3 minute read
Q. Thanks for interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and what you do?
A. In 2015, I created Izzy & Liv, a lifestyle brand dedicated to making black women feel included, celebrated and uplifted with products that are a reflection of themselves and the things they love. As CEO, I want to put Black women in the spotlight in everyday items from graphic tees to home decor to a monthly subscription box, which has filled a void in the market and turned Izzy & Liv into a million-dollar brand.
Q. What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
A. All entrepreneurs need to be flexible, understand their industry, and have the ability to convince others of their dream.
Q. How did you get your idea or concept for your business “Izzy & Liv”?
A. I named the company after two of my children Isabel (Izzy) and Olivia (Liv) because I wanted them to feel represented in the world in which they lived. Though it’s gotten better, there is still a huge lack of diversity in media and markets at large. I decided to finally pull the trigger, leaving a 20-year-career in marketing, after my fourth child was born prematurely. The experience made me realize that life is too short to not follow your dreams. So, I started with T-shirts that made Black women feel heard and expressive. Now, the company sells designs celebrating Black women on products from gift wrap to blankets. We even started subscription boxes!
Q. Tell us about your Brown Sugar box and what is so unique about your box?
A. Our boxes have built a huge online community! Our boxes feature products from various black-owned businesses, not just our own, which has made people really gravitate toward the box. After launching in 2017, members in our 15,000-strong Facebook group started to hold unboxing parties. They call themselves “Brown Sugar Babes”!

Q. Do you believe there is some sort of formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur?
A. The biggest key is to understand your audience. For example: The Brown Sugar Boxes just came about naturally when trying to figure out how to best serve our customers.
Q. What are some of your challenges being an entrepreneur?
A. One of the biggest challenges is dealing with the stress of being on your own. Taking that leap of faith is no joke and requires a lot of strength and support.
Q. Can you tell us your top best-selling products?
A. Our best-selling products are our boxes! All of our boxes come with a T-shirt and four to five items ranging from stationary to home decor. However, we don’t just have boxes for adults, but for all ages for both boys and girls.
Q. What is your advice to someone who wants to be an entrepreneur?
A. Planning is one of the most, if not the most, important step in pivoting your career. It’s crucial to think ahead for any situation that can arise. With a clear vision, you’ll be able to push past the times of doubt and uncertainty to grow a successful business.
Q. Do you have any new projects or events you are working on for 2021?
A. We are really looking to expand our range of partners/products to showcase in our boxes in order to empower more and more blackowned businesses and the customers who buy their products.