue to be moderately positive or should maintain the same levels of 2022. Geopolitical variables are the most relevant. Problems on supply chain are still present, but the market trend remains positive. The decline of residential business is compensated by infrastructures.”
For the first time, we had a half-day standalone product group meeting outside of trade shows or CECE’s annual flagship events. We are very grateful to the colleagues of Komatsu Italia who hosted us in Este. This did not only provide ample opportunity for networking and information exchange but also included an inspiring factory visit.
PRIORITY FOR 2023: The product group wants to continue its efforts on enhancing the statistics programme coverage by revisiting perspectives to launch statistics on quick couplers and tilt rotators.
“We look forward to meeting at CECE Congress in Chamonix in January. Our industry is full of energy and we are confident to make further progress on market intelligence, contribute to technical legislation with our knowledge, and strengthen the network within the industry and with our partners.”
Number of experts: 30
After two and a half years, the group could finally hold in-person Statistical Commission meetings in spring and autumn again, which helped tremendously to re-gain momentum after the pandemic.
PRIORITY FOR 2023: Next to enhancing the scope of CECE market intelligence – e.g., by setting up a structure to map alternative driveline solutions in our statistics programmes –Statistical Commission wants to use 2023 to work on increased timeliness of the reports, which is a top priority for group members.
QUOTE FROM THE CHAIR: “I am looking forward to a year with many opportunities to increase the added value of statistics for our members, but I also want to continue to push forward global cooperation in our work which is needed more than ever before”.
CECE collects and provides an up-todate market data for many types of construction equipment, and provides a leading indicator for the development of European construction equipment markets. The information is coveted by the participating companies and considered a well-developed source of business intelligence.
CECE runs both European and international sales statistics and is one of the partners of the Intercontinental Statistics Committee which provides worldwide statistics. CECE statistics coverage extends to earthmoving equipment, road equipment, tower cranes, concrete equipment and hydraulic attachments.
CECE Statistical Commission, with representatives from manufacturers and national associations,
oversees the proper functioning of the statistical exchange, and manages the constant process of enlargement and improvement.
Since 2008 CECE runs a monthly business trend enquiry, the CECE Business Barometer. The objective is to provide the members with a regular business trend indicator of the European construction equipment industry. The companies taking part in the Barometer receive a report about the economic situation in Europe each month.
The CECE Business Climate Index summarises the survey answers on the evaluation of the current business situation and the expectations for the next 6 months regarding sales, and is published on the CECE website on quarterly basis.
source: CECE Business Barometer, December 2022
Telematics data has become a key factor for OEMs in analysing construction activity and performance – most of all when sales are slowing down. Gathering telematics data on an industry-wide level is a good indicator of machine utilisation, which helps to anticipate future market developments. Therefore, CECE decided to develop its new market intelligence tool, the CECE Uptime Tracker.
The Uptime Tracker now includes 400,000 pieces of earth-moving machinery on the European market that are monitored every month. By pulling their telematics data together within CECE, the participating OEMs get the monthly Uptime Tracker with industrywide utilisation rates in anonymous and aggregated format. With regards to competition law, the critical mass of participating OEMs and the size of the connected fleet constitute a guarantee that no individual company data can be derived from the data output. CECE also guarantees data protection and privacy.
The CECE Uptime Tracker closes a gap in the market intelligence services CECE provides for its member companies and we are proud to be the first to establish such a project at the industry association level.
The topic of trade is crucial for every industry. For construction equipment manufacturers, international trade means access to foreign markets, global supply chains, and raw materials that are vital to the modern manufacturing process. Approximately 40 billion euros are generated by construction equipment manufacturers in Europe each year. And more than half of this amount is derived from sales beyond national borders, both within and outside the EU.
CECE understands the importance of being informed and further informing about the topic of trade policy. Therefore, the CECE Trade Policy Commission (TPC) includes more than 30 experts. The main goal is to spread awareness about the most important trade topics mainly
within the EU, but also worldwide. The most important topic of 2022 was the impact on global trade of the war in Ukraine. Indeed, the Russian aggression prompted EU and international sanctions against Russia, with a substantial impact on supply chains and export routes. CECE has been following these developments with regular information on the sanctions packages and their meaning for construction machinery. From a bilateral point of view, the key trade relations in focus in 2022 were EU-US, with the launch of the Trade and Technology Council and EU-UK with the implication from the post-Brexit trade agreement. From a policy point of view, the TPC also highlighted the impact of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), proposed by the EU and under discussion. Finally, the TPC led the work towards CECE’s signature of a joint statement on the importance of EU trade agreements with third countries.
ery, manufactured by thousands of employees and used and maintained by thousands of others, helps to build the houses, offices, schools, factories, railways, roads, bridges, tunnels
on the construction and mining industries, and then focusses on the construction equipment industry for an in–depth look at how the CECE sector is performing. For the first time, the report this year also includes information from the national CECE member associations, shedding more light on regional developments in the European construction equipment sector. The CECE Annual Economic Report publically available at to help promote the knowledge and understanding of the sector amongst a wider audience. The European construction equipment industry is an important part of the European engineering sector, and plays a significant role in the economy of the European Union and its direct neighbours. The sector offers all kinds of “work tools” used in construction and related industries, and instrumental in boosting economic development and societal improvement. includes machines such as road making equipment, earthmoving machines, concrete equipment and tower cranes. The sector’s durable and innovative machin-
A weekly newsletter introduced in September 2017. A regular update on topics and challenges related to EU legislation and the workings of CECE in general. It includes three regular sections on EU News, CECE News and Exhibition Partner News.
