5 minute read
Deidre Gaskin
Q. Thanks for interviewing with us tell everyone who you are and where you’re from?
A. My name is Deidre Gaskin. I am a child of God, a wife, a fur mama and one of the best publicists there is as the owner of PR Firm MayLee Media. Haha. I’m from Eastman, GA by the way of Pass Christian, MS currently residing in the metro Atlanta area.
Q. What made you want to play basketball and run track?
A. Well I’ve always loved basketball since I could walk. I loved watching it and playing it as well. I grew watching Jordan, Swoopes, Kobe, and I loved how they played. Plus, my older cousin Rhonda played and watching her was inspiring as well. So, I tried out, made rec league, played all through school and it was like my first love. I ran track off a bet. I ran around as a kid growing up in the projects just for fun but never took it seriously. So, my 7th grade year my basketball teammate and I made a bet to run track to see who would make the team. We only did it to stay in shape for basketball and we made the team and did well. We both
got awards all through middle school and high school. I went on to get a track scholarship for a juco in Kansas and placed nationally. Crazy LOL.
Q. I see you also played College basketball, what school did you play for and how was your experience?
A. My freshman and sophomore year at Highland Community College I wasn’t allowed because I had a track scholarship and then there was an out of state requirement that only allows a certain number of players from different states. Being that I was from GA, I couldn’t compete. I stopped playing my junior year of college when I transferred to the GSU (The real GSU, GA State) because it was too much to try and juggle 2 sports, 2 majors and a job.
Q. Who is your favorite sports hero?
A. JORDAN! Duh. LOL. I just like how he moved on the court and off the court. We both played the same position but can alternatively operate in another position if need to be as well. I saw hunger and passion with him that I don’t see too much of today. I didn’t understand marketing as a kid, like this man is popular even without his Bulls jersey on, you see him everywhere. But now as a sports publicist, I understand marketing and that’s why he’s the GOAT in my book.
Q. Can you tell us one of your biggest accomplishments you had playing basketball?
A. I mean I’ve received MVP, Sportsmanship, Best Defense and all of that but I think my biggest accomplishment is being able to keep playing after my #1 fan passed, my grandmother. She passed during the summer before my junior year and that was my worst year. I couldn’t even make a layup. I hated who I was, I hated the fact she was gone. Didn’t really dig the team... just over everything and everybody but my Senior year I had to realize that it is not what she wanted. She knew I could play, I knew I could play, and I don’t have time to wallow in should have, could have, would have and I picked myself up so I can be a leader on the court.
Q. Tell us your biggest challenges playing Basketball and Track?
A. Trying to juggle both. My junior year at state was depressing and hard at the same time. I barely made it through my first semester. I just couldn’t hang on to being an athlete and in a way, it didn’t become fun anymore. It was more like a job and I was in a new city, with new people and I didn’t feel like I fit so I made another move off the court, off the track to assist those who play professionally.
Q. What has basketball taught you that carries over into the other areas of your life?
A. Discipline and patience. Being an athlete is a mindset like no other. Athletes understand progress and the notion of practice makes perfect. Nowadays people want instant gratification and don’t understand that success is a process. Then folks now don’t want to do the work either. As an athlete and now a businesswoman, that mindset really carried over to the professional life with me.
Q. Are there any new skills or hobbies you picked up since the start of the pandemic?
A. Yeah, not to pick up any. I saw this meme and said if you’re not learning something new during a pandemic or building a brand you’ve already failed. This pandemic taught me something...TO SIT DOWN because I’m not in control of my life. People tend to forget this pandemic is life threatening and I’m not just talking about a physical death, but people are dying emotionally, mentally and spiritually as well. So, during this time, I’m really letting God be God. I ask him to guide me and I’ll follow because what I do is to honor him, not mankind so I can’t try to pick up things that are not meant to glorify him anyway. This is just my opinion. If anything, I’ve learned how to rest and take care of my mental health.

Q. What advice can you give someone that wants to play basketball?
A. Play for the right reasons. Play because you love the game, not because you feel like you have to. Then don’t give up. If it’s something that you really want to do, go for it. Practice makes perfect. I can’t count how many times without being told, without a practice being held that I was outside playing or dribbling just because I wanted to get better. Also utilize social media to your advantage and record your progress to ultimately develop a highlight tape.
Q. Where can the readers follow you?
A. They can follow me @ DeidreGaskin on Facebook, IG and Twitter and my business @ MayLeeMedia on Instagram, Facebook and my website www. mayleemedia.com.