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Terrika Foster-Brasby

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“ I’m often challenged on my sports knowledge, often excluded from certain conversation based on stereotypes and assumptions.“

Q. Thanks for interviewing with us tell everyone who you are and where you’re from?


A. Hey! So, I’m Terrika FosterBrasby, multimedia journalist and producer. I was born & raised on the Eastside of Detroit, MI and currently residing in New England in the great state of Connecticut. As a multimedia journalist, I provide written content on a some of the best basketball has to offer, in the WNBA. And I also produce the ESPN Women’s Basketball podcast Around the Rim with LaChina Robinson.

Q. Tell us your experience covering NBA, NFL, and NCAA Division in Basketball?

A. Covering sports is always a blast, men’s or women’s. Getting to know these athletes outside of their respective sports and being able to tell their stories has really been a blessing to me. Of course I enjoy the travel (pre-Covid lol) and the chance to meet other journalists in the industry, but really just having the ability to humanize these players and remind those of us who look to these players like they’re gods, they are people just like us, with stories, highs, lows, triumphs and

Q. What has been one of your biggest accomplishments you have had so far?

A. Honestly, I think being published in the New York Times has got to be No. 1. To have a byline in one of the world’s most renowned publications is quite an honor that I cherish. I thank the editor who believed in me and allowed me the opportunity, Shauntel Lowe, she’s the real MVP!

Q. Can you tell us your biggest challenges you have had in this industry?

A. As a Black woman in a male dominated industry, there are many. I’m often challenged on my sports knowledge, often excluded from certain conversation based on stereotypes and assumptions. I’ve been ignored in the press box, harassed on Twitter. All that. But I learned to persevere. I’ve never been the silent type, so I call it out,

but I think just the way the gender gap is set up in this industry is the biggest challenge to overcome.

Q. What made you want to work in the sports field?

A. It’s always been a dream of mine to be a TV Star (I mean, doesn’t every kid? Lol) but seriously, I had a short list of careers options: a Broadway star, a lawyer, or a reporter. When Broadway and law school didn’t work out, I knew what was left. I was always the one girl who was in the middle of everything: the basketball game, the football game, the baseball game, I mean you name it, I played it or watched it. Sports have been such a major part of my life for almost all of my life that it just made sense that this would be the career path I would take. Growing up and seeing Robin Robert’s on SportsCenter, I knew that could be me. I just put my pedal to the metal in did what I needed to do in order to get where I am. And it certainly wasn’t an easy path, and I still have so much further to go, but I genuinely feel like this is what I am destined to be doing.

Q. Can you tell us one of your memorable experiences you have had?

A. Wow, I feel like there has been so many LOL. The first one that comes to mind is from 2018, in Los Angeles at the All-Star game. I had the opportunity to meet Chadwick Boseman and this is the weekend that Black Panther debuted in theaters. I was beyond thrilled to be in his presence for what felt like 20-minutes, and I had the longest 20-minute conversation with his then fiancé Simone and honestly, I couldn’t even tell you what we were talking about LOL. Just being in that moment and surrounded by that kind of greatness was just something that I will never forget. She was such a genuine person and for those few minutes, I felt like he knew me. Given his recent passing, that’s a moment that I will definitely cherish forever. I also think being in the building for Arike Ogunbowale’s shot to win the 2018 National Title was nuts! I’m sitting there and I’m thinking to myself, she’s not going to do this again, because there was just a game winning buzzer beater two nights before in the semifinals to get them there. So, I’m thinking, there’s no way this happens twice. And sure enough, it happened twice! It was an unbelievable moment for the students there, for Coach McGraw, the Notre Dame family just so deserving of that title, and their fans were some of the best fans I have ever seen. It truly was a fun moment to experience. Columbus was definitely fun.

Q. Are you working on any new projects?

A. I have a couple new projects that I am working on. A couple of them have to remain in secrecy until they are publicly released, but I am certainly having lots of fun working on “Here For It,” by Unseen Productions (follow @ HereForItTV on Twitter), and also working on the new season of “Tee Take Two,” which is my YouTube video blog in which I delve into a subject for two minutes. The topics range from a game break down, to politics, to racial injustice, and really just whatever pops in my head LOL. I’m super excited to get that back up and running and to be working on the new season of that because that show really gives me the ability to be myself, and to talk about things that are important to me in a way that I feel comfortable doing so and is relatable to the audience that consumes it. So, I’m really excited about that.

Q. What is one fun fact about yourself?

A. I jumped out of an airplane at 13 years old. (Don’t ask! lol)

Q. Where do you see yourself in the next 3 years?

A. I certainly see myself more advanced in my career, more than likely doing some studio hosting. Three years from now I just want to be in a solid place where I’m able to continue growing in my craft and continuing to inspire other young black girls to reach for the stars.

Q. Where can the readers follow you?

A. Follow me on social! I’m at SheKnowsSports_ on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! And you can catch Tee Take Two on You Tube!

“ The main thing is believing in yourself; selfbelief is everything. Incorporate the three D’s into your training… dedication, determination and discipline and of course, never stop grinding.”

Darious Harris

Q. Thanks for interviewing with us to tell everyone who Darious is?

A. I am an Undefeated Professional Boxer / Multi Business owner from Rialto California.

Q. What inspired you to get into Boxing?

A. My father has four boys, he put us all into boxing. I am the one that stuck with it and decided to take it to a professional level.

Q. Let’s talk about N.S.G. Movement and the meaning and motivation behind it?

A. NSG movement is a positive movement that promotes grind, self-love, peace and belief. If you never stop grinding towards your dreams, they will come true.

Q. What are some things that challenge you as a boxer?

A. When you have the never stop grinding mindset, you do not think or worry about challenges, you just keep grinding.

Q. With social distancing being the new normal; what’s the next big step for you?

A. When the pandemic first hit, the gyms all closed down. Now gyms are back open, with workouts at a social distance. The next big thing for me is to get ready for 2021 so that I can fight as much as possible next year.

Q. Can you give us some words of encouragement to others who would like to be a Boxer?

A. The main thing is believing in yourself; self-belief is everything. Incorporate the three D’s into your training… dedication, determination and discipline and of course, never stop grinding.

Q. Tell us a new skill or hobby you have picked up since the start of the pandemic?

A. During the pandemic, I started my nonprofit NSG Impact. I have been focused on making sure the youth in my community have what they need to be successful with distance learning. I recently held a school supplies drive in rialto. We were able to give away 400 backpacks.

Q. Which team are you training with in preparation for your next fight?

A. At this time, I choose to keep my training information disclosed, however I am working very hard, 2021 will be a great comeback year for me.

Q. What separates you from every other boxer in your division?

A. I am mentally strong, I am always physically in shape and I have an unorthodox style that no one can figure out.

Q. Where can the readers follow you?

A. Personal Instagram: dactive_nsg Nonprofit Instagram: nsgimpact Apparel Instagram: neverstopgrindingllc Website: www.nsglifestyle.com Website: https://neverstopgrindingimpact.com.

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