3 minute read
Cliff Atkinson's

Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell us who you are and what you do?
A. Hi! I’m Cliff Atkinson. I’m a devoted father and an accomplished digital marketing executive. I’m currently the cofounder at Mesh Communities, an emerging social media platform, helping to build a fair and sustainable economy for communities and creators that is built on trust and safety, while creating ownership for the users. I also co-founded New Flight, a non-profit organization, founded to introduce inner city students to the possibilities and opportunities within marketing and film.
Q. Tell us a little of your journey and how you got to where you are today?
A. I attended the University of Pennsylvania and studied Sociology and Computer Science Engineering which helped me get a job in digital media at an ad agency. I worked in digital media at various ad agencies for over 20 years leading the digital strategy for Fortune 100 companies. During the pandemic, I was moved by the stop hate for profit campaign to boycott Facebook and felt there has to be a better Social Media alternative for people. That's when I decided to focus my time to help build a better social media platform, Mesh Communities.
Q. Let’s talk about “New Flight” and how you became the Co-
A. I'm always looking for ways to give back to the community and especially enjoy working with the youth. Throughout my career working in advertising, I've been involved in a lot of conversations about trying to help add more diversity in the industry, but it wasn't until I had a conversation with my friend, Shon Davis, that
I actually realized a way to help.
Shon reached out to me to share his vision and get thoughts on a project he wanted to pitch to his company to help inner city students learn more about producing commercials. I thought it was an amazing idea and added we should also introduce them to the fundamentals of marketing as well. Shon liked the idea and we began working together and created New Flight.
Q. Tell us some goals you are working on accomplishing in the next five years?
A. A couple of my goals are: - Building a fair and sustainable economy for communities and creators via Mesh Communities - Help a new wave of diverse people into the advertising industry thru New Flight - Be a better person and father through constant self-improvement - Travel the world
Q. Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship?
A. I've always looked up to my parents for inspiration and continue to this day even though they are no longer here with me. Their words and work ethic continues to drive me daily. I try to do things that would have made them proud of me.
Q. What advice do you give to the next generation of male leaders?
A. My advice would be to build a strong team around you, especially people who want and are capable of doing your job.
That should keep you motivated to always be at your best.
Q. How was your experience working with Toyota, Honda and other companies?
A. I’ve been blessed to work on such brands like Toyota and Honda. It has afforded me the opportunity to work with and meet some amazing people. I've done some of my best work on those brands and created campaigns that have impacted pop culture. I've learned so much that has contributed to the growth in my career.
Q. If you could change places with one person for one day. Who would it be?
A. I would go back in time and change places with Muhammad
Ali. I've always been inspired by his wit and wisdom as well as a fan of his boxing skills. I would go back to a day of one of his championship fights to experience his greatness.
Q. How do you define your purpose in life?
A. I would define my purpose in life as being a positive example to my kids and others by working hard to achieve my goals; being respectful and kind to others while giving back to my community and taking responsibility for my actions.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. You can follow me at the following: MeshCommunities.us – User handle: CA Twitter - @Cnoter76 LinkedIn - LinkedIn.com/IN/
For more info on New Flight, visit us at www.newflight.us