Launched in 2021 the CECE Podcast is a series of episodes, each focusing on a different topic under the umbrella of our motto #WeMake2Build. Podcast became a popular communication tool, which offers a new way of reaching new audiences.
For members and partners only. The Quarterly Economic Bulletin provides insight in the situation of the European construction equipment markets as well as the macro-economic environment.
For members and partners only. The Technical Bulletin describes developments in the field of technical regulation at a detailed level.
CECE publishes its Annual Economic Report in the spring of each year, providing an indepth look at the state of the European construction equipment sector. The CECE Annual Economic Report is publicly available at to help promote the knowledge and understanding of the sector amongst a wider audience.
CECE publishes its Report of Activities on an annual basis. In this report we present who we are and we showcase our main activities. This report is publicly available at
CECE is making a conscious effort on gaining more visibility and growing its YouTube channel where you can view all our videos. With over 70 videos, including a corporate CECE video, CECE movie on sustainable construction, animation on CECE Annual Economic Reports and various interviews with EU institutions representatives and industry experts, CECE has gained 3K views in 2022 on Twitter and LinkedIn alone. CECE YouTube channel has over 26K views in total. Moreover, the recordings of CECE webinars in 2022 gained over 200 views. Visit our YouTube channel to stay in touch!
InfraROB is European Commission’s Horizon 2020 project, that will roll for 42 months and has been granted with an estimate of five million euros. It aims at maintaining integrity, performance and safety of the road infrastructure through autonomous robotized solutions and modularization. CECE is one of the partners involved in project’s communication and dissemination activities. Moreover, CECE is responsible for creating and managing project’s social media.
To learn more, visit
Building on strategic discussions initiated under the Construction 2020 initiative, the European Commission has initiated the co-creation of a High Level Construction Forum which aims to initiate the co-creation process of a transition pathway towards a green, digital and resilient construction ecosystem. CECE cooperates with the Forum since it’s creation in 2021.
To learn more, visit
The Intergroup serves as a forum for discussion on the multifaceted dimensions of long-term and sustainable investments, and of a comprehensive EU industrial policy over the EU 20192024 term. It provides Members of the European Parliament with an efficient horizontal tool supporting their activities in their relevant committees. CECE, who led the 2019 campaign for the establishment of an Intergroup on the competitiveness of the European industry, secured a seat in the Secretariat of the Intergroup managed with Orgalim and coalition of national promotional banks.
To learn more, visit
Since its creation in 2020, the Construction 2050 Alliance’s goal is to advance the needs and priorities of the wider construction and built-environment sector at the European level. CECE as a member of the Steering Committee, together with Construction Products Europe, EBC and FIEC drives the political priorities of the Alliance.
To learn more, visit
CECE holds regular dialogue with the major construction equipment associations in other parts of the world, in particular those in the USA, China, Japan, South-Korea and India, in order to keep abreast of relevant developments in the respective regions and to share expertise and knowledge. Once a year, the secretary generals meet in the framework of the International Associations Committee (IAC), usually during one of the international trade fairs.
The IAC receives input from the JTLM, the Joint Technical Liaising Committee, and the ISC, the International Statistics Committee.
North-America, AEM Association of equipment manufacturers
Japan, CEMA
Japan construction equipment manufacturers association
Korea , KOCEMA
Korea contruction equipment manufacturers association
India , ICEMA
Indian contruction equipment manufacturers association
Brazilian association for contruction and mining technology
China , CCMA
China construction machinery association
CECE gives coveted patronage to a limited number of worldleading sector exhibitions. With this role, CECE contributes to achieving successful trade fairs and promote business and valuable networks that are created around these occasions. According to the programme, CECE Exhibition Partners can obtain a number of commercially attractive services, useful promotion activities and CECE market intelligence resources.
For decades, international trade fairs have been a key activity and focal point for many industries. Typically, exhibiting and attending tradeshows is one of the pillars of modern sales and marketing activity for many industries. Trade fairs have played a key role in the development of modern market economics,
involving face-to-face networking across an industry between all the stakeholders, from suppliers and customers to investors and experts, and many more.
CECE is therefore happy to see exhibitions and trade fairs coming back to their full potential after the COVID period. Bauma 2022 has showed us that trade shows are here to stay and CECE is excited to be part of those world-leading fairs.
To find out more about the CECE International Exhibition Partnership Programme visit
31/01 - 3/02 bauma CONEXPO INDIA Greater Noida/New Delhi, India
14/03 - 18/03 CONEXPO-CON/AGG Las Vegas, USA
01/05 - 12/05 Le Dig Tour Nantes, France
03/05 - 07/05 SaMoTer Verona, Italy
04/05 - 05/05 Le Dig Tour St Aubin S/Gaillon, France
01/06 - 02/06 Le Dig Tour Bordeaux, France
08/06 - 09/06 Le Dig Tour Montpellier, France
15/06 - 16/06 Le Dig Tour Lyon, France