4 minute read
David P Stevens
Photo credit: KT Jones
Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell us who you are and what you do?
A. My name is David P Stevens,
I’m a husband, father, writer, producer and performing artist!
I have 8 albums released, several songs on the radio, have been in the Billboard top 10 and top 5 positions, and continue to travel the world performing in festivals and theaters. I’m from Philly but have moved my family to Los
Angeles. In LA I am writing and producing music with different teams of people. We have some hot stuff coming!

Q. Who motivated you to be the man you are today?
A. My father is my greatest motivation. My dad was a pastor and school teacher. He taught art in the Philadelphia school district for 34 years.
He is still pastoring and still active even in his 80s. He loves people and taught me to be giving and compassionate. He also taught me to be strong.
To fight, to be relentless when it comes to reaching goals, raising my family etc. as busy as my pop was, he was always present. He came to every football game, every music event that he could attend, etc. He encouraged me and inspired me greatly. I still reach out to him every week to glean from his wisdom! Photo credit: Donnell Spencer Jr.
Q. All the music you have written, what has been your favorite?
A. It’s hard to say. I’ve written and produced so much music!! To date, I think my album Rogue is my favorite. This album featured songs that mirror who I am as an artist. It’s jazz, but also very contemporary. You can hear my many influences. I love fusion jazz, R&B, Gospel, Pop etc.
Rogue is a perfect blend of all of those and more. Eventually I’m going to revisit that with a volume 2!
Q. Tell us some goals you are working on accomplishing?
A. I’m determined to write and produce major hit songs that will touch the world. The music business really isn’t set up anymore to bring messages of love, hope, healing, romance etc. I’m determined to bring that back in a major way. Babyface is a huge influence of mine. His career mirrors what I would like to accomplish.
Q. As a male leader what has been the most significant barrier in your career?
A. I would absolutely say finance.
It’s difficult to be an artist when you are also responsible for leading your family financially.
Photo credit: Donnell Spencer Jr.

Thank God I have had an amazing partner. My wife helped me build my career in ways I couldn’t have done alone. I also recognized early on that I couldn’t make money just doing one thing. Because of that, I learned how to engineer, mix, produce, handle the business side of things etc. I also took time to get a Master’s degree in Business so that I could network better and build more effectively. Even with all of that, it’s still a daily grind. There is no rest/relaxation. I build some in, but with the understanding that while I’m resting, thousands of people are trying to do what I’m doing. Makes it pretty hard to vacation. LOL.
Q. How do you balance work and life responsibilities?
A. I have always worked my schedule around family time. I have 3 children who are very active in sports and various other endeavors. I like to be present as much as possible.
Because of that, I have to work during the day and then late at night to get things done.
As I mentioned above, I do vacation. I’m not great with it though. I’m usually antsy and ready to get back to work.
Q. What is your most memorable achievement or accomplishment you have received?
A. In music I would say being booked for major jazz festivals.
I grew up idolizing people like Gerald Albright, Najee,
Norman Brown etc. Now performing on stages with them has been amazing!
I’ve even been blessed to have some of them on my albums! For me that has been amazing!
Q. How would you describe your future in 3 words?
A. I Will Win!
Q. Are you working on any new projects or events?
A. I just released a new album called Evolution. I am in talks for the beginning of a new project, I’m pitching music to different artists and working with different people to pitch to various movies and TV shows as well. I believe 2022 will be an amazing year musically!
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. All my social media is under DavidPStevens you can also go to my website
DavidPStevens.com all links are there as well.
All my music can be heard here: https://ffm. tozdpsevolution