5 minute read
Emma G
Q. Thanks for Interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and where you’re from?
A. My name is Emma G – the G is for whatever resonates with me on the day – sometimes Goddess – sometimes gangsta – always Girl Power But seriously; my last name is too long and complicated because it hails from Iran, but I was born in New Zealand as a dual citizen between there and the States. My father was from Fiji, and my grandmother’s lineage hails from Norway! I’m a singer/songwriter/artivist, and I just released my thirteenth single as a solo Goddess-rock artist here in Washington DC. I used to be the front person of a hard rock band in New Zealand called Static Era; but after coming in the Top 10 of X-Factor New Zealand, I decided it was time I took advantage of my dual citizenship and follow my dreams in the bigger pond that is the States!
Q. Tell us about your single “Time’s Up forthe Bad Stuff”?
A. Oh man – that seems like forever ago! I wrote Time’s Up for the Bad Stuff after being asked to perform for a six-year old’s birthday – her celebration was to protest outside of The Whitehouse with 100 of her friends! That’s my kind of kid! Anyway, her sign said, “Time’s Up for the Bad Stuff”, and I figured – why not write a song especially for her to celebrate her birthday? She ended up making headlines all over the world, and I thought “why not release the single while we’re at it?”. I’m very proud of that song. It’s super catchy, and full of important issues. However, SINCE THEN I’ve also released - PROUD [Jan 10 – written for my father who

passed away in January 2018], - Living Proof [Jan 17 – written for Marianne Williamson], - Chasing Love Songs [Feb 27], - Be Brave [April 2 – about moving to DC, and now about how we need to be during 2020. These are STRANGE times!], - My Fire [April 10], - Save you From Yourself [May 22] - and now You Can’t Control the Night [July 10].
Q. What is one of your biggest accomplishments you have had being in the music industry?
A. Thus far; the fact that I’ve been able to sustain myself as a full-time musician in Washington DC is pretty epic! Releasing 13 singles, being featured on PBS, Fox5 and even appearing on The Daily Show…. Doing a show alongside Dave Chappelle, and playing at The Kennedy Center… performing songs about respect, diversity and love at the 4th of July Parade, and – of course – the National Cherry Blossom Parade!
Q. What is one of your biggest challenges working in the music industry?
A. The music industry tends to have a very competition-based mindset. I’m much more of a coopetition mindset. But I believe with every challenge comes an opportunity, so I decided to establish the Capitol Groove Collective in early 2018 to redesign the mindset of musicians at least in the DMV. Because I believe in teamwork – after all, “Together We Rise”.
Q. I also see that you appeared on “CBC News” and “Radio Live New Zealand” how was that experience?
A. Ha! CBC was so surreal! I was getting ready to perform in the 4th of July parade, and my best friend Janine Krippner had come along to support me. Janine is a world-renowned volcanologist who comes from a neighboring town to mine back in New Zealand, but she currently lives in Silver Spring, So to have her there was incredible! But then, of course, she tweeted about my performance and it was almost as if every media publication started blowing up both of our phones to get an interview, given how tumultuous the political world is here in the States. But both interviews were great! It’s surreal how much support media has given my music these last five years. I’m incredibly grateful.
Q. Who or What inspired you to get into the music industry?
A. My mum said I was born singing and making up songs, but I think a huge

contributing factor was the fact that I was born with serious health complications that have resulted in me having 24 surgeries in my life – including 10 brain surgeries. Music was my go-to, because not only does it work both sides of the brain [perfect for dealing with brain damage!], but also it helped me to connect with myself and communicate with others even though I was a bit of a freak. I’m still a bit of a freak. But I’m proud of it now.
Q. What is one fun fact about yourself?
A. I used to do bodybuilding – oh! And I studied to be a mechanic years ago!
Q. Are you working on any new projects?
A. You know it! 2020 is my year of releasing new music every six weeks. So, while I’ve just released my 13th single: [You Can’t] Control the Night; my 14th comes out on.14th [Slow Motion], 0 my 15th on September 25th [Mad for You], my 16th on November 6th [Every Little Bit], and a surprise one on the 18th for Christmas! In saying that, on August 7th, the musicians collective that I founded: Capitol Groove Collective, is releasing our first collaborative project: an artivist anthem called DIG DEEP.
Q. What advice would you give to your younger self in order to pursue today’s society?
A. Stop caring so much about people and the boxes they try to place you in. You’re only in competition with yourself, and if you improve on yourself 1% every day, by the end of the year: you will have improved 36,000%. GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY, DIG DEEPER AND LOVE YOURSELF UNAPOLOGETICALLY!!!
Q. Where can the fans follow you?
A. Everyone can join my mailing list from my website emmagmusic.com or follow me: @EmmaGmusic [I just hit 1000 followers!], Twitter, and Facebook!