4 minute read
Theo Mack
Q. It’s an honor to interview with you can you tell everyone who you are and where you’re from?
A. My name is Theo Mack I’m the owner of IModelBooth and IModelBooth Games. I was born and raised in Macon, Ga. I attended UGA and lived in Athens for a while until I relocated in Atlanta 13 years ago.
Q. Tell us about IModelBooth & Games and how you got started?
A. IModelBooth is the name we’re known for while providing photo booth event services. We take branded photo booth pics that are sent directly to event goer’s phones for direct social media posting to assist with event promotion and message branding for our customers. Our most requested work is what we call an IModelBooth music video where we take the photo booth pics and set to an artist’s music as part of the event promotion. I got started with photo Booths almost 4 years ago when I partnered with an event services company owned by a couple of family members. I went to a trade show and saw a photo booth and fell in love with the concept at events. Since then it has been a process of creating and developing the equipment to enhance the experience at events. After purchasing my 1st booth I thought to myself I can make this better and the rest is history. IModelBooth Games was born 2 years ago out of my love for tech, retro games, and independent artist music. I’ve always loved casual games as opposed to endless console marathons. I became more of a Mobile gamer after the birth of my son as a way to keep him entertained and the passion for gaming was reignited. Doing so many industry events with independent artists gave me the idea to create a different platform to get their music heard and with my programming and graphic background I started tinkering with a new programming language. Fast forward 2 years later we have 8 games on Android and 7 on Apple published or in development with a goal of 10 games on each platform by the end of the year.
Q. What make your product and games differentthan others?
A. IModelBooth photo booths are different because they are one of the smallest booths ever, completely wireless, and the most mobile photo booths ever created. Also, we manufacture the booth, so it is not available at other events. The IModelBooth Games, game line is different because we created a streaming music system for the games that allows me to control the playlist from my phone and features incredible independent artists music never before heard in any other games.
Q. Where do you see your company being in the next couple of years?
A. I see IModelBooth expanding and growing to service more and bigger events. Also, we will increase our travel footprint to cover a wider range of events. In the next few years I see IModelBooth Games becoming the largest Game Line from an African American owned business.

Q. So, with Imodel Games tell us where we can find and play the games and does these games cost?
A. Our games are free and linked in the bio on our social media and found in the Google Play Store for Android devices and Apple App Store on iPhones. Search for IModelUNO, IModel LLC, or IModelBooth Games.
Q. How do you get others involved with the games as far as artist music and characters?
A. Our characters are people in Atlanta that do a lot of positive things for independent artists with their platform. I have been blessed enough to develop games that they want to be a part of in likeness usage, sponsorships, and/or providing music resources. In this industry it’s a lot of people that “Rock With IModelBooth Games” and that I personally respect a lot. Most music comes from music submissions. One of our goals is to always offer some level of free music placements in our games to support independent artists.
Q. What has been one of your biggest accomplishments being an entrepreneur?
A. We have done events for Neiman Marcus, DTLR fashion shows, and gala events for celebrities such as CeeLo Green and his Greenhouse Foundation. But my biggest accomplishment would have to be developing my 1st game with my streaming own music system. Casual games are not designed to stream so I definitely think it’s a major accomplishment that will surely be emulated by others.
Q. What has been one of your biggest challenges being and entrepreneur?
A. Covid has been the single biggest challenge because my business has been primarily focused on event revenue. Previously I would have answered being responsible for every detail of my business. As an entrepreneur I am conscious of every detail that goes into my photo booths, merchandise, and games and how they enhance the customer experience. It was easier to go to sleep and not worry about details and timelines before I hired myself.
Q. What is one fun fact about yourself?
A. I paraglided off the 2nd highest mountain in Europe Mt Blanc in Switzerland.
Q. Where can the fans follow you?
A. Fans can follow us on : IG and FB @IModelBooth our website: IModelBooth.com or find our games like IModelUNO, Hip Hop Head Soccer, and Agent Ricochet on Google Play and Apple App Store.