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Adrian Ceja

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Joey Oscar

Joey Oscar

I" i believe my life's

work is truly helping


vapeople live their best lives through health, fitness, and helping them see a

transformation "

"I'm an advocate for listening to one's authentic voice and living to one's full potential."

Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Please give us your backstory. What led you on the path to Fitness &


A. Sometimes I feel like I’m still unraveling that today. In over ten years there are still things now that remind me of why my conviction is so strong. Fitness was introduced to me in my late teens, and soon realized it needed to be combined with nutrition for a more well-rounded approach. I think all this kept my interest in the beginning because there was always something I was challenged with and needed to figure out. It was sort of a thrill for me. But if I can go a bit deeper, when I was in high school my grandmother passed away from diabetes and other complications. I was devastated, and things shifted for me then.

Later, health and exercise science became my main focus of study and that was when I realized that many lifestyle diseases can be prevented and even reversed. I learned that our eating and how we took care of ourselves played a major role in the trajectory of our lives.

The more I coach people the more I realize how susceptible we are to be outsourcing our health, and even it being hijacked by our poor eating and lifestyle habits. I believe my life’s work is truly helping people live their best lives through health, fitness, and helping them see a transformation.

Q. Who inspired you to be the man you are today?

A. Before I started my coaching business, I worked at a family owned gym called True Fitness.

The owner, Josh, was my immediate overseer and I believe he played a major part in my development. He saw traits and characteristics in me I didn’t see in myself. He believed in my abilities more than I did, and that stretched me out of my comfort zone. But I also believe a major part of my growth into the man I am today comes from the strengthening my own faith.

It was by faith that led me into what I am doing today. And it’s been a blessed and fun ride.

Q. Let’s talk about your 10-week workout program and the motivation behind it.

A. Yes, let’s go there. It was really birthed out of a need

I discovered for people who needed fitness and nutrition to be simplified. We implement nutrition in a way that’s simple and removes the frustration and complexity, and key exercises that maximize muscle growth, and boosts fat loss for busy professionals who don’t have a lot of time.

Q. Are you living the life of your dreams?

A. I think we live our dream in parts. And I believe I am definitely living a part of mine, and I’m so grateful. I like seeing it in parts or seasons because every part prepares us for the next. I am doing much more speaking on health and fitness these days and that is something I’ve always dreamed of before.

Q. What do you feel are the most important attributes of successful leaders?

A. I lead a health and fitness program today called Operation

Healthy Lives. And I think a key attribute is being people oriented.

Leadership speaker John C.

Maxwell says, “leadership is influence” and that’s something

I believe to be true because people don’t just follow you by your title, but by how you live your life. The first person we lead is ourselves and that will possess an influence where people are inspired to follow you or not.

Q. Can you give us some tips on eating healthy and being fit?

A. Start small and progress from there. Look at your life and decide where you’re ready, willing, and able to make changes. I believe healthy eating habits start with paying attention to your food cues and impulses; stress and emotional eating, eating out of boredom, cravings, etc. Start there and work at tackling them one at a time. Here’s also something more practical: - Start swapping overly processed foods as your main food source, and slowly start adding in proteins and leafy

green veggies. - Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water. If you're fairly active day-to-day I would aim for more.

- Stay consistent and write your goals down. Aim for progress, not perfection.

Q. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

A. I think there’s still much to be done in the wellness space for me, so I’ll be around for a while.

But I also think much more will be added. In these next five years I see myself speaking more, having mini conferences, and teaching on transformation. Oh, and building a more solidified team to make all this a reality.

Q. How would you describe your future in 3 words?

A. Helping people succeed.

Q. Are you working on any new events or upcoming projects?

A. Actually yes! I am currently preparing for a nutrition seminar held at a local church. The focus is how to have people move forward or take the next action step to living a healthier lifestyle.

So, I’m preparing ways to give them solid takeaways in simple and digestible ways. You know, kind of like removing all the complexities.

Q. Where can the readers follow you? A. They can find me anywhere using @officialadrianceja or visit my website at officialadrianceja.com

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